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Rambler's Top100

Food processing Industry №9/2019

The Results of the work of Food and Processing Industry Enterprises of Russia


Timakova R.T.Comparative characteristics of the technological properties of radiation-processed meat raw materials

P. 8-10 Key words
Comparative characteristics of the technological properties of radiation-processed meat raw materials // Food processing industry

The spread of radiation technologies for processing meat raw materials determines the need to study changes in its technological properties for the use of the results in the production cycle from slaughtering animals to the manufacture of finished products. Experimental samples of chilled beef and chilled pork were treated with ionizing radiation using a linear electron accelerator model UELR-10-10Ñ2Ñ. Identification of unirradiated and irradiated meat raw materials was carried out by the method of electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) on the main parameters of the EPR spectrum: amplitude, width and area. Mathematical models of polynomial equations for samples of pulp tissue of irradiated products are presented. The influence of ionizing radiation on the change of technological parameters of raw meat was established. There is a decrease in the total water content and an increase in moisture binding capacity, a decrease in pH and water activity, which is important to ensure microbiological safety of raw meat. The author believes that a modification of physical indicators of beef and pork after treatment with ionizing radiation (increase in diffusivity and thermal conductivity while reducing the ratio of the specific heat capacity) is of practical importance for calculation of the technical parameters of the cooling methods when the removal of heat from the carcasses of slaughtered animals, to predict the processes of heat transfer when using radiation-treated raw materials for the preparation of sausages and finished meat products and which affect the functional and technological properties of raw meat and quality indicators of finished products.

1. Karpovich DS, Mihajlov VB, Stockij VA, Stableckij VD, Latushkina SD. Poluchenie peredatochnyh funkcij raspredelennyh teplovyh ob#ektov po termogrammam [Obtaining transfer functions of distributed thermal objects by thermograms]. Materialy Dvenadzatoi Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakicheskoi konferentsii "Tehnika i tehnologija pishhevyh proizvodstv" (g. Mogilev, Respublika Belarus', 19-20.04.2018.). [Materials of the XII International scientific and practical conference "Technology and techno-logy of food production"]. Mogilev: UO MGUP. 2018. P. 153-154 (In Belorus.).
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4. Timakova RT. Sravnitel'naja JePR-spektroskopija mjasnogo i rybnogo syr'ja [Comparative EPR spectroscopy of meat and fish raw materials]. Innovacii i prodovol'stvennaja bezopasnost' [Innovation and food security]. 2018. No. 3 (21). P. 75-82. (In Russ.)
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9. Koz'min GV, Sanzharova NI, Kibina II, Pavlov AN, Tihonov VN. Radiacionnye tehnologii v sel'skom hozjajstve i pishhevoj promyshlennosti [Radiation technologies in agriculture and food industry]. Dostizhenija nauki i tehniki APK [Achievements of science and technology AIC]. 2015. No. 5. P. 87-92. (In Russ.)
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13. Filippov VI. Primenenie metodov re-guljarnogo teplovogo rezhima dlja opredelenija teplofizicheskih harakteristik pishhevyh produktov [Application of methods of regular thermal regime for determination of thermophysical characteristics of food products]. Nauchnyj zhurnal NIU ITMO. Serija: Processy i apparaty pishhevyh proizvodstv [Scientific journal of scientific ITMO. Series: Processes and apparatus of food production]. 2015. No. 3. P. 22-30. (In Russ.)
14. Mitjurich GS, Zhidkova AE. Opredelenie teplofizicheskih harakteristik pishhevyh produktov fotoakusticheskim metodom [Determination of thermophysical characteristics of food products by photoacoustic method]. Potrebitel'skaja kooperacija [Ñonsumer cooperation]. 2015. No. 4 (51). P. 68-72. (In Russ.)
15. Shapoval SL, Shevchenko RJu. Rem-fotogrammetrija v jekspress-diagnostike teplofizicheskih svojstv tovarov [REM-photogrammetry in Express diagnostics of thermophysical properties of goods]. Tovary i rynki [Goods and markets]. 2014. No. 2 (18). P. 36-45. (In Russ.)
16. Jerlihman VN, Kukelka L, Kopec A. Raschetnoe opredelenie teplofizicheskih harakteristik zamorozhennyh pishhevyh produktov [Calculation of thermophysical characteristics of frozen food products]. Izvestija KGTU [News of KSTU]. 2011 No. 21. P. 28-33. (In Russ.)
17. Kondrat'ev GM. Reguljarnyj teplovoj rezhim [Regular heat regime]. Moscow: Gostehizdat. 1954. 408 p. (In Russ.)
18. Kudrjashov LS, Shihalev SV, Tihonov SL, Tihonova NV, Prijmak AO. Vlijanie stressoustojchivosti cypljat-brojlerov na teplofizicheskie harakteristiki mjasa [Influence of stress resistance of broiler chickens on thermal and physical characteristics of meat]. Mjasnaja industrija [Meat industry]. 2016. No. 10. P. 50 -52. (In Russ.)
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20. Ljajstner L, Gould GM. Bar'ernye tehnologii: kombinirovannye metody obrabotki, obespechivajushhie stabil'nost', bezopasnost' i kachestvo produktov pitanija [Barrier technologies: combined processing techniques to ensure the stability, safety and quality of food]. Moscow. VNIIMP [All-Russian Research Institute of Meat Industry]. 2006. 236 p. (In Russ.)
21. Pozhidaeva EA, Popov ES, Iljushina AV, Bolotova NV, Ivanova EV. Issledovanie form svjazi vlagi v tvorozhnyh produktah metodom differencial'no-skanirujushhej kalorimetrii i termogravimetrii [A study of the forms of moisture in the cheese product by differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry]. Pishhevaja promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2018. No. 11. P. 73-77. (In Russ.)
22. Svetlov JuV, Nikiforov JuB. Jeffektivnaja teploprovodnost' i vnutrennjaja poverhnost' perenosa poristyh i voloknistyh struktur (na primere pishhevyh materialov) [Effective thermal conductivity and internal surface of porous and fibrous structures transfer (on the example of food materials)]. Tonkie himicheskie tehnologii [Fine Chemical Technologies]. 2015. Vol. 10. No. 6. P. 71-78. (In Russ.)
Timakova Roza T., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Ural State Economic University,
62/45, 8 Marta/Narodnoy Voli str., Ekaterinburg, 620144, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pas'ko O.V., Burakovskaya N.V., Shadrin M.A. Khairullin M.F. Development of flour culinary products with heat-resistant cheese product

P. 13-15 Key words
heat-resistant properties, cheese product, resource-saving technologies, stabilizing complex

An important promising direction in the development of modern food industry is the production of high-quality dishes and products using resource-saving technologies. At the same time, the main goal of the research is to develop a technology for the production of various culinary products using heat-resistant cheese products. In organizing and conducting research, a set of generally accepted standard methods was used, including physicochemical, microbiological, and mathematical methods for statistical processing of research results and the construction of mathematical models. In the modern food industry, in accordance with the Fundamental principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of healthy nutrition of the population until 2020, the enterprises of the nutrition industry are faced with the task of meeting the needs of various groups of the population for healthy, high-quality nutrition. One of the solutions to this problem can be the expansion of the range of flour culinary products with heat-resistant cheese product. The paper presents the development of the technology of heat-resistant cheese product made using resource-saving technology for subsequent use in the food industry. To achieve this goal, the following research objects were used: raw milk, tested in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 52054-2003 "Natural milk - raw materials"; bacterial concentrate; milk-clotting enzyme; calcium chloride 2 water according to TU 2152 069 00206457 2003; natural food ingredients according to the current documentation. The studies were carried out using generally accepted mathematical methods of experiment planning, methods of mathematical modeling and statistics, microbiological, biochemical, and physicochemical methods. The work has practical value, since the realization of the stated goals and objectives of the research allows creating a technology of heat-resistant cheese product with the use of resource-saving technologies, with its subsequent use in the preparation of branded flour dishes and products. The developed product has heat-resistant properties, so that the product has high organoleptic characteristics.

1. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ¹ 1378-r ot 30 ijunja 2016 g "Strategija razvitija pishhevoj i pererabatyvajushhej promyshlennosti Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda" (s izmenenijami na 13 janvarja 2017 goda) [Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1378-R of June 30, 2016 "Strategy of development of the food and processing industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020" (as amended on January 13, 2017)].
2. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30 janvarja 2010 g. N 120 "Doktrina Prodovol'stvennoj Bezopasnosti" [The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2010 N 120 "The Doctrine of Food Security"].
3. Burakovskaja NV, Shadrin MA. Matema-ticheskaja obrabotka rezul'tatov issledovanija pokazatelej syrnogo produkta [Mathematical processing of the results of the study of indicators of cheese product]. Informacionnye tehnologii v nauke i proizvodstve materialy IV Vserossijskoj molodezhnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii [Information technologies in science and production materials of the IV all-Russian youth scientific and technical conference]. Omsk: Publ. OmGTU. 2017. P. 41-45.
Pasko Olga V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Y.A. Senkevich Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry,
43A, Kronstadt boulevard, Moscow, Russia, 125499, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Burakovskaya Nina V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Shadrin Maxim A., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Omsk State Technical University,
11, Peace avenue, Omsk, 644050, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Khayrullin Mars F., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Moscow State University of Technology and Management G.?K. Razumovsky,
73, Zemlyanoy Val str., Moscow, Russia, 109004

Kalashnikova I.V., Smirnova O.D., Bokareva D.A., Polyakov A.V.The effect of garlic extract on the colloidal state of the components of vegetable juice

P. 16-20 Key words
garlic extract, stabilization of vegetable juices, functional food product, bacteriostatic activity, microcapsules

In present work, we investigate changes in physicochemical parameters, such as particle size and zeta-potentials as well as spectral characteristics of colloid mixes of vegetable juices: carrot (Daucus carota L.), red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and white head cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) - at mixture with extracts of bulbs and leaves of winter garlic (Allium sativum L.) cultivar Gladiator were investigated. The results showed that mixing of vegetable crops juices with garlic extracts led to decrease in size of vegetables juice components and their homogenization meeting the aim of clarification and stabilization of solutions. The obtained data could be used in creation of products for functional nutrition and in juice industry. Higher bacteriostatic activity of bulb garlic extracts concerning Micrococcus luteus in comparison with leaf extracts was also shown. Moreover, the activity of garlic extracts immobilized on ÑàÑÎ3 (vateritå) particles covered by dextran sulfate shell was comparable with that of enzyme lysozyme used for comparison. Morphology of microparticles with immobilized garlic extract was investigated by confocal and scanning electron microscopy. The obtained data confirm the possibility of inclusion of enzymes and biologically active components of garlic into capsules and microparticles preserving biochemical activity and possibility for prolonged release in the human body. The offered technique corresponds to ideology of creation of organic foodstuff normalizing functions of human body state and also in development of dietary supplements.

1. Bellisle F, Diplock AT, Hornstra G, [et al.] Scientific Concepts of Functions Food in Europe Functional Food Science in Europe. British J. Nutrition. 1998. Vol. 80. Suppl. 1. P. 193.
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5. Shenderov BA. Bazovye mekhanizmy reguljacii gomeostaza i ikh moduljacija nutrientami. Klinicheskoe pitanie [Basic mechanisms of homeostasis regulation and their modulation by nutrients]. 2004. No. 3. P. 14-19.
6. Milner JA. Functional foods and health: a US perspective [Functional foods and health: a US perspective]. British J. Nutrition. 2002. Vol. 88, Suppl. 2. P. 151-158.
7. Shenderov BA. Sovremennoe sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija koncepcii "Funkcional'noe pitanie" [Current state and prospects of development of the concept of "Functional nutrition"]. Pishhevaja promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2003. T. 5. P. 4-7.
8. Metodicheskie rekomendacii MR "Rekomenduemye urovni potreblenija pishhevykh i biologicheski aktivnykh veshhestv". [Guidelines Mr "Recommended levels of consumption of food and biologically active substances]. Izdatel'stvo GOU "Orenburg. Gosudarstvennyj universitet" [Publishing house GOU "Orenburg. State University"]. Moscow. 2004. 36 p.
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10. Kozhukhova MA. Poluchenie ovoshhnykh sokov i napitkov s ispol'zovaniem biotekhnologicheskikh metodov [Production of vegetable juices and beverages using biotechnological methods]. Izvestija vuzov. Pishhevaja tekhnologija [University News. Food technology]. ¹ 4. 2007. P. 28-31.
11. Terkun AN, Kozhukhova MA. Sravnitel'noe izuchenie dejjstvija razlichnykh fermentnykh preparatov na rastitel'noe syr'e [Comparative study of the effect of different enzyme preparations on vegetable raw materials]. Mezhdu-narodnaja nauchnaja konferencija "Zhivye sistemy i biologicheskaja bezopasnost' naselenija" [International Scientific Conference "Living Systems and Biological Safety of the Population"]. Moscow. 2002. P. 181-182.
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15. http://www.foodtech.com.ru/oborudovanietehnologii/izmelchenie-sirya-otzhim-i-ochistka.html.
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19. Volodkin DV, Petrov AI, Prevot M, Sukhorukov GB. Matrix Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules: New System for Macromolecule Encapsulation. Langmuir. 2004. Vol. 20. No. 8. P. 3398-3406.
Kalashnikova Irina V., Candidate of Chemical Sciences,
Smirnova Oxana D.,
Bokareva Diana A.
National Research Center Kurchatov Institute,
1, Academician Kurchatov square, Moscow, Russia, 123182, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Polyakov Alexey V., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable Growing - Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Center,
500, Vereya, Ramenskoye district, Moscow region, Russia, 140153, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gorlov I.F., Slozhenkina M.I., Polozova S.P., Mosolova N.I.Influence of plant components on the properties of cottage cheese deserts

P. 21-23 Key words
food industry, cottage cheese, curd whey, curd desserts, flax flour, quince, jellies, agar-agar

The article is devoted to the study of a new multi-component cottage cheese product "Stanichnitsa", enriched with flax flour and quince. Dessert made from skim cottage cheese obtained by the acid method, cream, sugar, vanillin, flax flour, whey and quince juice, agar-agar was used as a structurant. The purpose of the study is to identify consumer preferences when choosing cottage cheese desserts and determining the biological and nutritional value of the developed product, as well as evaluating the nutrient composition to confirm the effectiveness of making flax flour as a functional additive. The studies were conducted in the laboratory of the Povolzhskiy Research Institute for the Production and Processing of Meat and Milk Products and the Department "Technology of food production" of Volgograd State Technological University. The Sociological survey was conducted to identify consumer preferences, which revealed the interest of the population in the enriched cottage cheese desserts. The calculation of the nutrient composition showed that the product is enriched with dietary fiber, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins B1, B6 and niacin. Calculation of nutritional value showed that the fat content of the product - 3.5?%; protein content - 7.3?%; carbohydrates - 13.4?%; caloric content per 100 g of the product is 114.9 kcal. According to the results of a laboratory study of biological value by capillary electrophoresis, it was concluded that the protein in the product is incomplete, which is associated with the introduction of plant ingredients. The results showed that the developed product has functional properties and will be in demand among customers.

1. Suprunova IA, Chizhikova OG, Savchenko ON. Muka l`nyanaya - perspektivny`j istochnik pishhevy`x volokon dlya razrabotki funkcional`ny`x produktov [Flax flour - a promising source of dietary fiber for the development of functional products]. Texnika i texnologiya pishhevy`x proizvodstv [Technique and technology of food production]. 2010. No. 4 P. 50-54.
2. Skurixin IM, Volgaryov MN. Ximicheskij sostav pishhevy`x produktov: Spravochny`e tablicy soderzhaniya aminokislot i uglevodov [The chemical composition of food: Reference tables of amino acids and carbohydrates] - 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. Moskva: Agropromizdat [2nd edition updated and revised. - Moscow. Agropromizdat]. 1987. - 360 p.
3. Al`xamova GK, Rebezov MB, Amerxanov IM, Mazaev AM. Analiz potrebitel`skix predpochtenij pri vy`bore tvorozhny`x produktov [Analysis of consumer preferences in choosing cheese products] // Molodoj ucheny`j [Young scientist]. 2013. No. 3. P. 13-16.
4. Vasil`eva SB, Kovalevskaya IN. Vvedenie v special`nost`: Metodicheskie ukazaniya [Introduction to the profession: Methodical instructions]. Kemerovo. KemTIPP. 2004. 30 p.
5. Metodicheskie ukazaniya MR Rekomenduemy`e urovni potrebleniya pishhevy`x i biologicheski aktivny`x komponentov. Vved. 2.07.2004 M.: Standartinform [Moscow. Standardinform]. 2004. 28 p.
6. Nechaev AP, Traubenberg SE, Kochetkova AA. Pishhevaya ximiya [Food chemistry]. 3-e izd., ispr. SPb.: GIORD [(3rd edition). SPb.: GIORD]. 2004. 640 p.
7. GOST R 52349-2005. Produkty` pishhevy`e funkcional`ny`e. Terminy` i opredeleniya. vved. 01.07.06. Pereizd. Moskva: Standartinform [Moscow. Standardinform]. 2008. 8 p.
Gorlov Ivan F., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of RAS,
Slozhenkina Marina I., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Volgograd State Technical University,
28, Lenin avenue, Volgograd, Russia, 400005;
Volga Region Scientific Research Institute of Meat-and-Milk Production and Processing,
6, Rokossovsky str., Volgograd, Russia, 400131, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Polozova Svetlana P. Volgograd State Technical University,
28, Lenin avenue, Volgograd, Russia, 400005, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,
Mosolova Natalya I., Doctor of Biological Sciences
Volga Region Scientific Research Institute of Meat-and-Milk Production and Processing,
6, Rokossovsky str., Volgograd, Russia, 400131, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kazina V.V., Safronova T.N.Development the technology for producing a concentrated product from germinated wheat grain for a catering system

P. 24-28 Key words
wheat germinated grain, concentrated product, vacuum packaging, intensive cooling, storage conditions, quality indicators

Eating sprouted wheat grain stimulates the metabolism, compensates for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. For the catering system, the production of concentrate from germinated wheat with a solids content of 45?% is important. The object of the study was the wheat germinated in the convection apparatus. To obtain a concentrate, germinated wheat grain was crushed to a homogeneous mass. Organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological parameters were determined for the finished concentrate. For storage, the concentrate from germinated wheat grain was packed in vacuum bags, intensively cooled or frozen. Quality control was carried out on 4 control points of chilled concentrate during 45 days of storage, frozen - during 60 days of storage, in which the organoleptic and microbiological indicators of germinated grain were determined. The developed technology for the production of concentrate from germinated wheat, has the following storage periods in vacuum packaging cooled to 37 days at a temperature of 4±2 °C and 75% humidity, frozen for 50 days at -18±2 °C and 75?% humidity.

1. Rogozhin VV, Rogozhina TV. Fiziologo-biohimicheskie mehanizmy prorastanija zernovoj pshenicy [Fiziologo biochemical mechanisms of germination of zernovka of wheat]. Vestnik AGAU [Messenger of AGAU]. 2011. No. 8. P. 17-21.
2. Bastrikov D, Pankratov G. Izmenenie biohimicheskih svojstv zerna pri zamachi-vanii [Change of biochemical properties of grain when soaking]. Hleboprodukty [Bakery products]. 2005. No. 1. P. 40-41.
3. Shaskolsky V, Shaskolskaya N. Prorostki - istochnik zdorov'ja [Century. Sprouts health source]. Hleboprodukty [Bakery products]. 2005. No. 4. P. 56-57.
4. Volchenkov A.S. Formirovanie sistemy zagotovki, hranenija i pervichnoj pererabotki sel'skohozjajstvennoj produkcii [Forming of a system of preparation, storage and primary processing of agricultural products]. Territorija nauki [Territory of science]. 2016. No. 6. P. 43-47.
5. Pershakov TV, Lisova VV, Kupin GA, Alyoshin VN, Panasenko EYu, Viktorova EP. Sposoby obespechenija stabil'nogo kachestva rastitel'nogo syr'ja v processe hranenija [Ways of ensuring stable quality of vegetable raw materials in the course of Storage]. Nauchnyj zhurnal KubGAU [Scientific log of KUBGAU]. 2016. No. 116. P. 205-217.
6. Tsuranov OA, Krysin AG, Burylin DA, Voronenko BA. Osobennosti ohlazhdenija produktov v shkafu intensivnogo ohlazhdenija pri peremennoj temperature vozduha [Features of cooling of products in a cabinet of intensive cooling at variable air temperature]. Novye tehnologii [New technologies]. 2011. No. 2. P. 50-53.
7. Safronova TN, Kazina VV, Safronova KV. Razrabotka tehnologicheskih parametrov prorashhivanija zerna pshenicy [Development of technological parameters of wheat grain germination]. Tehnika i tehnologija pishhevyh proizvodstv. Kemerovo [Scientifically technical journal "Equipment and Technology of Food Productions". Kemerovo]. 2017. No. 1 (44). P. 37-43.
8. USDA Food Composition Databases [An electronic resource] / URL: https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/(date of the address: 13.09.15)
Kazina Valentina V., graduate student,
Safronova Tatiana N., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Siberian Federal University (Commerce and Economic Institute),
2, L. Prushinskiy str., Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 660075, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vasyukova A.T., Mirakov I.R., Portnov N.M., Makhmadaliev E.Sh.Designing recipes vegetable conserves culinary products

P. 29-33 Key words
meat processing industry, healthy eating, jenergotraty, vegetable puree products, minced meat

The production of food in a quantity and assortment, sufficient for a stable food supply for citizens is an important task of the country before the world's priority project for the food industry. However, the abundance of food is not conscious introduction of principles of rational nutrition of the various contingents. In this regard, in the context of a market economy and minimize the consumption basket, food industry interaction with relevant to small and medium-sized businesses is to create a combined vegetable conserves products which organically combines with principles of rational nutrition and economic categories. The object of this research is the technology and recipe vegetable conserves culinary products. Subject of study parameters indicators of output and quality of meat products farshevyh. With the help of a computer program has developed recipes of original culinary vegetable conserves ground beef-based products with herbal ingredients and with the addition of aromatic spices. Held organoleptic evaluation of developed products, as well as an assessment of the nutritional value and balance developed formulations. The purpose of this research is to develop recipes and meat quality evaluation tovarovednaja farshevyh semi-finished products using different plant materials. Novelty is designing formulations of combined protein products based on a combination of different types of meat and vegetable puree ingredients with spices and herbs with antioxidant activity. The beef and lamb 1:1 as well as 20-24% of cabbage, carrot or pumpkin puree and 0.3-0.5% of spices, minced meat is tender, juicy and taste of meat structure with the aroma of spices. The main problem of this study is the need for growth in the production of combined meat forcemeats in the country as the most economically advantageous and belkovosoderzhashhim product (50-54% meat: kotletnogo beef and lamb) on compared to mjasosoderzhashhim.

1. Lipatov NN. Predposylky komp'juternogo proektyrovanyja produktov pytanyja s zadavae-moj pyshhevoj cennost'ju [Prerequisites computer design food with nutritional value set]. Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja [Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials]. 1995. No. 3. P. 4-9.
2. Lisin PA. Komp'juternyye tehnologyy v recepturnyh raschetah molochnyh produktov [Computer technologies in the prescription of dairy products]. M. DeLi print [Moscow: Delhi print]. 2007. 104 ð.
3. Mussina ON, Lisin PA. Systemnoe modelyrovanye mnogokomponentnyh produktov pytanyja [System simulation of multi-component food]. Tehnika i tehnologija pishhevyh proizvodstv [Technics and technology of food production]. 2012. No. 4 (27). P. 32-38.
4. Normyy fyzyologycheskyh potrebnostej v ýnergyy y pyshhevyyh veshhestvah dlja razlychnyyh grupp naselenyja Rossyjskoj Federacyy [Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation]. Methodical recommendations. MR The Chief State sanitary doctor of Russia. GG Onischenko. December 18. 2008.
5. Skurikhin IM, Tutelyan VA. Tablycyy hymycheskogo sostava y kaloryjnosty rossyjskyh produktov pytanyja [Table of chemical composition and nutritional value of Russian food]. M.: DeLi print [Moscow: DeLi print]. 2008. 356 p.
6. Svydetel'stvo 2010612628 o gos. regystracyy programmyy dlja ÝVM "Mynymum-Maksymum" [2010612628 certificate of State. registration of a computer program "Minimum-maximum"]. ON Musina, PA Lisin (copyright holders), ON Musina, PA Lisin. - No. 2010610731; Appl. 15.02.2010; Registered Whse. 15.04.2010. in English. 20.09.2010.
7. Svydetel'stvo 2010616153 o gos. regystracyy programmy dlja ÝVM "Ydeal'nyyj Belok" [2010616153 certificate of State. registration of a computer program "Ideal Protein"]. ON Musina, PA Lisin (copyright Holders), ON Musina, PA Lisin. No. 2010613138; Appl. 02.06.2010; Registered Whse. 17.09.2010. in English. 20.12.2010.
8. Litvinova V, Zhuravko EV. Kachestvo y pyshhevaja cennost' specyalyzyrovannyh mjasnyh polufabrykatov [Quality and nutritive value of specialized meat products]. Pishhevaja promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2011. No. 9. P. 32-33.
9. Litvinova V, Zhuravko EV. Sozdanye s pomoshh'ju metodov komp'juternogo modelyrovanyja mjasnyyh polufabrykatov dlja gerodyetycheskogo pytanyja [Creation using computer simulation methods for power gerodieticheskogo meat products]. Sbornik materialov nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii "Innovacionnye tehnologii v pi-shhevoj promyshlennosti i agropromyshlennom komplekse". Penza [Proceedings of the scientific-practical Confe-rence "Innovative technologies in food processing industry and the agro-industrial complex". Penza]. 2011. P. 61-62.
10. Vasyukova, AT, Bogonosova IA, Bazhenov NS. Racyonal'noe pytanye organyzovannyyh kollektyvov [Rational nutrition of organize groups]. Prikladnye issledovanija i tehnologii (sbornik trudov) [Applied research and technology: proceedings]. Moscow. MIT. 2019. P. 28-31.
Vasyukova Anna T., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Mirakov Ismoil R., graduate student,
Portnov Nikolay M., graduate student
K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of technology and management,
73, Zemlyanoy Val, Moscow, Russia, 109004, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mahmadaliev Eradzh Shukurloevich, graduate student,
Bukhtarskiy State University Í. Khusrava,
67, Ayni str., Kurgan-Tyube, Tajikistan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kolonchin K.V.The model of economic growth of the fisheries sector is a possible application for the development of program documents for the development of the fishing industry. Part I

P. 34-39 Key words
methodology, models, rationale for economic growth, development basis, relevance, fisheries

In developing the model, certain assumptions and prerequisites were made in order to show cause-effect relationships arising in the process of economic activity of economic entities of the fishery complex, showing how they affect the whole system as a whole in the focus of achieving the goals. In order for the model to be used in the development of program documents for the development of the fishery complex, the allowable assumptions and assumptions in its creation must to some extent correspond to the observed reality in the work of organizations in the fishing industry. The model under development allows us to trace the extent to which the development of the fish product market and the allocation of quotas among fishing companies will affect the processes of modernization and the influx of investments in the development of the fishery complex and the creation of modern infrastructure. In developing the model, insufficient attention was paid to questions of analyzing the growth of capitalization of fisheries companies, the distribution of revenues and the influence of these factors on improving the economic efficiency of component modules. The implementation of this work was restrained by the lack of reliable information related to general issues of accessibility to these data, as well as an incorrect assessment by the Federal State Statistics Service of statistical information on the whole fishery complex.

1. Kondratiev ND. Bol'shie cikly konjunktury i teorija predvidenija [Big business cycles and foresight theory]. M.: Jekonomika [Economics]. 2002. 767 p.
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3. Klimov VG. Bol'shoj cikl mirovoj jekonomiki v XXI veke. Mirovaja jekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija [The big cycle of the world economy in the 21st century. World economy and international relations]. 2016. No. 12. T. 60. P. 5-16.
4. Rodrick D. Jekonomika reshaet: sila i slabost' "mrachnoj nauki" [Economics decides: the strength and weakness of "dark science"]. M.: Izdatel'stvo Instituta Gajdara [M.: Publishing house of the Gaidar Institute]. 2017 . 256 p.
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11. Drapkin IM, Lukyanov AS. Vneshnie jeffekty ot prjamyh inostrannyh investicij v rossijskoj jekonomike: rezul'taty jempiricheskogo analiza [External effects of foreign direct investment in the Russian economy: results of an empirical analysis]. Voprosy jekonomiki [Issues of Economics]. 2019. No. 2.
12. Mau VA. Nacional'nye celi i modeli jekonomicheskogo rosta: novoe v social'no-jekonomicheskoj politike Rossii v 2018-2019 gg. [National goals and models of economic growth: new in the socio-economic policy of Russia in 2018-2019]. Voprosy jekonomiki [Issues of economics]. 2019. No. 3.
13. Petrov AF, Kasatkina SM. Morskie ohranjaemye rajony (MOR) v Antarktike - instrument geopoliticheskoj bor'by za resursy [Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Antarctica - an Instrument of the Geopolitical Struggle for Resources]. Rybnoe hozjajstvo [Fisheries]. 2019. No. 3.
14. Korzun VA. Ocenka vozmozhnostej ispol'zovanija resursov Antarktiki [Assessment of the possibilities of using Antarctic resources]. Assessment of the possibilities of using Antarctic resources [M.: IMEMO RAS]. 2009. 116 p.
15. trategija razvitija dejatel'nosti Rossijskoj Federacii v Antarktike na period do 2020 g. i na bolee otdalennuju perspektivu [The development strategy of the Russian Federation in the Antarctic for the period up to 2020 and for a more distant future]. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 30 oktjabrja 2010 g. ¹1926-r. [The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 30, 2010 No. 1926-r]
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17. Gosudarstvennaja programma Rossijskoj Federacii "Razvitie rybohozjajstvennogo kompleksa" [The state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the fishery complex"].
18. Informacionnye materialy Rosrybolovstva [Information materials of the Federal Agency for Fishery].
19. Informacionnye materialy Ob#edinennoj sudostroitel'noj korporacii [Information materials of the United Shipbuilding Corporation].
20. Informacionnye materialy Vremennoj komissii Soveta Federacii po zakonodatel'nomu obespecheniju razvitija tehniko-tehnologicheskoj bazy agropromyshlennogo kompleksa Rossijskoj Federacii po voprosam "Sovremennoe sudostroenie v rybohozjajstvennom komplekse Rossijskoj Federacii: problemy i perspektivy" ot 18 aprelja 2019 g. [Information materials of the Interim Commission of the Council of the Federation on legislative support for the development of the technical and technological base of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation on the issues of "Modern shipbuilding in the fisheries of the Russian Federation: problems and prospects" dated April 18, 2019].
21. www.fao.org./fishery/statistics/ru
22. oecdru.org
Kolonchin Kirill V., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography,
17, Verkhnaya Krasnoselskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 107140, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Polozova A.N., Khorev A.I., Belyaeva G.V., Nuzhdin R.V.Business analysis of tax condition of processing organizations. Part 2. Sugar production

P. 40-44 Key words
tax solvency, business analysis, sugar production, identification of results; key indicators

An element of the tax business analysis system is the assessment of the tax solvency of processing organizations, including sugar production. Using the author's methodology of technological procedures, a business analysis of the tax viability of four sugar factories in the Voronezh Region for 2012-2016 was carried out. The parameters of the factors and conditions of the external, conjugate and internal environment of the economic activities of organizations in terms of their positive and negative impact are determined. The indicators of results and performance in the form of physical, cost, industrial, business activity and financial, absolute and relative indicators of tax liabilities, deviations of actual tax liabilities from the standard values, key indicators of the level of tax solvency based on comparison of their achieved values with criteria. Along with the identified positive dynamic trends of individual business analytic units, negative consequences of the manifestation of some factors have been identified, due to which non-compliance with tax burden standards was observed throughout the analytical period. The level of criteria indicators of tax solvency was achieved in less than half of the observations, although there were positive trends towards its growth. The implementation of a proven indicative approach in business analytical practice will enable the organizations-taxpayers of sugar production to preemptively monitor their tax solvency and take operational measures to ensure its proper level, taking into account the interests of state tax services.

1. Vasil'eva MV, Fliginskih TN, Rozhdest-venskaja ES. Informacionnaja baza provedenija nalogovogo analiza kak jetapa nalogovogo planirovanija na mikrourovne [Information base for tax analysis as a stage of tax planning at the micro level]. Upravlencheskij uchet [Management accounting]. 2016. No. 11. P. 12-16.
2. Ljukmanov KM. Informacionno-analiticheskaja sostavljajushhaja formirovanija na-logooblagaemyh pokazatelej na urovne predprijatija [Information and analytical component of the formation of taxable indi-cators at the enterprise level]. Upravlencheskij uchet [Management accounting]. 2013. No. 8. P. 85-93.
3. Popova LV, Konkina TA. Formirovanie informacionno-analiticheskogo obespechenija audita nalogooblozhenija [Formation of information and analytical support for tax audit]. Upravlencheskij uchet [Management accounting]. 2016. No. 7. P. 93-100.
4. Rubcova ZhV, Erenkova JuA, Pustovalova MA, Lopatina PA. Ocenka nalogovoj sostojatel'nosti pererabatyvajushhih organizacij na osnove analiz nalogovoj nagruzki [Assessment of the tax solvency of processing organizations based on the analysis of the tax burden]. Upravlencheskie i marketingovye aspekty razvitija subektov APK i agroprodovol'stvennogo rynka. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. FGBOU VO Voronezhskij GAU, 9-11 nojabrja 2016 g. [Management and marketing aspects of the development of agribusiness and agri-food market. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. FSBEI HE Voronezh State Agrarian University, November 9-11, 2016]. P. 151-155.
5. Chursina JuA, Vilisova IM. Ocenka metodik, primenjaemyh dlja analiza finansovoj ustojchivo-sti predprijatija [Evaluation of the methods used to analyze the financial stability of the enterprise]. Audit i finansovyj analiz [Audit and financial analysis]. 2013. No. 3. P. 442-447.
Polozova Anna N., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
EkoNiva-Technika LLC-holding,
33A, Friedrich Engels str., Voronezh, Russia, 394004, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Khorev Alexander I., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Belyaeva Galina V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Nuzhdin Roman V., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies,
19, Revolution avenue, Voronezh, Russia, 394036, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dementyeva N.V., Bogdanov V.D., Fedoseeva E.V., Sakharova O.V.Assessment of quality and safety the culinary semi-finished products of mackerel and hexagrammidae

P. 46-50 Key words
mackerel, hexagrammidae, culinary semi-finished products, nutritional value, quality, safety

In the far East to underutilized fish species include mackerel and trout, which mainly produce frozen and salted fish products. Currently, consumers are in great demand for culinary fish semi-finished products, the most prepared for further heat treatment, which preserved the native properties of raw materials. In Dalrybvtuz the technology of the cooled culinary fish semi-finished products from a mackerel and a rasp with the prolonged periods of storage Packed in a thermoforming film Darfresh is developed. The aim of the work was to study the indicators of quality and safety of semi-finished products from mackerel and hexagrammidae. In the study of the chemical composition of culinary fish semi-finished products from mackerel, it was found that depending on the formulation they contain protein from 16.7 to 17,1%, carbohydrates from 0.1% to 0.4%, lipids from 8.9 to 9.2%, water - from 69.9 to 70.8% and minerals - from 3.2 to 3.4%. The energy value is 148.1-153.3 kcal. In turn, in the culinary semi-finished products of hexagrammidae, the amount of protein was 16.9-17.3%, carbohydrates 0.3-0.4%, lipids 11.8-12.4%, water 67.1-67.7%, minerals 3.2-3.3%. The energy value of semi-finished products from hexagrammidae ranged from 175.4 to 182.0 kcal depending on the formulation. In the study of microbiological parameters of culinary fish semi-finished products during storage it was found that microorganisms Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, coli group bacteria (BGIS), osmotolerant and osmophilic yeast and mold fungi, Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes were not found, QMAFAnM did not exceed the maximum permissible levels, and ranged from 2.1x103 to 7.9x103 CFU / g depending on the formulation. Organoleptic assessment of semi-finished products of mackerel and Atka mackerel showed that all the samples have passed the aging in multicomponent brine mixtures, prepared according to the developed formulations had a high sensory characteristics. Semi-finished products had a pleasant taste and smell, with a touch of spices, with a slight acidity, giving piquancy, the consistency of the fish was dense and elastic. It was found that the culinary semi-finished products from mackerel and hexagrammidae had a high relative biological value from 74.6 to 84.3%.

1. Kotenev BN. Problemy i perspektivy razvitija rybnogo hozjajstva i ego rol' v prodovol'stvennom obespechenii strany [Problems and prospects of fisheries development and its role in the food supply of the country]. I Vserossijskij kongress jekonomistov-agrarnikov Rol' i mesto agropromyshlennogo kompleksa v udvoenii vnutrennego valovogo produkta Rossii [I all-Russian Congress of agricultural economists the Role and place of the agro-industrial complex in doubling the gross domestic product of Russia]. Moscow, 2005. P. 103-121.
2. Bocharov LN. Perspektivnyj podhod k obespecheniju naselenija produktami rybolovstva [Perspective approach to providing the population with fishery products]. Izvestija TINRO [Izvestiya TINRO]. 2004. Vol. 138. P. 3-18.
3. Bocharov LN, Mel'nikov IV. Savinyh VF, Blinov Ju?G. Rybohozjajstvennye issledovanija na Dal'nem Vostoke i ih resursnoe obespechenie [Fisheries research in the far East and their resource provision]. Voprosy rybolovstva [Fisheries issues]. 2003. Vol. 4, no. 2 (14). P. 184-208.
4. Bajdalinova LS. Biotehnologija moreproduktov [Biotechnology of seafood]. Moscow: Mir, 2006. 560 p.
5. Dement'eva NV. Issledovanie tehnohimicheskih svojstv skumbrii i terpuga [Study of technochemical properties of mackerel and rasp]. Izvestija vuzov. Pishhevaja tehnologija [News universities. Food technology]. 2018. No. 5-6. P. 19-24.
6. Terehova AI. Galichnikova NA, Abdulina SH. Rol' upakovki v sovremennom pishhevom proizvodstve [The role of packaging in modern food production]. Konstrukcii iz kompozicionnyh materialov [Structures made of composite materials]. Moscow: Kompas, 2004. No. 3. P. 30-35.
7. Isupov VP. Pishhevye dobavki i prjanosti. Istorija, sostav, primenenie [Food additives and spices. History, composition, application]. Sankt-Peterburg: GIORD, 2000. 176 p.
8. Dement'eva NV, Bogdanov VD, Saharova OV. Ocenka pishhevoj i biologicheskoj cennosti skumbrii i terpuga [Evaluation of food and biological value of mackerel and rasp]. Nauchnye trudy Dal'rybvtuza [Scientific works of Dalrybvtuz]. 2018. Vol. 45. No. 2. Ð. 68-75.
9. Kim GN, Kim IN, Safronova TM, Megeda EV. Sensornyj analiz produktov pererabotki ryby i bespozvonochnyh [Sensory analysis of processed fish and invertebrates]. Sankt-Peterburg: Lan', 2014. 512 p.
10. Tehnicheskij reglament Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza TR EAJeS 040/2016 O bezopasnosti ryby i rybnoj produkcii [Technical regulation of the Eurasian economic Union TR EAEU 040/2016 On safety of fish and fish products]. Reshenie Soveta Evrazijskoj jekonomicheskoj komissii ot 18.10. 2016 g. No.162.
Dementyeva Natalya V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences,
Bogdanov Valeriy D., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Fedoseeva Elena V., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Sakharova Olga V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University,
52B, Lugovaya str., Vladivostok, Russia, 690087, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pushkar V.I., Glonina G.A.Standardization issues in the production of starch and starch products

P. 51-53 Key words
standardization, normative documents, starch industry, products, control methods, terms and definitions, technical regulations

The article reflects the role of standardization in the starch industry. The development of standards is a necessary condition to ensure the ability to regulate and control the quality of products produced by the industry, as well as its safety. Standardization accelerates the process of using the achievements of science in practice, as the results of research of applied importance, become normative in the form of a normative document with access to the production of products, services, processes (work). Standards are developed in accordance with the national standardization Program on the basis of applications submitted by TC 250 to Rosstandart. The applications justify the need to work on the standard. The main stages of development of national and interstate standards are as follows: stage I - development of the draft standard (1st edition); stage II - development of the draft standard (final version); stage III - adoption, approval and registration of the standard. On the basis of scientific research Institute of starch products, a branch of FSBI "V.M. Gorbatov Federal scientific center" RAS established technical Committee for standardization TC 250 "starch And potato products". The enterprises of the starch industry are United in Association of the Russian producers of starch production. Depending on the purpose and content of the standards developed by VNIIK, are divided into the following types: 1 - product standards; 2 - standards for control methods (tests, measurements, analysis); 3 - standards for terms and definitions.

1. GOST 1.0-2015 Mezhgosudarstvennaya sistema standartizacii. Osnovnye polozheniya [Interstate system of standardization. Fundamentals].
2. GOST 1.2-2015 Mezhgosudarstvennaya sistema standartizacii. Standarty mezhgosudarstvennye, pravila i rekomendacii po mezhgosudarstvennoj standartizacii. Pravila razrabotki, prinyatiya, obnovleniya i otmeny [Interstate system of standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules of development, adoption, renewal and cancellation].
3. GOST 1.5-2001 Mezhgosudarstvennaya sistema standartizacii. Standarty mezhgosudarstvennye, pravila i rekomendacii po mezhgosudarstvennoj standartizacii. Obshchie trebovaniya k postroeniyu, izlozheniyu, oformleniyu, soderzhaniyu i oboznacheniyu [Interstate system of standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design, content and designation].
4. Nikitchenko VE, Vasil'ev DA. Standartizaciya v pishchevoj promyshlennosti kak faktor povysheniya kachestva produktov. [Standardization in the food industry as a factor improve the quality of products]. Moscow. RUDN. 2008. 270 p.
5. TR TS 021/2011 Tekhnicheskij reglament tamozhennogo soyuza "O bezopasnosti pishchevoj produkcii" [Technical regulations of the customs Union "On food safety"].
6. TR TS 005/2011 Tekhnicheskij reglament tamozhennogo soyuza "O bezopasnosti upakovki" [Technical regulations of the customs Union "On safety of packaging"].
7. TR TS 022/2011 Tekhnicheskij reglament tamozhennogo soyuza "Pishchevaya produkciya v chasti eyo markirovki"[ Technical regulations of the customs Union "Food products in terms of its labeling"].
Pushkar Valentina I.,
Glonina Galina A.,
All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products - Branch of the V.M. Gorbatov Federal Science Center of Food Systems RAS,
11, Nekrasov str., Kraskovo, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region, Russia, 140051, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Radaeva I.A., Illarionova E.E., Turovskaya S.N., Ryabova A.E., Galstyan A.G.Principles of Domestic Dry Milk Quality Assurance

P. 54-57 Key words
canned milk, powdered milk, quality and safety indicators

The production and use of canned milk in Russia are of social (supplying the population of country hard-to-reach regions with full-fledged dairy products) and strategic importance (creating food reserves for ensuring food independence). One of the most sought-after concentrated products is powdered milk, which contains at least 95 % of milk dry matter required for human nutrition, has a long shelf life, is cost-effective during transportation and storage compared to liquid and condensed milk products, and is also widely used in various sectors of food industry by using it either in its natural form or after dissolving in water. For stable production by dairy-canning enterprises of high-quality competitive products and ensuring compliance with the requirements of food regulations, EurAsEC based on the national standards of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus by harmonizing them has developed an interstate standard for three types of powdered milk: skimmed, partially skimmed, whole. The requirements for organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics, safety indicators, used by dairy raw materials regulated in standard are generally sufficient and, in aggregate, make it possible for bona fide producers to produce high-quality products, and supervisors to identify falsifide powdered milk. For more effective solution of falsification problem, it is desirable to additionally standardize fatty acid composition of powdered milk fatty phase, the class of its heat treatment, as well as burnt particles and bulk density determination. Updating the regulatory base in near future will allow saturating food market with domestic guaranteed quality powdered milk.

1. Rossijskij statisticheskij ezhegodnik 2018 [Russian Statistical Yearbook 2018]. Moscow: Rosstat, 2018. 694 p. (in Russ.)
2. Galstyan AG, Petrov AN, Radaeva IA, Turovskaya SN, Chervetsov VV, Illarionova EE [et al.] Teorija i praktika molochno-konservnogo proizvodstva [Theory and Practice of Dairy Production]. Moscow: Fedotov D.A. 2016. 181 p. (in Russ.)
3. Turovskaya SN, Galstyan AG, Petrov AN, Radaeva IA, Illarionovà EE, Semipyatniy VK [et al.] Bezopasnost' molochnyh konservov kak integral'nyj kriterij jeffektivnosti ih tehnologii. Rossijskij opyt [Canned Milk Safety as an Integral Criterion for Effectiveness of Their Technology. Russian Experience]. Pishhevye sistemy [Food Systems]. 2018. 1 (2). P. 29-54. (in Russ.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.21323/2618-9771-2018-1-2-29-54
4. Khurshudyan SA, Galstyan AG. Kachestvo pishhevyh produktov. Terminy, opredelenija i protivorechija [Food Quality. Terms, Definitions and Contradictions]. Kontrol' kachestva produkcii [Product quality control]. 2018. No. 1. P. 48-49. (In Russ.).
5. Oganesyanc LA, Khurshudyan SA, Galstyan AG. Monitoring kachestva pishhevyh produktov - bazovyj jelement strategii [Food Quality Monitoring is a Basic Element of the Strategy]. Kontrol' kachestva produkcii [Product quality control]. 2018. No. 4. P. 56-59. (In Russ.)
6. Petrov AN, Hanferyan RA, Galstyan AG. Aktual'nye aspekty protivodejstvija fal'sifikacii pishhevyh produktov [Actual Aspects of Countering Food Products Falsification]. Voprosy pitanija [Problems of Nutrition]. 2016. No. 85 (5). P. 86-92.
7. Turovskaya SN, Illarionova EE, Radaeva IA, Galstyan AG. Sovershenstvovanie normativnoj bazy proizvodstva i obrashhenija molochnyh konservov [Improving Regulatory Framework for Canned Milk Production and Circulation]. Kontrol' kachestva produkcii [Product quality control]. 2018. No. 1. P. 28-33. (In Russ.)
8. Radaeva IA, Chervetsov VV, Galstyan AG, Turovskaya SN, Illarionova EE, Petrov AN. Mezhgosudarstvennyj standart na suhoe moloko [Interstate Standard for Powdered Milk]. Molochnaya promyshlennost' [Dairy Industry]. 2016. No. 3. P. 36-38. (In Russ.)
9. Kobzeva TV, Yurova EA. Ocenka pokazatelej kachestva i identifikacionnyh harakteristik suhogo moloka [Assessment of Powdered Milk Quality Indicators and Identification Characteristics]. Molochnaya promyshlennost' [Dairy Industry]. 2016. No. 3. P. 32-35. (In Russ.)
10. Yurova EA. Mezhdunarodnye standarty ocenki fiziko-himicheskih pokazatelej suhogo moloka [International Standards for Assessment of Powdered Milk Physicochemi-cal Parameters]. Molochnaya promyshlennost' [Dairy Industry]. 2018. No. 6. P. 16-18. (In Russ.)
11. Petrov AN, Galstyan AG, Radaeva IA, Turovskaya SN, Illarionova EE, Semipyatniy VK [et al.] Indicators of Canned Milk Quality: Russian and International Priorities. Food and Raw materials. 2017. No. (5)2. P. 151-161. DOI: http://doi.org/10.21603/2308-4057-2017-2-151-161
12. Petrova LV, Petrova SV. Sposob opredelenija kachestva suhogo cel'nogo moloka [Determining Method of Powdered Whole Milk Quality] Russia patent RU 2378647 C1. 2008.
Radaeva Iskra A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Illarionova Elena E.,
Turovskaya Svetlana N.
All-Russian Dairy Research Institute,
35, build 7, Lusinovskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 115093
Ryabova Anastasia E., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Galstyan Aram G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of RAS
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry - Branch of the V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems,
7, Rossolimo str., Moscow, Russia, 119021

Aleshina L.D., Akimov A.I., Svyatoslavova I.M. Technical regulation of shelf life of confectionery

P. 58-60 Key words
shelf life, normative documents, confectionery

The main factors affecting the quality and safety of products were identified. It is shown how the shelf life affects on its quality and safety. The analysis of the definition of "shelf life" used in the TR CU "On food safety" 021 / 2011, TR CU 022 / 2011 "Food products in part of its labeling" and GOST R 51074-03 "Food products. Information for the consumer. General requirements". According to the results of the review analysis of information materials, the requirements for labeling food products are indicated. When justifying shelf life should be guided SanPiN 2.3.2. 1324-03 "Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products". As a result of the work done to determine the shelf life of a product, the manufacturer provides information on activities that contribute to improving food safety (improvement of technology, introduction of new types of packaging, improved quality indicators of raw materials, improved sanitary regime, etc.). In determining the shelf life of the manufacturer must take into account the reserve ratio for perishable and non-perishable food products. Objective information about the shelf life of a product and the availability of a test report of products for a shelf life allow to avoid problems from regulatory authorities and the consumer.

1. GOST R 51074-2003 Produkty pishhevye. Informacija dlja potrebitelja. Obshhie trebovanija [Food products. Information for consumer. General requirements]. Moscow. Standartinform. 2006. 25 p.
2. Tehnicheskij reglament Tamozhennogo sojuza "O bezopasnosti pishhevoj produkcii" (TR TS 021/2011) [Technical regulation of the Customs Union "On food safety"]. Moscow. Standatinform. 2011. 242 p.
3. Tehnicheskij reglament Tamozhennogo sojuza "Pishhevaja produkcija v chasti ee markirovki" (TR TS 022/2011) [Technical regulation of the Customs Union "Food products in terms of their labeling"]. Moscow. Standartinform. 2011. 29 p.
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 02.01.2000 ¹ 29-FZ "O kachestve i bezopasnosti pishhevyh produktov" [Federal Law of 02.01.2000 No. 29-FL "On the Quality and Safety of Food Products"].
5. SanPiN Gigienicheskie trebovanija k srokam godnosti i uslovijam hranenija pishhevyh produktov [Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products]. Moscow. Minzdrav Rossii. 2004. 19 p.
6. MUK 4.2.1847-04 Sanitarno-jepidemiologicheskaja ocenka obosnovanija srokov godnosti i uslovij hranenija pishhevyh produktov [Sanitary and epidemiological assessment of the justification of shelf life and storage conditions of food products]. Moscow. Minzdrav Rossii. 2004. 32 p.
7. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 16 ijunja 1997 g. ¹720 "Ob utverzhdenii perechnja tovarov dlitel'nogo pol'zovanija, v tom chisle komplektujushhih izdelij (detalej, uzlov, agregatov), kotorye po istechenii opredelennogo perioda mogut predstavljat' opasnost' dlja zhizni, zdorov'ja potrebitelja, prichinjat' vred ego imushhestvu ili okruzhajushhej srede i na kotorye izgotovitel' objazan ustanavlivat' srok sluzhby, i perechnja tovarov, kotorye po istechenii sroka godnosti schitajutsja neprigodnymi dlja ispol'zovanija po naznacheniju" [Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 1997 No. 720 "On approval of the list of durable goods, including components (parts, assemblies, assemblies), which after a certain period may pose a danger to the life and health of the consumer, cause harm to his property or the environment and for which the manufacturer is obligated to establish the service life, and the list of goods that, upon expiration, are considered unsuitable for their intended use].
Aleshina Ludmila D.,
Akimov Anton I.,
Svyatoslavova Irina M., Candidate of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Research Institute of the confectionery industry - Branch of the V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center of Food Systems RAS,
20, build. 3, Electrozavodskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 107023, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Aslanova M.A., Derevitskaya O.K., Soldatova N.E. Functional beverage for the elderly

P. 62-65 Key words
functional beverage, collagen hydrolysate, yeast extract, diseases of the locomotor system, nutritional value, organoleptic indicators

The assortment of products for gerodietetic nutrition produced abroad and in our country is analyzed in the paper. The topicality of the development of the functional beverage for elderly people suffering from the diseases of the locomotor system is substantiated. The composition of the beverage is given and the choice of functional ingredients is substantiated. The basis of the beverage is the hydrolysate (a product of enzymatic hydrolysis of pig legs) - a source of the building material for protein collagen - a matrix of cartilaginous tissue, which facilitates regeneration of the connective tissue elements of the locomotor apparatus. When selecting vitamins, their interaction was studied by the HPLC method. The studies on modeling the composition with the aim of obtaining a product with an attractive taste and aroma profile are presented. To improve odor, the yeast extract was used and the conducted investigations proved that addition of the yeast extract in the quantity of 2% ensured good organoleptic indicators of the product. The complex assessment shows that the product has good consistency, pleasant odor, is a source of animal protein, contains specific amino acids such as glycine, aspartic and glutamic acids, proline, which are contained in collagen and has a direct stimulating effect on the cells of cartilages and bones, has the balanced vitamin and mineral composition. For an elderly person, consumption of the functional beverage will provide up to 64% of the daily requirement of calcium, up to 36.4% of vitamin D, 120% of vitamin E, 33% of vitamin Ñ, 72% of glucosamine and 150% of chondroitin sulfate. Therefore, industrial manufacture of the functional beverage will broaden a range of products for gerodietetic nutrition and allow introduction into the clinical practice for optimization and personification of the therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition of elderly people suffering from the diseases of the locomotor system at the stages of medical rehabilitation, including sanatorium-resort therapy.

1. Pogozheva AV. Esh', pej, molodej. Unikal'nye principy gerodietiki - zdorovogo pitaniya v pozhilom vozraste [Eat, drink, become younger. Unique principles of gerodietetics - healthy nutrition in the elderly]. Moscow: Publ. AST. 2015. 350 p.
2. Beasley JM, Shikany JM, Thomson CA. The Role of Dietary Protein Intake in the Prevention of Sarcopenia of Aging. Nutrition in clinical practice. Vol. 28. I. 6. P. 684-690.
3. Gariballa S, Forster S. Effects of dietary supplements on depressive symptoms in older patients: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Clinical Nutrition. 2007 Oct. 26(5). P. 545-551.
4. Simar D, Malatesta D, Mas E, Delage M, Caillaud C. Effect of an 8-weeks aerobic training program in elderly on oxidative stress and HSP72 expression in leukocytes during antioxidant supplementation. The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 2012 Feb, 16(2). P. 155-161.
5. Petrov AN, Grigorov YG, Kozlovskaya SG, Ganina VI. Gerodieticheskie produkty funkcional'nogo pitaniya [Gerodietetic pro-ducts of functional nutrition]. M.: Kolos-Press [Moscow: Publ. Kolos-Press]. 2001. 95 p.
6. Shterman SV, Shterman SV, Sidorenko MYu. Funkcional'nyj pishchevoj produkt dlya podderzhaniya zdorov'ya sustavov i svyazok "Dzhojnt Perfekt" [Functional food product for support of joint and cartilage health "Perfect Joint"]. Pishchevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2018. No 4. P. 66-67.
7. Aslanova MA [et al.] Poluchenie belkovogo gidrolizata iz syr'ya zhivotnogo proiskhozh-deniya dlya obogashcheniya produktov [Preparation of protein hydrolyzate from raw materials of animal origin for the enrichment of products]. Pishchevaya promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2018. No 2. P. 16-18.
8. Aslanova MA [et al.] Primenenie belkovogo gidrolizata v tekhnologii funkcional'nogo napitka dlya pozhilyh lyudej, stradayushchih oporno-dvigatel'nymi zabolevaniyami [The use of the protein hydrolyzate in the technology of a functional beverage for the elderly with locomotor diseases]. Vse o myase [All about meat]. 2018. No 5. P. 10-13.
9. Ustinova AV [et al.] Belkovo-mineral'nyj obogatitel' iz malocennogo myasokostnogo syr'ya dlya lyudej, stradayushchih zabolevaniyami oporno-dvigatel'nogo apparata [Protein-mineral enriching agent from low value meat and bone materials for people suffering from the diseases of the locomotor system]. Sbornik materialov Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. "Sovremennye biotekhnologii pererabotki sel'skohozyajstvennogo syr'ya i vtorichnyh resursov" (g. Uglich, 8-11 sentyabrya 2009 g.) [Collection of materials of the all-Russian scientific-practical conference "Modern biotechnologies of processing of agricultural raw materials and secondary resources"]. Uglich. 2009. P. 216-219.
10. Aslanova MA. Funkcional'nyj produkt dlya uluchsheniya kachestva zhizni pozhilyh lyudej. [A functional product for improving life quality of the elderly]. Myasnye tekhnologii [Meat technologies]. 2016. No 6. P. 34-36.
Aslanova Marietta A., Ñandidate of Technical Sciences,
Derevitskaya Olga K., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Soldatova Natalya E.,
Federal Research Center for Food Systems V.M. Gorbatov Russian Academy of Sciences,
26, Talalikhina str., Moscow, Russia, 109316, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Zavorokhina N.V., Chugunova O.V., Minnikhanov E.Yu.Investigation of synergism of ternary mixtures of sweeteners used to a low calorie sweet dishes

P. 66-69 Key words
low-calorie, sweet dishes, synergism, sweetener, succinic acid

The article deals with the use of sweet dishes in the development of triple sweeteners mixtures, taking into account their flavor and synergy. It is specified that the increased levels of consumption of free sugars pose a threat to the nutritional quality of the diet by providing a significant amount of calories in the absence of specific nutrients. The purpose of this study was the synergy of sweeteners in the ternary mixtures (triads) and their flavor with the aim of assessing the possibility of use for the preparation of low-calorie sweet dishes. The studies were conducted in the period of 2018. in the laboratories of the Department of food technology USUE, Sverdlovsk region. At the first stage, for the study of taste and aftertaste, a comparative tasting of sweetener solutions was carried out, the estimated sweetness of which corresponded to a 7.5% sucrose solution. At the second stage, the degree of synergism of sweeteners in triple mixtures was investigated.The maximum synergistic effect was observed in mixtures of aspartame-saccharinate-Sucralose (12.4%) and aspartame - Sucralose-stevioside (11.3%). It is noted that most sweeteners have a prolonged aftertaste in comparison with sucrose, while Sucralose had a profile closest to sucrose. The comparative profiles of the sweetness of the studied triple mixtures depending on the saturation of the sweet taste and the longitude of the aftertaste are made. Optimal characteristics possessed 2 ternary mixtures: 1) aspartame-Sucralose-stevioside 2) Acesulfame-Sucralose-stevioside. Proposed formula the applicability of mixtures of sweeteners on the specified criteria; the nature of the aftertaste, solubility and pH, technological characteristics, sweetness profile and synergistic effect. The calculated coefficient of sweetness of the best mixture in the ratio of aspartame: Acesulfame: saccharinate as 3:1: 2 is 600 units. The resulting mixture of sweeteners has a synergistic effect, which allows to reduce the cost of the developed sweet dish. Thus, on the basis of these studies identified a triad of sweeteners having an optimum taste and aroma characteristics and synergism: aspartame-Sucralose-stevioside (coefficient of applicability of 5.02).

1. Gluhova EA. Problemy izlishnego potreblenija sahara i ego reshenija. [Problems of excessive sugar consumption and its solutions]. Problemy, perspektivy biotehnologii i biologicheskih issledovanij: materialy 7-j regional'noj konferencii [Proceedings of the 7th regional conference]. 2017. P. 112-116 (In Russ.).
2. Nepovinnyh NV. Nekotorye aspekty sozdanija nizkokalorijnyh sladkih bljud s uluchshennoj pishhevoj cennost'ju. [Some aspects of creating low-calorie sweet dishes with improved nutritional value]. Molochnohozjajstvennyj vestnik [Dairy Bulletin]. 2016. No. 3 (In Russ.)
3. Koncepcii formirovanija zdorovogo obraza zhizni i profilaktiki zabolevanij v Sverdlovskoj oblasti na period do 2020 goda [About the Concept of formation of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of diseases in Sverdlovsk region for the period till 2020] [Elektronnyi resurs]: Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Sverdlovskoj oblasti ot 20 maja 2009 g. N 557-PP [Òhe Order of the Government of Sverdlovsk region of may 20 2009. N 557-PP]. Rezhim dostupa: http://ekb4.info/pravo7/postanovlenie206.htm, svobodnyj (In Russ.)
4. Podporinova GK. Poluchenie poroshkoobraznogo podslastitelja iz stevii s pomoshh'ju raspylitel'noj sushki [Preparation of powdered sweetener from the stevia plant with spray drying]. Pishhevaja promyshlennost' [Food industry]. 2005. No. 8. Ð. 134 (In Russ.)
5. Smirnova. EV, Panov AV, Prohorova LV. Kontrol' soderzhanija steviozida v rastitel'nom syr'e metodami VJeZhH i TSH. [Control of stevioside content in plant raw materials by HPLC and TLC methods]. Himiko-farmacevticheskij zhurnal [Chemical and pharmaceutical journal]. 2003. No. 10. P. 19-22 (In Russ.)
6. Chajka AK, Pavlova ZhP, Sokolova OS, Kalenik TK. O vozmozhnosti ispol'zovanija medovoj travy stevii v proizvodstve morozhennogo. [On the possibility of using the honey herb stevia in the production of ice cream]. Novoe v pischevyh tehnologiyah [New in food technology]. 2009. No. 1. P. 58-61 (In Russ.)
7. Chugunova OV, Zavorohina NV. Perspektivy sozdanija pishhevyh produktov s zadannymi svojstvami, povyshajushhih kachestvo zhizni naselenija. [The prospects of producing food products with desired properties that improve the quality of life of the population] Izvestija Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo jekonomicheskogo universiteta [News of the Ural state economic University]. 2014. No. 5. P. 120-125 (In Russ.)
8. Bridel M, Lavieille R. The principle of sweetness (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) III. Diastatic hydrolysis of steviol and acid hydrolysis of isosteviol. Bull Soc Chem Biol. 2007. Vol. 13. No. 7. P. 409-412.
9. Gasmalla A. Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni: An alternative Sugar Replacer and Its Application in Food Industry. Food and rev. 2014. Vol. 4. No. 2. P. 2-13.
10. Kohda H, Kasai R, Yamasaki K, Murakami K, Tanaka O. New sweet diterpene glucosides from Stevia rebaudiana. Phytochem. 2001. Vol. 9 No. 15. P. 981-983.
Zavorokhina Natalia V., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Chugunova Olga V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Minnikhanova Ekaterina Yu., graduate student
Ural State University of Economics,
62 / 45, 8 Marta / Narodnoy Voli str., Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620144, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kodentsova V.M., Sarkisyan V.A., Vorobyeva V.M., Vorobyeva I.S., Kochetkova A.A., Risnik D.V.The enrichment of food with vitamin D: international experience and new trends

P. 70-74 Key words
vitamin D, deficiency, enriched foods, methods of enrichment, forms of vitamin D, effectiveness

According to the results of surveys of vitamin sufficiency of adults and children population, vitamin D is the most problematic vitamin. Its deficiency occurs in 50-90% of Russians. Vitamin enrichment of food is a way to eliminate the deficiency. The purpose of the study is to analyze ways of enriching of foods with vitamin D and assess their role in maintaining public health. A review of the literature was carried out on the databases of the RINC, CyberLeninka, Pubmed, Scholar. google. Analysis of the literature data shows that the inclusion of vitamin D fortified dairy, oil and fat products and bread in the diet is effective in improving the availability of this vitamin to the population and may significantly reduce the number of osteoporotic fractures. Besides the traditional addition of vitamin D to the product during its manufacture, alternative methods are being developed - ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of the food itself (mushrooms, vegetable oils) or using enriched with vitamin D2 yeast for baking bread and bakery products. UV irradiation of cows minimizes seasonal variations in the concentration of vitamin D in milk. Sun exposure of pigs increases the vitamin D nutritional quality of pork. The use of vitamin D-fortified products can significantly reduce the number of osteoporotic fractures, the risk of socially significant diseases and the cost of their treatment.

1. Kodentsova VM, Risnik DV. Vitamin-D:medicinskie-i-socialno-ehkonomicheskie-aspekty [Vitamin D: medical and socio-economic aspects]. Voprosy-dietologii [Nutrition]. 2017. Vol. 7. No. 2. P. 33-40. doi: 10.20953/2224-5448-2017-2-33-40
2. Kodentsova VM, Mendel' OI, Khotimchenko SA, Baturin AK, Nikitiuk DB, Tutelyan VA. Fiziologicheskaya potrebnost' i ehffektivnye dozy vitamina D dlya korrekcii ego deficita. Sovremennoe sostoyanie problemy. [Physiological needs and effective doses of vitamin D for deficiency correction. Current state of the problem]. Voprosy pitaniia [Problems of Nutrition]. 2017. Vol. 86. No. 2. P. 47-62. doi: 10.24411/0042-8833-2017-00033 (in Russ.)
3. Kodentsova VM, Beketova NA, Nikitjuk DB, Tutelyan VA. Harakteristika obespechennosti vitaminami vzroslogo naseleniya Rossijskoj Federacii. [Characteristics of vitamin provision in the adult population of the Russian Federation]. Profilakticheskaya medicina [The Russian Journal of Preventive Medicine]. 2018. Vol. 21. No. 4. P. 32-37. doi: 10.17116/profmed201821432 (in Russ.)
4. Moyersoen I, Devleesschauwer B, Dekkers A, de Ridder K, Tafforeau J, Van Camp J, Lachat C. Intake of fat-soluble vitamins in the Belgian population: adequacy and contribution of foods, fortified foods and supplements. Nutrients. 2017. Vol. 9. No. 8. P. 860.
5. Grant W, Wimalawansa S, Holick M, Cannell J, Pludowski P, Lappe J, May P. Emphasizing the health benefits of vitamin D for those with neurodevelopmental disorders and intellectual disabilities. Nutrients. 2015. Vol. 7. No. 3. P. 1538-1564.
6. Kodentsova VM, Risnik DV, Nikityuk DB. Enrichment of Foods with Vitamins: Medico-Social and Economic Aspects. Food Industry. 2017. No. 9. P. 18-21.
7. Pilz S, Marz W, Cashman KD, Kiely ME, Whiting SJ, Holick MF, Schwetz V. Rationale and plan for vitamin D food fortification: a review and guidance paper. Frontiers in endocrinology. 2018. Vol. 9. P. 373.
8. Jakobsen J, Andersen E, Christensen T, Andersen R, Bugel S. Vitamin D vitamers affect vitamin D status differently in young healthy males. Nutrients. 2018. Vol. 10. No. 1. P. 2. doi: [10.3390/nu10010012]
9. Tripkovic L, Wilson LR, Hart K, Johnsen S, de Lusignan S, Smith CP. Hypp?nen E. Daily supplementation with 15 ?g vitamin D2 compared with vitamin D3 to increase wintertime 25-hydroxyvitamin D status in healthy South Asian and white European women: a 12-wk randomized, placebo-controlled food-fortification trial. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2017. Vol.106. No. 2. P. 481-490.
10. Kodentsova VM, Kochetkova AA, Smirnova EA, Sarkisyan VA, Bessonov VV. Sostav zhirovogo komponenta raciona i obespechennost' organizma zhirorastvorimymi vitaminami [Fat component in the diet and providing with fat-soluble vitamins]. Voprosy pitaniia [Problems of nutrition]. 2014. Vol. 83. No. 6. P. 4-17. (in Russ.)
11. Kodentsova VM, Risnik DV. Sovremennye tekhnologii modifikacii zhirovogo komponenta raciona dlya uvelicheniya potrebleniya vitamina D i polinenasyshchennyh zhirnyh kislot. [Modern technologies to modify the fatty component of the diet to increase the intake of vitamin D and polyunsaturated fatty acids]. Almanac of conference materials "Ecology. Economy. Computer science". Sat articles, T. 1: Systems analysis and modeling of economic and ecological systems. Issue 2. - Rostov n / D: Publishing house of the SSC RAS. 2016. 472 p. ISSN 2500-395X P. 434-447.
12. Giacomozzi AS, Carrin ME, Palla CA. Muffins Elaborated with Optimized Monoglycerides Oleogels: From Solid Fat Replacer Obtention to Product Quality Evaluation. J Food Sci. 2018. Vol. 83. No. 6. P. 1505-1515. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.14174
13. Matheson A, Dalkas G, Clegg PS, Euston SR. Phytosterol-based edible oleogels: A novel way of replacing saturated fat in food. Nutrition bulletin. 2018. Vol. 43. No. 2. P. 189-194.
14. Hwang HS, Singh M, Lee S. Properties of Cookies Made with Natural Wax-Vegetable Oil Organogels. J Food Sci. 2016. Vol. 81. No. 5. P. 1045-1054. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.13279.
15. Kavtarashvili ASh, Kodentsova VM, Mazo VK, Risnik DV, Stefanova IL. Biofortifika-ciya kurinogo yajca. Vitaminy i karotinoidy. [Biofortification of hen eggs: vitamins and carotenoids (review)] Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya [Agricultural Biology]. 2017. Vol. 52. No. 6. P. 1094-1104 doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2017.6.1094rus
16. Larson-Meyer DE, Ingold BC, Fensterseifer SR, Austin KJ, Wechsler PJ, Hollis BW, [et al.]. Sun exposure in pigs increases the vitamin D nutritional quality of pork. PloS one. 2017. Vol. 12 (11). e0187877. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187877
17. Weir RR, Strain JJ, Johnston M, Lowis C, Fearon AM, Stewart S, Pourshahidi LK. Environmental and genetic factors influence the vitamin D content of cows' milk. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2017. Vol. 76. P. 76-82. doi:10.1017/S0029665116000811
18. Cardwell G, Bornman JF, James AP, Black LJ. A review of mushrooms as a potential source of dietary vitamin D. Nutrients. 2018. Vol. 13. No. 10. pii: E1498. doi: 10.3390/nu10101498
19. EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies), 2014. Scientific Opinion on the safety of vitamin D-enriched UV-treated baker's yeast. EFSA Journal. 2014. Vol. 12. No. 1:3520. 19 P. doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2014.3520
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22. Baur AC, Brandsch C, Konig B, Hirche F, Stangl GI. Plant oils as potential sources of vitamin D. Frontiers in nutrition. 2016. V. 3. p. 29.
23. Kodentsova VM, Vrzhesinskaya OA. Analiz otechestvennogo i mezhdunarodnogo opyta ispol'zovaniya obogashchennyh vitaminami pishchevyh produktov [The analysis of domestic and international policy of food fortification with vitamins]. Voprosy pitaniia [Problems of nutrition]. 2016. Vol. 85. No. 2. P. 31-50. [in Russian]
24. Itkonen ST, Erkkola M, Lamberg-Allardt CJE. Vitamin D fortification of fluid milk products and their contribution to vitamin d intake and vitamin D status in observational studies - a review. Nutrients. 2018. Vol. 10, (8): 1054. doi: 10.3390/nu10081054
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Kodentsova Vera M., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor,
Sarkisyan Varuzhan A., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Vorobyeva Valentina M., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Vorobyeva Irina S., Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Kochetkova Alla A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
2 / 14, Ustinskiy drive, Moscow, Russia, 109240, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Risnik Dmitry V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
1, Lenin Hills, Moscow, Russia, 119991, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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