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Food processing Industry №6/2021

The results of the work of Food and Processing industry Enterprises of Russia


Simonenko S.V., Antipova Ò.À., Felik S.V., Simonenko E.S. Maltodextrin is a carbohydrate ingredient for the production of baby food

P. 8-11 Key words
carbohydrate ingredients, lactose, maltodextrin, dextrose equivalent, baby food

The organization of artificial feeding of children includes the use of specialized baby food products. The main principles of creating adapted infant formula are to approach the composition and properties of human milk and to match the characteristics of the child's digestion and metabolism. An important point in this case is the adaptation of the carbohydrate component. In modern formulas of children's adapted mixtures, part of the lactose is replaced with maltodextrin. The purpose of these studies was to study the nutritional value, safety indicators of the domestic carbohydrate ingredient-maltodextrin and the possibility of its use in specialized food products for baby food. The results of studies of the organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of the maltodextrin prototype confirmed compliance with the requirements for carbohydrate ingredients for the production of baby food. When studying the possibility of using domestic maltodextrin in the production of adapted baby products, its expediency for optimizing the carbohydrate composition of the finished product was confirmed.

1. Borovik TE, Ladodo KS, Skvortsov VA. Food for young children. Catalog [Food for young children. Catalog]. Moscow, 2011. 480 p.
2. GOST 34274-2017 Maltodextrins. Tehnicheskie uslovija [State Standard 32274-2017. Maltodextrins. General specifications]. Moscow: Standartinform, 2016. 26 p.
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Antipova Tat'yana À., Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Felik Svetlana V., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Simonenko Elena S.
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Simonenko E.S., Simonenko S.V., Kopytko M.S., Zolotin A.Yu., Patsyuk L.K.About the use of an iodine-containing vegetable ingredient in food products

P. 12-14 Key words
fruit and vegetable raw materials, feijoa, extracts, food products

A promising area of development of food products, including products for baby food, is the use of natural ingredients of plant origin in their composition. A critical approach to the selection of such ingredients allows to increase the value of the food product, on the one hand, due to the use of biologically active substances in their natural form, on the other, due to a significant improvement in the organoleptic conditions of the product. Studies of the chemical composition of feijoa fruits have shown the attractiveness of their use as an ingredient of plant origin, which can be positioned as a "source of organic iodine" belonging to deficient micronutrients. Stages and parameters of technological process of obtaining component of plant origin - dry extract of feijoa fruits are determined. Regulatory and technical documentation for feijoa fruit dry extract has been developed. The preparations of products with components of vegetable origin were investigated. Stages and parameters of technological process of production of products with components of plant origin are defined. A draft technological regulation for the production of products with plant components has been developed. The product being developed is positioned as a source of natural iodine. According to the process scheme of the product production, losses of biologically active substances are most likely at the pasteurization stage, in connection with which studies of losses of biologically active substances in the composition of feijoa extracts during heat treatment were carried out.

1. Lipatov NN, Sazhinov G Yu, Gevorkyan AL, Tymoshenko NV. Vzaimosvyaz' pitaniya i zdorov'ya detej, novye aspekty sozdaniya specializirovannyh pishchevyh produktov [Relationship between nutrition and health of children, new aspects of creating specialized food products]. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii "Prodovol'stvennaya industriya Yuga Rossii. Ekologicheski bezopasnye energosberegayush-chie tekhnologii hraneniya i pererabotki syr'ya rastitel'nogo i zhivotnogo proiskhozhdeniya". Chast' 2 [Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Food Industry of the South of Russia. Environmentally safe energy-saving technologies for storage and processing of raw materials of vegetable and animal origin". Part 2]. 2000. Krasnodar, 2000. P. 78-80 (In Russ.).
2. Rodionova L Ya, Sokol NV, Olkhvatov EA, Shubina LN. Tekhnologiya i primenenie poroshkoobraznyh pishchevyh dobavok iz rastitel'nogo syr'ya [Technology and use of powdered food additives from vegetable raw materials]. Nauchnyj zhurnal Kubgau [Scientific Journal of Kubgau]. 2017. No. 131 (07). P. 1-16.
3. Shchetinin MP, Kol'tyugina OV, Loskutorva GA, Dubinec IM. Tvorozhnye produkty s oblepihoj [Curd products with sea buckthorn]. Molochnaya promyshlennost' [Dairy industry]. 2010. No. 10. P. 68.
4. Shchetinin MP, Kol'tyugina OV, Kopynkina AA. Tvorozhnyj produkt s yagodnymi komponentami [Curd product with berry components]. Molochnaya promyshlennost' [Dairy industry]. 2011. No. 10. P. 59.
5. Golubeva LV, Dolmatova OI, Naydenkina TA, Zygalova EI. Tvorozhnyj produkt s yagodnymi komponentami [Curd products with components of plant origin]. Vestnik VGUIT [VGUIT Bulletin]. 2015. No. 2. P. 103-107.
6. Simonenko SV, Simonenko ES, Krasnova IS, Semenov GV. Cublimirovannaya sushka plodov fejhoa i vozmozhnost' ih ispol'zovaniya v recepturah produktov pitaniya [Sublimated drying of feijoa fruits and the possibility of their use in food recipes]. Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental'nyh issledovanij [International journal]. 2018. No. 11. Part 2. P. 224-227.
7. Simonenko ES, Simonenko SV, Zolotina A Yu, Sedova AE. Issledovanie ekstraktov plodov fejhoa [Research of feijoa fruit extracts]. Mezhdunarodnyj nauchno-issledovatel'skij zhurnal [International Research Journal]. 2018. No. 11 (77). P. 50-54.
Simonenko Elena S.,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Zolotin Alexander Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kopytko Margarita S.
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48 Moskovskaya str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Patsyuk Luybov' K.
All-Russian Research Institute of Conservation Technologies - Branch of the V.M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems RAS,
78, Shkolnaya str., Vidnoe, Moscow Region, 142703, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Androsova N.L., Felik S.V., Antipova T.A., Simonenko S.V. Fermented milk product with a combined composition

P. 15-18 Key words
cow's milk, goat's milk, mare's milk. baby food, ingredient, vegetable powder, fermented milk product

Among the factors of children's health that determine the child's performance and active development, an important role belongs to the full and regular supply of the child's body with the necessary vitamins, macro-and microelements, dietary fiber and other essential nutrients that are not synthesized by the child's body and can only come from food. The article presents data on the nutritional value of vegetable powders of pumpkin, beetroot and carrot. The technology of production of fermented milk drinks based on a combination of different types of milk (cow, goat and mare) and vegetable powders is described, the amount of their application is selected. 9 samples of the product with three combinations of milk with different mass content of vegetable powders were developed. The organoleptic evaluation of the developed samples is presented, four formulations of fermented milk drink are selected. For further studies, the compositions of cow and goat milk were selected, with the addition of 3% pumpkin powder, cow and goat milk with the addition of 2 % beet powder, cow and mare milk with the addition of 3 % pumpkin powder and cow and mare milk with the addition of 2 % beet powder. Recipes of four fermented milk products with vegetable powders of pumpkin and beet have been developed. Experimental workings were carried out and the physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of the developed samples were studied. According to the results of the research, the satisfaction of the daily need for energy and nutrients with the use of 150 g of the studied fermented milk product for children of preschool and primary school age is calculated. The results of the conducted research have shown that the development of fermented milk products with the addition of vegetable powders is an actual and promising direction and requires further study.

1. Spirichev VB. Nauchnye i prakticheskie aspekty patogeneticheski obosnovannogo primeneniya vitaminov v profilakticheskix i lechebny`x celej. Deficit vitaminov - faktor, oslozhnyayuschij techenie zabolevanij i snizhayushhij effektivnost` lechebno-profilakticheskix meropriyatij [Scientific and practical aspects of the pathogenetically grounded use of vitamins for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. Vitamin deficiency is a factor that complicates the course of diseases and reduces the effectiveness of therapeutic and prophylactic measures]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutritional issues]. 2011. No. 1. P. 4-13 (In Russ.).
2. Zhernosek VF. Deficit vitaminov i mineralov u detej i sposoby ego korrekcii [Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in children and ways to correct it]. Mezhdunarodnye obzory: klinicheskaya praktika i zdorov`e [International reviews: clinical practice and health]. 2015. No. 6 (18). P. 9-21 (In Russ.).
3. Shilov VV, Belyakova NI, Zhurnya AA. Optimizaciya sistemy detskogo pitaniya [Optimizing the baby food system]. Pischevaya promyshlennost`: nauka i texnologii [Food industry: Science and Technology]. 2019. No. 1 (43). P. 13-19 (In Russ.).
4. Sannikova NE, Levchuk LV. Profilaktika deficitnyx po vitaminam i mineral`nym veschestvam sostoyanij u detej [Prevention of deficiency for vitamins and minerals conditions by children]. Voprosy sovremennoj pediatrii [Modern pediatrics issues]. 2012. No. 11 (1). P. 56-60 (In Russ.).
5. Gustinovich VG, Godunov OA, Chernyx V Ya. Sposob kombinirovannogo polucheniya rastitel`nyx poroshkov iz razlichnyx vidov sel`skoxozyajstvennogo syr`ya i dikorosov [A method for the combined production of plant powders from various types of agricultural raw materials and wild plants]. Russia patent RU 2615819 C1. 2017 (In Russ.).
6. Koryachkina S Ya, Ladnova OL, Godunov OA, Xolodova EN, Lazareva TN. Issledovanie fiziologicheskogo effekta primeneniya fruktovo-ovoshhnyx poroshkov v eksperimente na zhivotnyx [Investigation of the physiological effect of the use of fruit and vegetable powders in an experiment on animals]. Voprosy pitaniya [Food issues]. 2016. No. 6. P. 52-56 (In Russ.).
7. Normy fiziologicheskix potrebnostej v energii i pishhevyx veshhestvax dlya razlichnyx grupp naseleniya Rossijskoj Federacii. Metodicheskie rekomendacii. MR [Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation. Guidelines. MR] [Internet]. [cited 2021 February]. Available from: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200076084 (In Russ.).
Androsova Nadezhda L.,
Antipova Tat'yana A., Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Felik Svetlana V., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Antipova Ò.À., Felik S.V., Androsova N.L., Simonenko S.V. Drinks with arginine for obese children

P. 19-22 Key words
obesity, L-arginine, specialty products, formulations, composition

Children and adolescents with obesity today make up a significant part of the total child population. As a rule, obesity is the result of a violation of the energy balance and develops with an increase in food consumption and a decrease in energy consumption. To increase the effectiveness of obesity prevention in children, a decrease in energy consumption should be combined with an increase in physical activity. Currently, among the main reasons are considered poor nutrition and poor lifestyle. Modern methods of treating obesity do not have sufficient effectiveness. Therefore, the study of metabolically active nutrients, one of which is considered L-arginine, is of great interest. The results of medical studies prove that the introduction of L-arginine into the diet in obese patients' leads to a significant reduction in body weight. The purpose of the research was to establish the possibility of using L-arginine in products for the nutrition of adolescents, to develop recipes and technologies for specialized food products. Studies on the creation of beverage recipes for the nutrition of obese children were aimed at achieving optimal organoleptic parameters of the product at the possible maximum dose of L-arginine. The formulations include: rosehip extract, fructose, citric acid, lactulose, L-arginine. In the conditions of experimental production, experimental batches of samples of the drink were developed. The organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of the developed samples were studied. To assess the physiological effect of this drink, it is planned to conduct clinical trials, which is the purpose of further research.

1. Peterkova VA, Vasyukova OV. K voprosu o novoy klassifikatsii ozhireniya u detey i podrostkov [On the new classification of obesity in children and adolescents]. Problemy endokrinologii [Problems of endocrinology]. 2015. No. 2. P. 39-44 (In Russ.).
2. Saltanova SD. Sovremennye aspekty diagnostiki, lecheniya i profilaktiki ozhireniya u detey [Modern aspects of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of obesity in children]. Zdorov'e rebenka [Child's health.]. 2017. No. 6. Vol. 12. P. 712-717 (In Russ.).
3. Mkrtumyan AM, Podachina SV. Effektivnoe lechenie ozhireniya putem vliyaniya na snizhenie potrebleniya pischi i povysheniya raskhoda energii [Effective treatment of obesity by influencing the reduction of food consumption and increasing energy consumption]. Ozhirenie i metabolism [Obesity and metabolism]. 2007. No. 1. P. 15-18 (In Russ.).
4. Scherbakova M Yu, Poryadina GI, Kovaleva EA. Problema ozhireniya v detskom vozraste [The problem of obesity in childhood]. Gastroenterologiya [Gastroenterology]. 2010. No. 7. P. 74-79 (In Russ.).
5. Pavlovskaya EV, Surkov AG, Mal'tsev G Yu, Strokova TV, Sentsova TB. Vozmozhnosti primeneniya arginina v dietoterapii ozhire-niya [Possibilities of arginine application in diet therapy of obesity]. Voprosy detskoy dietologii [Questions of children's dietetics]. 2016. Vol. 14. No. 5. P. 26-30 (In Russ.).
6. Strokova TV, Pavlovskaya EV, Surkov AG, Zubovich AI, Bagaeva ME, Taran NN, Shilina NM, Mal'tsev G Yu, Zeigarnik MV, Kaganov BS. Effektivnost' arginina i omega-3-PNZHK v lechenii ozhireniya u detey [Effectiveness of arginine and omega-3 Pufas in the treatment of obesity in children]. Voprosy prakticheskoy pediatrii [Questions of practical pediatrics]. 2018. Vol. 13 (1). P. 12-20 (In Russ.).
7. Stepanov Yu M, Kononov IN, Zhurbina AI, Filippova A Yu. Arginin v meditsinskoy praktike. Zhurnal AMN Ukra¿ni. 2004. Vol. 10. No. 1. P. 340-352 (In Russ.).
8. Bruilo AS, Peshko PS. Eshche raz o shipovnik. Agropanorama. 2001. No. 3. P. 36 (In Russ.).
9. Sun SZ, Anderson GN, Flickinger BD et al. Fructosa and non-fructosa sugar intakes in the US population and their associations with indicators of metabolic syndrome. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2011. No. 49. P. 2875-2882.
10. Tappi L, Le RA. Metabolic effects of fructose and the worldwide increase in obersiti. Physiological Reviews. 2010. No. 90. P. 23-46.
11. Rizkalla SW. Health implications of fruc-tose consumption. A revier of recent data. Nutrition & Metabolism. 2010. No. 7. Article 82.
12. Tappi L, Mittendorfer B. Fructose toxicity: is the science ready for public health actions? Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care. 2012. Vol. 15. P. 357-361.
13. Ryabtseva SA, Khramtsov AG, Budkevich RO. Fiziologicheskie ehffekty, mekhanizmy deystviya i primenenie laktulozy [Physiological effects, mechanisms of action and application of lactulose]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition issues]. 2020. No. 2. P. 5-15 (In Russ.).
Antipova Tat'yana À., Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Felik Svetlana V., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Androsova Nadezhda L.,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Felik S.V., Antipova Ò.À., Simonenko S.V., Androsova N.L. Preparation of low-lactose fermented milk products for baby food

P. 23-26 Key words
low-lactose milk, lactose fermentation, fermentation, organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters

The article is devoted to the preparation of a fermented milk product for the nutrition of children with lactase deficiency. One of the most common methods of obtaining low-lactose products is the use of lactose hydrolysis using enzyme preparations. The aim of the work was to study the process of fermentation of low-lactose dairy product. Given that when using the methods of lactose fermentation, the product acquires a pronounced sweet taste due to the presence of glucose, it was necessary to set a given amount of lactose when achieving optimal organoleptic parameters. The results of the studies indicate a change in the organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of the samples as a result of lactose hydrolysis. The taste manifestations of sweetness in the product appear at the degree of lactose hydrolysis of 50 % and increase with further hydrolysis. The following types of starter cultures were used for the fermentation process: Lactobacillus acidophilus; Treptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus; Streptococcus thermophiles; Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and Lactococcus lactis subsp. Cremoris. The fermentation process in all samples of low-lactose milk has its own characteristics characteristic of the starter culture used. It should be noted that starter cultures, including Acidophilus bacillus, intensify the process of fermentation of the studied samples. The lactose content after the end of the fermentation process in the studied samples was 1.35; 1.4 %, which corresponds to the requirements of TR CU 027/2012 "On the safety of certain types of specialized food products, including dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition".

1. Berketova LV. Razrabotka produktov s ponizhennym soderzhaniem laktozy [Development of products with a reduced lactose content]. Materialy Vserossiiskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii pod obshchei redaktsiei Yu N Zubtsova [Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Under the general editorship of Yu N Zubtsov]. 2018. P. 91-95 (In Russ.).
2. Karaseva AV, Kulikova IK. Sravnenie svoistv promyshlennykh beta-galaktozidaz dlya gidroliza laktozy v molochnom syr'e [Comparison of the properties of industrial ?-galactosidases for the hydrolysis of lactose in dairy raw materials]. Vestnik Severo-kavkazskogo federal'nogo universiteta [Severo-kavkazskiy Federal university bulletin]. 2017. No. 3 (60). P. 17-23 (In Russ.).
3. Slupsky Carolyn M, He Xuan, Hernell Olle, Andersson Yvonne, Rudolph Colin, L?nerdal Bo & West Christina E. Postprandial metabolic response of breast-fed infants and infants fed lactose-free vs regular infant formula: A randomized controlled trial. Scientific Reports. 2017. No. 7 (3640).
4. Timkin VA, Minin PS. Tekhnologiya proizvodstva bezlaktoznogo moloka metodom diafil'tratsii [Technology of production of lactose-free milk by diafiltration method]. Molochnaya promyshlennost' [Dairy industry]. 2018. No. 12. P. 58-59 (In Russ.).
5. Fefilova GA, Kharina MV. Issledovanie fermentativnogo gidroliza laktozy moloka [Investigation of enzymatic hydrolysis of milk lactose]. Materialy VI Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference]. Ekaterinburg, 2019. P. 144-147 (In Russ.).
6. Khodyashchev NB, Vikhareva EA. Issledovanie vliyaniya otdel'nykh faktorov na fermentativnyi gidroliz laktozy molochnoi syvorotki [Investigation of the influence of certain factors on the enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose in whey]. Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta "Khimicheskaya tekhnologiya i biotekhnologiya" [Bulletin of the Permskiy National Research Politechnic University "Chemical Technology and Biotechnology"]. 2019. P. 26-33 (In Russ.).
7. Bukuru LK, Skvortsov EV. Ehffektivnost' primeneniya beta-galaktozidazy dlya polucheniya nizkolaktoznogo napitka na osnove molochnoi syvorotki [Effectiveness of the use of beta-galactosidase for the production of a low-lactose drink based on whey]. Vestnik tekhnologicheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Technological University]. 2017. Vol. 20. No. 13. P. 117-119 (In Russ.).
Antipova Tat'yana À., Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Felik Svetlana V., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Androsova Nadezhda L.,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lovkis Z.V., Margunova A.M., Zaichenko D.A., Belyakova N.I., Simonenko S.V., Antipova Ò.À.Children's specialty nutrition for patients with phenylketonuria

P. 27-32 Key words
Children's specialty nutrition for patients with phenylketonuria

The article discusses the creation of specialized nutrition in the Republic of Belarus, trends in its development and specialized products as a special group of products for patients with protein metabolism disorders - phenylketonuria, celiac disease and renal failure, as well as neurological diseases, in the treatment of which they are used drugs that exclude the simultaneous use of food containing protein. Specialists of RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food" have developed an assortment of low-protein food products with a reduced content of phenylalanine, which is represented by eleven names: pasta; dry mixes for making mashed potatoes and dumplings; dry mixes for baking cookies and muffins; dry granulated products: "Buckwheat groats" "Corn groats" and dry mixtures based on them for the preparation of cereals. To investigate the effectiveness of the developed low-protein products for specialized purposes, a number of clinical studies were conducted with the participation of volunteers. One of the studies was aimed at carrying out a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of products and products of foreign production developed by the RUE "Scientific Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food". The obtained research results indicate that the developed products are not inferior in quality to foreign analogues and can be used for feeding children with phenylketonuria.

1. Koncepcija gosudarstvennoj politiki v oblasti zdorovogo pitanija naselenija Respubliki Belarus' na period do 2020 goda [The concept of the state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population of the Republic of Belarus for the period up to 2020]. Pischevaja promyshlennost': nauka i tehnologii [Food industry: science and technology]. 2015. No. 4. P. 3-10. (In Russ.)
2. Strategija povyshenija kachestva i bezopasnosti pishhevoj produkcii v Respublike Belarus' do 2030 goda [Strategy for improving the quality and safety of food products in the Republic of Belarus' until 2030]. Pischevaja promyshlennost': nauka i tehnologii [Food industry science: and technology]. 2016. No. 1. P. 8-17. (In Russ.)
3. Gusakov VG et al. Osnovnye polozhenija Doktriny prodovol'stvennoj bezopasnosti Respubliki Belarus' [Main provisions of the Food Security Doctrine of the Republic of Belarus']. Agrarnaja ekonomika [Agricultural economy]. 2017. No. 3. P. 2-14. (In Russ.)
4. Morgunova EM. Nauchno-metodologicheskie podhody sozdanija koncepcii personificirovannogo pitanija [Scientific and methodological approaches to creating the concept of personalized nutrition]. Pischevaja promyshlennost': nauka i tehnologii [Food industry science and technology]. Nauchno-prakticheskiy centr NAN Belarusi po prodovol'stviju, redkollegiya: Z.V. Lovkis i dr. [Scientific Practical Center for Food. Editorial board: Z.V. Lovkis [et al.]. 2020. Vol. 13. No. 2 (48). P. 6-14. (In Russ.)
5. Van Wegberg et al. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 2017. No. 12 (1). P. 162.
6. Evans S, Daly A, MacDonald J, Preece MA, Santra S, Vijay S et al. The micronutrient status of patients with phenylketonuria on dietary treatment: an ongoing challenge. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2014. No. 65 (1). P. 42-48.
7. Robert M, Rocha JC, van Rijn M, Ahring K, Belanger-Quintana A, MacDonald A et al. Micronutrient status in phenylketonuria. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 2013. Suppl. 110. P. S6-S17. (In Russ.)
8. Jervis GA. Phenylpyruvic oligophrenia deficiency of phenylalanine-oxidizing system. Proceeding of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 1953. Vol. 82. P. 514-515.
9. Gorjachko AN. Sovremennye podhody k lecheniju fenilketonurii i lejcinoza (bolezni klenovogo siropa): uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie [Modern approaches to the treatment of phenylketonuria and leucinosis (maple syrup di-sease): guidance manual]. Minsk: BGMU, 2011. 26 p. (In Russ.)
10. Zeevi D, Korem T, Zmora N et al. Personalized Nutrition by Prediction of Glycemic Responses. Cell. 2015. No. 163 (5). P. 1079-1094.
11. Klinicheskaja dietologija detskogo vozrasta: Rukovodstvo dlja vrachej [Clinical dietetics of childhood: A guide for doctors] / edited of Professor Borovik T Je and Professor Ladodo KS. 2-e izdanie, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe [2nd edition, revised and enlarged]. Moscow: Medicinskoe informacionnoe agentstvo [Medical News agency], 2015. 720 p. (In Russ.)
12. Sanitarnye normy i pravila "Trebovanija k pitaniju naselenija: normy fiziolo-gicheskih potrebnostej v jenergii i pishhevyh veshhestvah dlja razlichnyh grupp naselenija Respubliki Belarus'" [Sanitary norms and rules "Requirements for the nutrition of the population: norms of physiological needs in energy and food substances for various groups of the population of the Republic of Belarus"] [Electronic resource]. Postanovlenie Ministerstva zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' 20.11.2012. No. 180 [Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus' 20.11.2012. No. 180]. Nacional'nyj pravovoj Internet-portal Respubliki Belarus' [National Legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus'. 15.02.2013, 8/26679]. (In Russ.)
13. Lovkis ZV et al. Razrabotka nizkobelkovyh kartofel'nyh produktov dlja pitanija ljudej s narushe-niem obmena fenilalanina [Development of low-protein potato products for the nutrition of people with impaired phenylalanine metabolism]. Pischevaja promyshlennost': nauka i tehnologii [Food industry science and technology]. 2020. No. 4 (50). P. 15-24. (In Russ.)
14. Gusakov VG et al. Prodovol'stvennaja bezopasnost' Respubliki Belarus' v uslovijah funkcionirovanija Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza. Monitoring-2015 [Food security of the Republic of Belarus in the context of the functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union. Monitoring-2015]. In 2 parts. Part 2. Minsk: Institute for Systems Research of APK NAN Belarus', 2016. 205 p. (In Russ.)
15. Gusakov VG et al. Prodovol'stvennaja bezopasnost' Respubliki Belarus'. Monitoring-2016: social'no-jekonomicheskie aspekty [Food security of the Republic of Belarus. Monitoring-2016: socio-economic aspects]. Minsk: Institute for Systems Research of APK NAN Be-larus', 2017. 210 p. (In Russ.)
16. Gusakov VG et al. Prodovol'stvennaja bezopasnost' Respubliki Belarus'. Monitoring-2017: v kontekste ustojchivogo funkcionirovanija APK [Food security of the Republic of Belarus. Monitoring-2017: in the context of the sustainable functioning of the agro-industrial complex]. Minsk: Institute for Systems Research of APK NAN Belarus', 2018. 295 p. (In Russ.)
17. Gusakov VG et al. Monitoring prodovol'stvennoj bezopasnosti-2019: social'no-ekonomicheskie uslovija [Food security Monitoring-2019: socio-economic conditions]. Minsk: Institute for Systems Research of APK NAN Belarus', 2020. 349 p. (In Russ.)
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Lovkis Zenon V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus',
Morgunova Alena M., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Zaichenko Dmitriy A., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Belyakova Natal'ya I., Candidate of Medical Sciences
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Food,
29, Kozlova str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus', 220037, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Antipova Òat'yana À., Doctor of Biological Sciences
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48, Moskovskaya str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kondratenko V.V., Petrov A.N., Patsyuk L.K., Luk'yanenko M.V., Simonenko E.S.Prospects for the use of collapsing cavitation in the preparation of baby food

P. 33-38 Key words
baby food, collapse cavitation, redox potential, prevention of erosion of surfaces

In conditions of progressive dynamics of diseases associated with violation of the nutritional structure of children, to a greater extent of senior school age, the production of semi-finished products for flour confectionery products or new products of a colloidal degree of dispersion of reduced sugar capacity with maximum preservation of physiologically important components is relevant. A promising technological method of affecting plant fruit and vegetable raw materials is collapse acoustic cavitation. However, in order to evaluate the applicability of this treatment method, it is necessary to evaluate its effect on the safety of products obtained during the collapse cavitation treatment process. The main possible negative effects of this treatment are erosion processes of the waveguide material and the working chamber and the potential for the formation of free radicals. As a result of the analytical study, possible solutions to the tasks were obtained. The solution to inhibit the oxidative processes of physiologically important components of plant raw materials in the process of collapse cavitation treatment can be the introduction of redox-labile non-basic nutrients and more affinity for free radicals. To solve minimizing or completely eliminating erosion processes accompanying cavitation processing, two conditions are required at the same time: the design of the geometry of the working surface of the waveguide, which ensures the removal of the focus of ultrasonic radiation and the creation of new materials for the production of the working surface of the waveguide and the working chamber, which have increased resistance to secondary phenomena occurring when subjected to collapse ultrasonic cavitation. Despite the fact that the issue of creating a wear-resistant material remains open at the moment, developments in this direction are known in world practice, which opens up wide prospects for the use of cavitation processing in the technology of preparing food for baby food.

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Kondratenko Vladimir V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Petrov Andrey N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of RAS,
Patsyuk Lyubov' K.,
Luk'yanenko Mariya V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Russian Research Institute of Canning Technology - Branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
78, Shkol'naya str., Vidnoe, Moscow region, 142703, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Simonenko Elena S.
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48, Moskovskaya str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Derevitskaya O.K., Aslanova M.A., Simonenko S.V., Antipova T.A., Dydykin A.S. The use of specialized products in organization of school nutrition by the example of regional practices

P. 39-42 Key words
school meals, specialized products, Cook&Chill technology

One of the ways for improving organization and increasing effectiveness of nutrition of students in general education schools is its transition to the industrial methods for food production and centralized supply of school canteens with different types of semi-finished products, culinary products and products of high degree of readiness intended for child nutrition. The paper shows regional examples of school nutrition organization using specialized products for child nutrition. When applying the model of nutrition organization of the distribution type realized in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny (Tatarstan), all operations on thermal culinary processing of raw materials have been transferred to a food preparation facility. A food preparation facility prepares specialized dishes for child nutrition in the multiple package using the Cook&Chill system. The catering units of educational institutions perform only operations on regeneration (heating) of cooked and chilled dishes, as well as their distribution and serving. Another model is used in Ulyanovsk Oblast - organization of school nutrition using secondary food processing (preparation of dishes from semi-prepared products, and organization of consumption at the place of preparation). In this model, ration formulation is based on the maximum use of specialized raw materials and food products for children including products enriched with essential macro- and micronutrients, produced according to the state standards by enterprises of the food and processing industry. The use of specialized meat products in food rations for children in the organized groups will facilitate significant optimization of rations, their correction by the macro- and micronutrient composition. Successful regional practices based on the use of specialized products and ready dishes produced on the basis of large food preparation facilities for school nutrition and industrial enterprises can be an example of the improvement of the organized nutrition system for other regions.

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4. Martinchik AN, Baturin AK, Keshabyanc EE, Fat'yanova LN, Semenova Ya A, Bazarova LB. Analiz fakticheskogo pitaniya detej i podrostkov Rossii v vozraste ot 3 do 19 let [Analysis of the actual nutrition of children and adolescents in Russia aged 3 to 19 years]. Voprosy pitaniya [Problems of Nutrition]. 2017. Vol. 86. No. 4. P. 50-60 (In Russ.).
5. Dydykin AS, Aslanova MA, Derevitskaya OK, Soldatova NE. Gotovye blyuda dlya sistemy pitaniya v obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdeniyah [Ready meals for the food system in educational institutions]. Myasnye tekhnologii [Meat Technology]. 2018. No. 8 (188). P. 6-11 (In Russ.).
6. Dydykin AS, Aslanova MA, Derevitskaya OK, Soldatova NE. Sovremennye tekhnologii organizacii pitaniya uchashchihsya [Modern technologies of catering for students]. Pischevaya promyshlennost' [Food processing industry]. 2013. No. 12. P. 32-33 (In Russ.).
Derevitskaya Ol'ga K., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Aslanova Marietta A., Candidate of Technical Sciences
V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
26, Talalikhina str., Moscow, 109316, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Antipova Tat'yana A., Doctor of Biological Sciences
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48 Moskovskaya str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dydykin Andrey S., Candidate of Technical Sciences
V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
26, Talalikhina str., Moscow, 109316, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080

Kurchenko V.P., Symonenko E.S., Golovach T.N., Mayorov K.I., Tsygankov V.G., Symonenko S.V.Nanocomplexes of beta-cyclodextrin with liposoluble vitamins and peptides of milk protein hydrolyzate for functional food products

P. 43-48 Key words
cyclodextrins, vitamin A, vitamin D3, peptides, inclusion complexes, functional foods

Research in the field of dietetics has shown that the development of functional foods requires the creation of multicomponent compositions which include macro- and micronutrients. To create such compositions, peptides were obtained from the hydrolyzate of milk whey proteins with molecular weights of 150-6000 Da (FP-GBS). To reduce their bitter taste, they were incorporated into beta-CD using the co-precipitation method. In the resulting complex FP-GBS:beta-CD, the bitter taste of the peptides decreased to moderately bitter. The inclusion complexes of liposoluble vitamins D3:beta-CD and A:beta-CD made it possible to transform them from a liquid state into a powder form, in which they have increased thermal stability and solubility in water. On their basis, a multicomponent composite was developed, 100 g of which contained 30 g of FP-GBS, 1.06 mg of vitamin D3 (42,500 IU), 86.0 mg of vitamin A (250,000 IU) and 4 g of olive oil. The structural and functional properties of the obtained samples of inclusion complexes were studied. It was shown that the antioxidant activity of the obtained samples of inclusion complexes decreases in the series: multicomponent composite

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Kurchenko Vladimir P., Candidate of Biological Sciences
Belarusian State University,
4, Independence avenue, Minsk, Belarus, 220030, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Simonenko Elena S.
Research Institute of Baby Food - Âranch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
4, Moskovskaya str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Golovach Tatiana N., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Mayorova Ksenia I.
Belarusian State University,
4, Independence avenue, Minsk, Belarus, 220030, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Maiorî This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tsygankov Vasily G., Candidate of Medical Sciences
Republican Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and Practical Center of Hygiene",
8, Akademicheskaya str., Minsk, Belarus, 220012, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Symonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Research Institute of Baby Food - Âranch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
48, Moskovskaya str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Kondratenko V.V., Kanevskiy B.L., Pokudina G.P., Senkevich V.I., Borchenkova L.A.Slowest heating zone migration for heterophase baby food system

P. 49-53 Key words
slowest heating zone, migration, thermal sterilization, apple juice with pulp

The paper presents the results of researches of Slowest Heating Zone (SHZ) migration in packaging during thermal sterilization of fine heterophasic food system for feeding young children. Localization of SHZ is the main parameter on the basis of which the development of thermal sterilization modes for food systems with convective heat exchange is made. As the object of the study, we used apple juice with pulp for baby food of domestic production, which is a heterophase system with a liquid dispersion medium and a highly dispersed phase uniformly distributed in it in the form of pulp particles with a density close to the density of the liquid medium. The product was packaged in glass jars III-52-190. Warming up was carried out in a thermostat at temperatures of the heating medium of 75, 80, 85, 90, and 95 °C, which were maintained and recorded automatically, which ensured the uniformity of the temperature field of water in the thermostat. The heating curves were recorded using a thermocouple, the working junction of which was located along the can axis at heights of 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 40, 42, and 48 mm from the bottom. As a result of experimental studies of the sterilization process, it was found that in such a food system, the localization of SHZ and the kinetics of its migration are similar to these parameters in homophase food systems, but differ in important features caused by both the presence of a dispersed phase and differences in the thermophysical parameters of products. The effect of homogenization of juice with pulp, obligatory for feeding young children, on the viscosity of the product due to the regularity of the orientation of pulp particles, which causes migration of SHZ when the temperature of the juice changes during heating and cooling, has been noted.

1. Babarin VP. Sterilizaciya konservov. Spravochnik [Sterilisation of preserves. Reference book]. Saint Petersburg: Giord, 2006. 312 p. (In Russ.)
2. Senkevich VI. Metody i parametry opredeleniya rezhimov sterilizacii pri proizvodstve konservov [Methods and parameters for determining sterilization modes in the production of canned food]. Alleya nauki, 2018. No. 9 (25). Vol. 2. P. 295-302 (In Russ.).
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9. Levshenko MT, Kanevskij BL. Optimizaciya rascheta trebuemoj letal'nosti pri razrabotke rezhimov sterilizacii i pasterizacii gomogennyh fruktovyh konservov [Optimization of calculation of required lethality in development of modes of sterilization and pasteurization of homogeneous fruit preserves]. Aktual'nye voprosy industrii napitkov [Collection "Current Issues of the Beverage Industry"]. 2018. No. 2. P. 81-86 (In Russ.).
10. Pokudina GP, Trishkaneva MV, Volkova RA. Development of pasterization modes of high-sugar canns in continuos acting pasterizers. Food systems. 2019. No. 2 (4). P. 48-52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21323/2618-9771-2019-2-4-48-52.
11. Garrote RL, Silva ER, Roa RD, Ayala M. Determining convective heat transfer coefficient during sterilisation of canned evaporative whole milk. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 2010. No. 43. P. 724-728.
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13. GOST 32920-2014. Produkcija sokovaja. Soki i nektary dlja pitanija detej rannego vozrasta. Obshhie tehnicheskie uslovija [State Standard 32920-2014. Juice products. Juices and nectars for early childhood nutrition. General Specifications]. Moscow: Standartinform, 2015. 16 p. (In Russ.).
14. GOST 32671-2014. Mezhgosudarstvenniy standart. Tara stekljannaja dlja produktov detskogo pitanija. Obshhie tehnicheskie uslovija [State Standard 32671-2014. Interstate standard. Glass containers for baby food. General Specifications]. Moscow: Standartinform, 2015. 12 p. (In Russ.).
15. Kondratenko VV, Kanevskij BL, Pokudina GP, Borchenkova LA, Senkevich VI. Issledovanie migracii zony naimen'shego progrevanija soka jablochnogo osvetljonnogo v processe teplovoj obrabotki [Study of migration of the zone of least heating of apple juice clarified during heat treatment]. Vestnik VGUIT [Bulletin of Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies]. 2019. Vol. 81. No. 4. P. 1-6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20914/2310-1202-2019-4-62.10 (In Russ.).
16. Levshenko MT, Senkevich VI. Dinamika termicheskogo processa inaktivacii mikroorganizmov pri ustanovlenii rezhimov ul'trapasterizacii konserviruemyh produktov [Dynamics of thermal process of microorganisms inactivation in setting of ultrapasteurization modes of preserved products]. Nauchnyj zhurnal NIU ITMO. Serija "Processy i apparaty pishhevyh proizvodstv" [Scientific Journal of NIU ITMO. Food Production Processes and Apparatus Series]. 2019. No. 4. P. 66-77 (In Russ.).
17. Matveenko VN, Kirsanov EA. Vjazkost' i struktura dispersnyh sistem [Viscosity and structure of disperse systems]. Vestnik MGU. Seriya 2: "Himija" [Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 2: "Chemistry"]. 2011. Vol. 52. No. 4. P. 243-276 (In Russ.).
Kondratenko Vladimir V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kanevskiy Boris L., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Pokudina Galina P.,
Senkevich Vyacheslav I.,
Borchenkova Lidiya A.
Russian Research Institute of Canning Technology - Branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
78, Shkol'naya str., Vidnoe, Moscow region, 142703, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Felik S.V., Antipova T.A., Androsova N.L., Simonenko S.V. Correction of the organoleptic characteristics of milk with a protein ingredient in the development of a product for herodietic nutrition

P. 54-56 Key words
herodietic product, dry hydrolyzed beef protein, milk, organoleptic parameters, experimental samples

The article presents the results of research aimed at correcting the organoleptic characteristics of milk with dry beef protein hydrolysate in the development of a product for herodietic nutrition. Approaches aimed at achieving this goal are described. The optimal amount of beef protein hydrolysate is selected and a comparative graph of the amino acid pressure of milk and a mixture of milk with a protein ingredient is shown, indicating the feasibility of its use. The list of technological operations used in the development of product prototypes is given. The results of the selection of corrective components and the parameters of technological operations used for the development of prototypes are presented. The data of the organoleptic evaluation of the experimental samples are presented and the conclusion is made about the most acceptable corrective components in relation to the combination of milk and beef protein hydrolysate.

1. Nikolaeva TI, Shehovcev PV. Gidrolizaty kollagena v profilaktike i lechenii zabolevanij sustavov [Collagen hydrolysates in the prevention and treatment of joint diseases]. Fundamental'nye issledovanija [Fundamental research]. 2014. No. 12. P. 524-528 (In Russ.).
2. Hvylja SI, Burlakov SS. Zhivotnye belki - napravlenija ispol'zovanija i problemy identifikacii [Animal proteins - directions of use and problems of identification]. Mjasnye tehnologii [Meat technology]. 2009. No. 1. P. 32-35 (In Russ.).
3. Lukin AA. Tehnologicheskie osobennosti i perspektivy ispol'zovanija rastitel'nyh i zhivotnyh belkov v proizvodstve kolbasnyh izdelij [Technological features and prospects for the use of plant and animal proteins in the production of sausages]. Vestnik JuUrGU, serija "Pischevye biotehnologii" [South Ural State university bulletin. Series "Food technology"]. 2014. No. 1. P. 52-57 (In Russ.).
4. Dvorjaninova OP, Sokolov AV, Chasovskih AG, Pantykin AP. Perspektivy ispol'zovanija govjazh'ego belka serii "VT-Pro" v tehnologii kolbasnyh izdelij [Prospects for the use of beef protein series "VT-Pro" in sausage technology]. Vestnik VGUIT [Voronezh State university engineering technologies bulletin]. 2017. No. 4. P. 127-133 (In Russ.).
5. Zolotin A Yu, Simonenko SV, Felik SV, Antipova TA, Simonenko ES. Nekotorye osobennosti korreljacii zapaha pishhevogo produkta s ego organolepticheskim vosprijatiem [Some features of the correlation of the smell of a food product with its organoleptic perception]. Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental'nyh issledovanij [International journal of applied and fundamental research]. 2017. No. 11-2. P. 179-183 (In Russ.).
Felik Svetlana V., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Antipova Tat'yana A., Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Androsova Nadezhda L.,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Simonenko E.S., Simonenko S.V., Zolotin A.Yu., Bessarab O.V. Development of a methodology for assessing the organoleptic perception of a food product

P. 57-62 Key words
organoleptic perception, food product, consumer value, fermented milk product, mare's milk, feijoa fruit extract

The process of developing a food product is a process of forming a texture of a food object endowed with food value while ensuring compliance with food safety requirements. In some cases, the product being developed is focused on the requirement to provide pronounced physiological functionality. Food safety indicators and main identification indicators of food food value are regulated by technical regulations TR TS 021/2011, TR TS 033/2013, TR TS 023/2011, TR TS 034/2013, TR TS 027/2012, TR TS (for oil and fat products). The physiological functionality of the product is associated with the use of functional ingredients in its formulation, ensuring the presence of certain biologically active substances in the product composition. Brought to a level that meets the criteria for food products - a source of a food substance or other distinguishing features, and the maximum level of food and (or) biologically active substances in such products should not exceed the upper safe level of consumption of such substances when received from all possible sources (if such levels are present). At the same time, when developing a product, it is unacceptable that little attention is paid to the formation of its consumer value, while it is the value of the product for the consumer that determines not only its promotion in the market, but, more importantly, is the carrier of the concepts of utility embedded in the product when developing it. In other words, the actualization of the usefulness of a product is possible provided that the product is perceived by the consumer as a valuable product for it. The purpose of this publication is to present a technique for evaluating organoleptic perception as a continuously varying value.

1. Zolotin A Yu, Simonenko SV, Shahajlo NA, Antipova TA, Felik SV, Simonenko ES. Voprosy terminologii pri issledovanii organolepticheskogo vospriyatiya pishchevyh produktov [Questions of terminology in the study of organoleptic perception of food products]. Pischevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2017. No. 12. P. 35-37 (In Russ.).
2. GOST ISO 5492-2014 Mezhgosudarstvennyj standart. Organolepticheskij analiz. Slovar' [State standard ISO 5492-2014. Organoleptic analysis. Vocabulary]. Moscow: Standartinform, 2020 (In Russ.).
3. Adler Yu P, Markova KV, Granovsky Yu I. Planirovanie eksperimenta pri poiske optimal'nyh uslovij [Experiment planning in search of optimal conditions]. Moscow: Nauka, 1976. 280 p. (In Russ.)
4. Samarskij AA, Mihajlov AP. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie: Idei. Metody. Primery [Mathematical modeling. Ideas. Methods. Examples]. Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2001. 320 p. (In Russ.)
5. Akhnazarova SL, Kafarov VV. Optimizaciya eksperimenta v himii i himicheskoj tekhnologii [Optimization of the experiment in chemistry and chemical technology]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 1978. 319 p. (In Russ.)
6. Fetisov EA, Semipyatny VK, Petrov AN, Galstyan AG. Planirovanie i analiz rezul'tatov tekhnologicheskih eksperimentov [Planning and analysis of the results of technological experiments]. Moscow: Stalingrad, 2015. 98 p. (In Russ.)
7. Grachev Yu P. Matematicheskie metody planirovaniya eksperimentov [Mathematical methods of planning experiments]. Moscow: Pishchevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry], 1979. 200 p. (In Russ.)
8. Lipatov NN, Haritonov VD. Suhoe moloko [Dry milk]. Moscow: Legkaya i pischevaya promyshlennost' [Light and Food industry], 1981. 264 p. (In Russ.)
Simonenko Elena S.,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Zolotin Alexander Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48, Moskovskaya str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bessarab Ol'ga V.
All-Russian Research Institute of Conservation Technologies - Branch of the V.M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems RAS,
78, Shkolnaya str., Vidnoe, Moscow Region, 142703, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Demchenko E.A., Savenkova T.V., Simonenko E.S. Regulatory issues in the production of confectio-nery for baby food

P. 63-68 Key words
specialized food products, regulatory and methodological framework, technical regulation, confectionery products, cookies for baby food, quality

The physical and economical accessibility of high-quality food products, in volumes not less than the rational consumption rates, required for an active and healthy lifestyle, refers to the main terms of realisation the human rights to the worthy life. The special humanitarian value and promising resource of the country's economy and security is children's health. The article presents an analysis of the regulatory and methodological framework of specialized food products for children in the Russian Federation. The current problems of production, sale and consumption were considered. It was established that the plurality and fragmentation of legal norms are an important drawback of the legal mechanism for regulating the production and circulation of food products for children. The lack of common approaches and tools of regulation were revealed. This makes it difficult to produce high nutritional quality foods for the physiological needs of children. Directions requiring development were defined expansion of the regulatory framework governing terms and definitions for certain categories of specialized food products; actualization of the existing legal and regulatory framework of the physiological needs of the population in nutrients and energy; use of food ingredients with functional properties; control over marketing.

1. Federal'naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki. Naselenie. Demografiya. [Federal State Statistics Service. Population. Demographics]. Available from: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/population/demography.
2. Baranov AA, Al'bickij VU, Namazova-Baranova LS, Terleckaya RN. Sostoyanie zdorov'ya detej sovremennoj Rossii [The state of health of children in modern Russia]. Moscow: Pediatr, 2020. 117 p. (In Russ.)
3. Baranov AA, Al'bickij VU, Sostoyanie zdorov'ya detej Rossii, prioritety ego sohraneniya i ukrepleniya [The state of health of children in Russia, the priorities of its preservation and strengthening] Kazanskij medicinskij zhurnal [Kazan Medical Journal]. 2018. No. 99 (4). P. 698-705. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17816/KMJ2018-698
4. Paranicheva TM, Tyurina EV. Funkcional'naya gotovnost' k shkole detej 6-7 let [Functional readiness for school of children 6-7 years old]. Al'manah Novye issledovaniya [Almanac Novye issledovaniya]. 2012. Vol. 1. No. 30. P. 135-144. (In Russ.)
5. Podkolzina VA, Lazareva GYU, Mullayarova EA. Detskoe pitanie. Polnyj spravochnik / [Baby food. Complete reference book]. Voronezh: Nauchnaya kniga, 2013. 830 p. (In Russ.)
6. Tutel'yan VA, Kon' I Yà. Detskoe pitanie: rukovodstvo dlya vrachej [Baby food: a guide for doctors]. Moscow: MIA, 2017. - 777 p. (In Russ.)
7. Balanova Yu A, Ozhirenie v rossijskoj populyacii - rasprostranennost' i associacii s faktorami riska hronicheskih neinfekcionnyh zabolevanij [Obesity in the Russian population-prevalence and associations with risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases]. RKZH. 2018. No. 6 [Electronic resource] / Available from https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ozhirenie-v-rossiyskoy-populyatsii-rasprostranennost-i-assotsiatsii-s-faktorami-riska-hronicheskih-neinfektsionnyh-zabolevaniy (In Russ.)
8. Martynova IN, Vinyarskaya IV, Terleckaya RN, Postnikova EV, Frolova GS. Voprosy istinnoj zabolevaemosti i rasprostranennosti ozhireniya sredi detej i podrostkov [Questions of true morbidity and prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents]. Rossijskij pediatricheskij zhurnal [Russian Pediatric Journal]. 2016. No. 1 [Electronic resource] / Available from https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/voprosy-istinnoy-zabolevaemosti-i-rasprostranennosti-ozhireniya-sredi-detey-i-podrostkov (In Russ.).
9. Mel'nikova MM. Nesbalansirovannoe pitanie kak faktor riska razvitiya alimentarno-zavisimyh zabolevanij [Unbalanced nutrition as a risk factor for the development of alimentary-dependent diseases]. Vestnik NGPU. 2014. No. 1. P. 17 [Electronic resource] / Available from https: // cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ nesbalansirovannoe-pitanie-kak-faktor-riska-razvitiya alimentarno-zavisimyh-zabolevaniy (In Russ.).
10. Martinchik AN, Keshabyanc EE. Analiz faktorov riska alimentarno-zavisimyh zabolevanij u detej 3-19 let [Analysis of risk factors for alimentary-dependent diseases in children aged 3-19 years]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition issues]. 2018. No. 5. [Electronic resource] / Available from https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/analiz-faktorov-riska-alimentarno-zavisimyh-zabolevaniy-u-detey-3-19-let (In Russ.)
11. Martinchik AN, Baturin AK, Kashabyanc EE, Fat'yanova LN, Semenova Yà A, Bazarova LB, Ustinova Yu V. Analiz fakticheskogo pitaniya detej i podrostkov Rossii v vozraste ot 3 do 19 let [Analysis of the actual nutrition of children and adolescents in Russia aged from 3 to 19 years] Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition issues]. 2017. No. 4. P. 50-60 (In Russ.).
12. Felik SV, Antipova TA, Zolotin A Yu, Simonenko SV, Simonenko ES, Kudryashova OV. Sostoyanie zdorov'ya detej kak otrazhenie polnocennogo pitaniya [The state of children's health as a reflection of full nutrition]. Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental'nyh issledovanij [International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research]. 2018. No. 5. P. 149-153. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17513/mjpfi.12233
13. Savenkova TV, Soldatova EA, Kiseleva TL, Glazkova IV, Zhilinskaya NV. Rol' pishchevoj promyshlennosti v dieticheskoj terapii naseleniya. Specializirovannye konditerskie izdeliya diabeticheskogo pitaniya [The role of the food industry in the dietary therapy of the population. Specialized confectionery products of diabetic nutrition]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition issues]. 2015. Vol. 6. No. 84. P. 107-115. DOI:https://doi.org/10.24411/0042-8833-2015-00068 (In Russ.).
14. Global'nyj plan dejstvij po profilaktike neinfekcionnyh zabolevanij i bor'be s nimi na 2013-2020 gg. [Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2013-2020]. VOZ [WHO]. 2014. 107 p.
15. Evrazijskaya ekonomicheskaya komissiya. Reshenie Vysshego Evrazijskogo ekonomicheskogo soveta "Ob Osnovnyh napravleniyah mezhdunarodnoj deyatel'nosti Evrazijskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza na 2020 god" [elektronnyj resurs] [Eurasian Economic Commission. The decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council "On the main directions of the international activities of the Eurasian Economic Union for 2020" [Electronic resource] / Available from http://www.eurasiancommission.org/ru/Lists/Decisions/DispForm.aspx?ID=4138 (In Russ.)
16. Misteneva S Yu, Savenkova TV, Demchenko EA. Aktual'nost' sozdaniya specializirovannyh konditerskih izdelij dlya pitaniya detej starshe trekh let [The relevance of creating specialized confectionery products for the nutrition of children older than three years] Tekhnika i tekhnologiya pishchevyh proizvodstv [Technique and technology of food production]. 2020. No. 50 (2). P. 282-295. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21603/2074-9414-2020-2-282-295.
17. Soldatova EA, Misteneva SYU, Savenkova TV. Voprosy zakonodatel'nogo regulirovaniya rynka konditerskih izdelij dlya pitaniya detej doshkol'nogo i shkol'nogo vozrasta [Questions of legislative regulation of the market of confectionery products for the nutrition of preschool and school age children]. Pishchevaya promyshlennost': Nauka i tekhnologii. Nauchno-prakticheskij centr Nacional'noj akademii nauk Belarusi po prodovol'stviyu [Food industry: Science and Technology. Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Food]. 2019. No. 12 (3). P. 36-41 (In Russ.)
18. Misteneva S Yu, Soldatova EA, Shcherbakova NA, Gerasimov TV, Talejsnik MA. Osnovnye aspekty sozdaniya specializirovannyh konditerskih izdelij dlya pitaniya detej doshkol'nogo i shkol'nogo vozrasta [The main aspects of the creation of specialized confectionery products for the nutrition of preschool and school-age children]. Tekhnika i tekhnologiya pishchevyh proizvodstv [Technique and technology of food production]. 2019. No. 3 [Electronic resource] / Available from: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/osnovnye-aspekty-sozdaniya-spetsializirovannyh-konditerskih-izdelii-dlya-pitaniya-detei-doshkolnogo-i-shkolnogo-vozrasta (In Russ.).
19. Metodicheskie rekomendacii (MR) 2.3.0122-18. Cvetovaya indikaciya na markirovke pishchevoj produkcii v celyah informirovaniya potrebitelej [Methodological recommendations (MP) 2.3.0122-18. Color indication on the labeling of food products in order to inform consumers]. Moscow. 2018. 18 p.
Demchenko Evgeniya A.,
Savenkova Tatiana V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Research Institute of Quality, Safety and Technologies of Specialized Food Products of the G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
36, Stremyanniy lane, Moscow, 117997
Symonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Simonenko E.S., Simonenko S.V., Andreev O.V., Makarushin A.A.Guideline for healthy daily drinking water consumption

P. 69-72 Key words
drinking water, water consumption, beverages, liquid, health, recommended levels, water balance

Currently, there are various recommendations for the amount of liquid consumption (total water) by a person. This amount should correspond to the level of total water loss by the body, which, according to the totality of the literature data, is estimated at approximately 2.5 liters for men and 2.0 liters for women with moderate physical activity and normal ambient temperature. However, there are no generally accepted recommendations or guidelines on the structure of water consumption from various food sources, in particular on the share of drinking water in the structure of consumption as an independent food product. As a possible solution to this issue, the concept of a "healthy daily consumption guideline" (DSP) of drinking water is proposed - the amount of comfortably consumed drinking water, provided that the recommendations on healthy nutrition regarding the structure of beverage consumption are implemented. The drinkable water CAP is estimated as the limit to which the proportion of the recommended daily intake of total water in the beverage consumption structure of bottled water in developed countries with the maximum life expectancy tends, with the addition of the proportion of beverages recommended for reduction. According to the authors, this value can range from 25 % for children to 50 % for adults.

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Simonenko Elena S.,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48, Moskovskaya str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Andreev Oleg V.
Makarushin Alexey A., Candidate of Medical Sciences
LLC IDS Borjomi, 5/2, 1st Derbenevskiy lane, Moscow, 115114, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Zolotin A.Yu., Antipova Ò.À., Simonenko E.S., Simonenko S.V. Analysis of the preferences of preschool children in relation to food products

P. 73-78 Key words
consumer value, food preferences, preschool children, the survey

Identifying the preferences of potential consumers (preschool children) is a necessary condition for the development of food products with high (adequate) consumer value. The purpose of this publication is to analyze the food preferences of preschool children in terms of taste perception of products. The analysis is based on information material obtained from a survey of a contingent of preschool educational institutions in twenty subjects of seven Federal districts of the Russian Federation. The results of the survey, presented in the percentage of positive responses to the question about the "most delicious" associated with a particular food product; give an overall picture of the preferences of preschool children in relation to food in terms of their taste perception. The analysis of preferences allows us to obtain practically significant information for the development of relevant directions of product development for preschool children, in particular: an unconditional positive attitude to fruits (berries) can serve as a basis for the widespread use of fruit (berry) food objects in food recipes when adapting the forms of objects to the concept of the product being developed; the relatively low popularity of dairy, meat products and vegetables is the basis for increasing the consumer value of these types of products, primarily by improving their organoleptic conditions; a stable positive attitude of preschool children to confectionery products requires an acceptable solution to the problem associated with their development, given the negative attitude of nutritionists and nutritionists to these products.

1. Zolotin A Yu, Simonenko, SV, Kopytko MS. Potrebitel'skaya tsennost' pishchevogo produkta i sistemogenez proizvodstva [Consumer value of a food product and systemogenesis of production]. Pishchevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2020. No. 10. P. 38-40 (In Rus.).
2. Zolotin A Yu, Simonenko SV, Simonenko, ES. Rol' ingredientov v formirovanii potrebitel'skoi tsennosti pishchevogo produkta [The role of ingredients in the formation of consumer value of a food product]. Pishchevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2020. No. 3. P. 29-33 (In Rus.).
3. Zolotin A Yu, Simonenko SV, Simonen-ko ES, Vainerman ES, Antipova TA, Sedova AE. Potrebitel'skaya tsennost' pishchevogo produk-ta - kak ponimat' v aspekte razrabotki produktov [Consumer value of a food product - how to understand it in the aspect of product development]. Mezhdunarodniy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy zhurnal [International Research Journal]. 2019. No. 8 (86). P. 62-67 (In Rus.).
4. Zolotin A Yu, Antipova TA, Vainerman ES, Simonenko, ES. Struktura potrebitel'skoi tsennosti pishchevogo produkta [Structure of consumer value of a food product]. Aktual'nye voprosy molochnoy promyshlennosti, mezhotraslevye tekhnologii i sistemy upravleniya kachestvom. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov pod redatsiey A.G. Gilstena [Topical issues of the dairy industry, cross-industry technologies and quality management systems. Collection of scientific papers. Edited by A. G. Gilsten]. Moscow: VNIMI, 2020. Release 1. P. 215-224 (In Rus.).
5. Zolotin A Yu, Simonenko SV, Antipova TA. Aspekty razrabotki pishchevykh produktov s adekvatnoi potrebitel'skoi tsennost'yu [Aspects of the development of food products with adequate consumer value]. Pischa. Ekologiya. Kachestvo. Trudy XVII Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya (Novosibirsk, 2020). Sibirskiy federal'niy nauchniy tsentr agrobiotekhnologii RAN (otv. za vypusk: Motovilov OK, Nitsievskaya KN, Tikhonov SL) [Food. Ecology. Quality. Proceedings of the XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference (Novosibirsk, 2020). Sibirskiy Federal Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnologies of RAS (rel. for the issue: Motovilov OK, Nitsievskaya KN, Tikhonov SL)]. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of Ural State Economic University, 2020. P. 249-252 (In Rus.).
6. Felik SV, Antipova TA, Simonenko SV, Simonenko ES. Izuchenie pishchevykh predpochteniy u lyudey pozhilogo vozrasta [Study of food preferences in elderly people]. Agrarno-pischevye innovatsii [Agrarian and food innovations]. 2019. No. 3 (7). P. 77-85 (In Rus.).
7. Pyr'eva EA, Gmoshinskaya MV, Shilina NM, Gurchenkova MA. Rannie etapy formirovaniya pishchevogo povedeniya [Early stages of the formation of food behavior]. Rossiiskiy vestnik perinatologii i pediatrii [Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics]. 2017. No. 62 (3). P. 125-129 (In Rus.).
8. Drozhzhina NA, Maksimenko LV, Kicha DP. Osobennosti pischevogo povedeniya studentov Rossiiskogo universiteta druzhby narodov [Features of food behavior of students of the Russian University of Peoples' Friendship]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition Issues]. 2012. No. 1. P. 57-62 (In Rus.).
Zolotin Alexander Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Antipova Tat'yana À., Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Simonenko Elena S.,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Simonenko S.V., Antipova Ò.À., Felik S.V., Simonenko E.S., Kudryashova O.V., Sin'ko T.I.Scientific approaches to ensuring the protectability of developments in the field of baby food

P. 79-81 Key words
patent search, technical level, security documents, technical solution

The article is devoted to the developments of the Institute related to the protection of research in the field of children's and herodietic nutrition. The results subject to patenting are related to the main types of scientific activity: the creation of adapted products for the nutrition of children of the first year of life; the creation of products for the nutrition of preschool and school-age children; products for the nutrition of pregnant and lactating women; developments in the field of herodietic nutrition products and dietary supplements. Over the past 10 years, the Research Institute has patented new technologies in the field of baby food, nutrition of pregnant and lactating women, and nutrition of pregnant and lactating women, and has provided a brief description of them. Patent research shows the level of technical development of the team and the organization as a whole, the possibilities of ensuring scientific success in a competitive environment. With the expansion of the use of new information technologies, the level of patent research increases and has an increasing impact on the final results of scientific activity in each specific field.

Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Antipova Tat'yana À., Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Felik Svetlana V., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Simonenko Elena S.,
Kudryashova Ol'ga V.,
Sin'ko Tayana I.
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Bessarab O.V., Posokina N.E., Simonenko E.S.Packaging of baby food (review)

P. 82-86 Key words
package, baby food, canned food, food safety, testing method

The main types of packaging and capping agents for baby food products are considered in this article. The classification of packaging is presented depending on the type, the material used and the direction of use. Packaging and capping agents for baby food products are made of white tinplate, glass, polymer and combined materials. To give the metal packaging the required chemical resistance, protective coatings made of paint and varnish materials are used. The most common paint materials are epoxy-phenolic lacquers and enamels, due to the good adhesion of the coating to the steel base and a sufficiently high chemical resistance to food. The most common polymer materials are polypropylene and polyethylene terephthalate, because they have steam and water resistance, resistance to fats and organic acids. They are used for the manufacture of films, bags, rigid packaging and capping agents. For the packaging of products that are sensitive to oxidation, light- and gas-tight multilayer combined materials based on foil or metallized films are used. The packaging materials used must meet the safety requirements for sanitary and chemical indicators. The migration of substances with hazard class 1 and 2 is not allowed from the packaging used for packaging baby food.

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Bessarab Ol'ga V.,
Posokina Natal'ya E., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Russian Research Institute of Canning Technology - Branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
78, Shkol`naya str., Vidnoe, Moscow region, 142703, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Simonenko Elena S.
Child Nutrition Research Institute - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology,
48, Moskovskaya str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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