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Rambler's Top100

Food processing Industry №3/2019

50 years in additional professional education of food industry specialists in Russia

Meeting of Agrobusinessclub

The Results of the work of Food and Processing industry Enterprises of Russia


Nuraliev S.U.The main directions and tasks of trade and economic policy in ensuring food security

P. 14-17 Key words
trade and economic policy, wholesale food markets, retail markets, trade fairs, monopolization of distribution channels, wholesale distribution centers

The economic development of the country largely depends on the level of trade development and the effectiveness of trade and economic policy, as well as the presence of fair competition between the various sales channels for the sale of food products to ensure guaranteed sales of domestic producers in the domestic market. The proportion of foodstuffs in the structure of household expenditure, studies show it is nearly half in the structure of their total expenditures, which indicates a very low level of living of the population and low level of economic development of the country. It is known that the higher the standard of living and the level of economic development of a country, the lower the share of household expenditure on food and the higher the share of this expenditure on services. To solve the problem of food security and improve the standard of living of the population, need an effective trade and economic policy aimed at the development of fair competition between the various channels of sale, support and development of its own distribution infrastructure.

1. Ambicii i real'nost'. Mesto Rossii v mirovyh rejtingah. // Profil'. - 2016. - № 21. (955) - S. 10-11.
2. Veduta, E. Cifrovaja jekonomika privedet k jekonomicheskoj kibersisteme / E. Veduta // "Mezhdunarodnaja zhizn'". - 2017. - № 10 - S. 87-102.
3. Kiselev, S. V. Sel'skaja jekonomika: uchebnik / Pod red. prof. S. V. Kiseleva. - M.: INFRA-M, 2010. - 572 s.
4. Nuraliev, S. U. Torgovo-jekonomicheskaja politika i problemy importozameshhenija na prodovol'stvennom rynke / S. U. Nuraliev // Jekonomika sel'skohozjajstvennyh i pererabatyvajushhih predprijatij. - 2018. - № 1. - S. 2-5.
5. Nuraliev, S. U. Mezhdunarodnaja torgovlja: uchebnik / S. U. Nuraliev. - M.: INFRA-M, 2018. - 307 s.
6. Nuraliev, S. U. Jekonomika: uchebnik / S. U. Nuraliev. - M.: INFRA-M, 2019. - 363 s.
7. Nuraliev, S. U. Konkurentosposobnost' otechestvennogo prodovol'stvija v uslovijah monopolizacii kanalov sbyta / S. U. Nuraliev // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2018. - № 2. -S. 8-11.
8. Nuraliev, S. U. Jekonomicheskaja politika i ee rol' v povyshenii konkurentosposobnosti produkcii APK / S. U. Nuraliev // Jekonomika sel'skohozjajstvennyh i pererabatyvajushhih predprijatij. - 2018. - № 5. - S. 8-10.
9. Rossija v cifrah 2017: Krat. stat. sb. / Rosstat. - M., R 76. - 2018. - 522 s.
Nuraliev Siragudin Urtzmievich, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Union of Russian markets,
14, Voloshina str., Mytishchi, Moscow region, 141014, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sviridenko Yu.Ya., Myagkonosov D.S., Abramov D.V., Ovchinnikovа E.G. Technological Methods of Correction of organoleptic properties of whey protein hydrolyzates

P. 18-21 Key words
proteins, hydrolysis, hydrolysates, special nutrition, adsorption kinetics, antigenicity, taste of hydrolysates, ultrafiltration

Hydrolysates with a high degree of hydrolysis, which are absorbed in a body without prior digestion, have a great potential for using as protein components in functional food. The main disadvantage of hydrolysates with a high degree of hydrolysis is an unpleasant bitter taste. The dependence of bitter taste intensity of whey protein hydrolysates on the molecular-mass distribution of the hydrolysis products was investigated. A greater degree of bitter taste was noted in hydrolysates having the highest content of peptide fractions with a molecular mass above 1 kDa, and a smaller bitter taste expressed in hydrolyzates containing most of the nitrogenous substances in the form of peptides with mass less than 0.5 kDa and free amino acids. The obtained dependences allowed us to assume that if hydrolyzate decreases the relative content of peptides fraction with a molecular mass of more than 1 kDa, then the bitter taste intensity of hydrolyzate should decrease. To check this theory, studies on membrane filtration of whey protein hydrolysates using polysulfone membranes with a cut-off threshold of 1 kDa, 5 kDa and 10 kDa were carried out. After filtration through a membrane with a cut-off threshold of 1 kDa, the proportion of peptides with a molecular mass above 1 kDa decreased by 3 times of their initial content in the hydrolyzate. Membranes with a cut-off threshold of 5 and 10 kDa to a lesser extent separated peptides with a molecular mass greater than 1 kDa. The bitter taste intensity of hydrolysates after membrane filtration decreased by an average of 3-4 points according to the accepted conventional rating scale.

1. Tutel'jan, V. A. Nauchnye osnovy zdorovogo pitanija / V. A. Tutel'jan, A. I. Vjalkov, A. N. Razumov - M.: Panorama, 2010. - 816 s.
2. United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service. Labeling and Consumer Protection. Proprietary Mixture Suppliers and Manufacturers Questions and Answers (March 17, 1995). [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: https://www.fsis.usda.gov / OPPDE / larc / Ingredients / PMC_QA. htm#PROTEIN%20HYDROLYSATES svobodnyj. - Zaglavie s jekrana.
3. Power, O. Human insulinotropic response to oral ingestion of native and hydrolysed whey protein / O. Power, A. Hallihan, P. Jakeman // Amino Acids. - 2009. - № 37 (2). - P. 333-339.
4. Claessens, M. Glucagon and insulin responses after ingestion of different amounts of intact and hydrolysed proteins / M. Claessens, W. H. Saris, M. A. van Baak // British Journal of Nutrition. - 2008. - № 100 (1). - P. 61-69.
5. Grimble, G. K. The significance of peptides in clinical nutrition / G. K. Grimble // Annual Review of Nutrition. - 1994. - № 14. - P. 419-47.
6. Siemensma, A. D. The importance of peptide lengths in hypoallergenic infant formulas / A. D. Siemensma, W. J. Weijer, H. J. Bak // Trends in Food Science and Technology. - 1993. - № 4. - P. 16-21. 7. Pedrosa, M. Palatability of hydrolysates and other substitution formulas for cow's milk-allergic children a comparative study of taste, smell, and texture evaluated by healthy volunteers / M. Pedrosa [et al] // Journal Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology. - 2006. - № 16 (6). - P. 351-356.
8. Matoba, T. Relationship between bitterness of peptides and their chemical structures / T. Matoba, T. Hata // Agricultural and Biological Ghemistry. - 1972. - № 36. - P. 1423-1431.
9. Nau, F. Selective separation of tryptic beta-casein peptides through ultra?ltration membranes: influence of ionic interactions / F. Nau [et al] // Biotechnology and Bioengineering. - 1995. - № 46 (3). - P. 246-253.
10. Guadix, A. Production of whey protein hydrolysates with reduced allergenicity in a stable membrane reactor / A. Guadix, F. Camacho, E. M. Guadix // Journal of Food Engineering. - 2006. - № 72. - P. 398-405.
Sviridenko Yuri Yacovlevich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Аcademician of RAS;
Myagkonosov Dmitry Sergeevich,Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Abramov Dmitry Vasil'evich, Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Ovchinnikovа Elena Grigor'evna
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Butter and Cheese-making - a branch of the Federal Research Center for Food Systems V. M. Gorbatov RAS,
19 Krasnoarmeiski boulevard, Uglich, Yaroslavl region, 152613, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hurshudyan S.A., Semipyatnyj V.K., Ryabova A.E., Mihajlova I.Yu., Illarionova E.E.Appling of optical analyzers in the practice of quality control raw materials and products

P. 22-25 Key words
errors; food products; influence functions; measurements; optical analyzers; technology

Optical analyzers (OA), based on the interaction of optical gamma with the test substance, are widely used in various sectors of the food industry. Food products due to their multicomponent composition are the most complex objects of analytical measurements of composition and properties, which determined the use of correction circuits and additional measurement channels in OA measurement circuits using compensation signals. The use of OA in continuous technological processes required the creation of various noise-resistant OA, with the invariance of measurement results to external and internal influencing factors. The possibility of dynamic measurements allowed the use of OA in product quality control systems at various stages of production. The range of tasks solved by OA in the food industry is quite wide - from elemental analysis using atomic absorption spectrometers to refractometric measurements of the solids content, from photometric and spectrophotometric determinations of mass concentrations of substances to fixation of sizes and concentrations of suspended substances with photometric counting analyzers: from luminescent ones definitions of damage processes to concentration determinations by the atomic-fluorescent method. The breadth of the solved analytical problems has led to the fact that all modern analytical and production laboratories are necessarily equipped with several OA. Modern OA are continuously improved by extending the measurement ranges, reducing the error, eliminating the effect of non-informative parameters of the food product on the measurement result. All this is achieved by applying the latest algorithms for processing the primary measuring signals, the built-in extended library of measured products, etc. With all the OA saturation with analytical and methodological capabilities, the role of the analyst (operator) is not leveled, since the qualitative measurements require the analyst to understand the nature and composition of the food product and the possible influences of the product components on each other in the measurement process.

1. Hurshudjan, S. A. Primenenie opticheskih analizatorov v pishhevoj promyshlennosti / S. A. Hurshudjan // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2000. - № 11. - S. 76-78.
2. Akopov, E. I. Optical Method and Devices for Disperive Liquid Mtdia Analysis / E. I. Akopov, M. A. Karabegov, A. G. Ovanesian // Proceedings of the International Conference on Ecology of cites. 8-12 June, 1998, Rodes, Greece, p. 77-84.
3. Hurshudjan, S. A. Opticheskie analizatory zhidkih sred s pomehoustojchivymi izmeritel'nymi strukturami. Diss. d. t. n. / ?S. A. Hurushdjan. - Moskva, 2002.
4. Ioffe, B. V. Refraktometricheskie metody himii. 3 e izd., pererab. / B. V. Ioffe. - L.: Himija, 1983. - 352 s.
5. Havezov, M. Atomno-abs orbcionnyj analiz / M. Havezov, D. Calev. - L.: Himija, 1983. - 144 s.
6. Oganesjanc, L. A. Monitoring kachestva pishhevyh produktov - bazovyj jelement Strategii / L. A. Oganesjanc, S. A. Hurshudjan, A. G. Galstjan // Kontrol' kachestva produkcii. - 2018. - № 4. - S. 56-59.
7. Petrov, A. N. Aktual'nye aspekty protivodejstvija fal'sifikacii pishhevyh produktov / A. N. Petrov, A. G. Galstjan // Voprosy pitanija. - 2016. - № 5. - S. 86-92.
8. Hurshudjan, S. A. Identifikacionnye priznaki pishhevyh produktov / S. A. Hurshu-djan // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2008. - № 1. - S. 40-42.
9. Turovskaja, S. N. Bezopasnost' molochnyh konservov kak integral'nyj kriterij jeffektivnosti ih tehnologii. Rossijskij opyt / S. N. Turovskaja [i dr.] // Pishhevye sistemy. - 2018. - T. 1. - № 2. - S. 29-54.
10. Oganesjanc, L. A. Fal'sifikaty vinodel'cheskoj produkcii: metody vyjavlenija / L. A. Oganesjanc // Kontrol' kachestva produkcii. - 2017. - № 7. - S. 8-11.
11. Galstjan, A. G. Kontrol' kachestva jemul'sionnyh likerov na molochnoj osnove / A. G. Galstjan, S. A. Hurshudjan // Kontrol' kachestva produkcii. - 2017. - № 8. - S. 14-16.
12. Metodika vypolnenija izmerenij massovoj koncentracii gljukozy, fruktozy, glicerina i saharozy v vinah hromatograficheskim metodom. Svidetel'stvo ob attestacii № 71-08, registracionnyj kod MVI po Federal'nomu reestru FR. 1.31.2009.05408.
13. Metodika izmerenij massovoj koncentracii saharov i glicerina v alkogol'nyh i bezalkogol'nyh napitkah metodom vysokojeffektivnoj zhidkostnoj hromatografii. Svidetel'stvo ob attestacii № 01.00225 / 205 54 12, registracionnyj kod metodiki izmerenij v Federal'nom informacionnom fonde po obespecheniju edinstva izmerenij FR. 1.31.2012.13426. 14. Metodika vypolnenija izmerenij massovyh koncentracij organicheskih kislot v vinodel'cheskoj produkcii metodom vysokojeffektivnoj zhidkostnoj hromatografii. Svidetel'stvo ob attestacii № 38-09, registracionnyj kod MVI po Federal'nomu reestru FR. 1.31.2009.06524.
15. Metodika vypolnenija izmerenij massovoj koncentracii sinteticheskih krasitelej v vinodel'cheskoj produkcii metodom vysokojeffektivnoj zhidkostnoj hromatografii. Svidetel'stvo ob attestacii № 39-09, registracionnyj kod MVI po Federal'nomu reestru FR. 1.31.2009.06523.
16. Himicheskij sostav pishhevyh produktov. Pod red. A. A. Pokrovskogo. - M.: Pishhevaja promyshlennost', 1977. - 228 s.
17. Karpov, Ju. A. Metody probootbora i probopodgotovki / Ju. A. Karpov, A. P. Savostin // - M.: B NOM. Laboratorija znanij, 2003. - 243 s.
18. Tochilina, R. P. Kontrol' sorbinovoj kisloty v vinodel'cheskoj produkcii / R. P. Tochilina // Kontrol' kachestva produkcii. - 2017. - № 7. - S. 21-23.
Hurshudyan Sergej Azatovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Semipyatnyj Vladislav Konstantinovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Ryabova Anastasiya Evgen'evna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Mihajlova Irina Yur'evna,
Illarionova Elena Evgen'evna
All-Russian Research Institute of the brewing, soft drinks and wine industry - a branch of the Federal Scientific Center of Food Systems V.M. Gorbatov RAS,
119201, Moscow, Rossolimo str., 7, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Glebova S.Yu., Zavorohina N.V., Golub O.V.Develop a descriptive point scale for sensory evaluation of quality frozen vegetables

P. 26-29 Key words
frozen vegetables; inconsistencies; quality indicators; organoleptic evaluation; scoring; sensory analysis

Frozen vegetables are currently an integral part of the diet of modern man. In retail chains, provides a wide range of products both domestic and imported. Products, before you get to implementation, testing compliance documentation, defines quality and safety. Evaluation of organoleptic characteristics is one of the main methods in the detection of inconsistencies, the determination of the level of quality of products, consumer needs, which is to develop new food products. The results of organoleptic evaluation of the product characteristics, in accordance with the requirements of the existing documentation, are often subjective. Scoring method of organoleptic analysis product is gaining popularity both among professionals and among ordinary users. Currently, however, full scoring system developed for a limited range of food products. The article presents the results of the development of rating level of quality using a scoring method for frozen vegetables. Were defined range of individual quality indicators, the main discrepancies for them, the weighting factors (for appearance - 0,15; colour - 0,15; consistency - 0,2; smell - 0.3; the taste and aftertaste is 0.2), the boundary limits of the value of integrated and individual indicators for each quality category score: great - 4,1-5,0; good - 3,1-4,0; satisfactory - 2,1-3,0; unsatisfactory acceptable - 1,5-2,0; unacceptable (dangerous for health) - less than 1.5). Piloted and scoring scales in sensory evaluation of frozen vegetables, locally growing (beets, rutabagas, pumpkins, zucchini, stalks of rhubarb), which showed its suitability for use.

1. Zavorohina, N. V. Sovremennye podhody k opisatel'noj terminologii v organolepticheskom analize / N. V. Zavorohina // Tehnologija i tovarovedenie innovacionnyh pishhevyh produktov. - 2016. - № 6 (41). - S. 81-85.
2. Gabinskij, A. V. Organolepticheskaja ocenka kachestva ikry iz kabachkov / A. V. Gabinskij [i dr.] // Polzunovskij vestnik. - 2013. - № 4-4. - S. 132-137.
3. Guill?n, S. Influence of cooking conditions on organoleptic and health-related properties of artichokes, green beans, broccoli and carrots / S. Guillйn [et al.] // Food Chemistry. - 2017. - vol. 217. - pp. 209-216. doi.org / 10.1016 / j. foodchem. 2016.08.067
4. Johansen, T. J. Growth temperature affects sensory quality and contents of glucosinolates, vitamin C and sugars in swede roots (Brassica napus L. ssp. rapifera Metzg.) / T. J. Johansen [et al.] // Food Chemistry. - 2016. - vol. 196. - pp. 228-235. doi.org / 10.1016 / j.foodchem. 2015.09.049
5. Ngamchuachit, P. Influence of cultivar and ripeness stage at the time of fresh-cut processing on instrumental and sensory qualities of fresh-cut mangos / P. Ngamchuachit [et al.] Postharvest Biology and Technology. - 2015. - vol. 106. - pp. 11-20. doi.org / 10.1016 / j. postharvbio. 2015.03.013
6. Zavorohina, N. V. Sensornyj analiz prodovol'stvennyh tovarov na predprijatijah pishhevoj promyshlennosti, torgovli i obshhestvennogo pitanija: uchebnik / N. V. Zavorohina, O. V. Golub, V. M. Poznjakovskij. - M.: INFRA-M, 2017. - 144 s.
7. Glebova, S. Ju. Issledovanie kachestvennyh harakteristik ovoshhej tykvennyh zamorozhennyh / S. Ju. Glebova, O. V. Golub, N. I. Davydenko // Vestnik JuUrGU. Serija "Pishhevye i biotehnologii". - 2017. - T. 5. - № 2. - S. 67-77.
8. Glebova, S. Ju. Issledovanie prigodnosti k zamorazhivaniju i dlitel'nomu hraneniju chereshkov revenja / S. Ju. Glebova [i dr.] // Tehnika i tehnologija pishhevyh proizvodstva. - 2017. - T. 45. - № 2. - S. 119-125.
9. Glebova, S. Ju. Ocenka kachestva zamorozhennyh korneplodov / S. Ju. Glebova, O. V. Golub, N. I. Davydenko // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2017. - № 4. - S. 64-67.
10. Zavorohina, N. V. Razrabotka i primenenie metodologii modelirovanija bezalkogol'nyh napit-kov s uchetom sensornyh predpochtenij potrebitelej: diss…. d-ra tehn. nauk: 05.18.15 / ?N. V. Zavorohina. - Kemerovo, 2014. - 319 s.
Glebova Svetlana Yurievna, Candidiate of Biological Sciences
Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation,
26, K. Marx av., Novosibirsk, 630087,
Zavorohina Natalya Vladimirovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Ural State University of Economics,
62 / 45, 8 Marta St / Narodnoy voli str., Yekaterinburg, 620144
Golub Olga Valentinovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Siberian Research and Institute of Technology of Processing of Agricultural Production Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
358, working village Krasnoobsk, ab. Novosibirsk region, 630501, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kolonchin K.V.Export of Russian fisheries products: current barriers and main directions of development. Part II

P. 30-34 Key words
еxport opportunities of the fisheries industry, export and import policy, its impact on the price environment of the domestic market

The remaining imbalances in the development of agriculture and fisheries indicate a low level of planning, both in production and in the promotion of the products to domestic and foreign markets. These imbalances lead to a drop in income of processors and organizations engaged in agricultural production and harvesting of aquatic biological resources as well as to an increase in financial costs for storage and transportation of products to the consumer. One of the main directions of solving this problem can be an export development project to promote the products to the world food markets. Our country possesses the necessary resources for the implementation of this project. The basic elements of this Federal project are the development of the raw material base and manufacturing, the creation of a barrier-free environment for the promotion of products to foreign markets, building of modern infrastructure for the distribution and storage of products, projects for the promotion and market positioning of Russian products under umbrella brands. Despite the increase in exports of fish products to 2.15 billion US dollars, the value of Russian exports could perform better, provided diversification of export products based on high refined products of aquatic biological resources. In a context of the high level of depreciation and obsolescence of the fishing fleet and coastal fish processing base, investments in the modernization of fisheries, fish farming, and processing facilities are much lower than the established levels, and the contribution of the fisheries industry to the GDP of the Russian economy does not reach one percent. All these factors act as mechanisms for braking and improving the efficiency of the fisheries industry. The current model of trade in fish products in the domestic and foreign markets requires a serious adjustment, with the focus of supplies primarily on the domestic market and the formation of fair prices, preventing the growth of uncontrolled exports to the detriment of the national interests of Russia. State participation in the solution of this issue can be realized by establishing tariff quotas for the export of fish products and changing the mechanism of allocation of quotas for the extraction of aquatic biological resources.

1. Ivanova, V. N. Novye orientiry razvitiya APK Rossii na period do 2030 goda / V. N. Ivanova, S. N. Seregin S. N // Pishchevaya promyshlennost'. - 2018. - № 8.
2. Ivanova, V. N. Faktory ehkonomicheskogo rosta agrarnoj ehkonomiki-prioritety i sistema mer gosudarstvennoj podderzhki / V. N. Ivanova, S. N. Seregin // Myasnye tekhnologii. - 2018. - № 10 (190).
3. Kajshev, V. G. EHkologiya, prirodopol'zovanie, bioraznoobrazie v koncepcii ustojchivogo razvitiya agrarnoj ehkonomikiV. G. Kajshev, S. N. Seregin // Pishchevaya promyshlennost'. - 2017. - № 5. 4. Ovcharova, L. Razvitie social'noj podderzhki nuzhdayushchihsya v Rossii: bar'ery i vozmozhnosti / L. Ovcharova, E. Gorina // Voprosy ehkonomiki. - 2017. - № 3.
5. Os'makov, V. O strategii razvitiya promyshlennosti v Rossii / V. Os'makov, A. Kalinin // Voprosy ehkonomiki. - 2017. - № 5. 6. Kunashko, A. Ocenka ehkonomicheskogo potenciala ispol'zovaniya bioresursov mirovogo okeana / A. Kunashko, A. Sosnilo // Voprosy ehkonomiki. - 2017. - № 6.
7. Zamaraev, B. Investicionnye processy i strukturnaya perestrojka rossijskoj ehkonomiki / B. Zamaraev, T. Marshova // Voprosy ehkonomiki. - 2017. - № 12.
8. Slobodenyuk, E. D. Gde prolegaet "cherta bednosti" v Rossii? / E. D. Slobodenyuk, V. A. Anikin // Voprosy ehkonomiki. - 2018. - № 1.
9. Materialy prezidiuma Gossoveta po voprosam razvitiya rybohozyajstvennogo kompleksa ot 19 oktyabrya 2015 g.
10. Gosudarstvennaya Programma Rossijskoj Federacii "Razvitie rybohozyajstvennogo kompleksa", utverzhdena Rasporyazheniem Pravitel'stva RF ot 7 marta 2013 g. № 315 r
11. Strategiya razvitiya rybnogo hozyajstva Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2030 goda, utverzhdena prikazom Federal'nym agentstvom po rybolovstvu 30 marta 2018 goda.
Kolonchin Kirill Viktorovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences
All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography,
17, Verkhnyaya Krasnoselskaya str., Moscow, 107140, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Senotrusova S.V., Svinukhov V.G., Kovaleva E.V.Import of vegetables to Russia in the conditions of the embargo

P. 35-38 Key words
tomatoes, goods of group 07 of the commodity nomenclature of the Eurasian Union, vegetables, embargo, import, export

The paper presents the estimation of geographical orientation, volumes and cost of import of vegetable production of the position 0702 HS of foreign trade (tomatoes fresh or cooled) in the Russian Federation in the conditions of embargo is carried out. The data of foreign trade statistics of the customs service of Russia were used for the assessment. Prior to the embargo in 2013, Turkey (39.2%), China (9.4%), the Netherlands (8.6%), Morocco (8.3%), Spain (8.2%), Belarus (5.5%), Ukraine (5.5%), Azerbaijan (5.5%) and other countries imported goods of this position in various volumes (thousand tons). In 2013, Russia imported 855.9 thousand tons of tomatoes and in the amount of USD 1104.4 million. At the end of 2017, the import of tomatoes of heading 0702 HS of foreign trade decreased relative to 2015 in value terms by 17.4%, and in weight terms decreased by 22.5%, and compared to 2013, the import of tomatoes decreased by 49.5% (to 558.7 million us dollars), in weight terms, imports decreased by 40.8% (to 515.8 thousand tons). The geographical focus of supplies has changed. If in 2013 the main suppliers were Turkey (USD 450.8 million), China (USD 105.5 million), the Netherlands (USD 101.9 million), Morocco (USD 101.3 million). Spain (USD 109.9 million), Belarus (USD 42.1 million), Ukraine (USD 41.2 million), Azerbaijan (USD 41.0 million). In 2017, the main suppliers were such countries as Azerbaijan (USD 155.1 million), China (USD 135.1 million), Morocco (USD 132.4 million). Thus, the Russian economic embargo had a noticeable effect on the volume and cost of supplies of vegetable products to Russia.

1. https://www.assessor.ru / notebook?/ ?biznes_jekonomika_finansy / spisok-zapreschennyh-tovarov /
2. Senotrusova, S. V. Import molochnoj produkcii pozicii 0403 TN VJeD v Rossijskuju Federaciju / S. V. Senotrusova, V. G. Svinuhov, I. G. Makarova // Sovremennaja nauka: aktual'nye problemy teorii i praktiki. Serija: Jekonomika i pravo. - 2017. - № 11. - S. 30-33.
3. Senotrusova, S. V. Rynok rybnoj produkcii Rossii: jeksport, import i tamozhennye platezhi / S. V. Senotrusova, V. G. Svinuhov // Mezhdunarodnaja torgovlja i torgovaja politika. - 2017. - № 4 (12). - S. 75-83.
4. http://data.trendeconomy.ru
5. http://stat.customs.ru
6. http://www.trademap.org
7. https://www.openbusiness.ru
8. http://greentalk.ru
Senotrusova Svetlana Valentinovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
27-4, Lomonosov avenue, Moscow, 119991, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Svinukhov Vladimir Gennad'evich, Doctor of Geographic Sciences, Professor
Kovaleva Elvira Vyacheslavovna
Russian economic university Plekhanov,
36, Stremyanny Lane, Moscow, 117997, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Belyavsskaya I.G., Labutina N.V., Balichin M.G., Yurkina K.S., Nikiforova D.S., Matveeva I.V.Technological aspects of cryogenic technologies of bakery products using carbo activatus

P. 40-44 Key words
bakery products, activated carbon, nutritional value, frozen semi-finished bakery products

High demands are placed on bakery products: safety, high nutritional values and organoleptic characteristics. Nowadays, an unexpectedly attractive factor for consumers is the unusual color of the product, which can be achieved by using natural, safe and stable dyes when used in a food product. For the development of such products, it is possible to use activated carbon (Carbo activatus), a black powder, as a prescription component. The use of activated carbon can reduce the energy value of products, which is especially important for people with overweight, which makes it a valuable ingredient in bakery production. Its important characteristic is the ability to transmit a rich black color to food products, in which it is a part. The aim of the work is to study the effect of the freezing stage on the quality of bakery products prepared on the basis of semi-finished products of high degree of readiness using activated carbon. The work was carried out at the department of "High-tech food production" FSBEI HE "Moscow State University of Food Production". The studies used classical and special methods for determining the properties of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and devices: Do-corder, SESH, Structurometer CT-1, HydroPalm AW1 water activity analyzer. The results of the experiments are processed mathematically using the programs Matstat. The effect of activated carbon on the water-absorbing ability of dough from wheat flour has been established, a rational recipe for preparing bakery products has been determined, a semi-finished frozen bakery technology has been proposed, and technological parameters for the production of bakery products using activated carbon have been established. The laws of changing the technological parameters of finished products depending on the duration of cryogenic storage have been established. The results of the influence of activated carbon on the values of the nutritional value of the finished bakery products.

1. Mol'kova, E. I. Vlijanie vlazhnosti na svojstva testa pri zamorazhivanii i kachestvo rzhano-pshenichnogo hleba / I. E. Mol'kova, N. V. Labutina, V. Ja. Chernyh // Hlebopechenie Rossii, 1999. - № 4. - S. 23-24.
2. https: //prodobavki.com (data obrashhenija 21.09.2018).
3. Labutina, N. V. Tehnologija hlebobulochnyh izdelij iz zamorozhennyh polufabrikatov s ispol'zovaniem rzhanoj muki / N. V. Labutina // M.: Izdatel'skij kompleks MGUPP, 2004. - 258 s.
4. Padalko, I. A. 50 ottenkov chernogo. Modnyj ingredient: aktivirovannyj ugol' / I. A. Padalko // Vernyj hleb, 2017. - № 5 - S. 30-31.
5. https://medportal.ru / enc / endocrinology / reading / 7 / (data obrashhenija 10.09.2018).
6. Postanovlenie Glavnogo gosudarstvennogo sanitarnogo vracha RF ot 18.04.2003 № 59 (red. ot 23.12.2010) "O vvedenii v dejstvie sanitarno-jepidemiologicheskih pravil i normativov SanPiN Gigienicheskie trebovanija po primeneniju pishhevyh dobavok".
7. Postanovlenie Glavnogo gosudarstvennogo sanitarnogo vracha RF ot 23 dekabrja 2010 g. № 168 "Ob utverzhdenii SanPiN "Dopolnenija i izmenenija № 3 k SanPiN "Gigienicheskie trebovanija po primeneniju pishhevyh dobavok".
8. Belikov, S. E. Vodopodgotovka: Spravochnik. / Pod red. S. E. Belikova. - M.: Akva-Term, 2007. - 240 s.
9. Pat. 1799244 SSSR, MKI 5 A 21 D 8 / 02. Sposob proizvodstva hleba / V. I. Muhin, [i dr.] Bjul. № 8 // Izobretenija. - S. 264.
10. Voennaja, A. V. Kachestvo hlebobulochnyh izdelij na osnove zamorozhennyh polufabrikatov / A. V. Voennaja, I. V. Matveeva // Hleboprodukty, 1996. - № 4. - S. 18-21.
11. Nechaev, A. P. Pishhevaja himija / A. P. Nechaev, S. E. Traubenberg, A. A. Kochetkova. - SPb.: Giord, 2007.
12. Belkin, V. G. Sovremennye tendencii v oblasti razrabotki funkcional'nyh produktov pitanija / V. G. Belkin, [i dr.] // TMZh, 2009. - № 1 (35). - URL
13. Danikov, N. I. Celebnyj aktivirovannyj ugol'. / N. I. Danikov. - M.: Jeksmo, 2014. - 201 s.
14. Panfilova, V. N. Primenenie jenterosorbentov v klinicheskoj praktike / V. N. Panfilova, T. E. Taranushenko // PF, 2012. - № 6. - URL.
15. Informacionnyj portal: shokovaja zamorozka produktov - tehnologija, oborudovanie Rezhim dostupa: https: //businessman.ru / new-shokovaya-zamorozka-produktov-texnologiya-oborudovanie / (data obrashhenija 10.09.2018).
16. https: //cyberleninka. m / article / n / primenenie-enterosorbentov-v-klinicheskoy-praktike (data obrashhenija 01.10.2018).
Belyavskaya Irina Georgievna, Candidate Technical Sciences,
Labutina Natalia Vasilyevna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Balichin Michail Grigorievich, Doctor of Economic Sciences,
Yurkina Ksenia Sergeevna,
Nikiforova Dar'ya Sergeevna
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Matveeva Irina Victorovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Novozymes RUS LLC,
38, Lomonosovsky Prospect, Moscow, 119330, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Simakova I.V., Maradudin M.S., Strizhevskaya V.N., Romanova Kh.S., Veber A.L.Research of functional and technological properties of composite mixtures of wheat and haricot flour of Russian varieties

P. 45-49 Key words
wheat flour, bean flour, composite mixture, rheological properties, retrogradation of starch, dough, bakery products

The relations of the rheological parameters of dough made from whole-wheat flour, bean flour made from common bean breeding varieties of Omsk State Agrarian University Omichka, Lukerya; common bean of Nerussa standard and dough from composite mixtures, the main prescription components of which are represented by whole ground wheat flour and bean flour of laboratory milling are obtained using the Mixolab device. The effect of flour content from common bean breeding varieties of Omsk State Agrarian University and Nerussa standard varieties grown in the Omsk Region (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 90 %) on the physicochemical parameters of the studied systems was revealed. It was established that with an increase in the amount of bean flour in the composite mixture from 10 to 90 %, a steady decrease in the time of formation of the dough, its stability, the beginning and end of the test retrogradation is observed. An interesting fact is that the rheological properties of the flour of only one selection of beans of the Omsk State Agrarian University differ from the mixture with the minimum addition of whole-ground wheat flour (the ratio is 90:10). In particular, the dough stability time of the flour from the bean varieties of Omsk State Agrarian University is higher than this indicator of the composite mixture with the minimum addition of whole-wheat flour. This was especially evident for the bean flour Omichka. It can also be noted that almost all the rheological parameters of the Omichka bean flour are higher than those of the Lukerya bean flour and the Neruss standard bean flour.

1. Patent RF #2661119, 11.07.2018. Sposob proizvodstva skvashennogo produkta [Method for the production of fermented product] // Patent Rossii # 2017110964, 31.03.2017 Bjul. # 20. / Veber A. L., Zabodalova L. A., Kazydub N. G [i dr.].
2. Veber A. L., Petushkova Ju. V. Izuchenie vozmozhnosti ispol'zovanija fasoli zernovoj sorta Omskogo GAU i tritikale v sostave kompozitnyh smesej dlja funkcional'nyh vidov hleba [Studying the possibility of using grain beans of the Omsk State Agrarian University and triticale as part of composite mixtures for functional types of bread] // Tematicheskij sbornik nauchnyh rabot "Oborudovanie i tehnologii pishhevyh proizvodstv". - Doneck. - 2017. - S. - 129-139
3. Patent RF # 2599569, 10.10.2016 Pishhevoj funkcional'nyj produkt iz proroshhennogo zerna fasoli [Functional food product from germinated beans] // Patent Rossii # 2015124300 / 13, 22.06.2015 Bjul. # 28. / Veber A. L., Bujakova A. A., Kazydub N.G. [i dr.].
4. Veber, A. L., Kazydub N. G., Leonova S. A., Zhiarno M. Poluchenie biologicheski aktivnogo komponenta iz proroshhennyh bobov fasoli s cel'ju ego posledujushhego ispol'zovanija [Obtaining the biologically active component from germinated beans of beans for the purpose of its subsequent use] [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Hleboprodukty. - 2017.-#6 (17).-S.-35-38.
5. Patent RF # 2616864, 10.01.2017, Sposob poluchenija kislomolochnogo napitka [The process for producing fermented milk product] Patent Rossii # 2015124672, 23.06.2015 Bjul. # 1. / Veber A. L., Bujakova A. A., Kazydub N.G. [i dr.].
6. GOST ISO 17718-2015. Zerno i muka iz mjagkoj pshenicy. Opredelenie reologicheskih svojstv testa v zavisimosti ot uslovij zamesa i povyshenija temperatury [Grain and flour from soft wheat. Determination of the rheological properties of the dough depending on the conditions of the mixture and the temperature increase]. - M.: Standartinform, 2015. - 31 s.
7. Maradudin M. S., Simakova I. V., Strizhevskaja V. N., Romanova H. S. Issledovanija kachestvennyh harakteristik sortovoj i tovarnoj fasoli i razrabotka sposoba ee izmel'chenija [Studies of the quality characteristics of varietal and commodity beans and the development of the method of its grinding] // Tehnologii i produkty zdorovogo pitanija: Materialy X Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 20 letiju kafedry "Tehnologii produktov pitanija" 100 - letiju fakul'teta veterinarnoj mediciny pishhevyh i biotehnologij / pod redakciej I. V. Simakovoj - Saratov, 2018. Saratovskij GAU, 2018. - 375 s.
8. Veber A. L., Belan L. V., Petushkova Ju. V. Celesoobraznost' ispol'zovanija zerna fasoli v kachestve osnovy kompozicionnoj smesi v tehnologii hleba dlja sportivnogo pitanija [The feasibility of using grain beans as the basis of the composition of the mixture in the technology of bread for sports nutrition] // Materialy XVIII Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno - prakticheskoj konferencii "Sovremennye problemy tehniki i tehnologii pishhevyh proizvodstv" / pod. red: A. A. Glebova, E. Ju. Egorovoj, E. V. Pisarevoj; Alt. gos. tehn. un-t im. I. I. Polzunova. - Barnaul: Izd-vo AltGTU, 2017. - 281 s.
Simakova Inna Vladimirovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Maradudin Maxim Seraphimovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Strizhevskaya Victoriya Nicolaevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Romanova Khristina Sergeevna, Graduate Student
Saratov State Agrarian University named after N. I. Vavilov,
335, Sokolovaya str., Saratov, Russia, 410005, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Veber Anna Leonidovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin,
2, Institutskaya Sq., Omsk, Russia, 644008, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Eveleva V.V., Shipovskaya E.A., Cherpalova T.M., Habibulina N.V.Carbonhydrate soybean molasses biotransformation by lactic acid bacteria

P. 50-53 Key words
soybean molasses, bacteria, enzyme preparations, carbohydrate biotransformation, lactic acid

The article covers a topical problem of expanding agribusiness resource opportunities: using soybean processing by-products for veterinary lactic acid production. The work was done at the All-Russia Research Institute for Food Additives. The research objective was to study soybean molasses carbohydrates biotransformation by lactic acid bacteria using complex action enzyme preparations. Soybean molasses based solutions obtained by biosynthesis and soybean molasses itself were tested during investigation. Lactic acid bacteria specific strains Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus lactis as well as their consortium were used as producers. As complex action enzyme preparations the following ones were studied: Cellolux-F, Glukolux-F, Amilosubtilin and Protosubtilin. Standard methods for food lactic acid production were used. Lactate calcium formation rate characterized producers' biosynthetic activity. Soybean molasses carbohydrate transformation was estimated by reducing substances fermentation rate. Specific strains Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus helveticus were most active among tested producers. When using Lactobacillus acidophilus calcium lactate formation rate is 0.64 g / (dm3·h), while using Lactobacillus helveticus it is 0.60 g / (dm3·h). Comparative analysis data for soybean molasses fermentation into lactic acid depending on tested producers and enzyme preparations are given. It is shown Amilosubtilin enzyme increases lactic acid biosynthesis efficiency from soybean molasses. Research results can be used when developing technology for veterinary lactic acid production from soybean molasses.

1. Revin, V. V. Poluchenie bakterial'noj celljulozy na othodah pishhevoj promyshlennosti / V. V. Revin [i dr.] // Aktual'naja biotehnologija. - 2014. - № 3 (10). - S. 112-113.
2. Qureshi, N. Soy molasses as fermentation substrate for production of butanol using Closridium beijerimkii / N. Qureshi, A. Lolas., A. Blaschek // Journal of industrial Microbiology and biotechnology. - 2011. - №. 26. - P. 290-295.
3. Habibulina, N. V. Poluchenie frakcij oligosaharidov i izoflavonoidov iz soevoj melassy / N. V. Habibulina, [i dr.] // Himija rastitel'nogo syr'ja. - 2014. - № 3. - S. 115-124.
4. Abdullah, Al Soybean carbohydrate as fermentation feedstock for production of biofuels and value-added chemicals / Al Abdullah, Lu Loman, Ju Kwang // Process Biochemistry. - 2016. - Volume 51. - Issue 8. - P. 1046-1057.
5. Vivek, K. Morya Sophorolipids: Characteristics, production, and Applications / Vivek K. Morya and Eun-Ki Kim // Biosurfactants. Research Trends and Applications / Editied by Catherine N. Mulligan, Saniay K. Sharma, Ackmez Mudhoo. - CRC Press. Boca Raton London, New York. - 2014. - P. 105-124.
6. Paula, F. Production of bio-ethanol from soybean molasses by Saccharomyces cerevisiae at laboratory, pilot and industrial scales / F. Paula, [et al.] // Bioresource Technology. - 2008. - № 99. - P. 8156-8163.
7. Ming-Lun Chiang Optimizing Production of Two Potential Probiotic Lactobacilli Strains Isolated from Piglet / Ming-Lun Chiang, [et al.] // Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. - 2015. - №. 28 (8). - P. 1163-1170.
8. Pirog, T. P. Biokonversija smesi tehnicheskogo glicerina i melassy v povernostno-aktivnye veshhestva Nocardia vaccinia 1MB B-7045 / T. P. Pirog, N. V. Kudrja, [i dr.] // Mіkrobіol. - 2015. - T. 77. - № 3. - S. 28-35.
9. Smirnova, V. D. Biotehnologicheskij put' pererabotki othodov proizvodstva soevogo belka / V. D. Smirnova, [i dr.]// Jekologija i promyshlennost' Rossii. - 2010. - S. 14-16.
10. Eveleva V. V. Issledovanie biotehnologicheskoj pererabotki soevoj melassy v kormovoj probiotik / V. V. Eveleva, [i dr.] // Sbornik trudov XX Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj pamjati V. M. Gorbatova, "Aktual'nye voprosy razvitija ustojchivyh, potrebitel'-orientirovannyh tehnologij pishhevoj i pererabatyvajushhej promyshlennosti APK". - M.: VNIIMP, 2017. - S. 109-110.
Eveleva Vera Vasil'evna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Shipovskaya Elena Alekseevna,
Cherpalova Tatyana Michailovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Аll-Russian Research Institute for Food Additives - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
55, Liteynу pr., St. Petersburg, 191014, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Khabibulina Natalia Victorovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D. I. Mendeleeva,
9, Miusskaya sq., Moscow, 125047, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Belyaeva M.A., Gul'vanskij R. A., Spasskij K.G.Role of nutritional supplements to meat chopped semi-finished products

P. 54-57 Key words
healthy food; meat chopped semi-finished products; nutritional supplements; phytogenesis; the set quality

The article identifies the problem of organization of healthy nutrition of the country's population, the state policy pursued by the country's leadership, the ways of implementation of the problem of balanced nutrition, the development of new food additives of plant origin to meat chopped semi-finished products and their role in improving the food, biological and energy value by enriching the finished product of meat semi-finished products with amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and mineral components. The ingrediyentny composition of nutritional supplement is given, the compounding, mathematical methods used in development of an optimum compounding both the most nutritional supplement, and meat chopped semi-finished products at all stages of technological process are described, beginning from a compounding and finishing with thermal processes about application of various ways of heating. The description of the technological properties of the ingredients of the food additive of Chia powder, garlic, kelp, bell pepper, tomato powder, determined the norms of the ingredients in the optimal ratio in the mixture and the optimal rate of investment in meat chopped semi-finished products for the enrichment of biological components, improve quality indicators, increase food and energy value. The optimal formulation of both the food additive and meat chopped semi-finished products with its inclusion was determined using modern mathematical methods and software. The problem of optimization was solved with use of additive and multiplicative convolution, expert estimates in their registration in quantitative expression of all parameters on groups taking into account weight coefficients and calculation of functionality of quality. The developed technology of preparation of meat chopped semi-finished products with inclusion of nutritional supplements of a phytogenesis of the set quality, maybe, is introduced in mass production. Ready meat semi-finished products can be included in food allowances for various groups of the population that promotes implementation of the state program on the organization of healthy food.

1. Osnovy gosudarstvennoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii v oblasti zdorovogo pitanija naselenija na period do 2020 goda // Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 25 oktjabrja 2010 goda N 1873 r. Jelektronnyj resurs. - Rezhim dostupa http://docs.cntd.ru / document / 902242308
2. Beljaeva, M. A. Mnogokriterial'naja optimizacija teplovoj obrabotki mjasnyh polufabrikatov s ispol'zovaniem sovremennyh jelektrofizicheskih metodov nagreva / M. A. Beljaeva. - M.: Rusajns, 2016-244 s.
3. Beljaeva, M. A. Optimizacija pishhevoj i biologicheskoj cennosti mjasnyh polufabrikatov v processe teplovoj obrabotki s cel'ju obespechenija naselenija kachestvennymi produktami pitanija / M. A. Beljaeva. - M.: Rusajns, 2017-342 s.
4. Buldakov, A. S. Pishhevye dobavki. Spravochnik / A. S. Buldakov. - SPb.: Ut, 1996. - 240 s.
5. Tutel'jan, V. A. Mikronutrienty v pitanii zdorovogo i bol'nogo cheloveka / V. A. Tutel'jan. - M.: Kolos, 2002. - 424 s.
6. Beljaeva, M. A. Patent na izobretenie № 2016131786 ot 02.08.2016 g. Sposoby teplovoj obrabotki mjasnyh polufabrikatov s ispol'zovaniem sovremennyh jelektrofizicheskih metodov nagreva / M. A. Beljaeva, O. K. Bezotosova.
7. Beljaeva, M. A. Novaja pishhevaja dobavka k mjasnym rublenym polufabrikatam / M. A. Be-ljaeva, R. A. Gul'vanskij, K. G. Spasskij // Jekonomicheski jeffektivye i jekologicheski chistye innovacionnye tehnologii. Materialy IV mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. - Izd-vo RJeU im. G. V. Plehanova, 2018. - C. 273-279.
8. Ivashkin, Ju. A. Sistemnyj analiz i issledovanie operacij v prikladnoj biotehnologii / Ju. A. Ivashkin. - M.: MGUPB, 2005. -199 s.
9. Ivashkin, Ju. A. Modelirovanie processov teplovoj obrabotki mjasoproduktov s ispol'zovaniem infrakrasnogo jenergopodvoda / Ju. A. Ivashkin, M. A. Beljaeva // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2006. - № 10. - S. 46-50.
Belyaeva Marina Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Russian economic university after Plekhanov,
117997, Moscow, Stremyanny lane, 36, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gul'vanskij Roman Anatol'evich,
Spasskij Konstantin Georgievich
Joint-stock company "Group of company Spassky Group"
of. 402, 7, Promyshlenniy proezd, v. Besedy, Moscow region, 142715, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gnezdilova A.I., Vinogradova Yu.V., Burmagina T.Yu., Musykantova A.V.Structural and mechanical properties of a preserved dairy product with sugar based on whey protein concentrate

P. 58-61 Key words
canned dairy product, concentrate of whey proteins, tangential stress, effective viscosity, crystals

Since at present the share of domestically produced milk is only 82% of the total demand, it is advisable to use whey and its products in dairy products production technologies. The purpose of this work is to assess the consistency of canned milk product with sugar, developed on the basis of a dry concentrate of whey proteins, which is important for the production of high-quality products. For evaluation, a canned dairy product with sugar was developed with a 10% share of the replacement of skimmed milk powder with whey protein concentrate. In the worked-out samples, rheological parameters were determined using the Rheotest 2.1 instrument and the particle size distribution of lactose crystals using an Olympus CX-3 microscope. In the work, shear stress (or shear stress) and effective viscosity were estimated. As a result, it was established that a dry whey protein concentrate increases the viscosity of a canned milk product with sugar during storage. However, the value of viscosity corresponds to GOST 31688-2012 "Canned milk products. Milk and cream, condensed with sugar. Technical conditions". The concentration of whey proteins in the replacement of 10% skimmed milk powder on the whey protein concentrate slightly affects the particle size distribution of lactose crystals of canned dairy product with sugar. The homogeneity of the crystals is not changed in comparison with the control sample. The reliability of the results is confirmed by their statistical processing. Thus, the assessment of structural and mechanical properties has shown that dry whey protein concentrate can be recommended in the production of canned dairy products with sugar to increase their biological value.

1. O gosudarstvennoj politike v molochnoj otrasli. // Molochnaja promyshlennost'. - 2018. - № 3. - S. 5-8.
2. Stanislavskaja, E. B. Antioksidantnaja aktivnost' produktov modifikacii molochnoj syvorotki / E. B. Stanislavskaja [i dr.] // Molochnaja promyshlennost'. - 2017. - № 11. - S. 50-51.
3. Gnezdilova, A. I. Konservirovannyj molochnyj produkt s saharom na osnove koncentrata syvorotochnyh belkov UF / A. I. Gnezdilova, Ju. V. Vinogradova, A. V. Muzykantova // Molochnaja promyshlennost'. - 2018. - № 2. - C. 69-70.
4. GOST 31688-2012. Konservy molochnye. Moloko i slivki sgushhennye s saharom. Tehnicheskie uslovija. - M.: Standartinform, 2013. - 16 s.
5. Burmagina, T. Ju. Razrabotka konservirovannogo molochnogo produkta s saharom, solodom i solodovym jekstraktom: dis. kand. tehn. nauk, Vologda. - 2017. - 170 s.
6. Kuznecov, O. A. Reologija pishhevyh mass: Uchebnoe posobie / O. A. Kuznecov, E. V. Voloshin, R. F. Sagitov. - Orenburg: GOU OGU, 2005. - 106 s.
7. Smykov, I. T. Vlijanie dlitel'nogo hranenija na strukturu sgushhennogo moloka / I. T. Smykov, A. I. [i dr.] // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2014. - № 4. - S. 9-13.
8. Smykov, I. T. Izmenenie mikrostruktury konservirovannyh molochnyh produktov pri vnesenii soloda i solodovogo jekstrakta / I. T. Smykov, A. I. Gnezdilova, T. Ju. Burmagina // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2015. - № 9. - S. 28-33.
9. Borovkov, A. A. Teorija verojatnostej / A. A. Borovkov. - M.: Librokom, 2018. - 656 s. 10. Vinogradova, Ju. V., Gnezdilova A. I., Vinogradova L. A. Ocenka granulometricheskogo sostava kristallov laktozy v sgushhennom molochnom produkte s saharom i patokoj krahmal'noj kislotnoj / Ju. V. Vinogradova, A. I. Gnezdilova, L. A. Vinogradova / Molochnohozjajstvennyj vestnik № 4 (16), IV kv. 2014. - S. 56-62.
11. Carev, V. I. Sistemnyj analiz fazodispersnyh materialov / V. I. Carev, P. A. Parhomenko. // LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013. - 288 s.
Gnezdilova Anna Ivanovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Vinogradova Yuliya Vladimirovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Burmagina Tatyana Yurievna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Musykantova Anna Vladimirovna
Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy named after N. V. Vereshchagin,
2 st. Schmidt, p. Dairy, Vologda, 160555, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Ivanova V.N., Nikitin I.A., Portnov N.M., Klokonos M.V., Falkov V.V.Development of a complex diet with the use of instant food for a target group of consumers with a predisposition to cardiovascular and endocrine diseases

P. 62-67 Key words
design of food rations, food mixtures, substitutes for food, balanced meals, personalized meals

Designing food mixtures for inclusion in diets is a very promising direction, since besides convenience in storage, transportation, speed of preparation, there is also the possibility of flexible regulation of the composition of the mixture to the needs of each specific consumer and, accordingly, the possibility of switching to a personalized diet by selecting the amount of the mixture for specific tasks and physiological characteristics. The aim of the research was the development of a complex diet with the use of a projected instant food formula for a target group of consumers with a genetic predisposition to cardiovascular and endocrine diseases. Genetic panels responsible for the corresponding disorders of nutritional metabolism in the body were selected: MTHFR - metabolism of B group vitamins, folate cycle; FTO - body weight and fat composition; TCF7L2 - regulation of sugar in the blood; APO?4 - blood cholesterol level, FADS1 - fatty acid metabolism. As initial data for the formulation of the mixture, the specified nutrient requirements for the selected gene alleles were determined. Then, using the "Recipe Editor" module of the "1C: Medicine. Dietary food "the formula of a food mix was designed, providing more dense" adherence "of nutrient parameters to the concrete norms of consumption of food nutrients for the chosen group of consumers. The share of the mixture used in the total diet was: 8.5% by weight, 15% by caloric content, by main food substances: 26.6% by protein, 15.7% by fat, 8.3% by carbohydrates. For the chosen category of eaters, a week-long menu was developed with the inclusion of a projected food mix as one of the meals. The developed menu for most nutrients ensures that the actual values correspond to the target values with a deviation of not more than 5%. The received information base containing digital models of menu options can be used for further experiments.

1. Nikitin, I. A. Teoreticheskie aspekty tehnologii jeffektivnoj funkcional'nosti pishhevyh produktov / Nikitin I. A. // Sbornik materialov konferencii. FGANU Nauchno-issledovatel'skij institut hlebopekarnoj promyshlennosti, Sankt-Peterburgskij filial. - M.: Buki vedi, 2016. - S. 84-87
2. Semenkina, N. G. Sposoby povyshenija pishhevoj cennosti hlebobulochnyh izdelij / I. A. Nikitin, N. G. Semenkina, M. V. Klokonos // Sbornik materialov VI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii. FGBOU VO "Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj universitet inzhenernyh tehnologij". - Voronezh: Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj universitet inzhenernyh tehnologij, 2017. - S. 137-140.
3. Jelgem, M. Umnaja eda: algoritmy preobrazujut mir edy. / M. Jelgem // Direktor informacionnoj sluzhby. - M.: Otkrytye sistemy, 2017. - № 1. - 28 s.
4. https://www.soylent.com / (data obrashhenija 28.10.2018).
5. https://ambronite.com / (data obrashhenija 28.10.2018).
6. http://foyt.ru / (data obrashhenija 28.10.2018).
7. http://pranafood.ru / (data obrashhenija 28.10.2018).
8. https: //smartfood-digitalmeal.ru / (data obrashhenija 28.10.2018).
9. Prikaz Minzdrava RF № 395 ot 21.06.2013 "Ob utverzhdenii norm lechebnogo pitanija".
10. GOST 33933-2016. Smesi belkovye kompozitnye suhie. Obshhie tehnicheskie uslovija.
11. GOST R 53861-2010. Smesi belkovye kompozitnye suhie. Obshhie tehnicheskie uslovija.
12. Ladodo, K. S. Produkty pitanija dlja detej rannego vozrasta. Katalog / T. Je. Borovik, K. S. Ladodo, V. A. Skvorcova, T. V. Bushueva, N. G. Zvonkova, T. N. Stepanova, N. N. Semenova, I. M. Guseva, O. L. Lukojanova, E. A. Roslavceva, E. K. Kutafina. - M.: Pediatr#, 2017. - 470 s.
13. Tutel'jan, V. A. Pitanie zdorovogo i bol'nogo rebenka: posobie dlja vrachej / V. A. Tutel'jan, I. Ja. Konja, B. S. Kaganova. 4 e izd. - M.: Dinastija, 2010. - 316 s.
14. Borovik, T. Je. Produkty pitanija dlja detej rannego vozrasta. Katalog / T. Je. Borovik, K. S. Ladodo, V. A. Skvorcova, T. V. Bushueva, N. G. Zvonkova, T. N. Stepanova, N. N. Semenova, I. M. Guseva, O. L. Lukojanova, E. A. Roslavceva, E. K. Kutafina. - M.: Pediatr#, 2017. - 470 s.
15. Dobrina, N. A. Pitanie dlja sportsmenov. - M.: Chelovek, 2013. - 194 s.
16. Spravochnik po klinicheskomu pitaniju / V. M. Luft, A. V. Lapickij, A. M. Sergeeva. - SPb.: RA Russkij Juvelir, 2018. - 368 s.
17. SanPiN Sanitarno-jepidemiologicheskie trebovanija k organizacii pitanija obuchajushhihsja v obshheobrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenijah, uchrezhdenijah nachal'nogo i srednego professional'nogo obrazovanija.
18. MR Normy fiziologicheskoj potrebnosti v jenergii i pishhevyh veshhestvah dlja razlichnyh grupp naselenija Rossijskoj Federacii.
19. Himicheskij sostav i kalorijnost' rossijskih produktov pitanija: spravochnik / V. A. Tutel'jan - M.: DeLipljus, 2012. - 284 s.
20. Portnov, N. M. Metodika razrabotki racionov kollektivnogo pitanija / A. V. Mosov, N. M. Portnov - M.: Centr Jejdos, 2015. - 247 s.
Ivanova Valentina Nikolaevna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Nikitin Igor' Alekseevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Portnov Nicolai Michailovich,
Klokonos Mariya Vyacheslavovna, Graduate Student
Falkov Vladimir Vasil'evich
Moscow State University of Technologies and Management after K. G. Razumovskiy,
73, Zemlyanoy val, Moskow, 109004, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Slozhenkina M.I., Gorlov I.F., Zolotareva A.G., Surkov D.I.Development of pate functional orientation

P. 68-70 Key words
amino acid composition; calcium citrate; gerodietic nutrition; flax meal; functional product; meat products; rabbit meat

Special requirements are imposed on the nutrition of the elderly in connection with a number of age-related changes in the body, in particular the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and digestive systems. One of the main points of support for the most common diseases among the elderly population is the organization of proper diets. To connect with this main theoretical setting for heroidistic nutrition. To create a recipe were studied the ingredients of plant origin, as well as the selected product suitable for the nutrition of an elderly person. The article presents studies of the proposed formulation, confirming the effectiveness of the development. The analysis of organoleptic and chemical parameters in comparison with the control sample, which differs from the experimental extraction of ingredients of plant origin. Due to the introduction of plant components indicators of the product under the following points: smell, taste and texture. The mass fraction of protein in the product was 18.3%, the mass fraction of fat was 10.2%, which is significantly better than the control sample, where the protein content is 17.1%, and the fat content is 12.6%. Studied amino acid composition of the formulation. Calculations of the biological value of proteins were carried out: protein utilization coefficient, amino acid score difference coefficient, biological value index. The results: on the usefulness and high biological value of proteins. In conclusion, the product was found to be suitable for nutritional nutrition for organoleptic and chemical parameters. Replacing meat raw materials with vegetable components can reduce the cost of the finished product, and adding calcium citrate to the formulation will increase the yield of the product.

1. Novikova, M. V. Razrabotka specializirovannyh produktov gerodieticheskogo pitanija / M. V. Novikova, T. L. Dudnik // Servis v Rossii i za rubezhom. - 2012. - № 2.
2. GOST 25011-81 Mjaso i mjasnye produkty. Metody opredelenija belka. - M.: Standartinform, 2010. - 7 s.
3. GOST 23042-2015 Mjaso i mjasnye produkty. Metody opredelenija zhira. - M.: Standartinform, 2016. - 8 s.
4. Spravochnye tablicy soderzhanija aminokislot, zhirnyh kislot, vitaminov, makro- i mikrojelementov, organicheskih kislot i uglevodov / pod red. I. M. Skurihina, M. N. Volgareva // Himicheskij sostav pishhevyh produktov: v 2 h kn. - M.: VO Agropromizdat, 1987. - Kniga 2. - 360 s.
5. Aslanova, M. A. Ispol'zovanie kal'cijsoderzhashhih dobavok pri proizvodstve varenyh kolbas dlja beremennyh zhenshhin / M. A. Aslanova, A. V. Ustinova, I. A. Govor // Mjasnaja industrija. - 2011. - № 2.
Slozhenkina Marina Ivanovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Gorlov Ivan Fedorovich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of RAS
Volga Region Scientific Research Institute of Meat-and-Milk Production and Processing,
6, Rokossovsky str., Volgograd, 400131, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Zolotareva Anastasiya Gennad'evna,
Surkov Dmitriy Igorevich
Volgograd state technical University
28, Lenin Avenue, Volgograd, 400005, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Ahmedov M.Eh., Demirova A.F., Pinyaskin V.V., Gadzhimuradova R.M., Mustafaeva K.K., Rahmanova R.A.Mathematical modeling of the process of high-temperature rotational sterilization and innovative production technology of canned compotes in the СКО 1 82 350 banks in the heated air flow

P. 72-76 Key words
juice, high-temperature sterilization, innovative technology, sterilization mode, equation, mathematical model

One of the effective ways to intensify the pasteurization process of canned food is the use of air heated to high-temperature temperatures as a heat carrier, a feature of which is that it is very difficult to choose the optimal parameters for the process, since the duration of the heat treatment process depends on many factors. In this case, among the important factors include the initial and final temperature of the product, the temperature and velocity of the coolant (heated air), as well as the state of rest or rotation of the cans during the heat treatment process. Therefore, the use of mathematical modeling allows you to create a theoretical basis for the development of methods for solving specific problems and greatly simplifies the process of determining the optimal conditions for the process. Due to the complexity of the hydrodynamic pattern, as well as the effect on the heat exchange of the characteristic parameters of the process, we studied the dynamics of changes in the temperature field at the least heated point of the cans at the established optimal speeds of their rotation from "bottom to lid" in the RMS bank 1 82 350 heated air at various values of parameters. The results obtained in the experiments carried out are processed in such a way that it is possible to evaluate the intensifying influence of the main factors, establish their necessary values and obtain a mathematical model that can be used when selecting and setting pasteurization modes for canned compote with pasteurization with heated air with various parameters. Taking into account the experimental data obtained for heating apple compote, a mathematical model was obtained, the most efficient thermal pasteurization mode was established, which allowed to achieve the required lethality of finished products and apple compote technology was proposed in a 0.35 l can using two-stage microwave processing and pasteurization using heat transfer media high temperatures.

1. Flaumenbaum, B. L. Osnovy konservirovanija pishhevyh produktov / B. L. Flaumenbaum. - M.: Legkaja i pishhevaja promyshlennost', 1972. - 260 s.
2. Sbornik tehnologicheskih instrukcij po proizvodstvu konservov. - M.: Pishhevaja promyshlennost', 1977. - T. 2.
3. Ahmedov, M. Je. Rezhimy rotacionnoj sterilizacii konservov "Kompot iz chereshni" v potoke gorjachego vozduha s vozdushno-vodoisparitel'nym ohlazhdeniem / M. Je. Ahmedov, T. A. Ismailov // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2006. - № 3. - S. 18-20.
4. Ahmedov, M. Je. Intensifikacija tehnologii teplovoj sterilizacii konservov "Kompot iz jablok" s predvaritel'nym podogrevom plodov v JeMP SVCh / M. Je. Ahmedov // Izvestija vuzov. Pishhevaja tehnologija. - 2008. - № 1. - S. 15-16.
5. Ahmedov, M. Je. Progrevaemost' konservov pri sterilizacii v potoke nagretogo vozduha / M. Je. Ahmedov, T. A. Ismailov // Produkty dlitel'nogo hranenija. - 2007. - № 2. - S. 9-10.
6. Ahmedov, M. Je. Rezhimy rotacionnogo nagreva kompotov v tare SKO 1 82 1000 pri teplovoj steri-lizacii v potoke nagretogo vozduha / M. Je. Ahmedov, T. A. Ismailov // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2007. - № 11. - S. 36-38.
7. Ahmedov, M. Je. Vysokotemperaturnaja rotacionnaja sterilizacija kompotov / M. Je. Ahmedov [i dr.] // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2009. - № 7. - S. 30-31.
8. Ahmedov, M. Je. Sposob konservirovanija kompota iz grush i ajvy / M. Je. Ahmedov, A. F. Demirova, M. M. Ahmedova // Pat. RF № 2545047, Bjul. № 9, 20.03.2015 g.
9. Ahmedov, M. Je. Sposob konservirovanija kompota iz grush i ajvy / M. Je. Ahmedov, A. F. Demirova, M. M. Ahmedova // Pat. RF № 2545048, Bjul. № 9, 20.03.2015 g.
10. Ahmedov, M. Je. Ustrojstvo dlja pred-varitel'nogo pered sterilizaciej plodov?/ ?M. Je. Ahmedov [i dr.] // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2013. - № 8. - S. 46-48.
11. Ahmedov, M. Je. Primenenie innovacionnyh tehnologij v pishhevoj promyshlennosti dlja povyshenija jeffektivnosti teplovoj sterilizacii konservov / M. Je. Ahmedov [i dr.] // Problemy razvitija APK regiona. -2013. - № 2. - S. 53-56.
12. Ahmedov, M. Je. Ispol'zovanie SVCh - jenergii dlja intensifikacii teplovoj sterilizacii kompotov / M. Je. Ahmedov, A. F. Demirova, M. M. Ahmedova // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2013. - № 5. - S. 20-22.
13. Demirova, A. F. Sovershenstvovanie tehnologii proizvodstva konservov putem povyshenija nachal'noj sredneob#emnoj temperatury produkta / A. F. Demirova // Izvestija vuzov. Pishhevaja tehnologija. - 2011. - № 4. - S. 44-45.
14. Kas'janov, G. I. Innovacionnaja tehnologija sterilizacii plodovogo i ovoshhnogo syr'ja / G. I. Kastjanov, A. F. Demirova, M. Je. Ahmedov // Doklady Rossijskoj akademii sel'skohozjajstvennyh nauk. - № 6. - 2014. - S. 57-59.
15. Panina, O. R. Razrabotka rezhimov SVCh-sterilizacii obedennyh konservov / O. R. Panina, G. I. Kas'janov, S. V. Rohman' // Izvestija vuzov. Pishhevaja technologiya - № 1. - 2014. - S. 122-124.
Ahmedov Magomed Ehminovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Demirova Amiyat Fejzudinovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Dagestan Research Institute of Agriculture named after F. G. Kisrieva,
Nauchnyj gorodok, pr. Akushinskogo, Mahachkala, 367014, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pinyaskin Vladimir Viktorovich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences,
Gadzhimuradova Raisat Mirzagasanovna, Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Dagestan State Technical University,
70, I. Shamilya av., Mahachkala, 367015, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mustafaeva Kaniyat Kamalovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Rakhmanova Regina Armetovna
Dagestan State University of National Economy,
5 d., Dzhamalutdina Ataeva str., Mahachkala, 367008, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vlasenkova T.A., Afanasieva G.A., Krylova L.A.Application of information technology in customs

P. 77-81 Key words
information technologies, digital customs, electronic declaration, customs authorities

The use of digital technologies is becoming more and more active in the life of modern man, and this is not surprising. These technologies significantly accelerate all processes of human life. Government authorities, like any other economic entity, also strive to improve the quality of their services. The use of digital technologies in customs will allow customs authorities to not only improve the quality of services provided and speed up the process of providing services. In the study, the authors considered the application of digital technologies such as electronic declaration, automatic registration of customs declarations, automatic release of goods and remote customs payments in customs bodies. In connection with the foregoing, we consider the topic of applying digital technologies in customs to be an actual topic for conducting research, and the analysis carried out by the authors, in our opinion, will make it possible to assess the current situation in the field of digital technologies in customs bodies and suggest measures to accelerate implementation and improvement the quality of their use of these technologies. The goal of the study is to identify shortcomings in the process of applying digital technologies in customs and to suggest measures to speed up the introduction of these technologies, we consider it achieved. In the process of the tasks set by the authors, the digital technologies used in the FCS system were considered, the risks of their application were identified, the positive and negative aspects of using digital technologies were identified and, based on this, measures were proposed to help reduce risks and more efficiently use the technologies considered.

1. http://xn--24-dlci8j.xn--p1ai/cifrovaya-ekonomika-elektronnaya-tamozhnya.html (дата обращения 30.10.2018)
2. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/tsifrovye-tehnologii-v-tamozhennom-dele (дата обращения 30.10.2018)
3. http://www.eurasiancommission.org / ru / act / dmi / SiteAssets / %D0%9A%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B5%20%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5%20%D0%9E%D0%9D%D0%A6%D0%9F. pdf (дата обращения 25.10.2018)
4. https://bookonlime.ru / system / files / node / lecture / 1-15_kozhankova_92-96.pdf (дата обращения 20.10.2018)
Vlasenkova Tatyana Alexandrovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Krylova Larisa Alexandrovna,
Afanasieva Galina Alexandrovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamskoye Highway, Moscow, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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