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Food processing Industry №2/2020

The Results of the work of Food and Processing Industry Enterprises of Russia


Belyaeva M.A., Eryomin A.E.Ready to Eat & Ready to Cook meals. Basic processes of Cook&Chill industrial production technology

P. 8-11 Key words
Cook&Chill, Ready to Eat & Ready to Cook, blast chilling, meals regeneration

The article considers the General methodology of modern processes of production of culinary products by Cook&Chill technology. The aspects allowing to transfer effectively this technology in various types of the enterprises of restaurant business and the food industry are resulted. The authors consider the main stages of the organizational scheme of production technology. Microbiological aspects of efficiency of application of these production models for production of ready meals and semi-finished products of high degree of readiness are described. The data on the critical growth zone of pathogenic microflora during cooling of food products are presented. Recommendations on the minimum contamination of raw materials at the stage of preparatory operations are given. The main technological parameters of heat treatment processes time and temperature, as well as the principle of their change depending on the parameters of the product - the type of raw materials and linear portion sizes are considered. The main types of shock cooling and freezing are described. The authors, in order to indicate the most common methods, detailed the processes of air cooling in blast chillers. The article presents the basic operating modes of Soft Chill and Hard Chill equipment, the difference in temperature and time parameters. Examples from practice that increase the efficiency of processes are indicated. The basic requirements to the processes of product storage, design principles of cooled rooms, selection of necessary inventory and equipment, raw material accounting systems and methods of visualization of raw material flows at the enterprise are described. The types of equipment for regeneration modes are displayed. The requirements to the parameters for regeneration of chilled products and thermostating of ready meals are described. At the end of the article, the authors indicate the main advantages of using this technology, the main of which are: optimization of production areas, transparency of raw material management processe, simplicity of operations, effective resource planning and personnel costs, the overall increase in operating profit of the enterprise.

1. El-Ansari A. Processing, Storage and Quality of Cook-Chill and Cook-Freeze Foods. Alexandria, 2014. P. 4-11.
2. Guidance Note No. 15 Cook-Chill Systems in the Food Service Sector (Revision 1). Dublin, 2009. P. 10-37.
3. Guidance Note No. 20 Industrial Processing of Heat-Chill Foods. Dublin, 2009. P. 12-48.
4. https: //www.williams-refrigeration.co.uk /
5. Surinder S. EHA National Conference. South Australia, 2017. P. 43-55.
Eryomin Alexander E., graduate student,
Belyaeva Marina A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
36, Stremyanniy lane, Moscow, 115093, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bessonov V.V., Bogachuk M.N., Makarenko M.A., Sokurenko M.S., Shevyakova L.V., Abramova I.M., Turshatov M.V., Krivchenko V.A., Solovyev A.O.Study of the biochemical composition of grain fiber alcohol production

P. 12-15 Key words
grain fiber, fiber, bard, alcohol production, feed products

Grain raw materials are always very much appreciated, both in the quality of raw materials and in the form of a commodity product. Due to the rich component composition based on grain, it is possible to produce a wide range of a wide variety of products (for example, alcohol, enzyme preparations, starch, fiber, etc.). Alcohol production, which is based on the processing of grain raw materials, most often uses complex non-waste production technologies, which allows to increase the profitability of production and reduce the cost of processing and disposal of waste. Research conducted at VNIIIPBT together with the Federal State Budgetary Institution Nutrition and Biotechnology Federal State Budgetary Institution aimed at a detailed study of the composition of grain fiber alcohol production from various types of raw materials, the influence of technological factors on its quality, and the possibility of its subsequent use as a dietary supplement of directed action. In the course of research, in laboratory conditions, samples of post-alcohol stillage stillage (grain fiber) were obtained from three types of grain raw materials: wheat, rye and corn. In the obtained samples, the biochemical composition was studied, including the presence of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids. According to the results of the research, a comparative analysis was carried out with similar reference indicators of wheat bran. From the data obtained it follows that all the samples compared to bran are characterized by a higher content of protein, dietary fiber and vitamins, as well as virtually no starchy polysaccharides and simple sugars. However, all the indicators obtained vary significantly depending on the type of processed grain raw materials. The largest amount of dietary fiber is found in rye fiber (up to 73 g/100 g), and the smallest in corn (up to 52g/100 g). Rye fiber is distinguished by a high content of vitamins and low calorie content (189 Kcal/100 g). Corn fiber contains a high fat content (17.1 % on a.d.m.) and, as a result, an increased calorie content of 261 kcal/100 g. According to our assessment, the research results indicate the qualitative advantages of grain fiber alcohol production in comparison with bran. According to preliminary estimates, all the studied samples meet the safety criteria for use as a functional food supplement in the priority sequence: rye, wheat, corn. For an objective assessment of the functional properties of grain fiber alcohol production, it is necessary to conduct special studies.

1. Turshatov MV, Moiseeva ND, Shlelenko LA. Ispol'zovanie suhoj zernovoj bardy na pishchevye celi [The use of dry grain stillage for food purposes]. Likerovodochnoe proizvodstvo i vinodelie [Distillery and winemaking]. 2010. No 7. P. 18-19 (In Russ.).
2. Ivleva AR, Kanarskaya ZA, Gematdinova VM. Adsorbcionnye svojstva pishchevoj kletchatki, poluchennoj iz vtorichnyh resursov pererabotki zernovyh kul'tur [Adsorption properties of dietary fiber obtained from secondary grain processing resources]. Vestnik Tekhnologicheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Technological University]. 2016. No 19 (16). P. 118-120 (In Russ.).
3. Ozdorovitel'nye svojstva produkta Silarzhi RK [Improving properties of the product Silargi RK] [cited 2019 Nov 27]. Available from: http://hlebinfo.ru / silarzhi-rk-svoystva.html
4. Bessonov VV, Bajgarin EK, Gorshunova KD, Semenova PA, Nechaev AP. Vzaimodejstvie pishchevyh volokon s razlichnymi funkcional'nymi ingredientami pishchi [The interaction of dietary fiber with various functional food ingredients]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition issues]. 2012. No 81 (3). P. 41-15 (In Russ.).
5. Rosentrater KA, Krishnan PG. Incorpora-ting distillers grains in food products. Cereal Foods World. 2006. No 51 (2). P. 52-60 (In Eng.).
6. Krishnan PG. Production of food grade distillers dried grains. US patent US20160135485A. 2016.
7. R 4.1.1672-03 Rukovodstvo po metodam kontrolya kachestva i bezopasnosti biologicheski aktivnyh dobavok k pishche [Guide 4.1.1672-03 Guidance on methods for monitoring the quality and safety of biologically active food additives]. Moscow: Federal Center for State Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia. 2004. 240 p.
8. Pischevaya tsennost', himicheskij sostav i kalorijnost'. Pshenichnye otrubi, neobrabotannye [Nutritional value, chemical composition and calorie content. Untreated Wheat Bran]. Available from: http://intelmeal.ru / nutrition / foodinfo-wheat-bran-crude.php
Bessonov Vladimir V., Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Bogachuk Mariya N., Candidate of Physical Sciences,
Makarenko Mariya A.,
Sokurenko Mariya S.,
Shevyakova Lyudmila V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Federal Research Center of food, biotechnology and food security,
2 / 14, Ustynski passage, Moscow, 109240, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abramova Irina M., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Turshatov Michail V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Krivchenko Vera A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Soloviev Alexander O.,
Russian Scientific Research Institute of Food Biotechnology - Branch of the Federal Research Center food, biotechnology and food security,
4b, Samokatnaya str., Moscow, 111033, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gernet M.V., Gribkova I.N., Zakharov M.A.The indicator identification to determine the durability prediction of lager and ale beer

P. 16-19 Key words
beer, prediction of durability, accelerated aging, identification indicators, temperature conditions

The modern developing beverage market requires the development of techniques that would be aimed at the ability to control product quality indicators. As the beverage assortment are expands, this requires the solution of the goal - finding new identification criteria and new approaches to solving the problem of accelerated assessment of determining the beer shelf life. The technique available in the industry has shown its unsuitability, since the precipitate formed does not make it possible to adequately determine the turbidity. To achieve this goal, we analyzed the quality indicators of brewing products depending on various temperature conditions, revealed the optimum temperature and exposure time of unfiltered brewing products -37 ° C and 1 week for beer with a shelf life of 180 days, 2 weeks for beer with a shelf life of 365 days. The analysis of physicochemical compounds showed the convergence of naturally changing indicators (1 propanol, isobutanol and isoamylol) in beer samples artificially aged (subjected to heat treatment) and with a naturally expired shelf life. It was shown that acidity decreases in proportion to the decrease in organic acids, and an increase in the content of acetaldehyde (aging carbonyl) - in proportion to a decrease in the content of organic acids. The obtained research results were mathematically analyzed and, using multiple correlation and regression analysis, an equation was obtained for the dependence of the fullness of taste on secondary fermentation products, which confirmed the correctness of the research.

1. Meledina ÒV. Sirje I vspomogatelnie materiali v pivovarenii [Raw materials and auxiliary materials in brewing]. SPb: Professija [Saint Petersburg: Professia]. 2003. P. 238-240 (In Russ.).
2. Bamforth CW. 125th anniversary review: the non-biological instability of beer. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2011. Vol. 117. P. 488-497.
3. Gribkova IN, Lazareva IV, Dokuchaeva UA. Vlijanie nekrakhmal'nykh polisakharidov yachmennogo pivovarennogo soloda na kachestvo i bezopasnost' piva [The barley brewing malt non-starch polysaccharides effect on beer quality and safety]. XXI vek: itogi proshlogo i problemy nastojashhego pljus [XXI century: results of the past and problems of the present plus]. 2019. No. 45. Vol. 8. P. 103-107 (In Russ.).
4. Lusk LT, Goldstein H, Ryder D. Independent role of beer proteins, melanoidins and polysaccharides in foam formation. Journal of the American Socirty of Brewing Chemists. 1995. Vol. 53. P. 93-103.
5. Roza JR, Wallin CE, Bamforth CW. A com-parison between the instrumental measure-ment of head retention / lacing and perceived foam quality. Technical Quarterly Master Brewers Association of the Americas. 2006. Vol. 43. P. 173-176.
6. Lusk LT, Murakami A, Nielsen L, Kay S, Ryder D. Beer photooxidation creates two compounds with aromas indistinguishable from 3 methyl-2 butene-1 thiol. Journal of the American Socirty of Brewing Chemists. 2009. Vol. 67. P. 189-192.
7. Maltcev PÌ et al. Khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy kontrol' pivovarennogo proizvodstva [Chemical and technological control of the brewing industry]. Ìoscow: Pischevaya promyshlennost' [M.: Food Industry]. 1976. 342 p. (In Russ.)
8. Metodika izmereniy massovoy kontsentratsii polifenolov v pivovarennoy produktsii fotoelektrokallorimetricheskim metodom (Svidetel'stvo ob attestatsii metodiki izmereniya 205-22 / RA-RU. 311787-2016 / 2018) [Methodology for measuring the mass concentration of polyphenols in brewing products by the photoelectrocalorimetric method (Certificate of accreditation of the measurement procedure 205-22 / RA-RU. 311787-2016 / 2018)]. Moscow, 2018. 21 p.
9. GOST 12788-87 "Metod opredeleniya kislotnosti piva" [GOST 12788-87 "Method for determining the acidity of beer"]. Ìoscow: Standartinform, 2011. 4 p.
10. Metodika izmereniy massovoy kontsentratsii letuchikh komponentov v produktakh brozheniya metodom gazovoy khromatografii (Svidetel'stvo ob attestatsii metodiki izmereniy ¹ 01.00225 / 205 45 11) [Methodology for measuring the mass concentration of volatile components in fermentation products by gas chromatography (Certificate of accreditation of measurement procedure No. 01.00225 / 205 45 11)]. Moscow, 2011. 24 p.
11. Metodika izmereniy massovoy kontsentratsii organicheskikh kislot v produktakh brozheniya metodom vysokoeffektivnoy zhidkostnoy khromatografii (Svidetel'stvo ob attestatsii metodiki izmereniy ¹ 01.00225 / 205 49 12) [Method for measuring the mass concentration of organic acids in fermentation products by high performance liquid chromatography (Certificate of accreditation of measurement methods No. 01.00225 / 205 49 12)]. Moscow, 2012. 26 p.
12. Meledina ÒV, Dedegkaev AT, Afonin DV. Kachestvo piva. Stabil'nost' vkusa i aromata. Kolloidnaya stoykost'. Degustatsiya [The beer quality. The taste and aroma stability. Colloid resistance. Tasting]. Saint Petersburg: Professia, 2011. P. 23.
Gernet Marina V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of the Brewing, Beverage and Wine Industries - Branch of the V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems RAS,
7, Rossolimo str., Moscow, 119021, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gribkova Irina N., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Zakharov Maxim A., Candidate of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of the Brewing, Beverage and Wine Industries - Branch of the V.?M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems RAS,
7, Rossolimo str., Moscow, 119021, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dril A.A., Dolina K.S., Motorina D.V., Mayurnikova L.A.The use of pasty semi-finished product from oyster mushroom in recipes for minced meat products

P. 20-23 Key words
oyster mushroom, minced meat products, sensory characteristics, catering production, formulations

The enrichment of minced meat products with cultivated mushrooms is a promising direction in food production. Particularly it can be carried out in preparing this kind of production on catering enterprises. The article shows the development of formulations and technology of meat balls from minced pork with the use of paste-like semi-finished product from oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). The semi-finished product is a chopped boiled mass from oyster mushroom fruiting body stalks with complex thickener. The content of the semi-finished product was 30 %, 40 % and 50 % from minced pork. The formulations of experimental samples were obtained while using mathematical modelling. The objective of modelling was the production with low calorie content and high nutritional value. The rheological research of minced meat samples showed, that introduction of the semi-finished product into them improves enhances their strength and fracture resistance. It was found that the minced meat samples density varies within 6 %, and the consistency of ready products in the range of 9 % compared with the control sample. The sensory evaluation of control and experimental samples showed, that the product consistency becomes denser with 50 % semi-finished products content because of higher dietary fibers content. Therefore, the optimal oyster mushroom semi-finished product content is 40 %. Herewith, the nutritional value of meat balls changes in relation to the control sample, the calorie content decreases in the range of 20 %, and the content of vitamins A, PP, B-group and iron increase.

1. Kurt A, Gen?celep H. Enrichment of meat emulsion with mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) powder: Impact on rheological and structural characteristics. Journal of Food Engineering. 2018. Vol. 237. P. 128-136.
2. Alnoumani H, Ataman ZA, Were L. Lipid and protein antioxidant capacity of dried Agaricus bisporus in salted cooked ground beef. Meat Science. 2017. Vol. 129. P. 9-19.
3. Vjalaja EV, Vjalyj VI, Dulov MI. Farsh dlja kolbasnyh izdelij [Farce for sausage products]. Patent 2317720, Russia, UPC A23L 1 / 314, A23L 1 / 317. ¹ 2005140722 / 13. Applied 10.07.2007. Published 27.02.2008. Bulletin No. 6 (In Russ.).
4. Jo K, Lee J, Jung S. Quality characteristics of low-salt chicken sausage supplemented with a winter mushroom powder. Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources. 2018. Vol. 38. Iss. 4. P. 768-779.
5. Lazareva TG, Aleksandrova EG. Analiz proizvodstva i rynka gribov v Rossii [Analysis of the production and market of mushrooms in Russia]. Vestnik Evrazijskoj nauki [The Eurasian Scientific Journal]. 2019. No. 1. Vol. 11. 9 p. (In Russ.)
6. Peshuk LV, Haschuk OI, Moskalyuk OE, Gagach II. Rozrobka m'jasnyh gerodietichnyh produktov - prioritetnij naukovyj naprjamok [Development Gerontologic diet of meat products - a priority research area]. Vicnik Sums'kogo nacional'nogo agrarnogo universytetu. Serija "Tvarynyctvo" [Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. Animal Husbandry Series]. 2014. Iss. 2 / 2 (25). P. 187-190.
7. Moskalyuk OE, Haschuk OI, Peshuk LV. Tehnologija m'jasnyh hlibiv z vikoristannjam kul'tivovannyh grybiv [Technology of meat loaves using cultivated mushrooms]. Naukovyj visnyk LNUVMBT imeni S.?Z. Gzhyc'kogo [Scientific Bulletin of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.?Z. Gzycky]. 2015. Vol. 71. No. 1 (61). Part 4. P. 65-68.
8. Kotarev VA, Sokolenko GG, Buhtojarova IN. Funkcional'nyj produkt iz mjasa perepelov s gribami [A functional product from quails meat with mushrooms]. Pishhevaja promyshlennost' [Food Industry]. 2010. No. 3. P. 16-17 (In Russ.).
9. Skripko OV, Statsenko ES, Litvinenko OV, Pokotilo OV. Sposob prigotovlenija mjasnyh bitochkov funkcional'nogo naznachenija [Functional-purpose round meat rissoles production method]. Patent 2678005, Russia; IPC A23L 13 / 60, A23J 3 / 14, ¹ 2017144393. Applied 18.12.2017. Published 22.01.2019. Bulletin No. 3 (In Russ.).
10. Sbornik tehnologicheskih normativov. Sbornik receptur bljud i kulinarnyh izdelij dlja predprijatij obshhestvennogo pitanija [Digest of technological standards. Digest of dishes and culinary products formulations for catering enterprises]. Edited by Marchuk FL. Moscow: Khlebrodinform, 1996. 620 p. (In Russ.)
11. Muratova EI, Tolstyh SG, Dvoreckij SI, Zjuzina OV, Leonov DV. Avtomatizirovannoe proektirovanie slozhnyh mnogokomponentnyh produktov pitanija (uchebnoe posobie) [Computer-aided design of complex multicomponent food products: tutorial]. Tambov: Tambov State Technical University, 2011. 80 p. (In Russ.)
12. Tutel'jan VA. Himicheskij sostav i kalorijnost' rossijskih produktov pitanija (spravochnik) [The catalog of chemical composition and calorie content of Russian food products]. Moscow: DeLi plus, 2012. 284 p. (In Russ.)
Dril Anastasiya A.,
Dolina Karina S.,
Motorina Diana V.
Novosibirsk State Technical University,
20, Karl Marx avenue, Novosibirsk, Russia, 630073, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mayurnikova Larisa A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Kemerovo State University,
6, Krasnaya str., Kemerovo, Russia, 650000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Muzyka M.Y., Butova S.N., Volnova E.R.Seasoned sauces with a reduced energy value using pectin

P. 24-28 Key words
sauce, tomato paste, sunflower oil, nutritional value, energy value

One of the priorities of the state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population is the creation of high-quality and safe food products that not only meet the needs of the human body in nutrients and energy, but also contribute to the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Currently, Russians consume sauces almost every day in their diet. Sauces presented on the modern market have a number of significant drawbacks: high calorie content, high salt and sugar content, unbalanced fatty acid composition. In this regard, the development and creation of sauces with increased nutritional value and reduced calorie content is very relevant. The purpose of this article is to develop recipes for sauces with reduced calorie content, for example, cheese sauce and ketchup, which include pectin substances in their composition. Pectin has a number of useful physiological properties, in addition, this hydrocolloid has a wide range of technological properties. In the course of this work, recipes for cheese sauce and tomato sauce using pectin were developed. Based on physical and chemical tests, it was found that the optimal concentration of beet pectin for tomato sauce was 1.25 %. Apple low-esterified pectin in the cheese sauce at a concentration of 0.75 % allowed us to create a product with optimal viscosity and stability of the emulsion (99 %). The calculation of the nutritional and energy value of the obtained sauces showed that sauces using pectin differ from analogues in reduced caloric content and increased nutritional value. Thus, there are prospects for using the resulting sauces in diet food.

1. Gavrilova DV. Razrabotka i tovarovednaya otsenka maioneza i maioneznykh sousov dlya zdorovogo pitaniya s pektinom: diss. na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni kandidata tekhnicheskikh nauk: [Development and commodity assessment of mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauces for a healthy diet with pectin]: 05.18.15; utv. 29.05.2014. Moscow, 2014. 147 p. Thesis … for the degree of candidate. tech. Sciences: 05.18.15: approved. 05 / 29 / 2014. - M., 2014. - 147 p. (In Russ.)
2. GOST R 55577-2013. Bibliograficheskaya ssylka. Produkty pishchevye spetsializirovannye i funktsional'nye. Informatsiya ob otlichitel'nykh priznakakh i effektivnosti [GOST R 55577-2013. Bibliographic reference. Specialized and functional food products. Information on hallmarks and effectiveness]. Moscow: Standartinform [M.: Standartinform], 2014. 17 p. (In Russ.)
3. Zdravookhranenie v Rossii [Healthcare in Russia] 2017: statisticheskiy sbornik [statistical compilation]. Rosstat. M., 2017. 170 p. (In Russ.)
4. Inyukina TA, Gorb SS, Klasner GG. Konstruirovanie napitkov dlya lechebno-profilakticheskogo pitaniya rabotnikov [Beverage design for therapeutic and nutrition of workers]. Mezhdunarodnyi zhurnal gumanitarnykh i estestvennykh nauk [International Journal of humanities and natural Sciences]. - 2016. - Vol. 3. - No 1. - P. 201-209 (In Russ.).
5. O napravlenii poryadka provedeniya issledovanii effektivnosti spetsializirovannoi dieticheskoi lechebnoi i dieticheskoi profilakticheskoi pishchevoi produktsii, razrabotannogo FGBUN Federal'nyi issledovatel'skii tsent pitaniya, biotekhnologii i bezopasnosti pishchi: pis'mo ot 1 sentyabrya 2019 g. ¹ 28-1 / 2406 [On the direction of the procedure for conducting research on the effectiveness of specialized dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive food products developed by the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety]. Dostup iz elektronnogo fonda pravovoy i normativno-tekhnicheskoy dokumentatsii. Istochnik [Access from the electronic fund of legal and regulatory technical documentation. Source]: http://docs.cntd.ru / document / 456019971 (date of the application: 27.01.2020).
6. Ob utverzhdenii Strategii povysheniya kachestva pishchevoi produktsii v Rossiiskoi Federatsii do 2030 goda: rasporyazhenie ot 29 iyunya 2016 g. ¹ 1364 r [On approval of the Strategy for improving the quality of food products in the Russian Federation until 2030: order of June 29, 2016 No. 1364 p]. Dostup iz elektronnogo fonda pravovoi i normativno-tekhnicheskoi dokumentatsii [Access from the electronic fund of legal and regulatory technical documentation. Source]. Istochnik: http://docs.cntd.ru / document / 420363999 (date of the application: 26.01.2020).
7. Dobrydina ES, Matseichik IV, Lomovskiy OI et al. Razrabotka novykh retseptur sousov i dressingov funktsional'nogo naznacheniya [Development of new sause and dressing recipes of functional purpose]. Pishchevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2010. ¹ 2. P. 12-13 (In Russ.).
8. Rossiiskii rynok sousov i zapravok: tekushchaya situatsiya i prognozy [Sauces and dressing market of Russia: current situation and forecasts] [Electronic resourse]. Access code: https://zen.yandex.ru?/media / id?/ 5cf7fc1ee77f2e00b01cbbfc / rossiiskii-rynok-sousov-i-zapravok-tekuscaia-situaciia-i-prognozy-5d7f9b4c1ee34f00ac804b84 (date of the application: 05.01.2020).
9. Ibraeva LK, Uzbekov VA, Bekeeva SA et al. Sovremennoe sostoyanie problemy korrektsii spetsializirovannymi produktami pitaniya metabolicheskikh protsessov pri intoksikatsii khimicheskimi soedineniyami (obzor literatury) [Literature review]. Meditsina truda i promyshlennaya ekologiya [Occupational medicine and industry ecology]. 2008. ¹ 2. P. 38-41 (In Russ.).
10. Klyariiskaya IL, Maksimova EV, Grigorenko EI et al. Sovremennye aspekty dietoterapii v Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Modern aspects of diet therapy in Russian Federation]. Krymskii terapevticheskii zhurnal [Crimean therapeutic journal]. 2018. No 2. P. 26-31 (In Russ.).
11. Tablitsy kaloriinosti i pishchevoi tsennosti [Calorie and nutritional value tables] [Electronic resourse]. Access code: https://health-diet.ru / table_calorie / (date of the application: 29.01.2029).
12. Khrundin DV. Nekotorye aspekty primeneniya pektinovykh veshchestv v tekhnologii pishchevykh proizvodstv. Vestnik tekhnologicheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of Technological university]. 2015. Vol. 18. ¹ 24. P. 53-56 (In Russ.).
Muzyka Maxim Y.,
Butova Svetlana N., Doctor of Bioligical Sciences, Professor,
Volnova Ekaterina R.
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Gritsenko G.M., Chernyakova M.M., Ermakov A.O.Assessment of the dairy industry of the Novosibirsk region

P. 29-33 Key words
milk, dairy industry, regulation, analysis, evaluation

The dairy industry is a set of interacting areas of production, processing and sale, the purpose of which is to provide the population with high-quality milk and dairy products and the producers with a stable income. Taking into account the transition of the agro-industrial complex to the digital economy, government regulation should be used as the main instrument of transformation, which in the article is interpreted as an economic impact in real time of the authorities using digital support for the production, processing and sale of milk and dairy products on the infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex. The goal of the research was to develop the principles of state regulation of the digitalization of the dairy industry, the objective - to prepare proposals on promising areas of development of the dairy industry. The development of the dairy industry was investigated on the basis of the analysis, monographic and abstract and logical methods. The government regulation of the dairy industry is promising and has wide horizons. The goal is the connection between the digital future and the traditional present. What is being done today determines what will happen in the future, and depending on the goals set for the future, today's actions are determined. The consistency of the goals is not only static but also dynamic, which cannot be ignored while designing and implementing the system under study. It is possible that in the process of digitization of the system of state regulation of the dairy industry, it will be necessary to abandon some of the proposed principles or supplement them with others. However, the considered principles are interdependent from each other and their joint application in practice can become a guarantee of the effective management of the dairy industry using the potential of the digital economy and considering the possible risks.

1. Strategija prostranstvennogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2025 g. Utverzhdena rasporjazheniem Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13 fevralja 2019 g. No 207-r. [Strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2019]. 114 p. URL: http://os.economy.gov.ru/documents/11006/0/Strategija+prostranstvennogo+razvitija+Rossijskoj+Federacii+na+period+do+2025+goda/720a4879-027b-497a-aef0-9f37f02c03f4
2. Ministerstvo selskogo hozjajstva Novosibirskoj oblasti. Informacija ob itogah raboty agropromyshlennogo kompleksa Novosibirskoj oblasti za 2018 g. [Ministry of agriculture of the Novosibirsk region. Information on the results of the agro-industrial complex of the Novosibirsk region in 2018.] URL: https://mcx.nso.ru/page/444
3. Molochnaja otrasl'-2017: spravochnik (sost. Belov AS, Voronin AA, Zhebit M Je et al.) Moscow: Nacionalnyj sojuz proizvoditelej moloka, 2017 [Dairy industry-2017: reference (comp. Belov AS, Voronin AA, Zhebit ME et al). Moscow: National Union of milk producers, 2017. 380 p.
4. Molochnaja otrasl' 2018-2019: spravochnik (sost. Belov AS, Zhebit M Je, Moskovskova EA, Neutov TD et al. Moscow: Nacional'nyj sojuz proizvoditelej moloka, 2018 [Dairy industry 2018-2019: reference (comp. Belov AS, Rebit ME, Moskovskova EA, Neutov TD et al). Moscow: National Union of milk producers, 2018. 388 p.
5. Varlamova KA, Gudkova GB. Problemy i prioritetnye napravlenija jeffektivnosti razvitija otrasli molochnogo skotovodstva [Problems and priorities for the effectiveness of the development of dairy cattle]. Aktual'nye voprosy agrarnoj ekonomiki: teorija, metodologija, praktika [Current issues of the agricultural economy: theory, methodology, practice]. 2015. No 7. P. 14-18.
6. Renke N Ju. Otsenka sovremennogo sostojanija otrasli molochnogo skotovodstva Novosibirskoj oblasti [Assessment of the current state of the dairy cattle industry in the Novosibirsk region]. Ekonomika i biznes: teorija i praktika [Economics and business: theory and practice]. 2016. No. 5. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otsenka-sovremennogo-sostoyaniya-otrasli-molochnogo-skotovodstva-novosibirskoy-oblasti (date of the application: 20.05.2019).
7. Ministerstvo selskogo hozjajstva Novosibirskoj oblasti. Predvaritel'nye itogi raboty otrasli zhivotnovodstva Novosibirskoj oblasti na 01.01.2019 [Ministry of agriculture of the Novosibirsk region. Preliminary results of the livestock industry of the Novosibirsk region on 01.01.2009]. URL: https://mcx.nso.ru/news/3060.
8. Chernjakov MK, Chernjakova MM. Molochnaja industrija kak strategicheskoe napravlenie razvitija rynka prodovol'stvija [Dairy industry as strategic direction of development of the market of food]. Pishhevaja promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2018. No. 4. P. 33-37.
Gritsenko Galina M., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Siberian Federal Scientific Center of agrobiotechnology of RAS,
6, Stroiteley avenue, Barnaul, Russia, 656015
Chernyakova Mariya M., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Institute of management - Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and public administration,
6, Nizhegorodskaya str., Novosibirsk, Russia, 630102, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ermakov Alexander O.
Scientific-Research Institute of Corporate and Project Management,
15, Noviy Arbat str., Moscow, 119019, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Belugin A.Y.Trends and sales specifics of dairy products by cooperatives in the United States

P. 34-37 Key words
agriculture, cooperation, USA, sales, milk, food industry

In many countries of the world, small businesses play a significant role in the production of food and agricultural products. Agricultural cooperation is one of the ways to support and survive for small agricultural producers in competition with large agribusiness. The analysis of the best American experience of cooperative marketing of agricultural products, which is the purpose of this study, will allow Russian producers to take into account existing trends. Adapting to trends may create competitive advantages for them. Despite the fact that at the production stage, US agriculture is low-monopolized, including its dairy industry, at the sales stage of agricultural products and food, the concentration increases significantly, largely due to the sale of products through cooperative sales channels. A significant growth in the value of sales of cooperative dairy products by cooperative channels lags behind the market as a whole. Against this background, non-cooperative members milk actively involved in the sale of products through cooperative sales channels. According to the results of 2017, the index of concentration in the cooperative segment of the dairy market for the four largest cooperatives is 53.1, which indicates a moderate concentration of cooperative channels for selling dairy products. At the same time, the index has increased by 3.9 points since 2007, which can be interpreted as a further increase in concentration. The identified trends indicate possible directions for the development of food systems in developed and developing countries of the world.

1. Shagajda NI, Gataulina EA, Uzun VY, Yanbyh RG. Razrabotka mekhanizmov vstraivaniya malyh form hozyajstvovaniya v prodovol'stvennye cepochki [Development of mechanisms for integrating small businesses into food chains]. Moscow: Rossijskaya akademiya narodnogo hozyajstva i gosudarstvennoj sluzhby pri Prezidente RF [M.: Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration]. 2017. 99 p. (In Russ.)
2. Haritonov NS. Kooperativnye formy sbyta produkcii sel'skohozyajstvennymi kooperativami [Cooperative forms of marketing by agricultural cooperatives]. Ekonomika sel'skogo hozyajstva Rossii [Economics of Russian agriculture]. 2019. No. 5. P. 95-101 (In Russ.)
3. Altuhov AI, Silaeva LP. Razvitie mezhgosudarstvennoj kooperacii i razmeshchenie proizvodstva molochnoj produkcii v stranah EAES [Development of interstate cooperation and placement of dairy production in the EAEU countries]. Fundamental'nye i prikladnye issledovaniya kooperativnogo sektora ekonomiki [Fundamental and applied research of the cooperative sector of the economy]. 2018. No. 5. P. 3-9. (In Russ.)
4. Lerman Z, Sedik D. Cooperatives in the CIS and Georgia: Overview of Legislation. Budapest: FAO, 2014. 26 p.
5. Kotomina MA. Razvitie sel'skoj kooperacii v SSHA [Development of agricultural cooperation in the United States.]. Nikonovskie chteniya [Nikonov's reading]. 2016. No. 21. P. 227-229 (In Russ.).
6. Gataulina EA. Sravnitel'nyj analiz agrarnyj struktur Rossii i SSHA [Comparative analysis of agricultural structures in Russia and the United States]. Otechestvennye zapiski [Notes of the Fatherland]. 2012. No. 6. P. 134-158 (In Russ.).
7. Census of Agriculture. United States Summary and State Data 2017. Washington DC: National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2019. 820 p.
8. Agricultural cooperative statistics 2017. Washington DC: U.?S. Department of Agriculture, 2018. 97 p.
9. Wadsworth JJ. Marketing Operations of Dairy Cooperatives 2017. Washington DC: U.?S. Department of Agriculture, 2019. 45 p.
10. Kudryavceva OV, Yakovleva EY, Golovin MS. Osobennosti i perspektivy otechestvennogo rynka drevesnogo biotopliva na fone mirovyh tendencij [Features and prospects of the domestic market of wood biofuels against the background of global trends]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 6: Ekonomika [Bulletin of the Moscow University. Series 6: Economics]. 2016. No. 6. P. 22-38 (In Russ.)
11. Lerman Z, Sedik D. Agricultural Cooperatives in Eurasia. Budapest: FAO, 2014. 19 p.
Belugin Alexey Yu., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
1, Leninskie Gory, GSP-1, Moscow, 11999, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kolonchin K.V. Development of an affordable fisheries commodity base and challenges for future development. Part II

P. 38-40 Key words
raw material base, development of the fishing source requires expansion of scientific research and fishing exploration, construction of modern fishing fleet, coordination of work with international organizations and foreign countries

The commodity base is an integral part of any national management complex, ensuring balanced development of all constituent sectors and their financial sustainability. The fisheries commodity base represents the totality of scientifically based amounts of aquatic biological resources that can be used to extract them in all accessible areas. The development of the source requires the attraction of investments, the volume of which is dictated by the specifics of the produced or extracted resources, the scale of production and the factors of production involved here, the geography of the location of the fishing source and processing enterprises. Aquaculture production should be included in the source, and its containment is due to the capacity of the fishing source available in inland waters and open waters of other countries and the oceans. The main role in the development and development of the source of the fisheries complex is played by the fishing fleet, its structure capable of producing aquatic biological resources, both in the coastal two hundred mile zones of Russian jurisdiction and in the open parts of the World Ocean. The fishing source consists of two parts: the first - fishing within the exclusive economic zone (territorial seas, inland waters, continental shelf of the Russian Federation, as well as the Azov-Black sea's and Caspian sea's regions) and the second - open waters of the world ocean, including transboundary stocks regulated by intergovernmental agreements. The Far East Basin of Fisheries takes the lead in fishing, the North Basin of Fisheries is second, the West Basin and the rest do not occupy a minor segment of fishing. Expansion of the source of extraction of water biological resources is possible due to the development of resources of the Arctic zone of Russian jurisdiction, but for this purpose it is necessary to carry out scientific research on the determination of reserves, preservation and establishment of permissible catch volumes for certain species of fish and shellfish. The second important aspect of the expansion of the source is related to the extraction of aquatic biological resources, which live at depths of more than one km. The development of this resource will require large-scale scientific research, determination of their suitability for food purposes.

1. Strategyia razvityia deiatel'nosty Rossyiskoi Federatzii v Antarktike na period do 2020 goda I na bolee otdalionnuyu perspectivu. Rasporiagenie Pravitelstva RF ot 30 oktiabryia 2010 g. ¹ 1926 ð [Strategy for the development's activities of the Russian Federation in Antarctica until 2020 and beyond. Order Government of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 2010 ¹ 1926 r., cited 2010 Nov]. Available from: https: //www.garant.ru / products / ipo / prime / doc / 6643926 / #0
2. Spravochnik "Rossiya v zifrakh. 2018": kratkyi statisticheskyi sbornik [Handbook Russia in Number. 2018: short statistical collection, cited 2018 Dec]. Available from: http:// This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3. Gosudarstvennaya programma Rossiyskoy Federatsii "Razvitite rybokhoziaystvennogo complexa" [State programme of the Russian Fe-deration "Development of fisheries complex"]. Available from: http://fish.gov.ru / otraslevaya-deyatelnost / ekonomika-otrasli / gosprogramma-razvitiya-rybokhozyajstvennogo-kompleksa
4. Informatsionnie materialy Rossrybolovstva [Information materials of Federal Fisheries Agency]. Available from: http://fish.gov.ru
5. Informatsionnie materialy Ob'edinennoy sudostroitelnoy korporazii [Information materials of the United Shipbuilding Corporation]. Available from: http://aoosk.ru
6. Informatsionnie materialy Vremennoy komissii Soveta Federatzsii po zakonodatelnomu obespecheniyrazvitiya tekhniko-teknologicheskoy bazy agropromyshlennogo komplexa Rossiyskoy Federatsii po voprosam "Sovremennoe sudostroenie v rybokhoziaystvennom complexe Rossiyskoy Federatsii: problemy i perspektivy" [Information materials of the the Federation Council Provisional Commission on legislative support for the technical and technological base development at the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Russian Federation on issues "Modern shipbuilding in the fisheries complex of the Russian Federation: problems and prospects", cited 2019 Apr. 18]. Available from: http://council.gov.ru / structure / commissions / iccf_deveng /
6. Informatsionnie materialy FAO [Information materials of FAO]. Available from: www.fao.org / fishery / statistics / ru
7. Informatsionnie materialy [Information materials]. Available from: www.oecdru.org
8. Bulatov OA. O perspectivakh novoy "sardinovoy epokhy" v severo-zapadnoy chasty Tikhogo oceana. [About prospects for a New "Sardine Age" in the Northwest Pacific]. Voprosy rybolovstva [Questions of fishery]. 2016. Vol. 17. No. 4 (In Russ.).
9. Zuenko UI, Nuzhdin VA. Vliyanie sovremennykh izmeneniy oceanologicheskikh usloviy v Japonskom more na sostoyanie zapasov promyslovoy populiatsii mintaya [Impact of modern changes in Japanese Sea's oceanological conditions on the source state of pollock's fishing population]. Voprosy rybolovstva [Questions of fishery]. 2016. Vol. 19. No. 3 (In Russ).
10. Voloshin GA, Krichevskiy SV. Regulirovanie ustoychivogo razvitiya morskogo promyshlennogog rybolovstva v Rossii: Problemy I perspectivy. [Regulation of sustainable marine industrial fisheries' development in Russia: Problems and prospects]. Ìoscow: LELAND, 2014. 216 p. (In Russ.)
11. Voloshin GA. Opredelenie velichiny sbora za polzovanie ob'ektami vodnikh biologicheskikh resursov [Determination of the fee's value for the use of water biological objects' resources]. Moscow: Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba [Public service]. 2018. Vol. 20. No. 2. P. 75-81 (In Russ.)
12. Voloshin GA. Ratzionalniy podhod k gosudarstvennoy ekspluatatzii prava pol'zovaniya objektfmi vodnikh biologicheskikh resursov [Rational approach to state exploitation of the right to use water biological resources]. Voprosy rybolovstva [Questions of fishery]. 2018. Vol. 19. P. 238-246 (In Russ.).
13. Janovskaya NV, Pavlova AO, Kononova LA et al. Statisticheskie svedeniya po rybnoy promyshlennosty Rossii 2012-2013: spravochnik. [Statistics on the Russian fishing industry 2012-2013: handbook]. Moscow: VNIRO, 2014. 77 p. (In Russ.)
14. Janovskaya NV, Pavlova NV, Kononova LA et al. Statisticheskie svedeniya po rybnoy promyshlennosty Rossii 2014-2015: spravochnik. [Statistics on the Russian fishing industry 2014-2015: handbook]. Moscow: VNIRO, 2016. 75 p. (In Russ.)
15. Janovskaya NV, Pavlova NV, Kononova LA et al. Statisticheskie svedeniya po rybnoy promyshlennosty Rossii 2015-2016: spravochnik. [Statistics on the Russian fishing industry 2015-2016: handbook]. Moscow: VNIRO, 2017. 74 p. (In Russ.)
16. Janovskaya NV, Pavlova NV, Kononova LA et al. Statisticheskie svedeniya po rybnoy promyshlennosty Rossii 2016-2017: spravochnik. [Statistics on the Russian fishing industry 2016-2017: handbook]. Moscow: VNIRO, 2018. 76 p. (In Russ.)
Kolonchin Kirill V., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography,
17, Verkhnaya Krasnoselskaya str., Moscow, 107140, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Stepanov K.M., Vasil'ev S. S., Gogoleva P.A., Rumyantseva T.D., Darmaeva G.G.Quality sublimated venison

P. 41-45 Key words
venison, freeze-drying, safety, quality, organoleptic, nutritional value, functional and technological properties

The article presents the results of a study of the quality of venison and its compliance with the requirements for raw materials for canning by the method of freeze-drying. The organoleptic indicators of venison have been studied, physico-chemical, microbiological indicators and the content of toxic elements have been determined. The data on the nutritional and energy value of venison compared with the meat of other farm animals are given. The article also presents the results of a study of the quality of freeze-dried venison. Samples of research were slices no more than 1 cm thick with dimensions of sides from 2 to 8 cm, packed in vacuum bags. The purity of freeze-dried venison was determined using organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters. Also, organoleptic indicators of freeze-dried venison were studied after culinary preparation, on a nine-point scale, according to the results of which a profilogram was constructed. The investigated samples prepared immediately after production, received an overall quality rating of 7.5 and 7.6, respectively, which corresponds to the quality between "very good" and "good". Functional and technological indicators have been determined, such as: water-binding capacity and the recovery coefficient of sublimated venison. Restoration of venison slices was carried out in water at a temperature of (20±2) °C, hydronic unit 1: 5, 15 minutes. Microbiological indicators and the content of toxic elements meet the standards. The data on the nutritional and energy value of sublimated venison in comparison with trimmed deer and fresh deer are given.

1. Stepanov KM, Vasil'ev SS, Sidorov AA. O razrabotke tehnologii sublimacionnoj sushki dlja mjasnyh produktov [On the development of freeze-drying technology for meat products]. Regional'nye voprosy razvitija sel'skogo hozyaystva Yakutii. Sbornik statej NPK [Regional issues of agricultural development in Yakutia. Coll. of articles of the SPC]. Yakutsk: Alaas, 2018. P. 95-99.
2. Stepanov KM, Vasil'ev SS. Razrabotka tehnologii produktov iz oleniny s dlitel'nym srokom hranenija [Development of technology for the production of products from of venison with a long shelf life]. All-Russian Congress of Nutritionists and Nutritionists with International. Participation Scientific and practical journal "Problems of Nutrition". 2018. Vol. 87. No. 5. P. 241-242.
3. Vasil'ev SS. [Scientific substantiation and development of a new minced venison semi-finished product for school feeding]. Nauchnoe obosnovanie i razrabotka novogo rublenogo polufabrikata iz oleniny dlja shkol'nogo pitanija; thesis… of Candidate of Technical Sciences: 05.08.04. Ulan-Ude, 2009. 114 p.
4. Tehnicheskij Reglament Tamozhennogo sojuza 034 / 2013 "O bezopasnosti mjasa i mjasnoj produkcii", prinjatyj Resheniem Soveta Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii ot 9 oktjabrja 2013 g. ¹ 68 [Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 034 / 2013 "On the safety of meat and meat products"].
5. Tehnicheskij Reglament Tamozhennogo sojuza 021 / 2011 "O bezopasnosti pishhevoj produkcii", utverzhdennyj Komissiej Tamozhennogo sojuza ot 09.12.2011 ¹ 880 [Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 021 / 2011 "On food product safety"].
Stepanov Konstantin M., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
Yakut State Agricultural Academy,
3, 3th km, Sergelyakhskoye highway, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677008
Yakut Scientific Center for Complex Medical Problems,
4, 4th km, Sergelyakhskoye highway, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677010
Vasil'ev Semen S., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Gogoleva Praskov'ya A., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,
Rumyantseva Tatyana D.,
Darmaeva Galina G.
Yakut State Agricultural Academy,
3, 3th km, Sergelyakhskoye highway, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677008

Livinskaya S.A., Korotkova N.V., Kuznetsova E.V. Evaluation of the flavor and content of extractive substances in coffee varieties Àrabica shipped from different countries

P. 46-49 Key words
brewing, infusion, the temperature, the handle

The composition of coffee of different types and varieties varies depending on the country of production, method and mode of processing. The purpose of this research was to compare samples of coffee beans exported from different countries, the content of extractives and identify descriptors to describe the flavor of drinks made from them. Arabica coffee varieties exported from such countries as Ethiopia, Guatemala and Vietnam were used and the mass fraction of extractives in beverages was compared. In research was used the Express method of determination of extractives in samples of beans ground in the same conditions when brewed in the Turk and insistence. Ground grains were studied under identical conditions when brewing in Turk and infusion. The moisture content of the grains was determined by the standard method: it was 3.4-3.9 %, which is less than the normalized value of 5.5 %. The content of extractives in the samples studied is different, lies in a wide range, normalized by the applicable standart: 37.90 % (Ethiopia), 29.61 (Vietnam), 29.38 (Guatemala). The content of extractive substances in coffee does not allow to judge the consumer properties of coffee drinks and the aromas expressed by them. To assess the consumer properties of coffee drinks, the aroma of coffee drinks was estimated using a descriptive method. Rich in hints of flavor drinks made from coffee supplied from Guatemala, characterized by "floral", "citrus", "caramel", "berry", "apple" descriptors. In 2 place in terms of flavor are beverages made from coffee supplied from Ethiopia and characterized by "spicy", "berry", "caramel", "sweet" descriptors. The poorest in flavor are drinks made from grains supplied from Vietnam.

1. Analiz mirovogo rynka kofe [Analysis of the world coffee market] [Electronic resource]. Access code: https: //studopedia.su / 18_21623_analiz-mirovogo-rinka-kofe. html ahhh! (Date of application: 23.04.19).
2. Vinnichek LB, Cartulina JA, Batova VN. Tendentsii I problem razvitiya mirovogo rynka kofe [Trends and problems of development of the world coffee market] [Electronic resource]. Access code: https: //cyberleninka.ru / article / v / tendentsii-i-problemy-razvitiya-mirovogo-rynka-kofe ahhh! (Date of application: 23.04.19).
3. The composition of coffee. Substances contained in coffee beans [Electronic resource]. Access ñode: http://cofeoptom.ru / composit. html (Date of application: 25.03.19).
4. Kofe - sostav, obrabotka, hranenie [Coffee - composition, processing, storage] [Electronic resource]. Access code: https: //www.panaceacoffee.ru / blog / kofe-sostav-obrabotka-hranenie / (Date of application 25.03.19).
5. Schegoleva ID, Moyseyak MB. Opredelenie extraktivnih veschestv kofe [Determination of extractivesode]: https: //cyberleninka.ru / article / v / opredelenie-ekstraktivnyh-veschestv-kofe ahhh! (Date of application 15.04.19).
6. GOST 32775-2014. Kofe zhareniy. Obschie tehnicheskie usloviya. Roasted coffee. General technical conditions. Metod opredeleniya organolepticheskih pokazateley [Method of determination of organoleptic characteristics] [Electronic resource]. Access code: http://docs.cntd.ru / document / 1200112772 ahhh! (Date of application 15.05.19).
7. GOST 23554.1-79. Sistema upravleniya kachestvom produktsii. Expertnie metodi otsenki kachestva promyshlennoy produktsii. Organizatsiya I provedenie expertnoy otsenki kachestva produktsii [Product quality management system. Expert methods for assessing the quality of industrial products. Organization and conduct of expert evaluation of product quality] [Electronic resource]. Access code: https: //www.internet-law.ru / gosts / gost / 59591 / (Date of application 28.05.19).
8. GOST ISO 6658-2016 Organolepticheskiy analiz. Metodologiya. Obschee rukovodstvo [Organoleptic analysis. Methodology. General guidance] [Electronic resource]. Access code: http://docs.cntd.ru / document / 1200139405 (Date of application 28.05.19).
9. GOST R 52794-2007. Kofe zhareniy molotiy. Metod opredeleniya massovoy doli vlagi pri 103 °C [Coffee roasted ground. Method for determining the mass fraction of moisture at 103 °C] [Electronic resource]. Access code: http://docs.cntd.ru / document / 1200139405 ahhh! (Date of application 28.05.19).
Livinskaya Svetlana A., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Korotkova Natalia V., graduate student,
Kyznetzova Ekaterina V., graduate student
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Ìoscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Krapiva T.V., Maurnikova L. A, Alisova O.A., Koksharov A.A.Development of an algorithm for assessing the quality of dishes of Japanese cuisine

P. 50-54 Key words
catering, dishes of Japanese cuisine, product quality indicators, evaluation algorithm

As part of the Strategy of improving quality of food products in Russian Federation until 2030, aimed at ensuring adequate nutrition, disease prevention, increasing the duration and improving the quality of life of the population, the issues of quality and safety of culinary products manufactured by catering enterprises are relevant and need to be addressed. Laboratory control of quality and safety of products of public catering is carried out according to organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological indicators for compliance with the requirements of normative documentation. Japanese cuisine is problematic in this regard. From the point of view of quality formation, the following aspects are hazardous: raw ingredients (authentic for this cuisine) and manual labor, from the point of view of quality preservation - short term sale. Ensuring the quality of dishes of Japanese cuisine requires an appropriate regulatory framework governing quality and safety indicators. Existing Russian regulatory framework (TR/TS, SanPiN, GOST) allows to identify and adapt the requirements for dishes of Japanese cuisine in physical and chemical parameters and safety indicators. For organoleptic indicators - there are no such requirements, which led to the relevance of the research. The research was conducted in three phases: the first developed indicators of organoleptic evaluation of the rolls, describes possible defects and recommendations for reducing scoring of the identified defects; the second is considered one of the factors preserving the quality of the product branding - developed check-list "Labeling of products manufactured and sold by the enterprise of food trade", developed scorecard service delivery; on the last stage is carried out organoleptic evaluation of the rolls, the assessment of the service "food delivery" of the companies participating in the experiment. The result of the research is the algorithm of independent evaluation of the quality of service "food delivery" and the quality of rolls (organoleptic evaluation) consisting of two diverse blocks: the unit of development of standards for evaluation and the unit of directly assessment of the quality of delivery services and product quality.

1. Gigienicheskie trebovaniya k kachestvu i bezopasnosti prodovol'stvennogo syr'ya i pishchevyh produktov [Hygienic requirements to quality and safety of food raw materials and food products]: SanPiN utv. Gl. San. vrachom RF 14.11.01: vvod v dejstvie s 01.07.02. Moscow: FGUP "InterSEN" [M.: FSUE "InterSEN"] 2002. 168 p.
2. Tekhnicheskij reglament Tamozhennogo soyuza TR TS 021 / 2011 "O bezopasnosti pishchevoj produkcii" [Technical regulation of Customs Union TR CU 021 / 2011 "About safety of food products"]: utv. resheniem Komissii Tamozhennogo soyuza ot 9 dekabrya 2011 g. ¹ 880. Normatika, 2018. 200 p.
3. Pis'mo Ministerstva zdravoohraneniya i social'nogo razvitiya Rossijskoj Federacii ot 27 dekabrya 2006 g. ¹ 0100 / 13930 06 32 "Ob usilenii nadzora za proizvodstvom i oborotom produkcii netradicionnogo sostava" [Letter of the Ministry of health and social development of Russian Federation of December, 27th, 2006 ¹ 0100 / 13930 06 32 "About strengthening supervision over production and circulation of goods with non-traditional composition"] [Electronic resource]. Access code: http://docs.cntd.ru / document / 902027445 (Date of the application: 17.06.2019).
4. GOST 30390-2013 Uslugi obshchestvennogo pitaniya. Produkciya obshchestvennogo pitaniya, realizuemaya naseleniyu. Obshchie tekhnicheskie usloviya. [GOST 30390-2013 Catering services. Public catering products to be sold to population. General specifications]. Vved.: 2016 01 01. Moscow: Standartinform, 2014. 14 p.
5. GOST R 54607.2-2012 Uslugi obshchestvennogo pitaniya. Metody laboratornogo kontrolya produkcii obshchestvennogo pitaniya. Chast' 2. Metody fiziko-himicheskih ispytanij. [GOST R 54607.2-2012 Catering services. Methods of laboratory control of public catering products. Part 2. Methods of physical and chemical tests]. Vved.: 2012 11 29. Moscow: Standartinform, 2014. 35 p.
6. Edinye sanitarno-epidemiologicheskie i gigienicheskie trebovaniya k produkcii (tovaram), podlezhashchej sanitarno-epidemiologicheskomu nadzoru (kontrolyu) [Unified sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for products (goods) subject to sanitary-epidemiological supervision (control)]. Utv. resheniem Komissii tamozhennogo soyuza ot 28 maya 2010 goda ¹ 299 [Electronic resource]. Access code: http://docs.cntd.ru / document / 902249109 (Date of the application: 17.06.2019).
7. Mayurnikova LA, Krapiva TV, Davydenko NI, Kostina NG, Suhanov AA, Bol'shanina T Yu. Analiz i tendencii razvitiya rynka obshchestvennogo pitaniya g. Kemerovo [Analysis and development trends of the catering market in Kemerovo]. Sovremennaya nauka i innovacii [Modern Science and Innovation]. 2017. ¹ 4 (20). P. 72-78.
8. Krapiva TV, Suhanov AA, Bol'shanina T Yu. Analiz rynka predpriyatij obshchestvennogo pitaniya g. Kemerovo [Analysis of the market of public catering in Kemerovo]. Aktual'nye problemy himii, biotekhnologii i sfery uslug. Materialy vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. Irkutsk: Irkutskij nacional'nyj issledovatel'skij tekhnicheskij universitet. 2017. P. 280-286.
9. Mayurnikova LA, Krapiva TV, Koksharov AA. Otsenka urovnya kachestva blyud yaponskoj kuhni na predpriyatiyah industrii pitaniya g. Kemerovo [Assessment of quality of dishes of Japanese cuisine at the enterprises of the food industry in Kemerovo] // Industriya pitaniya [Food Industry]. 2018. Vol. 3. ¹ 1. P. 47-55.
Krapiva Tatyana V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Mayurnikova Larisa A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Alisova Oxana A., graduate student,
Koksharov Arcadiy A., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kemerovo State University,
6, Krasnaya str., Kemerovo, 650000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Evsyukova A.O.Analysis of the scientific and technical platform of sports nutrition technology products

P. 55-59 Key words
patent base, graphic visualization, sports nutrition, functional properties, phytolactate compositions, drinks, beverages, dry mixes

High rates of high technology solutions integration in the field of industrial technology justify accelerated development rate of modern society. These issues can be reflected not only in socio-economic and official transformations, but also in relation to issues related to population life quality. This is due to physical education and sports (professional and amateur). Today it is impossible to imagine high results achievement in sports career without such an important aspect as nutritional support, i.e. balanced nutrition with details on physical activity amount, types of sports activities, etc. Athletes nutrition structured by nutrient composition, purpose and categories (system, adopted in EU). The dynamics of technological development and prescription solutions in this food industry area can be traced through scientific and technical publications - patents (inventions) analysis. For this purpose, an intellectual property platform analysis in the field of sports nutrition products was carried out according to multicriteria parameters. To conduct research, domestic and world databases were used. Patents are divided into subclasses, formed on the basis of International Patent Classification. Considered inventions are systematized according to periods of their publication with detailing by years, countries, applied technologies and raw material composition, aggregation state, assortment, functional properties and structural and mechanical characteristics. The material is visualized graphically to optimize trends assessment in sports nutrition. Significant potential for phytolactate compositions development is noted, the most popular commodity forms, aggregation state are identified, industry directions with most pronounced implementation effect are detailed. The feasibility of phytolactate functional products production was substantiated.

1. O povyshenii roli fizicheskoj kul'tury i sporta v formirovanii zdorovogo obraza zhizni rossiyan [On enhancing the role of physical education and sport in shaping a healthy life-style for Russians] [Electronic resource]. - Access code: http://kremlin.ru/events/president/transcripts/by-date/30.01.2002. (Date of the application: 05.12.2019)
2. Harrison AP, Bartels EM. A Comparison of Ancient Greek and Roman Sports Diets with Modern Day Practices. Sports Nutrition and Therapy. 2016. Vol. 1 (104). P. 1-9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4172/2473-6449.1000104.
3. Kalman DS, Campbell B. Sports Nutrition: what the Future may Bring. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2004. Vol. 1 (1). P. 61-66. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/1550-2783-1-1-61.
4. Tekhnicheskij reglament tamozhennogo soyuza "O bezopasnosti otdel'nyh vidov specializirovannoj pishchevoj produkcii, v tom chisle dieticheskogo lechebnogo i dieticheskogo profilakticheskogo pitaniya" (TR TS 027/2012) [Customs Union Technical Regulations CU TR 027/2012] [Electronic resource]. - Access code: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/902352823. (Date of the application: 03.12.2019)
5. Ob utverzhdenii koncepcii sportivnogo pitaniya v Rossijskoj Federacii i podgotovke Plana meropriyatij po realizacii koncepcii sportivnogo pitaniya v Rossijskoj Federacii: prikaz ministerstva sporta, turizma i molodezhnoj politiki RF ¹1414 ot 24 dekabrya 2010 g [The concept of sports nutrition in the Russian Federation. Approved by order of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation No. 1414 of 12.24.2010] [Electronic resource]. - Access code: https://base.garant.ru/71937200/. (Date of the application: 02.12.2019)
6. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po nutritiv-noj podderzhke u sportsme-nov-futbolistov [Guidelines for nutritional support in athletes-football players] [Electronic resource]. - Access code: https://www.sportfmba.ru/sotrudnikam/ nauka/metodicheskie-rekomendatsii. (Date of the application: 02.12.2019)
7. Holodov Zh K, Kuznetsov VS. Teoriya i metodika fizicheskogo vospitaniya i sporta: Ucheb. posobie dlya stud. vyssh. ucheb. zavedenij [Theory and methodology of physical education and sport]. Moscow: Academy, 2000. 480 p. (In Russ.)
8. Vorob'eva VM, Shatnyuk LN, Vorob'eva IS, Mikheyeva GA, Trushina EN, Zorina Ye Ye et al. Klassifikatsiya I haracteristika spetsializirovannih productov dlya pitaniya sportsmenov [Classification and characterization of specialized foods for sportsmen nutrition]. Voprosy pitaniya. 2010. Vol. 79 (6). P. 64-68 (In Russ.).
9. Borisova OO. Pitanie sportsmenov: zarubezhnyj opyt i prakticheskie rekomendacii (uchebno-metod. Posobie) [Nutrition of athletes: Foreign experience and practical recommendations: Training manual]. Moscow: Soviet Sport, 2007. 132 p. (In Russ.)
10. Polievskij SA. Osnovy individual'nogo i kollektivnogo pitaniya sportsmenov [Fundamentals of individual and collective nutrition of athletes]. Moscow: Physical Culture and Sports, 2005. 384 p. (In Russ.)
11. Report of the Scientific Committee on Food on composition and specification of food intended to meet the expenditure of intense muscular effort, especially for sportsmen. European Commission. 2001. 50 p.
12. Dejstvuyushchaya redaktsiya Mezhdunarodnoj patentnoj klassifikatsii (MPK) [The current version of the International Patent Classification (IPC)] [Electronic resource]. - Access code: https://www1.fips.ru/publication-web/classification/mpk?view=index. (Date of the application: 25.11.2019)
13. International Patent Classification (IPC). Available from https://www.wipo.int/classifications/ipc/ru/index.html.
14. Khanferian RA, Radzhabkadiev RM, Evstrapova VS, Galstyan AG, Hurshudyan SA, Semin VB et al. Potreblenie uglevodsoderzhaschih napitkov I ih vklad v obschuyu kaloriynost' ratsiona [Consumption of carbohydrate-containing beverages and their contribution to the total calorie content of the diet]. Voprosy pitaniya. 2018. Vol 87. No 2. P. 39-43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24411/0042-8833-2018-10017.
Evsyukova Alexandra O., graduate student
Russian Research Institute of Canning Technology - Branch of V.M. Gor-batov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
78, Shkolnaya str., Vidnoe, Moscow region, 142703, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Romanenko E.S., Mironova E.A., German M.S., Khokhlova E.V., Ivashova V.A., Chvalun R.V.Fermentation specialist competencies

P. 60-63 Key words
fermentation, technological process, competency profile of specialists, technological innovation

The work presents the results of a survey of fermentation specialists in the south of Russia who expressed their opinion on the current profile of competencies that should be presented in the educational program to ensure the competitiveness of a university graduate in this area of training. We conducted a survey of scientific publications in the subject area - the competence of a modern specialist in fermentation production. As a result, relevant technological innovations of fermentation production were established, associated, firstly, with the chemical component of the production process, secondly, with the physical and technological conditions for its implementation, and thirdly, with market conditions and emerging gastronomic regional and global trends. The expert community assessed the competencies of the Federal State Educational Standard on the degree to which graduates of the training program "Food products from plant materials" are formed, which shows that the following competencies remain less formed: the ability to use information technologies to solve technological problems in the production of food products from plant materials (noted by 63, 6% of the number of respondents); the ability to use the principles of the quality management system and the organizational and legal foundations of managerial and entrepreneurial activity (noted by 54.5 % of the number of respondents); the ability to search, store, process and analyze information from various sources and databases, present it in the required format using information, computer and network technologies (noted by 45.5 % of the number of respondents).

1. Sosyura EA, Romanenko ES, Selivanova MV, Aysanov TS, Esaulko NA. Development of technology for functional drinks using fruit and berry raw materials. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2018. No 9 (6). P. 1251-1257.
2. Romanenko ES, Sosyura EA, Esaulko NA, Selivanova MV, Aysanov TS. Healthy food products based on natural plant material Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2018. No 9 (4). P. 1095-1104.
3. Romanenko ES, Sosyura EA, Nudnova AF, Esaulko NA, Selivanova MV, Parusova KV. Antioksidantnaya aktivnost` plodov unabi [Antioxidant activity of unabi fruit]. Pishhevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2016. No 9. P. 28-29 (In Russ.).
4. Sosyura AA, Romanenko ES, Esaulko NA, Selivanova MV, Ajsanov TS, German MS. Texnologicheskie rezhimy polucheniya ekstraktov plodovo-yagodnogo syr'ya dlya proizvodstva funkcional`nykh napitkov [Technological modes of obtaining extracts of fruit and berry raw materials for the production of functional drinks]. Pishhevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2019. No 2. P. 40-43 (In Russ.).
5. Sosyura EA, Guguchkina TI, Burtsev BV, Presnyakova OP. Ispol`zovanie plodov fejxoa i ezheviki dlya proizvodstva napitkov funkcional`nogo naznacheniya [The use of feijoa and blackberry fruits for the production of functional beverages]. Pishhevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2013. No 7. P. 57-59 (In Russ.).
Romanenko Elena S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,
Mironova Elena A., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
German Mariya S., graduate student,
Khokhlova Elena V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Ivashova Valentina A., Candidate of Sociological Sciences,
Chvalun Roza V., Candidate of Philological Sciences
Stavropol State Agrarian University,
12, Zootehnicheskiy lane, Stavropol, 355017, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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