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Rambler's Top100


Culinary Products from Ocean Fishes

Kutina O.I., Shlenskaya T.V., Sharova T.N., Zemtsova M.E., Dryakhlov A.O. – M.: Food Industry, 2012. – 132 pp. Figure. 15. Tab. 40. Refs. 60.

The book presents data on the chemical composition and nutritional value of the most difficult for the processing of oceanic species of commercial fish. The data of research qualitative characteristics. Identified the dominant characteristics of raw materials, hampering its widespread use in the production of culinary products. A possibility of a rational use of ocean fish for cooking products with the required set of indicators of food.


Ecology, Quality and Safety of Food Products (Ways and Means of Healing of Humanity, Food Resources and Habitats)

A.A. Kudryasheva. – M.: Food Industry, 2007. – 472 p.

In the book in the first time in a generalized form deals with aspects of the world population living environment and current status of vital resources, including human activities and the value of the living world for humanity. Analyzed aspects of environmental, food and medical safety of the population of the planet Earth, and discusses the newest approaches, principles and technologies and high-performance natural means to ensure quick and safe resolution of global problems of life.

Given the state of the world community, the environment and living organisms of different levels of organization in an accessible form set experimentally based unique and new directions harmless stages of improved scientific and technical progress, based on the world of scientific discoveries and achievements of domestic and foreign scholars, multi intensive studies of the author, and multivariate analysis system of human development without harmony with nature and biological laws.

Particular attention is paid to the improvement of the natural environment and food, the conservation of biological diversity of the planet, improve the quality and beneficial properties of food products, as well as reducing its content of toxic and radioactive substances and compounds that are dangerous to human life and health.

Based on current trends in the development of mankind, known problems and decisions of international organizations that focus on new environmentally safe and cost-effective ways and means to protect and restore habitat, food organisms, increase in agricultural production and the improvement of mankind, as well as compensation for the lack of protein, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals needed daily to man according to the norms of the World Health Organization of the United Nations.

The book is intended for professionals, researchers in the field of ecology, biology, microbiology, agriculture, food science and nutrition, food balance therapy, medicine, management and socio-economic profile, graduate students, students of higher educational institutions.

New nanobiotechnologies and natural bioproof-readers (ecology, a food and mankind health)

A.A. Kudrjasheva – M.: Food Industry, 2007.

The author is the noted scientist of world-wide reputation - Alexandra Andreevna Kudrjasheva, the full member of the Russian academy of natural sciences, the International academy of informatization of a general consultative state social and Economic Council the United Nations Organization (United Nations), the International academy of bionaturopation, the New York Academy of sciences, etc., the doctor of technics, biological and medical sciences, the professor. Has a wide experience in industrial, research and teaching-methodological works. Supervised over laboratory of radiating microbiology, entomology and biotechnologies of branch VNIIKOP intended for use of an atomic energy in peace purposes in the area of CMEA, IAEA and the USSR. Many years worked as a head of chair, the dean of faculty of the Russian economic academy of G.V. Plehanova. Then became the president of the International centre of a food and recovery of health (New Jersey, the USA), the scientific adviser and the project head in the area of the United Nations (New York). Now - the president of Academy of food safety. A.A.Kudrjasheva - the author of more than 500 scientific articles, 20 monographies and textbooks for high schools, 50 inventions and 10 opening, and also of the newest unique theoretical, applied and teaching-methodological works of the international importance.

For working out the food of XXI century with useful multifunctional properties was awarded by six silver medals EANE USSR, for the contribution to medicine and public health services development - a silver medal of a name academician I.P.Pavlova, for working out of new group of natural bioproof-readers - gold medal MAI, for development of theoretical bases and applied methods of bioregulation of live organisms - the Kavalersky sign on an award "the Science. Formation. Culture". Her some scientifically-practical developments are noted by Russian and foreign awards of 1 degree, letters of commendation and personal awards.

In 1999г. А.А. Kudrjasheva is awarded the international rank "Outstanding scientific XX century in the field of biological sciences (Outstanding People of the 20th Century, IBC, England, Cambridge, July 1999). In the USA she is noted as the person of a biographic record for scientific achievements of the world importance and big contribution to world community development (The Marguis Who is Who in America, 2002-2006).

She has been first to organise and conduct three International symposiums" Natural bioproof-readers: a food, health, ecology" (1996, 1997, 2000) in new scientifically-practical directions of the high ecological, biological, food and social and economic importance for mankind.

In the unique book taking into account actual problems in the field of ecology, food and world community health there are considered the newest discoveries, scientifically-practical achievements with the use of harmless nano-bio-technologies and multipurpose natural bioproof-readers. In details are presented more perfect and safe stages of scientific and technical progress and new directions of a sustainable development of mankind. The special attention is given to effective methods and means promoting improvement of food resources, an inhabitancy and health of the population of the different countries of the world.

About conditions and directions of development of manufacturing of ethyl alcohol from raw materials and liqueur and vodka production

V.I. Yarmosh. – M.: Food rpocessing Industry, 2005. – 424 pages.

The book cited last years scientific developments about energy-saving, increase of quality and decrease of cost price of production, processing of secondary raw resources and maintain of ecological security, and also prospective directions of modernization and technical reequipment of alcohol and distillery manufacture. There are presented information about experience of applying of some prospective developments in enterprises of the branch. The book is intended for managers, specialists of alcohol and distillery industry, students of higher education institutes and special schools.

Under general editorship of honored worker of food processing industry of Russian Federation, general director industrial-commercial firm "Spirit", chairman of the board of scientific-technical association "Spiritprom" V.I. Yarmosh.

Russia – grain power

Gordeev A.V., Butkovskiy V.A. – M.: Food processing Industry Publishing house, 2003 – 508 pages, 78 illustrations.

In brief historical aspect the book shows us Russian positions in world industry and trading of grain, the present and the future of grain sector of Russian economics. It contents extensive information from manufacture sphere, seed-growing of grain-crops, leguminous and oil-bearing corps, commodity researches of grain-crops, condition of grain processing branches - flour-grinding, groats processing, starch-treacly, mixed fodder, brewing, fat and oil processing, alcohol. Special chapters are devoted to directions of grain usage, marketing channels, questions of storage and transportation of grain, internal and international trade, development of grain market, methods to increase competitiveness of Russian grain.

For managers and specialists of enterprises, firms and companies that specialize in sphere of grain manufacture, trade, storage and processing. As a manual for students of higher educational institutes that acquire economical professions 060800 "Economics and management on enterprises of the food processing industry", 061500 "Marketing", 351300 "Commerce (trade business)", as a manual for students of higher educational institutes that acquire technical professions 270100 "Technology of storage and processing of grain", 270400 "Technology of sugary products", 270500 "Technology of barmy manufacture and wine-making", 270700 "Technology of fats, essential oils and perfumery-cosmetic productsФ directions of training of professionally qualified specialist", 655600 "Manufacture of foodstuffs from vegetative raw materials" and for students of subsidiary-professional educational institutes.

Reviewer: A.E. Ukish, vice-president of Russian Grain Union.

Scientific and technical progress in alcohol and liqueur and vodka industry

V.I. Yarmosh – M.: Food processing industry, 2001. – 256 pages.

There are published theses of reports of scientists of All-Russian scientific-research institute of food biotechnology and other scientific institutes that are presented to Third International scientific practice conference devoted to 70 anniversary of creation of All-Russian scientific-research institute and was hold in Moscow 19-20 of April 2001.

The book is intended for managers and specialists of alcohol and liqueur and vodka industry, students of higher education institutes and special schools.

About questions of book acquisition appeal to number 251-90-72. Firm "Spirit", Rizhkova G.T.

Biotechnology of protection of polymeric and non-organic surfaces

Syhareva L.A., Yakovlev V.C. – M.: Food processing Industry, 2001. – 328 pages.

The monograph summarize main appropriateness in sphere of creation and usage of biochemical stable compositions and surfaces with increased longevity in corrosive mediums.

The book is intended for students and specialists who are occupied with biotechnologies of protective polymeric surfaces of various purposes.



Food additives

Nechaev A.P., Kochetkova A.A., Zaycev A.N. – M.: Kolos, 2001. – 256 pages.

The manual adduces classification of food additives and shows its role in manufacturing of foodstuffs. There are described basic groups of food additives. Special emphasis is devoted to questions of chemistry, security and sanitary regulation of food additives. There are cited general principles of food additives using in foodstuff technologies.

Intended to students of higher education institutes who are studying the course "Technology of foodstuffs", group of specialties "Machines and apparatuses of food manufactures".