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Rambler's Top100

Food processing Industry №8/2009

Results of work of enterprises of food and processing industry in Russia for January-May, 2009

Technical supply of industry

Ourakov О.А. Regional agricultural integration – the basis of innovation technical and technological renovation of food industry

Golubeva L.V., Ostrikov A.N., Vasilenko L.I., Pozhidaeva E.A. Freezers for the soft varieties of ice cream

Ousov A.V., Lifentseva L.V., Vorobieva N.N. The engineering of fizzy ice-cream production line

Omarov M.M., Islamov M.N., Abdulkhalikov Z.A. Removal of a moisture of carrots with use of infra-red heaters SF-4

Automation of maintenance processes in «Таурас-Феникс» plant

Revolution in grain cleaning

Djaroullaev D.S., Moustafaeva K.K., Gadjimouradova R.M., Tsmieva N.R. Device for penetrability increase of cells of fruit and berry raw

The problems of falsification of food products

Zaichik B.Ts., Hourshoudyan S.A. Food products falsifications in Russia: history and the present time.

Makarova N.V., Zipaev D.V., Zimitchev A.V., Sourova E.S. Gas chromatography analysis of strong drinks (vodka) quality

Maltseva O.D. What prevent us to be healthy?

The court decided: manufacturer of sausages infringed upon the user grants

Falsifiers set up new records

The Easter cakes’ quality leaves much to be desired.

Seregin S.N. Russian-French dialog about the problems of intellectual property protection and infringing goods control

Economics and management

Evdokimova O.V. Methodology of the determination of the potential of the functional food-stuffs

Quality and safety

Kazennova N.K. Study of gliadin and gluten protein fractions change during pasta production and influence thereof on pasta quality

Raw materials and additives

Oboukhov E.B., Roukosouev V.M., Dotsenko S.M., Kalenik T.K., Fadyanina L.N. Groats produces of high biological and food value for food concentrates production

Enikeev R.R., Zimichev A.V., Kashaev A.G. The use of functional second helpings in baking

Nutrition and health

Bakoumenko O.E. Developing of dry milk formulas for pregnant and nursing mothers

Dobrovolskiy V.F. «Spase» food: yesterday, present and tomorrow

Kauts E.V. About the new norms of physiological need in energy and food substances. Interview with the member of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.A. Toutelyan

Russian market of biological active second helpings is the most dynamically upcoming market in the world

Acquaintance with a company

Тульчинка.ru: about «people’s oil», family farms and honesty

News from R&D institutes and higher educa-tional institutes

News from professional industrial branch unions

News from companies

Events and facts

New functional ingredients

Morgan Hunt and BI TO BE consulting group round-table discussion

Organization of students’ nutrition in conditions of realization of the government antirecessionary programm

Packing world business forum


About the exhibition, baking and not only…

Germany invite in the world of pastry


Quality is a concrete notion