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Rambler's Top100

Food processing Industry №11/2020

Heads of Agrarian Departments of the SCO Member States Discussed Cooperation in the Field of Agriculture

Results of the "Golden Autumn-2020": the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia presented the achievements of the Russian agro-industrial complex and outlined further steps to develop the industry

Anniversary exhibition "Agroprodmash-2020" surpassed expectations


Aisina A.M., Kostyleva E.V., Sereda A.S., Velikoretskaya I.A., Tsurikova N.V.Effectiveness of the complex enzyme preparation xyloreezin k4 in lingonberry juices production

P. 8-11 Key words
Trichoderma reesei, endoglucanase, xylanase, pectinase, lingonberry

Lingonberry juice is a promising raw material for functional therapeutic and prophylactic products. The application of enzyme preparations (EP) possessing cellulase, xylanase, and pectinase activities in berry pulp processing contributes to an increase in juice yield, the most complete hydrolysis of the cell structures, and the maximal extraction degree of beneficial nutrients. A highly active mutant Trichoderma reesei Co-44 strain producing xylanase and endoglucanase was obtained in All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology. Optimization of the fermentation medium allowed to increase pectinase activity in the culture liquid and obtain complex EP Xyloreezin K4 possessing cellulase, xylanase, and pectinase activities. The effectiveness of EP Xyloreezin K4 in lingonberries juice production was evaluated by the yield of juice and the content of the most valuable biologically active components: vitamin C, benzoic acid, anthocyanins, and phenolic substances, in comparison with the composition Brewzyme BGX + Pectinex Ultra Clear. The obtained data showed that Xyloreezin K4 effectiveness is on the same level with the complex of commercial EP in such indicators as juice yield, the content of vitamin C, benzoic acid, and phenolic substances. When using Xyloreezin K4 in processing of quick-frozen and fresh lingonberry, the juice yield increased by 14 and 25 %, respectively, compared to the control (without EP), the content of benzoic acid increased by 53 % and 40 %, respectively, vitamin C concentration - by 62 and 50 %, respectively, the content of total phenolic substances - by 15-17 %. The content of anthocyanins in lingonberry juice when using Xylorizin K4 increased by 17-19 % compared to the control without EP, while the lingonberry processing with the Brewzyme BGX + Pectinex Ultra Clear complex allowed to increase this indicator by only 8-10 %.

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4. Sereda AS, Kostyleva EV, Tsurikova NV, Velikoretskaya IA, Aysina AM. Obrabotka sir'ya dlya polucheniya spirtovannikh sokov klyukvi s primeneniem novogo fermentnogo preparata Xylorizin K4 [Processing of raw materials to produce alcoholized cranberry juice using the new enzyme preparation Xylorizin K4]. Perspectivnie tekhnologii i metodi kontrolya v proizvodstve spirta i spirtnikh napitkov: sbornik nauchnikh trudov po materialam mezhdunarodnogo nauchno-practicheskogo seminara [Perspective technologies and control methods in production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages. Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the International scientific and practical seminar]; edited by IM Abramova, EM Serba. Moscow, 2019. P. 158-164 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.18334/9785907063549.158-164
5. Abramova IM, Morozova SS, Golovacheva NE, Gallyamova LP, Shubina NA. Effektivnost' primeneniya fermentnykh preparatov dlya obrabotki plodovo-yagodnogo syr'ya pri prigotovlenii polufabrikatov dlya likerovodochnykh izdeliy [The effectiveness of the use of enzyme preparations for processing fruit and berry raw materials in the preparation of semi-finished products for alcoholic beverages]. Pishchevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2018. No. 11. P. 86-90 (In Russ.).
6. Kurbatova EI. Razrabotka biotekhnologicheskogo protsessa polucheniya polufabrikatov likerovodochnykh izdeliy na osnove fermentativnoy obrabotki plodovo-yagodnogo syr'ya [Development of a biotechnological process for the preparation of semi-finished products of alcoholic beverages based on the enzymatic processing of fruit and berry raw materials]; Dissertation Abstract of Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow: All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology of RAS, 2006. 25 ð. (In Russ.)
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13. Sinitsyn AP, Tsurikova NV, Kostyleva EV, Sereda AS et al. Shtamm mitselial'nogo griba Trichoderma reesei K4 - produtsent kompleksa endoglyukanazy, ksilanazy i pektinaz dlya polucheniya belkovykh dobavok na osnove zernovogo i zernobobovogo syr'ya dlya primeneniya v kormoproizvodstve [The strain of mycelial fungus Trichoderma reesei K4 - a producer of a complex of endoglucanase, xylanase and pectinases for protein supplements based on grain and leguminous raw materials for use in feed production]. Russia patent RU 2696074 C1.2019 (In Russ.)
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16. GOST R 52052 2003. Produkty pererabotki plodov i ovoshchey. Metod opredeleniya massovykh doley sorbinovoy i benzoynoy kislot s pomoshch'yu vysokoeffektivnoy zhidkostnoy khromatografii [State Standard R 52052 2003. Products of processing fruits and vegetables. Method for determination of mass fractions of sorbic and benzoic acids using high performance liquid chromatography]. Moscow: Gosstandart of Russia, 2003. 12 p. (In Russ.)
Aysina Alina M.,
Kostyleva Elena V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Sereda Anna S., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Velikoretskaya Irina A.,
Tsurikova Nina V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Food Biotechnology - Branch of the Federal Research Center of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
4B, Samokatnaya str., Moscow, 111033, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Begunova A.V., Rozhkova I.V., Shirshova T.I., Krysanova Ju.I. The Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cholesterol Level Reduction

P. 12-15 Key words
cholesterol level, probiotic strains, lactic acid bacteria, bile salts hydrolase

The analysis of the literature data related to impact of lactic acid bacteria on cholesterol level reduction is presented in the article. The analysis showed that cholesterol is the basic risk factor in the origin of cardio-vascular diseases. Intestine microbiota plays very important role in cholesterol metabolism. Lactic acid bacteria entering with food interact with the other members of the intestinal microbiome. The fermented dairy products which compose probiotic microorganisms and relay to the functional products possess antihypertensive, antitumor, antioxidant immunomodulating properties as well as reduce cholesterol level. The intestine contains quiet sufficient amount of strains with probiotic properties and provides with deoxycholic acid reduction that in turn allows to reduce cholesterol level in whey and reduce the risk of cardio-vascular diseases initiation. It has been shown that the level of deoxycholic acid removal from MRS-broth containing 1 mM of deoxycholic acid by different strains at anaerobic incubation makes up from 1,6 to 28,9 % and depends on the strain. The investigation of Tanaka H. et al showed that the activity of bile salts hydrolase is extended in Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus but is absent in L. lactis, L. mesenteroides and S. thermophilus but the mechanism of regulation of bile salts hydrolase activity has not been studied yet. Screening of different strains by evaluation of their ability to reduce cholesterol level is necessary for characterization of the strains probiotic potential. It is very important for the development of fermented dairy products and directional effect preparations usage of which can promote the reduction of cholesterol level.

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Begunova Anna V.,
Rozhkova Irina V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Shirshova Tat'yana I., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Krysanova Yuliya I.
All-Russian Dairy Research Institute (VNIMI),
35, Lusinovskaya str., Moscow, 115093, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abramova I.M, Kalinina A.G., Golovacheva N.E., Morozova S.S., Gallyamova L.P., Shubina N.A.Study of the biological effect of whiskey in comparison with a solution of an aqueous-alcoholic solution of a similar strength on animals in an experiment

P. 16-19 Key words
alcoholic beverages, whisky, the accelerated technology of production of whiskey, ethyl alcohol from food raw materials, intoxication of the living organism, withdrawal syndrome

The purpose of this study was to assess the effect on laboratory animals (mongrel rats) of samples of whiskey: prepared in laboratory conditions using accelerated technology, and production obtained from the enterprise by blending a grain whiskey distillate aged for 3 years (experimental groups), in comparison with water-alcohol a solution of rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials "Lux" of the same strength (control group). The study was carried out on male rats weighing 230-250 g, which had not previously had contact with alcohol. After forced intoxication with alcoholic beverages, the state of the animals was assessed according to the following criteria - weight loss during the period of the introduction of drinks, death of animals both against the background and during the period of alcohol withdrawal, some cognitive functions and endurance. Based on the above studies, it was found that the weight loss of animals in the control group differed with the two types of whiskey with varying degrees of reliability. Ethyl alcohol withdrawal symptoms were more favorable in animals intoxicated with whiskey. Active behavior when tested in the "Open Field" setting was largely preserved in the same groups of animals, while in the control group it significantly decreased. A similar orientation of the values took place in relation to the physical endurance of animals - when tested on a rotating rod. It has been suggested that a number of components of whiskey can help reduce toxicity in comparison with an aqueous-alcoholic solution of rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials "Lux" of similar strength.

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14. Khvorost OP, Maliy VV, Serbin AG, Yakovleva LV. Ellagovaya kislota, rasprostranennost' v rastitel'nom mire i aspekty biologicheskogo deystviya [Ellagic acid, prevalence in the plant world and aspects of biological action]. Provizor [Pharmacist]. 1998. No. 22. P. 36-37 (In Russ.).
15. Fenol'nie antioksidanty [Phenolic antioxidants]. [Internet]. Available from: http://www.antioxidant.mya5.ru/fenolnye-antioksidanty/
Abramova Irina M., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Kalinina Anna G., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Golovacheva Natal'ya E., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Morozova Svetlana S., Candidate of Ñhemical Sciences,
Gallyamova Lyubov' P.,
Shubina Natal'ya A.
Russian Scientific Research Institute of Food Biotechnology - Branch of Federal Research Center of Food, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
4B, Samokatnaya str., Moscow, 111033, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Agarkova E.Yu., Sherstneva N.E.The relevance of obtaining antihypertensive peptides from whey

P. 20-23 Key words
proteins, antihypertensive activity, functional products, hydrolysis, biologically active peptides

In the food industry, functional food products have recently become of particular interest. This is due to the desire for a healthy lifestyle and, consequently, the growing demand for healthy food. The use of bioactive peptides is promising in the food industry as food preservatives and nutraceuticals, as well as as natural medicines in the pharmaceutical industry. Biologically active peptides obtained from milk proteins by hydrolysis play an important role in human health and nutrition. Interest in these peptides is quite high, since milk proteins are available in large quantities. This article provides an overview of research in the field of antihypertensive properties of proteins. According to the results of the review, the key factor for obtaining peptides with a high level of ACE inhibitory action is the choice of a suitable enzyme. Numerous studies on spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), as well as on volunteers with hypertension, have been conducted to determine the antihypertensive effects of food-derived ACE inhibitors. These in vivo studies have shown that certain ACE-inhibiting peptides significantly reduce blood pressure. Therefore, ACE inhibiting peptides should be used as an initial treatment in people with moderate hypertension or as an additional treatment. They can also be an inexpensive alternative treatment for hypertension. Another advantage is the fact that these peptides have not been associated with harmful side effects. It was also found that the enzyme trypsin is preferred for producing hydrolysates with high ACE-inhibiting activity. Fractionation of hydrolysates contributes to an increase in ACE inhibiting activity, since peptides with a low molecular weight exhibit an increased hypotensive effect.

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13. Begunova AV, Rozhkova IV, Zvereva EA, Glazunova OA, Fyodorova TV. Molochnokislye i propionovokislye bakterii: formirovanie soobshchestva dlya polucheniya funkcional'nyh produktov s bifidogennymi i gipotenzivnymi svojstvami [Lactic acid and propionic acid bacteria: community formation for functional products with bifidogenic and hypotensive properties]. Prikladnaya biohimiya i mikrobiologiya [Applied Biochemistry and Microbio-logy]. 2019. Vol. 55. No. 6. P. 1-12 (In Russ.).
14. Korolyova OV, Agarkova E Yu, Botina SG, Nikolaev IV, Ponomaryova NV, Mel'nikova EI, Haritonov VD, Prosekov A Yu, Krohmal' MV, Rozhkova IV. Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya gidrolizatov syvorotochnyh belkov v tekhnologii kislomolochnyh produktov [Prospects for the use of whey protein hydrolysates in fermented milk technology]. Molochnaya promyshlennost' [Dairy industry]. 2013. No. 7. P. 66-68 (In Russ.).
15. Zhang QX, Wu H, Ling YF, Lu RR. Isolation and identification of antioxidant peptides derived from whey protein enzymatic hydrolysate by consecutive chromatography and Q-TOF MS. Journal of Dairy Research. 2013. Vol. 80. P. 367-373.
16. Murray B, FitzGerald R. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Peptides Derived from Food Proteins: Biochemistry, Bioactivity and Production. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2007. Vol. 13 (8). P. 773-791.
17. Hernandez-Ledesma B, Davalos A, Bartolome B, Amigo L. Preparation of antioxidant enzymatic hydrolyzates from a-laktal'buminctalbumin and b-lactoglobulin. Identification of peptides by HPLC-MS/MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2005. Vol. 53. P. 588-593.
18. Zhou D, Zhu B, Lu Q, Wu H, Li D, Yang J et al. In vitro antioxidant activity of enzymatic hydrolysates prepared from abalone (Haliotis discus hannai Ino) viscera. Food and Biopro-ducts Processing. 2012. Vol. 90. P. 148-154.
19. Bougatef A, Nedjar-Arroume N, Ravallec-Ple R, Leroy Y, Guillochon D, Barkia A, Nasri M. Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activities of sardinelle (Sardinella aurita) by-products protein hydrolysates obtained by treatment with microbial and visceral fish serine proteases. Food Chemistry. 2008. Vol. 111 (2). P. 350-356.
20. Costa EL, Almeida AR, Netto FM, Gontijo JaR. Effect of intraperitoneally administe-red hydrolyzed whey protein on blood pressure and renal sodium handling in awake spontaneously hypertensive rats. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 2005. Vol. 38 (12). P. 1817-1824.
21. Pan D, Guo Y. Optimization of sour milk fermentation for the production of ACE-inhibitory peptides and purification of a novel peptide from whey protein hydrolysate. International Dairy Journal. 2010. Vol. 20. P. 472-479.
22. Tavares TG, Contreras MM, Amorim M, Pintado M, Recio I, Malcata FX. Novel whey-derived peptides with inhibitory effect against angiotensin-converting enzyme: In vitro effect and stability to gastrointestinal enzymes. Peptides. 2011. Vol. 32. P. 1013-1019.
23. Tavares TG, Monteiro KM, Possenti A, Pintado ME, Carvalho JE, Malcata FX. Antiulcerogenic activity of peptide concentrates obtained from hydrolysis of whey proteins by proteases from Cynara cardunculus. International Dairy Journal. 2011. Vol. 21. P. 934-939.
24. Abubakar A, Saito T, Kitazawa H, Kawai Y, Itoh T. Structural analysis of new antihypertensive peptides derived from cheese whey protein by proteinase K digestion. Journal of Dairy Science. 1998. Vol. 81. P. 3131-3138.
25. Otte J, Shalaby SMA, Zakora M, Nielsen MS. Fractionation and identification of ACE-inhibitory peptides from a-lactalbumin and b-casein produced by thermolysin-catalysed hydrolysis. International Dairy Journal. 2007. Vol. 17 (12). P. 1460-1472.
Agarkova Evgeniya Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Sherstneva Natal'ya E.
All-Russian Dairy Research Institute,
35, building 7, Lyusinovskaya str., Moscow, 115093, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nikitina E.V., Vafina A.I., Petrova T.A.The effect of Lactobacillus plantarum AG10 on the textural characteristics of fermented skim milk

P. 24-27 Key words
Lactobacillus plantarum AG10, non-fat dairy product, viscosity, storage

Texture is one of the most important factors determining the attractiveness of a fermented milk drink, especially for drinks with a reduced fat content or with its absence. One of the approaches for correcting the viscosity of skimmed beverages can be the introduction of starter strains forming a thicker sour-milk gel. The purpose of the study was to study the rheological (viscosity, resistance), thixopotropic properties (loss of viscosity, coefficient of mechanical stability) of fat-free dairy products fermented by the strain Lactobacillus plantarum AG10. A viscosity study was carried out under conditions of a change in the rotor speed, and the indicators of the Ostwald-de-Waale power law model were calculated. The thixotropic indicators of skimmed milk drinks are analyzed. It was revealed that the resistance of the product fermented by L. plantarum AG10 was higher than that of the sample fermented by Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus; practically the parameter did not change during storage (14 days). The mechanical stability coefficient of the L. plantarum AG10 sample was more than 2 times higher during the storage period than of the control sample. The skim milk product fermented by L. plantharum AG10 was formed high-viscosity milk-protein gel structure. That structure exhibits high mechanical stability not only immediately after manufacture, but also during 14 days of storage. A comprehensive analysis of the textural characteristics of a skimmed fermented milk showed that the strain L. plantharum AG10 can use in the technology of a low fat dairy products for manufacture of a thick skimmed product. The stability of the product makes it attractive to manufacturers, allowing to increase shelf life of product. The consumer can get a non-fat dairy product with high texture characteristics.

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3. Peng Y, Serra M, Horne DS, Lucey JA. Effect of Fortification with Various Types of Milk Proteins on the Rheological Properties and Permeability of Nonfat Set Yogurt. Journal of Food Science. 2009. Vol. 74 (9). P. 666-673.
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6. Lee WJ, Lucey JA. Rheological properties, whey separation, and microstructure in set-style yogurt: Effects of heating temperature and incubation temperature. Journal of Texture Studies. 2003. Vol. 34 (5-6). P. 515-536.
7. Fiszman SM, Salvador A. Effect of gelatine on the texture of yoghurt and of acid-heat-induced milk gels. Zeitschrift f?r Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Forschung. 1999. Vol. 208 (2). P. 100-105.
8. Nikitina EV, Yurtaeva TA, Gamula OO. Himicheskie svojstva i organolepticheskie harakteristiki obezzhirennogo jogurta s dobavleniem fermentno modificirovannyh krahmalov [Chemical, textural and sensory properties of non-fat yogurt with addition of enzymatic modified starch]. XXI vek: itogi proshlogo i problemy nastoyashchego plyus [XI century: Resumes of the Past and Challenges of the Present plus]. 2019. Vol. 8 (4). P. 147-152 (In Russ.).
9. Zhua Y, Wanga X, Pana W, Shenb X, Hec Y, Yina H et al. Exopolysaccharides produced by yogurt-texture improving Lactobacillus plantarum RS20D and the immunoregulatory activity. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019. No. 121. P. 342-349. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.09.201.
10. Li C, Song J, Kwok L, Wang J, Dong Y, Yu H et al. Influence of Lactobacillus plantarum on yogurt fermentation properties and subsequent changes during postfermentation storage. Journal of Dairy Science. 2017. No. 100. P. 2512-2525. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2016-11864. 11. Gavrilova E, Anisimova E, Gabdelkhadieva A, Nikitina E, Vafina A, Yarullina D et al. Newly isolated lactic acid bacteria from silage targeting biofilms of foodborne pathogens during milk fermentation. BMC Microbiology. 2019. No. 19. P. 248. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12866-019-1618-0.
Nikitina Elena V., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Vafina Adel I.,
Petrova Tat'yana A.
Kazan' National Research Technological University,
8/31, Tolstoy str., Kazan', Russia, 420015, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gernet M.V., Gribkova I.N.Influence of processing plant raw materials biocatalytic methods on the phenolic compounds extraction

P. 28-32 Key words
brewer spent grain, brewer spent grain composition, biocatalytic methods, phenolic compounds, anthocyanogens

The brewing industry produces large volumes of secondary raw materials, one of which is brewer's spent grain. This secondary raw material resource is a rich source of useful compounds if the deep physical and chemical processing principles are applied. The application of the biocatalysis principles in combination with physical treatment, as shown by preliminary studies, contribute to the extraction of polyphenolic substances of different molecular weight. The research was aimed at obtaining safe extracts of polyphenolic substances in the fermentation beverages technology by a complex method, including the use of cytolytic nature biocatalysts together with electro-activated water physical treatment. To achieve this goal, three various compositions cytolytic biocatalysts were used together with katalite pretreatment with a pH of 9.6. Analysis of the polyphenolic substances content in the extract from the shot during its treatment with biocatalyst No. 1 showed an increase in the content of polyphenols by 60 % after 2 hours, and anthocyanogens - by 3.5 times compared to the sample treated only by katalite. The obtained result allowed us to assume that the presence of pectolytic enzymes together with cytolytic ones allows the greatest release of bound polyphenolic compounds of brewer's spent grain. Biocatalysts No 2 and 3 increased the polyphenols content in extracts by 45-46 % and anthocyanogens - by 2.9 times and 11 %, respectively, but for 4-6h of biocatalysis. The using MEKs, which consist of different ratios biocatalysts No 1 and 2, did not give a significant result.

1. Batischeva NV. Innovacionnie sposobi utilizatcii pivnoi drobini [Innovative ways of recycling of brewer's grains]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Tehnicheskie nauki [Scientific review. Technical Science]. 2016. No. 6. P. 10-14 (In Russ.).
2. Petrov SÌ, Pivnova EP. K voprosu o sposobah utilizacii pivnoj drobiny [To the question of ways to dispose of brewer's spant grain]. Pivo i napitki [Beer and Drinks]. 2014. No. 6. P. 32-37 (In Russ.).
3. Volotka FB, Bogdanov VD. Tekhno-logicheskaya I himicheskaya harak-teristika pivnoj drobiny [Technological and chemical characteristics of brewer's spant grain]. Izvestiya dalnevostochnogo federalnogo universiteta ekonomika i upravlenie [Bulletin of the Far Eastern Federal Univercity. Economics and Management]. 2013. No. 1. Vol. 65. P. 114-124 (In Russ.).
4. Kedelbaev BSh, Esimova AM, Tisibaeva ShB. Pivnaya drobina perspektivnoe syre dlya polucheniya ksilita [Brewer's spant grain are a promising raw material for producing xylitol]. Sovremennye tendencii razvitiya nauki I tekhnologij [Modern trends in the development of Science and Technology]. 2015. No. 6. Vol. 3. P. 67-70 (In Russ.).
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11. Mense NGT, Martins S, Teixera JA. Influence of extraction solvents on the recovery of antioxidant phenolic compounds from brewer's spent grain. Separation and Purification Technology. 2013. Vol. 108. P. 152-158.
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17. Gernet ÌV, Gribkova IN. Vliyanie fiziko-himicheskih metodov obrabotki rastitelnogo-syrya na izvlechenie fenolnyh soedinenij [Influence of physical and chemical methods of processing plant raw materials on the extraction of phenolic compounds]. Pischevaja promishlenost' [Food industry]. 2020. No. 7. P. 44-47.
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Gernet Marina V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Gribkova Irina N., Candidate of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine-making Industry - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems RAS,
7, Rossolimo str., Moscow, 119021, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kolonchin K.V.Target guidelines for the long-term development of the fishery complex of. Part I

P. 34-40 Key words
fishery complex, country's economy, agro-industrial complex, measures of state support

The fishery complex is a system-forming sphere of the country's economy, which forms the fish market, food and economic security of Russia. Deep understanding by the state of the nature of the development of all elements of the system, taking into account their complexity, uncertainty and instability of global trends in the extraction of aquatic biological resources in the face of climate change and the growth of the Earth's population. The main water areas that provide most of the extracted biological resources are concentrated in the Far East and the Northern fish basin, the Western and other basins occupy an insignificant segment of the extraction of aquatic biological resources. The insufficient level of fish consumption in Russia is associated with low incomes of a significant part of the population, but this problem concerns not only Russia, it also affects industrially developed countries. The following factors should be attributed to the main institutional restrictions on entrepreneurial activity in the fishery sector: administrative barriers in the registration of activities for the development of their own business and the conclusion of contracts associated with the duration and cost of the necessary procedures; the tax burden and the availability of soft loans and other means of state support; the implemented state policy and principles of allocation of quotas for the extraction of aquatic biological resources, the availability of the necessary natural resources for doing business.

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5. Grigor'ev LM, Pavljushina VA. Social'noe neravenstvo v mire: tendencii 2000-2016gg [Social inequality in the world: trends 2000 2016]. Voprosy ekonomiki [Problems of Economics]. 2018. No. 10.
6. Kapeljushnikov RI. Komanda T. Piketti o neravenstve v Rossii: kollekcija statistiches-kih artefaktov [Piketty's team on inequality in Russia: a collection of statistical artifacts]. Voprosy ekonomiki [Problems of Economics]. 2020. No. 4.
7. Parajs Filipp Van, Jannik Vanderborht. Bazovyj dohod. Radikal'nyj proekt dlja svobodnogo obshhestva i zdorovoj jekonomiki [A radical project for a free society and a healthy economy]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola ekonomiki [Higher School of Economics], 2020. 440 p.
8. Stiglic D. Velikoe razdelenie. Neravenstvo v obshhestve, ili Chto delat' ostavshimsja 99?% naselenija? [The Great Division. Inequality in society, or What should the remaining 99?% of the population do?]. Moscow: Eksmo. 2016. 480 p.
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13. Grejf A. Instituty i put' k sovremennoj jekonomike. Uroki srednevekovoj torgovli [Institutions and the path to the modern economy. Lessons of medieval trade]. Moscow: Vysshaja shkola ekonomiki [Higher School of Economics], 2013. 106 p.
14. Adzhemoglu D, Robinson DA. Pochemu odni strany Bogatye, a drugie Bednye. Proishozhdenie vlasti, procvetanija i nishhety [Why some countries are rich and others are poor. The origin of power, prosperity and poverty]. Moscow: AST, 2015. 402 p.
Kolonchin Kirill V., Candidate of Economic Sciences
All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography,
17, Verkhnyaya Krasnoselskaya str., Moscow, 107140, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Makeeva I.A., Stratonova N.V., Pryanichnikova N.S., Belyakova Z.Yu.Heuristic approaches to national dairy products identification and monitoring

P. 41-43 Key words
heuristics, identification, monitoring, classification, national dairy product

The concept of "National Dairy Products" is regulated at the level of the Eurasian Economic Union without specifying specific products types, their identification characteristics and production features. The aim of the research was to develop the conceptual foundations of the "Russian national dairy product" concept, including a multifaceted identification and monitoring system, using heuristic forecasting. This approach is based on the collection, systematization and analysis of expert opinions from a wide range of scientists and specialists in various aspects. The first of them was the historical aspect, based on a retrospective analysis of the traditional milk processing methods by the population of the territory of the modern Russian Federation and features of the industrial dairy products production. The development of monitoring system for national dairy products (NDP) is based on a scientifically based range of NDP with established distinctive characteristics. Multidimensional analysis of NDP identification includes classification and terminology issues, raw materials aspect, quality and safety requirements, control and technological support issues, as well as the specifics of NDP labeling, which makes it possible to distinguish these products from similar ones on the shelf. The formation of NDP monitoring system will not only preserve authentic Russian dairy products, raw materials and technologies and stimulate the high-quality dairy products production and consumption, but also ensure the implementation of the NDP export potential.

1. Sazonov AA. Osobennosti primeneniya e`vristicheskogo prognozirovaniya v oblasti e`kspertny`x ocenok [Features of the use of heuristic forecasting in the field of expert assessments]. Sbornik materialov LVI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Pod obshhej redakciej Chernova S.S. [Collection of materials of the LVI International scientific and practical conference. Under the general editorship of Chernov S.S.]. Novosibirsk: Centr razvitiya nauchnogo sotrudnichestva [Center for the Development of Scientific Cooperation], 2017. P. 222-226 (In Russ.).
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9. Vasiljevic T, Shah NP. Probiotics - from Metchnikoff to bioactives. International Dairy Journal. 2008. No. 18 (7). P. 714-728. DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj. 2008.03.004
10. Evershed R, Temple NÐ. Sorting the beef from the bull. The Science of Food Fraud Forensics. Moscow: Al'pina Publisher, 2016. 392 p.
11. Mohamadi Sani A, Rahbar M, Sheikhzadeh M. Traditional Beverages in different countries. Milk-Based Beverages. 2019. P. 239-272. DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-815504-2.00007-4
12. Bel`mer SV. Kislomolochnye produkty: ot istorii k sovremennosti [Fermented milk products: from history to modern times]. Rossijskij vestnik perinatologii i pediatrii [Russian bulletin of perinatology and pediatrics]. 2019. No. 64 (6). P. 119-125. DOI: 10.21508/1027-4065-2019-64-6-119-125 (In Russ.).
13. Ryabova AE, Mikhailova IY, Gilmanov KhKh [et al.] Approbation of PCR-RFLP and AS-PCR methods for genotyping cattle by the DGAT1 gene. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Science. 2019. Vol. 3. No. 435. P. 60-66. https://doi.org/10.32014/2019.2518-170X.68
14. Pazzola M, Dettori ML, Pira E, Noce A, Paschino P, Vacca GM. Effect of polymorphisms at the casein gene cluster on milk renneting properties of the Sarda goat. Small Ruminant Research. 2014. No. 117 (2-3). P. 124-130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2013.12.004
15. Bar Cornelia, Mathis D?borah, Neuhaus Patrick et al. Protein profile of dairy products: Simultaneous quantification of twenty bovine milk proteins. International Dairy Journal. 2019. Vol. 97. p. 167-175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idairyj.2019.01.001
Makeeva Irina A., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Stratonova Natal'ya V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Pryanichnikova Nataliya S., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Belyakova Zinaida Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Research Institute of Dairy Industry,
35, building 7, Lyusinovskaya str., Moscow, 115093, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Belyaeva M.A., Prusova, D.A.Planning and mathematical processing of experimental results of the process of heat treatment of meat semi-finished products with additives of marine origin

P. 44-47 Key words
planning, based aquamin, combined heating, minced meat semi-finished products

The article presents the results of planning an experiment for heat treatment of chopped meat semi-finished products using electrophysical heating methods (IR and microwave heating). Optimal modes and optimal composition of meat minced semi-finished product were selected by varying both the ingredient composition and by selecting the technological parameters of heating, which had the highest organoleptic evaluation of the finished semi-finished product, reduced mass loss and energy consumption for the thermal process. Aquamine, a powder made from red seaweed, was used as food additives to enrich meat minced semi - finished products with mineral components that have a preventive value. Aquamine has a different degree of grinding. When adding aquamine to chopped meat semi-finished products, the finished product acquires an aroma, a pleasant taste, a uniform consistency, and if you use aquamine with various dry mixtures and spices, such as dry powder of onion, garlic, bell pepper, tomato, the aroma is enhanced, the smell and taste are improved. The results of the planned experiment of the combined heat treatment process allowed their mathematical statistical processing. The mathematical model makes it possible to optimize the process and control temperature conditions with improved quality indicators of meat chopped semi-finished products. Prospects for the development and implementation of modern technologies for creating a new product and thermal process are largely determined by the creation of new methods for their calculation and mathematical models that take into account the statics of the heat treatment process and make constructive decisions in the creation of appropriate devices.

1. Belyaeva MA. Patent ¹ 2352161 po zayavke ¹ 2007112473 ot 04.04.2007 na izobretenie "Sposob proizvodstva myasnyh rublenyh polufabrikatov s dobavleniem myasnogo poroshka" [Method of production of minced meat semi-finished products with the addition of meat powder].
2. Belyaeva MA, Bezotosova OK. Patent na izobretenie ¹ 2016131786 ot 02.08.2016. Sposoby teplovoj obrabotki myasnyh polufabrikatov s ispol'zovaniem sovremennyh elektrofizicheskih metodov nagreva [Methods of heat treatment of semi-finished meat products using modern electrical heating methods].
3. Belyaeva MA. Sistemnyj analiz tekhnologij i biznes-processov v myasnom proizvodstve [System analysis of technology and business processes in meat production]. Moscow: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. 386 p.
4. Slevin et al. Supplementation with calcium and short chain fructo oligosaccharides affects markers of bone turnover but not bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. Journal of Nutrition. 2014. No. 144 (3). P. 297-304.
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7. Frestedt et al. A natural mineral supplement provides relief from knee osteoarthritis symptoms: a randomized controlled pilot trial. Nutrition Journal. 2008. No. 7. P. 9.
8. Frestedt et al. A natural seaweed derived mineral supplement (Aquamin F) for knee osteoarthritis: a randomised, placebo- controlled pilot study. Nutrition Journal. 2009. No. 8. P. 7.
9. Murphy et al. The marine derived, multimineral formula AquaPT, reduces TNF? levels in osteoarthritis patients. Journal of Nutrition Health & Food Science: in press. 2014.
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11. Aslam et al. A mineralrich red algae extract inhibits polyp formation and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract of mice on a high fat diet. Cancer Therapies. 2010. No. 9 (1). P. 93-99.
12. Aslam et al. A Multi Mineral Rich Natural Product inhibits Colon Polyp Formation in Healthy Mice on a High Fat Diet. Nutrition in Cancer. 2012. No. 64 (7). P. 1020-1028.
13. Aviello et al. A mineral extract from Red Algae Ameliorates Chronic Spontaneous Colitis in IL?10 Deficient Mice in a Mouse Strain Dependent Manner. Phytotherapy Research. 2013. No. 28 (2). P. 300-304.
Belyaeva Marina A., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Prusova Dar'ya A., graduate student
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
36, Stremyanniy lane, Moscow, 117997, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kondrat'ev N.B., Kazantcev E.V., Rudenko O.S., Osipov M.V., Petrova N.A.On the question of the influence of properties of packaging materials on the rate of moisture transfer when storing jelly marmalade

P. 48-51 Key words
jelly, packaging material, moisture content, water activity, moisture transfer rate

Packaging is the most important factor in the preservation of confectionery products of a jelly-like consistency, including jelly marmalade. The influence of polypropylene film of various thicknesses used for packing jelly marmalade on the moisture transfer process during storage has been studied. The objects of research were samples of jelly marmalade made on various types of pectin and packed in a polypropylene film with a thickness of 20, 30, 40 microns. By varying the thickness of the polypropylene film used to package the marmalade, the rate of moisture transfer can be controlled. For example, as the film thickness is increased from 20 ?m to 30 ?m, the relative moisture transfer rate decreases by about 25%. With an increase in the thickness of the film from 20 microns to 40 microns, the moisture loss during storage of jelly marmalade decreases by 44%. The chemical composition of products has a significant effect on the rate of moisture transfer. When replacing apple pectin with citrus, the rate of moisture transfer increases when using a polypropylene film with a thickness of 30 and 20 microns. It was found that for 10 weeks of storage, the mass fraction of moisture for jelly marmalade made using apple pectin and packed in a polypropylene film with a thickness of 20 microns decreased by 1.6% from 22.1% to 20.5%, and when using a film with a thickness 40 microns only by 0.9% - from 22.1% to 21.2%. The mass fraction of moisture of marmalade, packed in a film with a thickness of 40 microns, made using 15% molasses, on citrus pectin during storage decreased for 10 weeks by 0.9%, while when using packaging with a thickness of 20 microns, there was a decrease in the mass fraction of moisture by 2.2%. The obtained patterns can be used to improve the technology for the manufacture of confectionery products with a gelatinous consistency.

1. Karocho M, Morales P & Ferreyra ISFR. Natural food additives: Quo vadis? Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2015. No. 45. P. 284-295.
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3. Ribeyro-Santos R, Andrade M, Melo NRD & Sanches-Sil'va A. Use of essential oils in active food packaging: Recent advances and future trends. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2017. No. 61. P. 132-140.
4. Robertson GL. Food packaging: Principles and practice (3rd ed.). Boka-Raton: CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, 2012.
5. Gupta RK & Dudezha P. Food packaging. In: Food Safety in the 21st Century. 2017. P. 53.
6. Broudi AL, Bugusu B, Khan DzhKh, Sand, KK & Mak-KH'yu TKh. Innovative food packaging solutions. Journal of Food Science. 2008. No. 73. P. 16.
7. Daynelli, Gontard, Spiropulos, Zondervan-van den Beken i Tobbek, 2008.
8. Chaudri K, Skotter M, Blekbern Dzh, Ross B, Boksoll A, Kasl L, Uotkins R. Applications and implications of nanotechnologies for the food sector. Food Additives and Contaminants. 2008. No. 25. P. 241-258.
9. Mikhindukulasuriya, SDF & Lim LT. Nanotechnology development in food packaging: a review. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2014. Vol. 40. No. 2. P. 149-167.
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11. Runi ML, Rubio AL, Al'menar E, Mun'os PKh, Lagaron DzhM. Introduction to active food technologies. Innovations in Food Packaging. Oxford, 2005. P. 63-79.
12. Katala R, Gavara R. Overview of Active Polymer-Based Packaging Technologies for Food Applications. 2004. No. 20. P. 357-387.
13. Tarasyuk VT, Strokova NE, Sazhnev NA, Prokopenko AV, Kil'deyeva NR. Study of fast electron irradiation effect on the structure and surface of polyamide/polyethylene/ethylene vinyl acetate film material using the uelr 10-10-40 plant. Food systems. 2018. Vol. 1. No. 4. P. 10-18.
14. Avilova SV, Korniyenko VN, Gryzunov AA, Vankova AA. An effect of storage and transportation temperature on quantitative and qualitative composition of microflora of plant products. Food systems. 2019. Vol. 2. No. 4. P. 42-47.
15. Kondrat'ev NB, Kazantsev EV, Savenkova TV. Vliyaniye upakovki na skorost' vlagoperenosa pri khranenii sakharnogo pechen'ya [The influence of packaging on the rate of moisture transfer during storage of sugar cookies]. Konditerskoye i khlebopekarnoye proizvodstvo [Confectionery and bakery production]. 2018. No. 5-6. P. 12-13 (In Russ.).
16. Kondrat'ev NB, Kazantsev EV, Osipov MV, Petrova NA, Rudenko OS. Issledovaniye protsessa vlagoperenosa v pryanikakh s fruktovoy nachinkoy, izgotovlennykh s ispol'zovaniyem razlichnykh vidov modifitsirovannogo krakhmala [Investigation of the moisture transfer process in gingerbread cookies with fruit filling made using various types of modified starch]. Khraneniye i pererabotka sel'khozsyr'ya [Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials]. 2019. No. 4. P. 35-43 (In Russ.).
Kondratyev Nikolay B., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Kazantcev Egor V.,
Rudenko Oxana S., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Osipov Maxim V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Petrova Nata'ya A.
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Confectionery Industry - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
20, building 3, Electrozavodskaya str., Moscow, 107023, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tulyakova T.V., Shibanov E.I., Shibanova A.A.An enrichment of food using organic iodine for prophylaxis of thyroid illness

P. 52-57 Key words
enrichment, iodine deficiency, iodine, thyroid gland, prevention, sausage product

It is known that the lack of iodine in the human diet leads to the appearance of thyroid diseases, lagging physical and mental development of children, reduced memory, mental performance, depression and problems with reproductive function. To prevent iodine deficiency conditions, it is advisable to enrich food products with iodine sources. Most often, this source is used as a food salt enriched with iodine salts (for example, iodide or potassium Iodate). However, the use of such a source is not always advisable, since iodine is an extremely volatile element and quickly destroyed when exposed to humidity, light and high temperatures. The authors propose the enrichment of food products of mass consumption with organic iodine of artificial origin. In order to select a popular food product among consumers, marketing research was conducted, and customer requirements for mass-consumption food products were identified and structured. The results of this study allowed us to develop the concept of a new food product of mass consumption, namely, cooked sausage products enriched with organic iodine dosed weight (600-900 g), in the development of which it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of packaging. Using a client-oriented method of designing food products and taking into account the identified consumer preferences, the formulation of a new specialized sausage product for preventive purposes was developed. As a source of iodine, iodocasein was selected and its necessary amount was calculated. To calculate the mass fraction of iodine, the average weight of a portion of a cooked sausage product was taken at 35 g and the daily rate of iodine consumption for men and women at 50 mcg. As a result, the norm was set-0.14 mg per 100 g of the finished product. Taking into account the recommended yield of the product, the average percentage of iodine in iodocasein, the norm dosage of iodkazein per 100 kg of raw materials was 2 g. For the implementation of the technology of new sausage products the traditional production technology of boiled sausage products was analyzed at one of the meat processing plant with the aim of identifying the most frequently occurring violations of the technological process, leading to decreased quality of meat products and hazardous factors that increase the risk of unsafe product. It is established that the risk of dangerous factors can be reduced to an acceptable level by using the existing meat processing plant safety management system based on the principles of HACCP, controlling the process by traditional methods. To eliminate the factors that reduce the consumer properties of the product, a method of BIC analysis of raw materials and raw ingredients was developed and implemented using the spectra Star 2200 RTW apparatus. Using the developed concept and integrated method of raw material control and product quality management at the meat processing plant, the technology of a specialized sausage product for preventive purposes, called "extra", was implemented. The results of comprehensive studies of the prototype (physical and chemical, microbiological, resource) showed that cooked sausage "Extra" meets all the necessary safety requirements, and the mass fraction of iodine remains unchanged throughout the shelf life of the product. Sausage "Extra", enriched with iodine, can be used for effective prevention of iodine deficiency conditions.

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2. Bulletin of endocrinology. 2019. Issue 2.
3. Platonova NM. Yodnyy defitsit: sovremennoye sostoyaniye problemy. Klinicheskaya i eksperimentalnaya tireoidologiya [Iodine deficiency: current state of the problem. Clinical and experimental thyroidology]. 2015. No. 1. Vol. 11 (In Russ.).
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5. Electronic resource: http://www.consultant.ru/; proyekt Federalnogo zakona "O profilaktike zabolevaniy. vyzvannykh defitsitom yoda" [draft Federal law "În prevention of diseases caused by iodine deficiency"].
6. Electronic resource https://bsmy.ru/.
7. Electronic resource https://newizv.ru/news/society/11-10-2016/247825-anastasija-semenova-naseleniju-nuzhny-vitaminy-a-ne-jod.
8. Russian patent for invention No. 2328878 "Biologically active additive and method of its preparation".
9. Russian patent for invention No. 2119952 "Method of yeast production", B. I. No. 28. 10. 10. 98.
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11. Mathison VA. Kliyentnooriyentirovannoye proyektirovaniye produktov pitaniya: monografiya (uchebnoye posobiye) [Client-oriented food design: Monograph (Textbook)]. Moscow: Izvestiya, 2016. - P. 320.
12. GOST 23670-2019 "Cooked sausage Products. Technical conditions".
13. ÒU 9229-001-79899185-07 "Complex food additive "Iodcaseine".
14. Tutelyan VA. Khimicheskiy sostav i kaloriynost rossiyskikh produktov pitaniya: spravochnik [Chemical composition and caloric content of Russian food products: reference book]. Moscow: Deli plus, 2012. P. 284 (In Russ.).
15. Tulyakova TV, Kryukova EV. Osnovy proyektirovaniya sistem menedzhmenta bezopasnosti: uchebnik [Fundamentals of designing security management systems: Textbook]. Moscow: Izvestiya, 2018. P. 280 (In Russ.).
16. Tulyakova TV, Shibanov EI. Primeneniye BIK-analiza dlya kontrolya osnovnykh i vspomogatelnykh ingrediyentov na myasopererabatyvayushchem kombinate [Application of BIK-analysis for control of main and auxiliary ingredients at a meat processing plant]. 2019. Food industry. No. 10. P. 81-84 (In Russ.).
Tulyakova Tat'yana V.,
Shibanov Egor I.
Moscow State University of Food Industry,
11, Volokolamsky highway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Shibanova Anna A.
Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation,
11c2, Novospasskiy lane, Moscow, 115172, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sidorkin V.Yu., Polivanovskaya D.V.Study of the influence of technological parameters on the rheological characteristics of rye mixes in the production of edible ethanol

P. 58-61 Key words
rye mash, temperature, stress and shear rate, effective viscosity

The development of modern energy-saving technologies for alcohol production and the creation of modern equipment for their functioning require knowledge of the rheological characteristics of the processed media. The initial processed medium of alcohol production is a mixture of crushed grain and water. The thermal treating of the mixture during technological processing changes its rheological properties significantly. Knowledge of such rheological characteristics as shear stress, shear rate and effective viscosity is necessary for hydraulic, heat and mass transfer and energy calculations of communications, equipment and automation of ethanol production lines. The conditional viscosity was evaluated in the most of the published works devoted to this problem. The conditional viscosity characterizes only changes of the solids concentration, temperature and heating duration. The viscosity data obtained in this case could not be applied for engineering calculations, since the heated mixes are non-Newtonian fluids, the flow of which depends on the speed rate, shear stress and is described by exponentiation. This was proved by us in the study of mixes from wheat. The aim of the study was investigations of the rheological characteristics of the rye mash, since 40% of raw materials in ethanol production in Russia are rye. The experiments were carried out in Russian research institute of food biotechnology - a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology". The studies were carried out using an EVIS-72S rotational viscometer in the temperature range from 40 to 90 °C. The study established the effective viscosity of the rye mashes versus the shear rate and the shear rate versus the shear stress. Identified dependencies in are non-linear similar to the trends of wheat mashes classified as pseudoplastics, the flow of which is described by a power function. It is also shown that the strength properties of rye mashes first increased with an increase in temperature from 40 to 50 °C. It can be explained by the formation of a spatial structure during the gelatinization process. Then the strength properties decreased with a further increase in temperature from 60 to 90 °C. The effective viscosity varied from 1.5 Pa·s to 580 103 Pa·s in the investigated range of shear stress from 0.1 to 76 Pa and shear rate from 0,5 to 175 s-1. In addition, it was found that the effective viscosity first increases and after reaching a maximum decreases with an increase in the shear rate. The results of the study can be used to understand the rheological processes occurring in the rye mashes during technological processing. Also they can be used for hydraulic, mass transfer and energy calculations of technological equipment for alcohol production. In addition, it is possible to use the obtained data for the development of control devices and systems for automatic control of the technological process.

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7. Abramova, IM. Osobennosti pererabotki rzhanogo syr'ya, obespechivayushchie proizvodstvo spirta s vysokimi pokazatelyami kachestva [Features of the processing of rye raw materials, ensuring the production of alcohol with high quality indicators]. Proizvodstvo spirta i likerovodochnyh izdelij [Production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages]. 2011. No. 4. P. 8-10 (In Russ.).
Sidorkin Vladimir Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Polivanovskaya Dar'ya V., graduate student
Russian Scientific Research Institute of Food Biotechnology - Branch of Federal Research Center of Food and Biotechnology,
4B, Samokatnaya str., Moscow, 111033, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Shterman S.V., Sidorenko M.Yu., Shterman V.S., Sidorenko Yu.I., Chebotareva N.I.On the modern concept of Taste of food. III. The role of consciousness in the perception of the Taste of food

P. 62-66 Key words
consciousness, Taste of food, multisensory sensations, cognitive impact, ethical principles, social environment, cost of food

As a result of research, it was proved that in the formation of Taste of food by a person, his consciousness takes an active part. One of the main reasons for this is the desire to receive satisfaction from life and food, as one of its important manifestations. The reason for the occurrence of pleasant sensations during food consumption may be information obtained as a result of processing signals from receptors of various human senses, gastrointestinal -intestinal tract, the microbiota exicting there, and other organs of the body. A feature of a person as a biological species is that its center of pleasure can be activated not only due to multisensory sensations, but also from abstract ideas. Concerning food, examples include deliberate rejection of harmful food addictions, strict adherence to established moral and ethical principles related to food, etc. It is important that the contribution of the component related to consciousness can be both positive and negative. A positive cognitive reaction to the food can result in the realization that eating healthy foods will bring future success in life. The appearance of a negative reaction of consciousness to food can occur if there is a violation of existing ethical prohibitions on food products, the consumption of which is prohibited by existing moral standards in general or at a given time, too high cost of products for this person and other factors. For many people, especially with a strong will and bright expressed motivation, the contribution of the cognitive component in the formation of the Taste of food can play a significant role. The article considers a number of specific examples of the positive and negative effects of the cognitive component on the formation of Taste of food. Human consciousness can also serve as the basis for the transformation of Taste preferences of people in the direction of healthy eating behaviour.

1. Novaya filosofskaya enciklopediya [New philosophical encyclopedia] (4 vol.). In-t filosofii Rossijskoj akademii nauk, Nacional'niy obshchestvenno-nauchniy fond [Institute of philosoophu of RAS. National Science Foundation]. Moscow: Mysl' [Think], 2010. (In Rus.)
2. Linden D. Mozg i udovol'stviya/translate from English. Moscow: Eksmo, 2012. 288 p.
3. Broderik E. Seks, igra i shokolad (udovol'stviya i pristrastiya) [Sex, game and chocolate (pleasure and addiction]/translate from English. Saint Petersburg: LLC "Strata", 2016. 270 p. (In Rus.)
4. Cryan JE, Dinan TG. Mind - altering microorganisms: the impact of the gut microbiota on brain and behaviour. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 2012. Vol. 13. P. 701-712.
5. Aljaroudi R, Horton S, Hanning RM. Acculturation and diatary acculturation among arab muslim immigrants in Canada. Canadian Journal of Dietic Practice and Research. 2019. No. 3. P. 1-7.
6. Noel C, Dando R. The effect of emotional state on taste perception. Appetite. 2015. Vol. 95. P. 89-95.
7. Gibson EL. Emotiomal influences on food choice: sensory, physiological and psychological pathways. Physiology & Behavior. 2006. Vol. 89. P. 53-61.
8. Holms B. Vkus: nauka o samom maloizuchennom chelovecheskom chuvstve [Taste: the Science of the least studied human feeling]/translate from English. 2nd edition. Moscow: Alpina Publisher, 2018. 348 p. (In Rus.)
9. Kotler P. Atmospherics as a marketing tool. Journal of Retailing. 1974. No. 49. P. 48-64.
10. Shterman SV. Produkty sportivnogo pitaniya [Sport nutrition products]. Moscow: Stolitsa [Capital], 2017. 482 p. (In Rus.)
Shterman Sergey V., Doctor of Technical of Sciences,
Sidorenko Mikhail Yu., Doctor of Technical Sciences
building 1, Obolenskoe highway, urban settlement Obolensk, Serpukhov district, Moscow region, 142273, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Shterman Valeriy S., Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Moscow State University of Food products,
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sidorenko Yuriy I., Doctor of Technical of Sciences, Professor
K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Management (PKU),
73, Zemlyanoy Val str., Moscow, 109004, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chebotareva Natalya I.
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University,
1, Lenin Hills, Moscow, 119991, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tiunov V.M., Kryukova E.V., Kokoreva L.A.Development of a gluten-free diet for children with a food allergy

P. 67-69 Key words
gluten, celiac disease, diet, gluten enteropathy, gluten-free diet

This article discusses the problems of developing a gluten-free diet for children 3-7 years old with a food Allergy to gluten studying in children's educational organizations (pre-school). Food Allergy to gluten (celiac disease) is an autoimmune disease that belongs to the group of multifactorial diseases, characterized by damage to the villi of the small intestine by food containing certain proteins-wheat grains (gliadins), rye (secalins) and barley (hordein). Since the gluten-free diet is a health prevention for people with celiac disease, a 10-day gluten-free diet was developed. The article presents the results of a study of the developed diet for children according to the following criteria: satisfaction of daily physiological norms of consumption for the main macronutrients; micronutrients; vitamins; energy value of the diet. The assessment of children's nutrition balance was carried out on the basis of SanPiN [6].

1. Kopishinskaya SV. Sovremennie predstavleniya o tseliakii [Modern ideas about celiac disease]. Kazan' medical journal. 2016. No. 1. P. 37-42 (In Russ).
2. Stroykova MV. Population screening for IgA anti-transglutaminase antibodies in the central region of Russia and the use of this assessment method for Diagnosis of Coeliac disease in children; thesis for Doctoral Degree in Medicine. 2007. P. 2-6.
3. Kondrat'eva EI, Shcherbakov PL, Bel'mer SV, Yankina GNOn the Registry of patients with coeliac disease. Siberian Bulletin of Hepatology and gastroenterology. 2007. No. 20. P. 67-68.
4. Tiunov VM, Chugunova OV, Kryukova EV. Modelirovanie organoleptitseskikh pokazateley katsestva muchnikh izdeliy iz vtorostepennikh vidov sir'ya [Modeling of organoleptic quality indicators of flour products from secondary types of flour]. Technologiya I tovarovedenie innovatsionnikh pischevikh produktov [Technology and commodity science of innovative food products]. 2016. No. 3 (38). P. 80-88 (In Russ).
5. Bel'mer SV. Sovremennie printsipy dietoterapiii tseliakii [Modern principles of diet therapy of celiac disease]. The Russian Bulletin Perinatology and Pediatrics. 2012. No 6. P. 97-100 (In Russ).
6. SanPiN Sanitarno-epidemiologicheskie trebovanija k ustrojstvu, soderzhaniju i organizatsii rezhima raboty doshkol'nyh obrazovatel'nyh organizatsij [State Standard Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of pre-school educational organizations]. Moscow: Standartinform, 2014. 25 p.
7. Ob utverzhdenii Strategii povyshenija kachestva pischevoj produktsii v Rossijskoj Federatsii do 2030 g. [Strategy for improving the quality of food products in the Russian Federation until 2030]. [Internet] [cited 2016 June 7]. Available from: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/420363999
8. Tiunov VM, Chugunova OV. Osobennosti razrabotki ratsionov pitaniya dlya lyudey s glyutenovoy enteropatiey [Features of the development of diets for people with gluten enteropathy]. Polzunovskii herald. 2019. No. 1. P. 64-70 (In Russ).
9. Tiunov VM. Ì Formirovanie kachestva muchnyh kulinarnyh izdelij na osnove muki ne soderzhaschej gljuten, i ratsiona na ih osnove [Formation of the quality of flour culinary products from flour that does not contain gluten, and the diet based on them]; thesis of Candidate of Technical Sciences. Ekaterinburg: Ural State University of Economics, 2019. 154 p. (In Rus.)
Tiunov Vladislav M.,
Kryukova Ekaterina V., Ñandidate of Technical Sciences,
Kokoreva Larisa A., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Ural State University of Economics,
62/124, 8th March str., Ekaterinburg, 620219, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Soboleva O.A., Kovaleva I.L.Hepatoprotective drinks - a new product in the line of functional wellness products

P. 70-73 Key words
plant raw materials, hepatoprotector, extract, concentration, polycomponent concentrate, soft drink, powdery concentrate

Soft drinks with health-improving and prophylactic action are becoming more widespread now. In the process of digestion in the human body, in addition to useful substances, toxins are also formed. They can come from outside, for example, with medicines. The human liver plays a major role in the detoxification of the body and the elimination of metabolites. Drinks with hepatoprotective properties are one of the areas of functional health products. This publication describes the development of such a drink. Based on the literature data, a mixture of plant raw materials was reasonably selected. It includes: hill hodgepodge, corn silk, chamomile, peppermint, string and licorice root. The mixture was subjected to water-enzymatic-alcohol hydrolysis at a temperature of 46…48 °C. The resulting extract was mixed with crystalline sugar and concentrated in a rotary film vacuum evaporator at a temperature not exceeding 50 °C. In the extract and the polycomponent concentrate on its basis, the qualitative and quantitative composition of sugars, organic acids, amino acids, macro- and microelements was determined. Analysis of the data showed the presence of nutrients in the product that are potentially capable of exhibiting hepatoprotective and health-improving properties in the human body. On the basis of the polycomponent concentrate, the soft drink "Gepaklin-1" and the powdery concentrate for the drink "Gepaklin-2" were developed. They were composed of an extract of mountain ash, cinnamon infusion and dry lingonberry juice to potentiate the functional effect and improve organoleptic properties. The biological value of the developed drinks allows us to expand the range of socially significant products with a health-improving effect.

1. Mikhaylov IB. Osnovy farmakoterapii detey i vzroslykh. Rukovodstvo dlya vrachey [Fundamentals of pharmacotherapy for children and adults. A guide for doctors]. Moscow: AST, Saint Petersburg: SOVA, 2005. P. 271 (In Russ.).
2. Pilat TP, Ivanov AA. Biologicheski aktivnyye dobavki k pishche. Teoriya, proizvodstvo, primeneniye [Biologically active food additives. Theory, production, application]. Moscow: Avvalon, 2002. P. 710 (In Russ.).
3. Veysin' TS. Entsiklopediya kitayskoy meditsiny [Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicine]. Saint Petersburg: Neva, Moscow: Olma-Press, 2002. P. 241-374 (In Russ.).
4. Sinyakov AF. Bol'shoy medoviy lechebnik. Polnaya entsiklopediya [Big honey clinic. Complete encyclopedia]. Moscow: Eksmo-Press, 2000. P. 315-331 (In Russ.).
5. Barnaulov OD. Detoksikatsionnaya fitoterapiya ili protivoyadnyye svoystva lekarstvennykh rasteniy [Detoxification phytotherapy or antidote properties of medicinal plants]. Saint Petersburg: Politekhnika, 2007. P. 19-110 (In Russ.).
6. Filonova GL, Kovaleva IL et al. Kontsentraty polikomponentnyye s fitokompleksom napravlennogo biokorregiruyushchego deystviya i napitki na ikh osnove [Polycomponent concentrates with a phytocomplex of targeted biocorrec-ting action and drinks based on them]. Pivo i napitki [Beer and drinks]. 2014. No. 2. P. 50-54 (In Russ.).
7. Filonova GL, Kovaleva IL et al. Fitokompleks syr'ya napitka "Effekt" s protivoukachivayushchim svoystvom [Phytocomplex of the raw material of the drink "Effect" with an anti-pumping property]. Pivo i napitki [Beer and drinks]. 2017. No. 1. P. 18-21 (In Russ.).
8. Kovaleva IL, Soboleva OA. Napitki biokorregiruyushchego deystviya v ratsione profilakticheskogo ozdorovitel'nogo pitaniya [Beverages biocorrecting action in the diet of preventive health food]. Pishchevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2019. No. 2. P. 23-25 (In Russ.).
9. Kovaleva IL. Kontsentrat polikomponentnyy "Prior" i napitok na yego osnove, sposobstvuyushchiy endoekologicheskomu ozdorovleniyu naseleniya [Polycomponent concentrate "Prior" and a drink based on it, contributing to endoecological improvement of the population]. Pivo i napitki [Beer and drinks]. 2018. No. 3. P. 90-92 (In Russ.).
10. Strelkov VN, Burmistrov GP et al. Tehnologija special'nyh pishhevyh produktov i issledovanija potrebitel'nyh svojstv [The special technology of food products and consumer research properties]. Pjatigorsk: RIA-KMV, 2013. P. 121-156 (In Russ.).
11. MR Rekomenduyemyye urovni potrebleniya pishchevykh i biologicheski aktivnykh veshchestv. Metodicheskiye rekomendatsii [Recommen-ded levels of consumption of food and biologically active substances. Guidelines]. (In Russ.)
12. Filonova GL, Soboleva OA et al. Tekhnologii poroshkoobraznykh smesey dlya instantirovannykh funktsional'nykh napitkov [Technologies of powdered mixtures for instantiated functional drinks]. Pivo i napitki [Beer and drinks]. 2008. No. 4. P. 36-38 (In Russ).
Soboleva Ol'ga A., Ñandidate of Technical Sciences,
Kovaleva Irina L.
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Brewing, Beverage and Wine Industries - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems RAS,
7, Rossolimo str., Moscow, 119021, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Litvak V.V., Kopyltsov A.A.Computer modeling of starch phosphorylation process

P. 74-79 Key words
starch, phosphorylation, modification, computer modeling

Among the large number of modified starch products needed for the needs of the household complex, phosphate starches are among the most popular modifications in the food industry. Chemical modification of starch, including phosphorylation, is a long, complex and time-consuming production process, so methods of analytical and computer modeling of chemical processes and, in particular, starch modification by phosphorylation have recently been of great interest. As a result of the computer simulation of starch chemical modification during its phosphorylation, it was found that there are three carbon atoms Ñ2, Ñ3 and Ñ6 in its glucopyranose cycle which allow the phosphorylation process to be carried out. The introduction of a phosphate group results in curving of a polysaccharide chain, promoting as many hydrogen bonds as possible between oxygen atoms of the phosphate group and hydroxyl atoms of the sugar residue. The calculated values of the potential energy of the molecules during the chemical reaction are used to determine the preferred type of phosphorylation characteristic of starch. The lowest potential energy was observed in phosphorylation at the position Ñ3: -250 kcal/mol and the highest one in phosphorylation was at the position Ñ6: -200 kcal/mol: molecular electrostatic potential is most evenly distributed in phosphorylation at the position Ñ6 and the least uniformly distributed at the Ñ2 phosphorylation. Conformational changes in the glucopyranose cycle of the "chair" and "boat" are also important in the phosphorylation process, which determine the carbon atom at which the modification process can be carried out most efficiently.

1. Andreev NR. Osnovy proizvodstva nativnyh krahmalov [Basics of native starch production]. M.: Pishchepromizdat, 2001. - 289 p. (In Russ.)
2. Litvyak VV, Zabolotets A, Ermakov A, Ospankulova G. Morphological characteristics of starch granules of various varieties of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). Ukrainian Food Journal. 2019. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 18-33.
3. Litvyak VV, Zabolotec AA, Simakov EA, Mityushkin AV, Zhuravlev AA, Kostenko VG. Osobennosti morfologicheskoj struktury granul krahmala razlichnyh sortov kartofelya [Features of morphological structure of starch granules of various varieties of potatoes]. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK [Achievements of science and technology of Agrarian and Industrial Complex]. 2019. Vol. 33. No. 11. P. 55-59 (In Russ.).
4. Zhushman AI. Modificirovannye krahmaly [The modified starches]. M.: Pishchepromizdat, 2007. 236 p. (In Russ.)
5. James N. BeMiller, Roy L. Whistler. Starch: Chemistry and Technology (3rd Edition). Academic Press. 2009. 894 p.
6. Chowdary KPR, Enturi V, Sandhya Rani A. Preparation and evaluation of starch phosphate - a new modified starch as a disintegrant in tablet formulations. International Journal of Chemical Sciences. 2011. Vol. 9. No. 2. P. 889-899.
7. Chowdary KPR, Enturi V, Sandhya Rani A. Formulation Development of Aceclofenac Tablets Employing Starch Phosphate - A New Modified Starch. International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Research. 2011. Vol. 2. No. 3. P. 124-129.
8. Golub NV, Kosterova RI, Alinovskaya VA, Belyaev SA, Yurkshtovich TL. Poluchenie, struktura i svojstva gidrogelej fosfatov krahmala [Preparation, structure and properties of starch phosphate hydrogels]. Vestnik BGU. Seriya 2. 2008. No. 2. P. 29-33 (In Russ.).
9. Shukri R, Shi YuC. Structure and pasting properties of alkaline-treated phosphorylated cross-linked waxy maize starches. Food Chemistry. 2017. Vol. 214. P. 90-95.
10. Przetaczek-Roznowska I, Fortuna Ò. Effect of conditions of modification on thermal and rheological properties of phosphorylated pumpkin starch. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2017. Vol. 104. P. 339-344.
11. Juszczak L, Oczadly Z, Galkowska D. Effect of Modified Starches on Rheological Properties of Ketchup. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2013. Vol. 6. P. 1251-1260. 12. Altuna L, Herrera ML, Foresti ML. Synthesis and characterization of octenyl succinic anhydride modified starches for food applications. A review of recent literature, Food Hydrocolloids. 2018. Vol. 80. P. 97-110.
13. Zhao K. Li Â, Xu M et al. Microwave pretreated esterification improved the substitution degree, structural and physicochemical properties of potato starch esters. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2018. Vol. 90. P. 116-123.
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15. Shukri FSA, Refai SA, Shukri R et al. Dough rheology and physicochemical properties of steamed buns fortified with cross-linked rice starch. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre. 2017. Vol. 12. P. 1-6.
16. Potorko IYU, Malinin AV, Caturov AV, Rus'kina AA, Shabana SH. Razrabotka tekhnologii modifikacii krahmala. Chast' 1 Ul'trazvukovoe vozdejstvie v ohlazhdayushchej sisteme [Development of starch modification technology. Part 1. Ultrasonic exposure in cooling system]. Vestnik YuUrGU. Seriya "Pishchevye i biotekhnologii" [Food and biotechnologies]. 2018. Vol. 6. No. 4. P. 83-92 (In Russ.).
17. Rus'kina AA, Popova NV, Naumenka NV, Rus'kin DV. Analiz sovremennyh sposobov modifikacii krahmala kak instrumenta povysheniya ego tekhnologicheskih svojstv [Analysis of modern methods of modifying starch as a tool for improving its technological properties]. Vestnik YuUrGU. Seriya "Pishchevye i biotekhnologii" [Food and biotechnologies]. 2017. Vol. 5. No. 3. P. 12-20 (In Russ.).
18. Alekseenko MS, Litvyak VV, Novikova NM. Optimizaciya tekhnologicheskih uslovij polucheniya kislotnogidrolizovannogo krahmala [Optimization of process conditions of acid hydrolyzed starch production]. Naukovi praci Nacional'nogo universitetu harchovih tekhnologij. 2019. No. 4. Vol. 25. P. 188-199 (In Russ.).
19. Litvyak VV. Nauchnye osnovy tekhnologii polucheniya kationnyh krahmalov [Scientific foundations of cationic starches production technology]. Vesci NAN Belarusi. Seriya agrarnikh navuk. 2019. Vol. 57. No. 1. P. 110-121 (In Russ.).
20. Litvyak VV. Osobennosti kationizacii krahmala N- (3-hloro-2-gidrok-sipropil) -N, N, N-trimetilammonij hloridom [Features of N- (3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl) -N, N, N-trimethylammonium chloride starch cation]. Izvestiya Vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Seriya Pishchevaya tekhnologiya [News of Higher Educational Institutions. Food Technology Series]. 2019. No. 1. P. 17-22 (In Russ.).
21. Litvyak VV. Teoriya i praktika modifikacij krahmalsoderzhashchego syr'ya dlya sozdaniya novyh produktov pitaniya [Theory and practice of modifications of starch-containing raw materials for the creation of new food products]. Navukovi praci Nacional'nogo universitetu harchovih tekhnologij. 2019. Vol. 25. No. 1. P. 254-267 (In Russ.).
22. Hel't'e H-D, Zippl' V, Ron'yan D, Fol'kers G, Molekulyarnoe modelirovanie. Teoriya i praktika, 3-e izdanie [Molecular modeling. Theory and practice, 3rd edition]. Perevod s angliyskogo. Moscow: BINOM. Laboratoriya znanij [BINOMIAL. Laboratory of knowledge], 2015. 322 p. (In Russ.)
23. Errol G. Lewars. Computational Chemistry: Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics. Springer International Publishing. 2016. 739 p.
24. Frank Jensen. Introduction to Computational Chemistry. Wiley. 2017. 661 p.
Litvyak Vladimir V., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Kopyltsov Anatoly A., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Research Institute of starch products - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal research center for food systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
11, Nekrasova str., Kraskovo village, Lyuberetskiy district, Moscow region, 140051, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tsaryova M.A., Kondratenko V.V., Rachkova V.P., Korolyov A.A., Davydova A.Yu.Comparing analysis of two methods for carbohydrate complex identification and development the additional steps for the method

P. 80-85 Key words
hemicelluloses, extraction, anthron reaction, pectic substances, free sugars, water-soluble carbohydrates

Different quantitative carbohydrate complex identification methods has been compared in the article in relation to fruit raw material, and black currant`s, "Vladimirskaya" variety cherrie`s, "Conference" variety perrie`s flesh was taken as an example. On the basis of familiar plant raw material quantitative carbohydrate complex identification methods the method of fruit raw material quantitative carbohydrate complex identification was designed. The original carbohydrate complex' quantitative identification method was reviewed [13], and the methods results for fruit raw material was unsatisfactory. As a result, some of analysis steps replacement for the same steps of other ones was proposed as well as additional steps. The additional step for hemicelluloses A group extraction, the carbohydrate hydrolization step followed the sedimentation step was introduced, then concentration step for hydrolisated samples' solutions was added before the anthron reaction - the quantitative reaction for sugars. The free sugars` sedimentation step was replaced by the clarification step following by the anthrone reaction, and precipitates proteins and phenolic compounds. The anthrone reaction was carried out by the method [15], and the statistical reliable data was obtained as a result. Comparing the received data with literature shows the data and designed method adequacy. As a result, the new quantitative carbohydrate complex identification method for plant raw material, oriented on fruit and berry raw material, was designed and showed adequate results in practice.

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Tsareva Mariya A., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kondratenko Vladimir V.,
Rachkova Vera P., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Korolev Alexey A.,
Davydova Anna Yu.
All Russian Research Institute of Canning Technology - Branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
78, Shkol`naya str., Vidnoe town, Moscow region, 142703, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rakhmanova R.A., M. Akhmedov, Demirova A.F.The effectiveness of microwave energy and autoclave baskets with mechanical sealing of cans to intensify the thermal sterilization of pear compote for diet

P. 86-89 Key words
sterilization, pasteurization, compote, sterilization mode, microwave heating, quality, duration

The article presents the results of studies of resource-saving technologies for the production of canned stewed pears for diet food. It is noted that the traditional pasteurization of canned food carried out in autoclaves is characterized by many shortcomings, including a significant duration of thermal processes, temperature unevenness, significant heat and water consumption, as well as the complexity of the process due to the need for additional creation and maintenance of a certain level of backpressure in apparatus during heat treatment. A new method is proposed for intensifying the process of pasteurization of compotes using fruit heating in banks in an electromagnetic field of an ultrahigh frequency, which has a positive effect on thermophysical characteristics, as well as microbiological ones, reducing their level and, therefore, increasing the pasteurization effect. Based on preliminary laboratory studies and evaluation of the resulting effect, the feasibility of using a microwave electromagnetic field (microwave electromagnetic field) to increase the temperature level of a product has been studied. And on this basis, accelerated pasteurization modes have been developed and an improved technology for the production of pear compotes using two-stage heating of fruits and fruits drenched in syrup before sealing the cans in a microwave EMF has been proposed. To improve the implementation of the sterilization process, it is proposed to use an autoclave basket of a new design, which provides the possibility of thermal sterilization in open-type apparatuses without creating back pressure.

1. Sbornik tekhnologicheskih instrukcij po proizvodstvu konservov [List of technological instructions for cans productions]. Pischevaya promyshlennost' [Food processing industry]. 1977. 431 ð. (In Russ.)
2. Flaumenbaum BL. Osnovy konservirovaniya pishchevyh produktov [Basics of food canning]. Legkaya i pischevaya promyshlennost [Light and food industry]. 1972. 260 ð. (In Russ.)
3. Akhmedov ME, Ismailov TA. Sposob konservirovaniya kompota iz yablok [Method of preserving compote from apples]. Russia patent RU 2318389 Ñ2. 2008.
4. Akhmedov ME. Intensifikaciya tekhnologii teplovoj sterilizacii konservov "Kompot iz yablok" s predvaritel'nym podogrevom plodov v EMP SVCH [Intensification of the technology of thermal sterilization of canned food "Compote of apples" with pre-heating of fruits in the microwave EMF]. Izvestiya vuzov. Pishchevaya tekhnologiya. 2008. No. 1. P. 15-16 (In Russ.).
5. Akhmedov ME, Demirova AF, Akhmedova MM. Sposob konservirovaniya kompota iz grush i ajvy [The method of preserving compote from pears and quinces]. Russia patent RU 2545047Ñ2.2015.
6. Akhmedov ME, Demirova AF, Akhmedo-va MM. Ispol'zovanie SVCH-energii dlya intensifikacii teplovoj sterilizacii kompotov [The use of microwave energy to intensify the thermal sterilization of compotes]. Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ya [Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials]. 2013. No 5. P. 20-23 (In Russ.).
7. Kas'yanov GI, Demirova AF, Akhmedov ME. Innovacionnaya tekhnologiya sterilizacii plodovogo i ovoshchnogo syr'ya [Innovative sterilization technology for fruit and vegetable raw materials]. Doklady Rossijskoj akademii sel'skohozyajstvennyh nauk [Reports of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences]. 2014. No 6. P. 57-59 (In Russ.).
8. Kas'yanov GI. Perspektivy obrabotki pishchevogo syr'ya elektromagnitnym polem nizkoj chastity [Prospects for processing food raw materials with a low frequency electromagnetic field]. Izvestiya vuzov. Pishchevaya tekhnologiya [University News. Food technology]. 2014. No 1. P. 35-38 (In Russ.).
9. Akhmedov ME, Demirova AF, Dogeev GD, Alibekova MM, Rakhmanova RA. Avtoklavnaya korzina [Autoclave basket]. Russian patent na poleznuyu model RU 183292 U1. 2018.
10. Akhmedov ME, Dogeev GD, Demirova AF, Alibekova MM, Rakhmanova RA. Apparat dlya pasterizacii plodovyh konservov v elektromagnitnom pole sverhvysokoj chastity [Apparatus for pasteurization of canned fruit in an ultra-high frequency electromagnetic field]. Russian patent na poleznuyu model RU 187602 U1.2018.
Rakhmanova Regina A., applicant
Dagestan State University of National Economy,
5, Jamalutdin Ataev str., Makhachkala, 367008, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Akhmedov Magomed E., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Demirova Amiyat F., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the Republic of Dagestan,
Scientific Town, Akushinskiy avenue, Makhachkala, 367008, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Shelekhova N.V., Shelekhova T.M., Skvortsova L.I., Poltavskaya N.V.Comparative assessment of the composition of whiskey cations based on the results of electrophoretic research

P. 90-94 Key words
whiskey, capillary electrophoresis, identification, cations, methods, alcoholic beverages, falsification

Whiskey is an alcoholic beverage that is produced in many countries of the world. The lack of uniform international requirements for the quality of whiskey makes the task of identifying this product very difficult. The creation of new methods for studying the chemical composition of alcoholic beverages is an important analytical task, the solution of which will allow not only to study the composition of beverages in depth, but also to develop quality criteria for detecting adulterated products. During the research, an electrophoretic method was developed for determining the mass concentration of ammonium, potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium cations in whiskey. New experimental data on the cationic composition of 60 samples of whiskey of various geographical origin were obtained. The characteristic ranges of variation of the total mass concentration of cations in whiskey in Scotland and Ireland are 3.16-32.46 mg/dm3 and 3.53-26.70 mg/dm3. It is shown that the total mass concentration of identified cations for the whiskey sample in Armenia was 12.36 mg/dm3, Italy - 3.09 mg/dm3, USA - 12.01 mg/dm3, Thailand - 5.25 mg/dm3, Czech Republic - 7.50 mg/dm3, Japan - 16.68 mg/dm3. It was found that among the identified cations, sodium, potassium and calcium prevail, while the proportion of ammonium and magnesium is less significant. It has been experimentally confirmed that the cationic composition of whiskey is significantly influenced by the composition of process water and distillates used for the preparation of the drink. It was found that the results of the study of the cationic composition of whiskey prepared from Scottish distillates in Russia are consistent with the data obtained in the study of whiskey produced in Scotland. The composition of whiskey, the entire production cycle of which is performed on the territory of Russia from domestic raw materials, is studied. The results are comparable to the data obtained in the study of whiskey in Ireland and Scotland. It is concluded that in order to develop a highly effective and objective tool for detecting counterfeit products, it is advisable to create an automated system based on the principles of artificial intelligence, forming a single database that will contain information about the results of chemical composition studies for each specific batch of produced beverages.

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5. Shelekhova NV, Rimareva LV. Upravlenie tehnologicheskimi processami proizvodstva alkogol'noj produkcii s primeneniem informacionnyh tehnologij [Management of technological processes for the production of alcoholic beverages using information technology]. Khranenie i pererabotka sel'khozsyr'ya [Storage and processing of farm products]. 2017. No. 3. P. 28-31 (In Russ.).
6. Novikova IV, Agafonov GV, Jakovlev AN, Chusova AE. Tehnologicheskoe proektirovanie proizvodstva spirtnyh napitkov [Technological design for the production of alcoholic beverages]. Saint Petersburg: Lan', 2015. 384 p. (In Russ.)
7. Savchuk SA, Vlasov VN, Appolonova SA. Primenenie hromatografii i spektrometrii dlja identifikacii podlinnosti spirtnyh napitkov [The use of chromatography and spectrometry to identify the authenticity of alcoholic beverages]. Zhurnal analiticheskoj himii [Journal of Analytical Chemistry]. 2019. No. 3. P. 96 (In Russ.).
8. Shelekhova NV, Poljakov VA. Primenenie metodov kapilljarnogo elektroforeza v kontrole kachestva i bezopasnosti spirtnyh napitkov [Application of capillary electrophoresis methods in quality control and safety of alcoholic beverages]. Khranenie i pererabotka sel'khozsyr'ya [Storage and processing of farm products]. 2015. No. 11. P. 39-42.
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11. Shelekhova NV, Shelekhova TM, Skvorcova LI, Poltavskaja NV. Sovremennoe sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija kontrolja kachestva alkogol'noj produkcii [Current state and prospects of development of quality control of alcoholic beverages]. Ðishchevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2019. No. 4. P. 117-118 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.24411/0235-2486-2019-10059.
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16. Shelekhova NV, Shelekhova TM, Skvor-cova LI, Poltavskaja NV. Issledovaniye sostava zernovykh distillyatov, tekhnologicheskoy vody, viski i roma metodom kapillyarnogo elektroforeza [Research for the composition of grain distillates, process water, whiskey and rum by capillary electrophoresis]. Pivo i napitki [Beer and drinks]. 2020. No. 1. P. 14-19 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.24411/2072-9650-2020-10004
17. Shelekhova NV, Poljakov VA, Serba EM, Shelekhova TM, Veselovskaya OV, Skvorcova LI. Informatsionnyye tekhnologii v ana-liticheskom kontrole kachestva alkogol'noy produktsii [Information technologies in analytical quality control of alcoholic beverages]. Ðishchevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2018. No. 8. P. 30-33 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.24411/0235-2486-2018-00019
Shelekhova Natalia V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Shelekhova Tamara M., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Skvortsova Lyubov I.,
Poltavskaya Natalya V.
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Food Biotechnology - Branch of Federal Research Center of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Safety,
4B, Samokatnaya str., Moscow, 111033, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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