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Food processing Industry №8/2020

The results of the work of Food and Processing industry Enterprises of Russia


Kolonchin K.V., Seregin S.N., Sysoev G.V.Food complex in Russia-2019: results and tasks of the upcoming period in the new conditions of development. Part I

P. 8-14 Key words
innovation, secured, resources, investments, economic growth, agro-industrial complex, fishery complex

Implementation of state programs for the development of agroindustrial and fishery complexes with the provision of state support to organizations ensured the achievement of food safety criteria in Russia. Along with this, further production growth, export development and increased competitiveness are possible only if the existing gaps in various sectors are closed on a new technical and technological basis for enterprises that constitute the industrial core of agricultural and fishing production. To further develop the market for new types of healthy food products, the state must solve the problems of poverty reduction in order to expand the aggregate demand in the food market of the country. Software innovations and state support of these areas of development will expand the space of strategies in this direction, ensure the scale of production of these products to enhance health and increase the life expectancy of the population.

1. Doktrina prodovol'stvennoy bezopasnosty Rossiyskoy Federatsii (Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 21.01.2020 No. 20) [Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2020 No. 20)]. Available from: http://kremlin.ru/acts/bank/45106/page/1 [cited 2020 Jan].
2. Strategii razvitiya agropromyshlennogo i rybokhoziastvennogo komplexov Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2030 goda (Rasporiagjeniya Pravitelstva RF ot 12.04.2020 g. No. 993 r) [Strategies for the development of agro-industrial and fisheries complexes of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2020 No. 993 r)]. Available from: http://government.ru/department/59/events/[cited 2020 Jan].
3. Strategiya razvitiya rybohoziaystvennogo komplexa Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2030 goda, Rasporiazgeniye Pravitel'stva RF ot 26 noiabrya 2019 g. № 2798 р. [Strategy for the development of the Russian Federation fisheries complex for the period up to 2030, Order of the Russian Federation Government of November 26, 2009 No. 2798 р.]. Available from: http://government.ru/docs/38448/
4. Informatzionnye materialy Komiteta Soveta Federatsii po agrarno-prodovol'stvennoy politike I prirodopol'zovaniyu ot 21.01.2020 g/k soveschaniju "Aktual'nye voprosy razvitiya otechestevennogo traktorostroenija" [Information materials of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management dated 21.01.2020 to the meeting "Topical issues of the domestic tractor building's development"]. Available from: http://council.gov.ru/events/news/112544/
5. Lukonin SA. Rossiya i Kitay: predely sotrudnitchestva. Trudy vol'nogo ekonomitcheskogo obschestva Rossii [Russia and China: the limits of cooperation. Works of Russian Free Economic Society]. Trudy Vol'nogo ekonomitcheskogo obschestva Rossii [Proceedings of the Free Economic Society of Russia]. 2019. Vol. 220. P. 71-82 (In Russ.).
6. Mozias PM. Projekt "Odin poyas, odin put'" i rossijsko-kitajskoe ekonomitcheskoe sotrudnitchestvo: jeshcho odin shans? ["One Belt, One Road" project and Russian-Chinese economic cooperation: another chance?]. Voprosy Ekonomiki [Economic Issues]. 2019. No. 12. P. 47-71 (In Russ.).
7. Ershov MV, Tanasova AS. Mir I Rossiya: infliatsyia minimal'na, ekonomicheskiy rost zamedlyaetsia, risky povyshajutsia [The world and Russia: inflation is minimal, economic growth is slowing down, risks are rising]. Voprosy Ekonomiki [Economic Issues]. 2019. No. 12. P. 5-23 (In Russ.).
8. Mau VA. Ekonomika I politika v 2019-2020 gg.: global'nye vyzovy i natzional'nye otvety [Economics and politics in 2019-2020: global challenges and national answers]. Voprosy Ekonomiki [Economic Issues]. 2020. No. 3. P. 5-27 (In Russ.).
9. Kapeljushnikov RI. Komanda T. Piketti o neravenstve v Rossii; kollektsiya statisticheskikh artefaktov [Piketty's team on inequality in Russia: a collection of statistical atefacts]. Voprosy Ekonomiki [Economic Issues]. 2020. No. 4. P. 67-106 (In Russ.).
10. Kolodko Gj V. Posledstviya. Ekonomika I politika v postpandemicheskom mire [After. Economics and politics of the post-pandemic world]. Voprosy Ekonomiki [Economic Issues]. 2020. No. 5. P. 25-44 (In Russ.).
11. Drapkin IM, Lukjanov SA, Bokova AA. Vlijanie pryamikh inostrannih investitzii v rossijskoy ekonomike [Influence of foreign direct investment on domestic investment in the Russian economy]. Voprosy Ekonomiki [Economic Issues]. 2020. No. 5. P. 69-85 (In Russ.).
12. Rodrik D. Otkrovennyi razgovor o torgovle. Idei dlya razumnoy mirovoy ekonomiki. [Straight Talk on Trade. Ideas for a Smart World Economy]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Instituta Gaydara, 2019. P. 384 (In Russ.).
13. Malgan D. Iskusstvo gosudarstvennoy strategii [Art of the state strategy]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Instituta Gaydara, 2020. P. 472 (In Russ.).
14. Bloom N, Van Reenen J, Williams H. Politi-ka poddergky innovatzii: nabor instrumentov [A toolkit of policies to promote innovation]. Voprosy Ekonomiki [Economic Issues]. 2019. No. 10. P. 5-31 (In Russ.).
15. Informatsionnie materialy [Information materials]. Available from: www.soyanews.inf
Kolonchin Kirill V., Candidate of Economic Sciences
All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography,
17, Verkhnyaya Krasnoselskaya str., Moscow, 107140, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Seregin Sergey N., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Federal Scientific Center of Food Systems named after V.?M. Gorbatov,
26, Talalikhina str., Moscow, 109316
Sysoev Georgy V., applicant
Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.?I. Lobachevsky,
23, Gagarina avenue, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950

Ermolaeva E.O., Trofimova N.B., Astakhova N.V., Trofimov I.E.Features of implementation of the environmental management system in the food industry

P. 15-20 Key words
environmental management system, food production, assessment methodology, environmental aspect

The presence of an effective environmental management system contributes not only to an increase in the degree of environmental safety of production, but also to an increase in its financial performance. The main advantages of introducing an environmental management system at Russian agricultural enterprises are considered. The environmental management system is part of the overall management system, including activity planning, a clear distribution of responsibilities, practical aspects of production, as well as procedures, processes and resources for the development, implementation, evaluation of results in the implementation and continuous modernization of environmental policies, goals and objectives. The integration of significant activities of the environmental management system into the overall system may affect the improvement of the enterprise's overall effectiveness, as well as clarifying the distribution of responsibilities and positions. The study is devoted to the development and implementation of an environmental management system at a food industry enterprise, which today is an urgent problem in light of increased public attention to this aspect of the activities of large organizations. Of the applicable elements of the standard GOST R ISO 14001-2016 "Environmental Management Systems. Requirements and application guidelines", a model of the environmental management system was built using the example of LLC "Confectioner Management Company". In order to assess the negative environmental impact of the food business, a methodology has been developed for identifying and assessing environmental aspects. This methodology provides a phased analysis of environmental aspects - air emissions. A commission on the ecology of the enterprise was created, environmental aspects were identified, described and analyzed, a monitoring system of key indicators was introduced, and proposals to reduce emissions were developed. A technique has been developed for identifying and assessing environmental aspects, which has been successfully tested in the confectionery industry. The methodology is based on the principles laid down in corporate documents that were in effect in the company prior to the introduction of ISO and related to all production sites of the company located around the world. However, the general principles did not take into account the specifics and volumes of a particular production, the requirements of Russian legislation. This can serve to simplify and unify tasks in the process of development and implementation of environmental management systems according to international or national standards at food industry enterprises of various profiles. Based on the results of testing the above-described methodology at the food industry enterprises, priority tasks in the field of ecology were solved, which entailed a decrease in the amount of waste generated, a decrease in electricity consumption, which positively affected the economic efficiency of production.

1. Ermolaeva, EO, Surkov IV, Ustinova JV. Integrirovannye sistemy menedzhmenta [Integrated management system]. Kemerovo, 2017. 41 p. (In Russ.)
2. GOST R ISO 14001-2016. Sistemy ekologicheskogo menedzhmenta. Trebovaniya i rukovodstvo po primeneniyu [GOST P ISO 14001-2016. Systems of ecological management. Requirements and application guide]. Moscow: Standartinform, 2017. 41 p. (In Russ.)
3. Demin IV, Shalkova GA. Kontrol' kachestva ot gryadki do tarelki [Quality control from the garden to the plate]. Pischevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. Moscow, 2016. No. 7. P. 22-24 (In Russ.).
4. Trofimova NB, Rubchakova EA, Poznyakovsky VM. Primenenie risk-orientirovannogo podhoda pri sovershenstvovanii sistemy menedzhmenta na predpriyatiyah agropromyshlennogo kompleksa [Applying a risk-based approach to improving the management system at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex]. Agro-industrial complex of Russia. 2017. No. 3. P. 759-763 (In Russ.).
5. Zubkova KS, Shabanova EN, Malakhova JG. Formirovanie kriteriev proverki integrirovannoj sistemy menedzhmenta [Formation of criteria for checking the integrated management system]. Krasnoyarsk, 2014. No. 10. P. 262-264 (In Russ.).
6. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2018 No. 204 (ed. of 19.07.2018) "O nacional'nyh celyah i strategicheskih zadachah razvitiya Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2024 goda" ["On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024"]. Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2018. No. 20, article 2817 (In Russ.).
Ermolaeva Evgeniya O., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Trofimova Natalya B., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Astakhova Natalya V.
Kemerovo State University,
6, Krasnaya str., Kemerovo, Russia, 650000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Trofimov Ivan E.
LLC "Kalitero",
2, building 8, Marshal Rybalko str., Moscow, 123060, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Business assistance - investments in the development of the region

Deep immersion in the project of each partner. Why can't it be the other way in the brewing industry?


Abramova I.M., Medrish M.E., Savel'eva V. B., Romanova A.G.Quality control of liqueurs and spirits using ion chromatography

P. 24-27 Key words
ion chromatography, cations, anions, microelements, precipitation, liqueurs and spirits

For the production of liqueurs and spirits vegetable raw materials, which have a rich chemical composition, including various trace elements, essential oils, organic acids and carbohydrates are widely used. This leads to a complex chemical composition of the finished product and requires an integrated approach to control its quality. Ionic composition for the most part determines quality and safety of the finished product, and also affects its storage stability. In the present work it has been investigated the ionic composition of liqueurs and spirits produced by different manufacturers. Based on a review of foreign studies, conditions of chromatographic analysis were selected and 12 samples of liqueurs and spirits with and without sediment were analyzed. It has been founded that ionic composition of the investigated samples is mainly represented by cations of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium and anions of chlorides, nitrates, phosphates and sulfates, mass concentrations of which vary widely, due to a rich microelement composition of plant components, specific formulations of alcoholic beverages and features of water treatment from different manufacturers. It was revealed that one of the main reasons for the deterioration of alcoholic beverages quality was the increased calcium and magnesium ions content. In some samples, on the contrary, relationship between the cationic anionic composition and precipitation was excluded. Thus, the ion chromatography method is an indispensable modern analytical tool in the finished products quality control. Its use allows you to timely identify and eliminate the causes of turbidity and precipitation formation in liqueurs and spirits during storage, thereby increasing the efficiency of alcoholic beverages technochemical quality control.

1. Morozova SS, Burachevskaya V Yu, Ustinova EV. Pischevye dobavki v proizvodstve vodok [Food additives in the production of vodka]. Pivo i napitki [Beer and drinks]. 2014. No. 1. P. 12-15 (In Russ.).
2. Abramova, IM, Polyakov VA, Medrish ME, Pavlenko SV. Znachenie ionnogo sostava vodok v kontrole alkogol'noj produkcii [The value of the ionic composition of vodka in the control of alcohol production]. Proizvodstvo spirta i likerovodochnyh izdelij [Production of alcoholic beverages]. 2013. No. 2. P. 20-21 (In Russ.).
3. Romanova NK et al. Vliyanie fil'truyushchih materialov na sostav osadkov razlichnyh vodno-spirtovyh sred [The influence of filter materials on the composition of sediments of various water-alcohol environments]. Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of Kazan' Technological University]. 2010. No. 11. P. 297-299 (In Russ.).
4. Ageeva, NM, Chemisova LE, Markovskij MG. Vliyanie kachestva upakovki na sohrannost' napitkov v processe ih hraneniya [Influence of the quality of packaging on the safety of drinks during their storage]. Plodovodstvo i vinogradarstvo Yuga Rossii [Fruit growing and viticulture in the South of Russia]. 2014. No. 30 (06) (In Russ.).
5. Abramova IM, Medrish ME, Savel'eva VB, Gavrilova DA, Zhirova VV. Metody opredeleniya mineral'nyh veshchestv v processe proizvodstva spirtnyh napitkov, poluchennyh s primeneniem rastitel'nogo syr'ya [Methods for the determination of mineral substances in the production process of alcoholic beverages obtained using plant materials]. Pivo i napitki [Beer and drinks]. 2019. No. 2. P. 48-51 (In Russ.).
6. Abramova IM, Medrish ME, Zhirova VV. Ocenka kachestva i stabil'nosti spirtnyh napitkov [Assessment of the quality and stability of alcoholic beverages]. Materialy XIX mezhdunarodnoj zaochnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii "Nauka v sovremennom informacionnom obshchestve". North Charleston (USA). "Science in the modern information society XIX". 2019. P. 86-89 (In Russ.).
7. Kurbatova EI et al. Vliyanie fermentativnoj predobrabotki plodovo-yagodnogo syr'ya na stabil'nost' likerovodochnyh izdelij v processe hraneniya [The effect of enzymatic pre-treatment of fruit and berry raw materials on the stability of alcoholic beverages during storage]. Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty razvitiya spirtovoj, likerovodochnoj, fermentnoj, drozhzhevoj i uksusnoj otraslej promyshlennosti: sbornik nauchnyh trudov vedushchih specialistov VNIIPBT [Theoretical and practical aspects of development of alcohol, distillery, enzyme, yeast and vinegar industries: collection of scientific papers of leading experts VNIIPBT]. Moscow: VNIIPBT, 2006. P. 52-57 (In Russ.).
8. Zhirov VM, Danilovceva AB, Zhirova VV, Presnyakova OP. Kolichestvennyj i kachestven-nyj sostav mineral'nyh vod [Quantitative and qualitative composition of mineral waters]. Pivo i napitki [Beer and drinks]. 2014. No. 5. P. 62-66 (In Russ.).
9. Zhirova VV, Carev AA, Danilovceva AB, Zhirov VM. Issledovanie elementnogo sostava fruktovyh vin metodom mass-spektrometrii s induktivno svyazannoj plazmoj [Investigation of the elemental composition of fruit wines by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry]. Pivo i napitki [Beer and drinks]. 2018. No. 4. P. 26-31 (In Russ.).
10. Ivanova-Petropulos V, Balabanova B, Bogeva E et al. Rapid Determination of Trace Elements in Macedonian Grape Brandies for Their Characterization and Safety Evaluation. Food Analytical Methods. 2017. No. 10. P. 459-468. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12161 016 0604 5 (In Russ.)
11. Michalski R. Applications of Ion Chromatography for the Determination of Inorganic Cations. Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry. 2009. No. 39. P. 230-250. DOI: 10.1080/10408340903032453 (In Russ.).
12. Polyakov BA, Abramova IM, Morozova SS, Medrish ME, Ustinova EV. Corrected water for the preparation of high-grade vodkas [Reclaimed water for the preparation of high-grade vodkas]. Production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages [Production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages]. 2015. No. 5 (In Russ.).
13. Lachenmeier DW, Attig R, Frank W, Athanasakis C. The use of ion chromatography to detect adulteration of vodka and rum. European Food Research and Technology. 2003. 218. Р. 105-110. DOI: 1007/s00217 003 0799 8.
14. GOST 32131-2013 Butylki steklyannye dlya alkogol'noj i bezalkogol'noj pishchevoj produkcii. Obshchie tekhnicheskie usloviya [Glass bottles for alcoholic and non-alcoholic food products. General specifications]. Vved. 2014 01 01. Moscow: Standartinform, 2019. 15 p. (In Russ.)
Abramova Irina M., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Medrish Marina E., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Savel'eva Vera B., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Romanova Aleksandra G.
All-Russian Research Institute of food biotechnology - Branch of the FRS of nutrition, biotechnology and food safety,
4B, Samokatnaya str., Moscow, 111033
Zhirova Vera V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after KG Razumovsky (PKU),
73, Zemlyanoy Val str., Moscow, 109004, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kulikova N.E., Chernobrovina A.G., Roeva N.N., Popova O. Yu.The use of physico-chemical methods of analysis to determine the activity of certain biocatalysts starch-containing raw materials

P. 28-31 Key words
electrochemical analysis methods, biocatalysts, colorimetric analysis method, enzyme preparation activity

Currently, the use of biocatalysts for the hydrolysis of starch and starch-containing raw materials is a promising method for producing patok of different composition, sugary products and crystalline glucose. The main consumers of starch molasses, glucose and other syrups are manufacturers of various non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, ice cream, confectionery (except chocolate), as well as bakeries. The use of molasses leads to an increase in the efficiency of the production process due to the control of enzymatic saccharification. For enzymatic saccharification, glucoamylase enzyme preparations are usually used. Foreign and domestic industry produces a huge number of protein biocatalysts-glucoamylase enzyme preparations. One of the main indicators of an enzyme preparation is its catalytic activity, so the search for new, more cost-effective methods for determining it is relevant, since enzyme preparations are quite expensive. The purpose of the research was to develop a new method for determining the glucoamylase activity of enzyme preparations used in the food industry. It is shown that it is possible to determine the activity of an enzyme preparation of glucoamylase using modern physical and chemical methods of analysis, namely, an electrochemical method of analysis, which was not previously used for these purposes. The data obtained for determining the activity of glucoamylase preparations according to the proposed method completely coincide with the results of the colorimetric method currently used as a reference. The advantages of the proposed method are the speed of performing analyses while maintaining their accuracy, as well as the absence of the need to use an expensive and scarce drug-peroxidase in the process of determining. Thus, the implementation of the electrochemical method (potentiometry) is not associated with the use of complex, expensive equipment and is characterized by the simplicity of the instrument design.

1. Kovaleva TA. Kinetiko-termodinamicheskie aspekty kataliza polisaharidov svobodnymi i immobilizovannymi amilazami [Kinetic-thermodynamic aspects of polysaccharide catalysis by free and immobilized amylases]. Biophysics [Biofizika]. 2000. Vol. 45. No. 3. 2000. P. 439-444 (In Russ.).
2. GOST 34440-2018 Fermentnye preparaty dlya pishchevoj promyshlennosti. Metody opredeleniya amiloliticheskoj aktivnosti [Enzyme preparations for the food industry. Methods for determination of amylolytic activity]. 07.01.2019 (In Russ.).
3. Gracheva IM, Krivova A Yu. Tekhnologiya fermentativnyh preparatov [Technology of enzymatic preparations]. Moscow: NPO Elevar, 2000. 190 р. (In Russ.)
4. Nechaev AP, Kochetkova АА, Zajceva АN. Pishchevye dobavki [Food additives]. Moscow: Kolos-Press, 2002. 256 p. (In Russ.).
5. Traubenberg SE, Ostashenkova NV, Vyal'ceva IV, Kulikova NE et al. Elektrohimicheskie metody analiza. Laboratornyj praktikum po analiticheskoj himii: Uchebnoe posobie [Electrochemical methods of analysis. Laboratory work on analytical chemistry: Textbook]. Moscow: MGUPP, 2006. 138 p.
6. Chernova AP, Batrazhargal HH. Metod ocenki aktivnosti hlebopekarnyh drozhzhej [Method for assessing the activity of baking yeast]. Pishchevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry] 2019. No. 8. P. 84-88 (In Russ.).
7. Neudachina LK, Petrova Yu S, Lakiza NV, Lebedeva EL. Elektrohimicheskie metody analiza. Rukovodstvo k laboratoratornomu praktikumu: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie [Electrochemical methods of analysis: a guide to the laboratory. Workshop: teaching aid]. Ekaterinburg: izdatelstvo Ural'skogo Federal'nogo Universiteta [Yekaterinburg: Publishing Ural Federal University]. 2014. 136 p. ISBN 978 5 7996 1276 4.
Kulikova Nataliya E., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Chernobrovina Antonina G., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Roeva Natal'ya N., Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor
Moscow State University of food production,
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Popova Ol'ga Yu.
International College of technology (Moscow State University of food production),
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Shterman S.Yu., Sidorenko M.Yu., Shterman V.S., Sidorenko Yu.I., Chebotareva N.I.On the modern concept of Taste of food. I. The multifactorial nature of the formation of the Taste of food

P. 32-35 Key words
taste of food, flavor, multi-sensory perception, sensory organs, microbiota, human consciousness

The article presents an expanded compared to ISO 5492. definition of Taste of food. The disadvantages of the terms used in the existing standard are that they take into account only the taste organs in the formation of the common taste of food, and part of the multisensory sensation package in the sensation of its flavor. A large amount of scientific research, however, says that when consuming food in the process of forming its Taste, all the senses of the person take it. The signals received from them, as well as information from receptors located in the human gastrointestinal tract, microbiota existing there, and coming from other organs of the body, are then integrated in the brain with the active participation of its various departments responsible for different levels of human consciousness. This joint sensation, which is ultimately created in the human brain when eating, the authors propose to call, using the term Taste. In accordance with the proposed definition of this term, Taste is a single set of sensory and cognitive perception of food which is creating in the brain. Human consciousness in this sense can be considered as one of the sensory organs involved in this process. The article as a result supports the point of view that, in the final, the Taste of food is born in the head, and not in the mouth. An important feature of the sensation of a Taste of food by a person, including its multisensory component, is that this perception of it has a pronounced individual character. In connection with this, one of the fundamental characteristics of Taste and even taste in the traditional sense of the word is the recognition of the impossibility of its objective evaluation. This means that each person lives in his own specific world of Taste. The proposed understanding of the Taste of food opens up new possibilities in the design of food products and the formation of healthy eating behavior.

1. Holms B. Vkus: Nauka o samom maloizuchennom chelovecheskom chuvstve [The Science of the most poorly understood human feeling]. 2 e izdanie [2nd edition]. Moscow: Al'pina Pablisher [Al'pina Pablisher], 2018. 348 p. (in Russ.)
2. Shterman SV, Sidorenko M Yu. Tajny pishchevyh predpochtenij ili pochemu my edim to, chto edim? [Secrets of food preferences or why do we eat what we eat?]. Moscow: IPC "Maska" [CPI Mask], 2020. 200 p. (in Russ.)
3. Shterman SV, Sidorenko M Yu. Zhiroszhigateli [Fat burnnes]. Moscow: IPC "Maska [CPI Mask"], 2018. 152 p. (in Russ.)
4. James WP. The epidemiology of obesity: the size of the problem. Journal of Internal Medicine. 2008. Vol. 263. No. 4. P. 336-352.
5. GOST ISO 5492-2014. Organolepticheskij analiz: Slovar' [Organoleptic analysis: Vocabulary] (in Russ).
6. MacQuaaid J Tasty. The art and science of what we eat. New York: Scribner, 2015. 291 p.
7. Spens Ch. Gastrofizika. Novaya nauka o pitanii [Gastrofizika. The new science of nutrition]. Perevod s angliyskogo E. Zajcevoj [Translation from English by H Zajcevoj]. Moscow: Azbuka Attikus [Alphabet Atticus], 2017. 308 p. (in Russ.)
8. Majer E. Vtoroj mozg. Kak mikroby v kishechnike upravlyayut nashim nastroeniem, resheniyami i zdorov'e [Second brain. How microbes in the gut control our mood, decisions and health]. Moscow: Al'pina non-fikshn [Alpina non-fiction], 2018. 348 p. (in Russ.)
9. Furness JB, Cho HJ, Rivera R. The gut as sensory organ. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2013. Vol. 10. P. 729-740.
10. Linden D. Mozg i udovol'stviya [Brain and pleasure]. Moscow: Eksmo [Exmo], 2012. 288 p. (in Russ.)
11. Dal' V. Poslovicy russkogo naroda: Sbornik v trekh tomah [ Proverbs of the Russian people: Collection of V. Dahl in three volumes]. Moscow: Russkaya kniga [Russian book], 1993 (in Russ.)
12. Hodgson RT. An analysis of the concordance among 13 U. S. wine competitions. Journal of Wine Economics. 2009. Vol. 4. P. 1-9.
13. Sidorenko M Yu. Personificirovannoe pitanie [Personified nutrition]. Moscow: DeLi plyus [DeLi Plus], 2017. 192 p. (in Russ.)
Shterman Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Sidorenko Mikhail Yu., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Limited liability company "GEON",
building 1, Obolenskoe highway, urban settlement Obolensk, Serpukhov district, Moscow region, 142273, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Shterman Valery S., Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Moscow State University of Food productions,
11, Volokolamskoe highway Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sidorenko Yuriy I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and management,
73, Zemlyanoy Val str., Moscow, 109004, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chebotareva Natalya I.
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University,
1, Lenin Hills, Moscow, 119991, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kruchinin A.G., Bigaeva A.V., Turovskaya S.N., Illarionova E.E.Comparing gene polymorphism of goat and sheep milk proteins: global experience

P. 36-40 Key words
gene, genotype, kappa-kasein, goat milk, sheep milk, coagulation, milk protein

The global market's demand for food products form a constant need to enhance their variety and to improve the existing technologies. In turn, it explains the necessity for raw ingredients with specific qualitative characteristics. Thus, it is particularly important to correct contents of protein fractions in dairy production, since this process guarantees the heat-resistance of raw milk or its rennet coagulation properties. In result, new directions of selection breeding are being developed. They focus on the revealing of gene markers, related to the qualitative and quantitative cattle productivity features. Due to the development of modern methods of molecular genetic analytics, it is possible now to conduct selection with the consideration of genetic profiles that define the most valuable and economically useful animals' characteristics. As to the optimal processing of raw-milk for the following canning and cheese-making, gene correction plays an essential role as it effects the milk proteins expression. The main part of cattle milk protein components is coded by six most important loci, studied quite thoroughly at the present day: Lactalbumin Alpha (LALBA), Beta-lactoglobulin (BLG), Casein Alpha S1(CSN1S1), Casein Alpha S2 (CSN1S2), Casein Beta (CSN2) and Casein Kappa (CSN3). Comprehensive research in the area of molecular study of casein fractions (particularly of CSN3 gene) revealed polymorphism, associated with allele and genotypic effects on milk yield, technological traits of not only cow, but goat and sheep milk as well. The article presents the results of the most outstanding recent studies, carried out by scholars from different countries, aiming to identify genomes and genetic polymorphism of sheep and goat milk protein fractions, and to reveal the relation between molecular variability and qualitative and quantitative traits of raw milk.

1. Bigaeva AV, Kruchinin AG, Radaeva IA, Gilmanov Kh Kh, Illarionova EE. Vliyanie polimorfnikh variantov gena CSN3 na technologicheskie svoystva moloka [Influence of polymorphic CSN3 gene types on technological traits of milk]. Molochnaya promyshlennost' [Dairy industry]. 2020. No. 4. P. 54-55 (In Russ.).
2. Ryabova AE, Mikhailova IY, Gilmanov Kh Kh, Rzhanova IV, Asembaeva EK, Nurmukhanbe-tova DE. Approbation of PCR-RFLP and AS-PCR methods for genotyping cattle by the DGAT1 gene. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Science. 2019. No. 3 (435). P. 60-66. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32014/2019.2518-170X.68.
3. Zvereva EA, Smirnova NI, Zherdev AV, Dzantiev BB, Yurova EA, Denisovich E Yu et al. Razrabotka metodiki opredeleniya beta-lactoglobulina v moloke i molochnikh productakh s primeneniem metoda immunofermentnogo analiza [Development of method for determination of beta-lactoglobulin in milk and milk products by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay]. Sovremennie problemi nauki i obrazovaniya [Modern problems of science and education]. 2013. No. 5. P. 477 (In Russ.).
4. Shuvarikov AS, Kanina KA, Robkova TO, Yurova EA. K voprosu otsenki sostava i svoystv ovech'ego, koz'ego i korov'ego moloka [To the question of evaluating the composition and properties of lamb, goat and cow milk]. Ovtsi, kozi, sherstyanoe delo [Sheep, goats, wool]. 2018. No. 1. P. 20-22 (In Russ.).
5. Shuvarikov AS, Yurova EA, Tsvetkova VA, Pastuh ON. Fractsionniy sostav belkov verblyuzh'ego, koz'ego i korov'ego moloka [Comparative assessment of the camel, goat and cow milks with account of fractional composition of proteins]. Molochnaya promyshlennost' [Dairy industry]. 2015. No. 7. P. 68-70 (In Russ.).
6. Dagnachew B, Adnoy T. Additive and dominance effects of casein haplotypes on milk composition and quality in Norwegian dairy goats. Small Ruminant Research. 2014. Vol. 122 (1-3). P. 59-69. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.07.020.
7. Pazzola M, Dettori ML, Pira E, Noce A, Paschino P, Vacca GM. Effect of polymorphisms at the casein gene cluster on milk renneting properties of the Sarda goat. Small Ruminant Research. 2014. Vol. 117 (2-3). P. 124-130. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2013.12.004.
8. Dettori ML, Pazzola M, Pira E, Puggioni O, Vacca G. Variability of the caprine whey protein genes and their association with milk yield, composition and renneting properties in the Sarda breed: 2 The BLG gene. Journal of Dairy Research. 2015. Vol. 82 (4). P. 442-448. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022029915000473.
9. Vacca G, Dettori ML, Piras G, Manca F, Paschino P, Pazzola M. Goat casein genotypes are associated with milk production traits in the Sarda breed. Animal Genetics. 2014. Vol. 45 (5). P. 723-73. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/age.12188.
10. Cardona SJC, Cadavid HC, Corrales JD, Munilla S, Cantet RJC, Rogberg-Munoz A. Longitudinal data analysis of polymorphisms in the k-casein and b-lactoglobulin genes shows differential effects along the trajectory of the lactation curve in tropical dairy goats. Journal of Dairy Science. 2016. Vol. 99. No. 9. P. 7299-7307. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2016-10954.
11. Padilla P, Izquierdo M, Martinez-Trancon M, Parejo JC, Rabasco A, Salazar J et al. Polymorphisms of a-lactoalbumin, b-lactoglobulin and prolactin genes are highly associated with milk composition traits in Spanish Merino sheep. Livestock Science. 2018. Vol. 217. P. 26-29. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2018.09.012.
12. Corral JM, Padilla JA, Izquierdo M. Associations between milk protein genetic polymorphisms and milk production traits in Merino sheep breed. Livestock Science. 2010. Vol. No. 129 (1-3). P. 73-79. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2010.01.007.
13. Giambra IJ, Brandt H, Erhardt G. Milk protein variants are highly associated with milk performance traits in East Friesian Dairy and Lacaune sheep. Small Ruminant Research. 2014. Vol. 121. No. 2-3. P. 382-394. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.09.001.
14. Yousefi S, Azari MA, Zerehdaran S, Samiee R., Khataminejhad R. Effect of b-lactoglobulin and k-casein genes polymorphism on milk composition in indigenous Zel sheep. Archiv fur Tierzucht. 2013. Vol. 56. No. 1. P. 216-224. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7482/0003 9438 56 021.
15. Fadhil IA. Genetic polymorphisms of CSN3 gene and its effect on some production traits. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2019. Vol. 50. No. 2. P. 500-505.
16. Ibrahim WI, Hassooni HA, Alkhazraji WJ. Association of b-lactoglobulin gene polymorphism with milk production and composition in local Awassi sheep. Plant Archives. 2019. Vol. 19. P. 284-288.
Kruchinin Alexander G., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Bigaeva Alana V.,
Turovskaya Svetlana N.,
Illarionova Elena E.
All-Russian Dairy Research Institute,
35, building 7, Lusinovskaya str., Moscow, 115093, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ball Corporation enters into partnership with the water producer "Legend of Baikal"


Popov V.N., Plotnikova I.V., Magomedov G.O., Magomedov M.G., Polyakova L.E., Plotnikov V.E., Polyanskiy K.K.Comprehensive evaluation of foam-forming properties of a serum of serum proteins for producing special purpose products

P. 42-47 Key words
Comprehensive evaluation of foam-forming properties of a serum of serum proteins for producing special purpose products

KSB-80 whey protein concentrate is a promising product with high technological, functional and therapeutic properties, increased nutritional and biological value. To obtain whipped products, the optimal concentration of dry matter solution KSB is 24 % with an additional introduction of citric acid in an amount of 0.8 % (to the total weight of the solution). The protein solution under study, in comparison with egg white, has the best foaming properties in a number of indicators: foaming ability, foam resistance, foam half-life. The use of a protein solution in the production of many whipped products with a foamy structure will completely or partially replace egg white in the recipe and expand the range of special-purpose products with a high protein content for children, diet, medical, sports and gerontological nutrition.

1. Strategiya povisheniya kachestva pischevoy produktsii v Rossiyskoy Federatsii do 2030 goda [Strategy for improving the quality of food products in the Russian Federation until 2030] [Electronic resource]: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/420363999. Title from the screen (accessed 09.06.2020).
2. Volodin DN, Zolotoreva MS, Topalov VK, Evdokimov IА, Khramtsov AG et al. Sivorotochnie ingredienti: analiz rinka i perspective proizvodstva [Whey Ingredients: Market Analysis and Production Prospects]. Molochnaya promishlennost' [Dairy industry]. 2015. No 3. P. 54-56.
3. Prosekov A Iu, Ivanova SA, Smetanin VS. Molochno-belkovie kontsentrati v produktakh s penoobraznoy strukturoy [Milk protein concentrates in products with a foamy structure]. Molochnaya promishlennost' [Dairy industry]. 2011. No 5. P. 64-65.
4. Bulchuk, E, Astashina V, Skobelskaia Z. Molochnaya sivorotka dlya muchnikh konditerskikh izdeliy [Whey for flour confectionery]. Khleboproducti [Bakery products]. 2006. No 5. P. 60-63.
5. Bannikova AV, Evdokimov IA. Molochnie producti, obogaschennie sivorotochnimi belkami, technologicheskie aspecti sozdaniya [Whey protein enriched dairy products, technological aspects of creation]. Molochnaya promishlennost' [Dairy industry]. 2015. No 1. P. 64-66.
6. Volodin, DN, Gridin AS, Evdokimov IA. Perspectivi proizvodstva sukhikh belkovikh ingredientov na osnove molochnogo sir'ya [Prospects for the production of dry protein ingredients based on dairy raw materials]. Molochnaya promishlennost' [Dairy industry]. 2020. No 1. P. 28-29.
7. Irmatova Zh K, Musulmanova MM, Erke-baev MZh, Baiysbaeva MP. Izuchenie vliyaniya sivorotochnikh belkov na kachestvo ovsyanogo pechen'ya [Study of the influence of whey proteins on the quality of oatmeal cookies]. Izvestiya vuzov [University News]. 2013. No. 5. P. 33-34. 8. Gordienko LA, Evdokimov IA, Zolotoreva MS, Skorokhodov AG. Perspectivi ispolzovaniya kontsentratov sivorotochnikh belkov v technologiyakh pischevikh produc-tov [Prospects for the use of whey protein concentrates in food technology]. Vestnik Severo-Kavkazskogo gosudarstvennogo tewchnicheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of the North Caucasus State Technical University]. 2008. No 2. P. 95-97.
9. Vaskina VA, Golovacheva AV. Molochnaya sivorotka v proizvodstve konditerskikh nachinok pennoy strukturi [Whey in the manufacture of confectionery fillings foam structure]. Khranenie I pererabotka selkhozsir'ya [Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials]. 2011. No 9. P. 50-54.
10. Magomedov GO, Plotnikovа IV, Shevyakovа TA. Technologii productov pitaniya iz rastitelnogo sir'ya: muchnie konditerskie izdeliya. Laboratorniy practicum: uchebnoe posobie [Technology of food products from plant materials: flour confectionery. Laboratory practice: a textbook]. Voronezh: VGUIT, 2018. 148 p.
11. Tomashevich SE, Shevchuk AA, Babodey VN. Noviy vid sbivnogo konditerskogo izdeliya na osnove sivorotochnogo belka moloka [A new type of whipped confectionery based on milk whey protein]. Pischevaya promyshlennost'. Nauka I technologii [Food industry. Science and technology]. 2016. No. 1 (31). P. 65-70.
Popov Vasiliy N., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Plotnikova Inessa V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Magomedov Gazibeg O., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Magomedov Magomed G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Polyakova Lyubov' E.,
Plotnikov Viktor E.
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies,
19, Revolution avenue, Voronezh, Russia, 394036, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Polianskiy Konstantin K., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Voronezh branch of Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov,
67А Karl Marx str., Voronezh, Russia, 394030, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kharlamova L.N., Volkova T.N., Lazareva I.V., Selina I.V., Sozinova M.S.The study of the volatile components and glycerinin content in beer and beer beverages

P. 48-51 Key words
beer beverages, beer, used raw materials composition, volume fraction of alcohol, higher alcohols, glycerin, identification

At the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Beverage and Wine Industry - Branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS uses methods for determining the quality and data quality, as well as certified methods for the qualitative and quantitative measurement of substances and components of full-fledged brewing process. During the beer wort from grain raw materials fermentation, complex transformations of water-soluble biopolymers take place with the formation, in addition to alcohol and carbon dioxide, of various products that determine the taste and aroma of both finished beer and beer beverages based on it. These include secondary fermentation products, which include volatile components and glycerin. The research presented in the testing center of the institute is devoted to the study of their quantitative and qualitative content in typical industrial samples of brewing products. Ongoing studies are necessary to confirm the developed ranges for the brewing products identification.

1. GOST 55292-2012 Beer beverages. General specifications.
2. Meledina TV, Dedegkaev AT, Afonin DV. Kachestvo piva: stabil'nost' vkusa i aromata. Kolloidnaya stoykost', degustatsiya [Beer quality: taste and aroma stability. Colloidal resistance, tasting]. Saint Petersburg: Profession, 2011. P. 220 3. Dedegkaev AT, Afonin D, Meledina TV, Cherepanov SA. Glitserin - antistressoviy metabolit droggey S. cerevisiae yeas [Glyce-rin - an anti-stress metabolite of S. cerevisiae yeas]. Vestnik mezhdunarodnoy academii kholoda. Pischevie technologii [Bulletin of the International Academy of Refrigeration. Food technologies]. 2005. No. 2. P. 47-48.
4. Glavachek F, Lkhotsky A. Pivovarewnie [Brewing] (trans. with czech). Moscow: Food Industry, 1997. P. 624.
5. Bulgakov NI. Biochimiya soloda i piva [Malt and beer biochemistry]. Moscow: Food industry, 1976. P. 358.
6. Kuntse V, Mit G. Technologiya soloda I piva [Malt and beer technology]. Saint Petersburg: Professiya [Profession], 2003. P. 912.
7. Werner Buck. Ptakticheskoe rukovodstvo po technologii pivovareniya [Practical Guide to Brewing Technology]. Bremen: Medien Transfer Verlag, 2008. P. 427.
8. Bamfort Ch. Novoe pivovarenie [New Brewing] (trans. with english IS Gorozhankina, ES Borovikova). Saint Petersburg: Professiya [Profession], 2007. P. 520. 9. Nartsiss L. Vkus piva I technologicheskie faktori [Beer flavor and technological factors]. Mir piva [Beer world], 1996. No. 2. P. 21-23. 10. GOST 12787-81 Beer. Methods for alcohol determination, actual extract and calculation of solids in the initial wort.
11. GOST R 57893-2017 Fermentation products and raw materials for their production. Gas chromatographic method for determining the volatile components mass concentration. 12. GOST 33409-2015 Alcoholic and juice products. Determination of carbohydrates and glycerin by high performance liquid chromatography.
Kharlamova Larisa N., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Volkova Tat'yana N., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Lazareva Irina V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Selina Irina V.,
Sozinova Marina S.
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Beverage and Wine Industry - Branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
7, Rossolimo Str., Moscow, Russia 119021, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ostrikov A.N., Kleymenova N.L., Bolgova I.N., Kopylov M.V., Zheltoukhova E. Yu. Study of fatty acid and vitamin composition of cold pressed flaxseed oil

P. 52-55 Key words
Sauces, functional foods, pumpkin puree, fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids

The use of new oilseeds, which allow for high yields in various regions, creates prospects for the development of a modern raw material base for oil processing enterprises, increasing the range of oils for blending. Flaxseed oil, which has a biological value and a high content of linoleic acid is necessary for a healthy diet. Flaxseeds are representatives of the ancient oilseed crops. They are grown in different climatic conditions using different processing methods. It is known that flaxseed oil occupies one of the leading positions in world production, as it has a rich composition of fatty acids. In this regard, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil were chosen as the objects of research. Working conditions of cold pressing: the annular gap of the Zeer chamber was 0.4 mm; the screw rotation speed was 180 min-1; the pressing temperature was 338 K. The resulting oil was examined by gasliquid chromatography, revealing the presence of 24 components. The highest value of concentration was observed in palmitic and stearic fatty acids - omega-3, linoleic and arachinic - omega-6, oleic - omega-9, and saturated acidbegenic. The presence of acids that contain omega-3 is necessary for preventive nutrition and in dietary therapy in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes. The same acids help to strengthen the walls of human blood vessels. The analysis of the vitamin composition revealed vitamins В1, В2, В4, В6, В9, Е, К and a-, b+g-, s-tocopherols. B vitamins help strengthen the immune system. Vitamin K supports the metabolic processes in the human body. Vitamin E normalizes the skin condition and heart function. It is also important for human nutrition that products contain ?-, ?+?-, ?-tocopherols, since they are strong antioxidants. Therefore, the obtained data can be recommended for the development of balanced blends of oils.

1. Symoniuk E, Ratusz K, Krygier K. Okislitel'naya stabil'nost' i khimicheskiy sostav rynka l'nyanogo masla kholodnogo otzhima [Oxidative stability and the chemical composition of market cold-pressed linseed oil]. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology. 2017. Vol. 119 (11).
2. Sydow Z, Idaszewska N, Janeba-Bartoszewicz E, Bienczak K. Vliyaniye temperatury pressovaniya i usloviy khraneniya na kachestvo l'nyanogo masla, poluchennogo iz Linum Usitatissimum L. [The Influence of Pressing Temperature and Storage Conditions on the Quality of the Linseed Oil Obtained from Linum Usitatissimum L.]. Journal of Natural Fibers. 2019. Р. 1.
3. Tanska M, Roszkowska B, Skrajda M, Dabrowski G. Kommercheskoye kachestvo l'nyanogo masla kholodnogo otzhima i okislitel'naya stabil'nost' v nachale i v kontse sroka godnosti [Commercial Cold Pressed Flaxseed Oils Quality and Oxidative Stability at the Beginning and the End of Their Shelf Life]. Journal of Oleo Science. 2016. Vol. 65 (2). Р. 111-121.
4. Kiralan M, Calik G, Kiralan S, Ramadan MF. Monitoring stabil'nosti i letuchego okisleniya soyedineniy semyan l'na kholodnogo otzhima, semyan vinograda i chernogo tmina pri fotookislenii [Monitoring stability and volatile oxidation compounds of cold-pressed flax seed, grape seed and black cumin seed oils upon photo-oxidation]. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. 2018. Vol. 12 (1). Р. 616-621.
5. Ladygin VV. K voprosu ob okislitel'noy stabil'nosti pishchevogo l'nyanogo masla [To the question of oxidative stability of edible flaxseed oil]. Scientific support of innovative technologies for the production and storage of agricultural and food products: in the procee-dings. 2014. Р. 150-152 (In Russ.).
6. Yang R, Zhang L, Li P, Yu L, Mao J, Wang X, Zhang Q. Obzor khimicheskogo sostava i pitatel'nykh svoystv minornykh rastitel'nykh masel v Kitaye [A review of chemical composition and nutritional properties of minor vegetable oils in China]. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2018. Vol. 74. Р. 26-32.
7. Tanska M, Mikolajczak N, Konopka I. Sravneniye vliyaniya proizvodnykh sinapovoy i ferulovoy kislot (4-vinilsiringol i 4-vinilgvayakol) v kachestve antioksidantov rapsovogo, l'nyanogo i olivkovogo masla ekstra-klassa [Comparison of the effect of sinapic and ferulic acids derivatives (4-vinylsyringol vs. 4-vinylguaiacol) as antioxidants of rapeseed, flaxseed, and extra virgin olive oils]. Food Chemistry. 2018. Vol. 240. Р. 679-685.
8. Bykova SF, Davidenko EK, Efimenko SG, Efimenko SK. Perspektivy razvitiya kris-tallicheskoy bazy maslozhirovogo kompleksa Rossii [Prospects for the development of the raw material base of the oil and fat complex in Russia]. Pischevaya promyshlennost' [Food Industry]. 2017. Vol. 5. Р. 20-24 (In Russ.).
9. Abdel-Razek AG, Minar Hassanein MM, Rudzi?ska M, Ratusz K, Siger A. Uluchsheniye stabil'nosti, kachestva i funktsional'nykh svoystv rapsovogo masla putem smeshivaniya s netraditsionnymi maslami [Enhancement the Stability, Quality and Functional Properties of Rapeseed Oil by Mixing with Non-conventional Oils]. American Journal of Food Technology. 2017. Vol. 11 (5). Р. 228-233.
10. Pilipenko TV, Astafieva VV, Stepanova N Yu. Izucheniye kachestvennykh kharakteristik rastitel'nykh masel razlichnymi metodami [Studying the qualitative characteristics of vegetable oils by various methods]. Izvestiya Sankt-peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta [News of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University]. 2015. Vol. 39. Р. 90-96 (In Russ.).
11. Volovik VT, Leonidova TV, Korovin LM, Blokhina NA, Kasarina NP. Sravneniye zhirnokislotnogo sostava razlichnykh pishchevykh masel [Comparison of the fatty acid composition of various edible oils]. Mezhdunarodniy zhurnal prikladnikh i fundamentalnikh issledovaniy [International Journal of Applied and Basic Research]. 2019. Vol. 5. Р. 147-152 (In Russ.).
12. GOST 31665-2012 Masla rastitel'nyye i zhiry zhivotnyye. Polucheniye metilovykh efirov zhirnykh kislot [Vegetable oils and animal fats. Obtaining methyl esters of fatty acids]. (In Russ.)
13. Sun X, Zhang L, Li P, Xu B, Ma F, Zhang Q, Zhang W. Profili zhirnykh kislot na osnove opredeleniya fal'sifikatsii l'nyanogo masla metodom gazovoy khromatografii mass-spektrometriya [Fatty acid profiles, based adulteration detection for flaxseed oil by gas chromatography mass spectrometry]. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 2015. Vol. 63 (1). Р. 430-436.
14. GOST 30417-96 Masla rastitel'nyye. Metody opredeleniya massovykh doley vitaminov A i E [Vegetable oils. Methods for determining the mass fractions of vitamins A and E]. (In Russ.)
Ostrikov Alexander N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Kleymenova Natal'ya L., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Bolgova Inessa N., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kopylov Maxim V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Zheltoukhova Ekaterina Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies,
19, Revolution avenue, Voronezh, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gernet M.V., Gribkova I.N., Borisenko O.A.The yeast activation possibility study in the fermented beverages preparation

P. 56-59 Key words
brewer yeasts, activation method, activators of fermentation, physiological state, fermentation

The dynamic development of the brewing industry leads to the search for new markets and, as a result, to the expansion of the range of fermented beverages. It is very important for manufacturers to produce a wide range of beverages without fundamental changes in the process. Brewing enterprises can use the fermented base - beer - to expand the possibility of producing new beverages as the main semi-finished wort. Pressed brewing yeast produced under aseptic conditions can be recommended as a seed material to optimize the process. Before introducing pressed yeast into the process, it is necessary to activate the enzymatic system of the cell, accelerate the metabolic processes and switch the metabolism of the yeast cell from breathing to fermentation. The purpose of this work is to study the possibility of increasing the activity of pressed brewing yeast, improving their physical and biochemical state before the task in the production cycle by using a complex activator. A change in the fermentation activity of pressed yeast during storage at 0 °С temperature was investigated. It is shown that during storage the fermentation activity of pressed yeast decreases slightly in 15 days, by a value of about 3 %. Method of pre-fermentation treatment of yeast is developed and proposed, which consists in addition of complex activator consisting of preparation AVA and Spirulina platensis to wort at stage of pre-dissection of yeast, holding for two hours and then task of yeast suspension for main fermentation. The above method allowed to increase the breeding rate, increase the fermentation activity of yeast culture, intensify the main fermentation process.

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Gernet Marina V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Gribkova Irina N., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Borisenko Olga A.
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of brewing, beverage and wine industry - Branch of V.?M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
Moscow, 7, Rossolimo str., Moscow, 119021, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Belyaeva M.A., Malazy S.A.Modeling the heat transfer process of casein drying given the changes in structural and mechanical changes in combined infrared and convective heating

P. 60-63 Key words
heat and mass transfer, convective-radiation drying, diffusion, criterion equation, mathematical modeling

Infrared-convective drying is one of the energy-intensive processes used in the chemical, food and other industries, therefore, in modern conditions, when there is an increase in deficit and an increase in energy tariffs, the development and application of new effective methods of food drying in the food industry is relevant. Products, the creation of a high-performance drying apparatus. Drying of dairy products is not only a thermal engineering, but also a technological process, the technological process of drying dairy products is understood as the change in the properties of products: biological, physico-chemical, structural-mechanical, thermophysical, electrophysical, etc. The optimal drying mode should ensure the production of standard quality with high technical and economic indicators. The prospects for the development and implementation of modern drying and drying technologies are largely determined by the creation of new methods for their calculation and mathematical models that take into account the statistics of the drying process, the interconnected transfer of moisture and heat inside a wet body, as well as the hydrodynamic situation in the dryer. In this work, acid casein was dried by thermal radiation in a convective dryer with an additional supply of infrared energy; casein bodies in the form of a plate were chosen as the object of study. A mathematical description of the drying process is developed, taking into account the equilibrium and kinetic laws of the process, as well as the nature of the movement of the drying agent in the apparatus in the period of constant drying speed. The developed equations allow us to calculate the distribution of heat transfer inside the plate at any time of drying, to calculate the temperature of the air inside the drying chamber and to determine the average temperature over the volume of the plate at any time.

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Belyaeva Marina A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Malazy Samuel A., graduate student
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
36, Stremyanniy lane, Moscow, 115093, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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