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Rambler's Top100

Food processing Industry №11/2022


Shterman S. V., Sidorenko M. Yu., Livinsky A. A., Livinskaya S. A., Sidorenko A. Yu., Balabolin D. N., Pechurin A. A., Sidorenko Yu. I.Development of fish dishes for school and personalized meals using cryointegral cooking technology

P. 6-12 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.001

Key words
freezing, acoustic freezing, hypothermia, storage, organoleptic evaluation, descriptors, tissue microstructure, sensory quality integral index

Analysis of catering in educational institutions in many regions of the Russian Federation in 2018-2021 revealed an insufficient level of inclusion of fish dishes in the menu. In this regard, the actual nutritional value of school rations, in particular the content of calcium and phosphorus, was often underestimated in comparison with the established norms. The need to provide schoolchildren in the country with a balanced, healthy diet determines the relevance of developing new logistics and technological schemes that guarantee the delivery, preparation, and storage of fish dishes. A unique technology "Cryointegral Cooking" (CIC) has been developed. Deep supercooling is carried out in the field of action of acoustic waves, which create microscopic ice clusters inside the cellular structure and in the intercellular space of the frozen product, corresponding to the macrostructural formations of water. Products manufactured under such conditions have new unique properties. The organoleptic characteristics of fish dishes obtained by CIC technology after storage for 5 months were similar to freshly prepared dishes and significantly exceeded the similar characteristics of control dishes stored after shock freezing. The fish dishes obtained using the CIC technology can be recommended for wide introduction into the current school meals rations.

1. Livinsky A. A., Livinskaya S. A. Development of personalized nutrition products taking into account the glycemic index. Personalizirovannoe pitanie: proektirovanie produktov i ratsionov = Personalized nutrition: food and diet design: a study guide / Edition by I. M. Chernukha, V. N. Ivanova, Yu. I. Sidorenko. Moscow: DeLi, 2020. P. 77-88 (In Russ.).
2. Pechurin A. A. Fish frozen using AEF technology surpass fresh fish. Imperiya holoda = Empire of the Cold. 2021;1(106):8-9 (In Russ.).
3. Pechurin A. A., Livinskaya S. A. The use of acoustic freezing in the development of new products and dishes from grapes for school meals. Plodovodstvo i vinogradarstvo Yuga Rossii = Fruit growing and viticulture of the south of Russia. 2021;69(3):257-274 (In Russ.). URL: http://journalkubansad.ru/pdf/21/03/20.pdf.
4. Patent 2337281. Russian Federation. (F25D13/06). A device for freezing food products / Venger K. P., Vikulov A. P., Panshin N. B. Patent holder: Temp-11 Limited Liability Company (RU). Application 04.05.2007. Publishing 27.10.2008. URL: http://www.freepatent.ru/patents/2337281.
5. Korotkiy I. A., Sakhabutdinova G. F., Shafray A. V. Analysis of the parameters affecting the duration of freezing of vegetable semi-finished products in a combined way. Tehnika i tehnologiya pischevih proizvodstv = Technique and technology of food production. 2017;46(3):108-113 (In Russ.). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/analiz-parametrov-vliyayuschih-na-prodolzhitelnost-zamorazhivaniya-ovoschnyh-polufabrikatov-kombinirovannym-sposobom.
6. Gribova N. A., Eliseeva L. G. Osmotic dehydration of fruit and berry raw materials in the food industry. Vestnik VGUIT = Bulletin of VGUIT. 2017;79(2):134-142 (In Russ.). Doi: 10.20914/2310-1202-2017-2-134-142.
7. Marani C. M., Agnelli M. E., Mascheroni R. H. Osmo-frozen fruits: mass transfer and quality evaluation. Journal of Food Engineering. 2007;79:1122-1130.
Shterman Sergey V., Doctor of Techniñal Sciences,
Sidorenko Mihail Yu., Candidate of Techniñal Sciences
1, Obolenskoe highway, Obolensk, Serpukhov district, Moscow region, 142279, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Livinsky Aleksey A., Candidate of Techniñal Sciences,
Livinskaya Svetlana A., Candidate of Techniñal Sciences,
Sidorenko Aleksey Yu., Candidate of Techniñal Sciences
1, Obolenskoe highway, Obolensk, Serpukhov district, Moscow region, 142279, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , livinskaya@mail/ru
Balabolin Dmitriy N., General Director,
Pechurin Andrey A., Deputi General Director
LLC "Acoustic Extra Freezing",
7, bld. 1, Novoschukinskaya str., Moscow, 123098, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sidorenko Yuriy I., Doctor of Techniñal Sciences, Professor
Institute for the development of professional education,
12, bld. 2, Bol'shaya Gruzinskaya str., Moscow, 105062, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Antipova Ò. À., Felik S. V., Androsova N. L., Simonenko S. V., Simonenko E. S., Manuylov B. M.A specialized product enriched with arginine for the nutrition of obese adolescents

P. 13-15 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.002

Key words
obesity, L-arginine, specialized product, raw materials, formulations, composition

The increase in the prevalence of obesity among children is one of the most important problems of modern health care. Over the past 20 years, the number of children under 5 years of age with overweight and obesity has increased by almost 50% and amounts to 44 million. Obesity is a chronic multifactorial disease associated with excessive accumulation of body fat and developing under the influence of genetic factors, as well as environmental factors. The basis for the treatment of obesity and its prevention are lifestyle changes not only in children and adolescents with obesity or overweight, but also in their families. Currently, unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle are considered among the main causes. In scientific terms, the interest of researchers is the study of promising ingredients that have a possible effect on metabolic processes in the body. These include L-arginine, the results of which are confirmed by medical research. The purpose of the scientific work was to study raw materials with a high content of L-arginine and develop the composition, formulations and technologies of products for the nutrition of obese children. During the selection of promising types of raw materials, the following were studied: cow's milk, goat's milk, mare's milk, pine nut kernel, pumpkin seeds, pine nut flour, protein concentrate from pumpkin seeds. The amino acid composition and nutritional value of selected types of raw materials have been studied. Based on the research results, formulations, composition and technology of a dry instant drink have been developed. The composition of the drink includes soluble rosehip powder, lactulose, arginine, sucralose and citric acid. Pilot-experimental developments of the drink were carried out; organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters were determined. Based on the results of the research, recipes, composition and technology of the drink were developed for use in the nutrition of adolescents. Currently, clinical trials of the product are being carried out to confirm the effectiveness in the nutrition of obese children.

1. Hebebrand J., Hinney A., Knoll N., et al. Molecular genetic aspects of weight regulation. Deutsches Arzteblatt International. 2013;110(19):338-44.
2. Saltanova S. D. Modern aspects of the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of obesity in children. Zdorov'e rebenka = Child health. 2017;12(6):712-717 (In Russ.).
3. Gadde K. M., Martin C. K., Berthoud H. R., et al. Obesity: pathophysiology and man-agement. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2018;71:69-84.
4. Kaganov B. S., Pavlovskaya E. V., Starodubova A. V., et al. Complications of obesity in children and adolescents. Voprosi prakticheskoy pediatrii = Questions of practical pediatrics. 2012;(3):50-58 (In Russ.).
5. Vasyukova O. V., Kon I. Ya., Larionova Z. G., et al. Recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of ozhi-roniya in children and adolescents. Moscow: Practice, 2015. 136 p. (In Russ.)
6. Osmanov I. M., Borzakova S. N., Vinokurov A. V. Obesity in adolescents: possibilities of therapy. Praktika pediatra = Pediatrician Practice. 2021;(3):58-64 (In Russ.).
7. Jebeile H., Gow M. L., Baur L. A., et al. Treatment of obesity, with a dietary component, and eating disorder risk in children and adolescents: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews. 2019;20(9):1287-1298.
8. Pavlovskaya E. V., Surkov A. G., Maltsev G. Yu., Strokova T. V., Sentsova T. B. Possibilities of using arginine in dietary therapy of obesity. Voprosi detskoy dietologii = Issues of pediatric dietetics. 2016;14(5):26-30 (In Russ.).
9. McKnight J. R., Satterfield M. C., Jobgen W. S., Smith S. B., Spencer T. E., Meininger C. J., et al. Beneficial effects of L-arginine on reducing obesity: potential mechanisms and important implications for human health. Amino Acids. 2015;39(2):349-357.
10. Wu G., Bazer F. W., Davis T. A, Kim S. W., Li P., Marc Rhoads J., et al. Arginine metabolism and nutrition in growth, health and disease. Amino Acids. 2019;37(1):153-168.
11. Amin H. J., Zamora S. A., McMillan D. D., Fick G. H., Butzner J. D., Parsons H. G., et al. Arginine supplementation prevents necrotizing enterocolitis in the premature infant. Journal of Pediatrics. 2014;140(4):425-31.
12. Bennett-Richards K. J., Kattenhorn M., Donald A. E., Oakley G. R., Varghese Z., Bruckdorfer K. R., et al. Oral L-arginine does not improve endothelial dysfunction in children with chronic renal failure. Kidney International. 2013;62(4):1372-1378.
13. Lim D. S., Mooradian S. J., Goldberg C. S., Gomez C., Crowley D. C., Rocchini A. P., et al. Effect of oral L-arginine on oxidant stress, endothelial dysfunction, and systemic arterial pressure in young cardiac transplant recipients. American Journal of Cardiology. 2014;15-94(6):828-531.
Antipova Òat'yana À., Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Androsova Nadezhda L.,
Felik Svetlana V., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Simonenko E. S.,
Manuylov B. M., Doctor of Biological Sciences
The Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechno-logy and Food Safety,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Donnik I. M., Kuz'min S. V., Mayzel S. G., Simonenko S. V., Simonenko E. S., Semenova E. S., Pavlova A. V.An integrated approach to the implementation of a full innovative production cycle domestic adapted mixtures and clinical nutrition

P. 16-18 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.003

Key words
healthy nutrition of children, adapted milk mixtures, therapeutic nutrition, production of baby and medical nutrition

The health of children and their development directly depends on their nutrition. It is with food that the child's body receives substances necessary both for its growth and for proper development. That is why the issue of baby food is so acute all over the world, including in Russia. In particular, the goal of the Russian state policy is to create and develop high-quality specialized baby food products: adapted mixtures, therapeutic nutrition. For the introduction of such nutrition, environmentally friendly products are needed in conjunction with the development of a system of biological protection of plants and animals, as well as proper storage of raw materials and the creation of a comprehensive technology for its processing. Most of the ingredients for baby food are imported to Russia from abroad, and therefore the domestic industry faces an important task of developing its own production. Currently, the Government of the Russian Federation is developing a scientific and technical project aimed at solving the issue of introducing its own developments into production. Exceptional attention is paid to the development of adapted infant formulas that are substitutes for female breast milk, since about 60% of infants need artificial feeding. One of the leading roles in the production of Russian baby food belongs to the Research Institute of Baby Food, with the direct participation of which almost all baby food products presented today on the Russian market were developed. Another fundamentally important task of the domestic industry is the development of medical nutrition production. This is due to the fact that a large number of children have abnormalities in physical development, as well as in health. Many chronic diseases are caused by improper nutrition of children or its violation. The Research Institute of Baby Food has a large line of products with therapeutic and preventive properties. Thus, adapted new generation milk mixtures have been developed for children suffering from various diseases, including chronic ones.

1. Voronina M. S., Vorshulova K. V. Development of recipes and technology of production of dishes for baby food. Vestnik nauki = Bulletin of Science. 2021; 2/11(44):82-85 (In Russ.).
2. Danilov D. Birth rate in Russia 2021-2022: tables by year and ratings by region [Electronic resource]. URL: https://top-rf.ru/places/565-rozhdaemost-v-rossii.html (accessed 24.08.2022).
3. Consumer confidence in Russian dairy products through ensuring the unity and openness of the industry. Materiali XV yubileynoy vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii = Materials of XV Anniversary All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Sochi, 2019. 130 p. (In Russ.)
4. Kozlovskiy A. A. Modern aspects of nutrition of children of the first year of life / Educational and methodical manual for students of medical universities, interns, clinical residents, postgraduates, pediatricians, students of the Faculty of advanced training [Electronic resource]. Minsk, 2021. 41 p. URL: https://ru.b-ok.org/book/2546332/c4c38a (accessed 25.08.2022)
5. The national program for optimizing the feeding of children of the first year of life in the Russian Federation. 4th edition, revised and expanded. Moscow, 2019. 206 p. (In Russ.)
Donnik Irina M., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of RAS
The Russian Academy of Sciences,
14, Leninskiy avenue, Moscow, 119991, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,
Kuz'min Sergey V., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
F. F. Erisman Federal Scientific Center of Hygiene,
2, Semashko str., Mytischi, Moscow region, 141014, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mayzel Sergey G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Ural State Agrarian University,
23, Turgenev str., Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620075, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Simonenko Elena S.,
Semenova Elena S.
The Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Simonenko S. V., Antipova T. A., Androsova N. L., Felik S. V., Kudryashova Î. V., Simonenko E. S. Milk protein concentrates for use in specialty foods

P. 19-21 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.004

Key words
milk protein concentrates (MÐC), micellar casein, specialized products

The lack of dietary protein in the diet leads to disruption of the endocrine glands, blood composition, weakening of mental activity, slowing down the growth and development of children, and a decrease in resistance to infections. This creates a trend towards creating products using milk protein concentrates (MBC). Milk protein, composed of casein and whey proteins, is a valuable source of protein that has nutritional and functional properties. The separation of certain types of protein fractions, processing and use in food products, has become possible with the advent of new technologies. This article discusses the use of milk protein concentrates (MBC) in specialized diets aimed at eliminating the lack of dietary protein, improving the amino acid composition and increasing the biological value of the product. Some characteristics of the most technologically advanced and popular MBCs, which consist of whey proteins, casein, or a combination of both, are given. Examples of the use of MBC as a food additive in the production of various food products are given: yoghurts, cottage cheese, cheeses, desserts, high-protein products. The difference in MBC depending on the characteristics (mass fraction of solids, form, type of protein) is indicated. MBC play a special role in the composition of baby food. They are a supplier of both casein and whey proteins. Particular attention is paid to MBC obtained using membrane technologies that allow milk proteins to be isolated practically in their native form without the use of chemical reagents and other auxiliary expensive materials. The use of membrane concentration methods in the processing of raw milk allows milk processing enterprises to create new technologies, increase production profitability, and ensure environmental safety. It is noted that milk protein concentrates obtained using membrane technology contain both casein and whey protein in the ratio that exists in milk. The distinctive features of micellar casein are given, such as the content of high-quality protein, depending on the purification method; solubility in water, etc., allowing it to be used in the development of specialized food products.

1. Evdokimov I. A. Processing of dairy raw materials by membrane methods. Molochnaya promyshlennost' = Dairy industry. 2012;(2):34-37 (In Russ.).
2. Emelin V. P. Composition and properties of milk-protein concentrates obtained by different methods. Tekhnika i tekhnologiya pischevyh proizvodstv = Equipment and technology of food production. 2009;(4):72-74 (In Russ.).
3. Nadtochiy L. A., Yakovchenko N. V., Abdullaeva M. S., Lepeshkin A. I., Kuznecova E. D., Predeina A. L. Development of technology and composition of high-protein ice cream mixture. Nauchniy zhurnal NIU ITMO, seriya "Processy i apparaty pischevyh proizvodstv" = Scientific journal of ITMO Research Institute, series "Processes and devices of food production". 2016;(4):50-57 (In Russ.).
4. Patent RU 2 471 371 Russian Federation, MPK A23L 1/29(2006.01), A23L 1/305(2006.01), A23J 1/20(2006.01), A23C 1/12(2006.01). Protein-enriched liquid enteral nutritional composition based on micellar casein: 2010127237/13; declared 2008.12.05; published 2013.01.10 / Minor Marsel, Slivinski Edvard Lyusian, Hotrum Natali Elizabet, Kirs Vinett Hermina Agnes, Van Stenis Syuzanna, Vaterink Ar'yan, De Kort Ester Zhaklin. 7 p. (In Russ.)
5. Smirnova I. A., Gutov N. Yu., Lukin A. A. Study of the composition of milk-protein concentrates. Tekhnika i tekhnologiya pischevyh proizvodstv = Equipment and technology of food production. 2018;48(1):85-90 (In Russ.).
6. Makgaffi R. K. Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (third edition). 2022.
7. Walstra R., Geurts T. J., Noomen A., Jellema A. and van Boekel M. A. J. S. Dairy Technology: Principles of Milk Properties and Processes [Electronic resource]. Dairy Science and Technology. CRC Press, 2006. URL: https://biot409.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/16-dairy-science-and-technology.pdf (Date of Application: 16.08.2022).
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Antipova Tat'yana A., Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Androsova Nadezhda L.,
Felik Svetlana V., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Kudryashova Îlga V.,
Simonenko Elena S.
The Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Semenova E. S., Simonenko E. S., Manuylov B. M. Structure and properties of ?-lactalbumin in mare's milk

P. 22-24 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.005

Key words
mare's milk, a-lactalbumin, whey proteins, amino acids

This review describes the characteristics of alfa-lactalbumin and considers the prospects for human health applications of alfa-lactalbumin from mare's milk. Alfa-lactalbumin is one of the two main whey proteins in milk. The whey protein fraction is approximately 40% in mare's milk, slightly more than 50% in breast milk. The characteristics of the proteins are completely different, and from this point of view, mare's milk is more similar to breast milk. Mare and human milk are called albumin-type milk. The rich content of whey protein in mare's milk makes it the most useful food for humans due to the increased supply of essential amino acids. The two main whey proteins are alfa-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin. Alfa-lactalbumin is a whey fraction protein, which, unlike beta-lactoglobulin, is present in human milk. It is an important source of bioactive peptides and essential amino acids such as tryptophan, lysine, branched chain amino acids and sulfur-containing amino acids, which are of great importance, including for baby food. The unique amino acid composition of whey proteins is able to increase the effectiveness of immune function by stimulating the production of glutathione and glutamine, which is provided, among other things, by the presence of cysteine and methionine. Similarly, alfa-lactalbumin peptides can potentially influence immune responses by influencing the gut microbiome. The branched-chain amino acid leucine promotes protein accumulation in skeletal muscle. Due to its tryptophan content, which can serve as a support for neurological function and sleep, alfa-lactalbumin can be added to foods as an additional protein - this allows, at a lower protein content in the mixture, to provide the body with essential amino acids, which, in turn, creates conditions for normal growth and maintenance of adequate plasma amino acid concentrations. Therefore, a promising direction is both the production of highly purified whey protein isolates and the production of individual fractions, such as, for example, alfa-lactalbumin.

1. Sinyavskiy Yu. A., Torgautov A. S., Yakunin A. V. Prospects for the design of children's and dietary food products based on mare's milk. Evrazijskij soyuz uchenyh = Eurasian Union of Scientists. 2016;2-3(23):130-132 (In Russ.).
2. Tihomirova N. A., Komolova G. S., Ionova I. I. Biologically active milk proteins. 2004 (In Russ.).
3. Kamau S. M., et al. Alpha-lactalbumin: Its production technologies and bioactive peptides. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 2010;9(2):197-212.
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7. Lonnerdal B., Lien E. L. Nutritional and physiologic significance of a-lactalbumin in infants. Nutrition Reviews. 2003;61(9): 295-305.
8. Steinberg L. A., et al. Tryptophan intake influences infants' sleep latency. The Journal of nutrition. 1992;122(9):1781-1791.
9. Vanecek J. Cellular mechanisms of melatonin action. Physiological reviews. 1998;78(3):687-721.
10. Pellegrini A., et al. Isolation and identification of three bactericidal domains in the bovine a-lactalbumin molecule. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects. 1999;1426(3):439-448.
11. Wu G., et al. Glutathione metabolism and its implications for health. The Journal of nutrition. 2004;134(3):489-492.
12. Stipanuk M. H. Biochemical and physiological aspects of human nutrition. New York. 2000:904-905.
13. Layman D. K., et al. Defining meal requirements for protein to optimize metabolic roles of amino acids. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2015;101(6):1330S-1338S.
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15. Calder P. C. Branched-chain amino acids and immunity. The Journal of nutrition. 2006;136(1):288S-293S.
Semenova Elena S.,
Simonenko Elena S.,
Manuylov Boris M., Doctor of Biological Sciences
Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gulin A. V., Machulkina V. A., Kigashpaeva O. P., Lavrova L. P., Dzhabrailova V. Yu.Sweet pepper is a vitamin product

P. 25-28 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.006

Key words
sweet pepper, tomatoes, juice, blending, chemical composition, sugar-acid index

The Astrakhan region is the largest supplier of vegetable products, in particular sweet peppers and tomatoes. The fruits of sweet pepper are distinguished by a high content of ascorbic acid, and in combination with tomatoes, this is an irreplaceable delicacy product. Currently, much attention is paid to the issues of improving the safety and usefulness of products that are environmentally friendly with a functional purpose. Much attention is paid to the content of vitamins in the processing of products, which depends on the heat treatment, its duration, the enzymatic activity of the raw materials and the particular technology of its processing. Especially noticeable is the loss of ascorbic acid, for which the fruits of sweet pepper are valued, since it is a water-soluble element and the decrease begins at the stage of preparing raw materials for processing under the action of high temperatures during heat treatment. Research in this direction VNIIOOB -Branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution PAFSC RAS has been conducting research for a long time. In this work, the change in the quality of commercial fruits of sweet pepper and tomatoes that were not sold on time and raw materials remaining after the isolation of seeds was determined when using the fruits for the preparation of pepper leche, pepper juice, puree of pepper and blended sweet pepper in different doses with tomato juice after isolation seeds. It was revealed that when preparing lecho pepper, the content of ascorbic acid in the finished product, depending on the shelf life, was in the range of 98.3-90.5 mg /%, which is 1.3-1.4 times lower than the original; the taste of the product decreased during storage and ranged from 11.8 to 8.7 units, but more than 7.0, which characterizes the high quality of the product. Pepper juice contained ascorbic acid from 165.4 mg/% on the day of preparation to 141.6 mg/% after 360 days of storage. Pepper puree had a higher content of ascorbic acid and ranged from 151.4 to 171.3 mg/%. The palatability of both products was above 7.0 units. The blending of pepper juice with tomato juice depended on the amount of tomato juice. The best option is noted in the proportion of 50% pepper juice + 50% tomato. In this variant, the safety of ascorbic acid and the sugar-acid index were higher than in other variants.

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12. Sannikova T. A., Machulkina V. A., Antipenko N. I., Puchkov M. Yu. Year-round supply of the population with vegetable and melon products. Puti uluchshenija povyshenija kachestva hranenija i pererabotki sel'skohozjajstvennoj produkcii i ee ekonomicheskoe znachenie v razvitii sel'skogo hozjajstva: sbornik nauchnih statey = Ways to improve the quality of storage and processing of agricultural products and its economic importance in the development of agriculture / FGBNU VNIIOOB. Astrahan': AGTU, 2015. P. 42-47 (In Russ.).
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14. Sannikova T. A., Machulkina V. A. Organoleptic assessment of the quality of vegetable and melon products. Nauka i obrazovanie v zhizni sovremennogo obschestva. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii = Science and education in the life of modern society. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference / FGBNU VNIIOOB. Tambov, 2015. Vol. 2. P. 122-126 (In Russ.).
Gulin Alexander V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,
Machulkina Vera A., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences,
Kigashpaeva Olga P., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,
Lavrova Larisa P.,
Dzhabrailova Vera Yu.
All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Vegetable and Melon Growing - Branch of the Caspian Agrarian Federal Research Center of RAS,
16, Lubicha str., Kamyzyak, 416341, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Felik S. V., Antipova T. A., Androsova N. L. Domestic ingredients in dairy-based herodietic nutrition products

P. 29-32 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.007

Key words
products, herodietic nutrition, ingredients

Dairy-based products are important in the diet of older people, should mainly consist of ingredients that have a positive effect on the body and have high quality indicators. The article provides information on the use of ingredients produced at enterprises of the Russian Federation, the use of which is acceptable in the development of dairy-based herodietic nutrition products. The nutritional criteria that must be taken into account when developing products for herodietic nutrition are given, such as the balance of amino acid composition, fat content restriction, carbohydrate content that have a bifidogenic effect and positively affect the motor activity of the intestinal tract. Taking into account modern research aimed at studying and optimizing the nutrition of older people, it has been shown that the optimal protein intake is 25-30 g per meal. Examples of optimization of formulations based on cow's milk are given through the use of dry whey protein concentrates, dry milk, skimmed milk powder, soy flour, pumpkin seed flour, pumpkin protein concentrate, vegetable oils (linseed, cedar, grape seed oil). The increase of essential amino acids when adding 1% of animal or vegetable protein ingredients to 99% of cow's milk and the content of fatty acids in cow's milk with a fat mass fraction of 0.5%, 1.0% when adding linseed oil, cedar oil, grape seed oil, in an amount of 1% to 99% of cow's milk is clearly presented. The importance of using lactulose concentrate, pectins, natural chicory as ingredients with prebiotic properties; microorganisms (lactic acid, bifidobacteria, etc.), as well as additional introduction of dietary fiber into the diet through the use of natural fruit, vegetable, grain ingredients, nuts, dried fruits is described. The normative documents for the considered domestic ingredients, the use of which is acceptable in the development of food products for the nutrition of older people, are given.

1. Andreenko L. G., Antipova T. A., Simonenko S. V. Nutrition issues of the elderly Moscow: Russian Agricultural Academy, 2007. P. 106-107 (In Russ.).
2. Pogozheva A. V. Principles of nutrition of elderly people. Klinicheskaya gerontologiya = Clinical gerontology. 2017;(11-12):75-76 (In Russ.).
3. Starodubova A. V., Varaeva Yu. R., Egorova V. V., Brumberg A. A. Principles of nutrition of elderly and senile people. Moskovskaya medicina = Moscow medicine. 2019;2(30):38-40 (In Russ.).
4. Demina E. N., Simonenkova A. P., Safronova O. V., Sergeeva E. Yu. Comprehensive assessment of the quality of enriched yogurt. Polzunovskij vestnik = Polzunovsky Bulletin. 2020;(1):56-60 (In Russ.)
5. Isaev V. A., Simonenko S. V., Sergeev V. N. Premature aging and its prevention. Mezhdu-narodniy zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental'nyh issledovaniy = International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. 2016;(10/2):253-257 (In Russ.).
6. Ryabtseva S. A., Khramtsov A. G., Budkevich R. O., Anisimov G. S., Chuklo A. O., Shpak M. A. Physiological effects, mechanisms of action and the use of lactulose. Voprosy pitaniya = Questions of nutrition. 2020;89(2):56-60 (In Russ.).
7. Khramtsov A. G., Ryabtseva S. A., Budkevich R. O., Akhmedova V. R., Rodnaya A. B., Marugina E. V. Prebiotics as functional food ingredients: terminology, selection criteria and comparative evaluation, classification Voprosy pitaniya = Questions of nutrition. 2018;87(1):10-12 (In Russ.).
8. Yurk N. A. Research of organoleptic indicators and development of product technology for personalized nutrition. Molochnohozyajstvenniy vestnik = Dairy bulletin. 2019;4(36):202 (In Russ.).
9. Zakrevskiy V. V. The role of pectins in the prevention of various diseases. Cerkov' i medicina = Church and medicine [Electronic resource]. 2016;1(15) (cited 2022 Jule 13) (In Russ.). URL: http://mag.opvspb.ru/publications/materialy-meditsinskih-konferentsii--i-sezdov-opvr/159
10. Skachkov D. A., Menyalkina A. S. Dietary fibers in the production of cottage cheese products for functional purposes. Aktual'nye voprosy molochnoy promyshlennosti, mezhotraslevie tekhnologii i sistemi upravleniya kachestvom = Topical issues of the dairy industry, intersectoral technologies and quality management systems. 2020;1(1/1):507 (In Russ.).
11. Pyr'eva E. A., Safronova A. I. The role and place of dietary fiber in the structure of nutrition of the population. Voprosy pitaniya = Questions of nutrition. 2019;88(6):10 (In Russ.).
Felik Svetlana V., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Antipova Tat'yana A., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Androsova Nadezhda L.
The Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Schebetova E. I., Simonenko E. S. Methodology for the development of food products with potentially high consumer value

P. 33-37 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.008

Key words
development methodology, potentially high consumer value, structural elements of consumer value

The article outlines the provisions of the methodology for the development of food products with potentially high consumer value. Methodology is understood as an algorithm of development, including techniques, methods, means, methods, principles of its implementation. A product of potentially high consumer value is defined as a product positively evaluated by testers, mainly recruited from among potential consumers, according to a set of structural elements of consumer value. The following structural elements are highlighted: pleasantness, usefulness, safety, storability, aesthetics, cost. The concept of food product development is an integrated approach to the formation of consumer value in the form of a set of structural elements, the specific content and priorities of which are established through a priori analysis of age biological, professional, social, ethnic, confessional characteristics of potential consumers, taking into account the specifics of climatic, environmental, economic characteristics of the region. The methodology is updated through the sequential implementation of the stages: the definition of the object of development, the development of the composition of the product, the development of the formulation of the product. The object of potential development (food product) is specified in the following positions: purpose in terms of characteristics of the contingent of potential consumers; group affiliation - compliance with a certain raw material basis; species affiliation - name within the group; subgroup affiliation - intra-group technological feature of the product; parameters of nutritional value and physiological functionality. Product composition development is a search for a combination of ingredients in the aspect of forming a potentially high consumer value. The development of the product formulation is the display of the list of ingredients in quantitative proportions. The formulation options are formed on the basis of an accepted selection of ingredients, according to alternative versions of the product composition. A product of potentially high consumer value must be approved by a potential consumer at the final stage of development for all structural elements of consumer value. The real consumer value of a food product is estimated by real consumer demand: high consumer demand - high real consumer value. The proposed methodology should be considered as a methodological guide applicable to the development of food products, regardless of their species, group, or subgroup affiliation.

1. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Simonenko E. S., Vainerman E. S., Antipova T. A., Sedova A. E. Consumer value of a food product - how to understand it in the aspect of product development. Mezhdunarodniy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy zhurnal = International Research Journal. 2019;8-1(86):62-67 (In Russ.).
2. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Kopytko M. S. Methodological approaches to the development of food products with high consumer value. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2020;(10):35-37 (In Russ.).
3. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Kopytko M. S. Consumer value of a food product and systemogenesis of production. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2020;(10):38-40 (In Russ.).
4. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Simonenko E. S. The role of ingredients in the formation of consumer value of a food product. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2020;(3):29-33 (In Russ.).
5. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Antipova T. A. Aspects of the development of food products with adequate consumer value. Pischa. Ekologiya. Kachestvo = Food. Ecology. Quality. 2020;249-252 (In Russ.).
6. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Antipova T. A., Felik S. V., Simonenko E. S., Sedova A. E. Methodology of food product development. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2019;(11):50-56 (In Russ.).
Zolotin Aleksander Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Schebetova Ekaterina I.,
Simonenko Elena S.
The Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Perfilova O. V., Bryksina K. V. Technology for the production of vegetable paste - a source of physiologically active ingredients for bread

P. 38-41 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.009

Key words
vegetable paste, bread, dietary fiber, antioxidants, healthy eating

Bread is the main human food product, but its chemical composition is not balanced in terms of vitamins, antioxidants and dietary fiber, which is caused by deep cleaning of the main recipe ingredient - flour. The authors have developed a new semi-finished product for bread - vegetable paste from broccoli, sweet peppers and hop cones, characterized by a high content of natural antioxidants such as vitamin C (12.8-85.7 mg/100 g), carotene (0.4-3.4 mg/100 g) and flavonoids (39.2-339.6 mg/100 g). A feature of the technological solution for the production of a new type of pasta is the use of microwave energy for the heat treatment of vegetables and drying of hop cones, which ensures high antioxidant safety in the finished semi-finished product. Under optimal modes of microwave heating and drying, the value of the total content of antioxidants in puree from broccoli and sweet peppers increases by 1.2-1.3 times compared to puree from the corresponding blanched vegetables, in powder from hop cones compared to powder from convectively dried hop cones, the value of this indicator increases by 2.9 times. It has been established that 100 g of the developed vegetable paste contains physiologically active ingredients: vitamin C, flavonoids and carotene in amounts that can cover the average daily requirement of an adult human body by 478.4, 54.0 and 82.4%, respectively. The average content of dietary fiber in the paste was 7.7 g, which corresponds to 25.7% of the daily requirement. The use of vegetable paste in the production of yeast-free rye-wheat bread will increase the content in it of such physiologically active ingredients as flavonoids, carotene and dietary fiber. The increase in the antioxidant value of the developed type of bread (in terms of quercetin) was 43% compared to the control.

1. Kajshev V. G., Seryogin S. N. Status and development prospects of the functional food market. Pererabotka moloka = Milk Processing. 2018;3(221):72-75 (In Russ.).
2. Magomedov G. O., Perfilova O. V. Fruit and vegetable powders from juice refuse - a source of functional ingredients in bakery. Hleboprodukty = Bakery Products. 2019;(3):60-61 (In Russ.).
3. Popova E. I., Medelyaeva A. Yu., Mantrov S. V. Production technology of rye-wheat bread enriched with fruit powder. Nauka i obrazovanie = Science and Education. 2019;2(4):173 (In Russ.).
4. Vinnickaya V. F., Popova E. I., Akishin D. V., Danilin S. I., Parusova K. V. Development of technological recommendations for organizing the production of functional food products from local fruit and vegetable raw materials. Vestnik Michurinskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta = Bulletin of the Michurinsk State Agrarian University. 2018;(1):101-106 (In Russ.).
5. Safronova N. B., Eryshev A. E. Healthy lifestyle food market: overview of trends. Samoupravlenie = Self Management. 2020;4(121):450-453 (In Russ.).
6. Perfilova O. V., Bryksina K. V., Ivanova E. P., Tolstova N. Yu. Experimental studies to study change in antioxidant value of peppermint when drying in the field of SHF. Tekhnologii pischevoj i pererabatyvayushchej promyshlennosti APK - produkty zdorovogo pitaniya = Technologies of the Food and Processing Industry of the Agro-Industrial Complex - Healthy Food Products. 2021;(3):172-176 (In Russ.).
Perfilova Olga V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Bryksina Kristina V.
Michurinsk State Agrarian University,
101, International str., Michurinsk, Tambov region, 393760, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kudryashova O. V., Antipova Ò. À., Felik S. V., Androsova N. L., Simonenko S. V.Development of dry drinks based on cheese whey

P. 42-44 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.010

Key words
drinks, whey, dry vegetable powders

One of the most effective ways in the production of dairy products is the integrated industrial use of secondary milk raw materials, including whey. The most promising direction for the industrial use of whey containing a complex of biologically active substances is the production of beverages based on it, including ingredients with functional properties. The article presents the results of the analysis of the Russian market of a diverse range of products, the main component of which is whey, which include, for example: whey-milk drink with juice Mazhitel; whey drink Naturel; whey cocktail VitaVita; whey drink Milki Frut; whey drink Bio-rhythm; whey drink Rakhta, etc. The most commonly used ingredients for the production of whey drinks are: fruit fillers, food flavorings and dyes, stabilizers, acidity regulators, vitamin and mineral premixes, sweeteners; pro- and prebiotics, antioxidants, etc. Of the medicinal plants, the most actively used are: stinging nettle, lemon balm, peppermint, rose hips, black chokeberry, and to improve the color, taste and smell - their combinations in various combinations and ratios. In the course of the conducted experimental studies, we studied the possibility of using various ingredients to develop the composition, recipes and technologies of specialized products for baby food. For research, dry cheese whey with a degree of demineralization of 50% and 70% was selected. As enriching ingredients used: extracts of wild rose and hawthorn, as well as dry juices: apricot, sea buckthorn, apple, pear, raspberry, lingonberry, strawberry, mango. According to the results of the tasting evaluation, the samples with the use of dry whey with a degree of demineralization of 70% received the highest number of points. When using fruit powders, samples with apple, sea buckthorn juice and mango juice turned out to be the most acceptable at a filler dosage of 5%. The results obtained indicate the prospects of the chosen research direction and the continuation of work in terms of optimizing organoleptic indicators, macro- and micronutrient composition of the finished product and developing whey-based drinks technology.

1. Schetinin M. P., Dorokhova A. S. Production and processing of whey in Russia and Altai Territory. Polzunovskiy vestnik = Polzunovsky Bulletin. 2013;(4-4):80-84 (In Russ.).
2. Anarbaeva O. E., Kriger O. V. Ways to increase the efficiency of the extraction process from raw materials of plant origin. Materialy V Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii "Pischevye innovacii i biotekhnologii" = Materials of the V international scientific conference "Food innovation and biotechnology". Kemerovo: Kemerovo Technology Institute of food industry, 2017. P. 271-273 (In Russ.).
3. Ostroumov L.A., Kriger O. V., Karchin K. V., et al. Study of the chemical composition of the fruits of mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia), growing in the Kemerovo region. Tekhnika i tekhnologiya pishchevyh proizvodstv = Tachnique and technology of food production. 2014;35(4):38-42 (In Russ.).
4. Reshetnik E. I., Utochkina E. A. Modification of traditional recipes of fermented milk products. E. I. Reshetnik. Materialy I Nacional'noj nauchno-tekhnicheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem "Innovacionnye i resursosberegayuschie tekhnologii produktov pitaniya" = Materials of the I National scientific and technical conference with international participation "Innovative and resourcesaving food technologies". Astrahanskij gosudarstvennyj tekhnicheskij universitet. Astrahan: Astrachan State Technical university, 2018 (In Russ.).
5. Prosekov A. Yu. The role of interfacial surface phenomena in the production of dispersed products with foam structure. Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ya = Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials. 2001:(8):24-27 (In Russ.).
6. Burova T. E., Rachevskaya O. E. Biotechnology of low-lactose dairy-fruit desserts and beverages based on whey. Mezhdunarodniy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy zhurnal = International Research journal. 2016;(8/2):9-14 (In Russ.).
7. TR CU 033/2013 Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of milk and dairy products" (In Russ.).
8. TR CU 027/2012 Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of certain types of specialized food products, including dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition" (In Russ.).
9. Kurkin V. A. Pharmacognosy: Textbook for pharmaceutical universities. 5th edition. Samara: Ofort, FGBOU VO SamGMU of Ministry of Health care, 2020. 1278 p. (In Russ.)
Kudryashova Olga V.,
Antipova Òat'yana À., Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Androsova Nadezhda L.,
Felik Svetlana V., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences
The Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kurchenko V. P., Halavach T. N., Denishchik S. M., Shramko M. I., Lodygin A. D., Evdokimov I. A., Alieva L. R., Tikhonov V. E., Simonenko E. S., Simonenko S. V. Dependence of fermented dairy products with Lactobacillus acidophilus properties from the molecular weights and concentrations of chitosans

P. 45-49 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.011

Key words
chitosan, Lactobacillus, lactic acid fermentation, lactic acid, lactose

Extending of fermented dairy products shelf life with Lactobacillus acidophilus is an urgent task. One of the ways to solve it is the use of a cationic polysaccharide - chitosan and its derivatives. They have a positive charge in the protonated state and are able to interact with the cell walls of Lactobacilli. The purpose of the research was to study the effect of different concentrations of oligochitosans with molecular weights of 7.0 kDa, 25.4 kDa 45, 3 kDa and chitosan 350 kDa on the process of cultivation and shelf life of fermented dairy product with L. acidophilus. The study of active and titrated acidity, the number of lactic acid microorganisms and other indicators was carried out using standard methods. It is shown that the studied oligochitosans and chitosan in concentrations of 0.0025, 0.005, 0.0075 and 0.01% do not affect the cultivation process in comparison with the control., Properties of fermented milk products with oligochitosans during prolonged storage for 17 days did not differ from the control. In samples containing high-molecular chitosan at concentrations of 0.005%, 0.0075% and 0.01%, the lactic acid fermentation process was slowed down, which led to a decrease in titrated acidity, the rate of lactic acid accumulation and an increase in the number of viable L. acidophilus cells in comparison with the control. High-molecular chitosan increases the shelf life of the fermented milk product by 2 times from 8 days to 17 at these concentrations, while maintaining its high organoleptic and physico-chemical properties. Chitosan is a cationic polysaccharide, which has a positive charge at low values of active acidity. The mechanism of action of chitosan and its derivatives on the lactic acid fermentation of L. acidophilus is associated with multipoint electrostatic interaction with negatively charged teichoic acid molecules of gram-positive bacteria. The consequence of this process is a change in the metabolic processes in the cells of lactobacilli, which lead to a slowdown in the process of lactose metabolism and the accumulation of lactic acid. As a result of this process, a high content of lactic acid bacteria is maintained during long-term storage of the lactic acid product.

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4. Ryabtseva S. A., et al. Ice cream as a means of delivery of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Tekhnika i tekhnologiya pischevikh proizvodstv = Technique and technology of food production. 2018;48(2):5-27 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.21603/2074-9414-2018-2-5-27
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11. Berezin B. B., Bezrodnykh E.A., Blagodatskikh I. V., Yamskov I. A., Tikhonov V. E. Extraction of residual heavy metals from commercial chitosan and approach to oligochitosan hydrochloride. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2019:215,316-321.
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13. Berezueva E. V., Radevich T. V., Alieva L. R., Abakumova E. A., Shramko M. I., Lodygin A. D., Evdokimov I. A., Kurchenko V. P. The influence of high-molecular chitosan on the cultivation of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Izvestiya Ufimskogo tsentra RAN = News of the Ufa Center of RAS. 2018;3(3):3-8 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.31040/2222-8349-2018-3-3-3-8
14. Kurchenko V. P., Golovach T. N., Sushinskaya N. V., Berezueva E. V., Alieva L. R., Lodygin A. D., Evdokimov I. A., Shramko M. I. The use of chitosan to increase the shelf life of fermented milk products. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2019;(4):58-60 (In Russ.).
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Kurchenko Vladimir P., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Halavach Tat'yana N., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Denishchik Semeon M.
Belarusian State University,
4, Independence avenue, Minsk, Belarus, 220030, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Shramko Mariya I., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Lodygin Alexey D., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Evdokimov Ivan A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Alieva Ludmila R., Candidate of Technical Sciences
North-Caucasus Federal University,
2, Kulakova avenue, Stavropol, Russia, 355029, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tikhonov Vladimir E., Candidate in Chemical Sciences
A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of RAS,
28, Vavilova str., Moscow, 119334, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Simonenko Elena S.,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Òhe Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Androsova N. L., Antipova T. A., Felilk S. V. Optimal combination of milk base for baby food products

P. 50-53 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.012

Key words
baby food, cow's milk, goat's milk, chemical composition of milk, biological value

The main principle of balanced nutrition of preschool children is to determine the correct ratio of basic nutrients, which contributes to the normal and stable functioning of metabolic processes in the body. Particular importance is attached to the balance of the essential components of food, of which there are about fifty (amino acids, most vitamins and minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids). Balance is the ultimate goal in the calculation of any product and can be achieved with the right selection of the basis and components for its production. The need to develop balanced multicomponent products is based on the modern requirements of nutrition science. Such products should be as close as possible in terms of nutrient composition to the standard. At present, modern methods of assessing the balance of the composition are used for this purpose, which make it possible to assess the quality indicators of food products in a complex. The article presents data on the nutritional value of various types of milk of farm animals (cow and goat). The calculation of the protein and lipid components of various types of milk was made, their vitamin and mineral composition was compared. To compare the protein component in different types of milk, limiting amino acids were identified, the coefficient of difference in amino acid score was determined and their biological value was calculated. To assess the lipid component, the fatty acid balance coefficient was calculated for three and five control points. The coefficient of fatty acid balance calculated by three control points includes the content of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The coefficient of fatty acid balance by five control points also takes into account the content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The obtained and analyzed data made it possible to select a quantitative ratio of different types of milk to optimize the milk base for the production of fermented milk products of baby food. In the further development of children's fermented milk products, it is advisable to use a selected combination of two types of cow's and goat's milk. This will allow us to continue working on the development of products with a balanced composition that can provide adequate nutrition for preschool children.

1. Manuylov B. M., Simonenko S. V., Sidorova E. V. Combined products for baby food Molochnaya promyshlennost' = Dairy industry. 2018;(12):39-41 (In Russ.).
2. Shuvarikov A. S., Yurova E. A., Tsvetkova V. A., Pastukh O. N. Fractional composition of camel, goat and cow milk proteins. Molochnaya promyshlennost' = Dairy industry. 2015;(7):68-70 (In Russ.).
3. Lipatov N. N., Bashkirov O. I., Gevorgyan A. L., Furin M. V. Prerequisites for improving the quality of products for centralized nutrition of children. Moscow: Rossel'hozakademiya, 2004. P. 45-49 (In Russ.).
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5. Simonenko S. V., Manuylov B. M., Antipova T. A., Felik S. V., Korobeynikova T. V., Simonenko E. S. Antioxidant properties of combined milk products for preschool and school-age children. Molochnaya promyshlennost' = Dairy industry. 2017;(11):68-70 (In Russ.).
6. Methodological recommendations of MP Norms of physiological needs in energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation (cited 2022 June 12). URL: https://www.rospotrebnadzor.ru/ (In Russ.).
7. Simonenko S. V., Felik S. V., Simonenko E. S., Antipova T. A. Goat's milk is a valuable raw material for the production of baby dairy products. Ovci. Kozi. Sherstyanoe delo = Sheep. Goats. Wool business. 2017;(4):35-37 (In Russ.).
Androsova Nadezhda L.,
Felik Svetlana V., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Antipova Tat'yana A., Doctor of Technical Sciences
The Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gerber Yu. B., Kalinovskaya T. V., Porotova E. Yu., Branovitskaya T. Yu., Kaledina M. V. Prospects for using Zizyphus jujuba mill puree as an ingredient in the food industry

P. 54-57 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.013

Key words
jujube fruits, apple fruits, puree, pectin

The article presents studies on the evaluation of the functional and technological properties of jujube (Zizyphus jujuba mill) puree grown on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula as a possible promising functional ingredient in the food industry. The organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of puree from two varieties of jujube (Karamelka and Dikiy) were determined: soluble solids, mass fraction of moisture, acidity, content of total sugars after inversion. As reference samples, apple puree of Florina and Golden varieties was used. It has been established that, in terms of quality, jujube puree meets the requirements for fruit fillers for the food industry. The samples had pleasant organoleptic characteristics, almost identical to applesauce. However, jujube-based puree had a denser and thicker texture. The dry matter content of jujube puree of both varieties was 2.6 times higher than that of apple puree, and the total content of dietary fiber was almost 2 times higher. Puree from jujube fruits had a higher nutritional value: the content of ascorbic acid was from 63 to 75 mg, the amount of sugars after inversion was from 18.5 to 25%. It is noted that due to the high fiber content of jujube sugars are absorbed more slowly, which is reflected in the glycemic index of the fruit - 27 units. Protopectin of jujube is more resistant to heat treatment. Studies have shown that jujube fruit puree, unlike apple fruit puree, contains more than 55% low-esterified pectin. This indicator can significantly affect the process of structure formation when combining jujube puree or powder with other food raw materials when developing new product formulations. The results obtained indicate that jujube puree contains a significant amount of biologically active substances in its composition, which will make it possible to use it in various food industry technologies, create a new range of products using natural sugars, antioxidants, and increased biological and nutritional value.

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Gerber Yuriy B., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Kalinovskaya Tat'yana V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Porotova Elena Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Branovitskaya Tat'yana Yu., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University,
4, Vernadskogo avenue, Simferopol, Russia, 295007, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kaledina Marina V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
V.Ya. Gorin Belgorod State Agrarian University,
1, Vavilova str., Maisky village, Russia, 308503, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Semenova E. S., Simonenko E. S., Manuylov B. M., Kopytko M. S.Mare's milk is a promising raw material for the creation of baby food products with functional properties

P. 58-61 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.014

Key words
mare's milk, whey proteins, children food

The issue of child nutrition in the context of improving the health of the younger generation is relevant and requires the search for new effective methods. The use of mare's milk for the creation of baby food is a promising direction, associated not only with the uniqueness of the protein composition of milk, but also with its high immunobiological characteristics. In this review, the composition of mare's milk is considered and compared with human and cow's milk, taking into account the main protein fractions in terms of whey proteins, the lack of which has an impact on slowing down the growth and development of children, reducing physical and mental activity, and resistance to various diseases. Whey proteins have high functional activity and great biological potential. The main part of all milk whey proteins is alfa-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin. The exception is human breast milk, where beta-lactoglobulin is absent. In addition, the whey protein fraction contains significant amounts of immunoglobulins and lactoferrin, which contribute to the formation of the immune defense of the child's body in the early stages of development. Among the milk of many species of mammals, mare's milk is chemically closest to human milk, so it is also used to feed people with various health conditions, such as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, intestines, skin, disorders of the immune system, and oncopathology. The present study describes the rich composition, antibacterial and antiviral properties of mare's milk. Given the high nutritional and biological value of mare's milk, the topic of creating unique baby food products not only with high medical and biological characteristics, but also with targeted therapeutic and prophylactic properties is relevant and promising, since it allows solving a whole range of tasks that meet the requirements of modern industry: expansion domestic food production, the development of the production of specialized food products, the creation of a new unique technology for processing raw materials, the creation of new Russian safe children's and medicinal foods with improved properties.

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Semenova Elena S.,
Simonenko Elena S.,
Manuylov Boris M., Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Kopytko Margarita S.
Òhe Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
48, Moscow str., Istra, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kazantsev E. V., Kondratiev N. B., Osipov M. V., Petrova N. A., Lavrukhin M. A.Influence of packaging and temperature on the safety of foamy confectionery products structure

P. 62-66 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.015

Key words
pastille products, chemical composition, moisture transfer processes, preservation factors, storage

Ensuring long-term storage of pastille products while maintaining their structure and freshness, as well as without changing the taste properties, is an urgent task for manufacturers. During storage, such products are subject to physical transformations as a result of dehydration or syneresis, surface moistening, changes in nutritional values. Important factors influencing the formation of the foamy structure of marshmallow and marshmallow are pH, ionic strength of the marshmallow mass, the ratio of macromolecules of biopolymers. Management of these indicators allows you to adjust the structure, texture of pastille confectionery products, which helps to increase their shelf life. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of the thickness of packaging materials and storage conditions on the safety of pastille confectionery. Marshmallow samples were studied using agar (Chile). Marshmallow samples were packed in a polypropylene film 20 µm, 30 µm, 40 µm thick, 140x140 mm in size. Storage of marshmallow samples was carried out under stable conditions at 18 °C and a relative humidity of 50%. The study of the influence of the thickness of the polypropylene film on the rate of moisture transfer of marshmallow was carried out. During the storage of marshmallow, made using agar (Chile), packed in a polypropylene film with a thickness of 40 microns, at a temperature of 18 °C, the mass fraction of marshmallow moisture decreases by 1.5 abs.% from 23.4 to 21.9%, and at a storage temperature of 28 °C by 3.3 abs.% from 23.4 to 20.1%. With an increase in storage temperature to 28 °C, the rate of moisture migration increases by 2.1 times. It has been established that the rate of moisture migration is determined by the storage temperature of the samples, the thickness of the packaging film used, as well as the relative humidity gradient between the environment and the atmosphere inside the marshmallow packaging. The regularities identified in this study, which determine the safety of marshmallows, will make it possible to more effectively manage the processes of moisture migration and, consequently, the shelf life.

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Kazantsev Egor V.,
Kondrat'ev Nikolay B., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Osipov Maxim V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Petrova Natal'ya A.,
Lavrukhin Mikhail A.
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Confectionery Industry - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
20, Elektrozavodskaya str., Moscow, 107023, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kondratenko V. V., Petrov A. N., Kondratenko T. Yu.Development of a method for determination the optimum enzymes concentration based on the fermentation dynamics analysis

P. 67-74 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.016

Key words
optimal concentration, enzyme, fermentation dynamics, enzyme kinetics, algorithm

The effect of rhamnogalacturonanliase and cellulase enzyme concentration of on dynamics of enzymatic transformation for sugar beet pulp cell wall matrix has been studied. Based on an experimental data analysis, it have been studied the approaches to determining the enzymatic process main kinetic constants and their dynamics during the fermentation process. A Lineweaver-Berk transformation of the data showed that the "linearized" dependences of the enzymatic process rate on substrate concentration, expressed in inverse coordinates, have a non-linear form and, therefore, cannot be approximated by a straight-line equation. By extrapolation of the obtained dependencies towards the ordinate axis, it was established that there is just a single value of the maximum rate for the enzymatic process (Vmax) within each enzyme concentration. At the same time a continuous increasing of the Michaelis constant during the entire period of the enzymatic process has been established. It indicates a continuous decrease in the efficiency of the enzymatic process. An increase in the concentration of enzymes contributes to a monotonous increase in Vmax. Primary and secondary optimality criteria are proposed to determine the optimal enzyme concentration. The primary criterion is based on a combined assessment of Vmax, Michaelis constant and enzyme concentration. Its minimum value corresponds to the optimum. The secondary criterion is based on the comparison of the growth rate of Vmax with the growth rate of the enzyme concentration in relation to the indicators of the system with minimum concentration. Its maximum value corresponds to the optimum. It has been experimentally established that the optimal enzyme concentration for rhamnogalacturonan lyase is 0.1%, and for cellulase is 0.2%. As a result of the research, it has been developed a method for determining the optimal concentration of enzymes. This method is based on the fermentation dynamics analysis. Based on the method, an algorithm for its implementation has been developed. The developed method is effective for lyase and hydrolase enzymes, and, possibly, can be effective for other groups of enzymes. Presumably, the method can be effective for other groups of enzymes as well.

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27. Kulish E. I., Tuktarova I. F., Chernova V. V., Kolesov S. Â. Study of the process of enzymatic cleavage of chitosan in acetic acid solution. Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta = Bulletin of Bashkir University. 2013;18(3):688-690 (In Russ.).
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30. Hewitt S. H., Ali R., Mailhot R., Antonen C. R., Dodson C. A., Butler S. J. A simple, robust, universal assay for real-time enzyme monitoring by signaling changes in nucleoside phosphate anion concentration using a europium(iii)-based anion receptor. Chemical Science. 2019;10(20):5373-5381. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1039/c9sc01552c.
31. Jepsen S. T., J?rgensen T. M., S?rensen H. S., Kristensen S. R. Real-Time Interferometric Refractive Index Change Measurement for the Direct Detection of Enzymatic Reactions and the Determination of Enzyme Kinetics. Sensors. 2019;19(3):539. Doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/s19030539
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Kondratenko Vladimir V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Petrov Andrey N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of RAS,
Kondratenko Tatyana Yu.
Russian Research Institute of Canning Technology - Branch of Gorbatov Research Center for Food Systems,
78, Shkolnaya str., Vidnoe, Moscow region, 142703, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Terent'ev S. E., Bogatyreva T. G., Labutina N. V. Formulation design and adjustment of wheat-barley bread technology based on biotransformation of barley flour

P. 75-79 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.017

Key words
wheat flour, barley flour, homofermentative lactic acid bacteria, biotransformation, barley sourdough

The article presents the results of a study on the development of wheat-barley bread technology. The production of bread and bakery products is one of the main and steadily developing branches of the food industry, which produces food products of daily demand. The most important task of the baking industry is not only the uninterrupted provision of the population with bread and the improvement of its quality, but also the expansion of its assortment. The fundamental directions for expanding the range of bakery products are to increase the nutritional and biological value, the use of various non-traditional raw materials containing significant amounts of vegetable protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, micro and macro elements. In baking, barley is used, as a rule, only in a mixture with rye or wheat, because. when kneaded in its pure form, barley flour gives a low-elastic, heavy dough with low gas-holding capacity, which is why the bread is small in volume with undeveloped porosity. This is due to the presence of a large amount of mucous substances and the properties of gluten. A feature of the gluten complex of barley is the slow process of its formation. In order to form a bound mass of dough, a high temperature of the introduced water and a longer time for maturation of the dough are required. The formation of the recipe is based on the methods of biotransformation of barley flour using a combination of acid-forming microorganisms. A series of test laboratory baking was carried out using as the main raw material wheat flour from durum wheat with the addition of barley flour in different relatios: 60:40; 70:30. At the same time, 30% of barley flour was introduced when kneading the dough in the form of a semi-finished lactic acid product. A mixture of homofermentative lactic acid bacteria was used as starter cultures in the preparation of barley sourdough. In the course of the research, the most effective fermentation technologies for semi-finished products, proofing parameters for dough pieces, and baking modes for bakery products were selected. The criterion for evaluating the developed technology was the quality indicators of barley sourdough, dough, baked product samples, as well as the indicator of the resistance of bakery products to microbiological spoilage during storage.

1. Bogatyreva T. G. Bioconversion of plant raw materials. Germany: Lambert Publishing House, 2017. 72 p. (In Russ.)
2. Bogatyreva T. G., Labutina N. V., Belyavskaya I. G., Bykovchenko T. V., Tolmacheva I. P. Method of preparation of barley-milk sourdough. Russia patent RU 2540015 Ñ1 Russian Federation, MPK, À21D 8/04 (2006.01) C12N 1/20 (2006.01). 2015.
3. Mudretsova-Viss K. A., Dedyukhina V. P., Maslennikova E. V. Fundamentals of Microbiology: textbook. Moscow: INFRA-M, 2014. 354 ð. (In Russ.)
Terent'ev Sergey E., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Smolensk State Agricultural Academy,
10/2, Bolshaya Sovetskaya str., Smolensk, 214000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bogatyreva Tat'yana G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Labutina Natal'ya V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Marhunova À. M., Kulakouskaya V. I., Simonenko S. V. Natural fermentation beverages on grain raw materials: innovations, technologies, solutions

P. 80-84 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.018

Key words
triticale, triticale malt, grain raw materials, chlorella microalgae, natural fermentation drinks on grain raw materials

Currently, in the Republic of Belarus, and throughout the world as a whole, there is a significant problem of improper and unbalanced nutrition of the population. The main trends in the structure of nutrition remain an increase in the proportion of simple sugars, fats, insufficient intake of certain vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and other components, which negatively affects human health. In this connection, an increase in the diet of grain products or grain-based products will allow you to correct the state of the nutritional status, thereby enriching the body with the necessary vitamins and macro- and microelements. One of the promising food products are natural fermented beverages based on grain raw materials, contributing to the formation of correct and healthy eating habits, expanding the diet and maintaining the harmonious development of the body. The study of the domestic market shows that the demand for high-quality and natural drinks with the presence in their composition of components from vegetable raw materials in combination with carbohydrates and other flavoring natural components tends to increase. The article considers the production of triticale malt from domestic promising triticale varieties, as well as non-traditional raw materials intended for the manufacture of natural fermentation beverages on grain raw materials. The technological modes of obtaining tritical malt are scientifically substantiated, its main organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters are established. Natural fermented beverages were made on grain raw materials and their professional tasting evaluation was carried out. The components included in the drinks: concentrated juice bases, aqueous extracts of aromatic components, chlorella microalgae, tritical malt made it possible to obtain natural fermentation drinks on grain raw materials, balanced in their sensory profile and enriched with vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for the healthy functioning of the human body. The developed drinks have increased nutritional and biological value and original organoleptic characteristics, meet modern consumer requirements and take into account the main trends in the development of healthy nutrition.

1. Gusakov V. G. The main provisions of the Doctrine of food security of the Republic of Belarus. Agrarnaya ekonomika = Agrarian Economics. 2017;(3):2-14 (In Russ.).
2. Antonenko M. N. The Republic of Belarus - 25 years of creation and achievements Agro-industrial complex. Architecture and urban planning. Belarus on the world stage. Minsk: Beloruskaya navuka, 2020. Vol. 4. P. 12-13 (In Beloruss.).
3. Strategy for improving the quality and safety of food products in the Republic of Belarus until 2030: developed by Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on food. Approved by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Resolution No. 74 of December 27, 2018). Minsk, 2019. 16 p. (In Beloruss.)
4. Science, nutrition and health: textbook. Part 1. Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2021. 346 p. (In Beloruss.)
5. Science, nutrition and health: textbook. Part 2. Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2021. 536 p. (In Beloruss.)
6. Gusakov V. G. Competitive development of the production of healthy food products in the food industry enterprises of Belarus. Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2018. 367 p. (In Beloruss.)
7. Ablameyko S. V. Results of a comprehensive forecast of scientific and technological progress of the Republic of Belarus for 2021-2025 and for the period up to 2040. State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of the Scientific and Technical sphere. Minsk: BelISA, 2020. 92 p. (In Beloruss.)
8. Kobelev K. V. Scientific substantiation and development of innovative technologies of grain-based beverages and their identification; thesis of Ñandidate of Technical Sciences. All-Russian Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry - Branch of the V. M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems of RAS. 2018. 306 p.
9. Shelegova N. A. Technology of low-alcohol beverages based on the extraction of spicy aromatic herbs with viburnum juice. Àbstract dissertation of Ñandidate of Technical Sciences. Mogilev: Mogilev State University of Food, 2012. 17 ð.
10. Guzhel' Yu. A. Development of technology and commodity evaluation of fermentation beverages obtained with the addition of pine needles extract. Àbstract dissertation of Ñandidate of Technical Sciences. Kemerovo: Kemerovo Technological Institute of food industry, 2014. 16 p.
11. Morgunova E. M. Development of technology of brewing malt from triticale, zoned in the Republic of Belarus. Àbstract dissertation of Ñandidate of Technical Sciences. Mogilev: Mogilev Technology Institute, 2000. 17 p.
12. Mikulinich M. L. Technology of polysolt extracts from a three-component composition based on barley and naked oats with the addition of wheat, rye and triticale; thesis of Ñandidate of Technical Sciences. Mogilev: Mogilev State University of Food, 2017. 156 p.
13. Muhametov E. M., Kazanina M. A., Tulikova L. K., Makaseeva O. N. Technology of polysolt extracts from a three-component composition based on barley and naked oats with the addition of wheat, rye and triticale. Minsk: Dizajn-PRO,1996. 60 ð. (In Beloruss.)
14. Morgunova E. M. The use of natural extracts of increased biological value - the basis for the formation of consumer properties of new fermentation beverages. Pischevaya promyshlennost': nauka i tehnologii = Food industry: science and technology. 2013;(2):10-15 (In Russ.).
Marhunova Elena M., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kulakovskaya Viktoriya I.
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Food,
29, Kozlova str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences
The Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Simonenko E. S., Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Kudryashova O. V. Desserts: conceptual aspects of use and development

P. 85-87 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.019

Key words
dessert, food perception, raw material basis, consumer value

The concept of dessert refers to food products that, by organoleptic and physico-chemical properties, occupy a certain place in the daily food intake. Dessert is most often associated with the completion of lunch or dinner, but dessert products can be consumed between main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner). A food product included in the diet as part of traditional meals, or individually used as a snack, carries a specific functional load, which is determined by its type (shape) and certain properties (physicochemical, organoleptic, physiologically functional). Special forms of organizing public catering are children's meals in educational preschool and school institutions, sports and recreational institutions, for which daily food sets are regulated and standard menus are created. Quite often, developed and actually existing ones include a variety of food products, including desserts. The article provides information on a number of food products positioned as desserts with a description of the raw materials used for their production. For the most clear understanding of the problem considered in the article, the authors present such concepts as: dessert and dessert product with common features and differences characteristic of them. Dessert - a food product or dish that completes the traditionally established meals, or is used between traditional meals, contributing to the relaxation of the sensations of heaviness associated with the food consumed; the manifestation of a sense of satisfaction with the process of eating and its completeness; manifestation of a state of psycho-emotional peace. Dessert product - a food product that acts as a dessert, or is used between traditional meals as an independent product, endowed with properties that contribute to the ease of food perception of the food consumed and the emergence of a feeling of pleasure. However, the name alone does not allow us to consider the products in relation to the main function and characteristic properties. The presence in the food product of the properties characteristic of a dessert product can only be confirmed after the consumption of the product according to a subjectively or objectively assessed reaction of the body.

1. SanPiN 2.3/2.4.3590-20 Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of public catering (cited 2022 Jule 26). URL: https://docs.cntd.ru/document/566276706 (In Russ.).
2. SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering of students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education (cited 2022 Jule 26). URL: https://docs.cntd.ru/document/902113767 (In Russ.).
3. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Simonenko E. S., Vainerman E. S., Antipova T. A., Sedova A. E. Consumer value of a food product - how to understand it in the aspect of product development. Mezhdunarodniy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy zhurnal = International Research Journal. 2019;8-1(86):62-67 (In Russ.).
4. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Shahaylo N. A., Antipova T. A., Felik S. V., Simonenko E. S. Terminology issues in the study of organoleptic perception of food products. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2017;(12):35-37 (In Russ.).
5. SCIENCE - PRODUCTION. Informatsionniy bulleten' = Newsletter. 2011;(2):62.
6. Food Ingredients Business. Moscow: Formula, 2022. No. 6 (87). 56 p.
Simonenko Elena S.,
Zolotin Aleksander Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Kudryashova Olga V.,
The Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abramov V. O., Bayazitov V. M., Kamler A. V., Fedulov I. S., Nikonov R. V., Simonenko S. V., Simonenko E. S. Study of the influence of ultrasound on the process of extraction of polyphenols from grape seeds

P. 88-92 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.020

Key words
extraction, polyphenols, ultrasound, intensification, optimization

Polyphenols are a group of useful substances, which can be used to prevent various serious diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, inflammation and cancer. It has been proven that more than 8000 types of polyphenols are found naturally in plant foods (fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, etc.). Among the raw materials for the extraction of polyphenols, of particular interest are food industry waste, which can be used as a cheap source of nutrients. Taking into account the growing demand for natural antioxidants, it was decided to investigate the technology of the impact of ultrasonic oscillations on the extraction process using the example of obtaining polyphenols from grape seeds treated after direct pressing of grape juice. To carry out the experimental part and determine the effect of ultrasonic oscillation on the extraction efficiency, an experimental ultrasonic reactor was designed and manufactured with an operating radiation frequency of 33.5 kHz and an average acoustic pressure of 0.4 to 0.5 MPa. The main purpose of the ultrasonic reactor was the equal dissemination of acoustic waves throughout the treated volume and equal processing of the grape seeds due to the mixing forces generated in the reactor. At the same time, a chamber equipped with a heat-exchange casing, connected with a heater and a cooler, made it possible to maintain the process temperature in the range from 30 to 40 °C. During the study, it was found that an increase in the processing time and the intensity of the applied oscillations provides a non-linear increase in the mass of the extracted substance, and the positive effect is formed due to the mechanisms of stretching and compression, as well as the secondary effects of cavitation and pulsation inherent in the process of ultrasonic processing of materials. The optimal value of the treatment time, at which the maximum production of polyphenols was observed, equals 60 minutes, with a specific power of fluctuations equal to 26.4 W/L. A further increase in power and processing time was not economically justified. The visual data on the color of the concentrates obtained during the experiment also corresponded to the discovered dependencies.

1. Abramova (Kamler) A. V., Bayazitov V. M., Fedulov I. S., Nikonov R. V., Sister V. G. and Cravotto G. Influence of Acoustic Oscillations on Continuous-Flow Water Disinfection. In: Processes 8. 2020:1259.
2. Vanamala J. Food systems approach to cancer prevention. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2017;57(12):2573-2588. https://doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2015.1028023.
3. Hassan H. A., Edrees G. M., El-Gamel E. M., Elsayed E. A. Amelioration of cisplantin-induced nephrotoxicity by grape seed extract and fish oil is mediated by lowering oxidative stress and DNA damage. Cytotechnology. 2014;66(3):419-429. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10616-013-9589-8
4. Feng L.-L., Liu B.-X., Zhong J.-Y., Sun L.-B., Yu H.-S. Effect of grape procyanidins on tumor angiogenesis in liver cancer xenograft models. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2014;15:737-741.
5. Silvan J. M., Mingo E., Martinez-Rodriguez A. J. Grape seed extract (GSE) modulates Campylobacter pro-inflammatory response in human intestinal epithelial cell lines. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 2017;28(5):739-753. https://doi.org/10.1080/09540105.2017.1312292
6. Ranjitha C. Y., Priyanka S., Deeppika R., Smitha Rani G. P., Sahana J., Prashith Kekuda T. R. Antimicrobial activity of grape seed extract. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2014; 3(8):1483-1488.
7. Rasines-Perea Z., Teissedre P.-L. Grape polyphenols effects in human cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Molecules. 2017;22(1):68. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules22010068
8. Ganjali Z., Javadian F., Estakhr J., Heidari A. Anti-lipidimic and anti-hyperglycemic properties of methanolic extracts of grape seed in diabetic rats. International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 2012;4(3):173-175.
Abramov Vladimir O., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Bayazitov Vadim M., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kamler Anna V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Fedulov Igor S.,
Nikonov Roman V.
N.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of RAS,
31, Leninsky avenue, Moscow, 119991, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Simonenko Elena S.
The Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kopytko M. S., Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Kudryashova O. V.Method of organoleptic evaluation of food products

P. 93-95 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.021

Key words
food product, organoleptic evaluation, organoleptic evaluation coefficient, profilogram

Any food product will be in demand if it is of value to the consumer. The development of food products of potentially high consumer value as a mandatory operation includes an organoleptic assessment of the objects of development. At the stage of product development, an intermediate organoleptic evaluation of product prototypes and a final organoleptic evaluation of the product are given. The final assessment should be carried out by testers mainly recruited from among potential consumers. The article describes the method of organoleptic evaluation of a food product adapted to the evaluation categories natural and understandable for the consumer. The method was developed using elements of the point method and the method of scales used in organoleptic analysis. The testers evaluate the product in points expressed in whole or fractional numbers in the range from 2 - "unpleasant" to 5 - "pleasant". Intermediate scores are set intuitively, according to the degree of approximation of the assessment to one or another boundary evaluation category of the hedonic range. The evaluation results are presented in the form of a profilogram inscribed in the reference profilogram. The reference profilogram is a regular polygon inscribed in a circle. The number of sides (vertices, corners) of the polygon corresponds to the number of testers who took part in organoleptic tests. The diameter of the circle is equal to the upper limit of the accepted estimated range (five units). The product is evaluated according to the calculated coefficient of organoleptic evaluation, which quantitatively reflects the degree of approximation of the area of the real profilogram of the organoleptic evaluation of the product to the area of the reference profilogram. A higher numerical value of the coefficient corresponds to a higher organoleptic score. The coefficient varies in the range from zero to one. The evaluation of the product according to the described method is reduced to two points: assigning an evaluation score to the product in the range from two (unpleasant) to five (pleasant) by each tester based on the results of tasting the product; determination of the coefficient of organoleptic evaluation according to the proposed calculation formula. The proposed method reflects the essence of the selection process, which consists in an unconscious continuous analysis of possible evaluation options, followed by a reflection of the choice in the form of an arbitrary number on the accepted interval of the numerical axis, which reduces the probability of identical evaluations of various objects, or one object by various tests.

1. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Simonenko E. S., Vainerman E. S., Antipova T. A., Sedova A. E. Consumer value of a food product - how to understand it in the aspect of product development. Mezhdunarodnyi nauchno-issledovatel'skii zhurnal = International Research Journal. 2019;8-1(86):62-67 (In Russ.).
2. GOST ISO 5492-2014 Organoleptic analysis Moscow: Standartinform, 2015. 51 p. (In Russ.)
3. Baranov S. A., Evdokimov I. A., Gordienko L. A., Shral'ko M. I. The effect of whey protein microparticulate on the indicators of fermented milk drinks. Molochnaya promyshlennost' = Dairy industry. 2020;(9):59-61 (In Russ.).
4. Semushkina M. S., Morozova V. V. Development of technologies for hard cheese Montasio with truffle. Pererabotka moloka = Milk processing. 2020;(2):96-97 (In Russ.).
5. Zavorokhina N. V., Bogomazova Yu. I., Feofilaktova O. V. The use of the descriptor-profile method of tasting analysis in the development of whey drinks. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2019;(7):50-53 (In Russ.).
6. Zaychenko D. A., Ryabova K. S. Water treatment in the production of non-alcoholic isotonic beverages. Pischevaya promyshlennost'. Nauka i tekhnologii = Food industry. Science and technology. 2019;12/2(44):24-30 (In Russ.).
7. Andreev M. P., Morozov I. O. Development of fish jelly technology from kelp broth. Innovations in the technology of healthy food products. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferenciya = International Scientific conference. Kaliningrad: Publishing house FGBOU VO "KGTU", 2016. P. 13-19 (In Russ.).
Kopytko Margarita S.,
Solotin Aleksander Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Kudryashova Olga V.,
Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of FRC of nutrition and biotechnology,
48, Moscow str., Istra, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yurova E. A., Anan'eva N. V.The specifics of the control of specialized milk-based food products with improved nutritional properties

P. 96-100 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.022

Key words
specialized milk-based products, vitamin B12, iron, high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection, optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma

The category of specialty foods is represented by a diverse assortment, developed taking into account the health status, metabolic characteristics and age of the population for which it is intended. The most common form of such products is dry mixes enriched with vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances, or traditional products from which allergenic components have been removed. The heterogeneity of the composition and properties of specialized products requires a special approach to quality and safety control. In addition to confirming the compliance of products with the regulatory framework, proof of distinctive features is necessary. Control methods used in wide practice do not take into account a number of factors that affect the reliability of data obtained in the analysis of this type of product. For example, the presence of additional technological operations in the production process, the multicomponent nature of the food matrix, and the critically low content of functional ingredients complicate the identification of the analyzed substances. Sample preparation of samples of specialized products selected for research should include full extraction and maximum stability of the substances to be detected. It is necessary to use highly sensitive techniques that allow quantitative analysis of minor native components and those used for enrichment, in particular, the method of high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. The prevalence of products enriched with vitamins and minerals requires the development and introduction into laboratory practice, first of all, of highly selective methods for measuring these components, with an emphasis on sampling and preparing samples for testing. The article presents the results of the development of methodological approaches to the determination of vitamins (B12) and microelements (iron) added for enrichment purposes in the composition of dry formulas for baby food. To determine vitamin B12, the method of high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection was used. The iron content was determined by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. Measurement accuracy is confirmed using analytical standards. The developed methods make it possible to determine the constituent components, to carry out production control, to confirm the declared effectiveness of specialized milk-based food products, taking into account the composition and food matrix.

1. Agarkova E. Yu, Kruchinin A. G., Ryazanceva K. A., Pryanichnikova N. S. Enzymatic processing as a tool for imparting functional properties to whey proteins. Agrarno-pischevye innovacii = Agro-food innovation. 2019;4(8):81-88 (In Russ.).
2. Rozhkova I. V., Leonova V. A., Begunova A. V. Postbiotics as potential components of fermented milk products with functional properties. Molochnaya promyshlennost' = Dairy industry. 2022;3:16-18 (In Russ.).
3. Zobkova Z. S., Fursova T. P., Zenina D. V., Gavrilina A. D., Shelaginova I. R. Development of technology for a fermented milk product enriched with proteins and vegetable polyphenols. Pererabotka moloka = Milk processing. 2018;7(225):36-39 (In Russ.).
4. Ryazanceva K. A., Korosteleva M. M. The market for functional products enriched with whey ingredients. Molochnaja promyshlennost' = Dairy industry. 2021;1:30-33 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.31515/1019-8946-2021-01-30-32.
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Yurova Elena A., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Anan'eva Natal'ya V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Dairy Research Institute,
35, bld. 7, Lyusinovskaya str., Moscow, 115093, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ostrikov A. N., Kleymenova N. L., Bolgova I. N., Kopylov M. V. On the issue of identifying white and brown linseed oil

P. 101-105 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.023

Key words
linseed oil, white seed, brown seed, vitamins, fatty acid composition

Scientific and practical interests are functional products obtained from white and brown linseed oil. Thanks to its rich fatty acid and vitamin composition, linseed oil has become attractive for human health. Unsaturated fatty acids were found in linseed oil samples: white seed - 18.38% and brown seed - 10.35%. The content of saturated fatty acids in white seed linseed oil is 79.13%, brown seed - 89.4%. The presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the product helps to reduce cholesterol in human blood. Polyunsaturated acids must enter the human body. When comparing linseed oils, the amount of oleic acid was found to be 6.55% more in white seed oil, linoleic acid was 36.77% more in white seed oil, and the content of alpha-linolenic acid, on the contrary, was higher in brown seed oil by 53.6%. Thus, the ratio of fatty acids Omega-6/Omega-3 was: for brown seed linseed oil 0.28:1; white seed - 64.84: 1. The content of vitamins E, A, K, B4, B6 and beta+gamma, delta-tocopherols has been established in linseed oil. The content of vitamin E in flaxseed oil is 38.9-38.94 mg% of white seed, 37.81-37.84 mg% of brown seed, 9.29-9.33 µg% of brown seed vitamin K, white seed - 8.97-8.99 mcg%, vitamin A of brown seed - 21.79-21.83 mcg%, white seed - 22.33-22.37 mcg%. Vitamins B4 and B6 were found in the studied oils. The fractional composition of linseed oil tocopherols was analyzed and beta+gamma-tocopherols, delta-tocopherols were identified, while no significant differences were found in the values of white and brown seed oils. The physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of flaxseed oil from brown and white seeds were determined, and differences in values were found in terms of acid and color numbers, mass fraction of moisture and volatile substances. Linseed oil of white and brown seeds can be recommended for creating blends with a balanced fatty acid profile.

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21. Ostrikov A. N., Kleimenova N. L., Bolgova I. N., Kopylov M. V., Zheltoukhova E. Yu. Control of the qualitative and quantitative composition of vitamins and tocopherols of various types of vegetable oils. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2021;10:92-95 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2021.10.10.005.
Ostrikov Alexander N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Kleymenova Natal'ya L., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Bolgova Inessa N., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kopylov Maxim V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies,
19, Revolution avenue, Voronezh, Russia, 394036, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Shchebetova E. I., Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Simonenko E. S. Principles of the development of food products of potentially high consumer value

P. 106-109 DOI: 10.52653/PPI.2022.11.11.024

Key words
principles of development, food product, potentially high consumer value, structure of consumer value

This publication sets out the principles of the development of food products of potentially high consumer value, formulated on the basis of the results of the study of the problem of coupling the process of product development with the final result of development, which is to ensure high consumer demand for a product that acts as a denotation of high consumer value of the product. Consumer value is considered through its structure as a set of six structural elements: agreeableness - correlation of organoleptic perception and consumer's perception of the pleasantness of the product; utility - correlation of declared nutritional value, energy value, functional properties of the product and consumer's ideas about the usefulness, uselessness or harmfulness of food; safety - consumer's belief in the safety of the product; storage capacity - customer satisfaction with the stated shelf life and storage conditions of the product; aesthetics is the emotional positivity of the perception of the product packaging, cost is satisfaction with the costs of purchasing and using the product. Thirteen principles of development are formulated in the development of previously proposed methodological approaches to the development of food products: differentiation of components (structural elements) of consumer value with the allocation of priority and deferred components at the initial and intermediate stages of product development with the induction of components at the final stage of development; a priori analysis of ingredients in the aspect of possible consumer associations with the value of the product; priority of the choice of ingredients focused on the formation of organoleptic parameters of the product, potentially providing a positive organoleptic perception; maximizing the use of natural ingredients; minimizing the complexity of the composition of the product, allowed by the concept of its development; critical attitude to the enrichment of products; critical attitude to the enrichment of products; using the results of representative surveys as an obligatory component of product development; prompt consumer evaluation of the product being developed; unconditional use of the principle of variability of development algorithms; limited use of mathematical models of evaluation and optimization; regional orientation of development; minimizing the use of imported ingredients; minimizing the use of genetically modified objects (GMOs). Each principle is presented in the form of a summary of its essence in terms of possible practical use. The stated principles are the basis of the methodology.

1. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Simonenko E. S., Vaynerman E. S., Antipova T. A., Sedova A. E. Consumer value of a food product - how to understand it in the aspect of product development. Mezhdunarodniy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy zhurnal = International Research Journal. 2019;8-1(86):62-67 (In Russ.).
2. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Kopytko M. S. Consumer value of a food product and systemogenesis of production. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2020;(10):38-40 (In Russ.).
3. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Simonenko E. S. The role of ingredients in the formation of consumer value of a food product. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2020;(3):29-33 (In Russ.).
4. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Antipova T. A. Aspects of the development of food products with adequate consumer value. Pischa. Ekologiya. Kachestvo = Food. Ecology. Quality. 2020:249-252 (In Russ.).
5. Zolotin A. Yu., Simonenko S. V., Kopytko M. S. Methodological approaches to the development of food products with high consumer value. Pischevaya promyshlennost' = Food industry. 2020;(10):35-37 (In Russ.).
Schebetova Ekaterina I.,
Zolotin Aleksander Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Simonenko Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Simonenko Elena S.
Research Institute of Baby Food - Branch of FRC of nutrition and biotechnology,
48, Moscow str., Istra, Moscow region, 143500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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