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Rambler's Top100

Food processing Industry №4/2018

The Results of the work of Food and Processing industry Enterprises of Russia


Bystrova E.A.Highly effective ways of processing berries cranberries in the technology of powder semi-finished products

P. 8-12 Key words
antioxidant activity; biocatalytic method; chemical composition; enzyme preparations; pretreatment red whortleberry; red whortleberry powder; vacuum freeze-drying

The article presents the results of research on the development and validation of the effectiveness of the biocatalytic method pretreatment of red whortleberry powder. Pectolytic and glucanolytic enzyme preparations were selected and studied: Rapidase CR, Pectinex XXL, Bruzheim BGX, Laminex BG2. The conditions for the application of individual enzyme preparations for pretreatment of berries in terms of the yield of juice have been determined, and their symbiotic effects in the composition of the multitenzyme composition (MEÑ) have been evaluated. It is shown that pretreatment of the cranberries of cranberry berries with individual enzyme preparations during 1.0 - 1.5 hours leads to an increase in the fraction of the juice fraction by 7 - 18?%, and in the composition - by 16 - 26?% compared to the control (mash of red whortleberry, not processed by enzyme preparations). The best results were obtained using compositions based on the Pectinex XX - Bruzheim BGX (MEC-1) and Rapidase CR-Laminex BG2 (MEC-2): an increase in the fraction of the juice fraction in the red whortleberry mash is 20 and 26?%, respectively. It has been established that preliminary fermentation of cranberries with the use of MEC-1 and MEC-2 makes it possible to increase significantly (1.2-2.0 times) the yield of natural components of berries, natural antioxidants, preservatives, dyes and antioxidant activity of juice on the juice fraction 40?%. It has been established that the use of enzyme preparations for the processing of the mash of berries of cowberries leads to qualitative changes in the composition of the juice: among the catechins of the juice fraction, the presence of epigallocatechin in the juice obtained without the use of enzyme preparations was not identified. The procedural scheme of preliminary enzymatic processing of the pulp of berries cranberries is developed in the production of red whortleberry powder. The work of the experimental batch of red whortleberry powder using a biocatalytic method of pretreatment of the cranberries of cranberries and a method of vacuum freeze-drying was conducted. The red whortleberry powder characteristics in terms of chemical composition and antioxidant activity are given. It is shown that vitamin C and anthocyanins are quite stable when stored in red whortleberry powder for 9 months under the established conditions: their losses by the end of the storage period are respectively 14.6?% and 9.5?%.

1. Ljutikova, M.N. Izuchenie sostava biologicheski aktivnyh komponentov dikorastushhih jagod Vaccinium vitis­idaea i Oxycoccus palustris v zavisimosti ot stepeni ih zrelosti i uslovij hranenija?/?M.?N. Ljutikova//Vaccinium vitisidaea. - 2013.
2. Rasshhepkina, E.A. Issledovanie himicheskogo sostava brusniki/E.A. Rasshhepkina, M.A. Subbotina, A.N. Rasshhepkin // Tehnologija i produkty zdorovogo pitanija. - 2008. - ¹ 8. - S. 117-118.
3. Igosheva, N.I. Rasprostranenie nekotoryh dikorastushhih lekarstvennyh i jagodnyh rastenij v lesotundre Tjumenskoj oblasti i urozhajnost' ih syr'ja/N.I. Igosheva, N.I. Shurova // Rastitel'nye resursy. - 2003. - Vyp. 2. - S. 57-62.
4. Antipov, S.T. Sovremennye tehnologii pri poluchenii plodovo­jagodnyh poroshkov/S.T. Antipov, A.A. Zhashkov // Vestnik TGTU. - 2010. - T. 16. - ¹ 2.
5. Alekseenko, E.V. Monitoring jeffektivnosti primenenija fermentnyh preparatov dlja obrabotki jagod brusniki pri poluchenii soka?/?E.?V. Alekseenko, E.?A. Bystrova // Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta inzhenernyh tehnologij. - 2015. - ¹ 3 (65). - S. 203-207.
6. Alekseenko, E.V. Tehnologija poluchenija i ocenka kachestva sublimirovannogo poroshka iz jagod brusniki/E.V. Alekseenko [i dr.] // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2017. - ¹ 11. - S. 70-73.
Bystrova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, graduate student
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamskoye av., Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dotsenko S.M., Gugel Yu.A., Goncharuk O.V., Bibik I.V., Doronin S.V.Development of non-waste technology of flour products with filling from dairy and vegetable raw materials

P. 13-15 Key words
coagulate, mathematical model, milk product, dairy and vegetable raw materials, filler, filling, pattern, factors, functional products

It is known that nutrition is one of the main conditions that determine the healthy state of the human body. In this case, adequate nutrition can be ensured by the availability, first of all, of a sufficient assortment of products of a functional orientation. Objective: to investigate the possibility and feasibility of the non-waste production and use of protein-vitamin coagulum in food production. Traditional methods were used to determine the nutritional value of the products developed. The experiment was carried out using a three-factor planning matrix. Mathematical processing of the experimental data was carried out by the method of correlation-regression analysis. For the study, pancakes with different fillings were prepared: using a milk-carrot and milk-carrot-mushroom composition. Mathematical models that characterize the quality of pancakes are obtained. According to the results of a comparative analysis of the nutritional value of traditional dairy and innovative milk products, it can be concluded that the products developed are rich in mineral substances, vitamin C, vitamin A and beta-carotene, giving them functional properties. Thus, based on the results of the studies, the possibility and expediency of the non-waste production and use of products in the form of a filling in flour products of a functional orientation is justified. The composition and properties of the developed innovative products were evaluated. Principal technological schemes of production of milk-containing products of functional orientation, stuffed pancakes and products based on the milk-carrot composition are proposed.

1. GOST R 52349 – 2005 Produkty pishhevye. Produkty pishhevye funkcional'nye. Terminy i opredelenija. – M.: Standartinform, 2005.– S. 20.
2. Stepanova, L.I. Spravochnik tehnologa molochnogo proizvodstva. Tehnologija i receptury / L.I. Stepanova // – SPb.: GIOGD, 1999. – 190s.
3. Ostroumov, L.K. Kombinirovannye molochnye belkovye produkty s ispol'zovaniem rastitel'nogo syr'ja / L.K. Ostroumov // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. – 1998. – 38. – S. 28­30.

Lukin N.D., Puchkova T.S., Pihalo D.M.The use of ion-exchange resins for the purification of glucose-fructose syrups

P. 18-22 Key words
anion resin; carbohydrate composition; cation resin; glucose fructose syrup; ion exchange purification; isomerized syrup; purification results; resins; resin performance

The production of glucose fructose syrup (GFS) usually involves ion exchange treatment at two production stages - before and after isomerization. Isomerized syrup is treated with ion exchange resins for the removal of impurities and coloring substances. The Research Institute for Starch Products has carried out studies on isomerized syrup ion exchange with Purolite® (USA) products via 2 set-ups. The first set-up has an additional purification stage in a mixed bed of PPC150S and A510SMB Plus resins, and post-treatment with a Macronet® MN-502 sorbent, the so-called polisher. The second one is only treated with two Macronet® sorbents, MN-502 and MN-150, polishers. Isomerized syrup quality parameters after treatment for both set-ups are as follows: %, no more than: ash - 0.03; protein - 0.08; color - 0.4 ICUMSA; conductivity - 30 µS?/?cm. GFS-42 carbohydrate composition after ion-exchange treatment was virtually unchanged from initial state. Purolite® ion-exchange resin tests have shown they meet requirements for isomerized syrup purification and are recommended for use in the starches industries for GFS-42 production with both set-ups.

1. Materialy kompanii "Kultor" (Finljandija). - M., 1990. 2. Materialy kompanii "Roquette Freres", (Francija). - M., 1989. 3. Ladur, T.A. Osnovnye napravlenija proizvodstva gljukozno-fruktoznyh siropov v SSSR i za rubezhom / T.A. Ladur - M.: AgroNIITJeIPP, 1987. - Vyp. 1. - 32 s. 4. Lukin, N.D. Ionoobmennaja ochistka siropov iz kukuruznogo krahmala / N.D. Lukin, T.S. Puchkova, D.M. Pihalo // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2017. - ¹?11. - S. 21-25. 5. Guljuk, N.G. Sozdanie jekologicheski bezopasnoj tehnologii proizvodstva gljukozno-fruktoznogo siropa / N.G. Guljuk, T.A. Ladur, T.S. Puchkova - M.: AgroNIITJeIPP, 1991. - Obzornaja informacija. - Vypusk 4. - 31 s. 6. Lukin, N.D. Tehnologicheskij kontrol' proizvodstva saharistyh krahmaloproduktov (metodicheskoe posobie) / N.D. Lukin [i dr.] // Rossel'hozakademija. - 2007. - S. 261.
Lukin Nikolay Dmitrievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
Puchkova Tatiana Sergeevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Pikhalo Daniya Mustafievna
The All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products - FGBNU branch "FNTs of food systems by V. M. Gorbatov" of RAS,
Nekrasova St., 11, Kraskovo, the Moscow region, 140051, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Makarova N.V., Valiulina D.F., Kuznetsov A.A., Azarov O.I.Appraisal of apples of different varieties as raw material for food production

P. 24-27 Key words
acid; apples; dry matter; local variety; pectin; sugar

In this article the most commonly used methods for studying apples. Six varieties of apples (23 25-64, 23 17 22, 23 20 50, 23 25 51, 23 31 135, Sinap of Samara) were selected as objects of research, from the collection of the Research Institute "Zhigulevsky Gardens" "Harvest of 2016 grown on the territory of the Samara region on the physical and chemical properties (the mass fraction of reducing sugars, soluble solids, titrated acids), as well as the content of pectin. Determination of the content of soluble solids in apples is carried out in accordance with GOST ISO 2173 - 2013. Products processing fruits and vegetables. Refractometric method for determination of soluble solids. The determination of sugars in the samples of the apples studied is made in accordance with GOST 8756.13 - 87. Products processing fruits and vegetables. Methods for the determination of sugars. A photocolorimetric method was used in which carbonyl groups of sugars interact with ferrous chloride and the optical density of the resulting solution is measured at 440 nm. The mass fraction of reducing sugars in percent is calculated using a calibration curve. The determination of the titratable acidity in the investigated apples is made in accordance with GOST ISO 750 - 2013. Products processing fruits and vegetables. Determination of titratable acidity. The method is based on potentiometric titration of the analyzed apple juice solution with a titrated sodium hydroxide solution in the presence of a phenolphthalein indicator. The titrated acidity for apples is represented in degrees. Determination of the content of pectin in the test samples of apples is carried out in accordance with GOST 32223 - 2013. Juice products. Determination of pectin by photometric method. This method is based on the reaction of carbazole in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid with pectin at 525 nm. The calculation of the content of pectin in apples is carried out in percent. In terms of experimental studies were made relevant conclusions.

Makarova Nadezhda Viktorovna, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor,
Valiulina Dinara Fanisovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Samara State University,
443100, Samara, str. Molodogvardejskaja, 244, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kuznetsov Anatolij Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,
Azarov Oleg Igorevich
Institute of Horticulture and Medicinal Plants " Zhigulevskie sady",
443072, Samara, 18 km, the village of the experimental gardening station, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Foodex Japan 2018. The largest food exhibition in Japan


Bulatov D.S.How is the export of Russian food

P. 30-32 Key words
agriculture export; associations of exporters; food, promotion

In the previous decade the export of Russian agri-food products developed quite dynamically, but in recent years it has stabilized at around $ 17 billion (deviations depended on the volume of production and exports of grain, primarily wheat). In 2017, according to preliminary estimates, agri-food export has reached $ 20 billion, which is also due to a record grain harvest. It is very important to establish effective cooperation among all bodies of the export promotion system, primarily the cooperation of the Russian Export Center with the chambers of commerce and industry and associations of exporters> which work directly with suppliers and know their problems, they are familiar with the world practice of export promotion. These associations can make the work on export promotion policy more effective. It is necessary not only to expand the exportable food productiont. It is necessary to adopt some laws and government acts, to put into practice an effective export promotion system in accordance with world practice. This will make it possible to promote a lot of enterprises - potential exporters, who will be able to sell their products not only in the domestic market but also in the foreign markets. This, in turn, will improve the situation in the agro-industrial complex as well as in the Russian economy.

Bulatov Dmitrij Sergeevich, Candidate of Economical Sciences
National Union of Food Exporters,
73-68, str. Gur'janova, Moskva, 109388, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Chernyakov M.K., Cherniakova M.M., Akberov K.Ch., Chernyakova I.A.Dairy industry as a strategic direction for the development of the food market

P. 33-37 Key words
competitiveness; dairy industry; food, market; milk; product

The role of food and processing industry in providing guaranteed and steady supply of the population of the country with safe and qualitative food is considered. Theoretical bases of development of the perspective directions of development of the market of dairy products because milk and milk products are obligatory and irreplaceable food of the person, especially at children's age are offered. The milk industry is considered through a prism of set of the separate specific markets of pasteurized milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, oil, frozen. The main features of the market of milk and dairy products are defined. Classification of the market of milk and dairy products by territorial (geographical) sign is given. The organizational structure of the milk market is formulated. Classification of traditional dairy products is given. One of the most dynamically developing and marginal markets - the market of milk desserts of yogurt and dessert group which in four last years it grew more than by 30?% is revealed. As the main source of data the information and statistical database of Ruslan was used. The analysis of the market of dairy products has shown that the dairy industry of Russia in comparison with other branches of the food industry to a lesser extent to be depending on import which share for many years doesn't exceed 15?%. However there are two global problems in the sphere of production of milk: quality of raw milk and seasonality of his production. The main participants of the milk market are allocated, those are such companies as Wimm-Bill-Dann, Yunimilk, Rostagroeksport, "The Ochakov milk plant". Competitive cards of the market were constructed with use of two indicators (statistical and dynamic) and standard provisions of the companies. It is established that the perspective directions in development of the milk industry is formation of agro-industrial structures of innodiversifikatsionny type. Such structures have to consider all varieties of forms of ownership and a priority of economic interests. They have to combine mutually beneficial cooperation of processing enterprises and agricultural producers with cooperation of these formations in uniform organizational and legal structures.

1. Akberov, K. Ch. Sovershenstvovaniya administrativnogo potentsiala sel'skoi territorii / K. Ch. Akberov [i dr.] // Konkurentosposobnost' v global'nom mire: ekonomika, nauka, tekhnologii. - ¹?3 (ch. 3). - 2017. - S. 3-9.
2. Chernyakov, M. K. Avtomatizirovannoe rabochee mesto sel'skokhozyaistvennogo kooperatora / M. K. Chernyakov, M. M. Chernyakova, I. A. Chernyakova // Vestnik Belgorodskogo universiteta kooperatsii, ekonomiki i prava. Mezhdunarodnyi teoreticheskii nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnal. (Vypusk 4 / 65). - Belgorod: 2017. - S. 168-178.
3. Chernyakov, M. K. Analiz i prognozirovanie marketingovoi deyatel'nosti na platforme 1S: Organizatsiya / Vestnik Zabaikal'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Teoreticheskii i nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnal. (Vypusk 9 (112) / 2014). - Chita: 2014. - S. 130-138.
4. Chernyakov, M. K. Rol' kooperatsii v povyshenii effektivnosti sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo potentsiala severnykh territorii / Chernyakov M. K., Chernyakova M. M., Akberov K. Ch.?o. // Pishchevaya promyshlennost' - 2017. - ¹?4. - S. 36?-?39.
5. Chernyakov, M. K. Subsidii kak forma gosudarstvennoi podderzhki sel'skogo khozyaistva / M. K. Chernyakov [i dr.] // Vestnik Tadzhikskogo natsional'nogo universiteta. Seriya sotsial'no-ekonomicheskikh i obshchestvennykh nauk. - 2017. - ¹?2 (2). - S. 3-6.
6. Chernyakov, M. K. Upravlenie zanyatost'yu na rynke truda / M. K. Chernyakov, M. M. Chernyakova // Gumanitarnye i sotsial'no-ekonomicheskie nauki. - Rostov-na-Donu. - 2015. - ¹?2 (81). - S. 139-144.
Chernyakov Michael Konstantinovich, Doctor of Economical Sciences, professor,
Chernyakova Maria Mikhaylovna, Candidate of Economical Sciences
Novosibirsk State Technical University,
20, Karl Marx Prospekt, Novosibirsk, 630087
Akberov Kamal Tcholuogli, Candidate of Economical Sciences,
Chernyakova Irina Alekseevna
Siberian University of consumer cooperation,
26, Karl Marx Prospekt, Novosibirsk, 630087, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prosecov A.Yu. Hunger as a socio-economic factor and its role in the events of 1917

P. 38-41 Key words
famine; October revolution; First World war; food security; food crisis; food policy; food loans; February revolution

The famine of 1891-1892 caused a great public resonance, which wasused by revolutionary agitation and propaganda. At this time the wide population was aware of the socio-economic nature of hunger, food scarcity was seen as a result of government decisions. The First World war led to another food crisis, as mobilizing farmers at the front, requisition of horses and cattle, and the lack of agricultural equipment caused the reduction in cultivated land. Due to the poor work of the transport system the food couldn't be delivered to cities and to the front. An additional negative factor was the introduction of fixed food prices reducing incentives for farmers to sell grain. The deficit increased due to the fact that the front has consumed a significant portion of marketable grain and the urban population began to make its own food stocks. This affected the poorest segments of the urban population, primarily workers. Revolutionary agitation, which was also intended to workers has fallen on fertile ground. both civil and military authorities reported about mass unrest that took place in the cities and at the front. The food crisis was one of the factors that led to the February revolution and the abdication of the tsar. The Provisional government of Russia established a national food Committee and the Ministry of food, but in conditions extremely aggravated class contradictions these measures were not effective and did not help to overcome the food crisis and to neutralize the revolutionary mood in society. The inability to overcome the food crisis was one of the reasons why the Provisional government lost the support of the people and was overthrown in October 1917.

1. Spiridovich, A.I. Revoljucionnoe dvizhenie v Rossii. Vyp. II: Partija Socialistov-Revoljucionerov i ee predshestvenniki [The revolutionary movement in Russia. Vol. II: the party of Socialists-Revolutionaries and its predecessors]. Petrograd, 1916. // Biblioteka Hronosa. URL: http://www.hrono.ru/libris/lib_s/spir02cp.html
2. Shigalin, G.I. Voennaja jekonomika v pervuju mirovuju vojnu (1914-1918 gg.) [War economy in World war I (1914-1918)] / G.I. Shigalin // Militera: voennaja literatura. URL: http://militera.lib.ru/research/shigalin_gi/10.html
3. Barsenkov, A.S. Istorija Rossii: 1917-2009 [History Of Russia: 1917-2009] / A.S. Barsenkov, A.I. Vdovin. - 3-e izd., rassh. i pererab. - M., Aspekt-Press, 2010. - 846 p.
4. Shubin, A.V. 1917: v chem glavnaja prichina revoljucii? [1917: what is the main cause of the revolution?] / A.V. Shubin // Federalnyj portal "Istorija.RF". URL: http://histrf.ru/biblioteka/book/1917-v-chiom-ghlavnaia-prichina-rievoliutsii
5. Romanov P. Vojna i golod kak "oshhushhenie revoljucii" [War and famine as "the feeling of revolution"] / P. Romanov // https://ria.ru/revolution_chronicle/20170201/1486639626.html
6. Telegramma predsedatelja Gosudarstvennoj Dumy M. V. Rodzjanko imperatoru Nikolaju II o nachavshihsja v Petrograde besporjadkah [The telegram of the Chairman of the State Duma M. V. Rodzyanko to Emperor Nicholas II about riots began in Petrograd] // Krasnyj arhiv: Fevral'skaja revoljucija 1917 goda. 1927. ¹ 2 (21). P. 5 / URL: http://www.dk1868.ru/telegramm/mini/S7304954.JPG
7. Rech ministra prodovol'stvija S.N. Prokopovicha na zasedanii Vremennogo soveta respubliki ob obshhem prodovol'stvennom polozhenii v strane. 16 oktjabrja 1917 g [The speech of the Minister of food S. N. Prokopovich at the session of the Provisional Council of the Republic on the General food situation in the country. 16 Oct 1917] // Jekonomicheskoe polozhenie Rossii nakanune Velikoj Oktjabr'skoj socialisticheskoj revoljucii. URL: http://istmat.info/node/43094.
Prosekov Aleksandr Jur'evich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Kemerovo State University,
6, Krasnaya Street, Kemerovo, 650000, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kolodyaznaya V.S., Kiprushkina E.I., Baranenko D.A., Shestopalova I.A.Artificial cold and hidden reserves of food industries

P. 42-46 Key words
artificial cold; food industries; food products; losses processing; quality; safety; storage; scientific developments; technology

The article shows the important role of artificial cold as a hidden reserve of food industries in solving the problem of production and storage of ecologically safe food products and reducing losses of agricultural products at all stages from producer to consumer. The International Academy of Refrigeration celebrates the 25th anniversary this year. Scientific directions related to the use of artificial cold in food technologies that carried out by members of the IAR have been noted in the article. These are scientific developments on the application of artificial cold and additional physico-chemical and biological agents in the production and storage of plant and animal products, which allow to obtain high-quality food products of increased food and biological value, to create food reserves, reduce losses and increase the duration of storage of products in 2 - 4 times. It is expedient to use biological preparations based on antagonist bacteria of certain genera, species and strains, gas-selective materials based on track membranes, a reduced concentration of oxygen and increased of carbon dioxide toenhance the efficiency of using artificial cold during storing food raw materials and perishable food products at low positive temperatures. For the creation of food reserves and the uninterrupted populationprovision with perishable food products, including semi-finished products and ready meals, innovative technologies for fast and ultra-rapid freezing of partial dehydrated products, in particular fruits and vegetables, are proposed. Removing 30 - 50?% of free and loosely bound moisture accelerates the freezing process, reduces the mass of stored products and increases the storage time. It was noted that the effective work of food enterprises engaged in the processing and storage of agricultural products is determined by the introduction of technological and technical scientific developments in the application of artificial cold in the agro-industrial complex, the training of highly qualified personnel, which should be one of the important state tasks that determine the successful development of our country's food industries.

1. Global food losses and food waste. Study conducted for the International Congress "SAVE FOOD!" at Interpack, 2011,Dusseldorf, Germany / FAO of the UN, Rome, 2011.
2. Babakin, B. S. Jenergosberegajushhie holodil'nye tehnologii transportirovki, hranenija i dozarivanija fruktov / B. S. Babakin, S. B. Babakin, M. I. Voronin - M.: DeLi pljus, 2013. -192 s.
3. Kolodjaznaja, V. S. Prodovol'stven-naja bezopasnost' i holodil'naja tehnologija?/ V. S. Kolodjaznaja [i dr.] // Vestnik MAH, ¹?1. - 2013. - S. 24-28.
4. Cvetkov, O. B. Vvedenie v ajs-slarri / O. B. Cvetkov [i dr.] - SPb.: ParkKom, 2014. - 175 s.
5. Doktrina prodovol'stvennoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii. - M.: Minsel'hoz, Ukaz prezidenta ¹?120 ot 30.01.2010 g.
6. Ibraev, A. M. Holodil'naja tehnologija v pishhevoj promyshlennosti / A. M. Ibra-ev - Kazan': KGTU, 2012. - 4 s.
7. Lallush, A. Finiki: pishhevaja cennost', obrabotka, hranenie. Monografija / A. Lallush, V. S. Kolodjaz-naja - SPb.: Evropejskij Dom, 2015. - 158 s.
8. Baranenko, D. A. Podavlenie zhiznedejatel'nosti mikroflory porchi mjasa i mjasoproduktov s pomoshh'ju bar'ernoj tehnologii / D. A. Baranenko, N. A. Zabelina // Nauchnyj zhurnal NIU ITMO. Serija: Processy i apparaty pishhevyh proizvodstv. - SPb.: Universitet ITMO, 2011. - ¹?1.
9. Kiprushkina, E. I. Jekologicheski bezopasnye metody v integrirovannoj zashhite i sohranenii rastitel'noj produkcii / E. I. Kiprushkina, V. S. Kolodjaznaja, V. K. Chebotar' // Pishhevaja promyshlen-nost'. - 2013. - ¹?2. - S. 4-6.
10. Kolodyaznaya, V. S. Effect of cold treatment on the aminoacid composition of veal / V. S. Kolodyaznaya [at al] // Agronomy Reseach. - 2014, vol. 12, ¹?3. - P. 705-716.
11. Kolodjaznaja, V. S. Kinetika prevrashhenija organicheskih kislot pri holodil'nom hranenii citrusovyh plodov, vyrashhennyh v Alzhire / V. S. Kolodjaznaja, M. S. Bul'kran // Vestnik MAH, ¹?4. - 2014. - S. 22-25.
12. Kiprushkina, E. I., Baranenko D. A. Kolodyaznaya V. S. A comparative study of fuel use and income analysis of potato production with bacteria-antagon D. A. Baranenko, V. S. Kolodyaznaya // Energy Procedia. -2017. vol. 113. - P. 194-200.
13. Kolodjaznaja, V. S. Kinetika reakcij okislenija substratov dyhanija stolovyh sortov vinograda pri holodil'nom hranenii s primeneniem trekovyh membran / V. S. Kolodjaznaja, Sh. M. Koidov, T. V. Shelenga // Vestnik MAHe-2015. - ¹?1. - S. 29-33.
14. Kolodjaznaja, V. S. Probioticheskie kul'tury v tehnologii mjasnyh polufabrikatov iz teljatiny / V. S. Kolodjaznaja, Ju. V. Brojko, D. A. Baranenko // Mjasnaja industrija. - 2011. - ¹?10. - S. 33-36.
15. Kolodjaznaja, V. S. Tehnologija mjasnyh izdelij jemul'sionnogo tipa s zadannymi funkcional'nymi svojstvami?/ V. S. Kolodjaznaja, D. A. Baranenko // Vestnik Mezhdunarodnoj akademii holo-da. - 2006. - ¹?3. - C. 32-35.
Kolodjaznaja Valentina Stepanovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Kiprushkina Elena Ivanovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Baranenko Denis Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Shestopalova Irina Anatol'evna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics,
9, str. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg, 191002, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ulanin S.E., Beletsky S.L. Long-term storage of food products in permafrost conditions


"The innovation alliance": a single system of the largest exhibitions

Zolotin A.Yu., Simonenko S.V., Felik S.V., Antipova T.A., Vainerman E.S.Some features of color correlation with sensory perception of food products

P. 56-61 Key words
colour; colour range; model product; organoleptic sensory perception; organoleptic tests; taste perception; total evaluation score

Food preference and eating behaviourare formed in the process of formation of steady positive organoleptic perception of food and their priority in the consumer assessment. Really the taste perception of food product is influenced by smell, colour, how it looks, texture, sound, entourage. The most obvious connection is between smell and taste. The importance of the colour perception is historically connected with its symbolism coming from different cultures of all people. Some connection features of organoleptic sensory perception with colourhave been found during a survey of limited contingent of potential consumers and the organoleptic tests of the model products such as fruit drink based on drinking water and milk dessert based on cow's milk. The processing of the research results was conducted by a quantitative evaluation using the proposed formulas for the calculating of the total evaluation score and the grade in colour. The conducted researches have shown that using red, yellow and green tones there are similarities and differences in organoleptic perception of the products based on water and dairy basics. Red, yellow and green colours are associated with the addition in the product some objects of plant origin: red and yellow-fruits and berries, green colour is associated with vegetables. The most attractive drinks are green tones; the most attractive colour of dairy products is red. During the degustation the attractive products are evaluated as nice. The obvious dependence of the degree of sweet or sour tastes in the colour of drink could not be established. The drink of green tones is associated with sweet taste. In the dairy product the most sweet and sour are perceived by the samples free of colours. The sweet taste of coloured samples is mostly associated with yellow colour; less with green. In relation to the sour taste the samples of yellow, red and green colours are almost indistinguishable. The obtained experimental data allow to conclude that there is definite connection between the product colour with its organoleptic sensory perception and the perception of sweet and sour tastes. This fact must be considered in food product development and their adaptation to the consumer contingent, to the condition of consumption, to menus and diets.

1. GOSTRISO 5492?-?2005. Organolepticheskij analiz. Slovar'., M., Standartinform. 2006. - 15 p.
2. Platonova, N. Z. Fizika i himija cveta. Psihologija vosprijatija. - SPb. - 2009. - 35 p.
3. Alieva, N. Z. Fizika cveta i psihologijazritel'nogo vosprijatija. Uchebnoe posobie. - M., Izd. centr "Akademija". - 2008. - 208 p.
4. Zolotin, A. Ju. Netrivial'ny jpodhod k sozdaniju pishhevyh produktov / A. Ju. Zolotin, E. S. Vajnerman, T. A. Antipova // Pishhevaja promyshlen-nost'. - 2016. - ¹?1. - P. 30?-?33.
5. Zolotin, A. Ju. Rol' nekotoryh faktorov v tehnologii produktov zdorovogo pitanija / A. Ju. Zolotin, S. E. Dimitrieva, E. S. Vajnerman // V sbornike: III Baltijskij morskoj forum "Innovacii v tehnologii produktov zdorovogo pitanija" Sborniknauchnyh trudov po materialam Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii. - 2015. P. 271?-?278.
6. Zolotin, A. Ju. Aktual'noe napravlenie issledovanij v sfere razrabotki pishhevyh produktov / A. Ju. Zolotin, E. S. Vajnerman, N. A. Shahajlo // Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija, posvjashhennaja pamjati Vasilija Matveevicha Gorbatova. - 2015. - ¹?1. - P. 193?-?195.
7. Zolotin, A. Ju. K voprosu issledovanija organolepticheskogo vosprijatija pishhevyh produktov / A. Ju. Zolotin, N. A. Shahajlo // Voprosy pitanija. - 2016. - T. 85. - ¹?52 - P. 25?-?26
8. Peukin G. Vosprijatie sveta i cveta. - M., "Mir", 1978.
Zolotin Aleksandr Jur'evich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Simonenko Sergej Vladimirovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Felik Svetlana Valer'evna, Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Antipova Tat'jana Alekseevna, Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Vajnerman Efim Semenovich
Children's Nutrition Research Institute - branch FICNutrition and Biotechnology,
48, str. Moskovskaja, Istra, Moskovskaja obl., 1435000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dementieva N.V., Pankina A.V., Bogdanov V.D.Technology of finely dispersed product from fish caviar

P. 62-65 Key words
dry trepang concentrate; fermentation; finely dispersed product; fish caviar; technology

One of the most demanded groups of food products are finely dispersed products, the technologies of which allow developing a wide range of products with the required structural, mechanical, organoleptic characteristics and a given food and biological value. Such products include fish pastes, sauces, pastes, etc. When developing their technology, secondary fish stocks, for example fish eggs, can be used. It is known that fish caviar is a natural complex with high nutritional value, therefore it is possible to use it as a basis for the development of functional food products. It is characterized by greater digestibility, in comparison with fish muscle tissue, is rich in vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances. Chilled or frozen fish eggs (pollock, cod, flounder, herring) were used to produce the finely dispersed product, which was pre-fermented with microbial renin "Meito". The composition of the product, in addition to fermented caviar included: dry trepanga concentrate, chicken eggs, natural cow milk, salt. The technological scheme of production of a finely divided product from fish caviar was developed. The rational relationships of the formulation components have been determined, which make it possible to obtain a product with a juicy, delicate, finely divided, smearing consistency, with a pleasant, harmonious creamy-caviar taste and odor. The estimation of food, biological value and microbiological parameters of finished products is carried out. It is found that, depending on the formulation, the product contains: protein 18,35 - 19, 55?%, lipids 1,77 - 4,29?%, carbohydrates 2,01 - 2, 67?%, water 74,73 - 75,87?%, mineral substances 1,87 - 1,96?%, energy value varied from 94,83 to 113,61 kcal. The biological value of the product was 94.7 - 98.8?%. The conducted researches have shown that culinary products from fish caviar from the point of view of biological value possessed expressed positive characteristics, approximated to the reference protein - casein. Experimental studies have established that the microbiological indices of finely dispersed products from fish eggs during the course of storage for 96 hours did not exceed the microbiological indices for culinary multicomponent products with thermal treatment specified in the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union of the Customs Union of Customs Union 021 / 2011 "On Food Safety". The developed technology of a finely dispersed product from fermented fish caviar made it possible to obtain products with high organoleptic characteristics enriched with dry trepang concentrate, a specified structure and consumer properties. New products have a high relative biological value and are safe for human health.

1. Bogdanov, V. D. Sovremennye tehnologii proizvodstva solenoj produkcii iz sel'di tihookeanskoj i lososevyh / V. D. Bogdanov [i dr.] // Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskij: Novaja kni-ga. - 2007. - C. 235.
2. Kalinichenko, T. P. Osobennosti himicheskogo sostava ikry makrurusa i vozmozhnost' proizvodstva iz nee delikatesnoj produkcii / T. P. Kalinichenko [i dr.] // Izvestija TINRO. - 2007. - T. 149. - S. 401.
3. Radakova, T. N. Ikra i ikornye produkty na mirovom rynke / T. N. Radakova // Rybprom, 2009. - ¹?1. - S. 6-7.
4. Ahmerova, E. A. Pishhevaja cennost' ikry ryb / E. A. Ahmerova, L. R. Kopylenko, T. E. Rubcova // Vestnik biotehnologii i fiziko-himicheskoj biologii imeni Ju. A. Ovchinnikova. - 2012. - T. 8. - ¹?4. - S. 12-20.
5. Radygina, A. F. Obosnovanie i razrabotka tehnologii jemul'girovannyh produktov na osnove ikornogo syr'ja: dissertacija kandidata tehnicheskih nauk / Radygina Antonina Fedorovna// M. 2004. - C. 186.
6. Dement'eva, N. V. Tehnologija i kachestvo preservov iz ikry sel'di tihookeanskoj / N. V. Dement'eva, V. D. Bogdanov// Tehnologija pishhevoj i pererabatyvajushhej promyshlennosti APK - produkty zdorovogo pitanija, Voronezh, 2017. - ¹1 (15). - S. 67-73.
7. Kim, G. N. Sravnitel'noe issledovanie pishhevoj cennosti ikry ryb tihookeanskogo bassejna / G. N. Kim, N. V. Dement'eva, V. D. Bogdanov // Rybnoe hozjajstvo. - 2016. - ¹3. - S. 102?-?107.
8. Dement'eva, N. V. Tehnologija solenyh rybnyh past s ikroj sel'di tihookeanskoj / N. V. Dement'eva, V. A. Erohina // Nauchnye trudy Dal'rybvtuza. - Vladivostok: Dal'rybvtuz, Moskva. - 2016. - T. 38. - S. 104-109.
9. Bogdanov, V. D. Ocenka kachestva i bezopasnosti suhogo koncentrata trepanga / V. D. Bogdanov, N. V. Dement'eva, A. A. Simdjankin // Nauchnye trudy Dal'rybvtuza. - Vladivostok. - 2017. - T. 41. - S. 98-105.
10. Ignat'ev, A. D. Modifikacija metoda biologicheskoj ocenki pishhevyh produktov s pomoshh'ju resnichnoj infuzorii Tetrahymena pyriformis Tetrahymena pyriformis / A. D. Ignat'ev [i dr.] // Voprosy pitanija, 1980. - ¹?1. - S. 70-71.
Dement'eva Natal'ja Valer'evna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Pankina Anna Valer'evna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Bogdanov Valerij Dmitrievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University,
52 "B", str. Lugovaya, Vladivostok, 690087, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Shterman S.V., Sidorenko M.Yu., Shterman V.S., Sidorenko Yu.I.Functional food for maintaining the health of joints and ligaments "Joint Perfect"

P. 66-68 Key words
disease prevention; fitness; functional human health components; joints and ligaments; sports; ûports nutrition

One of the important conditions for the maintenance of joints and ligaments in a normal state is timely prevention, aimed at avoiding the negative impact of excessive physical exertion or, conversely, its long absence on the musculoskeletal system. Among the most effective prophylactic measures in this case is the periodic reception of functional additives that help to strengthen and restore joints and ligaments. The purpose of the work was the development of a functional food product, the consumption of which promotes the prevention of musculoskeletal system diseases, the strengthening of connective tissues, and provides a directed regenerative and anti-inflammatory effect on the joints and ligaments. The created product includes glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, collagen hydrolyzate, methionine, cystine, proline, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin B6, D-biotin (vitamin H), flavor additive ("forest berries"). The use of glucosamine, chondroitin and collagen hydrolyzate in the composition of the product is based on experimental research showing that these substances are one of the main components of connective tissue in the human body, especially its cartilage and tendons. The intake of additional amounts of methionine, cystine, proline and a number of vitamins during the recovery from strenuous physical work or training speeds up the regenerative processes in many organs and tissues. These components of the "Joint Perfect" product in the proposed ratio have a synergistic effect, due to which they have a complex physiological effect on the human musculoskeletal system, preserving its health and preventing the negative impact on it of age-related changes and the consequences of prolonged and intense physical exertion and damage. Functional food for improving the health of joints and ligaments is obtained by dry mixing of components and produced in the form of powder, packaged in sachets, capsules or in the form of tablets.

1. Bernhard, J. Joint health: what degree of evidence is necessary to support health claims for good supplements taking glucosamine as an example? / J. Bernard, C. Jaenicke, P. Prock et al // Nutrafoods. - 2014. - v. 14. - pp. 71-77.
2. Shterman, S. V. Produkty sportivnogo pitanija / S. V. Shterman. - M.: AP "Stolica", 2017. - 482 s.
3. Delialiologlu, O. M. Does the complination of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine delay the cartilage destruction in ochronopathy // Knee surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthros-copy. - 2009. - v. 17. - pp. 1270-1271.
4. Nakamura, H. Effects of glucosamine administration on patients with rheumatoid arthritis / H. Nakamura, K. Masuko, K. Yodok et al // Rheeumato-logy International. - 2007. - v. 27. - pp. 203-213.
5. Reginster, J-Y. Long-term effects of glucosamine sulphate on osteoarthritis progression: a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial // Lancet. - 2001. - v. 357. - pp. 251-256.
6. Bruyere, O. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate as therapeutic agents for knee and hip osteoarthritis / O. Bruyere, J-V. Reginster // Drugs & Aging. - 2007. - v. 24. - pp. 573-580.
7. Vulpi, N. Anti-inflammary activity of chondroitin sulphate: new functions from an old macromo-lecule // Inflammopharmacology. - 2001. - v. 19. - ¹?6. - pp. 299-306.
8. Provenza, J. R. Combined glucosamine and chondroiin sulphate, one or three times daily, provides clinically relevant analgesia in knee osteoarthritis / J. R. Provenza [et al] // Clinical Rheumatology. - 2015. - v. 34. - ¹?8. - pp. 1455-1462.
9. Hosseininia, S. Cartilage collagen damage in hip osteoarthritis similar to that seen in knee osteoarthritis; a case-control study of relationship between collagen, glucosaminoglycan and cartilage swelling? / ?S. Hosseininia, L. R. Lindberg // BMC Musculosleletal Disorders. - 2013, v. 14: 18 (7 pp.).
10. Schunck, A. Specific collagen peptides benefit the biosynthesis of matrix molecules of tendors and ligaments // Journal of The international Society of Sports Nutrition. - 2013. - ¹?10: 23 (2 pp.).
Shterman Sergey Valeryevich, Doctor of Technical Science,
Sidorenko Michail Ureyvich, Doctor of Technical Science, assistant professor
Limited liability company "GEON",
142279, Moscow region, Serpuhov district, Obolensk urban village, Obolensk highway, 1, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;
Shterman Valeriy Solomonovich, Candidate of Chemical Science, assistant professor
Sidorenko Uriy Ilich, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor
Moscow state university of food manufacturing;
125080, Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway. 11, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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