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Food processing Industry №12/2022


Shmal'ko N. A., Nikitin I. A., Shterman S. V., Sidorenko M. Yu.Determination of the conditions of the starch gelatinization process during studying the falling number

P. 6-9 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.001

Key words
autolytic activity, viscosity of aqueous suspension, gelatinization, amylogram, falling number

Domestic bakery enterprises periodically process flour with reduced baking properties, to improve the quality of which both various technological methods and complex technologies for the production of bread together with improvers are used. The standard indicator of the autolytic activity of flour is the falling number, the measurement method of which is carried out mainly on devices of the FN (Sweden, Turkey) and PChP (Russia) series. For scientific and practical purposes, an information-measuring complex of the device Amilotest AT-97 (CP-TA) has been proposed, which makes it possible to assess the state of the carbohydrate-amylase complex of rye and wheat flour in more depth than the standard method. The aim of this research was to determine the conditions for gelatinization of starchy gel during studying the falling number of different kind of flour using the automated system of the device Amilotest AT-97 (ChP-TA). The objects of the research were samples of bakery wheat and rye flour with reduced autolytic activity, amaranth flour with a high degree of starch autolysis during heating of water-flour suspensions was an improver of amylolytic activity. A comparative analysis of the dynamics of the process of gelatinization of aqueous suspensions of baking flour and an improver of amylolytic activity showed a difference in the duration of gelatinization and liquefaction of suspensions, due to the specificity of the carbohydrate-amylase complex and the enzymatic activity of the raw material. The dynamics of the change in the stirring force of the autolytic test was studied depending on the duration of the starch gelatinization process in an aqueous flour suspension, on the constructed testograms of which a moderate or strong correlation was revealed. In the autolytic sample of bakery flour, stepwise gelatinization of the first and second order occurs, in the autolytic sample of the improver, mainly only the dilution of the gelatinized aqueous suspension occurs. The results of studying the conditions for conducting the falling number experiment made it possible to develop a method for preparing bakery products from a mixture of rye and wheat flour with reduced baking properties in order to normalize the conditions for the starch gelatinization in the crumb of bread during baking.

1. Nosova M. V., Dremucheva G. F., Kostyuchenko M. N. Monitoring of physical and chemical quality indicators baking wheat flour of the highestgrde. Vsyo o myase = All about meat. 2020;(55):246-248 (In Russ.). Doi: 10.21323/2071-2499-2020-5S-246-248
2. Kostyuchenko M. N., Nevskaya E. V., Dremucheva G. F., Nosova M. V. Monitoring of organoleptic and physico-chemical quality indicators wheat flour of the highest grade and peeled rye flour supplied to the bakeries of the Russian Federation. Hlebopechenie Rossii = Bakery of Russia. 2020;(2):36-40. Doi: 10.37443/2073-3569-2020-1-2-36-40
3. Kostyuchenko M. N. , Dremucheva G. F., Nosova M. V. , Nevskaya E. V. Rheological properties of wheat flour of the highest grade supplied to the bakeries of the Russian Federation. Hlebopechenie Rossii = Bakery of Russia. 2020;(4.):29-32. Doi: 10.37443/2073-3569-2020-1-4-29-32
4. Polandova R. D., Dremucheva G. F., Karchevskaya O. E., Lukach E. N. Technological recommendations for improving the quality of bakery products from flour with reduced baking properties. Metodicheskie ukazaniya = Guidelines. Moscow: LLC "Vtoraya tipografiya", 2010. 96 p.
5. Pankratov G. N. Characteristics of wheat and rye flour according to the falling number. Hlebopekarnoe i konditerskoe proizvodstvo = Bakery and confectionery production. 2002;(6):8-9.
6. Patent RF 2145417 C1 MPK7 G 01 N 33/02 Method for monitoring and regulating the autolytic activity of whear flour / V. Ya. Chernyh, M. A. Shirshikov, A. A. Bocharnikov, T. V. Lushchik. Limited Partnership firm "Aleyron". Request No. 99113426/13; declared 01.07.1999; published 10.02.2000.
7. Patent RF 2088919 C1 MPK6 G 01 N 33/02, 33/10 System for determining the theological properties of starch-containing mass. / V. Ya. Chernyh, Yu. V. Shabalin, V. V. Artamonov, E. M. Belousova, et al. Limited Partnership firm "Aleyron". NSPF "Radius"; Joint-stock company "Moskhleb". Request No. 95109217/13; declared 08.06.1995; published 27.08.1997.
8. Patent RF 2698974 C2 MPK-2019.01 A21D 2/36 Method for the production of shapedrye-wheat bread with amaranth improver / N. A. Shmal'ko, Yu. F. Roslyakov, S. O. Smirnov. FGBOU VO "KubSTU". Request No. 2018100788; declared 10.01.2018; published 02.09.2019; bulletin 25.
Shmal'ko Natal'ya A., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kuban State Technological University,
2, Moskovskaya str., Krasnodar, Russian Federation, 350072, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nikitin Igor A., Doctor of Technical Sciences
K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technology and Management,
73, Zemlyanoy Val, Moscow, 109004, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Shterman Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Sidorenko Mikhail Yu., Doctor of Technical Sciences
1, Obolenskoe highway, village Obolensk, Serpukhov district, Moscow region, 142279, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Oganesyants L. A., Sevost'yanova E. M., Ganin M. Yu.Establishment of identification indicators for medicinal natural mineral waters

P. 10-15 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.002

Key words
mineral water, identification indicators, main composition, biologically active components, isotopic characteristics, micro components, macro components

The most important problem in the non-alcoholic industry, in particular packaged mineral waters, at the present stage is the emergence of counterfeit and counterfeit products on the market. A clear system for identifying mineral waters to eliminate counterfeit and counterfeit products is the most important factor for improving product quality, protecting the rights of both consumers and honest producers. For natural mineral waters, especially medical-table and medicinal, the main task is to confirm its authenticity. The purpose of this work is to develop identification indicators for natural mineral water Essentuki No. 17 based on complex organoleptic, physico-chemical and isotope analyzes. The work was carried out at VNIIPBiVP, a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after V. M. Gorbatov" RAS, Moscow. The objects of study were industrially bottled mineral natural healing waters Essentuki No. 17, various manufacturers, packed in consumer packaging made of polyethylene terephthalate, glass and an aluminum can, as well as native water from wells (13 samples in total). Water quality was assessed by organoleptic parameters (transparency, color, taste and smell), and physicochemical parameters (basic composition, mineralization, biologically active components, toxic metals). Analytical studies of the isotope characteristics of water were carried out on a Delta V Advantage isotope mass spectrometer with a GasBench II module. Mineral water samples were tested for compliance with current technical regulations and standardization documents. Research retrospective 2019-2022 New experimental data on the quality of Essentuki No. 17 mineral water were obtained, which made it possible to establish identification indicators for this type of water. A comparative analysis of the wells of the Tsentralny and Novoblagodarnensky sections of the Essentuki field was carried out. It was established that according to the traditional identification indicators, all the studied samples met the established requirements. The revealed differences in the concentration of macro- and micro components will make it possible to use them as markers in the identification of packaged mineral water Essentuki No. 17.

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/31/2021 No. 841 (as amended on 03/26/2022) "On approval of the Rules for labeling packaged water with identification means and the specifics of implementing the state information system for monitoring the circulation of goods subject to mandatory labeling with identification means in relation to packaged water" (In Russ.).
2. Timush L. G. Digital identification and traceability of certain types of food products Trends and problems of socio-economic development of Russia in the context of digitalization. Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii = Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference / Edited by N. S. Yashina, K. A. Grandonyan. Saratov: Saratov source, 2022. P. 147-149 (In Russ.).
3. Dyachenko M. M., Igonina I. N. Mandatory digital marking of products. Standarty i kachestvo = Standards and quality. 2022;1:40-42 (In Russ.).
4. Chukomina T. N. Labeling of goods by means of identification as a tool to protect legal business and ensure consumer safety: problems of control over the import and circulation of unmarked goods. Customs service development strategies: components of success and ways to increase efficiency. Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjaschennoj 30-letiju so dnja obrazovanija FTS Rossii = Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Federal Customs Service of Russia / Ural branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia; Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Ural State Economic University. Ekaterinburg: Ural State University of Economics, 2021. P. 227-235 (In Russ.).
5. Kurochkin V. Yu., Khoroshavina E. I., Fedorov A. A. Method of operational quality control and identification of packaged mineral drinking waters. Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii i lechebnoj fizicheskoj kul'tury = Issues of balneology, physiotherapy and exercise therapy. 2021;98(3-2):113-114. https://doi.org/10.17116/kurort20219803221. (in Rus.).
6. Kuz'mina E. I., Sevost'yanova Å. Ì., Shilkin A. A. New approaches to the identification of soft drinks. Pivo i napitki = Beer and beverages. 2018;(2):60-63 (In Russ.).
7. Oganesyants L. A., Sevost'yanova E. M., Kuz'mina E. I., Ganin M. Yu., Chebykin E. P., Suturin A. N. Isotopic and Chemical Composition of the Deep Water of Lake Baikal. Tehnika i tehnologija pischevyh proizvodstv = Food Processing: Techniques and Technology. 2021;51(4):723-732 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.21603/2074-9414-2021-4-723-732.
8. Petrosyan A. E. The problem of detecting counterfeit goods on the example of mineral water "BORJOMI". Food security and development of the food market in modern socio-economic conditions. Sbornik po itogam Regional'noj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii = Collection on the results of the Regional scientific and practical conference. 2016;210-216 (In Russ.).
9. Amelin V. G., Podkolzin I. V., Solov'yov A. I., Tretyakov A. V. Natural mineral waters of Russia: identification of geographical origin and detection of falsification facts by the ratio of concentrations of rare earth elements and stable isotopes of lead. Voda: himija i ekologija = Water: chemistry and ecology. 2012;11(53):79-84 (In Russ.).
10. Anischenko D., Talyzina T. L. Identification of the ionic composition of mineral waters. Àgroecological aspects of sustainable development of AIC. Materialy XVII Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii = Proceedings of the XVII International Scientific Conference. 2020:203-207 (In Russ.).
11. Bondareva G. L. Conditions for the formation of mineral water deposits in the region of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. Geologija, geografija i global'naja energija = Geology, geography and global energy. 2008;1(28):115-119 (In Russ.).
12. Gonchar Yu. N., Morina M. V., Gudymenko V. A., Gudymenko N. O. Chemical and radiological studies of the waters of the Caucasian region. Modern problems of beekeeping. I mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija po pchelovodstvu v Chechenskoj Respublike = I international scientific and practical conference on beekeeping in the Chechen Republic. Grozny: Chechen State University, 2017. P. 63-67 (In Russ.).
13. Baranovskaya E. I., Kharitonova N. A., Filimonova E. A., Maslov A. A., Korzun A. V., Maksimova E. S., Muromets N. N. Chemical and isotopic composition of mineral waters of the Essentuki deposit. Materialy Vserossiiskoy nauchnoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem "Geotermal'naya vulkanologiya, gidrogeologiya, geologiya nefti i gaza" = Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation "Geothermal Volcanology, Hydrogeology, Geology of Oil and Gas" (Geothermal Volcanology Workshop 2020). 2020. P. 40-44 (In Russ.).
14. Bondareva G. L., Levitsky E. S., Makarenko Yu. V. Features of subsoil use in the extraction of underground mineral waters in the CMS region. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov III nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii po voprosam gidrogeologii i vodoobespecheniya = Collection of scientific papers of the III scientific-practical conference on hydrogeology and water supply. Izhevsk, 2021. P. 16-23 (In Russ.).
15. Spector S. V., Korolev I. B., Tereshchenko L. A., Arutyunova S. V., Starodubova Yu. P. Assessment of the state of mineral groundwater in the region Caucasian mineral waters according to state monitoring of the state of the subsoil. Razvedka i okhrana nedr = Exploration and protection of mineral resources. 2018;(11):47-53 (In Russ.).
16. Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of packaged drinking water, including natural mineral waters" (TR EAEU 044/2017). Adopted by the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated June 23, 2017. No. 45 (In Russ.).
17. GOST R 54316-2020 "Natural mineral drinking waters. General technical conditions". Moscow: Standartinform, 2020. 49 p. (In Russ.)
18. Classification of natural healing resources. Approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 557n dated May 31, 2021 (In Russ.).
Oganesyants Lev A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of RAS,
Sevost'yanova Elena M., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Ganin Mikhail Yu.
All-Russian Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine-making Industry - Branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems RAS,
7, Rossolimo str., Moscow, 119021, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chusova A. E., Bugaev Yu. V., Novikova I. V., Romanyuk T. I., Korobova L. A., Sukhanova N. V.Optimization of extraction parameters of diterpene glycosides from stevia leaves by mathematical modeling

P. 16-21 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.003

Key words
stevia, stevioside, extraction, hydromodule, diterpene glycosides, sweeteners, sugar substitute, mathematical modeling

Stevioside is a glycoside contained in stevia leaves 300 times higher in sweetness than sucrose, has an immunomodulatory property, reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The parameters and modes of extraction of stevioside - hydromodule, temperature and duration of the process were selected in the work. The object of the study was dried stevia leaves of the Ramon Sweet-meat variety. The crushed leaves had a passage through a sieve with a hole diameter of 1 mm. The determi-nation of diterpene glycosides in the extract was carried out by the modified Komissarenko method. The essence of the method consists in the quantitative determination of glucose equivalent to the mass of diterpene glycosides. To optimize the technological parameters of extraction, regression models of the second order were built using orthogonal central composition planning. The degree of crushing of stevia leaves was 1-3 mm. The extraction at a temperature below 76 °C reduces the amount of diterpene glycosides in the aqueous extract, and an increase in the extraction temperature above 92 °C does not increase the yield of glycoside. The maximum extraction of diterpene glycosides is achieved at an extraction temperature of 92 °C. When selecting a hydromodule, extraction was carried out at the ratio of stevia leaves and water 1:5, 1:10, 1:15. The highest yield of extractive substances was observed with a hydromodule of 1:10. With an increase in the duration of extraction from 60 to 180 minutes, an increase in the extract is observed. The optimal duration of the extraction process is 120 min. Based on the experimental data obtained, a second-order mathematical model was constructed, suitable for optimizing the process of obtaining stevia extract. The main factors influencing the process of stevioside transition from leaves to solution were considered: extraction temperature, °C; extraction duration, min; hydromodule. The criteria for evaluating the efficiency of the extraction process were: the yield of diterpene glycosides % by weight of stevia and energy consumption kW/dm3 extract. The first criterion is desirable to maximize, the second - to minimize. Optimal extraction modes are obtained: hydromodule - 1:10.8, temperature - 79.8 °C, duration - 94.1 min. Obtaining an aqueous extract of stevia does not require complex hardware design, therefore it can be carried out at any enterprises producing soft drinks. The resulting stevia extract is recommended as a complete or partial sucrose substitute in combination with additives such as fillers, gelling agents, stabilizers, flavorings for the development of functional products - dairy products, soft drinks, fruit nectars, bakery products, flour confectionery, jellies, jams and others.

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4. Kamenskaya E. P., Obrezkova M. V., Stankova V. A. The use of honey stevia extracts in the production of fermentation kvass. Tekhnologiya i tovarovedenie innovtsionnikh pischevikh produktov = Technology and commodity science of innovative food products. 2017;5(46):32-37 (In Russ.).
5. Alekseeva N. V., Orymbetova G. E., Taspolatova A., Rozmetova D. Development of technology of pomegranate syrup with stevia extract. Vestnik almatinskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of the Almaty Technological University. 2019;(3):28-33.
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8. Melis Yildiz, Mustafa Karhan. Characteristics of some beverages adjusted with stevia extract, and persistence of steviol glycosides in the mouth after consumption. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. 2021;(24):100326.
9. Anuchita Moongngarm, Naruetit Sriharboot, Patiwit Loypimai, Tanongsak Moontree LWT. Ohmic heating-assisted water extraction of steviol glycosides and phytochemicals from Stevia rebaudiana leaves. Food Science and Technology. 2022;(154):112798.
10. Theory of experiment planning and analysis of statistical data. URL: https://studme.org/232726/matematika_himiya_fizik/ortogonalnyy_tsentralnyy_kompozitsionn yy_plan (accessed: 05/10/2020).
11. Ahmad J., Khan I., Blundell R., et al. Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni.: an updated review of its health benefits, industrial applications, and safety. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 2020;(100):177-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.TIFS.2020.04.030
12. Chupeerach C., Yothakulsiri C., Chamchan R., et al. The effect of coconut jelly with stevia as a natural sweetener on blood glucose, insulin and C-peptide responses in twelve healthy subjects. Recent Patents on Food Nutrition & Agriculture. 2018;(9):127-133. https://doi.org/10.2174/2212798410666180717163852
13. Gardana C., Simonetti P. Determination of steviol glycosides in commercial extracts of Stevia rebaudiana and sweeteners by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography Orbitrap mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A. 2018;(1578):8-14.
Chusova Alla E., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Bugaev Yuriy V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Novikova Inna V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Romanyuk Tat'yana I., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Korobova Lyudmila A., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Sukhanova Nataliya V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies,
19, Revolyutsii avenue, Voronezh, Russia, 394036, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yaitskikh A. V., Stepanenko D. S.Methods for control of Fusarium head blight grain

P. 22-25 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.004

Key words
fusarium grain, ELISA, mycotoxins, microbiological performance

Research to address the issue of food safety is an important element in the cultivation, conservation and production of agricultural products. Cereals are the basis of human nutrition. The importance of ensuring the microbiological safety of grains and cereals should be emphasized. Contamination of grain by mould mushrooms leads to the accumulation of toxic metabolites - mycotoxins. Metabolites accumulated in grains by Fusarium mushrooms have become widespread, causing fusarious ear disease, which causes contamination of the affected grains with fusriotoxins. Corn fusariosis is a widespread disease worldwide that reduces yields and agricultural quality. In this regard, determining the contamination of grain before it is sent to processing is of great importance, and finding a solution to the problem, how to protect consumers from exposure to harmful mycotoxins, is topical. This paper describes the studies carried out to detect wheat grains affected by fusarium head blight, using various control methods. The results of visual definition of Fusarium grains recommended by normative documents approved and valid in the territory of the Russian Federation were compared, with the IFA method, detection of grains contamination by microscopic mould fungi of the genus Fusarium and detection of deoxinivalenol contamination in analyzed samples. The results show a good correlation between microbiological, mycotoxic and visual determination of the affected fusarios grains with the number of antigens of the fungi of the genus Fusarium. There is a high determination coefficient, which suggests that this method can be used. The immunotherapeutic analysis is more objective, as it is based on the reaction of "antigen-antibody" and tagging by an enzyme that gives a characteristic coloration, which allows to move away from the organoleptic analysis of the amount of fusarium grains. ELISA is characterized by a lack of costly equipment, high sensitivity and quick results.

1. Gavrilova O. P., Orina A. S., Gogina N. N., Gagkaeva T. Yu. The problem of Fusarium head blight in the Trans-Urals region: the history and current situation. Agrarniy vestnik Urala = Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2020;7(198):29-40 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.32417/1997-4868-2020-198-7-29-40.
2. Torres A. M., Palacios S. A., Yerkovich N., et al. Fusarium head blight and mycotoxins in wheat: Prevention and control strategies across the food chain. World Mycotoxin Journal. 2019;12(4):333-355. https://doi.org/10.3920/WMJ2019.2438.
3. Lebedin Yu. S., Orina A. S., Gavrilova O. P., et al. Application of analitycal methods to identify critical limits of grain infection by Fusarium fungi. Agrarnaya nauka = Agrarian science. 2021;344(1):92-97 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.32634/0869-8155-2021-344-1-92-97.
4. Glinushkin A. P., Ovsyankina A. V., Kiseleva M. I., Kolomiets T. M. The fungi of the genus Fusarium Link. On cereal crops. Rossiyskaya sel'skokhozyaystvennaya nauka = Russian Agricultural Sciences. 2018;2:19-25 (In Russ.).
5. L'vova L. S., Yaitskikh A. V. Metod for determination of fusarium grains of rye and barley. Zaschita i karantin rasteniy = Plant protection and quarantine. 2014;(2):42-44 (In Russ.).
6. Sedova I. B., Zakharova L. P., Kiseleva M. G., Chaliy Z. A., Tutel'yan V. A. Fusariotoxins and aflatoxin B1 in food grain corn of Russian Federation. Nauchnie trudi Severo-Kavkazskogo federal'nogo nauchnogo tsentra sadovodstva, vinogradarstva, vinodeliya = Scientific works of the North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center for horticulture, viticulture, winemaking. 2018;(21):129-137 (In Russ.).
7. Polak-Sliwinska M., Patsyuk B. Trichothecenes in food and feed, relevance to human and animal health and methods of detection: a systematic review. Molecules. 2021;26(2):454. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26020454
8. Leslie J. F., et al. Key global actions for mycotoxin management in wheat and other small grains. Toxins. 2021;13(10):725. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins13100725
9. Vogelgsang S., et al. An eight-year survey of wheat shows distinctive effects of cropping factors on different Fusarium species and associated mycotoxins. European Journal of Agronomy. 2019;105:62-77. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.eja.2019.01.002
10. Sedova I. B., et al. Analysis of the results of monitoring the contamination of food grains with fusariotoxin deoxynivalenol in 1989-2017. Uspekhi meditsinskoi mikologii - Advances in medical mycology. 2021;22:236-241 (In Russ.).
11. Ji F., et al. Occurrence, toxicity, production and detection of Fusarium mycotoxin: A review. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition. 2019;1(1):1-14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43014-019-0007-2
12. Omori A. M., et al. Development of indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect Fusarium verticillioides in poultry feed samples. Toxins. 2019;11(1):48. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins11010048
13. Singh J., Mehta A. Rapid and sensitive detection of mycotoxins by advanced and emerging analytical methods: A review. Food science & nutrition. 2020;8(5):2183-2204. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.1474
14. Soares R. R. G., et al. Advances, challenges and opportunities for point-of-need screening of mycotoxins in foods and feeds. Analyst. 2018;143(5):1015-1035. https://doi.org/10.1039/C7AN01762F
15. Alshannaq A., Yu J. H. Occurrence, toxicity, and analysis of major mycotoxins in food. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2017;14(6):632. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph14060632
Yaitskikh Artem V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Stepanenko Dmitriy S.
All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Grain and Products of its Processing - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
11, Dmitrovskoe highway, Moscow, 117624, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Terent'ev S. E. Agroecological plasticity and productivity of intensive varieties of grain crops depending on soil and climatic conditions of the Non Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation

P. 26-29 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.005

Key words
agroecological plasticity, stability, non-chernozem zone, grain crops, varieties, bioclimatic conditions

The article presents the results of many years of field experience in the study of agroecological plasticity, stability, yield and grain quality of intensive varieties of grain crops of domestic and foreign breeding in the soil and climatic conditions of the Smolensk region. The suitability of various varieties for food and technological purposes was evaluated in laboratory and production conditions. Evaluation of the results for the period 2010-2020 allowed the author to identify priority varieties of winter and spring wheat, winter triticale and barley of domestic and foreign breeding, characterized by maximum plasticity, stability and yield. During the study period, a decrease in the yield of all crops and varieties in dry and wet years was from 25 to 42 %, while the precise execution of individual technological operations allows not only to preserve the genetic potential of varieties, but also to maintain a high level of plasticity and stability parameters, which it testifies to the good responsiveness of varieties to the use of intensive and innovative technologies for cultivating grain crops. The results of many years of field experience convincingly prove that in the conditions of the Non-Chernozem zone, barley is more sensitive to arid conditions. The author's research has shown that the fractional application of mineral fertilizers according to the scheme N50-70 kg d.v./ha in the pre-sowing tillage, N30-40 kg/ha in the tillering and earing phases 20-30 kg/ha against the background of P110-120 K110-120 kg/ha provides a yield of 40 % compared to traditional technologies. The author has established that in the natural and climatic conditions of the Smolensk region, typical for the Non-Chernozem zone as a whole, winter cereals show a high potential for productivity and the formation of environmentally friendly raw materials for the baking industry. At the same time, they have a large range of regulation during their growth and development with the help of agrotechnological methods of cultivation. Genotypic features of varieties grain crops should be taken into account when adaptive placement of crops in crop rotations in accordance with the specialization of agricultural enterprises and the processing industry of the agro-industrial complex.

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6. Terent'ev S. E. Comparative evaluation and suitability of grain varieties of grain crops of domestic and foreign selection in bakery production. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2022;(5):61-66 (In Russ.).
7. Terent'ev S. E. Comparative assessment of the influence of varietal differences of the main cereals on the baking properties of flour and the quality indicators of bread from frozen semi-finished products of high degree of readiness. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2022;(7):49-52 (In Russ.).
8. Shabaldas O. G. Productive of varieties of winter wheat in conditions of arid zone. SWorldJournal. 2016;09/116(10):16-19.
9. Terent'ev S. E., Labutina, N. V. Features of technology for producing bread and bakery products from frozen semi-finished products. Improving Energy Efficiency, Environmental Safety and Sustainable Development in Agriculture: International Scientific and Practical Conference. Saratov: N. I. Vavilov SAU, 2022. P. 25.
Terent'ev Sergey E., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Smolensk State Agricultural Academy,
10/2, Bolshaya Sovetskaya str., Smolensk, 214000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tultabayev M. Ch., Safuani Zh. E., Tultabayeva T. Ch., Zhunusova G. S., Kasymbek R., Dosmagambetova M. K., Rakhimzhanova A. M.Ultrasonic Emulsification of Safflower Oil

P. 30-33 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.006

Key words
safflower oil, ultrasonic treatment, fatty acid composition, rheological characteristics

The possibility of creating a water-oil emulsion based on safflower oil using ultrasound was studied under laboratory conditions. Ultrasonic processing of materials is widely used in various industries, such as medicine, food and pharmaceutical, mechanical engineering and oil and gas industries. It is known that ultrasound has a significant impact on the speed of various processes in the food industry. The use of ultrasound allows you to speed up food processes, thereby reducing processing costs, obtaining a more homogeneous mass and improving the quality of the final product. One example of the use of ultrasound in the food industry is the creation of oil-in-water emulsions based on vegetable oils. The stability of water-oil emulsions is ensured only if a film is formed on the interfacial surface, which mechanically prevents the aggregation of particles of the dispersed phase. It is the stabilizing adsorption film, and not the low interfacial tension, that excludes the possibility of coalescence of particles of dispersed phases. This principle is the basis for obtaining water-oil emulsions based on various oils, including emulsions used in perfumery, food, petrochemical and other industries. In this work, we will study the results of the impact of ultrasound parameters on the process of formation of a water-oil emulsion based on safflower oil. The quality of a water-oil emulsion largely depends on the parameters of ultrasonic exposure - the frequency and amplitude of ultrasound, as well as its power. Therefore, studying the possibility of creating a water-oil emulsion based on safflower oil using ultrasonic treatment is an urgent task. Ultrasonic equipment was used as an emulsifier for safflower oil. For emulsification, an ultrasonic homogenizer Omni Sonic Ruptor 4000 was used under the following modes: ultrasonic frequency 10-20 Hz; specific acoustic power of ultrasound 100-500 W/dm3; processing time 2-10 min. The proposed method of emulsification made it possible to obtain a water-oil emulsion. The obtained results of water-oil emulsions by ultrasonic treatment prove the promise and efficiency of homogenization of two or more immiscible liquids using ultrasound.

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Tultabaev Mukhtar Ch., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Safuani Zhanar E., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Tultabaeva Tamara Ch., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Zhunusova Gulzat S., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kasymbek Rabiga, Doctoral student,
Dosmagambetova Marzhan K.,
Rakhimzhanova Ayagoz M.
Kazakh University of Technology and Business,
37A, K. Mukhamedkhanova str., Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, 010000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kondratenko V. V., Fedosenko T. V., Tsareva M. A., Patsuk L. K., Medvedeva E. A., Nariniyants T. V., Kondratenko T. Yu., Ilyukhina N. V.Development a method for determining the rational set of cavitation processing modes for liquid food systems

P. 34-42 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.007

Key words
cavitation processing, ultrasonic cavitation, food systems, optimal modes, collapsing mode

The existence conditions of the Blake and Neppiras thresholds for collapsing cavitation region in the coordinates "acoustic pressure amplitude to hydraulic pressure ratio - initial size of the bubble" during ultrasonic processing of liquid-like food systems have been investigated. The existence of areas for determining the values of frequency, hydraulic pressure and amplitude, for which there are no particular solutions, has been empirically established. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the mathematical description for the resonance cavitation bubble oscillations' frequency, as well as the Blake and Neppiras thresholds, a system of boundary conditions has been developed to determine the minimum values of technological modes to ensure for formation of collapsing cavitation in homogeneous liquid-like food systems, depending on their physicochemical properties. The system includes a set of nine boundary conditions - three internal, one concomitant, one dependent, three particular and one local. It has been established that for each individual food system, all physicochemical properties significant for the cavitation process, as well as boundary conditions, can be described by functional dependencies from 1 to 3 common variables - frequency, hydraulic pressure and temperature - which makes it possible to unify the approach to determining optimal processing modes. As a result of the research, an analytical method and algorithm for its implementation have been developed for determining the rational set of cavitation treatment modes. Optimal modes of cavitation processing of vegetable and fruit purees have been determined. The presence of frequency extremes in the coordinates "frequency - hydraulic pressure", above which there are no optimal solutions at a fixed radiation intensity, has been established. The cavitation treatment parameters determined by the developed method form the minimum technological pressing on the treated medium while maintaining the conditions for collapsing cavitation regime appearing. For all the researched food systems, the variability of hydraulic pressures ranged from 0.2 to 0.5 MPa in the frequency range from minimum to extremum at medium temperatures of 25 and 50 °C.

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Kondratenko Vladimir V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Fedosenko Tat'yana V., graduate student,
Tsareva Mariya A.,Patsuk Lyubov K.,
Medvedeva Eugeniya A.,Nariniyants Tat'yana V.,
Kondratenko Tat'yana Yu.,
Ilukhina Natal'ya V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Russian Research Institute of Canning Technology - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Research Center for Food Systems,
78, Shkolnaya str., Vidnoe, Moscow region, 142703, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Byzov V. A., Puchkova T. S., Pikhalo D. M.Investigation of chromatographic separation of inulin carbohydrates with identification by molecular weight of oligosaccharides

P. 43-47 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.008

Key words
inulin, fructooligosaccharides, degree of polymerization, chromatographic resin, separation of carbohydrates, eluent, chicory, Jerusalem artichoke

ARRISP is developing a universal technology for inulin from chicory and Jerusalem artichoke. Studies on the chromatographic separation of inulin carbohydrates using a PCR641Ca cation exchange resin from Purolight (USA) were carried out in a column 1.7x75 cm in size, under the following conditions: the amount of resin loaded was 150 cm3; loading volume of the initial product - 10 % (15 cm3); temperature - 50 °Ñ; elution rate - 0.9-1.1 cm3/min. The process of chromatographic separation was controlled by dry matter, carbohydrate composition and specific rotation in the eluates. To determine the carbohydrate composition of the eluates during separation, a Resex RSO Oligosaccaride column was used, which made it possible to identify oligosaccharides with different degrees of polymerization (Dp 5-9) by molecular weight. For studies on chromatographic separation, we used a Raftilin inulin solution containing 72.85 % inulin; oligosaccharides: Dp 9 - 8.86 %; Dp 8 - 6.33 %; ?Dp 6, 7 - 3.79 %; Dp 5 - 2.10 %; disaccharides - 4.47 %; fructose - 1.6 %; sum Dp 9-5 - 21.08 %. It has been established that during the chromatographic separation of an inulin solution, as the mass fraction of dry matter increases within 10-30%, it's content in the eluate increases three times. The carbohydrate composition of the eluates was determined after chromatographic separation with identification by molecular weight with Dp 9-5. The possibility of isolating the fraction of high molecular weight inulin and fructooligosaccharides with Dp 9-6 was established. At the same time, high-molecular carbohydrates and fructooligosaccharides with Dp 9-6 make up 98 %, and low-molecular carbohydrates with Dp less than 5-2 %. As an express method for the chromatographic separation of inulin, a polarimetric method for monitoring the carbohydrate composition of the eluate is recommended. Regularities of chromatographic separation were obtained and the possibility of their effective separation into high and low molecular weight inulin carbohydrates was established. Chromatographic separation of inulin carbohydrates makes it possible to isolate fractions containing 92-98 % inulin and fructooligosaccharides with Dp 9-6 to create new safe food products for therapeutic and prophylactic, and health-improving nutrition of the population.

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12. Puchkova T. S., Pihalo D. M., Karaseva O. M. On the universal technology for processing Jerusalem artichoke and chicory into inulin. Pischevye sistemy = Food systems. 2019;2(2):36-43 (In Russ).
13. Loo Jan Van, Karl Booten, Georges Smits. Procede de separation d'une composition polydispersee de saccharides / French patent EP 0670850 B1 (Date of Application September 9, 1998).
14. Gulyuk N. G., Puchkova T. S., Pihalo D. M. Chromatographic separation of carbohydrates from inulin-containing syrups. Dostizheniya nauki tekhniki APK = Achievements of science and technology of the AIC. 2019;33(9):74 -78 (In Russ.).
15. Puchkova T. S., Byzov V. A., Pihalo D. M. Study of the chromatographic separation of carbohydrates inulin and oligofructose. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2021;(7):1-19 (In Russ.).
Byzov Vasiliy A., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,
Puchkova Tat'yana S., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Pikhalo Daniya M.
All-Russian Research Institute of Starch and Starch-Containing Raw Materials Processing - Branch of A. G. Lorkh Federal Research Center,
11, Nekrasova str., village Kraskovo, Lyuberetsky district, Moscow region, 140051, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Printseva A. A., Sharova N. Yu., Sverdlova O. P., Garicheva A. V., Datsyuk D. D. Corn starch of non-standard quality - raw material for the production of saccharolytic enzymes

P. 48-52 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.009

Key words
corn starch, microorganisms, Aspergillus niger L-4, citric acid, invertase

Russian food industrial enterprises lack enzyme preparations of domestic manufacturers. Enzyme production volumes do not fully satisfy consumers. A number of technologies for food microingredients have been developed using starch-containing raw materials of standard quality, but there are problems of its storage and they remain relevant to this day. As a result of long-term storage in conditions of high humidity, the growth and development of microorganisms occurs, which has a strong influence on the intensity of microbiological processes and changes the chemical composition of the stored raw materials. Over time, there is a problem of disposal of raw materials that do not meet the quality standard. Starch-containing raw materials of non-standard quality may be of interest as raw materials for the biotechnological production of food micro-ingredients using microorganism-producers. For the Russian food industry, the demand for invertase along with enzyme preparations of other hydrolases is currently relevant. The enzyme invertase (synonyms: beta-fructofuranosidase, sucrase) is not produced in Russia. The paper presents the results of a study of the hydrolytic activity of the strain-producer of citric acid Aspergillus niger L-4 during submerged cultivation on non-standard quality corn starch hydrolyzed under the action of bacterial amylase in the laboratory bioreactor Biostat®Cplus - C20-3MO (Sartorius, Germany). It has been experimentally established that the native solution obtained after removing the biomass from the culture liquid is a colored liquid with a low pH value, containing, in addition to invertase, reducing sugars, protein, and cells of the producer. As a result of successive micro- and ultrafiltration of the native solution, the resulting ultraconcentrate is dominated by saccharolytic activity, mainly invertase, which amounted to 51.0±4.6 U/cm3. It was revealed that, in addition to invertase, the preparation contains enzymes with a wide specificity of action and hydrolytic ability in relation to substrates of various chemical nature. Amylolytic and phytase activities in the ultraconcentrate were 19.0±1.7 and 12.0±1.1 U/cm3, respectively. The content of citric acid in the ultrafiltrate was 114.5±5.7 g/dm3.

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Printseva Anastasiya A., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Sharova Natal'ya Yu., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of RAS,
Sverdlova Olga P.,
Garicheva Alyona V.
All-Russian Research Institute for Food Additives - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
55, Liteiniy avenue, Saint Petersburg, 191014, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,
Datsyuk Daniil D.
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,
29, Polytechnic str., Saint Petersburg, 195251, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bazhenova A. E. Influence of properties of vegetable and fruit powders on microbiological indicators of confectionery products

P. 53-56 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.010

Key words
confectionery, microbiological spoilage, vegetable and fruit powders, whipped candies

One of the most effective ways of enriching confectionery products with biologically active substances is the development of formulations using powdered semi-finished products from vegetable raw materials, which are characterized by a higher concentration of useful substances compared to the raw materials. The use of fruit or vegetable powders leads to changes not only in organoleptic parameters, but also in rheological, physico-chemical and microbiological parameters. Since they are often introduced at the stage of production of confectionery products that do not involve high temperature processing. The purpose of the study: to study the effect of microbiological indicators of fruit and vegetable powders on microbiological indicators of confectionery products. The objects of the study are vegetable and fruit freeze-dried powders of various manufacturers (spinach, beetroot, raspberry, apple) purchased in the retail chain, model samples of confectionery products: confectionery glaze based on lauric type fats with the addition of 3 % powder, whipped and fondant candies made using 2 % powder, made in laboratory conditions. Studies of the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultatively anaerobic microorganisms (CMAFAnM), the number of molds and yeasts and the number of bacteria of the Escherichia coli group were carried out according to generally accepted methods. Unstable quality of fruit and vegetable powders was revealed, which differ significantly in microbiological indicators. Spinach powder samples from various manufacturers differed 103 times in the content of CMAFAnM, beet powder samples - 10 times, for fruit powders the difference was less significant. Apple samples differed by 1.5 times in the content of CMAFAnM, raspberry powder samples by 3 times. The study of model samples of whipped and fondant candies according to the classical recipe with the addition of 2 % vegetable powder and glaze using 3 % powder showed that the addition of powder had an impact on microbiological indicators. The products complied with the norms of TR CU 021/2011 "On food safety", while the content of CMAFAnM in all samples with the addition of powders increased by 1,5-3 times compared to the control ones. The yeast and mold content also increased slightly. A high level of contamination can lead to lipolytic spoilage of confectionery products, especially when using glazes made on the basis of lauric type fats, for which further studies of microbiological indicators during storage are necessary. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the contamination to prevent spoilage, especially when using glazes made on the basis of lauric type fats.

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2. Shubina L. N., Ivanova E. E., Kosenko O. V., Zaporozhskaya S. P., Belousova S. V. The use of unconventional types of raw materials and biologically active additives for the formation of technological and consumer properties of functional and fortified foods. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Pischevaya tekhnologiya = News of higher educational institutions. Food technology. 2019;2-3(368-369):9-12 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.26297/0579-3009.2019.2-3.2
3. Ruban N. V., Tumanova A. E., Ryseva L. I. Cupcakes with inulin for healthy nutrition. Khranenie i pererabotka selkhozsir'ya = Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials. 2021;(2):99-108 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.36107/spfp.2021.214
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10. Bakumenko O. E., Alekseenko E. V., Ruban N. V. Possibilities of using sublimated vegetable powders in the production of grain extruded products. Khranenie i pererabotka selkhozsir'ya = Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials. 2019;(1):116-129 (In Russ.).
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17. Bazhenova A. E., Rudenko O. S., Pesterev M. A., Linovskaya N. V., Kondrat'ev N. B. Forecasting the safety of glazed confectionery products by the content of lipolytic microorganisms. Izvestiya visshikh uchebnikh zavedeniy. Pischevaya tekhnologiya = News of higher educational institutions. Food technology. 2021;5-6(383-384):85-91 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.26297/0579-3009.2021.5-6.16
Bazhenova Alla E.
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Confectionery Industry - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
20, Elektrozavodskaya str., Moscow, 107023, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Osipov M. V., Kondrat'ev N. B., Kazantsev E. V., Belova I. A.The use of anti-crystallizers to increase the preservation pastille confectionery

P. 57-61 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.011

Key words
pastille products, anti-crystallizers, chemical composition, moisture transfer, packaging materials, storage

Increasing the production volume of pastille confectionery products, maintaining the structure and freshness without changing the taste properties require an increase in their safety. During storage, marshmallow and marshmallow foam-like confectionery products are subject to surface wetting or hardening, changes in chemical composition, uncontrolled crystallization of sugars as a result of dehydration and melaidin formation reactions. The solution to these problems is the reasonable use of various anti-crystallizers (complexes of sugars) in the formulation of products. Important factors affecting the quality and preservation of pastille confectionery products are the pH of the foam mass, ionic strength, and the ratio of anti-crystallizer sugars. In the process of marshmallow storage, sucrose gradually crystallizes, as a result of which the marshmallow structure changes from amorphous to solid. This process is due to the initial size of sucrose crystals in the formulation, the composition of the anti-crystallizer and the rate of sugar crystallization. The purpose of this work is to identify patterns of changes in the quality of pastille confectionery products made using various types of anti-crystallizers, packed in a polypropylene film of various thicknesses, at a temperature of 18 °C. The objects of the study were prepared marshmallow samples on agar containing caramel, low sugar, maltose syrup and invert syrup. Marshmallow samples were packed in a polypropylene film with a thickness of 20 µm, 30 µm, 40 µm with a size of 140x140 mm. Studies of the mass fraction of moisture in marshmallows made using various types of anti-crystallizers during storage were carried out. The influence of the thickness of the polypropylene film used for marshmallow packaging was also investigated. It has been established that in samples packed in a 20 ?m thick polypropylene film, made using low-saccharified molasses and invert syrup, the rate of moisture loss is 1.5 times less compared to marshmallows made on caramel and maltose molasses. Linear dependences of the loss of the mass fraction of moisture of marshmallow samples made using various types of molasses on the duration of storage in the studied storage period were obtained. The results obtained make it possible to correctly substantiate the types of anti-crystallizers, the quantity and ratio of prescription components, and to manufacture products with a given shelf life.

1. Kondratova I. I., Tomashevich S. E, Kononovich V. M., Shostak L. M. Study of the processes of staling marshmallow enriched with dietary fiber. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. 2014;(2):110-115 (In Belorus.).
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6. Kazantsev E. V., Kondrat'ev N. B., Rudenko O. S., Petrova N. A. Formation of a foamy structure of confectionery pastille products. Food systems. 2022;5(1):64-69. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21323/2618-9771-2022-5-1-64-69.
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Osipov Maxim V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kondrat'ev Nikolay B., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Kazantsev Egor V.,
Belova Irina A.
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Confectionery Industry - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
20, Elektrozavodskaya str., Moscow, 107023, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kobelev K. V., Gribkova I. N., Khorosheva E. V., Lazareva I. V., Remneva G. À.The brewer's spent grain deep processing prospects. Part IV. The processing brewer's spent grain influencing on the post brewing beer colloidal composition

P. 62-65 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.012

Key words
brewer's spent grain, processing methods, organic compounds, colloidal stability

The article is devoted to the question of the prospects for the use of deeply processed brewer's spent grain at the wort fermentation stage in order to study its effect on the structure of beer to increase colloidal stability. It was shown that in the control sample of beer there was a decrease in the level of the actual extract by 10-20% by 3-7 days of fermentation, in contrast to the change in the content of the actual extract of the test samples, the level of solids of which varied within the measurement error. The mass content of alcohol in the control and experimental samples was in the range of 3.48-3.82 % and did not fluctuate significantly. It was noted that over 7 days of the experiment, the number of control yeast cells did not change, however, in the beer sample treated with ECA brewer's spent grain, the content of yeast cells decreased by 25-39 %, and in the beer sample treated with ECA brewer's spent grain at 1 atm, by 27-47 % control. The authors showed that in the control beer the acidity increased by 39 % by 7 days, and in the beer treated with ECA brewer's spent grain it decreased by 36 % compared to the control and by 25 % relative to 1 day of post-fermentation. A similar effect was also observed in a sample of experimental beer treated with ECA brewer's spent grain at 1 atm. The color index by 7 days of post-fermentation in all samples fluctuated within 14.5-21.25 EBC units. The control sample of beer contained catechins in the range of 37.1-40.8 mg/dm3, and the experimental ones in the range of 30.94-45.79 mg/dm3, and the loss of these phenolic compounds by 7 days was higher when beer was treated with ECA pellets at 1 atm. The content of anthocyanogens decreased by 3-7 days by 46-51 % in the test samples in relation to the control. The level of peptides in the control and experimental samples correlated, and its decrease was 37-42 % relative to 1 day of post-fermentation, and the content of isohumulone changed in the test samples by 7 days of post-fermentation by 28-33 % relative to the control. The authors obtained results indicating an increase in the concentration of Cu2+, Zn2+, Fe3+ ions during the contact of the after-fermentation beer and ECA brewer's spent grain with different degrees of processing, which made it possible to conclude that this treatment is expedient during the main fermentation.

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3. Krasnova Ò. À., Gora N. V., Golubeva N. S. Investigation of the continuous process of adsorption regulation of the beer wort polyphenolic composition to improve the quality of beer. Tehnika i tehnologiya pischevih proizvodstv = Technique and technology of food production. 2016;1(40):18-23 (In Russ.).
4. Doronina À. S., Lihodumova Ì. À., Prohasko L. S. The effect of carrageenan on beer haze. Sovremennoye biznes-prostranstvo: aktualniye i perspektivi = Modern business space: current problems and prospects. 2014;2(3):163-165 (In Russ.).
5. Driutskaya S. Ì., Tolstenok I. V., Minaeva N. N. The use of dihydroquercetin in the production of non-alcoholic beer. Pivo i napitki = Beer and bewerages. 2016;(5):14-17 (In Russ.).
6. Kluchnikov À. I., Poljanskiy Ê. Ê., Kluchnikovà D. V. Comprehensive assessment of the quality indicators of beer obtained by microfiltration using ceramic membranes. Sorbtsionniye i hromatograficheskiye = Sorption and chromatographic processes. 2021;21(5):764-773 (In Russ.). https://doi/org/10.17308/sorpchrom.2021.21/3783.
7. GOST 12787-2021. Brewing products. Methods for determining the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol, the mass fraction of the actual extract and the calculation of the extractivity of the initial wort. Ìoscow: Standartinform, 2020. 32 p. (In Russ.)
8. GOST 12788-87. Beer. The method of determining of acidity. Ìoscow: Standartinform, 1987. 5 p. (In Russ.)
9. GOST 12789-87. Beer. The method of determining color. Ìoscow: Standartinform, 2011. 10 p. (In Russ.)
10. Ma S., Kim C., Neilson A. P. Comparison of Common Analytical Methods for the Quantification of Total Polyphenols and Flavanols in Fruit Juices and Ciders. Journal of Food Science. 2019;84(8):2147-2158. https://doi.org/10.1111/1750-3841.14713.
11. Wannenmacher J., Gastl M., Becker T. Phenolic Substances in Beer: Structural Diversity, Reactive Potential and Relevance for Brewing Process and Beer Quality. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Technology. 2018;17(4):953-988. https://doi.org/10.1111/1541-4337.12352.
12. Maltcsev P. M., Velikaya Å. I., Zazirnaya Ì. V., Kolotusha P. V. Chemical-technological control of malt and beer production (textbook). Ìoscow: Pischevaya promyshlennost', 1976. P. 76-77 (In Russ.).
13. Santos D., Korn M. Das Gracas, Guida M., Santos G., Lemos V., Teixeira L. Determination of Copper, Iron, Lead and Zinc in Gasoline by Sequential Multi-Element Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after Solid Phase Extraction. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. 2011;22:552-557. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0103-50532011000300020.
14. Zhvirblyanskaya À. Yu. Microbiological control of the production of beer and soft drinks. - schoolbook. Ìoscow: Pischevaya promyshlennost', 1970. 159 p. (In Russ.)
15. Li H., Liu F. Changes in Organic Acids During Beer Fermentation. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 2015;73:275-279. https://doi.org/10.1094/ASBCJ-2015-0509-01.
16. Paszkot J., Kawa-Rygielska J. Yeast Strains and Wort Color as Factors Affecting Effects of the Ethanol Fermentation Process. Molecules. 2022;27(13):3971. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27133971.
17. Wietstock P., Kunz T., Waterkamp H., Methner F.-Ì. Uptake and Release of Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, and Zn During Beer Production. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 2015;73:179-184. https://doi.org/10.1094/ASBCJ-2015-0402-01.
Kobelev Konstantin V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Gribkova Irina N., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Khorosheva Elena V.,
Lazareva Irina V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Remneva Galina A.
All-Russian Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine-making Industry - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems RAS,
7, Rossolimo str., Moscow, 119021, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nikonorova Yu. Yu., Vikhrova E. A., Atakova E. A.Investigation of the properties of dough and bakery products from composite mixtures of premium wheat flour and mung bean

P. 66-69 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.013

Key words
mung bean seeds, flour, quality, composite mixtures, bakery products

Research in the field of designing recipes and technologies for bakery products, including those enriched with physiologically functional ingredients, is currently very relevant and promising, since it allows organizing the nutrition of the population on a scientific and hygienic basis, and this, in turn, is one of the most powerful factors of liquidity of bakery products. The purpose of this study was to experimentally substantiate the possibility of using wholemeal flour from mung bean seeds in the production of high quality bread. Mung bean seeds are promising raw ingredients that enrich bakery products, the work uses the variety Saltan of the Volga Research Institute of Breeding and Seed Production. P. N. Konstantinov is a branch of the Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The article considers the influence of whole-ground flour from mung bean seeds on the baking properties of dough made from wheat flour of the highest grade with satisfactorily low quality gluten. The quality indicators of gluten in semi-finished products, as well as moisture, acidity, porosity, organoleptic and physico-chemical quality indicators of finished products were studied. As comparison samples, wheat flour of the highest grade, flour from seeds of mung bean varieties Saltan, in the amount of 5, 10 and 15 % was used. With an increase in the percentage of whole-ground flour from mung bean seeds, when it is added to wheat baking flour of the highest grade, the amount of washed gluten decreases, but it improves in quality. Also, the analysis of the effect of whole-grain flour from mung bean seeds on the physical and chemical properties of the dough showed that the addition of 5-10 % of the phyto-enrichment agent improves the quality of the dough. The addition of wholemeal flour from mung bean seeds in the amount of 5-10 % had a significant effect on the fermentation activity of the dough. According to the results of the research, the expediency of using flour from seeds of mung bean varieties Saltan in the technology of bakery products from wheat flour with a satisfactorily low quality gluten to give them functional properties has been proved.

1. Sukhovarova M. A., Chizhikova O. G., Korshenko L. O. Prospects for the use of masha seeds in baking. Dal'nevostochnyj agrarnyj vestnik = Far Eastern Agrarian Bulletin. 2017;1(41):61-66 (In Russ.).
2. Lukina S. I., Ponomareva E. I., Pavlovskaya S. M., Kustov V. Yu. Justification of the use of flour from masha seeds in wheat bread technology. Sbornik materialov nauchno-prakticheskoj molodezhnoj konferencii, posvyashchennoj pamyati R. D. Polandovoj = Collection of materials of the scientific and practical youth conference dedicated to the memory of R. D. Polandova. Moscow, 2020. P. 258-262 (In Russ.).
3. Baimuradov R. R., Karamatov I. D., Shodieva M. S. Mash is a food and medicinal plant. Biologiya i integrativnaya medicina = Biology and Integrative medicine. 2018;6(23):202-208 (In Russ.).
4. Negmatullayeva M., Dubtsov G. G. Research on the safety of masha seeds. Kishovarz, 2020. No. 3 (88). P. 36-38 (In Russ.).
5. Kuryanovich A. A., Kincharova M. N., Titova I. A. Cultivation of masha seedlings (vigna radiata L.(r) wilczek) for food purposes. Vestnik Ul'yanovskoj gosudarstvennoj sel'skohozyajstvennoj akademii = Bulletin of the Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy. 2021;4(56):25-30 (In Russ.).
6. GOST 27669-88 Baking wheat flour. The method of trial laboratory baking. Moscow: Standartinform, 2007. 6 p. (In Russ.)
Nikonorova Yuliya Yu.,
Vikhrova Elena A.,
Atakova Elena A.
P. N. Konstantinov Volga Region Research Institute of Breeding and Seed Production - Branch of Samara Federal Research Center of RAS,
Kinel, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dement'eva N. V., Boitsova T. M. Substantiation of technologies for the production of phyto-sweets from Japanese kelp

P. 70-73 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.014

Key words
kelp, processing, phyto-candy, technology, quality

The formation of a healthy type of diet involves an increase in the production of new functional, multicomponent, enriched, including dietary, food products, with a reduced content of fat, saturated fatty acids, sugar and table salt. Therefore, it is relevant to create a generation of products that meet the realities of today. Their production is currently unthinkable without the use of raw materials of marine origin, rich in biologically active nutrients that can significantly improve the biochemical processes in the consumer's body. Seaweed, in particular Japanese kelp, refers to valuable raw materials from which the production of this kind of food products is possible. It must be used to create food products that can be consumed for preventive purposes, to maintain immunity and prevent the development of chronic diseases associated with a lack of phytocolloids and other biologically active substances necessary for the body. The purpose of the research work was to substantiate the technology of production of phyto-sweets from Japanese kelp. Phyto-candy technology has been developed. The composition of the filling for phyto-sweets includes Japanese kelp, natural bee honey, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, mangoes, dates). The rational amount of kelp in the filling for phyto-sweets was experimentally established, which was 60 %. To obtain confectionery products (phyto-sweets), one type of dried fruit was used, selected from the group, in an amount of 14 %. Natural liquid bee honey in an amount of 14 % was introduced as a binder for a mixture of crushed dried fruits and kelp. Chocolate glaze or chocolate in the amount of 12 % was used to enclose the prepared filling in the shell and improve the organoleptic parameters. The proposed technology of phyto-sweets allows you to reduce the caloric content of the resulting product, to obtain a high-quality confectionery product with improved organoleptic characteristics. The technology provides for preliminary heat treatment of kelp by heating it twice in water to a temperature of 85…95 °C, and at the second stage of heat treatment, food organic acid (acetic, citric) is added to the water in an amount of 2 %. It has been established that with this method of heat treatment, the consistency of kelp improves and the pronounced taste and smell of algae disappears. Formulations of phyto-sweets from Japanese kelp have been developed, their production modes have been substantiated. The chemical composition and biological value of new confectionery products are investigated.

1. Borisenko A. A., Kas'yanov G. L., Zaporozhsky A. A. Designing balanced multicomponent food products based on their nutrient composition. Izvestiya vuzov. Pischevaya tekhnologiya = Izvestiya vuzov. Food technology. 2005:(2-3):106-107 (In Russ.).
2. Koval P. V., Shulgin Yu. P., Lazhentseva L. Yu., Kalenik T. K. Getting cottage cheese enriched with iodine. Rybnaya promyshlennost' = Fishing industry. 2005;(2):48-49 (In Russ.).
3. Sukhoveeva M. V., Podkorytova A. V. Commercial algae and grasses of the Far East seas: biology, distribution, reserves, processing technology. Vladivostok: TINRO-center, 2006. 243 p. (In Russ.)
4. Levenets I. R. Algae-macrophytes in fouling communities of coastal waters of southern Primorye. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2011. P. 111-112 (In Russ.).
5. Kozhenkova S. I. Retrospective analysis of the marine flora of the Vostok Bay of the Sea of Japan. Biologiya morya = Biology of Seas. 2008;34(3):159-174 (In Russ.).
6. Evseeva N. V, Repnikova A. R. Resources of commercial algae in the Sakhalin-Kuril region. Rybprom = Fish industry. 2010:3: 14-21 (In Russ.).
7. Amilina N. M., Sokolova V. M., Vishnevskaya T. I., Koneva E. L. Functional products based on biogel from seaweed. Pivo i napitki = Beer and drinks. 2007;(3):19-21 (In Russ.).
8. Kabirov R. R., Gaisina L. A., Sukhanova N. V., Krasnova V. V. Biotechnological aspects of using microscopic algae and cyanobacteria. Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal eksperimental'nogo obrazovaniya = International journal of experimental education. 2016;(7):128-129 (In Russ.).
9. Vishnevskaya T. I., Aminina N. M., Guruleva O. N. Development of technology for producing iodine-containing products from Laminaria japonica. Izvestiya TINRO = TINRO News. 2001;(129): 163-169 (In Russ.).
10. Korovkina N. V., Bogdanovich N. I., Kutakova N. A. Investigation of the composition of brown algae in the White Sea for the purpose of further processing. Himiya rastitel'nogo syr'ya = Chemistry of vegetable raw materials. 2007;(1):59-64 (In Russ.).
11. Semenova E. V., Bilimenko A. S., Chebotok V. V. The use of seaweed in medicine and pharmacy. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya = Modern problems of science and education. 2019;(5):118 (In Russ.).
12. Odinets A. G., Orlov O. I., Il'in V. K., Revina A. A., Antropova I. G., Fenin A. A., Tatarinova L. V., Prokof'ev A. S. Radioprotective and antioxidant properties of brown seaweed gel. Vestnik vosstanovitel'noj mediciny = Bulletin of Restorative Medicine. 2015;(5):161-174 (In Russ.).
13. Demidova M. A., Volkova O. V., Savchuk I. A. Influence of Japanese kelp extract on the lipid spectrum of rabbit blood in dyslipoproteinemia. Tradicionnaya medicina = Traditional medicine. 2011;(5):338-343 (In Russ.).
14. Boitsova T. M., Sokolova N. V., Krugovaya P. N., Shepelev G. P., Kolesnikova O. A. Justification of the method of primary processing of Japanese kelp for food production. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food Industry. 2021;(12):27-30 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2021.12.12.005
15. Ignat'ev A. D., Isaev M. K., Dolgov V. A., et al. Modification of the method of biological evaluation of food products using the ciliated infusoria Tetrahymena pyriformis. Voprosy pitaniya = Nutrition issues. 1980;(1):70-71.
Dement'eva Natal'ya V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Boitsova Tat'yana M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University,
52B, Lugovaya str., Vladivostok, Russia, 690087, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tvorogova A. A., Landikhovskaya A. V., Gurskiy I. A., Kochneva S. E.Study of Technological Functionality of Stabilization Systems of the Trademark "Ingresan" in the Production of Milk Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts

P. 74-78 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.015

Key words
ice cream, sorbet, sherbet, mousse, complex food supplement "Ingresan", structure, consistency

Milk ice cream of a low mass fraction of fat and frozen desserts sherbet and sorbet are usually characterized as having a dense texture and organoleptic perceptible ice crystals. The use of the effective emulsifiers and stabilizers compositions allows to significantly improving the consistency and structure of these products. The substantiation of the technological functionality of stabilization systems of the trademark "Ingresan" in the production of milk ice cream and frozen desserts was the purpose of the study. The objects of research were the milk ice cream with mass fraction of 4 % fat, the desserts sherbets, sorbets and the stabilization systems of the trademark "Ingresan" with the indices: for milk ice cream G-15, G-15 EU, G-13/A, G-21 PLUS 2 and G-17/A, for frozen desserts G-30 and for mousse G-42/A. The rheological, microstructural and thermostatic methods were used in the study. The objects of research were the milk ice cream with mass fraction of 4 % fat, the desserts sherbets, sorbets and the stabilization systems of the trademark "Ingresan" with the indices: for milk ice cream G-15, G-15 EU, G-13/A, G-21 PLUS 2 and G-17/A, for frozen desserts G-30 and for mousse G-42/A. The rheological, microstructural and thermostatic methods were used in the study. We used rheological, microstructural and thermostatic research methods. It has been established that mixtures for milk ice cream with Ingresan G-13A and Ingresan G-21 Plus 2 and frozen desserts sherbet and sorbet with Ingresan G-30 are characterized by a high level of dynamic viscosity of 322-635 mPa s at a shear gradient per cut 0.83 s-1, which has a positive effect on the consistency and structure of the finished product. All mixtures with the tested stabilization systems were characterized by a good ability to saturate with air (overrun 65-102 %). While studying the thermal stability of ice cream it was established that the quantity of melted ice cream did not exceed 21 % in the milk ice cream and 10 % in sherbet and sorbet, which is due to high water-holding capacity of the stabilizers. All samples of the milk ice cream had a high dispersed structure, average size of ice crystals and air bubbles did not exceed 50 µm. Studying the consistency it was found that the milk ice cream with "Ingresan G-17A" had the lowest hardness, the greatest with "Ingresan G-15", and among the desserts the lowest hardness was found in the sorbet dessert. Using the stabilization system "Ingresan G-42/A" in production of mousse influenced greatly at the thermal stability, there was no melting during 120 min of holding it at the temperature at 20 °C. It was established that according to the totality of the indices characterizing thermal stability and hardness of mousse this product can be consumed both in frozen and thawed state. The research results received testify to the technological functionality of stabilization system of the trademark "Ingresan" in the production of the milk ice cream and frozen desserts sherbet, sorbet and mousse.

1. Goff H. D., Melton L., Shahidi F., Varelis P., et al. The Structure and Properties of Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts. Encyclopedia of Food Chemistry. United States: Elsevier, 2019. P. 47-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-100596-5.21703-4
2. Bahramparvar M., Mazaheri Tehrani M., Razavi S. M. A. Effects of a novel stabilizer blend and presence of ?-carrageenan on some properties of vanilla ice cream during storage. Food Bioscience. 2013; (3):10-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.FBIO.2013.05.001
3. Regand A., Goff H. D. Structure and ice recrystallization in frozen stabilized ice cream model systems. Food Hydrocolloids. 2003;17(1):95-102. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0268-005X%2802%2900042-5
4. Varela P., Pintor A., Fiszman S. How hydrocolloids affect the temporal oral perception of ice cream. Food Hydrocolloids. 2014;(36):220-228. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.FOODHYD. 2013.10.005
5. Tvorogova A. A., Gurskiy I. A., Landikhovskaya A. V., Kochneva S. E. The effect of monoand complex stabilizers on the consistency and structure of ice cream. Molochnaya promyshlennost' = Dairy Industry. 2022;(4):46-48 (In Russ). https://doi.org/10.31515/1019-8946-2022-04-46-48.
Tvorogova Antonina A., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Landikhovskaya Anna V., graduate student,
Gurskiy Igor A., graduate student,
Kochneva Svetlana E.
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Refrigeration Industry - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food System,
12, Kostyakova str., Moscow, 127422, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sinelnikova M.Yu., Matveeva D.Yu., Kharlamova L.N., Kobelev K. V. Influence of technological regimes for the manufacture of oatmeal drink on the quality of the finished product

P. 79-81 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.016

Key words
filmy oats, naked oats, functional drinks, vegetable drinks, malting, amino acids, beta-glucan

Work has been carried out on the research of various types of raw materials for the production process of making plant-based beverages. An important task is to develop technological modes that allow for the maximum transfer of all useful substances from grain raw materials to beverages. Four types of feedstock with different characteristics and methods of its preparation were used: filmy oats, malted filmy oats, naked oats, naked malted oats. A sample with the best characteristics for use in the technological process has been identified. In order to confirm the quality of beverages, indicators were determined not only normalized by the requirements of GOST, but also additional indicators, such as: mass concentration of beta-glucan, polyphenols and amino acid content. These indicators characterize the quality of drinks. It should be noted that the mass concentration of beta-glucan allows us to judge the presence of grain raw materials in beverages, amino acids confirm the quality and functional properties of beverages. These indicators can be identification criteria when evaluating vegetable drinks from oatmeal raw materials.

1. Angelov A., Gocheva V., Kuncheva R., Khristozova T. Development of a new probiotic drink based on oats. Mezhdunarodniy zhurnal pischevoy mikrobiologii = International Journal of Microbiology. 2006;112(1):75-80 (In Russ.).
2. Peterson D. M. Oat antioxidants. Journal of Cereal Science. 2001;33(2):115-129.
3. Prado F. C., Parada J. L., Pandey A. & Soccol C. R. Trends in non-dairy probiotic beverages. Food Research International. 2008;41(2): 111-123.
4. Rao M. Rheology of liquid foods - a review. Journal of Texture Studies. 1977;8(2):135-168.
5. Wood P. J. Relationships between solution properties of cereal ?glucans and physiological effects - a review. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2004;15(6):313-320.
6. Aastha Deswal & Navneet Singh Deora & Hari Niwas Mishra. Effect of Concentration and Temperature on the Rheological Properties of Oat Milk. Springer Science + Business Media. New York, 2014.
7. Batalova G. A. Prospects and results of naked oat breeding. Zernobobovie i krupyanie kul'turi = Legumes and cereal crops. 2014;2:64-69 (In Russ.).
8. Bekers M., Marauska M., Laukevics J., Grube M., Vigants A., Karklina D., Skudra L. & Viesturs U. Oats and fat-free milk based functional food product. Food Biotechnology. 2001;15(1):1-12.
Sinelnikova Marina Yu.,
Matveeva Dar'ya Yu.,
Kharlamova Larisa N., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kobelev Konstantin V., Doctor of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Research Institute of the Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems of RAS,
7, Rossolimo str., Moscow, 119021, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Posokina N. E., Bessarab O. V., Karastoyanova O. V. Application of sensory methods for assessing the quality and technological properties of plant raw materials

P. 82-86 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.017

Key words
sensory methods, organoleptic characteristics, consumer evaluation, expert evaluation, distinguishing tests, scoring method, profile-descriptor method, plant raw materials, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms

This article discusses methods for assessing the organoleptic characteristics of fruits, vegetables and mushrooms. Sensory methods can be conditionally divided into hedonic and expert. Hedonic methods are used to study consumer preferences, as well as to assess the competitiveness of new varieties introduced to the market. For consumer evaluation, untrained tasters from different age groups are involved. Unlike consumer, expert organoleptic evaluation is carried out by trained tasters who have been selected for sensory sensitivity in accordance with GOST ISO 8586-2015 "Organoleptic analysis. General guidelines for the selection, training and supervision of selected testers and testers", which ensures the reproducibility of test results. Expert methods are divided into distinctive and descriptive. Distinctive methods are based on determining the presence or absence of any sensory stimulus, as well as assessing the degree of its intensity. These methods include: the method of pairwise comparison, "duo-three", "triangle", "two out of five", as well as ranking. Descriptive methods are based on a verbal description of the organoleptic characteristics of the product, and are divided into directly descriptive, scoring (scoring) and profile-descriptor. The direct descriptive method is usually used to classify plant materials as commercial varieties in accordance with the requirements of the standards. Scoring and profile-descriptor methods are usually used to identify differences between varieties, study their technological technological properties, as well as assess the terms and conditions of storage. The essence of the scoring method is to evaluate the appearance, color, smell, taste and texture of plant materials on a numerical scale, where the maximum score means full compliance, and the minimum score indicates non-compliance with the requirements of technical documents. The essence of the profile-descriptor method is to compile an organoleptic characteristic (profile) of a product using terms (descriptors) that describe the main sensory properties. To indicate the severity of certain features, a point scale is used, in which the minimum value corresponds to the absence of a feature, and the maximum value corresponds to the highest degree of severity. A vocabulary of descriptors for evaluating fruits, vegetables and mushrooms is usually developed as part of a particular study, as standardized dictionaries are not currently available.

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2. Lazareva T. G., Aleksandrova E. G. Analysis of the production and market of mushrooms in Russia. Vestnik evraziyskoy nauki = The Eurasian Scientific Journal. 2019;(1) (In Russ.). https://esj.today/PDF/75ECVN119.pdf
3. Blinnikova O. M. Marketing research of the fruit market. Vestnik Michurinskogo gosudarsnvennogo universiteta = Bulletin of the Michurinsk State University. 2020;(4):220-226 (In Russ.).
4. Cecilia do Nascimento Nunes M. Correlations between subjective quality and physicochemical attributes of fresh fruits and vegetables. 2015;107:43-54. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1016/ j.postharvbio.2015.05.001
5. Tumenova G. T. Sensory analysis and its significance in assessing the quality and safety of food products. Vestnik Almatinskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of the Almaty Technological University. 2018;(1):57-62 (In Russ.).
6. Wang J., Ma T., Wang L., Lan T., Fang Y., Sun X. Research on the Consumption Trend, Nutritional Value, Biological Activity Evaluation, and Sensory Properties of Mini Fruits and Vegetables. Foods. 2021;(10):2966. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10122966
7. Bhargava A., Bansal A. Fruits and vegetables quality evaluation using computer vision: A review. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences. 2018l;33. DOI: 10.1016/j.jksuci.2018.06.002
8. Nemeth D., Balazs G., Daood H. G., Kovacs Z., Bodor Z., Z. Zaukuu J.-L., et al. Standard Analytical Methods, Sensory Evaluation, NIRS and Electronic Tongue for Sensing Taste Attributes of Different Melon Varieties. Sensors. 2019;19:5010. Doi:10.3390/s19225010
9. Aouadi B., Zaukuu J.-L. Z., Vitalis F., Bodor Z., Feher O., Gillay Z., Bazar G., Kovacs Historical Z. Historical Evolution and Food Control Achievements of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Electronic Nose, and Electronic Tongue - Critical Overview. Sensors. 2020;20:5479. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20195479
10. Fedyanina N. I., Karastoyanova O. V., Korovkina N. V. Methods for determining the color characteristics of vegetable raw materials. Review. Pischevie sistemi = Food Systems. 2021;4(4):230-238 (In Russ.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.21323/2618-9771-2021-4-4-230-238
11. Andersen B. V., Brockhoff P. B., Hyldig G. The importance of liking of appearance, -odour, -taste and -texture in the evaluation of overall liking. Food Quality and Preference. 2019;71:228-232. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2018.07.005
12. Jordan R., MacKenzie J. R., Duizer L. M., Bowen Amy. J. Apple flavor and its effects on sensory characteristics and consumer preference. Sensory Studies. 2022;37(3):e12735. https://doi.org/10.1111/joss.12735
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Posokina Natal'ya E., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Bessarab Olga V.,
Karastoyanova Olga V.
Russian Research Institute of Canning Technology - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
78, Shkol`naya str., Vidnoe town, Moscow region, 142703, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kuz'mina E. I., Egorova O. S., Akbulatova D. R.Ciders in Russia and abroad. Raw material

P. 87-91 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.018

Key words
raw materials, apples, cider apple varieties, classification, acidity, tannins, ciders

Apple crops are widely distributed all over the world, which is due to their unpretentiousness and adaptability to growing both in warm countries and in places with a cold climate. In addition to fresh consumption, a large number of apples are processed commercially to produce juices, concentrates, purees, pastes, vinegars, dried products, ciders, etc. A separate category is special varieties of apples grown exclusively for use in the preparation of cider. They are characterized by a high content of acids, tannins, and sugars. One of the distinctive features of cider apples is the astringency that tannins give them, thanks to which cider acquires saturation, fullness and balance of taste. This article presents the classification systems of cider apple varieties; the ratios of different groups of varieties; and also lists the main apple varieties characteristic of the production of typical traditional ciders in the UK, France and Spain. It is noted that in the United States and Canada, despite the growing interest in special varieties of cider apples, most of this drink is produced from rejected apples of other categories. In these countries, cider producers prefer to use high-acid varieties rich in sugars, while in European countries the main part of the blend is made up of apple varieties characterized by low acidity and high sugar content. The North American classification proposed by K. Joliker is given, it takes into account the relative concentrations of the main indicators (sugars, acids, tannins) of apples for the production of ciders. The apple varieties recommended for cider production in North America are listed. It is noted that, unlike the countries of classical cider production, until recently, specialized cider varieties of apples were not grown in Russia. The growing interest of consumers in ciders encourages manufacturers to develop their own recognizable style of the drink. Thus, the need for raw materials with the characteristics necessary to obtain a balanced product with the desired qualities increases, which in turn leads to work on creating its own raw material base and cultivating special technical varieties of apples with a special chemical composition.

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11. Calugar P. C., Coldea T. E., Salanta L. C., Pop C. R., Pasqualone A., Burja-Udrea C., et al. An overview of the factors influencing apple cider sensory and microbial quality from raw materials to emerging processing technologies. Processes. 2021;9(3):502. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr9030502
12. Rosend J., Kuldjarv R., Rosenvald S., Paalme T. The effects of apple variety, ripening stage, and yeast strain on the volatile composition of apple cider. Heliyon. 2019;5(6):e01953. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01953
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Kuz'mina Elena I., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Egorova Olesya S.,
Akbulatova Dilyara R.
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Beverage and Wine Industry - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
7, Rossolimo str., Moscow, 119021, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ermolin D.V., Zaitsev G.P., Ermolina G.V. Tocopherols, phytosterols and squalene in Crimean olive oil

P. 92-95 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.019

Key words
olive oil, biologically active substances, tocopherols, phytosterols, squalene

The aim of the research was to study the indicators Crimean olive oil of the chemical composition in particular tocopherols, phytosterols and squalene. Mass concentrations of tocopherols, phytosterols and squalene were determined in olive oil samples from raw materials grown at the site of the breeding and seed-growing center for subtropical fruit crops in the Foros (Yalta, Republic of Crimea) and commercial foreign samples purchased in the distribution network. Olive fruit were processed by Oliomio 80 plus, MORI-TEM (Italy). The nominal productivity of this equipment is 70-80 kg/h. Olive oil production technology includes the following operations: picking olive fruits in the first half of October, before and at the stage of pigmentation (Koreggiolo and Nikitskaya large-fruited varieties); remove the leaves and washing fruits; crushing fruits by horizontal impeller breaker mill of continuously operating; form a homogeneous crushed fruit past in a malaxer; separation of olive oil from solids residues in a decanter centrifuge. Tocopherols, phytosterols, and squalene mass concentrations are determined by HPLC method. The technique are performed by using Agilent Technologies chromatograph (model 1260). It As a result, it was found that alfa-tocopherol is contained in the highest mass concentration in olive oil. alfa-tocotrienol at a concentration of 75.9-105.9 mg/kg was determined in Crimean olive oil; this compound was not found in imported samples. In the test samples the phytostyrenes fractions is represented by beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol and sitostanol. In the Crimean olive oil beta-Sitosterol is more than 20 times higher than the concentration in commercial foreign samples supplied to the Russian Federation mass market. The concentration of squalene in the Crimean olive oil also exceeds this indicator of commercial foreign samples and is at the level of 0.35-0.45 wt.%, which corresponds to the best samples of the world's leading manufacturers. High mass concentrations of tocopherols, phytosterols and squalene shows that the Republic of Crimea is a prospective Russian Federation region for olive cultivation and olive oil production.

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Ermolin Dmitriy V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Zaytsev Georgiy P., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Ermolina Galina V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University,
4, Vernadskogo avenue, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russia, 295007, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Andreev N. R., Goldstein V. G., Grabovets A. I., Krochmal A. V.Wasteless separation of whole-wheat triticale flour with high carotenoid content into starch and protein fractions

P. 96-100 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.020

Key words
triticale grain, whole-meal flour, air classification, starch fraction, protein fraction, carotenoids

The article gives an overview of the current state of research in the field of air classification of cereal flours, including flour from triticale grain. The purpose of air flour is to increase the starch content in the heavy fraction and the protein content in the light fraction and to enrich them for effective use in food production. Grain of triticale carotenoid varieties Ramsay and Saur from the collection of FSBSI "Federal Rostov Agricultural Research Center" was used as the material for the studies. Studies of the process were carried out on the unit PDU-380 developed in the All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products for flour milling and air classification. To assess the efficiency of milling and air classification of whole-meal flour from triticale grain a method for determining the yield of the light fraction and its protein content from the proportion of the heavy fraction and mass fraction of protein in it is proposed. As a result of studying the air classification process of flour from whole-wheat triticale grain it was found that the relative content of carotenoids in the heavy and light fractions significantly differs from their values in the original flour. Ramsay variety has 402 in the heavy fraction and 610 µg/g dry matter in the light fraction; Saur variety has respectively 302 and 405 µg/g dry matter. The ash content in the light fraction of both varieties was below 2 %. The "number of falls" of the heavy flour fraction of both varieties was 300 s in contrast to the light flour about 250 s; by water absorption capacity the heavy fractions of triticale flour of both varieties had an increased water value of 60 %, and the light flour fraction of Saur variety decreased to 45 %. The research results showed the possibility of obtaining whole-meal flour by impact method from triticale grain by "compressed technology" and its separation by air classification into starch and protein fractions enriched with carotenoids with protein content up to 20 %, meeting the requirements of bakery production. Development of "dry method" technologies of separation of starch-containing raw material structure by the example of obtaining whole-meal flour from carotenoid triticale varieties into constituent components is one of the actual directions of grain processing providing environmental protection.


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11. Andreev N. R., Kovalyonok V. A., Nosovskaya L. P., Adikaeva L. V., Gol'dshtejn V. G. Study of the process of pneumatic classification of pea flour at the experimental facility. Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ya = Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials. 2017;11:43-48 (In Russ.).
12. Smirnov S. O., Urubkov S. A., Nevskaya E. V. Development of a technology for the separation of triticale flour into protein and carbohydrate fractions using a centrifugai rotarypneumatic classfier. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Triticale and stabilizationof the production of grain, feed and products of their processing" / Don Zonal Research institute of Agriculture. Rostov-na-Donu: PH Yug, 2016. P. 217-234 (In Russ.).
13. Gomez-Caravaca A. M., Verardoc V., Candigliota T., Marconi E., Carretero A. S., Fernandez-Gutierrez A., et al. Use of air classification technology as green process to produce functional barley flours naturally enriched of alkylresorcinols, b-glucans and phenolic compounds. Food Research International. 2015;73:88-96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2015.02.016
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15. Assatory À., Vitelli Ì., Rajabzadeh À. R. Dry Fractionation Methods for Plant Protein, Starch and Fiber Enrichment: A Review. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2019;86:340-351. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifset.2017.08.006
Andreev Nikolay R., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of RAS,
Goldstein Vladimir G., Candidate of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Research Institute of Starch and Processing of Starch-Containing Raw Materials - Branch of A. G. Lorch Federal Research Center for potato.
11, Nekrasova str., Kraskovo village, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region, 140051, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Grabovets Anatoliy I., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Corresponding Member of RAS,
Krochmal Anna V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Federal Rostov Agrarian Center,
1, Institutskaya str., vil. Rassvet, Rostov region, 346735, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Normakhmatov R. To the question of amino acid composition of proteins in the nuclei of apricot sets of Uzbekistan

P. 101-103 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.021

Key words
apricot, kernel, stone fruit, protein, amino acid, essential amino acids, pomological variety

In the present work, the content of proteins in the kernels of apricot kernels of varieties Yubileiny Navoi, Arzami, Kursadyk and their amino acid composition of proteins growing in the Republic of Uzbekistan were studied. Studies have shown that apricots grown in the weather and climatic conditions of Uzbekistan are distinguished by a high content of protein substances in the kernels of the seeds. The content of crude protein in the kernels of apricot pits of the Yubileiny Navoi pumigation variety was 21.82, Arzami - 18.76, and in the Kursadyk variety - 18.68 (as a percentage of air-dry weight). The study of the amino acid composition of the proteins of the kernels of the pits of the three studied pomological varieties of apricots shows that they do not differ sharply from each other in terms of the amino acid composition of the proteins. In the composition of proteins in all studied varieties of apricot kernels, the predominant amino acids are glutamic and aspartic acids, where the total content of these acids is from 33.87 to 40.04 percent of the "crude" protein. Essential amino acids such as valine, lysine, leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, methionine have been identified in the protein substances of apricot kernels, the content of which is 26-30 % of the total amino acids. Due to the significant content of the essential amino acids lysine and tryptophan in the kernels of apricot kernels, they can serve as an enricher with these amino acids in the production of a number of confectionery and bakery products. The work was carried out in the laboratory for the examination of food products of the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, the Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 11, 2019 PP-4549 "On additional measures for the further development of horticulture and viticulture, the creation of a value chain in the industry".
2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 14, 2019 No. PP-4239 "On measures to develop agricultural cooperation in the fruit and vegetable industry".
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8. Normakhmatov R. On the issue of the use of fruit and vegetable waste. Agriculture of Uzbekistan. 1998. No. 4.
Normakhmatov Ruziboy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service,
9, Amira Timura str., Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140100, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Klochkova I. S., Maslennikova E. V. The use of matcha green tea in the development of a cupcake recipe

P. 104-106 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.022

Key words
cupcakes, recipe, matcha green tea, tannins, matcha tea solubility, quality indicators

In the article, the authors consider the possibility of using matcha green tea in the technology of flour confectionery products on the example of cupcakes. Matcha green tea contains a large amount of tannins, caffeine, amino acids and other useful substances and finds application not only for the preparation of a drink, but in the technology of various food products. The work was carried out at Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University. Cupcakes were made according to the standard recipe and technology of the Stolichny cupcake. Optimal conditions for the dissolution of matcha green tea for the introduction into the cupcake recipe have been established. Matcha tea has the best solubility at a temperature of 80 °C and stirring for 10 minutes. With these parameters, the maximum dissolution of matcha tea is achieved - 97.2 %. The authors have developed a recipe for cupcakes with the addition of matcha green tea. The optimal content of matcha green tea powder in cupcakes was determined - 7 % by weight of flour. The resulting cupcake has excellent organoleptic and physico-chemical quality indicators. Adding more than 7 % of the mass of flour to the recipe of matcha green tea cupcakes is not advisable, since the products acquire an unnatural dark green color and an unusual taste of tea. The tannin content in the finished cupcakes was 41 mg / 100 g, the energy value was 408.8 kcal. The shelf life of cupcakes with the addition of matcha green tea was 7 days. A new type of cupcakes can be recommended for use in the food of the adult population.

1. Pirozhkova P. O., Terent'ev V. A. Development of the recipe of the cupcake with addition of the bird cherry flour. Problemy nauki = Problems of Science. 2019;7 (43):49-52 (In Russ.).
2. Gorbunov S. A., Bets J. A., Naumova N. L. Experience of resveratrol application in the development of functional applications. Tekhnologiya i tovarovedenie innovatsionnikh pischevikh produktov = Technology and merchandising of the innovative foodstuff. 2020;2(61):38-44 (In Russ.).
3. Yakovleva N. I., Letyago Yu. A. Development of the recipe of the keks with addition of the sesame and whole-grain meal. Mir innovatsiy = World of innovation. 2019;(3):3-6 (In Russ.).
4. Novikova Z. V., Sergeeva S. M., Zakharova A. D., Semisazhonova J. A. Justification of the use of green tea matcha in the production of functional confectionery. Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta inzhenernikh tekhnologiy = Bulletin of the voronezh state university of engineering technologies. 2019;81/1(79):168-172 (In Russ.).
5. Sabitova I. M., Sharipova A. F. Organoleptic analysis of a semi-finished biscuit with the addition of green tea matcha and honey. Internauka. 2022;20-7(243):27-29 (In Russ.).
Klochkova Irina S., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University,
52B, Lugovaya str., Vladivostok, Russia, 690080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Maslennikova Evgeniya V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Vladivostok State University,
41, Gogolya str., Vladivostok, Russia, 690014, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kazantsev E. V., Kondrat'ev N. B. Influence of the properties of modified polysaccharides on the storage capacity of pastille confectionery

P. 107-111 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.12.12.023

Key words
modified polysaccharides, chemical composition, pastille confectionery, moisture transfer, storage capacity

Pastile confectionery products, such as marshmallow, marshmallow, whipped products such as souffl?, nougat, have a foamy structure, soft texture, high taste and are attractive to consumers. The competitiveness of confectionery products is determined by many factors: the presence of proteins in the composition, the fruit and berry component, storage capacity, and a long shelf life. During storage, pastille products are subject to changes in chemical composition, loss of moisture, syneresis, deterioration in consistency. As a result of these complex physical and chemical changes, the storage capacity and shelf life of products are reduced. Therefore, the tasks of ensuring the safety of the quality characteristics of pastille products during storage, increasing their shelf life, including when sold to remote regions of the Russian Federation, are relevant. To solve such problems, it is most expedient to include high-molecular-weight modified polysaccharides with various water-retaining properties in the prescription composition of pastille products. This paper shows the patterns of changes in the quality of pastille products made using modified starches in order to manage and predict the shelf life. The objects of the study were marshmallow samples containing corn starches of various chemical structures (E1422, E1412) and a control sample. The samples were packed in 20 µm thick polypropylene film and stored under controlled conditions. Changes in water activity and loss of mass fraction of moisture during storage of samples were studied. It was found that marshmallow samples made using E1422 and E1412 starches retain moisture better compared to the control sample. Loss of moisture in the studied samples for the studied period amounted to 7.2-10.5 %. The influence of the type of modified starches on the structural-mechanical and organoleptic properties of the prepared marshmallow samples during storage was studied. The obtained patterns allow to more fully substantiate the type of modified starch for the production of pastille confectionery products with a given shelf life.

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Kazantsev Egor V.,
Kondrat'ev Nikolay B., Doctor of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Confectionery Industry - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
20, Elektrozavodskaya str., Moscow, 107023, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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