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Rambler's Top100

Beer and beverages №5/2017



The Outcome of the Russian Manufacture of Beer, Soft and Alcoholic Drinks, Juices, Wines and Alcohol for January-September, 2017.


Kiseleva T.F., Pomozova V.A., Miller Yu.Yu., Vereshchagin A.L.The Possibility of Improving the Technology Wheat Malt

P. 10-14 Key words: the complex of organic acids; wheat malt; improvement of technology of malt; method of germination; the enzymatic activity.
Abstract: Wheat is the most common grain crop in the world scale, the value of which is in a balanced set of carbohydrate and nitrogenous compounds of various molecular weights, as well as vitamins and minerals, but the use of wheat in the beverage industry provokes a number of difficulties associated with its chemical composition. Present in wheat organic polymers with great difficulty be subjected to dissolution and transition into the drink due to the low enzymatic activity of the native grain crops, particularly of enzymes of amylolytic and proteolytic orientation. With the aim of increasing the enzymatic activity of grain is carried out germination, which allows to activate the enzyme potential of the grain, speed up the physiological and biochemical transformations, and thereby to adjust its chemical composition. Modern methods of malting, based on the application of physical, chemical and other methods of influence on the grain, focus on accelerating of the process of germination, improving the quality of the malt, optimization of production stages. Use in the germination of grain of various organic and inorganic activators and growth factors contributes to obtaining of malt with the required chemical composition. The paper shows the possibility of using organic drug on one of the stages of malting of wheat with the aim of obtaining wheat malt with high enzymatic activity and high qualitative and technological performance. The wheat at the stage of soaking was subjected to treatment with a complex of organic acids at a concentration of 10-9 mol/dm3, was aged for 6 hours, then subjected to the germination, drying and removing sprouts. The malting of grain was carried out with permanent control of organoleptic characteristics of the sprout of the grain, its physiological transformations as well as changes of amylolytic and proteolytic activity of wheat at all stages of the process. The proposed method allows to accelerate the physiological and biochemical ripening of wheat, increase amilolitic (by 23?%) and proteolytic (by 33?%) activity of malt relative to unprocessed grain, to shorten the process of germination of wheat in 2 days, get wheat malt with high qualitative and technological performance.
Authors: Kiseleva Tatiana Fådorovna, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor;
Pomozova Valentina Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor
Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology (University),
47 Stroiteley blrd., Kemerovo, Russia, 650056, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Miller Yulia Yurievna, Candidate of Technical Science, Assocciated Professor
Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation,
26 K. Marksa avenue, Novosibirsk, Russia, 630087, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vereshchagin Aleksandr Leonidovich, Doctor of Chemical Science, Professor
Biysk technological Institute (branch) "Altai state technical University named after I.?I. Polzunov",
27 Trofimova str., Biysk, Altay region, Russia, 659305, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Karpenko D.V., Kravchenko V.S., Shalaginov K.V.Activation of Amylolytic Enzyme Preparation by Wave Influences

P. 16-19 Key words: activation of amylases; amylolytic activity; wave effects; treatment with sound of the audible range; treatment with visible light; enzymes.
Abstract: Increasing the activity of target enzymes of enzyme preparations is an important task in brewing, as its solution ensures the achievement of technological and economic advantages, increasing the safety of finished products. Activation of enzymes can be carried out in various ways, among them wave effects are quite promising. In this paper, the evaluation of practicability and effectiveness of carrying out and comparing of the treating results of the enzyme preparation of microbial origin "APSubtilin P" with a sound of a certain frequency from a range of 20 to 20,000 Hz and light with a certain wavelength from the range of 315 to 970 nm were realized. The effectiveness of these methods of treatment of the enzyme preparation experimental samples was evaluated by the amount of hydrolyzed starch, comparing with that in control samples that were not subjected to wave influences. It was found that both types of wave influences can affect on the activity of amylases of microbial origin in different directions, increasing or decreasing it depending on the frequency of sound or the wavelength of light used for treatment. The treatment parameters were determined, which provided a significant increase of the amylolytic activity. Thus, exposure to sound with a frequency of 2,000 Hz provided under the experimental conditions the increase in the amount of hydrolyzed starch by 3.2 times in comparison with the control, and by light with a wavelength of 364 nm - by more than 5.5 times. Thereby, the experimental data obtained and the results of previous studies, given in the article, allow us to conclude that wave treatment can be used to activate enzymes, at least amylolytic type of action.
Authors: Karpenko Dmitrij Valerievich, Doctor of Technical Science, Associated Professor;
Kravchenko Vjacheslav Sergeevich, Student;
Shalaginov Kirill Vasilievich, Student
Moscow State University of Food Productions,
11 Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kononenko V.V., Turshatov M.V., Ledenev V.P., Soloviev A.O., Krivchenko V.A., Moiseeva N.D., Bazikov V.I.Efficiency of Ozone Application for Grain Disinfection in Alcohol Production

P. 20-22 Key words: deep cleaning; grain; washing; trace contaminant; disinfection; ozonization.
Abstract: Grain raw material for the production of foodstuffs must be cleaned of both macroimpurities (sorghum, mineral impurities, etc.) and it is not unimportant to subject it to cleaning from microimpurities (microorganisms, chemicals, etc.). In this article an example of the alcohol production is a necessity to clean the grain from the trace in order to increase microbiological purity of wort and consequent higher output of finished product quality. For this purpose, was chosen method for washing the grain with water saturated with ozone to a concentration of 2-3 mg/dm3 for a certain time (3 and 10 minutes). This method was chosen due to its simplicity and low energy consumption. The effectiveness of treatment with ozonated water was determined by sampling for self-oxidation. During the experiments it was revealed that the grain treated with ozonized water on the second day was not infected, in contrast to the samples that were not treated and washed with tap water. In addition, a number of samples were put on Zabrodsky's method, where the increase in acidity in three days coincided with the control samples. Thus, the processing of grain before production by ozonated water allows to increase the degree of microbiological purity, thereby increasing the yield of alcohol and improving the organoleptic parameters of the finished product.
Authors: Kononenko Valentin Vasilievich, Candidate of Technical Science;
Turshatov Mikhail Vladimirovich, Candidate of Technical Science;
Ledenev Vladimir Pavlovich, Candidate of Technical Science;
Soloviev Alexander Olegovich;
Krivchenko Vera Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Technical Science;
Moiseeva Nadezhda Dmitrievna
All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology - branch "Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology"
4 B Samokatnaya str., Moscow, 111033, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bazikov Vladimir Ivanovich, Candidate of Technical Science
LLC "EC BioPischeMash"
35 Lyusinovskaya Str., Moscow, 115093, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Mamarasulov B.D., Nasirova O.A., Mirzarahmetova D.T.Intensification of the Wort Fermentation Technology

P. 24-27 Key words: high extracting wort; distillate; yeast; pulsed electromagnetic field; volatile components of fermented wort; beer; ethanolic fermentation.
Abstract: It is well known that impulse electromagnetic field has a positive impact on yeast metabolism as well as on yield of cell biomass and ethanol where biological action caused by low-frequency electromagnetic waves. Therefore, the aim of this work was to study the action of electromagnetic pulse fields on proliferation of yeast cells and formation of ethanol as well as identifying possible intensification way of technological process. As a stimulator of microbiological processes have been used an electromagnetic pulses generator. Wort fermentation have been carried out in two-grade fermentation mode when processing a pulsed electromagnetic field (the frequency of 4 Hz, power1 microtesla), using as nutrition medium 15-35?% beer wort (15?% non-malt material) and upper fermenting yeast Saccharomyñes cerevisiae. It has been observed a positive effect of pulse electromagnetic field on the proliferation of yeast cells and the fermentation process. It has been revealed that you can speed up the process of alcoholic fermentation and increase the output of ethanol to 15?%. Physico-chemical evaluation of fermented materials showed a significant increase in the foaming and though. Distillate has been obtained from fermented mash and subjected to gas chromatograph analysis for trace content, such as higher alcohols: n-butylol, isobutylol and isoamylol. It has been identified significant differences in the content of certain volatile components. The proposed technology would provide an opportunity to optimize the process of fermentation, control a quality of volatile components and improve the taste of fermented materials and distillate for preparing alcoholic beverages (beer, must for whiskey, wine material for brandy, liqueur and vodka products, etc.). The results obtained may find their application in the food industry to improve fermentation technology and expansion beverages assortment.
Authors: Mamarasulov Bohodir Dolikhonovich
Namangan State University,
316 Uychi str., Namangan, 160119, Uzbekistan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nasirova Olga Alexandrovna;
Mirzarahmetova Dilbar Tokhtamuratovna, Doctor of Technical Science, Associate Professor
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek,
4 University str., Tashkent, 100174, Uzbekistan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tochilina R.P.Characteristic of the Wines Mineral Composition as an Indicator of the Place of Origin (Krasnodar Region)

P. 28-32 Key words: wine; wine materials; identity; macronutrients; place of origin; micronutrients; mineral composition; soil.
Abstract: They have made continuous research work during last years to identify objective characteristics responsible for territorial identity of wines which are aimed at studying the mineral composition, determination of the concentration of individual components and correlation between them. The object of this work is to study the mineral composition of wines and soils in several Krasnodar region wineries. In this work we researched the mineral composition of red and white wines and samples of soil taken from these wineries. The results of wine mineral composition determination were processed mathematically using the method of discriminant analysis and calculated regression equation for micro and macro elements, interpreted in graphical form. It shows that the use of ammonium acetate buffer gives the greatest effect when evaluating the total concentration of "minerals" in soil. The quantitative determination of mineral complex individual components, combined with mathematical treatment of output results, enables to determine the origin of wines of studied wine-making area with sufficient degree of probability.
Authors: Tochilina Regina Petrovna, Candidate of Technical Science
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Beverage and Wine Industry - Branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
7 Rossolimo Str., Moscow, 119021, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Oganesyants L.A., Panasyuk A.L., Kuzmina E.I., Peschanskaya V.A.Using the Isotopic Mass Spectrometry Method for Identification of Some Types of Wine Products

P. 34-39 Key words: wine production; isotopic mass spectrometry; carbon isotope ratio; ethanol.
Abstract: Providing the population with benign food products, including drinks, may be fully realized with the development of effective methods for identifying falsifications. This is especially topical when controlling the alcohol product quality. One of the ways for falsifying wine production is using alcohols of non-grape origin, to detect which the method of isotopic mass spectrometry is successfully used. It is established that benign products from grapes have ?13Ñ, ‰ ethanol carbon in the range from -26.0 to -29.0?‰. However, this indicator requires correction of the products that have been subjected to long ageing, in particular cognacs. The article is devoted to the process of isotopic fractionation of carbon ethanol in brandies and cognacs. This approach was justified by preliminary tests of brandies of a well-known producer, where young cognac distillate had values ?13 -27.5?‰, and cognac with ageing of 20 years was -25.92?‰, and 25, 30 and 40 years -25.5, -25.29 and -24,81?‰, respectively. We used a mass spectrometer of Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen) GmbH model Delta V Advantage (Germany), connected to the element analyzer Flash 2000. Model solutions show that when 40?% of the distillate volume evaporates, which corresponds to 15 years of ageing under real conditions at a temperature of 25?°C and a barrel volume of 700 liters, the distillate strength decreases by 5.5?%, and the indicator values of ?13Ñ increased by 1.67?% giving reason to believe that the criterion of authenticity ?13Ñ, ‰ from -26.0 to -29.0 for beverages with long ageing must be adjusted to avoid unreasonable rejections. At the same time, it was shown that when distilling wine into cognac distillate, the average ?13Ñ varies within measurement error from -26.84 to -26.82?‰, indicating the fact that variations in the distillation regimes can not serve as a basis for reviewing the proposed criteria.
Authors: Oganesyants Lev Arsenovich, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Academic of RAS;
Panasyuk Aleksandr Lvovich, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor;
Kuzmina Elena Ivanovna, Candidate of Technical Science;
Peschanskaya Violetta Aleksandrovna
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Beverage and Wine Industry - Branch of V.?M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
7 Rossolimo Str., Moscow, 119021, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Lust for Life: Healthy Drinks - The Leading Trend in the Coming Years

Khokonova M.B.Formation of Productivity Elements and the Harvest of Winter Barley Grain

P. 44-48 Key words: moisture supply of the year; quality; seeding rates; winter barley; sowing times; technological properties; yield.
Abstract: In the North Caucasus have a perspective of a variety of winter barley. Since multichannel in the same cultivation conditions forms a smaller protein content in the grain, the creation of loose loam varieties of barley with a well-executed, large and aligned grain will increase the reliability of production of brewing barley. This work is devoted to the influence of different seeding periods and seeding rates on yield and technological properties of winter barley grain. Studied varieties of winter barley - Mikhailo, Kozyr. At the first time of sowing, the available moisture reserve was somewhat inadequate, which could have had an effect on reducing the field germination of seeds. In subsequent periods of sowing, the moisture reserve was sufficient, which should ensure the production of good seedlings. In the sprouting phase, during the tillering and termination of the autumn vegetation, the moisture reserves gradually increased in the soil, but the marked features of its content during sowing were preserved in time. The years of the experiments differed in the amount of precipitation before sowing and at the time of the termination of the autumn vegetation, which influenced the content of productive moisture in the soil. It is determined that the size and dynamics of the formation of the leaf surface is influenced by the timing of sowing. Thus, when sowing winter barley seeds in early periods, the plants formed a smaller leaf surface than in the optimal sowing time. The leaf area reached its maximum in the earring phase. It was noticeable both in the Mikhailo variety and in the Kozyr variety. A detailed analysis of the productivity of ears of individual stems on the plant showed the highest number of spike lets on the main stem, while in lateral shoots it decreases somewhat. The mass of grain of one ear is expressed by the best indicators when sowing on October 1 and 10. With an increase in the seeding rate, the numbers and the mass of the grain of 1 ears gradually decreased. This is due to the fact that thickened crops usually form small eels with low graininess and small grains. In such cases, the supply of plants with nutrients, moisture and light decreases significantly and adversely affects the size of the grain yield. It is established that the grain of winter barley is quite suitable for its technological properties for brewing, while observing the necessary agro technical measures.
Authors: Khokonova Madina Borisovna, Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor
Cabardino-Balcarian State Agrarian University named after V.?M. Kokov,
1v, pr. Lenina, Nalchik, Cabardino-Balkarian Republic, 360030, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.