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Rambler's Top100

Food processing Industry №6/2018

The Results of the work of Food and Processing industry Enterprises of Russia


Serba E.M.Actual directions of food biotechnology to improve quality and storage capacity food products

P. 8-10
1. Tutel'jan, V.A. Vashe zdorov'e - v vashih rukah / V.A. Tutel'jan // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2005. - № 4. - S. 6 - 8.
2. Poljakov, V.A. Innovacionnoe razvitie pishhevoj biotehnologii / V.A. Poljakov, N.S. Pogorzhel'skaja // Industrija pita-nija. - 2017. - № 4 (5). - S. 6 - 14.
3. Shevchenko, V.V. Funkcional'nye rybnye produkty povyshennoj pishhevoj cennosti i bezopasnye dlja zdorov'ja / V.V. Shevchenko, I.A. Asfond'jarova, N.V. Veselov // Voprosy pitanija. - 2015. - T. 84. - № 5. - S. 95.
4. Smirnova, E.A. Problemno-orientirovannyj podhod k razrabotke novyh pishhevyh produktov dlja personalizirovannoj dietoterapii social'no znachimyh zabolevanij / E.A. Smirnova, V.A. Sarkisjan, A.A. Kochetkova // Voprosy pitanija. - 2014. - T. 83. - № S3. - S. 65.
5. Aksenova, L.M. Napravlennaja konversija belkovyh modulej pishhevyh produktov zhivotnogo i rastitel'nogo proishozhdenija / L.M. Aksenova, L.V. Rimareva // Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. - 2017. - T. 87. - № 4. - S. 355 - 357.
6. Poljakov, V.A. Belkovye obogatiteli pishhi na osnove fermentativnoj destrukcii belkovo-polisaharidnogo kompleksa kletochnyh stenok drozhzhej / V.A. Poljakova [i dr.] // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2012. - № 11. - S. 42 - 44.
Serba E.M., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of RAS,
Institute of Nutrition and Biotechnology - Branch of FRC Nutrition and Biotechnology,

Butova S.N., Rilkov V.V.Using biologically active additive "Biopectin" in the technology of functional products

P. 11-13 Key words
biologically active substances; biopolymer; vegetable raw materials; pectin; waste

In this paper, we consider the possibility of obtaining pectin from waste products of fruit and berry and vegetable raw materials, which makes it possible to eliminate waste in the food industry, and secondly, on the basis of naturally renewable resources, to obtain the active substance pectin, so necessary due to its biologically active properties for health, the most important branches of the agroindustrial complex in conditions of environmentally harmful changes for humans and in nature. Ways of enzymatic hydrolysis from wastes of plant raw materials produced pectin - a polysaccharide of natural origin. The article presents a scheme for obtaining pectin. Pectins obtained from wastes of various plant raw materials were analyzed for physicochemical, organoleptic and biochemical parameters. The data of the analyzes are presented in Tables 1 and 2. It is shown that the best are citrus, apple and beetroot pectins, as well as pumpkin, carrot and banana. It is stated that the obtained pectins reduce the content of nitrates and nitrites, the content of beta-lactam antibiotics in organisms even when applying a pectin solution in an amount of 0.5%, the absence of toxic effect on human organs when using 0.5-1.0% of its solution. Thus, pectin is a unique biopolymer. Works on the study of its properties, its use in medicine and pharmaceuticals are continuing.

1. Rossiya v cifrah. 2010: Kratkij statisticheskij sbornik. - M.: Rosstat, 2010. - 558 p.
2. Butova, S. N. Biotekhnologicheskaya degradaciya othodov rastitel'nogo syr'ya. - M.: Izd-vo Rossel'hozakademiya. - 2004. - 319 p.
3. Donchenko, L.V. Pektin: osnovnye svojstva, proizvodstvo i primenenie / L. V. Donchenko, G. G. Firsov. - M.: DeLi print. - 2007. - 276 p.
4. Zelenskij, G.S. Pishchevye volokna v racional'nom pitanii cheloveka. Sb.nauch.tr. - M., - 1989. - p. 10-14.
5. Kompancev, V. A. Kompleksoobrazovanie pektinov s ionami polivalentnyh metallov / V. A. Kompancev, N. SH. Kajsheva, L. P. Gokzhaeva. - M.: Pishchevaya promyshlennost'. - 1990. - № 11. - p. 30-40.
6. Livshic, O. D. Voprosy pitaniya / O. D. Liv-shic, L. A. Men'shikova. - Izdatel'skaya gruppa "GEHOTAR-Media". - 1991. - p. 71-72.
7. Istomin, A. V. Gigienicheskie aspekty ispol'zovaniya pektina i pektinovyh veshchestv v lechebno-profilakticheskom pitanii: posobie dlya vrachej / A.V. Istomin, T.L. Pilat. - M.: - 2009. - 4 p.
Butova Svetlana Nikolaevvna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor,
Rilkov Vitaliy Valerievich, graduate student
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rimareva L.V., Overchenko M.B., Ignatova N.I., Serba E.M., Martynenko N.N.The influence of hydrolytic enzymes on the composition of the concentrated grain wort

P. 14-17 Key words
amino acids; anions; cations; concentrated grain wort; fermented carbohydrates enzymatic complex; substrate specificity; yeast

A promising way to improve the efficiency of alcohol production and reduce waste generation by almost 2 times, is the preparation of a grain wort with a concentration of soluble solids over 25% and the selection of a comprehensive enzymatic system that catalyzes the deep hydrolysis of protein and polysaccharides of raw materials, with the production of high - quality grain wort, enriched with assimilated yeast mono - and di-saccharides and free amino acids. The purpose of this work was to study the effect of enzymes of different substrate specificity on the quality of concentrated grain wort prepared on the basis of wheat, maize and rye. The work was carried out in the All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology. It was found that the use of the concentrated grain wort in the preparation of a full complex of enzymes, including enzymes of carbohydrate and proteolytic action, provided an increase in the concentration of free amino acids assimilated by yeast in 2,8 - 3,3 times depending on the type of processed grain raw materials. At the same time, the concentration of fermented carbohydrates, including maltose and glucose, also increased. Shows the effect of hydrolases on the cationic and anionic composition of the grain wort made from grain crops, the most widely used in alcohol production. Proteolysis of proteins was accompanied by some reduction in the total concentration of anions. This particularly affected the content of oxalates, malates and acetates in the wort. The tendency of increase of the content in a wort processed by a full complex of enzymes, phosphates, ions of magnesium and potassium is established. The results of studies of the effect of enzymes with different substrate specificity on the degree of degradation of grain biopolymers confirm their essential role in the formation of the biochemical composition of concentrated grain wort, which will ensure its fermentation with high quality factors.

1. Serba, E.M. Biotehnologicheskie osnovy kompleksnoj pererabotki zernovogo syr'ja i vtorichnyh bioresursov v jetanol i belkovo-aminokislotnye dobavki / E.M. Serba, V.A. Poljakov // Monografija (ISBN 978 5 906592 49 1) - M.: VNIIPBT, 2015. - 133 p.
2. Rimareva, L.V. Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie osnovy fermentativnogo kataliza polimerov zernovogo syr'ja v spirtovom proizvodstve / L.V. Rimareva [i dr.] // Proizvodstvo spirta i likerovodochnyh izdelij. - 2008. - № 3. - P. 4-9.
3. Serba, E.M. Biotehnologicheskie osnovy mikrobnoj konversii koncentrirovannogo zernovogo susla v jetanol / E.M. Serba, M.B. Overchenko, L.V. Rimareva // Monografija (ISBN 978 5 9500501 6 9. DOI 10.18334 / 9785950050169) M.: "BIBLIOGLBUS". - 2017. - 120 p.
4. Rimareva, L.V. Vlijanie fermentnyh kompleksov na metabolizm spirtovyh drozhzhej i nakoplenie ionov neorganicheskoj prirody v koncentrirovannom zernovom susle / L.V. Rimareva [et all] // Vestnik Rossijskoj sel'skohozjajstvennoj nauki. - 2016. - № 3. - P. 28-31.
5. Poljakov, V.A. Instrukcija po tehnohimicheskomu i mikrobiologicheskomu kontrolju spirtovogo proizvodstva / V.A. Poljakov [i dr.] // - M.: DeLi print. - 2007. - 480 p.
6. GOST R 54330 - 2011. Fermentnye preparaty. Metody opredelenija amiloliticheskoj aktivnosti.
7. GOST R 53974 - 2010. Fermentnye preparaty. Metody opredelenija proteoliticheskoj aktivnosti.
8. GOST R 55302 - 2012. Fermentnye preparaty. Metody opredelenija ksilanaznoj aktivnosti
9. Poljakov, V.A. Primenenie zhidkostnoj hromatografii dlja issledovanija organicheskih kislot i uglevodov v susle i brazhke / V.A. Poljakovh [i dr.] // Hranenie i pererabotka s-h. syr'ja. - 2017. - № 9. - P. 20-23.
10. Shelehova, N.V. Issledovanie ionnogo sostava poluproduktov i othodov spirtovogo proizvodstva s primeneniem metoda kapilljarnogo jelektroforeza / N.V. Shelehova, L.V. Rimareva // Hranenie i pererabotka s-h. syr'ja. - 2015. - № 8. - P. 12-15.
11. Rimareva, L.V. Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie osnovy biotehnologii drozhzhej / L.V. Rimareva // Uchebnoe posobie. - M.: DeLi print, 2010. - 256 p.
12. Avilova, I.A. Vodnyj obmen v kletkah drozhzhej Saccharomyces cerevisiaeras Y-3137 i Y-3327 podannym JaMR s impul'snym gradientom magnitnogo polja / I.A. Avilova [i dr.] // Biofizicheskaja himija. - 2015. - T. 89. - № 4. - P. 148-152.
13. Nweke, C.O. Effects of metals on dehydrogenase activity and glucose utilization by Saccharomyces cerevisiae / C.O. Nweke // Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. - 2010. - V. 25. - № 2. - P. 28 - 35.
14. Perez Valle, J. Key role for intracellular K+ and protein kinases Sat4 / Hal4 and Hal5 in the plasma membrane stabilization of yeast nutrient transporters / J. Perez Valle, H. Jenkins, S. Merchan [et al.] // Microbiol. Biotechnol. - 2007. - V. 27. - № 16. - P. 5725 - 5736.
Rimareva Lyubov Vyacheslavovna, Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of RAS,
Overchenko Marina Borisovna, Сandidate of technical Sciences,
Ignatova Nadezhda Iosifovna,
Serba Elena Mikhailovna, Doctor of biological Sciences, Professor,
Martynenko Nikolay Nikolaevich, Doctor of biological Sciences
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Food Biotechnology - branch of FGBUN "FIC of nutrition and biotechnology",
4B, Samokatnaya str., Moscow, 11033, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mirochnik A.S., Gorlov I.F., Slojenkina M.I., Mosolova N.I.The development of innovative technology plant-meat food

P. 18-21 Key words
amino acid composition; buckwheat groats; chickpea; indicator of comparable redundancy; oats; plant-meat food composition; rabbit meat; skimmed milk powder

The article presents materials of the development of innovative technology of plant-meat food composition containing high-grade protein of biological value. The results of researches on the deficiency of high-grade protein among the population of the Russian Federation are presented. Necessity of developing technology-based products protein-containing plant components, including chickpea - soy alternatives has been proven. The use of extrusion processing to improve the digestibility of protein-containing products of plant origin, including legumes, is reasoned. Performed amino acid analysis of proteins of chickpea following varieties: Krasnokutskaiy 123, krasnokutskiy 195, Volgograd 10, Krasnokutskiy 28, PRIVO 1, Sovhozniy, Yubileyniy, Donskoy and Volzhanin. There is no significant difference in the amino acid composition of the grains of the analyzed chickpea varieties. It was revealed that chickpea protein contains in excess of the following essential amino acids: phenylalanine, tryptophan and lysine. The limiting amino acid is tryptophan. Based on these data, the selection of components of the mixture for extrusion was made. The computer model characterizing amino acid composition was completed. The mixture formulation in order to obtain a high-grade protein of high biological value was optimized. Technology and developed prototypes of the new food composition was developed. The possibility of obtaining an extrudate when used as a raw material for extrusion of the developed mixture was established. Organoleptic evaluation of the obtained extrudate was carried out. The amino acid composition of the food composition was analyzed. The calculations of biological value of proteins: the coefficient of utility of protein, index of biological value, comparable measure of redundancy was presented. The obtained results testify to the full value and high biological value of proteins of vegetable-meat composition. The value of the index of comparable redundancy indicates the balance of the composition of essential amino acids. The ways of use of the developed innovative composition in the food industry are offered.

1. Borisova, M.M. Primenenie soevyh belkovyh produktov v pishhevoj promyshlennosti [Application of soy protein products in food industry] / M.M. Borisova, T.V. Barhatova, A.M. Lunev // Izvestija VUZov. Pishhevaja tehnologija. - 2005. - № 2-3. - pp. 40-41.
2. Aslanova, M.A. Funkcional'nye produkty na mjasnoj osnove, obogashhennye rastitel'nym syr'em [Functional meat-based products enriched with plant raw materials] / M.A. Aslanova, O.K. Derevickaja, A.S. Dydykin, E.L. Volovik // Mjasnaja industrija. - 2010. - № 6 - pp. 45-47.
3. Lukin, A.A. Tehnologicheskie osobennosti i perspektivy ispol'zovanija rastitel'nyh i zhivotnyh belkov v proizvodstve kolbasnyh izdelij [Technological features and prospects of use of plant and animal proteins in manufacture of sausages] / A.A. Lukin // Vestnik Juzhno-Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Pishhevye i biotehnologii. - 2014. - №1. - pp. 52-59.
4. Gorlov, I.F. Mjasnye i molochnye produkty s rastitel'nymi napolniteljami [Meat and dairy products with plant fil-lers] / I.F. Gorlov, L.G. Sapozhnikov // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 1998. - № 1. - pp. 66-67.
5. Giro, T.M. Mediko-biologicheskaja ocenka mjasorastitel'nyh pashtetov dlja korrekcii zhelezodeficitnyh sostojanij [Biomedical evaluation meat-plant pastes for correction of iron deficiency states] / T.M. Giro, O.I. Chirkova // Tehnika i tehnologija pishhevyh proizvodstv. - 2009. - № 1. - pp. 50-53.
6. Zernobobovye Rossii [Leguminous plants of Russia] / Prodovol'stvennaja i sel'skohozjajstvennaja organizacija Ob#edinennyh Nacij. - Jelektron. tekstovye dan. - Moskva, 2017. - 69 p. - ISBN 978-92-5-409736-3.
7. Gorlov, I.F. Nut - al'ternativnaja kul'tura mnogocelevogo naznachenija: monografija [Chickpeas - alternative multi-purpose culture] / I.F. Gorlov // GNU "Povolzhskij NII proizvodstva i pererabotki mjasomolochnoj produkcii RASHN". - Volgograd: Volgogradskoe nauchnoe izdatel'stvo, 2012. - 107 p.
8. GOST ISO 11037-2013. Organolepticheskij analiz. Rukovodstvo po ocenke cveta pishhevyh produktov [Sensory analysis. Guidelines for sensory assessment of the colour of food products.]. - Vved. 01.07.2015. - Moskva : Standartinform, 2014. - 20 p. - (Mezhgosudarstvennyj standart).
9. Gorlov, I.F. Nauchno-prakticheskie podhody k optimizacii proizvodstva pishhevyh produktov povyshennoj biologicheskij cennosti [Scientific and practical approaches to optimize the production of food products increased biological value] / I.F. Gorlov, M.I. Slozhenkina // Strategija nauchnogo obespechenija razvitija konkurentosposobnogo proizvodstva otechestvennyh produktov pitanija vysokogo kachestva: mat. Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. - Volgograd: VSTU, 2006. - pp. 13-19.
10. Slozhenkina, M.I. Razrabotka tehnologii mjasnyh izdelij s ispol'zovaniem rastitel'nyh belkovo-uglevodnyh kompleksov i biologicheski aktivnyh veshhestv: uchebnoe posobie [Development of technology of meat products using plant protein-carbohydrate complexes and biologically active substances] / M.I. Slozhenkina, I.F. Gorlov. - Volgograd, 2015. - 72 p.
11. Gorlov, I.F. Sovremennye aspekty sozdanija mjasnyh izdelij obshhego i lechebno-profilakticheskogo naznachenija [Modern aspects of creation of a common meat products and treatment-and-prophylactic purpose] / I.F. Gorlov // Mjasnaja industrija. - 1997. - № 8. - pp. 5-6.
Mirochnik Alexey Sergeevitch,
Gorlov Ivan Fedorovitch, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of RAS,
Slojenkina Marina Ivanovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor,
Mosolova Natalya Ivanovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Volga Region Scientific Research Institute of Meat-and-Milk Production and Processing,
6, Marshal Rokossovskiy str., Volgograd, 400131, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Ivanova V.N., Seregin S.N., Frolova N.A.Increasing production volumes and expanding exports of products - long-term priorities for the development of the AIC of Russia. Part I

P. 22-26 Key words
growth of production; agro-food products; state support; introduction of innovations in industry; expansion of exports; factor of sustainability; food market

Ensuring sustained economic growth for the long term and developing the necessary mechanisms to create a modern model of the agribusiness development is on the agenda of the work of the executive authorities, the scientific community and business representatives. The general picture of the development of many sectors of agro-industrial production, which has developed recently, shows a good pace of economic growth, which made it possible to strengthen Russia's food security. The development of innovative activities and the introduction of scientific and technological progress in industry is the most important element of economic growth, this is the main task of implementing state agrarian policy. Achieving high rates of economic growth in the foreseeable future is possible only if large-scale investments are attracted and channels for their financing are sought to expand the innovative activity of representatives of Russian agribusiness. The solution of the tasks of the upcoming period - the increase in the volume of agricultural production and the increase in the export of products is large and achievable, it will require consolidating the actions of the state, business and science in the priority areas of the development of the agroindustrial sector, and providing reasonable protectionism for national producers of agricultural and food products.

1. Idrisov, G. V poiskah novoj modeli rosta / G. Idrisov, V. Mau, A. Bozhechkova // Voprosy jekonomiki. - 2017. -№ 12.
2. Mau, V. Na ishode global'nogo krizisa: jekonomicheskie zadachi 2017-2019 gg. - Voprosy jekonomiki. - 2018. - № 3.
3. Ershov, M.V. Rossija i mir: naskol'ko ustojchiv jekonomicheskij rost? Riski i prepjatstvija / M.V. Ershov // Voprosy jekonomiki. - 2017. - № 12.
4. Ovchinnikov, O.G. Situacija v agroprodovol'stvennom sektore Rossii: uspehi ili krizis / O.G. Ovchinnikov // Jekonomika sel'skohozjajstvennyh i pererabatyvajushhih predprijatij. - 2018. - № 3.
5. Skal'naja, M. Dohody sel'skogo naselenija kak faktor social'noj ustojchivosti sel'skih territorij / M. Skal'naja // APK: jekonomika, upravlenie. - 2018. - № 1.
6. RANH i GS, Institut Gajdara (2017). Monitoring jekonomicheskoj situacii v Rossii: Tendencii i vyzovy social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija. - 2017. - № 23 (61).
7. Seregin, S.N. Razvitie innovacij v uslovijah sankcij: problemy i vozmozhnosti / S.N. Seregin, N.D. Avarskij, S.U. Nuraliev // Jekonomika sel'skogo hozjajstva Rossii. - 2015. - № 10.
8. Ivanova, V.N. Stimulirovanie jeksporta agroprodovol'stvennoj produkcii - kljuch k jekonomicheskomu rostu Rossijskogo APK / V.N. Ivanova, I.V. Gerashhenko // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2016. - № 6.
9. Seregin, S.N. Gospodderzhka molochnogo skotovodstva: novye vozmozhnosti rosta proizvodstva / S.N. Seregin // Pererabotka moloka. - 2016. - № 6 (201).
10. Kajshev, V.G. Mehanizmy rosta agrarnoj jekonomiki: stimuly i ogranichenija / V.G. Kajshev // Jekonomika sel'skohozjajstvennyh i pererabatyvajushhih predprijatij. - 2017. - №8.
Ivanova Valentina Nikolaevna, Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor
Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after Razumovskya,
73, Zemlyanoy val, Moscow, 109004, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Seregin Sergey Nikolaevich, Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor,
Frolova Nadezhda Anatolievna, graduate student
Federal scientific center of food systems after Gorbatov,
26, Talalikhin str., Moscow, 109316, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prosekov A.Ju.Revolutionary and extraordinary measures of the Soviet government to prevent and eliminate food crises

P. 28-31 Key words
famine; Civil war; сollectivization; food security; food squads; food crisis; surplus of grain reserves

It was a way out of food crisis that become one of the most important tasks for the government of the Bolsheviks, because the elimination of large landed estates and church land and the terms of the peace treaty with Germany led to the aggravation of the food problem. An attempt to organise direct trade food for manufactured goods was unsuccessful due to the lack of suitable industrial products and administrative machinery for the implementation of barter, and also due to the fact that the distribution of industrial goods among the peasants was carried out on the basis of egalitarian principle. In 1918 the Central Executive Committee decree entered "food dictatorship" which, along with the decision of the question of food was intended to organize "labor" peasantry against the "kulaks" and use the contradictions between the poor and rich farmers to gain new power. Due to the unrest caused by the actions of the food squads, the Bolsheviks were forced to replace the requisition of "surplus" for the food allocation which, however, did not take into account the real possibilities of peasant households and caused them substantial damage. Due to the fact that the food crisis became chronic, not only supply of food products was regulated, but their consumption was rationing as well, involving very poor nutritional standards. In such conditions the outbreak of the drought in the Povoljie region and some provinces of central Russia led to a famine in 1921 - 1922, against which the Bolsheviks were forced to take such extraordinary measures as an appeal to the international community and requisitioning of church values for the benefit of the starving people. As the work of the food squads and the committees of the poor, the confiscation of church values were political in nature and was aimed not only at eliminating hunger, but to fight the church too.

1. Pomogalova, O.I. Pomoshh' inostrannyh blagotvoritel'nyh organizacij golodajushhim saratovskogo Povolzh'ja (1921-1923) / O.I. Pomogalova: avtor. dis. ... kand. ist. nauk. - Saratov, 2013. - 30 s.
2. Dekret VCIK Sovetov Rabochih, Soldatskih, Krest'janskih i Kazach'ih Deputatov. O predostavlenii Narodnomu Komissaru Prodovol'stvija chrezvychajnyh polnomochij po bor'be s derevenskoj burzhuaziej, ukryvajushhej hlebnye zapasy i spekulirujushhej imi / Internet-proekt "ISToricheskie MATerialy" // http://istmat.info/node/29485 (data obrashhenija: 16.08.2017).
3. Sverdlov, Ja.M. Izbrannye proizvedenija. - M., 1976. - 368 s.
4. Dekret ob organizacii i snabzhenii derevenskoj bednoty / Istoricheskie istochniki na russkom jazyke v Internete (Jelektronnaja biblioteka Istoricheskogo fakul'teta MGU im. M.V.Lomonosova) // http://www.hist.msu.ru/ER/Etext/DEKRET/18-06-11.htm (data obrashhenija: 16.08.2017)
5. Barsenkov, A.S. Istorija Rossii: 1917-2009 / A.S. Barsenkov, A.I. Vdovin. - 3-e izd., rassh. i pererab. - M., Aspekt-Press, 2010. - 846 s.
6. Morgenshtern, M.M. 15 mesjacev golodnogo fronta / M.M. Morgenshtern // Itogi bor'by s golodom v 1921- 22 gg.: Sbornik statej i otchetov. - M., 1922. - S. 9-22.
7. Geller, M.Ja. Utopija u vlasti / M. Ja. Geller, A. M. Nekrich // Jelektronnaja biblioteka RoyalLib.com. URL: http://royallib.com/read/geller_mihail/utopiya_u_vlasti.html#0 (data obrashhenija: 16.08.2017).
8. Postanovlenie VCIK ob iz#jatii cerkovnyh cennostej. 23 fevralja 1922 g. // Izvestija. 1922. 26 fevralja / Russkie patriarhi HH veka: Sud'by Otechestva i Cerkvi na stranicah arhivnyh dokumentov. M., 1999. S. 59-60. URL: http://istmat.info/node/33977 (data obrashhenija: 16.08.2017).
Prosekov Aleksandr Jur'evich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Kemerovo State University,
6, Krasnaya Street, Kemerovo, 650000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Semenova O.S., Kusova I.U., Dubcov G.G., Oreshkin E.N., Dubcova G.N.The usage of dry potato products in the production of bakery and culinary products

P. 32-36 Key words
potato flakes; Culinary products from potatoes; national bakery products; the nutritional value; the content of potassium and magnesium in food; bakery products

The processing of potatoes in dry products (flakes) allows to reduce the costs of the long-term storage and loss of nutrient materials significantly. Dry potato products are close to high-quality wheat flour, if we take into consideration the content of protein and digestible carbohydrates. And if we take into account the content of dietary fiber, potassium (13351 mg / 100 g) and magnesium (1227 mg / 100 g) in dry potato products, we shall see that it is much higher than in flour. The flakes also contain ascorbic acid and maximum 0.5% of lipids. Lipid fraction of potato flakes contains essential omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids (0.5 and 6.1% of the total fatty acid content). The group composition of lipids of dry potato products is determined. As a result of the research, it was discovered that dry potato flakes are rather effective ingredients that contribute to the increase of the nutritional value of products with micronutrient elements and, for some measure, to the decrease of the food energy value. Dry potato products can be supplied to retail and can be used in the nutrition of organized groups, groups (school meals, hospital meals, military food, etc.). The use of potato flakes in an amount of up to 10% in dough composition contributes to the increase of quality and nutritional value of bakery products. The studies have shown that additions of dry potato products to flour increase the baking absorption from 48% to 54%, and also enable to produce products of sufficient volume and with high crumb grain. The carried out experiments in the possibility of dry potato flakes use as fillings for national culinary products have shown that the inclusion of dry potato flakes in fillings enables to increase the quality and also to expand the product range. Chuvash national holiday dish huplu was chosen as the object of research. The research indicated organoleptic characteristics of domestic dry potato products used as fillings are equal to foreign ones. Potato flakes may be used to produce culinary products (cutlets fritters, rissoles, zrazes etc.).

1. Isaeva E. Rynok kartofelja vosstanavlivaetsja posle rekorda. V 2017 godu ceny naprodukciju dolzhny nemnogo uvelichit'sja [The potato market is recovering from the record. The prices of products should increase slightly in 2017]. Mocsow, Agroinvestor Publ., 2017, no. 4
2. Guzevich A.I., Budaj S.I. Perspektivy ispol'zovanija suhih kartofel'nyh hlop'ev v hlebopekarnom proizvodstve [The prospects for usage of dry potato flakes in bakery production]. XVI Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija "Sovremennye tehnologii sel'skohozjajstvennogo proizvodstva". Materialy konferencii. Razdel - Tehnologija hranenija i pererabotki sel'skohozjajstvennoj produkcii [XVI International scientific and practical conference "Modern technologies of agricultural production". Conference proceedings. Section - Technology of storage and processing of agricultural products].Grodno, GGAU, 2013, pp. 38 - 39
3. Kalashnikov G.V., Shukhminova L.V., Nazaretyan D.V. Analiz vtorichnogo pishhevogo syr'ja pri proizvodstve bystrorastvorimyh kartofel'nyh hlop'ev i pererabotki kartofelja [Analysis of secondary food raw materials by production of instant potato flakes and processing's of potatoes]. Tehnologii pischevoy i pererabatyivayuschey promyishlennosti APK-produktyi zdorovog opitaniya. Nauchno-teoreticheskij zhurnal [Technologies for the food and processing industry of AIC - healthy food. Scientific-theoretical journal]. Voronezh, 2016, no. 6, pp. 69 - 74
4. Antipov Z.L., Alekseev V.N. Chuvashskaja kuhnja [Chuvash cuisine]. Cheboksary, Chuvashskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 2014. 208 p.
5. A.I. Zdobnov, V.A. Cyganenko. Sbornik receptur bljud i kulinarnyh izdelij: dlja predprijatij obshhestvennogo pitanija [A collection of recipes food and cooking products for institutional packed] -Kiev, Arij, Mocsow, Lada, 2009. 680p.
Semenova Ol'ga Sergeevna, graduate student,
Kusova Irina Uruzmagovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Dubcov Georgij Georgievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Oreshkin Evgenij Nikolaevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Dubcova Galina Nikolaevna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamskoye highway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Khvorova L.S.Features centrifugation anhydrous glucose massecuite

P. 37-39 Key words
Anhydrous; glucose; centrifugation conditions; methods of crystallization

Centrifugation of massecuite isdesigned to separate the crystals of glucose from intercrystal solution. Crystallization of anhydrous glucose is carried out at a high temperature (55…75 °C), which creates certain difficulties in centrifugation. According to the calculation, the amount of intercrystal solution to be removed from the surface of crystals by washing with water during centrifugation is about 4%, twice less than hydrate glucose. This is due to the volume form, high mechanical strength and uniformity of crystals and is an advantage of anhydrous glucose. Consequently, the successful separation and washing of crystals from the intercrystal solution depends on the rational implementation of the crystallization process, which begins with the stage of embryo formation. Consequently, the successful separation and washing of crystals from the intercrystal solution depends on the rational implementation of the crystallization process, which begins with the stage of nucleation. This article discusses proven methods for "starting" and strengthening of crystals, allowing you to massecuite with large uniform crystals. During the crystallization of glucose in isothermal conditions "starting" crystals occurs rapidly within 5 min, so that the finished massecuite have homogeneous crystals. During the crystallization of glucose in polythermal conditions of nucleation may be delayed until 4 h, which are formed are heterogeneous in size crystals, and centrifugation conditions worsen. Centrifugation of massecuite anhydrous glucose is easily and quickly while maintaining the desired temperature (55…60 °C) at this stage: the massecuite in the centrifuge and fillmass distributor. For this fillmass distributor provide a heat exchange surface in the form of double walls, the interwall space which circulates hot water with temperature (60…65 °С). Centrifuges before loading the massecuite should be heated by steam, and flushing crystals should be carried out with hot water at a temperature of 55…60 °C. The centrifugation process continues for 4-5 minutes. The Raw crystals must have a moisture content of not more than 3%.

1. Hvorova, L.S. Tekhnologiya proizvodstva farmakopejnoj i pishchevoj glyukozy. // Pishchevaya promyshlen-nost'. - 2008. - № 6. - S. 56.
2. Sokolov, V.I. Centrifugirovanie. M.: Himiya, 1976. - 408 s.
3. Stephen Olaribigbe Majekodunmi. A Review on Centrifugation in the Pharmaceutical Industry // American Journal of Biomedical Engineering. - 2015. -5 (2). - P. 67 - 78.
4. Chudakov, G.M. Sposoby centrifugi-rovaniya utfelej // Izv. Vuzov Pishchevaya tekhnologiya. - 2000. - № 5 - 6. - S. 58 - 60.
5. Grebenyuk, S. M., Plaksin Yu.M., Malahov N.N., Vinogradov K.I. Tekhnologicheskoe oborudovanie saharnyh zavodov. M.: KolosS, 2007. - 520 s.
6. Gbabo Agidi J., C. Igbeka. Development and performance of a sugar centrifuge //Sugar Tech. - 2003. - Vol. 5. - Iss. 3. - pp 131 - 136.
7. Hvorova, L. S., Lukin N.D. Osobennosti podgotovki utfelej gidratnoj glyukozy k centrifugirovaniyu // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ya. - 2017. - № 10. - S. 23 - 29.
8. Andreev, N. R., Hvorova L.S., Zolotuhina N.I. Kinetika zarodysheobrazovaniya pri izotermicheskoj kristallizacii angidridnoj glyukozy // Sahar. - 2010. - № 12. - S. 55 - 58.
9. Andreev, N. R., Hvorova L.S., Selezneva O.S. Kristallizaciya angidridnoj glyukozy v politermicheskih usloviyah // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ya. - 2014. - № 1. - S. 13 - 14.
10. Sposob kristallizacii angidridnoj glyukozy. Fidanko Staliyanov Sretenov. A. s. Bolgariya. № 15472 07.05.70.
11. Sposob polucheniya kristallicheskoj angidridnoj glyukozy. Hvorova L.S., Lukin N.D., Selezneva O.N. Patent na izobretenie RUS 2521510 29.12.2012.
Khvorova Lyudmila Stepanovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Starch Products - a branch of the FNTS of Food Systems. V.M. Gorbatov RAS.
11, st. Nekrasov, d. Kraskovo, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region, 140051, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Egorova O.S., Letfullina D.R.Wine Processing to Ensure Stability to Polyphenolic Opacities

P. 40-42 Key words
oxidation of wines; phenolic substances; polyphenolic opacities; processing of wines; PVPP; wine

The article gives literature data on the composition of phenolic compounds of grape wines and their role in oxidation-reduction processes occurring during the formation and maturation of wine. It is noted that the most important property of phenolic substances lies in their ability to enzymatic oxidation under the influence of various oxidases or under aerobic conditions - under the influence of sunlight, which leads to a ripening of the wine. Polyphenols are actively involved in the oxidation-reduction processes, interact with proteins, metals, phosphates, forming hardly soluble products that cause turbidity. Polyphenolic opacities - a kind of colloidal opacities of wines formed with the participation of phenolic compounds. Data on modern physical, chemical and biochemical methods for preventing excessive oxidation of wines are given, in particular about preparations for preventing the appearance of opacities or for controlling them. At present, high-molecular compounds based on N-vinylpyrrolidone are widely used among the preparations used for the stabilization of wines. It is established, that the use of PVPP improves the organoleptic properties of processed wine materials: freshness and purity appear in the aroma and taste. Conducted in the All-Russian Research Institute of the Brewing, Nonalcoholic and Wine Industry, studies have shown the effectiveness of preventive processing of grape wort with new generation preparations based on PVPP to prevent the oxidation of phenolic compounds of wines. Such processing helps to reduce the content of condensed forms of phenolic substances and allows obtaining wine materials resistant to polyphenolic opacities. The search for modern means and the development of new methods and technological regimes for processing wines in order to ensure stability to polyphenolic opacities - the current trend of researches.

1. Kishkovskij, Z.N. Himija vina / Z.N. Kishkovskij, I.M. Skurihin. - 2-e izd., pereab. i dop. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1988. - 254 s.
2. Valujko, G.G. Stabilizacija vinogradnyh vin / G.G. Valujko, V.I. Zinchenko, N.A. Mehuzla; 3-e izd., dop. - Simferopol': "Tavrida", 2002. - 208 s.
3. Oseledceva, I.V. Novyj biohimicheskij metod predotvrashhenija izbytochnogo okislenija stolovyh vin / I.V. Oseledceva, T.I. Guguchkina // Vinodelie i vinogradarstvo. - 2010. - № 4. - S. 8-9.
4. Njanikova, G.G. Primenenie poliaminosaharidov iz gribov v vinodelii / G.G. Njanikova, E.Ju. Eldinova // Vinodelie i vinogradarstvo. - 2009. - № 6. - S. 30-31.
5. Mametnabiev, T.Je. Primenenie hitinosoderzhashhih sorbentov dlja demetallizacii suhih vin / T.Je. Mametnabiev, G.G. Njanikova, T.V. Kusmarceva [i dr.] // Vinodelie i vinogradarstvo. - 2005. - № 5. - S. 20-21.
6. Zinchenko, V.I. Kompleksnye preparaty dlja stabilizacii vin / V.I. Zinchenko, A.S. Makarov // Vinodelie i vinogradarstvo SSSR. - 1982. - № 2. - S. 19-22.
7. Valujko, G.G. Vinogradnye vina / G.G. Valujko. - M.: Pishhevaja promyshlennost', 1978 g.
8. Cidel'kovskaja, F.P. Himija N-vinilpirrolidona i ego polimerov / F.P. Cidel'kovskaja. - M.: Nauka, 1970. - 150 s.
9. Panasjuk, A.L. Jeffektivnost' ispol'zovanija preparatov na osnove polivinilpolipirrolidona (PVPP) dlja povyshenija kachestva krasnyh vin / A.L. Panasjuk, E.I. Kuz'mina, O.S. Egorova [i dr.] // Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty razvitija sovremennoj nauki: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., 23 sentjabrja 2017 g., g. Praga. - Neftekamsk: Nauchno-izdatel'skij centr "Mir nauki", 2017. - S. 27-33.
10. Panasjuk, A.L. Primenenie preparatov na osnove polivinilpolipirrolidona (PVPP) dlja povyshenija kachestva krasnyh i rozovyh vin /A.L. Panasjuk, E.I. Kuz'mina, O.S. Egorova/ Pivo i napitki. - 2017. - № 4. - S. 18-21.
Egorova Olesya Sergeevna,
Letfullina Dilyara Ramilevna
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Beverage and Wine Industry - Branch of Gorbatov Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
7, Rossolimo Str., Moscow, 119021, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Voskanjan O.S., Nikitin I.A., Guseva D.A., Semenkina N.G.Study of the influence of Jerusalem artichoke processing products on the glycemic index of bread from wheat flour

P. 44-46 Key words
dietary bakery products; glycemic index; Jerusalem artichoke; methods of dough preparation

The development of the modern theory of nutrition opens up promising opportunities in the development of new recipes and technologies for various types of bakery products (in particular, for patients with diabetes mellitus) by adding additives such as Jerusalem artichoke products that have a significant effect on the glycemic index of the finished product. The article presents the results of research on the effect of various varieties of wheat flour, various types of additives, as well as the method of dough preparation for the process of digestibility of carbohydrates of wheat bread under the action of digestive enzymes of the human body. When studying the effect of Jerusalem artichoke products on the digestibility of carbohydrate crumbs by enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract of the human body, inulin (In), condensed extract from Jerusalem artichoke (CEJ) and concentrate of Jerusalem artichoke (CJ) were used as additives, which were added to the dough in amounts of 1.5; 2.0 and 2.5% by weight of flour, respectively. As a result of the conducted studies it was shown that the formula and technology of bread preparation are the primary factors determining the glycemic index of the finished product. The obtained results of the research allowed the authors to recommend using a safe method of dough preparation, and as the main raw material to use wheat flour of the first grade with the addition of 2% of the extract of the thickened Jerusalem artichoke or 2% of the Jerusalem artichoke concentrate to the flour mass. This will allow to develop the bread technology for diabetics and expand the assortment of bakery products for dietary purposes.

1. Voskanjan, O.S. Svojstva inulina i ego promyshlennoe ispol'zovanie / O.S. Voskanjan, T.V. Shlenskaja, G.I. Kozjarina, D.A. Guseva. M.: "Pishhepromizdat", 2012. -100 p.
2. Propopenko L.S. Himicheskij sostav i pitatel'naja cennost' klubnej topinambura / L.S. Prokopenko // Topinambur i topinsolnechnik - problemy vozdejstviju i ispol'zovanija: Tez. dok. Tret'ej Vsesojuznoj nauchno-proizvodstvennoj konferencii. Odessa. - 1991. - P. 58-60.
3. Guseva, D.A. Vlijanie peroral'nogo vvedenija inulina na uroven' fruktozo-2, 6 bifosfata v tkani pecheni krys pri streptozotocinovom diabete / D.A. Guseva [i dr.] // Voprosy medicinskoj himii. - 1997. - T. 43. - № 4. - P. 247-255.
4. Voskanjan, O.S. Vlijanie produktov pererabotki topinambura na svojstva testa i kachestvo hleba / O.S. Voskanjan i [i dr.] // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2018. -№ 2. P. 47-49.
Voskanjan Ol'ga Stanislavovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Nikitin Igor' Alekseevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Semenkina Natal'ja Gennad'evna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Guseva Dar'ja Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
K.G. Razumovsky Moskow State University of technologies and management (the First Cossack University),
73, Zemljanoj val str, Moscow, 109004, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Omarov M.M., Umarova Ju.A.Technology of production of medicinal product from vegetables, nettles and barberry

P. 48-49 Key words
barberry; blended juice; carrots; immunity; nettles; sterilization

Fruits and vegetables, as well as products of their processing are of great importance in human nutrition. They are rich in vitamins and biologically active substances. At the same time, they also have dietary properties in the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, heart, beriberi, atherosclerosis, decreased immunity, and other metabolic disorders. Of all the variety of agricultural raw materials, more than 500 have dietary and medicinal properties. Therefore, they are used for various diseases and metabolic disorders of the human body. The aim of the work is to obtain blended juice from carrots, beets, nettles and barberry ordinary. The technological scheme includes the preparation of raw materials (inspection, washing, cleaning, grinding, crushing, pressing, blending), sterilization of juice in the flow at a temperature of 105 degrees, cooling, packaging and storage. As a result of the experiments, a technology was developed for the production of blended juice from carrots, beets, nettles and barberry at the optimum ratio (3: 3: 2: 2). The yield of juices and the content of solids in them and the finished product are given. The use of electroplasmolysis increases the yield of carrots, beets, nettles and barberry from 8 to 10%, which explains the increase in the permeability of protoplasm cells of raw materials. The obtained dietary juice from carrots, beets, nettle and barberry is recommended for non-drug treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, atherosclerosis, neuroses, insomnia, decreased immunity and other metabolic disorders by 0.5 cup 3 times a day for 20 minutes before meals for 4-8 weeks.

1. Volynskij, B.G. Lekarstvennye rastenija v nauchnoj i narodnoj medicine / B.G. Volynskij [i dr.]. - Saratov, 1972. - 382 s.
2. Omarov, M.M. Tehnologija proiz-vodstva dieticheskih (lechebnyh) produktov iz plodoovoshhnogo i lekarstvennogo syr'ja Dagestana?/ M.M. Omarov. - Mahachkala: DGTU, 2009. - 179 s.
3. Omarov, M.M. Tehnologija proizvodstva kupazhirovannogo dieticheskogo soka iz ovoshhej / M.M. Omarov, M.N. Islamov, Z.A. Abdulhalikov // Pivo i napitki. - 2011. - № 4.
4. Samsonova, A.N. Fruktovye i ovoshhnye soki / A.N. Samsonova, V.B. Usheva - M:, Pishhevaja promyshlennost', 1976. - 275 s.
5. Sovershenstvovanie tehnologiches-kih processov v pishhevoj promyshlennosti: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov prepodavatelej DGTU. Vypusk V - Mahach-kala: DGTU, Alef. - 2016. - 96 s.
6. Sbornik tehnologicheskih instrukcij po proizvodstvu konservov. T. 1. - M.: Pishhevaja promyshlennost', 1991. - 431 s.
7. Jenciklopedija narodnyh metodov lechenija. - SPb.: SPIKS, 1994.
Omarov Magomed Manguevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Umarova Julduz Abdulkadirovna, Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Dagestan State University of National Economy,
5, D. Ataeva str., Makhachkala city, Republic of Dagestan, 367008, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Palagina M.V., Fishhenko E.S., Kozyreva E.S., Tekut'eva L.A., Ponаmarev V.V.Using far eastern hips in the technology of drinking yoghurts

P. 50-52 Key words
Far Eastern hips; technology; yoghurts

In the technology of new enriched yoghurts, the fruits of the Rosa davurica and the Rosa rugosa were used. The fruits were harvested in the Primorye Territory of the Russian Far East. In the article results of researches of fruits of various dogroses, their physical and chemical structure, technical and technological characteristics, the maintenance of vitamins and mineral substances are resulted. As a result of studies of vitamins and minerals, it was shown that, on average, the fruits of the Rosa davurica contained more vitamin C than the fruits of the other dogrose. In this case, the fruit of Rosa rugosa contained more routine and copper. Taking into account the fact that the Rosa rugosa are much larger than the Rosa davurica, it was easier to collect, the flesh in it was much larger, the work was continued with a Rosa rugosa. When examining the flesh of fruit and seeds, it is established that most of the biologically active substances are contained in the wrinkled hips of the Rosa rugosa. The fruits of the mature hips are difficult to directly wring out, therefore, water extracts were prepared from them at a 1: 1 hydrotreating unit, insisted at 30 °C for two hours, ground to a particle diameter of 8 - 10 mm, and then the pulp was separated from the liquid phase by direct pressing. The yield of the extract from the hips was 80%. Then on the extract of dogrose prepared syrup. The technology and commodity evaluation of enriched yoghurts with the introduction of syrups from Far Eastern dogrose are presented. The use of biologically valuable hips in the production of new yoghurts can expand the range of useful fortified products.

1. Ponomareva, E. Obzor rossijskogo rynka molochnoj produkcii / E. Ponomare-va // Rossijskij prodovol'stvennyj rynok. - 2018. - № 2 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.foodmarket.spb.ru/current.php?article=2497
2. Kodencova, V.M. Obogashhenie pishhevyh produktov massovogo potreblenija vitaminami i mineral'nymi veshhestvami kak sposob povyshenija ih pishhevoj cennosti / V.M. Kodencova // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2014. - № 3. - P. 14-17
3. Cherevach, E.I. Tehnologija i tovarovednaja ocenka bezalkogol'nyh aromatizirovannyh napitkov s rastitel'nymi jekstraktami / E.I. Cherevach [i dr.] // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. -2016. - № 11. - S.26-29.
4. Bertolin, M. Influence of the addition of different hazelnut skins on the physicochemical, antioxidant, polyphenol and sensory properties of yogurt / m. bertolino [et all} // Food Science and Technology, Volume 63, Issue 2, October 2015. - P. 1145-1154.
5. Tagil'cev, Ju.G. Nedrevesnye lesnye resursy: pishhevye, lekarstvennye, plodovo-jagodnye, tehnicheskie / Ju.G.Tagil'cev. - Habarovsk. : Izd-vo Tihookean. gos. un-ta. 2014. - 127 p.
6. Palagina, M.V. Pishhevye i biologicheski aktivnye dobavki: uchebnoe posobie / M.V.Palagina, T.P. Judina, V.P. Korchagin. - Vladivostok: Izd-vo TGJeU, 2007. - 102 p.
7. Tehnicheskij reglament Tamozhennogo sojuza "O bezopasnosti pishhevoj produkcii" (TR TS 021/2011) [Jelektronnyj resurs] - Rezhim dostupa: http://webportalsrv.gost.ru/portal/
8. Tehnicheskij reglament Tamozhennogo sojuza "O bezopasnosti moloka i molochnoj produkcii" (TR TS 033/2013) - [Jelektronnyj resurs] - Rezhim dostupa: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/499050562.
9. GOST 31981-2013 Jogurty. Obshhie tehnicheskie uslovija [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.internet-law.ru/gosts/gost/56571
10. Palagina, M.V. Vlijanie produktov pererabotki dikorosov na kachestvennye pokazateli kvasov / M.V.Palagina, E.A.Isaenko, A.A.Nabokova // Pivo i napitki. - 2011. - №1. - P. 40-41.
Palagina Marina Vsevolodovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Profesor,
Fishhenko Evgenija Sergeevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kozyreva Elena Sergeevna, magistrant,
Tekut'eva Ljudmila Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Ponаmarev Viktor Vasil'evich, graduate student
Far Eastern Federal University, School of Economics and Management,
ap. 204, Ajaks, h. G, is. Russkij, Vladivostok, 690922, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kyazimova I.A., Khusainova I.Yu., Nabiyev A.A.Research of technology of manufacture of juice from pumpkin, fruit persimmon fruits and briar

P. 53-55 Key words
beta-carotene; glucose; Palov-Kadu-268; pectin substances; persimmon; phenolic compounds; Pumpkin-Perekhvatka-69; vitamin C; fructose

At present, providing the population with environmentally friendly and high-quality food is an urgent problem. With prolonged use of environmentally unclean and genetically modified products, the risk the undesirable diseases increases. Therefore, the human diet should consist of environmentally friendly products. The main goal of our research work is the production of high-quality juice made from environmentally friendly products of plant origin, based on new technologies. For the preparation of these juices, were used pumpkin, dog rose and persimmon fruits. It is known that the pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene, which is a substitute for vitamin A, but vitamin C, organic acids and even monosaccharides (glucose, fructose) are contained in small amounts. Rosehip is mainly rich in vitamin C and organic acids, persimmon fruits are rich in monosaccharides, phenolic compounds and iodine, and also have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Therefore, we set ourselves the goal of producing juice from pumpkin, rose hips and persimmon fruit by blending. Blended juice is more rich in glucose, fructose, phenolic compounds and other substances in comparison with pumpkin juice. It is important to note that, the biological functions of phenolic compounds in juices are very diverse. Some of them act as regulators of metabolism, while others have antigenic, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Prepared juices have the sufficient amount of minerals. In juices from pumpkin and dogrose there is no iodine abrasand in juice, prepared from persimmons, there is a sufficient amount of iodine. Therefore, in blended juice, along with minerals, iodine is also present in sufficient quantities. Blended juice has a light straw color, pleasant aroma, harmonious taste (9.6 points). Juices, Pumpkin cooking varieties- Perekhvatka-69 and Palov-Code-268, have the same color, but have a low-harmonic taste. Thus, summarizing the results of studies, we can conclude that blended juice made from pumpkin, dogrose and persimmon is more rich in extractive, aromatic and other nutrients.

1. Aleksashina, S.A. Issledovanie himicheskogo sostava i antioksidantnoj aktivnosti morkovi, svekly i tykvy / S.A. Aleksashina, N.V. Maka-rova // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - Moskva. - 2016. - № 6. - S. 29-32.
2. Babaeva, U.A. Proizvodstva sokov iz plodov hurmy / U.A. Babaeva, M.M. Tagiev, A.A. Nabiev // Pivo i napitki. - Moskva. - 2012. - № 4. - S. 35-36.
3. Flamini, R. Mass spektrometry in grape and wine Chemistry / R. Flamini, P. Traldi // A John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken. - NewJersey. - 2010 (http://www. wiley. com / go / permission).
4. Gordeev, A.V. Reshenie problem prodovol'stvennoj bezopasnosti / A.V. Gordeev // Mir agrobiznesa. - Moskva. - 2008. - № 1. - S. 4-6.
5. Kudrjasheva, A.A. Jekologicheskaja, prodovol'stvennaja i medicinskaja bezopasnost' chelovechestva / A.A. Kudrjashova // Pishhepromizdat. - Moskva. - 2007. - 314 s.
6. Babaeva, U.A. Issledovanie himicheskogo sostava plodov hurmy pri dlitel'nom hranenii / U.A. Babaeva, A.A. Nabiev // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - Moskva. - 2013. - № 11. - S. 11-15.
7. Nabiev A.A. Biohimija pishhevyh produktov / A.A. Nabiev, I.A. Moslemzade // Baku. - Jelm. - 2008. - S. 444.
8. Fataliev, H.K. Tehnologija hranenija i pererabotki produktov rastitel'nogo proishozhdenija / H.K. Fataliev // Baku. - Jelm. - 2010. - 432 s.
9. Metody tehnohimicheskogo kontrolja / Pod redakciej V.G. Gerzhikovoj // Tavrida. - Simferopol'. - 2009. - 304 s.
10. Pochinok, H.N. Metody biohimicheskogo analiza rastenij / H.N. Pochinok // Kiev. - 1976. - 334 s.
11. Asthir, B. Stimulation of antioxidativ enzymes and polyamines during stripe rust diseasea of wheat / B. Asthir et al// Biologiya Plantarum 54 (2). - 2010. - S. 329 - 333.
12. He, Fei. Biosynthesis of Anthocyanins and Their Reguiation in Colored Grapes / He Fei et al // Molecules. - 15 (12):9057 - 91. - 2010.
Kyazimova Inara Ali qizi, graduate student,
Khusainova IradaYunis qizi, Senior Lecturer,
Nabiyev Ahad Ali oglu, Doctor of Biological Science, Professor,
Azerbaijan Technological University,
103, Shah Ismail KhataiAve., Ganja, Republic of Azerbaijan, AZ2011, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Nikitina S.Ju., Shahov S.V., Pyl'nyj D.V., Rudakov O.B.Analytical control of the quality of the rectated ethanol, water and alcohol distillates

P. 56-60 Key words
alcoholic products; vodka; chromatographic, optical and spectral methods of analysis; distillate; impurity; rectified ethanol

The analysis of normative documents and original articles dedicated to problems of quality control and safety of rectified ethanol and alcoholic beverages based on it was carried out. Features, possibilities and limitations of the application of various methods of analysis were discussed. Main directions of complex analytical control of ethanol and ethanol-containing compounds: determination of the chemical composition of products, estimation of its correspondence to values represented in industry standards, and identification of falsified, counterfeit and defective products were emphasized. It was shown that in order to establish the chemical composition of ethanol and alcoholic products, the most effective method is gas chromatography with flame ionization and mass-spectrum detection, allowing to establish the presence and content of a wide range of organic impurities (esters, aldehydes, alcohols, ketones, unsaturated compounds, nitrogenous and sulfur-containing substances). The advisability of using capillary electrophoresis for the study of various classes of organic and inorganic compounds was noted. The possibility of determining the genesis of ethanol and ethanol-containing products by chromatographic methods were discussed, the identification criteria are given. High efficiency in the identification of alcohol of various origins by the method of spectral luminescence analysis, the advisability of using ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy as additional methods of determining the authenticity was noted. Perspective of using multisensory systems consisting of several selective chemical sensors with cross sensitivity, for the recognition and classification of alcohol products was shown. Necessity of using organoleptic analysis to assess the quality of alcoholic beverages was emphasized.

1. Instrukcija po tehnohimicheskomu i mikrobiologicheskomu kontrolju spirtovogo proizvodstva/ V. A. Poljakov [i dr.]. M.: DeLi print, 2007. - 480 p.
2. Nikitina, S. Ju. Shemotehnika i metodiki rascheta bragorektifikacionnyh ustanovok / S.Ju. Nikitina. - Voronezh: VGASU, 2013. - 208 p.
3. Handbook of Alcoholic Beverages: Technical, Analytical and Nutritional Aspects; ed. A.J. Buglass. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2011. 1204 p.
4. Savchuk, S.A. Himija i toksikologija jetilovogo spirta i napitkov, izgotovlennyh na ego osnove. Hromatograficheskij analiz spirtnyh napitkov / S.A. Savchuk, V.P. Nuzhnyj, V.V. Rozhanec. - M.: Lenand, 2017. - 184 p.
5. Muratshin, A.M. Opredelenie proishozhdenija jetilovogo spirta metodom hromato-mass-spektrometrii / A.M. Muratshin, E.G. Galkin, A.T. Nigamtullin. - [Jelektronnyj resurs]: http://fromserge.narod.ru/metod_khromato-mass-spektrometrii.pdf (data obrashhenija 05.01.2018).
6. Shelehova, N.V. Kontrol' kachestva alkogol'noj produkcii i biotehnologicheskih processov pererabotki sel'skohozjajstvennogo syr'ja v jetilovyj spirt s ispol'zovaniem hromato-mass-spektrometricheskih, gazohromatograficheskih i jelektroforeticheskih metodov analiza / N.V. Shelehova [i dr.] // Proizvodstvo spirta i likerovodochnyh izdelij. -2012. - № 3. - P. 32-34.
7. Nikitina, S. Ju. Primenenie hromato-mass-spektrometrii dlja identifikacii mikroprimesej v pobochnyh frakcijah rektifikovannogo spirta iz melassy / S.Ju. Nikitina, O.B. Rudakov, A.M. Grigor'ev // Proizvodstvo spirta i likerovodochnyh izdelij. - 2013. -№ 4. - P. 38-41.
8. The Analysis of vodka: A Review paper/ Wisniewska P. [et al.] // Food Anal. Methods. 2015. V. 8. P. 2000-2010.
9. Poljakov, V.A. Abramova I.M. Reshenie problemy identifikacii jetilovogo spirta razlichnogo proishozhdenija v celjah sovershenstvovanija kontrolja bezopasnosti i kachestva likerovodochnoj produkcii / I.M. Abramova // Tehnika i tehnologija pishhevyh proizvodstv. - 2012. - № 3. - P. 1-9.
10. Profiling of nonvolatiles in whiskeys using ultra high pressure liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC-QTOF MS) / T.S. Collins, J. Zweigenbaum, S.E. Ebeler // Food Chemistry. -2014. - V. 163. - P. 186-196.
11. Vichi, S. Analysis of volatile thiols in alcoholic beverages by simultaneous derivatization/extraction and liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry / S.Vichi, N. Cort?s-Francisco, J. Caixach // Food Chemistry. -2015. -V. 175. - P. 401-408.
12. Review of the current methods of analytical traceability allowing determination of the origin of foodstuffs/ B. Peres [et al.] // Food Control. - 2008. - V. 18. - P. 228-235.
13. Rudakova, L.V. Analiz vodno-spirtovyh rastvorov sposobom mikrofotograficheskoj registracii jeffektov nabuhanija polimernyh granul / L.V. Rudakova [i dr.] // Proizvodstvo spirta i likerovodochnyh izdelij. - 2012. - №1. - P. 24-26.
14. Nikitina, S.Ju. Primenenie metodiki "jelektronnyj nos" dlja ocenki kachestva pishhevogo jetanola / S. Ju. Nikitina [i dr.] // Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Himija. Biologija. Farmacija. - 2015. - № 1. - P. 26-35.
15. Ragazzo-Sanchez, J.A. Identification of different alcoholic beverages / J.A. Ragazzo-Sanchez [et al.] // Sensors Actuators B. - 2008. - V. 134. - P. 43-48.
16. Rudakov, O.B., Nikitina S.Ju. Trendy v analiticheskom kontrole kachestva pit'evogo jetanola / O.B. Rudakov, S.Ju. Nikitina // "Analitika i kontrol'". - 2017. - T.21. - № 3. - P. 180-196.
Nikitina Svetlana Jur'evna, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Shahov Sergej Vasil'evich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Pyl'nyj Dmitrij Vital'evich
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies,
394000, Voronezh, Revolution Avenue, 19, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rudakov Oleg Borisovich, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor
Voronezh State Technical University,
84, 20 let Oktyabrya st., Voronezh, Russia, 394006, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Georgieva O. V., Pir'eva E.A., Kon' I.Ya. Baby food products: classification, requirements for their quality and safety

P. 61-65 Key words
baby food; baby food products; quality and safety of baby food products

This article reviews classification of infant products according to the age recommendations. It considers the ground for strict requirements to the chemical formula of infant products and its safety data in light of immaturity of metabolic and physiologic processes and limitation of nutrition materials deposition organs in infants. It itemizes the requirements to ingredients composition, content of essential components and indexes of nutrition value of breast milk substitutes and specialized products for infants. It draws recommendations of international and European standards in the sphere of pediatric nutrition (Codex Alimentarius Commission of FAO / WHO, commission ESPGHAN, recommendations EFSA and EC regulations). It declares the tendencies of harmonization of Russian baby foods hygienic requirements system with the requirements of international and European standards, in particular for breast milk substitutes. It also considers the aspects of adding of supplementary food into infant diet and presents the assortment per each baby food group. It indicates international and European standards, regulating hygienic requirements to baby food. It introduces up-dated legislative frameworks, adopted in Russian Federation in the field of quality and safety for baby food, food for children over 3 years old, food of nutritional therapy. It shows the difference between national legislation and regulatory system of Eurasian Economic Community customs union and legal system in safety of food for children over 3 year, which is valid in European countries. It represents the list of documents of legislation frameworks of Eurasian Economic Community customs controlling the quality and safety of baby food. This work was supported by the program of fundamental research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (№ 529 2018 011).

1. Detskoe pitanie. Rukovodstvo dlja vrachej pod red. V.A. Tutel'jana, I. Ja Konja, M.: Medicinskoe informacionnoe agentstvo. - 2017, - 777 s.
2. Fomon, S. J., ed. Nutrition of normal infants. St. Louis: Mosby, 1993.
3. Koletzko, B., ed. Pediatric nutrition in practice. Basel: Karger; 2008.
4. SanPiN - 05 "Organizacija detskogo pitanija".
5. Nacional'naja Programma optimizacii vskarmlivanija detej pervogo goda zhizni v Rossijskoj Federacii. - M., - 2010.
6. Nacional'naja Programma optimizacii pitanija detej v vozraste ot 1 do 3 let v Rossijskoj Federacii. - M.: Pediatr##, - 2016.
7. Edinye sanitarno-jepidemiologicheskie trebovanija k tovaram, podlezhashhim sanitarno-jepidemiologicheskomu nadzoru (kontrolju) (utv. Resheniem Komissii Tamozhennogo Sojuza ot 28.05.2010 № 299); Izmenenija N341, N456, N622, N889; № 6).
8. Metodicheskie rekomendacii "Normy fiziologicheskih potrebnostej v jenergii i pishhevyh veshhestvah dlja razlichnyh grupp naselenija Rossijskoj Federacii" (MR - 08).
9. Tehnicheskij Reglament Tamozhennogo Sojuza "O bezopasnosti pishhevoj produkcii" (TR TS 021 / 2011).
10. Tehnicheskij Reglament Tamozhennogo Sojuza "O bezopasnosti moloka i molochnoj produkcii" (TR TS 033 / 2013).
11. Tehnicheskij Reglament Tamozhennogo Sojuza "Trebovanija bezopasnosti pishhevyh dobavok, aromatizatorov i tehnologicheskih vspomogatel'nyh sredstv" (TR TS 029 / 2012).
12. Tehnicheskij Reglament Tamozhennogo Sojuza "O bezopasnosti upakovki" (TR TS 005 / 2011).
13. Tehnicheskij Reglament Tamozhennogo Sojuza "Pishhevaja produkcija v chasti ee markirovki" (TR TS 022 / 2011).
14. Tehnicheskij Reglament Tamozhennogo Sojuza "Na sokovuju produkciju iz fruktov i ovoshhej" (TR TS 023 / 2011);
15. Tehnicheskij Reglament Tamozhennogo Sojuza "O bezopasnosti mjasa i mjasnoj produkcii" (TR TS 034 / 2013).
16. Tehnicheskij Reglament Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza "O bezopasnosti ryby i rybnoj produkcii" (TR EAJeS 040 / 2016).
17. Tehnicheskij Reglament Tamozhennogo Sojuza "O bezopasnosti otdel'nyh vidov specializirovannoj pishhevoj produkcii, v t. ch. dieticheskogo lechebnogo i dieticheskogo profilakticheskogo pitanija" (TR TS 027 / 2012).
18. Commission Directive 1999 / 21 / EC of 25 March 1999 on dietary foods for special medical purposes.
19. Enteral Nutrient Supply for Preterm Infants: Commentary From the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Committee on Nutrition. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition; 50:1 - 9, - 2010.
Georgieva Olga Valentinovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Pir'eva Ekaterina Anatolievna, Candidate of Medical Sciences,
Kon' Igor Yakovlevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
2 / 14, Ustinsku proezd, Moscow, 109240, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Shterman S.V., Sidorenko M.Yu., Shterman V.S., Sidorenko Yu.I.Fat burners in the arsenal of functional food. Part I

P. 66-72 Key words
human health; fat burners; сaffeine; fat metabolism; obesity; food additives; green tea extract

The fight against excessive fat tissue at the present time in terms of its intensity and material costs can be compared only with the efforts of mankind in the exploration of outer space. The presence of excessive body fat in the body associated with a risk of a number of serious diseases such as myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes, arterial hypertension, and others, which can pose a real threat to his life. As a result, a campaign was launched, which became especially popular among people who are advocates of a healthy lifestyle, to combat excessive fat accumulation. Soon, however, it turned out that achieving progress in this direction is far from being easy, as we would like it to be. The leading role in reducing energy from food should be given to the proper diet, and in increasing its expenditure - to physical exercise. At the same time, using certain mechanisms of physiological influence on the human body, specialized food additives - "fat burners" - can facilitate the solution of the above task. The purpose of this work was to conduct a critical analysis of the properties of food ingredients, currently offered as functional components for weight loss, together with an objective assessment of the possible mechanisms of their action in the human body, based on the data of scientific research conducted. The biochemical foundations of the process of producing energy from fats in the human body and the classification of existing types of fat burners in accordance with the mechanism of their action are considered. It was conducted the analysis of the characteristics of caffeine and the extract of green tea when they are used as fat burners.

1. Pillittery, J.L. Use of dietary supplements for weight loss in the United States: results of a national survey / J.L. Pillittery, S. Shiffman, J.M. Rohay et al / Obesity. - 2008. - v. 16. - № 4. - pp. 790 - 796.
2. Pittler, M.H. Dietary supplements for body-weight reduction: a systematic review / M.H. Pittler, E. Earnst // American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. - 2004. - v. 79. - № 4. - pp. 529 - 36.
3. Alkhatib, A. Acute effectiveness of a "fat-loss" product on substrate utilization, perception of hunger, mood state and rate of perceived exertion at rest and during exercise / A. Alkhatib, M. Seijo, E. Larumbe et al // Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. - 2015. - v. 12:44 (10 pp.).
4. Metodicheskie rekomendacii MR - 8. Normy fiziologicheskih potrebnostej v jenergii i pishhevyh veshhestvah dlja razlichnyh grupp naselenija Rossijskoj Federacii.
5. Romijn, J.A. Regulation of endogenous fat and carbohydrate metabolism in relation to exercise intensity and duration / J.A. Romijn, E.F. Coyle, L.S. Sidossis et al // American Journal of Physiology. - 1993. - v. 265. - pp. E380-391.
6. Achten, J. Determination of the exercise intensity that elicits maximal fat oxidation / J. Achten, M. Gleeson, A.E. Jeukendrup // Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. - 2002. - v. 34. - № 1. - pp. 92 - 97.
7. Venabels, M.C. Endurance training and obesity: effect on substrate metabolism and insulin activity / M.C. Venabels, A.E. Jeukendrup // Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. - 2008. - v. 40. - № 3. - pp. 495 - 502.
8. Kim, J. Nutrition supplements to stimulate lypolysis: a review in relation to endurance exercise capacity / J. Kim, J. Park, K. Lim // Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. - 2016. - v. 62. pp. 141 - 151.
9. Outlaw, J. Effects of ingestion of a commercially availale thermogenic dietary supplement on resting energy expenditure, mood state and cardiovascular measures / J. Outlaw, C. Wilborn, A. Smith et al // Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition. - 2008. - v. 5: 23 (8 pp.).
10. J. The acute effects of the thermogenic supplement Meltdown on energy expenditure, fat oxidation, and hemodinamic responses un young healhy males / J. Jitomir, E. Nassar, J. Culbertson // Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition. - 2013. - v. 10: 25 (8 pp.).
11. Jeukendrup, A.E. Fat burners: nutrition supplements that increase fat metabolism / A.E. Jeukendru, R. Randell // Obesity reviews. - 2011. - v. 12. - pp. 841 - 851.
12. Hoffman, J.R. Thermogenic effect of an acute ingestion of a weight loss supplement / J.R. Hoffman, J. Kang, N.A. Ratamess et al // Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition. - 2009. - v. 6: 1 (9 pp.).
13. Romanovskij, B.V. Osnovy himicheskoj kinetiki / B.V. Romanovskij. - M.: Izd-vo "Jekzamen", 2006. - 416 s.
14. Shterman, S.V. Jenergeticheskie napitki v sportivnom pitanii / S.V. Shterman [i dr.] // Pivo i napitki bezalkogol'nye i alkogol'nye, soki, vino, spirt. - 2018. - № 1. - S. 40 - 46.
15. Dullo, A.G. The search for compounds that stimulate thermogenesis in obesity management: from pharmaceuticals to functional food ingredients / A.G. Dullo // Obesity Reviews. - 2011. - v. 12. - № 10. - pp. 866 - 883.
16. Dullo, A.G. Green tea and thermogenesis: interactions between catechin-polyphenols, caffeine and sympathetic activities // A.G. Dullo, J. Seydoex, L. Girardier et al // Internatiomal Journal of Obesity. - 2000. - v. 24. - № 2. - pp. 252 - 258.
17. Graham, T.E. Does caffeine alter muscle carbohydrate and fat metabolism during exercise? / T.E. Graham, D.S. Battram, F. Deld et al // Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism - 2008. - v. 33. - pp. 1311 - 1318.
18. Westerterp-Plantenga, M.S. Body weight loss and weight maintenance in relation to habitual caffeine intake and green tea supplementation / M.S. Wes-terterp-Plantenga, M.P. Lejeune, E.M. Kovacs // Obesity Research. - 2005. - v. 15. - pp. 1194 - 1204.
19. Berube-Parent, S. Effects of encapsulated green tea and Guarana extracts containing a mixture of epigallocatechin-3 gallate and caffeine on 2 / 4 h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in men / S. Berube-Parent, C. Pelletier, J. Dore et al // British Journal of Nutrition. - 2005. - v. 84. - pp. 432 - 436.
20. Hursel, R. The effects of catechin rich teas and caffeine on energy expenditure and fat oxidation: a meta-analysis / R. Hursel, W. Viechtbauer, A.G. Dulloo et al // Obesity Reviews. - 2011. - v. 12. - pp. e573 - e581.
21. Harada, U. Effects of the long term ingestion of tea catechins on energy expenditure and dietary fat oxidation in healthy subjects / U. Harada, A. Chikama, S. Saito et al // Journal of Health Science. - 2005. - v. 51. - pp. 248 - 252.
22. Nagao, T. A green tea extract high in catechins reduces body fat and cardiovascular risks in humans / T. Nagao, T. Hase, I. Tokimitsu // Obesity (Silver Spring). - 2007. - v. 15. - pp. 1473 - 1483.
23. Wang, H. Effects of catechin enriched green tea on body composition / H. Wang, Y. Wen, Y. Du et al // Obesity (Silver Spring). - 2010. - v. 18. - pp. 773 - 779.
24. Ishinose, T. Effect of endurance training supplemented with green tea extract on substrate metabolism during exercise in humans / T. Ishinose, S. Nomura, Y. Someya et al // Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. - 2010. - v. 21. - pp. 598 - 605.
25. Ota, N. Effects of combination of regular exercise and tea catechines intake on energy expenditure in humans / N. Ota, S. Soga, A Shimotoyodome et al // Journal of Health Science. - 2005. - V. 51. - pp. 233 - 236.
Shterman Sergey Valeryevich, Doctor of Technical Science,
Sidorenko Michail Yur'eyvich, Doctor of Technical Science
Limited liability company "GEON",
1, Obolensk highway, Obolensk urban village, Serpuhov district, Moscow region, 142279, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Shterman Valeriy Solomonovich, Candidate of Chemical Science,
Sidorenko Yuriy Ilich, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor
Moscow state university of food manufacturing,
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Aitov V.G., Blagoveshchenskaya M.M., Krasinskij A.Yа., Chekin I.I., Shipareva M.G., Kolesnikova K.A.Development of a universal hardware and software complex for automation of technological and supporting processes in the composition of integrated management information system food industry enterprise

P. 74-77 Key words
automation of technological and supporting processes; complex automation; ERP; food industry; system integration

To solve the problem of import substitution, the food industry should be provided with modern high-tech means of automation of domestic development. The used programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in most cases are built on the element base of foreign manufacturers. The use of such PLC implies knowledge of specific programming languages, such as LAD, ST, LD, FBD, SFC, ST, IL, SFC. At the level of enterprise management requires the use of integrated solutions covering all processes of the organization as the main areas of activity and provide. The authors of the article developed and implemented a universal hardware and software complex (HSC) of automation of technological and production processes, functioning in real time as part of an integrated information system of food industry enterprise management. In the developed HSC, the traditional PLC is replaced by a powerful universal microcomputer with an open architecture. Scientific and practical results of development HSC are given. An example of the solution operation as part of the access control system in a geographically distributed organization with the ability to continue working in case of failure of the Central server. The variant of HSC use as a part of the automated control system of the process of maturation and storage of hard cheese varieties is shown. In the HSC are used: climate control, electronic lock, sensors of humidity, temperature and carbon dioxide. The advantages of the developed HSC in comparison with similar solutions are shown - the openness of the solution, the possibility of integration with higher systems, the possibility of modernization and development, lower cost. The described solution is more flexible in configuration, in some cases it is more productive and reliable than foreign analogues.

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4. Lafont, F. Optimized fuzzy control of a greenhouse / F. Lafont, J.-F. Balmat / Fuzzy Sets and Systems. - 2002. - Vol. 128, Issue 1. - P. 47-59.
5. Aitov, V.G. Integraciya informacionnoj sistemy vuza s sistemoj e-learning / V.G. Aitov // Prikladnaya informatika. - 2015. - T. 10. - № 5. - S. 40-46.
6. Aitov, V.G. Sistema kontrolya dostupa v vysshem uchebnom zavedenii / V.G. Aitov, V.O. Novickij, I.I. CHekin // Prikladnaya informatika. -2017. - T. 12. - № 4. - S. 81-99.
Aitov Vasilij Grigor'evich,
Blagoveshchenskaya Margarita Mihajlovna, Doctor of Tecnocal Sciences, Professor,
Krasinskij Aleksandr YAkovlevich, Doctor of physics and mathematics Sciences, Professor,
Chekin Ivan Ivanovich,
Shipareva Mar'ya Gerasimovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kolesnikova Karina Anatol'evna
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Group of companies "Agropromkomplektatsiya" on Prodexpo-2018