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Rambler's Top100

Food processing Industry №12/2018

The Results of the work of Food and Processing industry Enterprises of Russia


Parliamentary hearings in the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Kolonchin K.V.Organizations of the infrastructure of the agri-food market: targets and problems of the current stage of development

P. 14-19 Key words
agri-food market; agricultural production; competitiveness; domestic products; food industry; economic growth; modern infrastructure

The dynamic development of the agro-industrial complex is possible only in case of creation of a modern infrastructure of the agro-food market, which should provide marketing, logistics, trade and information services, as well as the services for storage, processing, packaging, and transportation of goods. The specificity of the infrastructure of the agrifood market is that many types of products have limited shelf life: fish, fruits and berries, meat and milk, therefore, appropriate technical means are required to ensure the safety of products during its transportation over long distances for delivery to the final consumer. The imperfection of the existing food storage system, both in terms of its organization and location of storage facilities in the regions and in terms of their technological and technical equipment, leads to significant losses of food at all stages of its promotion to the consumer. As a result, the loss of agricultural products currently produced is about 20 percent, which is twice as high as in industrialized countries. The greatest losses occur in the storage and transportation of fruits and vegetables, fish products, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, and berries, reaching up to 40 %. The development of a modern infrastructure of the agro-food market and the achievement of the targets set by the may decree of the President of Russia, the implementation of priority national projects will require the adjustment of the institutional framework and the strengthening of state influence on all aspects of the distribution network, the introduction of digital technologies to quickly solve emerging problems. The organization of a full infrastructure of the agro-food market with the participation of regional small and medium-sized businesses will reduce the level of monopolization of the logistics services market, create the necessary incentives for the development of rural areas as an integral part of the food and national security of Russia.

1. Nuraliev, S.U. Jekonomicheskaja politika i ee rol' v povyshenii konkurentosposobnosti Produkcii APK / S.U. Nuraliev // Jekonomika sel'skohozjajstvennyh i pererabatyvajushhih predprijatij. - 2018. - ¹ 5. - S. 8-10.
2. Maslakova, V. Realizacija prioritetnogo nacional'nogo proekta "Razvitie agropromyshlennogo kompleksa" / V. Maslakova // Investicii v Rossii. - 2018. - ¹ 2. - S. 19-24.
3. Ivanova, V.N. Narashhivanie ob#emov proizvodstva i rasshirenie jeksporta produkcii - dolgosrochnye prioritety razvitija APK Rossii / V.N. Ivanova, S.N. Seregin // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2018. - ¹ 6. - S. 22-26.
4. Ivanova, V.N. O proekte Strategii razvitija APK Rossii na period do 2030 goda / V.N. Ivanova, S.N. Seregin // Jekonomika sel'skohozjajstvennyh i pererabatyvajushhih predprijatij. - 2018. - ¹ 7. - S. 2-7.
5. Rykova, I.N. Jeffektivnost' realizacii Gosudarstvennoj programmy razvitija sel'skogo hozjajstva i regulirovanija rynkov sel'skohozjajstvennoj produkcii, syr'ja i prodovol'stvija na 2013-2020 gody / I.N. Rykova, S.V. Shkodinskij // Vestnik Akademii prava i upravlenija. - 2018. - ¹ 2. - S. 140-145.
6. Maslova, V. Povyshenie konkurentosposobnosti otechestvennoj agroprodovol'stvennoj produkcii i razvitie cifrovoj jekonomiki v APK / V. Maslova, M. Avdeev // APK: Jekonomika, upravlenie. - 2018. - ¹ 8. - S. 4-11.
7. Semin, A.N. Monopolizm torgovyh setej i transnacional'nyh kompanij na agroprodovol'stvennom rynke strany: problemy i puti ih reshenija / A.N. Semin // Agroprodovol'stvennaja politika Rossii. - S. 29-34.
8. Tkach, A. Rasshirenie otechestvennogo rynka sel'skohozjajstvennoj produkcii kak jeksportnogo resursa Rossii / A. Tkach, O. Zhukova, A. Nechitajlov // Jekonomika sel'skogo hozjajstva Rossii. - 2017. - ¹ 1. - S. 25-30.
9. Uzun, V. Analiz realizacii gosprogrammy razvitija sel'skogo hozjajstva v 2017 godu / V. Uzun // Jekonomicheskoe razvitie Rossii. - 2018. - T. 25. - ¹ 6. - S. 32-35.
10. Papcov, A.G. Nacional'nyj i nadnacional'nyj urovni regulirovanija i napravlenija finansirovanija agrarnogo sektora ES / A.G. Papcov // APK: Jekonomika, upravlenie. - 2015. - ¹ 2. - S. 81-87.
11. Ushachev, I.G. Nauchnye aspekty razvitija infrastruktury na agroprodovol'stvennom rynke Rossii / I.G. Ushachev, N.D. Avarskij, N.A. Prolygina // Razvitie torgovli - vazhnejshij faktor importozameshhenija i obespechenija prodovol'stvennoj bezopasnosti strany // Sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. - 2015.
12. Strategija razvitija pishhevoj promyshlennosti Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda. Utverzhdena rasporjazheniem Pravitel'stva RF ot 17 aprelja 2012 g. ¹ 559-r.
13. Strategija razvitija rybnogo hozjajstva Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2030 goda. Utverzhdena prikazom Federal'nym agentstvom po rybolovstvu 30 marta 2018 g.
14. Strategija razvitija torgovli v Rossijskoj Federacii na 2015-2016 gody i period do 2020 g. Utverzhdena prikazom Minpromtorga Rossii ot 25 dekabrja 2014 g. N 2733.
15. Doktrina prodovol'stvennoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii. Utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 30janvarja 2010 g. ¹ 120.
16. Strategija nauchno-tehnologicheskogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii. Utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 1 dekabrja 2016 g. ¹ 642.
17. Federal'nyj zakon ot 20.12.2004 g. ¹ 166-FZ "Ob akvakul'ture (rybovodstve) i vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii".
18. Federal'nyj zakon ot 3.07.2016 g. ¹ 349-FZ "O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal'nyj zakon " O rybolovstve i sohranenii vodnyh biologicheskih resursov".
19. Materialy prezidiuma Gossoveta po voprosam razvitija rybohozjajstvennogo kompleksa ot 19 oktjabrja 2015 g.
20. "Federal'naja nauchno-tehnicheskaja programma razvitija sel'skogo hozjajstva na 2017-2025 gg." utverzhdena Postanovleniem Pravitel'stva RF ot 25 avgusta 2017 g. ¹ 996.
21. Gosudarstvennaja Programma Rossijskoj Federacii "Razvitie rybohozjajstvennogo kompleksa" utverzhdena Rasporjazheniem Pravitel'stva RF ot 7 marta 2013 g. ¹315-r.
Kolonchin Kirill Viktorovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences
All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography,
17, Verkhnyaya Krasnoselskaya Street, Moscow, 107140, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dibrova Z. N., Krylova A.P.The value of growth in grain production triticale for the country

P. 20-23 Key words
acreage; ñomparison; cultivation; efficiency; forecast; methods; regions; triticale; world

The grain complex of agricultural production in Russia requires the search for new ways of organizing production that would saturate the market with domestic, competitive agricultural products, to overcome the growth of imports, especially now, when the problem of import substitution and GDP growth in Russia is acute. Food security of the country depends mainly on the growth of production volumes that meet international standards and the requirements of the world market. One of the most important factors in the development of the country is the change in the structure of crops of grain and oilseeds. In recent years, the vector of the developed countries of the world is aimed at increasing arable land and the production of new crops from which it is possible to produce food and industrial products. Thus, such crops as soybeans, rapeseed, triticale, ginger, hemp, flax and others have received significant development. The relevance of the research topic is that the economic benefits of growing triticale grain in the regions of the country are proved. The object of this study is the methods and mechanisms of increasing the yield of triticale grain through the use of models of institutional structures. The subject of the study - the parameters of the volume of production and yield of grain triticale in the country. Substantiation of indicators of the forecast of grain production triticale were used such scientific methods as: analysis and synthesis, economic and mathematical, observation, statistical, comparative, hypothetical, informative, graphic, abstract and others. The scientific novelty of the study is to develop a method for calculating the volume of triticale grain until 2025 on the basis of increasing yields and growth rates of culture in the country. The main problem of this study is the need to increase the volume of production of triticale grain in the country as the most productive crop compared to wheat and rye. This statement determines the relevance of the chosen topic. The aim of the study is to develop recommendations to increase the zoned possibilities of cultivation of triticale grain and to determine the forecast until 2025.

1. Ansoff, I. Strategicheskoe upravlenie: sokr. per. s angl. /?nauch. red. i avt. predislovija L. I. Evenko. - M.: Jekonomika, 2011.
2. Tompson, A. A. Strategicheskij menedzhment. Iskusstvo razrabotki i realizacii strategii: Uchebnik: per. s angl. /?pod red. L. G. Zajceva, M. I. Sokolovoj / A. A. Tompson, A. A. Striklend. - M.: Banki i birzhi, JuNITI, 1998. - 139 s.
3. Ivanova, V. N. Importozameshhenie produkcii APK: faktory konkurentosposobnosti: monografija / V. N. Ivanova, S. A. Ivanov. - M.: Finansy i statistika. - 2014. - 216 s.
4. Rjabova, T. F. Institucional'nye osnovy formirovanija jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti strany / T. F. Rjabova // Jekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo. - 2015. - ¹ 11. - Ch. 1. - C. 117-122.
5. Chizhik, A. S. Zavisimost' konkurentosposobnosti predprijatija ot rosta kachestva produkcii v sovremennyh uslovijah / A. S. Chizhik // Jekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo. - 2014. - ¹ 1. - Ch. 3. -S. 434-438.
6. Gusev, V. V. Vozmozhnye scenarii razvitija prodovol'stvennoj problemy v Rossii / V. V. Gusev // Jekonomika sel'skohozjajstvennyh i pererabatyvajushhih predprijatij. - 2009. - ¹ 2. - S. 28-29.
7. Jazev, G. V. Sposoby importozameshhenija Rossii, protivodejstvujushhie sankcijam razvityh stran: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov po materialam Vtoroj Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet tehnologij i upravlenija im. K. G. Razumovskogo / G. V. Jazev, M. A. Sazonova. - Belgorod, 2016. - 46-52 c.
8. Minaeva, E. V. Teoreticheski-prikladnoe issledovanie resursosberezhenija na zernopererabatyvajushhih predprijatijah kak predposylka processa importozameshhenija / E. V. Minaeva // Mezhdunarodnye nauchnye issledovanija. International Scientific Researches. - 2016. - ¹ 3. - C. 139-141.
9. Federal'naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki [http://moezerno.ru / corn / wheat?/ tritikale-vidy- osobennosti-vozdelyvanie. html]
Dibrova Zhanna Nikolaevna, Candidate of Economics,
Krylova Alexandra Pavlovna
Moscow state University of technology and management named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU),
73, Zemlyanoy Val Str., Moscow, 109004

Lukin N. D., Degtyarev V. A., Plotnikov A. A., Sokolova M. L., Golionko E. O. State and the prospects of development of processing of potatoes on starch

P. 24-28 Key words
import substitution of potato starch; fibre in the food industry; proteinaceous concentrate sub-standard potatoes; rational use of potatoes

In 2018 potatoes harvest in the commodity sector made 6.9 million tons that is 200-230 thousand tons higher than the last year value. Production of potato starch in Russia is no more than 10 thousand tons while import, including modifications of starch, makes about 50 thousand tons annually. Production of starch and different types of potato products in a line-up "from the producer to the end user" is followed by the considerable losses of potato raw materials. In the logistic centers, which are engaged in preparation of potatoes for realization in retail chain stores when sorting and cleaning tubers about 15-20 % of sub-standard products are formed. Based on the volume of 3 to 10 thousand tons per year of sub-standard potatoes at the enterprises which are releasing potato product there are required the lines of potatoes processing developed by VNIIK on starch efficiency of 10-50 t / days. Such lines are necessary also for the agricultural organizations (AO) specializing in cultivation of potatoes and its processing for potato products. For import substitution of potato starch there are real opportunities to organize starch production in AO, at storages houses of food potatoes and at the potato products enterprises for receiving potato starch with low prime cost and high consumer properties. Special attention is paid to the production of by-products. What was accepted earlier as wastage needed to be utilized is considered as a source of additional income now. At by production of potato starch by a flow diagram with a hydroclone installation the by-products such as pulp and potato juice are received as a mixture of 7-8 % dry solids, which can be used as a fodder product. VNIIK conducts development of membranous technology of potato concentrating juice to receive a proteinaceous concentrate. The protein extracted from cellular juice is a product of high nutrition value. The fibre that is washed out and dried up can widely be used in the food industry. Increase of production capacity on production of potato starch on the basis of specialized productions and shops in potato producing farms practically excludes large-tonnage transportations of potatoes.

1. Kartofelevodstvo Rossii: realii, vozmozhnosti razvitiya //"Kartofel'naya sistema" - Mezhregional'nyj informacionno-analiticheskij zhurnal dlya professionalov agrobiznesa. - 06 noyabrya 2018. - ¹ 3
2. Tul'cheev, V. V. Racional'noe razmeshchenie proizvodstva kartofelya i vnedrenie resursosberegayushchih tekhnologij v kartofeleproduktovom podkomplekse / V. V. Tul'cheev, E. A. Simakov, N. D. Lukin // Ekonomika, trud, upravlenie v sel'skom hozyajstve. - 2011. - ¹ 4 (9).
3. Andreev, N. R. Osnovy proizvodstva nativnyh krahmalov / N. R. Andreev. - M.: Pishchepromizdat, 2001. - 289 s.
4. Andreev, N. R. Ispol'zovanie vtorichnyh resursov proizvodstva kartofeleproduktov v kachestve syr'ya dlya proizvodstva krahmala / N. R. Andreev [i dr.] // Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. - 2015. - T. 29. - ¹ 12. - S. 108-110.
5. Lovkis, Z. V. Kartofel' i kartofeleprodukty: nauka i tekhnologiya / Z. V. Lovkis [i dr.]. - Minsk: Belaruskaya navuka, 2008. - 537 s.
6. Lukin, N. D. Pererabotka othodov proizvodstva kartofel'nogo krahmala i kartofeleproduktov / N. D. Lukin [i dr.] // Sbornik dokladov VI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii "Sovershenstvovanie tekhnologij i oborudovaniya pishchevyh proizvodstv". - Minsk, 2007. - Ch. 2. - S. 84-85.
7. Sposob polucheniya krahmala iz kartofelya / Patent ¹ 2314319 RF Holmyanskij Yu. A., Degtyarev V. A. - 2005141186, opubl. 10.01.2008., Byul. 1
8. Mul'ticiklonnaya ustanovka / Patent ¹ 2600388 RF N. R. Andreev, T. R. Karpenko, I. V. Karpenko ¹ 2015126165 / 05. Zayavl. 01.07.2015, opubl. 20.10.2016, ¹ 29, Byul. 29.
Lukin Nikolay Dmitrievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Degtyarev Vladimir Alekseyevich,
Plotnikov Anatoly Arkhipovich,
Sokolova Marina Leonidovna,
Golionko Evgenia Olegovna
The All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products - FGBNU branch "FNTs of food systems by V. M. Gorbatov" of RAS,
11, Nekrasov str., Kraskovo, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region, 140051, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Labutina N. V., Babin Yu. V., Goryacheva E. D., Aksenova L. M., Kostyuchenko M. N.Dual education as a factor of modernization of the system of social partnership of higher education institutions, colleges and food and processing enterprise

P. 29-33 Key words
development of small and medium business; dual education; food and processing industry; informational and analytical materials; professional competence; scientific and methodological; social partnership

The strategy for the development of the food and processing industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2012 No. 559 p, determined that in order to develop innovative industry, it is necessary to create a multi-level training system based on the integration of the scientific and educational potential of food processing enterprises. and processing industry, research institutions, businesses. In this regard, the creation of a practice-oriented (dual) model of training in the conditions of interaction with small and medium-sized businesses on the example of the food and processing industry is an important task. The article deals with the issues of dual education as a factor in the modernization of the social partnership system of universities, colleges, businesses and enterprises of the food and processing industry. It is shown that the main problem of improving the quality of training of specialists lies in the gap between the requirements of the labor market and the competencies of future graduates of educational organizations, which is manifested in the lack of interrelation of the educational process with work experience. The elimination of these gaps will be facilitated by organizational and meaningful interaction between the educational organization and employers, which is effectively implemented in the conditions of dual education. As a result of a sociological study of the state and prospects of the dual model of learning, the criteria and levels of evaluation of the dual model of education were revealed. They were decisive for the development of scientific and methodological materials for the functioning of the practice-oriented (dual) model of training with the close cooperation of enterprises of the food and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex, business with universities and colleges. Theoretically substantiated and developed scientific and methodological, informational and analytical materials to ensure the functioning of the practice-oriented (dual) training model with the aim of further developing small business and medium business in the food and processing industries of the agro-industrial complex, taking into account the industry-specific enterprises and personnel preferences of employers.

1. Kompleks mer, napravlennyh na sovershenstvovanie sistemy srednego professional'nogo obrazovaniya na 2015-2020 gg. (Rasporyazhenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 3 marta 2015 g. a ¹ 349 r). [Elektronnyj resurs] / Ministerstvo nauki i obrazovaniya RF.
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3. Gosudarstvennaya programma Rossijskoj federacii "Razvitie obrazovaniya na 2013-2020 gody" (prinyata Postanovleniem pravitel'stva RF ot 15 aprelya 2014 g. ¹ 295 [Elektronnyj resurs] / Rossijskaya gazeta. - 2014. - 24 aprelya). Rezhim dostupa: http://www.rg.ru / 2014 /? 04 / 24 / obrazovanie-site-dok. html.
4. Balyhin, M. G. Napravleniya i mekhanizm peredachi tekhnologij v vysshej shkole Rossii i za rubezhom / M. G. Baly-hin // Problemy sovremennoj ekonomiki. Evrazijskij mezhdunarodnyj nauchno-analiticheskij zhurnal. - 2014. - ¹ 2 (50).
5. Balyhin, M. G. Formirovanie i opyt raboty kross-funkcional'noj komandy v vuze / M. G. Balyhin [i dr.] // Vysshee obrazovanie segodnya. - 2014. - ¹ 2. - S. 32-40.
6. Balykhin, M. PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES OF THE TEACHER IN THE SPHERE OF SMALL AGROINDUSTRIAL BUSINESSES. 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Palma de Mallorca (Spain), pp. 8459-8466. doi: 10.21125 / edulearn. 2018.1969.
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8. Bajdenko, V. I. Bolonskij process - poisk obshchnosti Evropejskih sistem obrazovaniya (proekt TUNING) / V. I. Bajdenko. - Issledovatel'skij centr problem kachestva, 2006. - 67 s.
9. Druzhinina, N. V. Mnogourovnevaya strukturnaya model' obucheniya s primeneniem distancionnyh obrazovatel'nyh tekhnologij v organizacii dopolnitel'nogo professional'nogo obrazovaniya / N. V. Druzhinina // Sibirskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. - 2014. - ¹ 4. - S. 113.
10. Kol'ga, V. V. Sovremennye modeli dual'nogo obrazovaniya tekhnikov vysokotekhnologichnoj otrasli / V. V. Kol'ga, M. A. Shuvalova // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. - 2015. - ¹ 1-1. URL: http://www.science-education.ru / 121-18103 (data obrashcheniya: 04.08.2017).
11. Zolotareva, N. M. Vzaimodejstvie professional'nogo obrazovaniya i biznesa - zalog kachestva podgotovki rabochih kadrov / N. M. Zolotareva // Professional'noe obrazovanie. - 2011. - ¹ 1. - S. 7-8.
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13. Labutina, N. V. Informacionnaya gramotnost' i dopolnitel'nye professional'nye programmy - reshenie zanyatosti naseleniya v sfere malogo biznesa / N. V. Labutina [i dr.] // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ya. - 2017. - ¹ 11. - S. 5-8.
14. Labutina, N. V. Formirovanie profilej professional'nyh kompetencij pedagoga, realizuyushchego dopolnitel'nye programmy v sfere samozanyatosti, razvitii malogo biznesa i informacionnoj gramotnosti / N. V. Labutina [i dr.] // Pishchevaya promyshlennost'. - 2018. - ¹ 11. - S. 40-43.
15. Pyatachenko, A. M. Formirovanie konkurentnoj sredy kak neobhodimoe uslovie razvitiya malogo biznesa / A. M. Pyatachenko // Strategiya predpriyatiya v kontekste povysheniya ego konkurentosposobnosti. - 2016. - T. 1. - ¹ 5. - S. 133-135.
16. Shuvalova, M. A. Formirovanie professional'nyh kompetencij tekhnikov vysokotekhnologichnoj otrasli v dual'nom obrazovanii: dis. … kand. ped. nauk. - Krasnoyarsk: KGPU, 2016. - 16 s.
Labutina Natal'ya Vasil'evna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Babin Yurij Vladimirovich, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor,
Goryacheva Elena Davidovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Moscow State University of food production,
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080,
Aksenova Larisa Mihajlovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of RAS
All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Canning Technology - a branch of the Federal Science Center for Food Systems V. M. Gorbatova,
78, Shkolnaya str., Vidnoe, Moscow region, 142703,
Kostyuchenko Marina Nikolaevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Scientific Research Institute of Baking Industry,
26À, Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya str., Moscow, 107553, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prosekov A. Ju.Food security in post-perestroika Russia: hidden famine

P. 34-37 Key words
food crisis; food production; food security; government regulation; market economy; nutritional value; quality standards

In the post-perestroika period, when the transition from planned to market economy passed, the domestic production sphere was in deep crisis which resulted mass unemployment and led to significant reduction of income for general population. Consumer basket minimized because of the food shortage caused by the crisis of the agricultural sector. According to statistics, there was not only a quantitative reduction of food intake, but the replacement of expensive and scarce products to cheaper ones, the proportion of animal products reduced and sugar, and consumption of grains and potatoes increased. So socio-economic changes in the country caused an imbalance of nutrients in the diet of Russians. Political stability of 2000 years has led to economic growth, including the agricultural sector. Pre-reform level of agricultural production was reached, food shortages disappeared. However, the problem of healthy nutrition of the Russians remains to the present day. In the 1990s, there was a phenomenon of the so-called 'hidden hunger' - deficiency of valuable nutrients caused not by lack of food but its low quality. The importance of this problem is shown by actions on food security taken at the government level. The need for government regulation of the food industry is demonstrated by the situation of grain production in Russia. Its quantity ensures a high level of exports, however, the quality of cultivated wheat has fallen considerably compared to the pre-perestroika period. There is a need to control the quality of other foods along with the security regulations require physic-chemical properties, organoleptic and food value.

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4. Skopinceva E. Kachestvennye muka i zerno ne polzujutsja sprosom v Rossii [The quality grain and flour are not in demand in Russia] / E. Skopinceva // Internet-portal "Ekonomika i zhizn". URL: https: //www.eg-online.ru / article / 329676 / .
5. O hode realizacii Strategii razvitija pishhevoj i pererabatyvajushhej promyshlennosti Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda [About the implementation of the development Strategy of food and processing industry of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020] // http://www.council.gov.ru / activity / activities / roundtables / 78393 /
6. Rekomendacii parlamentskih slushanij "Obespechenie prodovolstvennoj bezopasnosti v subektah rossijskoj Federacii kak faktor obespechenija nacional'noj bezopasnosti" [The recommendations of the parliamentary hearings "Ensuring food security in the Russian Federation as a factor of ensuring national security"] // http://barda-rayon.ru / upload / versions / 23608 / 108560 / rekomend_parl_slushaniy.pdf
Prosekov Aleksandr Jur'evich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor RAS
Kemerovo State University,
6, Krasnaya Street, Kemerovo, 650000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Puchkova T. S., Pihalo D. M., Varicev P. Yu. Use of ion exchange resins for cleaning inulin-containing syrups from Jerusalem artichoke

P. 38-42 Key words
anion resin; cation resin; inulin-containing syrup; ion exchange purification; Jerusalem artichoke; purification results; resins; resin performance; syrup color

Great attention is paid to the technological development of natural substitutes for high-calorie food products. Inulin is one of the best well-known functional ingredients widely used in the food industry and for direct consumption by the population. Currently, there is no production of inulin in Russia. According to the technique of processing of inulin-containing products for inulin developed by ARRI for Starch Products, the final stage is based on ion-exchange resin purification, which provides demineralization, removal of proteins, coloring substances and other undesirable impurities from syrups. For this study, the goal was the ion-exchange purification of inulin syrup from Jerusalem artichoke done for the first time with Purolite® (USA) resins. The quality of the feed inulin syrup was several times lower than that of standard sugary starch products. Hence, the load on ion-exchange resins during purification of these inulin-containing syrups increases dramatically. The proposed set-up of ion-exchange syrup purification consists of 2 stages: C1 + A1 + C2 + A2. Despite the high content of impurities present in the initial product, ion-exchange syrup filtration was found to have a high purification effect and the following finished product parameters were observed: color - no more than 0.5 OD units; mass fraction of proteins - no more than 0.5 %; mass fraction of ash - no more than 0.2 %. The conducted research showed Purolite C150 cation resin and Purolite A103S anion resin meet the requirements for purification of inulin-containing syrups and can be used to facilitate the production of inulin from Jerusalem artichoke.

1. Perkovec, M. V. Vlijanie inulina i oligofruktozy na snizhenie riska nekotoryh "boleznej civilizacii" / M. V. Perkovec // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2007. - ¹ 5. - S. 22-23.
2. Zaldariene S. The quality comparison of tubers of different Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) cultivars // Zemesukiomokslai. - 2012. - Vol. 19. ¹ 4. - P. 268-272.
3. Van Ostende, P. Innovacionnye pishhevye produkty na osnove inulina i oligofruktozy / P. Van Ostende // Materialy Mezhdunarodnogo foruma "Pishhevye ingredienty v produktah pitanija XXI veka". - M., 2001. - S. 25.
4. Titov, L. M. Tehnologija inulina: osnovnye tendencii razvitija otrasli i spornye voprosy / L. M. Titov, I. Ju. Aleksanjan // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2016. - ¹ 1. - S. 46-51.
5. Lisovoj, V. V. Sovremennye sposoby proizvodstva inulina iz rastitel'nogo syr'ja / V. V. Lisovoj [i dr.] // Nauchnyj zhurnal KubGAU. - 2016. - ¹ 118 (04). - S. 1-14.
6. Guljuk, N. G. O tehnologii koncentrata inulina iz topinambura / N. G. Guljuk [i dr.] // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2015. - ¹ 12. - S. 37-39.
7. Guljuk, N. G. Pererabotka inulinsoderzhashhego syr'ja na inulin i ego proizvodnye. /?N. G. Guljuk [i dr.] // Dostizhenija nauki i tehniki APK. - 2017. - T. 31. - ¹ 3. - S. 76-79.
8. Guljuk, N. G. Ob ochistke jekstrakta iz inulinsoderzhashhego syr'ja / N. G. Guljuk [i dr.] // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2017. - ¹ 2. - S. 24-26.
9. Lukin, N. D. Ionoobmennaja ochistka siropov iz kukuruznogo krahmala / N. D. Lukin [i dr.] // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2017. - ¹ 11. - S. 21-25.
10. Lukin, N. D. Primenenie ionoobmennyh smol dlja ochistki gljukozno-fruktoznyh siropov / N. D. Lukin [i dr.] // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2018. - ¹ 4. - S. 18-22.
11. Lukin, N. D. Tehnologicheskij kontrol' proizvodstva saharistyh krahmaloproduktov: Metodicheskoe posobie / N. D. Lukin [i dr.]. - M.: Rossel'hozakademija, 2007. - S. 261.
Puchkova Tatiana Sergeevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Pikhalo Danija Mustafievna,
Varitsev Petr Yuryevich
The All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products - FGBNU branch "FNTs of food systems of V. M. Gorbatov" of RAS,
11, Nekrasova str., Kraskovo village, Lyuberetsky district, Moscow region, 140051, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Golubeva L. V., Pozhidaeva E. A., Dar'in A. O., Svistula A. V. Development of the technology of obtaining a structuring additive for frozen dairy products

P. 43-45 Key words
antifreeze proteins; dairy products; ice content; structuring additive

Refer heterogeneity, existence of lumps of fat, the stabilizer, emulsifier, parts of protein and lactose, ice crystals to defects of structure of the frozen dairy products. To the most widespread defects of ice cream significantly reducing his quality are "grubokristallichesky structure" which is result of undesirable education column äåíäðèòíûõ forms of crystals of ice. Growth of crystals is observed in storage time and transportations when small crystals of ice thaw, and water migrates to the next crystals on which it freezes. Use of the structuring proteins in technology of the frozen dairy products is of interest to prevention of growth of crystals of ice. The structuring proteins reduce freezing temperature, modify or stop growth of crystals of ice, inhibit recrystallization. These proteins in the freezing systems don't prevent freezing, and control the size, a form and aggregation of crystals of ice. In this regard the new term "ice-the structuring proteins" has been offered (ice-structuring proteins - ISPs). The new functional ingredients capable to control formation of ice and its structure which production is economically expedient and also are studied provides quality indicators of the frozen dairy products during the transporting and storage. Use of antifrizny proteins can potentially provide revolutionary innovations in the field of the frozen dairy products. In the course of the researches sources of the structuring proteins have been considered. In production of the frozen dairy products phytogenesis raw materials introduction is admissible. As the studied samples grains of winter grades have been chosen. In work the amino-acid composition of seeds of wheat, physical and chemical indicators is studied and presented and also microbiological indicators of the developed vegetable additive are presented.

1. Barrett, J. Thermal hysteresis proteins // Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. - 2001. - Vol. 33, Issue 2. - P. 105-117.
2. Kolesnichenko, A. V. Stressovyj belok BHSh 310: harakteristika i funkcii v rastitel'noj kletke / A. V. Kolesnichenko [i dr.] // SO RAN. Sibirskij Institut Fiziologii i Biohimii Rastenij (SIFIBR). - Irkutsk: Art-Press, 2004. - 225 s.
3. Fei, Y. B., Cao P. X., Gao S. Q. et al. Purification and structure analysis of antifreeze proteins from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus // Prep. Biochem. Biotech-nol. - 2008. - Vol. 38, ¹ 2. - P. 172-183.
4. Kazakov, E. D. Biohimija zerna i hleboproduktov / E. D. Kazakov, G. P. Karpilenko // - SPb.: GIORD, 2005. - 512 s.
5. Gulevskij, A. K. Antifriznye belki. Soobshhenie II. Rasprostranenie v prirode / A. K. Gulevskij, L. I. Relina // Problemy kriobiologii. - 2009. - T.19. - ¹ 2. - S. 121-136.
6. SanPiN Gigienicheskie trebovanija bezopasnosti i pishhevoj cennosti pishhevyh produktov. 2001.
Golubeva Lyubov Vladimirovna, Doctor of Technical sciences, Professor,
Pozhidaeva Ekaterina Anatolievna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Dar'in Alexey Olegovich,
Svistula Alexander Vasilyevich
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies,
19, Revolution Avenue, Voronezh, 394036, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;

Osipov M. V., Rudenko O. S., Parashina F. I., Petrova N. A., Yuzhakova K. V.; Savenkova T. V.Change of the content of vitamins in the manufacture and storage of flour confectionery products

P. 46-49 Key words
vitamin B1; vitamin B2; vitamin E; fats; sugar cookies

The influence of the composition and properties of the fat fraction of flour confectionery products made on various fats of vegetable origin on the content of vitamins during storage was studied. The objects of research were model samples of sugar cookies made using palm, sunflower oils and margarine. The determination of vitamins B1, B2, E was performed by the fluorescence method. It was established that the smallest losses of vitamins were in cookies made on palm oil, which accounted for after 6 months of storage at 20 ° C for vitamins B1-90 %, B2-82 %, E - 58 %. Loss of vitamins B1, B2, E in cookies based on sunflower oil was 100 %, 95 %, 90 %, respectively. When using margarine, the loss of vitamins B1, B2, E was 90 %, 87 %, 83 %, respectively. The influence of the content of saturated fatty acids in the used fat on the safety of vitamins B1, B2, E in the manufacture and storage of sugar cookies was investigated. It is established that with an increase in the content of saturated fatty acids in fat, the safety of vitamins increases by 40 % - 50 %. The greatest loss of vitamins was found in cookies made in sunflower oil, which may be due to its low oxidative stability compared to palm oil and the margarine studied. The content of peroxide compounds in sunflower oil is 1.5 times more, and the mass fraction of tocopherols is much less than in palm oil. It has been established that for the preservation of vitamins in the production and storage of sugar cookies, it is necessary to use fats with a high induction period, with the highest content of saturated fatty acids and with a high content of natural antioxidants, which ensures a low level of peroxide compounds.

1. Spirichev, V. B. Obogashhenie pishhevyh produktov vitaminami i mineral'nymi veshhestvami. Nauka i Tehnologija / V. B. Spirichev, L. N. Shatnjuk, V. M. Poznjakovskij. - Novosibirsk: Sibirskoe universitetskoe izdatel'stvo, 2005. - 548 s.
2. Nechaev, A. P. Pishhevaja himija / A. P. Nechaev [i dr.]. - 5 e izd., ispr. i dop. - SPb.: Giord, 2012. - 672 c.
3. Kondrat'ev, N. B. Izmenenie zakonomernostej soderzhanija vitaminov v processe proizvodstva i hranenija konditerskih izdelij / N. B. Kondrat'ev [i dr.] // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2014. - ¹ 1. - S. 33-35.
4. Kondrat'ev, N. B. Ocenka kachestva konditerskih izdelij. Povyshenie sohrannosti konditerskih izdelij / N. B. Kondrat'ev. - M.: Pero, 2015. - 250 s.
5. Zajceva, L. V. Zhiry i masla: sovremennye podhody k modernizacii tradicionnyh tehnologij / L. V. Zajceva, A. P. Nechaev. - M.: DeLi pljus, 2013. - 152 s.
6. Ipatova, L. G. Zhirovye produkty dlja zdorovogo pitanija. Sovremennyj vzgljad / L. G. Ipatova [i dr.]. - M.: DeLi print, 2009. - 396 s.
7. Receptury na pechen'e / utv. zam. nach. otdela pishhevoj promyshlennosti GOSAGROPROMA SSSR Makarovym A. T. - Moskva, 1987 g. - 248 s.
8. Metodika opredelenija massovoj doli vitamina V1 v zhirosoderzhashhih konditerskih izdelijah, MVI 56-00334675-2017.
9. Metodika opredelenija massovoj doli vitamina V2 v zhirosoderzhashhih konditerskih izdelijah, MVI 57-00334675-2017.
10. Metodika opredelenija massovoj doli tokoferolov v syr'e i polufabrikatah shokoladnogo proizvodstva, MVI 04-00334675-99.
Osipov Maksim Vladimirovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Rudenko Oksana Sergeevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Parashina Faina Ivanovna, Candidate of Chemical Sciences,
Petrova Natal'ya Aleksandrovna,
Yuzhakova Kseniya Viktorovna,
Savenkova Tat'yana Valentinovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of the Confectionery Industry - a branch of the Federal Research Center for Food Systems V. M. Gorbatov RAS,
building 3, 20, Electrozavodskaya str., Moscow, 107023, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dementieva N.V., Pankina A.V., Boganov V.D., Sakharova O.V., Fedoseeva E.V.The study of functional and technological properties of mackerel and terpuga

P. 50-53 Key words
emulsifying ability; enzyme activity; functional and technological properties; mackerel, terpug; water-holding capacity

The main fishing grounds in far Eastern waters in 2017 steel salmon, Pollack, mackerel, Pacific herring, sardine, true sardine, saury, Atka mackerel. According to forecasts, in 2018 it is expected to increase the catch of these commercial fish species, which necessitates the search for ways to process them. The use of the necessary technological methods to ensure the production of high quality products is directly related to the functional and technological properties of the feedstock. Their study allows us to further choose a rational processing technology aimed at ensuring the high quality of the finished product. The aim of the research work was a comparative study of the functional and technological properties of Japanese mackerel (lat. Scomber japonicas) and the rasp odnomernogo North (lat. Pleurogrammus monopterygius). The results of the studies show that the muscle tissue of the mackerel is characterized by high water-binding capacity, it is 100 %, its tissues contain virtually no free-bound moisture. Water-holding capacity of the rasp is much lower-63 %. After heat treatment (a measure of force) fish meat loses a sufficient amount of water is 19.7 % mackerel and 20.2 % Atka mackerel, which is associated with denaturation changes in proteins, resulting in water-holding capacity of these fish, far below its weight in water. From mackerel VUS higher (55.7 %) than in the rasp (49.8 %), which is associated with a higher vodosvyatiya the ability of the muscle tissue of mackerel. The peculiarity of mackerel meat is a low pH (5.5) of meat, due to the high content of histidine in the mackerel. Application as an emulsifier of ice cream mackerel and terpug allows to obtain emulsion systems with high emulsifying ability, i. e. freezing does not significantly reduce the ability of high-molecular components of fish to good retention of the fat phase in the dispersed system. It was experimentally established that the amount of amine nitrogen in the muscle tissue of the skuimbria is 1.4 g / kg, and in the terpug 0.7 g / kg, it shows that the activity of enzymes of the muscular tissue of the mackerel is twice higher than that of the terpug, so it can be predicted that the mackerel when salted will Mature faster than the terpug. The studies show the prospects of using mackerel and terpug in the production of a wide range of fish products, including for the production of semi-finished products.

1. http://www.fish.gov.ru / component / tags / tag / 707 skumbriya (data obrashhenija 04. 04. 2018).
2. http://www.fish.gov.ru / … / 19870 vylov- sajry-skumbrii-i- ivasi-prevysil-22-6 tys- ton (data obrashhenija 04. 04. 2018).
3. https://www.eastrussia.ru / … / obem- vylova- ryby-v-dalnevostochnom-bassey-ne - v-2017g-sokratilsya-neznachitelno?/ ?(data obrashhenija 04. 04. 2018).
4. Safronova, T. M. Tehnologija kompleksnoj pererabotki gidro-biontov / T. M. Safronova [i dr.]. - Vladivostok, 2002. - 512 s.
5. Antipova, L. V. Metody issledovanija mjasa i mjasnyh produktov / L. V. Antipova, I. A. Glotova, I. A. Rogov - M.: KolosS, 2004. - 571 s.
6. Dement'eva, N. V. Sravnitel'noe issledovanie tehnohimicheskih i funkcional'no-tehnologicheskih svojstv molok promyslovyh ryb / N. V. Dement'eva, E. Ju. Voropaeva // - Izv. TINRO. - 2014. - T. 179. - S. 279-286.
7. GOST 32366-2013. Ryba morozhenaja. Tehnicheskie uslovija - M.: Standartinform, 2013.
8. Repnikov, B. T. Tovarovedenie i biohimija rybnyh tovarov: monogra-fija. - M.: Nauchnaja kniga, 2010. - 340 s.
9. Tereshhenko, V. P. Himija pishhevogo syr'ja / V. P. Tereshhenko. - Kaliningrad, 2004. - 144 s.
10. Dement'eva, N. V. Issledovanie tehnologicheskih pokazatelej ikry sel'di tihookeanskoj / N. V. Dement'eva, V. D. Bogdanov // Vestnik MGTU. - 2017. - T. 20. - ¹ 3. - C. 589-599.
11. Neish, I. C. Eucheuma sea plunt commerce: how value chains link farmers to end users / SEAPlant. Net Technical Monograph ¹ 0105-5B. - 2005. - 23 p.
12. Kromhout, D. Prevention of coronary heart disease by diet and lifestyle: evidense from prospective cross-cultural, cohort and intervention studies / D. Kromhout [et all] // Circulation. - 2002. - Vol. 105. - ¹ 7. - P. 893-898.
Dement'eva Natalya Valer'evna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Pankina Anna Valer'evna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Bogdanov Valerij Dmitrievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Saharova Olga Valentinovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Fedoseeva Elena Vladimirovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University,
52 B, Lugovaya str., Vladivostok, 690087, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dubodel N.P., Selina I.V., Sozinova M.S., Kozlov V.I.Research of content of nitrogen in beer of various grain and raw materials with different sugar contain

P. 54-58 Key words
barley brewing; content of the general nitrogen beer; corn grits; density of an initial mash; grain rice; malt brewing barley; malted grain and sugar containing raw materials; treacle maltose

It is known that proteolysis products which are a part of extractive substances of a beer mash are of great importance for formation of flavoring and foamy properties of finished beer. Influence of various grain and sugar containing raw materials on the content of the general nitrogen in finished beer is considered. When carrying out researches as grain raw materials have been used: barley malt for brewing, brewing barley, corn grits, rice grain, treacle maltose in various ratios by production of light beer of lower and upper fermentation, dark beer of lower and upper fermentation and also wheat beer with various density of an initial mash. Researches were conducted for the purpose of definition of change of content of the general nitrogen in beer with various density of an initial mash: - brewing of light, dark and wheat beer with laying of various amount of non malted, and sugar containing raw materials and their combinations to an extract contain of an initial mash from 8 to 22 % for light beer, from 10 to 22% - for dark beer and from 11 to 15 % - for wheat beer. It is shown that with increase in density of an initial mash the content of the general nitrogen increases in beer, and in all samples this dependence has almost rectilinear character. It is confirmed that the content of the general nitrogen in beer depends on an extract contain of an initial mash, the technological modes of production and ways of processing of finished beer. It is proved that in the course of production of beer there is a decrease in content of the general nitrogen in comparison with an initial mash nitrogen content for 38-40 %.

1. Kunce, V. Tehnologija soloda i piva / V. Kunce. - SPb.: Professija, 2009. - 1064 s.
2. Gernet, M. V. Issledovanie vlijanija sostava syr'ja na kachestvo i bezopasnost' gotovogo piva / M. V. Gernet [i dr.] // Pivo i napitki. - 2015. - ¹ 3. - S. 34-38.
3. Tehnologicheskaja instrukcija po proizvodstvu soloda i piva. - M.: CNIITJeIPIShhEPROM, 1975. - 115 s.
4. Analitika - EBC 9.9.1 Total Nitrogen in Beer: Kjeldahl Method.
5. Mal'cev, P. M. Himiko-tehnologicheskij kontrol' proizvodstva soloda i piva / P. M. Mal'cev [i dr.]. - M.: Pishhevaja promyshlennost', 1976. - 446 s.
Dubodel Nina Pavlovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Selina Irina Vasil'evna,
Sozinova Marina Sergeevna,
Kozlov Valeriy Ivanovich
All-Russian Research Institute of brewing, beverage and wine industry - branch Federal Science Center of food systems by V. M. Gorbatov of RSA,
7, Rossolimo str., Moscow, 119021, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Khvorova L.S.Issues of crystallization of food hydrate glucose

P. 59-63 Key words
ñrystallization; glucose anhydrous; glucose hydrate; seeds

The article is devoted to the technology of obtaining crystalline hydrated glucose for food purposes. The quality of glucose produced for the food industry is evaluated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 975-88. Glucose is used in the confectionery industry, in the manufacture of jam, jams, ice cream, in the formulation of energy drinks. Glucose in hydrated form crystallizes at temperatures below 50 0 C with a single molecule of water crystallization, which corresponds to 9 % moisture in it. Depending on the catalysts used for the hydrolysis of starch, syrups are obtained with varying degrees of hydrolysis, characterized by a glucose equivalent (GE). Hydrated glucose crystallizes from syrups with GE from 99 to 80 %. When hydrolysis of starch with acid, syrups with GE 89-90 % are obtained. For the crystallization of glucose from them use a two-product scheme Hydrol, obtained by centrifugation of the second product, has GE 70 % and is used for technical purposes. The technology is characterized by low technical and economic indicators. Syrups of acid-enzymatic hydrolysis of starch are obtained by acid and enzymes. They have a higher degree of hydrolysis, the value of their GE reaches 94.5-95 %. For the crystallization of such syrups, a single-stage crystallization with a partial return of edema to the saccharified syrup is developed. The impoverishment of the syrup in this case is almost the same compared to the crystallization of these syrups in a two-product scheme to 80 % GE. The resulting glucose and green molasses with GE 80 % implemented for use in the food and microbiological industry. The highest degree of starch hydrolysis is achieved with a double enzymatic method of hydrolysis. The syrups have GE 98-98,5 %. For the crystallization of glucose, the most effective is a three-product scheme with the crystallization of two products in anhydrous form, the crystallization rate of which is 5 times higher than that of hydrate. In this case, anhydrous glucose crystallizes for 6 hours for the first product and 10 hours for the second product. Hydrated glucose is the third product kristallizuetsya syrup with GE 91 % for 70 h. The crystallization is conducted by cooling of the massecuite from 45 to 28 °Ñ. The raw glucose obtained during centrifugation is dried and packaged, and the edema is realized in the form of green molasses with GE 80 %. As the seeds upon receipt of hydrated glucose is used small crystals of the hydrated glucose, moistened with propanolol, it helps to improve the conditions of crystallization, increases the useful volume of crystallizers, improves the quality of glucose.

1. Lysikov, Ju. A. Uglevody v klinicheskom pitanii / Ju. A. Lysikov // Jeksperimental'naja i klinicheskaja gastrojenterologija. - 2013. - ¹ 2. - S. 89-110.
2. Hvorova, L. S. Tehnologija proizvodstva farmakopejnoj i pishhevoj gljukozy / L. S. Hvorova // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2008. - ¹ 6. - S. 56.
3. Andreev, N. R. Novyj produkt dlja sportsmenov - gljukozo-vitaminnaja pomadka / N. R. Andreev, L. S. Hvorova, V. S. Fonin // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2011. - ¹ 5. - S. 40-41.
4. Plamb, Donal'd K. Farmakologicheskie preparaty v veterinarnoj medicine. - M: Akvarium-Print, 2016. - 1060 s.
5. Rall', S. F. Proizvodstvo pishhevoj gljukozy i kristallizacija kak osnovnoj process ejo poluchenija //Avtoref. dis. dokt. tehn. nauk. - M. - 1947. - 49 s.
6. Sadovyj, I. E. Zavisimost' skorosti kristallizacii gljukozy ot osnovnyh fizicheskih faktorov / I. E. Sadovyj // ZhPH. - 1953. - T. HHU1. - ¹ 9. - S. 949-959.
7. Hvorova, L. S. Issledovanie svojstv gljukoznyh utfelej i uslovij kristallizacii pervogo produkta // Avtoref. dis. kand. tehn. nauk. - M., 1969. - 21 s.
8. Hvorova, L. S. Kristallizacija gljukozy iz siropov, osaharennyh fermentami / L. S. Hvorova, N. N. Tregubov, G. V. Tishhenko-Romanchenko // Saharnaja promyshlennost'. - 1980. - ¹ 11. - S. 47-50.
9. Ladur, T. A. Nauchnye osnovy i prakticheskoe primenenie biokonversii pri proizvodstve saharistyh produktov iz krahmala // Diss. dokt. tehn. nauk v vide nauchnogo doklada - M., 1992. - 60 s.
10. Guljuk, N. G. Nauchnoe obosnovanie i razrabotka usovershenstvovannoj i novoj bezothodnoj tehnologii gljukozy // Avtoref. dis. dokt. tehn. nauk. - M., 1984. - 47 s.
11. Guljuk, N. G. Vnedrenie sposoba odnostadijnoj kristallizacii gljukozy na Verhnedneprovskom krahmalo-patochnom kombinate / N. G. Guljuk [i dr.] // Saharnaja promyshlennost'. - 1986. - ¹ 7. - S. 48-50.
12. Hvorova, L. S. Kristallizacija gljukozy iz siropov kislotno-fermentativnogo gidroliza krahmala / L. S. Hvorova // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2008. - ¹ 8. - S. 52-53.
13. Hvorova, L. S. Sposob poluchenija gljukozy / L. S. Hvorova [i dr.] // Patent na izobretenie RUS 2314351 18.07.2006 Opubl. 10.01.2008. Bjul. ¹ 1.
14. Lukin, N. D. Ionoobmennaja ochistka siropov iz kukuruznogo krahmala / N. D. Lukin, T. S. Puchkova, D. M. Pihalo // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2017. - ¹ 11. - S. 21-25.
15. Hvorova, L. S. Issledovanie uslovij kristallizacii gidratnoj gljukozy iz siropov, poluchennyh s primeneniem fermentov / L. S. Hvorova // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2008. - ¹ 6. - S. 48-49.
16. Andreev, N. R. Kristallizacija angidridnoj gljukozy v politermicheskih uslovija / N. R. Andreev, L. S. Hvorova, O. S. Selezneva // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2014. - ¹ 1. - S. 13-14.
17. Hvorova, L. S. Trehproduktovaja tehnologicheskaja shema poluchenija gljukozy s kristallizaciej dvuh produktov v angidridnoj forme / L. S. Hvorova // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2017. - ¹ 9. - S. 44-46.
18. Sposob poluchenija zatravochnoj suspenzii dlja kristallizacii gljukozy. Hvorova L. S., Andreev N. R., Baranova L. V., Gomenjuk V. A. // Patent RU 2654242. 06.10.2016. Opubl. 17.05.2018.
Khvorova Ludmila Stepanjvna, Doctor of Technical Sciences
All-Russian research Institute of starch products is a branch of the Federal RESEARCH center for food systems. V. M. Gorbatov" RAS,
11, Nekrasova str., Kraskovo, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region, 140051, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Omarov R.S., Shlykov S.N., Antipova L.V.Expanding the potential of using the blood of slaughtered animals to create anti-anemic food

P. 64-67 Key words
antianemic products; blood of slaughter animals; iron deficiency; hydrolysis; preventive nutrition

Iron deficiency is one of the most common pathologies of modern mankind, in view of the huge role of iron in the human body. In particular, iron-containing proteins transport electrons in the respiratory chain, iron is necessary for DNA synthesis, growth and multiplication of cells. This justifies the prospects of producing preventive products for people with iron deficiency anemia based on the main source of organic iron for humans - the blood of farm animals. This article examines the results of experimental studies of methods of hemolysis of blood cells for slaughter animals with the aim of obtaining a functional component suitable for creating anti-anemic products based on various food products. As the most optimal, the acid method of hemolysis was chosen, using ascorbic acid. The various parameters of introducing volumes and concentrations of ascorbic acid from the position of obtaining the product with the most advantageous composition and properties were studied. It has been found that the application of ascorbic acid with a molar concentration of 0.75 mol / dm3 provides the desired physicochemical, organoleptic and functional-technological properties of the final product with a degree of hemoglobin oxidation of about 50 %. The finished functional component of hemolyzed blood cells is characterized by a good balance of amino acid composition, a high content of organic iron, and the ability to stabilize various food dispersed systems. This allows us to recommend its use both in the development of preventive meat products, and in the production of imitation confectionery products.

1. Antipova, L. V. Sozdanie antianemicheskih produktov na osnove vtorichnyh produktov mjasopererabatyvajushhej otrasli [Creation of anti-anemic products based on secondary products of meat processing industry] / L. V. Antipova [åt all] // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. - 2008. - ¹ 6. - p. 123.
2. Antipova, L. V. Metody issledovanija mjasa i mjasoproduktov [Methods for researching meat and meat products] / L. V. Antipova, I. A. Glotova, I. A. Rogov. - M.: Kolos, 2004. - 571 p.
3. Uspenskaja, M. E. Antianemicheskie produkty pitanija s ispol'zovaniem krovi ubojnyh zhivotnyh [Anti-anemic food using blood from slaughter animals] // M. E. Uspenskaja [åt all] // Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta inzhenernyh tehnologij. 2013. - ¹ 4 (58). - p. 151-153.
4. Izgaryshev, A. V. Podbor parametrov kislotnogo gidroliza jeritrocitarnoj massy krovi KRS i svin'I [Selection of parameters for acid hydrolysis of erythrocytic mass of blood of cattle and pigs] // A. V. Izgaryshev, O. V. Kriger, A. P. Lapin // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija. - 2013. - ¹ 1. - p. 419.
5. Sizenko, E. I. Nauchnoe obespechenie pererabotki zhivotnovodcheskogo syr'ja i proizvodstva produktov pitanija vysokogo kachestva [Scientific provision of processing of livestock raw materials and production of high quality food products] // Dostizhenija nauki i tehniki APK. - 2007. - ¹ 10. - S. 33-37.
6. Fajvishevskij, M. L. Netradicionnye tehnologii pererabotki i ispol'zovanija pishhevoj krovi ubojnyh zhivotnyh [Non-traditional technologies for processing and using food blood from slaughter animals] // Vse o mjase. - 2006. - ¹ 1. - p. 14-17.
7. Nowak, B. Porcine blood cell concentrates for food products: hygiene, composition, and preservation / B. Nowak, T. von Mueffling // Journal of Food Protection. - 2006. - vol. 69. - p. 2183-2192.
8. Gonzalez-Rosendo, G. Bioavailability of a heme-iron concentrate product added to chocolate biscuit filling in adolescent girls living in a rural area of Mexico / G. Gonzalez-Rosendo // Journal of Food Science. - 2010. - vol. 75. - p. H73-H78.
Omarov Ruslan Saferbegovich, Candidate of Technical Aciences
Shlykov Sergey Nikolaevich, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Stavropol State Agrarian University,
355017, Russia, Stavropol, Zootekhnicheskiy ln., 12, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Antipova Lyudmila Vasilyevna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies,
394036, Russia, Voronezh, Revolyutsii av., 19, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Prohorov A. A., Ermolaeva E. O. Development of the safety management system based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points approach at blood sausages production

P. 68-73 Key words
blood sausages; critical control points; dangerous factors; food safety management system; HACCP system; safety

In accordance with the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020, it is urgent to develop and introduce modern technologies and organizational and management solutions aimed at improving the safety, quality and competitiveness of food products. Enterprises of the food industry, operating in today's tough market conditions, with active competition and the existing problem of limiting resources, are faced with the tasks of ensuring the stability of the functioning of production. The enterprises are interested in the production of safe products in order to satisfy not only the requirements of the legislation (TR TC 021 / 2011 "On Food Safety", Article 10, but also the branch technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union), but also consumer preferences. On this basis, enterprises need to develop and apply a quality management system and food safety. The principles of HACCP are the main aspects of food safety management. The authors of this work, as the basic basis for the development of the food safety management system, chose GOST R ISO 22000, which used the analysis of the production process of blood sausages in accordance with the aspects of product safety and quality assurance. The result was the development of a flowchart for the production of blood sausages; requirements for raw materials and packaging materials for the production of blood sausages; the product description is formed; established and described biological, chemical and physical factors that are characteristic for the process of production of blood sausages, and control procedures are also defined; a risk assessment was carried out for the severity of the consequences and the likelihood of occurrence, identified unacceptable risks; on the basis of data on unacceptable risks, using the expert method and the decision tree, critical checkpoints (CCPs) were identified, as a result of which one CCP was installed in the "smoking" stage and documented as a HACCP plan: critical limits, monitoring procedure, corrective action, forms of verification and records, developed mandatory preliminary activities. The result of the study is a developed set of documentation for a food safety management system.

1. Produkty pishchevye. Informaciya dlya potrebitelya. Obshchie trebovaniya: GOST R 51074-2003; vved. 29.12.2003.
2. Matison, V. A. Principy analiza riska v pishchevyh sistemah / V. A. Matison [i dr.] // Pishchevaya promyshlennost'. - 2014. - ¹ 9. - S. 36-38.
3. TR TS 021 / 2011. Tekhnicheskij reglament Tamozhennogo soyuza "O bezopasnosti pishchevyh produktov": utv. Resheniem Komissii Tamozhennogo soyuza ot 9 dek. 2011 g.
4. Taylor, E. HACCP in small companies: benefit or burden? / E. Taylor // Food Control. - 2001. - Vol. 12 (4). - P. 217-222.
5. GOST R ISO 22000-2007. Sistemy menedzhmenta bezopasnosti pishchevoj produkcii. Trebovaniya k organizaciyam, uchastvuyushchim v cepi sozdaniya pishchevoj produkcii. - M.: Standartinform, 2012. - 36 s.
6. GOST R 51705.1-2001. Sistemy kachestva. Upravlenie kachestvom pishchevyh produktov na osnove principov HASSP. Obshchie trebovaniya. - M.: Standartinform, 2009. - 12 s.
7. Faergemand, J. ISO 22000 to ensure integrity of food supply chain / J. Faergemand, D. Jespersen. // ISO Management Systems. - 2004, sept. -oct. - P. 21-24.
8. Poznyakovskij, V. M. Ekspertiza myasa i myasoproduktov / V. M. Poznyakovskij. - Novosibirsk: izdatel'stvo Novosibirskogo universiteta, 2001. - 526 s.
9. Davydova, R. Produkty iz krovi promyshlennyh zhivotnyh / R. Davydova // Myasnye tekhnologii. - 2011. - ¹ 3. - S. 48-52.
10. Prohorov, A. A. Analiz markirovki i raznovidnostej natural'nyh i iskusstvennyh obolochek krovyanyh kolbas, realizuemyh v torgovyh setyah g. Kemerovo / A. A. Prohorov, E. O. Ermolaeva // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ya. - 2017. -¹ 9. - S. 5-7.
11. Prohorov, A. A. Analiz osobennostej assortimenta krovyanyh kolbas, realizuemogo v g. Kemerovo / A. A. Prohorov, E. O. Ermolaeva // Izvestiya vuzov. Pishchevaya tekhnologiya. - 2016. - ¹ 5-6. - S. 89-92.
Prohorov Aleksandr Andreevich, graduate student,
Ermolaeva Evgeniya Olegovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Kemerovo State University,
6, Krasnaya str., Kemerovo, 650000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ryabova A. E., Hurshudyan S. A., Semipyatny V. K.Improving the methodology for evaluating the consistency of products prone to spontaneous crystallization of sugars

P. 74-76 Key words
condensed milk; crystallization; Harrington desirability function; lactose

The main process in the manufacture of canned condensed milk with sugar is the crystallization of lactose. The uniformity and velvet consistency of the final product depends on the quality and nature of this process. To fully comply with the technological requirements in a single cubic millimeter of the product should be at least 400 thousand lactose crystals with a limited linear dimensions of 10 microns. To expand the ranges of accepted evaluation criteria, the paper presents data on the dependence of the organoleptic indicators of condensed canned sugar on a milk basis, depending on the size of lactose crystals, and also considers the classical method of determining the uniformity coefficient using the Figurovsky formula. In the case when it is not applicable, an improved mathematical apparatus is presented for evaluating the efficiency of crystallization with obtaining a criterion homogeneity index from 0 to 1. It determines the homogeneity coefficient by the following indicators: the average size of lactose crystals; the linear size of the crystals; the number of intervals; corrected frequency of occurrence of crystals in the interval. The latter indicator is calculated from the base frequency, taking into account a coefficient equal to the standard deviation of crystal sizes. The formulas give the best (maximum homogeneous) and worst (two groups of crystals with equal frequency characteristics, 4 ?m and 25 ?m in size) cases of distribution of lactose crystals, which were assigned the boundary values 1 and 0 on the homogeneity criterion scale, respectively. The following indicates the relationship of this indicator with four groups of crystals consistency blemishes (homogeneous, weakly powdery, powdery, sandy), and also gives areas of detail of the evaluation criterion in accordance with the function of Harrington's desirability in order to continuously fill the range of the obtained values. Software has been developed and proposed and a graphical interpretation of levels of desirability has been given, which allows creating an experimental database of crystal sizes and obtaining crystallization estimates for the entire volume of output.

1. Chekulaeva, L. V. Tekhnologiya konservirovaniya moloka i molochnogo syr'ya: Ucheb posobie / L. V. Chekulaeva [i dr.]?/ - Voronezh: Izd. Voronezh. Gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 1996. - 248 s.
2. Galstyan, A. G. Teoriya i praktika molochno-konservnogo proizvodstva / A. G. Galstyan [i dr.]. - M.: Fedotov D. A. - 2016. - 181 s.
3. Petrov, A. N. Metodologiya formirovaniya organolepticheskih svojstv konservov na molochnoj osnove: monografiya / A. N. Petrov, I. A. Radaeva, E. V. Shepeleva. - Kemerovo, 2013. - 232 s.
4. Hramcov, A. G. Molochnyj sahar / A. G. Hramcov. - M.: "Agropromizdat", 1987. - 224 s.
5. Rjabova, A. E. Lactose crystallization: current issues and promising engineering solutions / A. E. Rjabova [et al.] // Food and Raw Materials. - 2013. - T. 1. - ¹ 1. - C. 66-73. DOI 10.12737 / 1559
6. Gnezdilova, A. I. Razvitie nauchnyh osnov kristallizacii laktozy i saharozy v mnogokomponentnyh vodnyh rastvorah. Diss. d. t. n. - Vologda, 2000. - 490 s.
7. Petrov, A. N. Proizvodstvo molochnyh konservov: innovacii v formirovanii svojstv syr'ya / A. N. Petrov [i dr.] // Molochnaya promyshlennost'. - 2010. - ¹ 5. - S. 74-77.
8. Fetisov, E. A. Planirovanie i analiz rezul'tatov tekhnologicheskih eksperimentov / E. A. Fetisov [i dr.]. - M.: Stalingrad, 2015. - 98 s.
Ryabova Anastasiya Evgen'evna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Hurshudyan Sergej Azatovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Semipyatnyj Vladislav Konstantinovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry - a branch of the Gorbatov's Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems of RAS,
7, Rossolimo str., Moscow, 119201, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Platonovà T.F., Bessarab O.V. The study of the corrosive interaction of acid with aqueous solutions of organic acids containing anthocyanin pigments

P. 77-79 Key words
electrolytic tinplate; model medium; citric acid; anthocyanin pigment; corrosion rate; polarization resistance; corrosion-meter "Expert-004"; canned fruit

The basic corrosive agents of canned fruit are organic acids and their salts. As a result of electrochemical corrosion of the inner surface of the metal cans takes place during the storage of canned food, tin and iron ions migrate to the product, as well as the hydrogen evolution, which can lead to a chemical bloat. From the literature data it is known that the anthocyanin pigments contained in some dark colored fruits increase the migration of tin into canned products due to the formation of complex compounds with the metal. The purpose of this work was to study the kinetics of corrosion of the electrolytic tinplate when interacting with model media simulating fruit canned foods - aqueous solutions of citric acid with anthocyanin pigments and without them. The corrosion rate was measured by the method of polarization resistance, based on the generation of a potential difference between identical electrodes (plates of electrolytic tinplate) and measuring the amperage of the flowing current. The experiments were carried out using an "Expert-004" automatic corrosion meter using a two-electrode scheme with a polarizing pulse of 10 mV; the tin coating mass on the contact surface of electrolytic tinplate is 8.4 g/m2. For all model medium, the corrosion rate kinetics has the this character: at the beginning of the experiment, the maximum corrosion rate is observed, which decreases to a stationary value within 24 hours. The presence of anthocyanin pigments does not affect the the process kinetics, but the steady-state corrosion rate of electrolytic tinplate increases 3.5 to 3.8 times. The highest stationary value of the corrosion rate is observed for citric acid solutions with a concentration of 0.25 %, both without pigment and with pigment (12.94 and 45.18 ?m/year, respectively), the smallest for solutions with a concentration of 1.00 % (4.72 and 16.96 ?m/year, respectively). By results of researches it has been established that for modeling of corrosion interaction of canned foods from dark-colored fruits with a electrolytic tinplate it is expedient to use aqueous solutions of organic acids containing anthocyanin pigments.

1. Abdel-Rahman, N.A.-G. Tin-plate corrosion in canned foods // Journal of Global Biosciences. - 2015. - Vol. 4. -¹ 7. - P. 2966-2971.
2. Che. Y. Corrosion Mechanism Differences of Tinplate in Aerated and Deaerated Citric Acid Solution / Y. Che [et all] // International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2012. - Vol. 7. - P. 9997-10007.
3. Robertson G.L. Food Packaging: Principles and Practice. Third Edition. - CRC Press, 2012 - 773 p.
4. Salt, F.W. The anaerobic corrosion of tin in anthocyanin solutions and fruit syrups / F.W. Salt, J.G.N. Thomas // Journal of Applied Chemistry, 1957. - Vol. 7. - Iss. 5. - P. 231-238.
5. Goulas, V. Structural diversity of anthocyanins in fruits / V. Goulas, A.R. Vicente, G.A. Manganaris // Anthocyanins: Structure, biosynthesis and health benefit / editor N. Motohashi. - Nova Sciences, 2012. - P. 225-250.
6. Lukina, I.P. Antociany maliny i zemljaniki: nakoplenie v plodah i sohranenie v produktah pererabotki / I.P. Lukina [i dr.] // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2009. - ¹ 3. - S. 19-21.
7. Dejneka, L.A. Antociany plodov vishni i rodstvennyh rastenij / L.A. Dejneka [i dr.] // Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Estestvennye nauki. 2011. T. 15, ¹ 9-1 (104). - S. 367-373.
8. Anufriev, N.G. Primenenie metodov poljarizacionnogo soprotivlenija i amperometrii nulevogo soprotivlenija dlja izuchenija korrozionnogo povedenija metallov v vodnyh sredah / N.G. Anufriev // Praktika protivokorrozionnoj zashhity. - 2003. - ¹ 4. - S. 10-13.
9. Kvarachelija, R.K. O dissociacii slabyh dvuh- i trehosnovnyh organicheskih kislot, uchastvujushhih v cikle Krebsa / R.K. Kvarachelija, E.R. Kvarachelija // Jelektrohi-mija. - 2009. - T. 45. - ¹ 2. - S. 235 - 238.
Platonova Tatyana Fedorovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Bessarab Olga Vladimirovna,
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Canned Food Technology - a branch of the Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after V.M. Gorbatov of the RAS,
142703, Moscow region, Vidnoe, Shkolnaya str., 78, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kleimenov M.D., Beteva E.A., Gernet M.V., Efimochkina N.R.The effect of biologically active substances of microbial synthesis on some representatives of the intestinal microbiome

P. 80-85 Key words
food safety; intestinal microbiota; natamycin; nisin

Currently, the most relevant is an adequate assessment of the potential change in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microbiota of human gut microbiota associated with the use of foods that are produced using new biotechnological techniques. In this case, special importance for the consumer is food products manufactured with the use of preservatives of microbial synthesis with an antimicrobial effect. Such preservatives are nisin or natamycin, which are used in cheese making, dairy industry and in the manufacture of sausages. In modern conditions characterized by increasing negative natural and anthropogenic influences on the state of the environment and public health, in order to ensure biosafety, it is necessary to apply new scientifically grounded approaches and criteria for assessing the safety and authenticity of food products throughout the food production chain, starting with raw materials, with the maximum full coverage of microbiological risk factors. An assessment of the human health risks of food-borne residues of antimicrobial agents should include (along with toxicological and pharmacological studies) an analysis of the long-term antimicrobial effects in in vitro and in vivo experiments to detect a possible damaging effect, as well as changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the human gut microbiota. The evaluation of nisin and natamycin has been fulfilled with the usage of different solution concentrations of preservation agents and suspensions of indicator microorganisms with the method of sequential tenfold dilution as well as chromogenic indicator test system. The prominent antimicrobic effect of nisin â îòíîøåíèè Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus was discovered. The efficiency of bactericidal treatment was largely determined by quantity of preservative in the model medium, resistance and characteristics of the strains. The usage of maximum permissible dosages of the specimen led to substantial inhibition, but didn't contribute to the complete growth cessation of test cultures. The representatives of the intestinal microbiome, gram-positive bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus and gram-negative enterobacteriaceae E. coli as well as Kl. pneumoniae, which were isolated from food substances, were resistant to antimicrobic effect of nisin in the used models in vitro.

1. Bagrjanceva, O.V. Voprosy bezopasnogo ispol'zovanija fermentnyh preparatov, pishhevyh dobavok i aromatizatorov, poluchennyh pri pomoshhi metodov biotehnologii / O.V. Bagrjanceva, G.N. Shatrov, O.V. Arnautov // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2016. - ¹ 6. - S. 69-73.
2. Lipinska, E. Primenenie nizina v syrodelii / E. Lipinska, A.V. Gudkov, S.N. Karlikanova. - M.: Pishhevaja promyshlennost', 1972. - 96 s.
3. Arnison, P.G. Ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptide natural products: overview and recommendations for a universal nomenclature / P.G. Arnison [et all] // Nat Prod Rep. - 2013. - V. 30. - ¹ 1. - p. 108-160. doi: 10.1039/c2np20085f.
4. Karlikanova, S.N. Antibioticheski aktivnye molochnokislye bakterii v proizvodstve produktov garantirovannogo kachestva: obzornaja informacija / S.N. Karlikanova [i dr.]. - M.: CNIITJeImjasomolprom 1983. - 51 s.
5. Benkerroum, N. Ingibitiry action of nisin against Listeria monocytogenes / Ingibitiry action of nisin against Listeria monocytogenes // Journal of Dairy Science. - 1988. - v. 12. - I12. - p. 3237-3245. doi: 10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(88)79929-4.
6. Welscher, Yv.M. Natamycin blocks fungal growth by binding specifically to ergosterol without permeabilizing the membrane / Yv.M. Welscher [et all] // The journal of biological. - 2008. - V. 283. - ¹. 10. - pp. 6393-6401. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M707821200
7. JECFA. Compendium of food additive specification, Prepared at the 61st JECFA (2003) and published in FNP 52 Add 11 (2003) superseding specifications prepared at the 57th JECFA (2001) and published in FNP 52 add 9 (2001).
8. Efimochkina, N.R. Izuchenie tolerantnosti jenterobakterij k hlorsoderzhashhim biocidnym sredstvam v jeksperimental'nyh modeljah s ispol'zovaniem indikatornyh test-sistem / N.R. Efimochkina [ i dr.] // Analiz riska zdorov'ju. - 2015. - ¹ 3 (11). - C. 73-82.
9. Chollet, E. Nisin preliminary study as a potential preservative for sliced ripened cheese: NaCl, fat and ensymes influence on nisin concentration and its antimicrobial activity / E. Cholett // Food Control. - 2008. - ¹ 19.
Klejmenov Mikhail Dmitrievich,
Beteva Elena Anatol'evna, Candidate of Technicak Sciences
Moscow state university of food production,
11, Volokolamskoye headway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gernet Marina Vasil'evna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
All-Russian Research Institute of the Brewing, Soft Drinks and Wine Industry,
7, Rossolimo str., Moscow, 119021, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Efimochkina Natal'ya Ramazanovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology,
2/14, Ust'inskij proezd, Moscow, 109240, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Shelekhova N.V., Polyakov V.A., Serba E.M., Shelekhova T.M.Prospects for the use of it-technologies in the food industry

P. 86-89 Key words
alcoholic products; information technologies; artificial intelligence; program complex; digital manufacturing

A possible approach to the formation of the conceptual framework for the development of tools for process control is considered. The analysis of scientific literature showed that the vast majority of automated control systems of technological processes of production are focused on fixing the parameters of the process, while the function of developing the control action remains the prerogative of man. The conclusion is made about the need for the use of information technologies in the production of alcoholic beverages to automate the process of decision-making. A review of modern approaches to the management of technological processes of production showed that the development of intelligent systems to support management decisions based on the use of information and communication technologies is relevant. The conceptual basis is formulated and the design technology of the automated system of support of decision-making is chosen. The functional requirements to the expert system with the use of the unified visual modeling language are developed, the charts of precedents and sequences are constructed. On the basis of the system approach, application of information and communication technologies and detailed analysis of technological processes of production of ethyl alcohol from grain raw materials and alcoholic beverages prepared on its basis, the model of the expert system of support of management decisions using the principles of artificial intelligence is offered. To implement the concept of the expert decision support system, objects and control points are defined, precision instrumental methods of differentiated determination of the chemical composition of alcoholic products are developed, a specialized software package for statistical data processing is created. The algorithmic orientation of the obtained result creates prerequisites for the development and implementation of intelligent decision support systems. The implementation of this approach will allow to build a qualitatively new system in the concept of digital production. The introduction of new high-performance technologies based on the use of information and communication technologies will contribute to the intensification of production, improving product quality, reducing production costs, storing expertise, thereby minimizing the risks of the human factor. The importance of scientific developments in the above areas of research is confirmed by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 09.05.2017. ¹ 203 "on the Strategy of development of the information society in Russia for 2017-2030".

1. Shelehova, N. V. Upravlenie tehnologicheskimi processami proizvodstva alkogol'noj produkcii s primeneniem informacionnyh tehnologij / N. V. Shelehova, L. V. Rimareva // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2017. - ¹ 3. - S. 28-31.
2. Galushkin, A. I. Nejronnye seti: osnovy teorii. - M.: Gorjachaja linija - Telekom, 2014. - 496 s.
3. Balan, V. P. Vvedenie v sistemnoe proektirovanie intellektual'nyh baz znanij / V. P. Balan, A. V. Dushkin [i dr.]; pod red. V. I. Novosel'ceva. - M.: Gorjachaja linija - Telekom, 2016. - 107 s.
4. Dudarin, P. V. Formirovanie priznakov iz ierarhicheskogo klassifikatora dlja klasterizacii korotkih tekstovyh fragmentov / P. V. Dudarin, N. G. Jarushkina // Nechetkie sistemy i mjagkie vychislenija. -2017. - T. 12. - ¹ 2. - S. 87-96.
5. Dudarin, P. V. Algoritm postroenija ierarhicheskogo klassifikatora korotkih tekstovyh fragmentov na osnove klasterizacii nechetkogo grafa / P. V. Dudarin, N. G. Jarushkina // Radiotehnika. - 2017. - ¹ 6. - S. 17-23.
6. Norenkov, I. P. Intellektual'nye tehnolo-gii na osnove ontologij // Informacionnye tehnologii. - 2010. - ¹ 1. - S. 17-23.
7. Sorokin, A. B. Konceptual'noe proektirovanie intellektual'nyh sistem podderzhki prinjatija reshenij / A. B. Sorokin // Ontologija proektirovanija. 2017. - T. 7. - ¹ 3 (25). - S. 247-269.
8. Shelehova, N. V. Kompleksnaja sistema kontrolja proizvodstva jetilovogo spirta i spirtnyh napitkov / N. V. Shelehova, V. A. Poljakov, L. V. Rimareva // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2015. - ¹ 12. - S. 53-56.
9. Shelehova, N. V. Nauchnoe obespechenie kontrolja biotehnologicheskih processov proizvodstva jetilovogo spirta / N. V. Shelehova, L. V. Rimareva, V. A. Poljakov // Pivo i napitki. - 2016. - ¹ 1. - S. 16-20.
10. Shelehova, N. V. Specializirovannyj programmnyj kompleks "S2N5ON-analitik" - innovacionnyj instrument avtomatizacii kontrolja kachestva i bezopasnosti alkogol'noj produkcii / N. V. Shelehova, V. A. Poljakov, L. V. Rimareva // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2015. - ¹ 9. - S. 28-31.
11. Shelehova, N. V. Specializirovannye programmnye kompleksy v kontrole kachestva alkogol'noj produkcii / N. V. Shelehova [i dr.] // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2017. - ¹ 1. - S. 50-52.
Shelekhova Nataliya Viktorovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Polyakov Viktor Antonovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the RAS,
Serba Elena Mihajlovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the RAS,
Shelekhova Tamara Mihajlovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Food Biotechnology - Branch FGBUN "FITS nutrition and biotechnology",
4b, Samokatnaya str., Moscow, 111033, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Balyhin M. G., Blagoveshchenskij I. G., Blagoveshchenskaya M. M., Gusarov P. K., Buneev A. V.Analysis of the functioning of the processes of production of jelly sweets by means of simulation

P. 90-92 Key words
ànalysis; automation; functioning; method of simulation; processes of production of jelly candies

The use of automation means entails the development of mathematical models aimed at the study of production cycles in order to effectively use raw materials in the enterprise. For a more detailed analysis of the production process, you can build models based on the simulation method. This method allows you to create dynamic models, while giving the opportunity to reflect in a graphical way in real time the studied processes as they occur in reality. To build such models, it is necessary to know the basic parameters that affect the efficiency of the technological processes of production of the target products. In this work the simulation model created on the basis of the automated process of production of jelly candies is realized. The construction of the model was carried out through the use of simulation software - AnyLogic. The article presents a simulation model of the production process of jelly sweets. For the analysis of the received model, visualization of process of production of jelly candies in the format of three-dimensional graphics, with a possibility of tracking of statistical data was realized. Visualization of the studied processes in three-dimensional graphics is shown. Presents statistics of the implemented simulation reflects the status of the process of production of jelly sweets. To control the term of production of the final product, it is necessary to track the time indicators of the main stages of production of the raw materials used. To achieve this goal, a Control graph was implemented, which displays the time spent on the production of jelly mass (orange) and the time spent on molding candy (red). The use of statistical data of the dynamic process, allows on their basis, to adjust the time parameters that carry out the correct flow of the model, in order to reduce the occurrence of possible delays. The model presented in this paper allows us to reproduce the process of production of jelly sweets, for conducting research aimed at a detailed analysis of the main stages of production, and the evaluation of the functioning of the automated system implemented in the food industry.

1. Semenov, V. G. Vakuumnaya sublimacionnaya sushka / G. V. Semenov. - M.: DeLi plyus, 2013. - 264 s.
2. Petrov, I. V. Programmiruemye kontrollery. Standartnye yazyki i priemy prikladnogo proektirovaniya / Pod red. prof. V. P. D'yakono-va. - M.: SOLON-Press, 2004. - 256 s.
3. Blagoveshchenskaya, M. M. Informacionnye tekhnologii sistem upravleniya tekhnologicheskimi processami / M. M. Blagoveshchenskaya, L. A. Zlobin. - M.: Vysshaya shkola, 2005. - 768 s.
4. Blagoveshchenskaya, M. M. Osnovy stabilizacii processa prigotovleniya mnogokomponentnyh mass: Monografiya / M. M. Blagoveshchenskaya. - M.: Frantera, 2009. - 281 s.
5. Blagoveshchenskaya, M. M. Identifikacionnyj aspekt v metodologii sozdaniya sistem upravleniya tekhnologicheskimi ob" ektami s nestacionarnymi parametrami / M. M. Blagoveshchenskaya, V. V. Makarov // Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta inzhenernyh tekhnologij. - ¹ 1. - 2014. - S. 85-90.
6. Savostin, S. D. Avtomatizaciya kontrolya pokazatelej kachestva muki v processe razmola s ispol'zovaniem intellektual'nyh tekhnologij / S. D. Savostin, M. M. Blagoveshchenskaya, I. G. Blagoveshchenskij. - M.: Frantera, 2016. - 146 s.
7. Balyhin, M. G. Metodologicheskie osnovy sozdaniya ekspertnyh sistem kontrolya i prognozirovaniya kachestva pishchevoj produkcii s ispol'zovaniem intellektual'nyh tekhnologij / M. G. Balyhin, A. B. Borzov, I. G. Blagoveshchenskij. - M.: Frantera, 2017. - 395 s.
8. Blagoveshchenskij, I. G. Avtomatizirovannaya ekspertnaya sistema kontrolya v potoke pokazatelej kachestva pomadnyh konfet s ispol'zovaniem nejrosetevyh tekhnologij i sistem komp'yuternogo zreniya / I. G. Blagoveshchenskij. - M.: Frantera, 2017. - 183 s.
9. Balyhin, M. G. Arhitektura i osnovnaya koncepciya sozdaniya intellektual'noj ekspertnoj sistemy kontrolya kachestva pishchevoj produkcii / M. G. Balyhin, A. B. Borzov, I. G. Blagoveshchenskij // Pishchevaya promyshlennost'. - 2017. - ¹ 11. - S. 60-63.
10. Blagoveshchenskaya, M. M. Metodika avtomaticheskoj ocenki kachestva pishchevyh izdelij na osnove teorii iskusstvennyh nej-ronnyh setej. / M. M. Blagoveshchenskaya, I. G. Blagoveshchenskij, E. A. Nazojkin // Pishchevaya promyshlennost'. - 2015. - ¹ 2. - S. 42-45.
11. Karpov Yu. G Imitacionnoe modelirovanie sistem: vvedenie v modelirovanie s pomoshch'yu AnyLogic 5 (+ CD) / Yu. G. Kar-pov. - SPb.: BHV-Peterburg, 2005. - 400 s.
12. AnyLogic. Rukovodstvo pol'zovatelya. - http://www.xjtek.com?/products / anylogic5 / usersmanual. pdf.
Balykhin Mikhail Grigorievich, Doctor of Economics,
Blagoveshchenskii Ivan Germanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Blagoveshchenskaya Margarita Mikhailovna, Doctor of Trchnical Sciences, Professor
Gusarov Pavel Konstantinovich
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamskoe headway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Buneev Alexey Vladimirovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Omron Elec tronix LLC,
26, Pravda str., Moscow, 125040, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Badretdinova I.V., Shumilova I.Sh.Costa as a valuable raw material for the production of environmentally friendly packaging

P. 93-95 Key words
ecology; flax; flax residue; flax shive; food processing; packaging; technology

This year, Udmurtia entered the inter-regional cluster of flax producers. Particular attention in the republic is paid to increasing the production of spinning crops. The task facing the republic is to increase the area under crops in the coming years to 20,000 hectares. In the production of fibrous products, producers have a big problem how to utilize wastes in the form of flax shove. Its volume reaches 65-75 % of the volume of raw materials - retted straw. The authors studied the possibility of using flax shove in the production technology of environmentally friendly, biodegradable packaging for food products. The work was carried out at the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. The object of the study was a shove of fiber flax obtained as a result flax processing, which grew on the fields of the Udmurtian flax processing plant LLC "Sharkan Flax Factory". In experiments, a ground flax shove was used (fraction up to 1.5-2.5 mm). In the course of the work: was determined the optimal ratio of natural organic filler (precooked potato starch adhesive) to the milled mixture from the shove; was examined the properties of the materials studied; was proposed the general scheme of the technological process of production of packaging on the basis of shove. As a result of the research determined, that the packaging of the shove with the addition of starch adhesive is has high strength, ecologically clean, it has vapor permeability and antiseptic properties, does not contain harmful impurities, has a low cost, it is capable of biodegradation in soil, does not form toxic gases during combustion, retains its shape when moistened. The use of flax processing waste is a solution to two tasks at once: recycling waste products and creating original packaging products.

1. L'nyanye perspektivy Udmurtii. Novosti ot 26.03.2018 / Oficial'nyj sajt Ministerstva sel'skogo hozyajstva i prodovol'stviya Udmurtskoj Respubliki. [EHlektronnyj resurs] // URL http://udmapk.ru/novosti/3967/?sphrase_id=38945 (data obrashcheniya 28.05.2018)
2. Gosudarstvennaya programma razvitiya sel'skogo hozyajstva i regulirovaniya rynkov sel'skohozyajstvennoj produkcii, syr'ya i prodovol'stviya na 2013-2020 gody (s izm. na 1 marta 2018 goda) [EHlektronnyj resurs] // URL http://base.garant.ru (data obrashcheniya 28.05.18)
3. Novye perspektivy udmurtskogo l'na. Udmurtiya voshla v mezhregional'nyj klaster proizvoditelej l'na / Udmurtskaya pravda ot 13.04.18 [EHlektronnyj re-surs] // URL http://udmpravda.ru/articles/novye-perspektivy-udmurtskogo-lna-udmurtiya-voshla-v-mezhregionalnyy-klaster-proizvoditeley-lna (data obrashcheniya 28.05.18)
4. Poroh i binty iz udmurtskogo l'na / Agroprom Udmurtii. ¹ 4 (161) ot 22.02.18 [EHlektronnyj resurs] // URL http://au-18.ru/porox-i-binty-iz-udmurtskogo-lna/ (data obrashcheniya 28.05.18)
5. Yakutina, N.V. Issledovanie svojstv modificirovannyh l'nyanyh tkanej, obespechivayushchih uluchshenie gigienicheskih i ehkologicheskih pokazatelej: diss. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kand. tekhn. nauk. - Moskva, 2015 g. - P.177.
6. Badretdinova, I.V. Napravleniya ehffektivnogo ispol'zovaniya l'nyanoj kostry / I.V. Badretdinova, A.B. Spiridonov // Nauchnoe i kadrovoe obespechenie APK dlya prodovol'stvennogo importozameshcheniya: materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Ministerstvo sel'skogo hozyajstva Rossijskoj Federacii, FGBOU VPO "Izhevskaya gosudarstvennaya sel'skohozyajst-vennaya akademiya". - 2016. - P. 3-5.
7. Chendylova, L.V. O vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya othodov l'na v cellyulozno-bumazhnoj promyshlennosti / L.V. CHendylova [i dr.] // Reshetnevskie chteniya. - 2016. - T. 2. - ¹ 20. - P. 322-323.
Badretdinova Irina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Shumilova Irina Shotovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy,
11, Studencheskaya str., Izhevsk, 426069, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bykova S. T., Kalinina T. G., Bushueva T. V., Borovik T. E.Low-Protein Starch Products in Diet Therapy of Children with Hereditary Metabolic Pathology

P. 96-99 Key words
dietotherapy; functional ingredients; low-protein starch products; phenylketonuria

Timely diagnosis and treatment of hereditary diseases metabolism (phenylketonuria) is a major problem of clinical genetics and pediatrics. The only treatment for this disease is a diet (from the first days of life), when the products with high protein content are excluded. The Research Institute of Starch Products has been developing technologies of low-protein starch products for children with PKU for more than 30 years. Its release is organized in the experimental production of the institute. To provide positive influence on the components freeze-dried dry powders from fruits, berries, vegetables, etc. More than 10 types of semi-finished products are development and produced on the basis of starch, enriched with functional ingredients. The tasting assessment and clinical studies of the tolerability and efficiency of low-protein starch products conducted on the basis of the consultative diagnostic center of the National Medical Research Center for Children's Health of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health, showed safety and positive clinical efficacy when using it in diet therapy of patients with hereditary disorders (phenylketonuria in particular), which will significantly diversify the therapeutic diet, optimize its energy, food and function value. It is very important that low-protein starch products help ensure sufficient energy value of the therapeutic diet, which reduces the risk of hypermetabolism during intercurrent diseases and various stressful situations, helps maintain the level of phenylalanine in serum and normal nutritional status. The data on the work of the Russian Research Institute of the Starch Products on the development of low-protein enriched with functionalingredients starch products for children over 1 year old, patients with phenylketonuria, for whom a low-protein diet is the only method of treatment, is given. During 2014-2017 in the experimental production of the Institute 69,4 tons of low-protein starch products were produced, which are supplied to children of the Russian Federation, patients with PKU. The Institute continues to work on the selection of ingredients, development of technologies and production of low-protein starch products for children, patients with phenylketonuria.

1. Fenilketonurija i narushenie obmena tetragidropterina u detej. Klinicheskie rekomendacii. - M.: Sojuz pediatrov Rossii. Associacija medicinskih genetikov, 2017 [http://pediatr-russia.ru/news?/ pecomend].
2. Blan, N. Phenylketonuria and BH4 Deficiencies / N. Blan [et al.] // UNY-MED Verlag A. G. Bremen - London - Boston, 2014. - 79 p.
3. Novikov, P. V. Neonatal'nyj skrining nasledstvennyh boleznej obmena veshhestv i ego perspektivy v Rossijskoj Federacii / P. V. Novikov // Spravochnik zave-dujushhego KDL. - 2014. - ¹ 2. - S. 24-36.
4. Van Spronsen, F. Y. European Guildelines on diagnosis and treatment of PKU / F. Y. van Spronsen [et al.] // Y Inherit Metab Dis. - 2016. - 39 (Suppe): ISO. [http://www.ssiem2016.org / wp-content-uploads / 2016 / 09 / SSYRM-2016 content-pdf. pdf].
5. Borovik, T. Je. Dietoterapija pri klassicheskoj fenilketonurii: kriterii vybora specializirovannyh produktov bez fenilalanina / T. Je. Borovik [i dr.] // Voprosy sovremennoj pediatrii. - 2013. - ¹ 12 (5) - S. 40-48.
6. Nikiforova, T. A. O podgotovke proekta Programmy razvitija proizvodstva mikroingredientov v RF na 2015-2025 gg. /?T. A. Nikiforova [i dr.] // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2015. - ¹ 3.
7. Bykova, S. T. Primenenie pishhevyh volokon dlja obogashhenija produktov pitanija s funkcional'nymi svojstvami / S. T. Bykova [i dr.] // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2015. - ¹ 12. - S. 48-50.
8. Bykova, S. T. Ispol'zovanie inulina v dieticheskih produktah detskogo pitanija / S. T. Bykova [i dr.] // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2014. - ¹ 2. - S. 32-33.
9. Bykova, S. T. Pishhevaja kompozicija dlja ispol'zovanija v produktah pitanija detej, bol'nyh fenilketonuriej / S. T. Bykova [i dr.] // Patent na izobretenie RUS 2462050 ot 8 aprelja 2011 goda.
10. Bykova, S. T. Ispol'zovanie suhih komponentov kurinogo jajca dlja obogashhenija malobelkovyh krahmaloproduktov / S. T. Bykova, T. N. Buravleva // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2011. - ¹ 10. - S. 70-72.
11. Bushueva, T. V. Ispol'zovanie nizkobelkovyh obogashhennyh krahmalomuchnyh produktov v dietoterapii bol'nyh fenilektonuriej detej v vozraste starshe 1 goda / T. V. Bushueva [i dr.] // Pediatricheskaja farmakologija. - 2018. - T. 15. - ¹ 2. - S. 129-134.
12. Bushueva, T. V. Ocenka kachestva zhizni detej, bol'nyh fenilketonuriej / T. V. Bushueva [i dr.] // Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii medicinskih nauk. - 2014. - T. 69. - ¹ 11-12. - S. 39-45.
Bykova Svetlana Tarasovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kalinina Tamara Grigorievna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
The All-Russian Research Institute of starch products - branch "Federal Science Center of food systems by V. M. Gorbatov" of RSA,
11, Nekrasov Str., Kraskovo, Moscow region, 140051, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bushueva Tatiana Vladimirovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences,
Borovik Tatiana Eduardovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
National Medical Research Center for Children's Health,
building 1, Lomonosov Avenue, 2, Moscow, 119991, Byshyewa@ yandex. ru

Shterman S. V., Sidorenko M. Yu., Shterman V. S., Sidorenko Yu. I.Medium-chain fats in products of therapeutic, functional and sports nutrition

P. 100-106 Key words
anti-obesity products; body weight control; functional foods medium-chain triglycerides; sports nutrition; therapeutic nutrition

Fats with 6 to 10 carbon atoms in their fat acids chains (MCT) are a unique form of dietary fats. Using them in the diet provides a number of undoubted advantages over the consumption of traditional long-chain fats, which accounti for approximately 98 % of total fats. In the process of digestion MCT release free fatty acids, which from the intestine through the portal vein can directly transport to the liver, of Technical Scienceswhere the process of their oxidation takes place. Fatty acids with a short and medium length of their molecular chain can also enter the mitochondria of cells for oxidation without using some additional protein carriers. This makes them more accessible and a quick source for the production of bioenergy. MCT nowdays are part of products for probing or intravenous nutrition during recovery period of patients after severe injuries, burns or infections. MCT provide a good opportunity to the organism to save energy, channel it to raise its physical potential, and in some critical situations elevatate the chances for survival. An important property of MCT, which largely determines their widespread usage in functional foods, especially for combating obesity, is their ability to reduce body fat. Among athletes MCT gained popularity because they give a chance to reduce the carbohydrates consumption without negative consequences as a lack of energy. MCT also allows them reducing the expenditure of glycogen, which is the main reserve source of energy during long-term training sessions. The shortcomings of coconut oil as a alternative for pure MCT produced for specialized food products are noted.

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2. Montgomery, M. K. Contrasting metabolic effects of medium - versus long-chain fatty acids in skeletal muscle / M. K. Montgomery, B. Osborne, S. H. Brown et al // Journal of Lipid Research. - 2013. - v. 54. - pp. 3322-3333.
3. St-Onge, M. P. Impact of medium and long chain triglycerides consumption on appetite and food intake in overweight men / M. P. St-Onge [et al.] // European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. - 2014. - v. 68. - ¹ 10. - pp. 1134-1140.
4. Clegg, M. E. They say cocomut oil can aid weight loss, but can it really / M. E. Clegg // European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. - 2017. - v. 71. - ¹ 10. - pp. 1139-1143.
5. Delany, J. Differential oxidation of individual dietary fatty acids in humans / J. Delany [et al.] // American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. - 2000. - v. 72. - pp. 905-911.
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8. Tsuji, H. Dietary medium-chain triglycerids supress accumilation of body fat in double-blind, controlled trial in healhy men and woman / T. Tsuji [et al.] // Journal of Nutrition. - 2001. - v. 131. - pp. 2853-2859.
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11. Jeevanandam, M. Efficacy of a mixture of medium-chain triglyceride (75 %) and long-chain triglyceride (25 %) fat emulsions in the nutritional management of multiple-trauma patients / M. Jeevanandam, N. J. Holaday, T. Voss // Nutrition. - 1995. - V. 11. - ¹ 3. - pp. 275-284.
12. Ulrich, H. Parenteral use of medium-chain triglycerides: a reappraisal / H. Ulrich, S. M. Pastores, D. P. Katz // Nutrition. - 1996. - v. 12. - ¹ 4. - pp. 231-238.
13. Anez-Bustillos, L. Intravenous fat emulsion formulations for the adult and pediatric patient: understanding the differences / L. Anez-Bustillos, D. T. Dao, M. A. Baker // Nutrition in Clinical Practice. - 2016. - V. 31. - ¹ 5. - pp. 596-609.
14. Hu, H. Y. Medium-chain triglycerides based oil-in-water microemultions for intravenous administration: formulation, characterization and in vitro hemolytic activities / H. Y. Hu, Y. Huang, J. Liu / / Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology. - 2008. - V. 18. - ¹ 2. - pp. 101-107.
15. Kaushik, M. The effect of coconut oil pulling on Sreptococcus mutants counts in saliva in comparison with chlorhexidine mouthwash / M. Kaushik [et al.] // Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. - 2016. - V. 17. - ¹ 1. - pp. 38-41.
16. Poppitt, S. D. Fatty acid chain length, postgrandial satiety and food intake in lean men / S. D. Poppitt, C. M. Strik, A. K. H. MacGibbon et al // Physiology & Behavior. - 2010. - V. 101. - ¹ 1. - pp. 161-167.
17. Han, J. R. Effects of dietary medium-chain triglyceride on weighht loss and insulun sensivity in a groop of moderately overweight free-living type 2 diabetic Chinese subjects / J. K. Han [et al.] // Metabolism. - 2007. - V. 56. - ¹ 7. - pp. 985-991.
18. Mumme, K. Effects of medium-chain triglycerides on weight loss and body composition: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials / K. Memme, W. Stonehouse // Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. - 2015. - V. 115. - pp. 249-263.
19. St-Onge, M. P. Medium-chain triglycirides increase energy expendure and decrease adiposity in overweight men / M-P. St-Onge, R. Ross, W. D. Parsons et al // Obesity Reararch. - 2012. - V. 11. - ¹ 3. - pp. 395-402.
20. Van Wymelbeke, V. Substate oxidation and control of food intake in men after fat-substitute meal compared with meals supplememted with an isoenergenic load of carbohydrate, long-chain triglycerids, or medium-chain triacylglycerids / Van Wymelbeke V. [et al.] //American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. - 2001. - v. 74. - pp. 620-630.
21. Shterman, S. V. ZHiroszhigateli v arsenale sredstv funkcional'nogo pitaniya / S. V. SHterman [et al.] // CH. I. Pishchevaya promyshlennost'. - 2018. - ¹ 6. - S. 66 -72; ch. II. Pishchevaya promyshlennost'. - 2018. - ¹ 7. - P. 54-62.
22. Calvani, M. Regulation by carnitine of miocardial fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism under normal and pathological conditions / M. Calvani, E. Reda, E. Arrigoni-Martelli // Basic Research in Cardiology. - 2000. - V. 95. - ¹ 2. - pp. 75-83.
23. Purdon, T. Understanding the factors that effect maximal fat oxidation / T. Purdon [et al.] // Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. - 2018. - V. 15: 3 (10 pp.).
24. Venables, M. Determinants of fat oxidation during exercise in healthy men and woman: a cross-sectional study / M. Venables, J. Achen, A. E. Jeukendrup / Journal of Applied Physiology. - 2005. - V. 98. - pp. 160-167.
25. Misell, L. Chronic medium-chain triacylglycerol concuption and endurance perfomance in trained runners / L. Misell [et al.] // The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. - 2001. - V. 41. - pp. 210-215.
26. Sankararaman, S. Are we going nuts on coconut oil? / S. Sankararaman, T. S. Sferra / Current Nutrition Reports. - 2018, published on line 04 July. URL: https: //doi.org / 10.1007 / s13668 018 0230 5.
27. Nandi, S. Production of medium chain glycerides and monolaurim from coconut acid oil by lipase-catalysed reactions / S. Nandi, S. Gangopadhyay, S. Ghosh // Journal of Oleo Science. - 2004. - V. 53. - ¹ 10. - pp. 497-501.
28. Coleman, H. Medium-chain triglycerids and cojugated linoleic acids in beverage form increase satiety and reduce food intake in humans / H. Coleman, P. Guinn, M. E. Clegg / Nutrition Research. - 2016. - V. 36. - pp. 526-533.
29. Kinsella, R. Coconut oil has less satiating propertites than medium-chain triglyceride oil / R. Kinsella [et al.] // Physiology & Behavior. - 2017. - V. 179. - (July) - pp. 422-426.
Shterman Sergey Valeryevich, Doctor of Technical Science,
Sidorenko Michail Ureyvich, Doctor of Technical Science
1, Obolensk highway, Obolensk urban village, Serpuhov district, Moscow region, 142279
Shterman Valeriy Solomonovich, Candidate of Chemical Science
Moscow state university of food manufacturing,
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080
Sidorenko Uriy Ilich, Doctor of Technical science, Professor
Moscow state university of technology and management after Razumovsky,
73, Zemlynoy Val str., Moscow, 129004, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



List of articles published in the journal in 2018