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Rambler's Top100

Food processing Industry №10/2016

Work Results of the Food and Processing Industry Enterprises of Russia


Ivanova V. N., Seryogin S. N., Dzhabaev Yu. A.New Guidelines of State Policy to Improve the Competitiveness of Russian Agroindustrial Complex

P. 8-11 Key words
agro-industrial complex; external risks; State industrial policy; innovative way of development; competitiveness; modernization; new economic realities; efficiency

Progress in recent years some progress in the growth of agricultural products production volumes do not remove from the agenda the problem of large-scale work on development and introduction of new technologies and equipment in enterprises of agricultural production and food processing industry. Without solving these problems in the medium term, Russia may lose the achieved position in the food market of the country and lose markets its products in foreign agricultural markets. The main reasons for this situation lies in the fact that many APC enterprises results were made possible only by using imported equipment and foreign technology. Currently, there is a high dependence on imported pedigree products, seeds, plant protection products, the components for the production of animal feed, enzymes for the food industry. In the field of industrial processing of agricultural products, things are not better: the domestic engineering industry produces about one third of the necessary technological equipment for the sectors of food and processing industry, the missing equipment purchased abroad. By purchasing imported equipment, we are forced to purchase and related technologies, packaging materials and other consumables for the maintenance of this equipment. To prevent a negative scenario of the Russian agro-industrial complex and to reduce external risks and threats, to give a new impetus to the technical and technological development of the enterprises and organizations of the agro-industrial production, the government has taken additional measures for the active scientific and technical policy, aimed at creating a competitive domestic technologies, the introduction of which in the production will contribute to achieving these goals. The whole complex of measures aimed at solving these problems, set out in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on July 21, 2016 ¹ 350 "On Measures for Implementation of the State Scientific-Technical Policy in the Interests of Agriculture Development", which provides for the development and implementation of a set of measures to improve the competitiveness of domestic producers on the basis of implementation in the industry the latest scientific and technological achievements. Government of the Russian Federation the decree mandated a 6?month period to develop and adopt the Federal scientific and technical program of agricultural development for 2017-2025 years.

Ivanova Valentina Nikolaevna, Doctor of Economical Science, Professor,
Seryogin Sergey Nikolaevich, Doctor of Economical Science, Professor,
Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky,
73, Zemlyanoy Val St., Moscow, 109004, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dzhabaev Yunus Abdurahmanovich, Deputy Director
Department of Scientific and Technological Policy and Formation of Russian Ministry of Agriculture,
1/11, Orlikov Pereulok, Moscow, 107139


Fedorenko B. N., Vabischevich A. N.Conceptual Bases of an Ideal Bioreactor

P. 12-16 Key words
bioreactor, biosynthesis, biocatalyst, model

Radical improvement of bioreactors, providing a fundamental, abrupt improvement in their functional parameters, it is possible with the use of innovative, original technical solutions, contrary to traditional views, it is possible for the orientation of the work on the ideal model of a bioreactor. The studies were conducted jointly by leading scientists Moscow State University of Food Production and the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University. The paper describes the principle of the ideal modeling of bioreactors which allows the final set clear guidelines and contribute to the creation of preconditions heuristic targeted at finding effective engineering solutions for constructive improvement of biotechnology for biosynthetic and biocatalytic processes. For biosynthetic processes offered two models. The first model superidealnogo bioreactor is a type that can be conceptually described as "artificial cell". This ideal bioreactor as in most living cells, should be the best conditions for the existence of and interactions artificially isolated cellular components with the direct implementation of the biosynthetic processes that are accompanied by a continuous supply of energy bioreactor in the form of adenosine triphosphate and gaunozin triphosphate and substances required for the formation of new compounds. Another model of an ideal bioreactor for culturing cellular organisms, is a type that can be conceptually described as a "natural bioreactor in an artificial". Such bioreactors as a technical system only indirectly participate in biosynthetic processes functionally limited to only providing the most favorable conditions for the life of organisms considered, in turn, as a natural "nano-bioreaktors", which actually made biosynthetic processes. Biocatalytic processes for the model of an ideal bioreactor that provides the best conditions for biocatalytic action exoenzymes and store them in an active state for a long time. Formulated functional problems and requirements for a constructive device ideal bioreactors for biosynthetic and biocatalytic processes.

Fedorenko Boris Nikolaevich, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor,
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamskoye Shosse, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vabischevich Anton Grigoryevich, Candidate of Technical Science, Docent
Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University,
99, Prospekt Nezavisimosti, Minsk, 220023.

Gololobov A. Complex Solution for Milk Collection Stations on the Basis of ONI Equipment

Belyaeva M. A., Kaplenkov P. P.Optimization of Functioning of Thread-Mechanized Lines for Poultry Processing

P. 22-25 Key words
poultry meat production; meat industry; flow-mechanized lines; poultry meat classification; optimization of meat production

Chicken meat in Russia is leader in the market of poultry meat. Chicken meat is one of the important components of the human protein diet due to the delicate structure, dietary properties, ease of cooking. The main issues for the entrepreneurs remain the optimization of chicken meat processing and the manufacture of high quality products due to the increasing demand. The studies were conducted by employees of the Russian Economic University. VG Plekhanov. Optimization implies an increase in performance of production lines, cutting the headcount, reducing costs of electricity and natural resources per unit of an output. Since the mass of broiler does not exceed 2.5 kg and the period of its growing up is no more than 6 weeks, it creates a highly profitable potential for automation of processing operations. The industrial processing of chicken is produced on flow-mechanized lines (FML). Due tothe permanent FML automation, the use of modern equipment, the effectiveness of production lines is growing andtheirpaybackperiodis reduced. The purpose of the work is to optimize the functioning of the FML for chicken meat processing with a proposal of new equipment in evisceration area. In this area theseparation of the interiorfrom thebroilertrunk is made. Ifmanual labor was used before the upgrade because of the rathercomplex process, the use of the modernautomatic machine for poultryeviscerationwould lead to apartial automationof the process in this area. In the experimental part the authors made cyclograms before and after the line upgrade, calculated the number of staff and the return on investment. As a result, the evisceration process halved, the staff was decreased by 5 people, the return on investment (ROI) turned out approximately 5 years after introduction of an automatic machine for poultryevisceration. The authors think that this optimization of the line will be rational for the further improvement and developmentof chicken meat processingand will allow making appropriate recommendations for the entrepreneurs in the meat industry.

Belyaeva Marina Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Cyplenkov Pavel Pavlovich, student,
Russian University of Economics named after G. V. Plekhanov,
117997, Moscow, stirrups per., 36

Dyomin I., Shalk G. Heightening of Productivity by Automating Processes at the Enterprise ProMessa


Tvorogova A. A., Konovalova T. V., Gursky I. A., Bazaly V. N., Avramova S. V.Features of the Application Dietary Fibers SenseFi in the Manufacture of Sundae Ice-Cream

P. 34-36 Key words
pressure homogenization, dispersion of structural elements, ice cream, dietary fiber "SenseFi"; the effective viscosity

In the past 10 years, dietary fiber (DF) have been the object of close attention and serious study of physiologists and technologists. The popularity of natural products and healthy lifestyle becoming one of the most significant trends of our time. The benefits of dietary fiber on human health is undeniable. Along with this, manufacturers of food products are taken into account technological properties of PV contributing to their widespread use in the composition of food additives "changing the structure and physico-chemical properties of food". The use of PV, in particular the brand "SenseFi", important in the manufacture of ice cream. The study was conducted on the basis of FSBI "all-Russian research Institute of refrigeration industry". The article presents the results of applying the PV SenseFi" in the technology of ice cream sundae. It is established that their use allows to reduce the number of food additives has a positive effect on structural-mechanical and microstructural performance of the product. In ice cream production, achieve an optimal viscosity of the mixture is essential to obtain a product with desired quality parameters. Studies to determine the effective viscosity of the mixtures was carried out using reotest Brookffield DV-II+Pro with Rheocalc software V3.1-1 at a constant temperature (4 ± 1) °C. the viscosity of the mixture of the sample with mass fraction of fat 12?% (207 MPa•s) corresponds to the viscosity of the mixture for ice cream, the viscosity of the mixture with a mass fraction of fat 15?% of the viscosity of the mixture with mass fraction of fat 12?% (435 MPa•s) using an effective integrated stabilizer - emulsifier. In samples with high fat content 18-20?% viscosity was higher than 500 MPa•s. The distribution of ice crystal sizes in accordance with the model of Gauss indicates smaller differences between the dispersion of these structural elements in comparison with the dispersion of the air phase. However, noting the high dispersion of the ice crystals, it should be noted the trend of increase in dispersion of these structural elements with increasing mass fraction of fat in the ice cream sundae. Organoleptic evaluation of ice cream samples showed that when using PV SenseFi creamy taste in a product increases, forming a creamy consistency. Studies have shown that the use of PV SenseFi in ice cream production, ice cream with fat mass fraction of 15, 18 and 20?% allow to get ice cream with high quality indicators from additional use of stabilizers and emulsifiers. The efficacy of PV SenseFi in ice cream production, ice cream with fat mass fraction of 12?% can be improved with the use of the emulsifier in the amount of 0.2?% and?/?or by creating additional conditions for suspending fiber.

Tvorogova Antonina Anatolievna, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Konovalova Tatiana Vladimirovna,
Gursky Igor AAlekseevich,
Bazali Vladimir Nikolaevich,
Avramova Sophia Vladimirovna,
FEDERAL state budgetary scientific institution "all-Russian research Institute of refrigeration industry",
127422, Moscow, Êostyakova str., 12, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bychkova E. S., Bychkov A. L., Ivanov I. V., Lomovsky O. I., Ogienko A. G. Development of Recipes of Cream Soups Based on Pea Proteins Hydrolyzate. Part I. Mechanoenzymatic Hydrolysis of Proteins from Pea Biomass

P. 38-42 Key words
pea flour; freeze drying; mechanochemical treatment; specialized food, enzymatic hydrolysis

Currently, the actual trend in the food industry is the development and evaluation of the quality of special purpose products enriched with peptides and amino acids. The authors of the article for the development of new formulations of soups, purees are encouraged to use the hydrolyzate obtained by mechanical activation and enzymatic hydrolysis of pea grains. Work was carried out on the basis of the Novosibirsk State University. For hydrolysis enzyme used in the complex preparation of domestic production (Protosubtilin G3X) containing in their composition neutral and alkaline proteases, alpha-amylase, beta-glucanase, xylanase and cellulase. From the change in the output of water-soluble substances and simple carbohydrates determined the optimal enzyme concentration, to choose the optimal fermentation time mechanochemical treatment regimes pea raw materials. It has been established that mechanical activation of biomass pea grain in the presence of enzymes produces reactive composite, which are peculiar to high yields of water-soluble substances. Sith studied by particle size distribution of the particles of pea flour produced in the traditional way and through mechano-chemical processing. Dispersion, and hence the specific surface area of the resulting flour is higher than the control sample. Using the method of gel electrophoresis proven effective aggregate mechanochemical treatment processes and enzymatic hydrolysis. To increase the share of consumers developed soups, mashed potatoes needed is the introduction of the development, not only in catering but also in commercial enterprises in the form of long-life products. To increase the timing of the final product becomes appropriate selection of the optimal method of preservation of the samples. The authors propose the optimal way of drying pea hydroly-zate - freeze drying, confirmed the results of electron microscopic studies.

Bychkova Elena Sergeevna, Candidare of Technical Science,
Novosibirsk State Technical University,
20, Prospekt K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bychkov Alexey Leonidovich, Candidate of Chemical Science,
Ivanov Ivan Vladimirovich,
Lomovsky Oleg Ivanovich, Doctor of Chemical Science, Professor,
Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry,
18, Kutateladze St., Novosibirsk, 630128, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ogienko Andrey Gennadyevich, Candidate of Chemical Science,
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry named after A.V. Nikolaev,
3, Akademika Lavrentyeva St., Novosibirsk, 630090, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Yurchak Z. A., Kelina I. S., Starchikova D., Korobova V. G. The Introduction of Quality Systems in Catering in Accordance with GOST 30390-2013

P. 46-48 Key words
safety, the HACCP system, catering

The modern world imposes heavy demand on food product quality. In connection with the entry into force of the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union 021/2011 "On the safetyof food products" on the territory of the Russian Federation, the introduction of the HACCP system has become mandatory for the whole food sector. Therefore, its development and implementation in a food service enterpriseare also necessary. The paper is devoted to this problem. The HACCP system is based on the systematic approach to the identification and assessment of hazards and determination of the means of their control. As a management tool, it provides the structured approach to detected hazards, which are directly related to the microbiological, chemical, physical and allergic safety of food products. The paper also examines the minimal requirements that are necessary for development and implementation of the system based on the HACCP principles to ensure safety during production of food products. Withtheaimofincreasingqualityandsafety of products of food service enterprises, GOST 30390 "Public catering services. Production of the public catering, realized to the population. Generalspecifications" wasdeveloped. Thisdocumentcontainsthemandatory requirements for the procedures of safety assurance based on the HACCP principles. The possible hazardous factors are described in details with regard to the special characteristics of food service enterprises. Therecommendationsfor planning of the development of the food product safety system are given based on the experience of the specialists of the Methodical Center. Thefinal part of the paper pays special attention to the activities of the Methodical Center of FGBNU "The V.M. Gorbatov VNIIMP", which gives assistance to the sector enterprises in finding solutions to the difficult issues concerning the implementation of the HACCP system.

Yurchak Zoya Andreevna, Candidate of Technical Science,
Kelina Irina Andreevna,
Starchikova Diana,
Korobova Valentina Georgievna,
The Gorbatov's All-Russian Meat Research Institute,
26 b, Talalikhina St., Moscow, 109316, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lisitsyn A. B., Nikitina M. A., Zakharov A. N., Sus E. B., Nasonova V. V.Modeling of Meat Product Quality

P. 50-54 Key words
quality; computer technologies; forecasting; minced meat; soy protein isolate

The use of modeling makes it possible to study the behavior of an object using its mathematical description including modeling technologies of formulation and forecasting of functional-technological properties (FTP) of a food product. The aim of this work was to study the degree of an impact of a soy protein preparation on the physico-chemical and functional-technological properties of a minced meat system and develop a mathematical model of the finished product quality depending on the percentage of meat raw material replacement. The work was carried out in the laboratories of FGBNU "The V. M. Gorbatov All-Russian Meat Research Institute". The soy protein preparation was added in amounts of 5 to 40?% into minced meat instead of the meat component. The obtained combined minced meat was assessed by the physico-chemical and functional-technological indicators including WBC, FBC, pH of minced meat compared to the control using the standard methods of meat and meat product analysis. Based on the experimental data, the authors created the adequate models by changes in WBC, FBC, pH (a third-order parabola) upon replacement of meat raw material with the soy protein preparations. It is suggested that the 10?% replacement of meat raw material with the soy protein preparation is possible with maintenance of the satisfactory physico-chemical and functional-technological indicators. We proposed the functional structure of the computer system for assessing an effect of new components in emulsified meat products and forecasting their quality, which contains the structural parametric principles and the structural-mechanical and functional-technological indicators of the initial raw material. It seems possible to predict the quality of a finished product by using the initial data that characterize the composition and properties of raw material and ingredients, establishing the boundary conditions and required levels of the individual indicators and using the system of computer modeling.

Lisitsin Andrey Borisovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the RAS,
Nikitina Marina Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Zakharov Aleksandr Nikolayevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Sus' Egor Borisovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Nasonova Victoria Viktorovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
All-Russian research Institute of meat industry named after V. M. Gorbatov,
109316, Moscow, Talalihina str., 26


Anufrieva O. V. Complex Food Additive "Pasta for Whipping"

Over Speed is the Future - Bacterial Cultures AiBi Golden Tine with Accelerated Fermentation Time: Results of the First Year on the Market





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