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Rambler's Top100

Food processing Industry №6/2017

Results of work of food and processing industry enterprises in Russia


Mamikonyan M. The society is in a state of consumer phobias

Ivanova V.N., Seregin S.N.Reform of control and supervision activities: interests of the state and business

P. 10-14 Key words
limitation of administrative barriers; reform of control and supervisory activities; risk-oriented approach

Creating a favorable investment and business climate is a necessary prerequisite for the development of production and economic growth. At the same time, ethical and social values should be formed, which should be perceived by society as a means of achieving the goals of the country's social and economic development and the growth of the well-being of the people, which will serve as a guarantee of success in the economy. In 2014-2015 fter the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation began reform to improve the system of state control and supervision. A new target for the ongoing reform was the introduction of a risk-based approach in carrying out all types of control and supervisory activities of the state with respect to economic entities. Realization of the current standards for conducting control and supervisory activities proposed innovations require state structures to have a clearly constructed system for monitoring the law enforcement practice of normative and legal acts, only in this case one can expect an increase in the effectiveness of all work in this area of activity. The monitoring should be accompanied by the collection of statistical data.

Ivanova Valentina Nikolaevna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Seregin Sergey Nikolaevich, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky,
73 house, Zemlyanoy Val street, Moscow, 109044

Yasinov O.Yu., Matison V.A.Improving the quality of training in food production

P. 15-17 Key words
quality of training; international activity; scientific research; food industry specialists; development strategy of MSUPT; cooperation with industry; training modules

The article deals with issues related to improving the quality of personnel training for the food industry. It is shown that the ongoing globalization of the world economy has also affected the education system. The traditional methods of teaching and knowledge assessment have changed, new specialties and directions of education have been formed, the mobility of students and teachers is growing, the distinction between leading universities with high human resources, research resources, modern laboratory facilities, information and communication technologies and other institutions is not increasing. Corresponding to the modern level of knowledge. The food industry is one of the most dynamically developing branches of the Russian Federation. The state policy of the Russian Federation is aimed at ensuring the safety and quality of food. Practically implemented the provisions of the Doctrine of Food Security of Russia. The strategy of improving the quality of food products in the Russian Federation until 2030 is focused on providing adequate nutrition, preventing diseases, increasing the duration and improving the quality of life of the population, stimulating the development of production and circulation in the food market of proper quality. The development strategy of the Moscow State University of Food Production, the leading university in Russia, which provides training for food industry specialists, is based on the paradigm: "research, education, innovation. " For successful implementation of the strategy, the main directions of MGUPP development have been developed, covering the educational process: additional professional education, research activities, cooperation with industry and RAS institutes, international activity. The measures implemented make it possible to improve the quality of training of specialists for various branches of the food industry.

Yasinov Oleg ?Yurievich, Candidate of Legal Sciences,
Matison Valeriy Arvidovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11 house, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, Russia, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kovalenok A.V., Nikolaeva Yu.V., Rudakova M.Yu.Some aspects of HACCP use in food production in Russia

P. 18-21 Key words
safety; quality; food product; system; standards

In this article are allocated the most dangerous problems connected with safety of food products. Considered necessary principles of HASSP, to ensure the safe production. Also, in article are marked out difficulties which the enterprises can face at HASSP system introduction are listed, and advantages of introduction of this system. Analyze the results of the implementation of the HACCP system in the Russian Federation. Make recommendations on measures to improve the quality of finished products in the food industry. At the moment, all the standards regulating the quality and safety of food products in the relevant enterprises are desirable for implementation, but not mandatory. In Russia, the use of HACCP has not yet been properly developed to ensure the safety of products and catering services. One of the problems of the effectiveness of the HACCP introduction can be attributed to the manufacturer's lack of understanding of the practical value of implementing this system. Programs of training and retraining of personnel in the field of food production are obsolete, focused only on the study and dissemination of rules for the production and personal hygiene of personnel, sanitary norms and rules. In Russian there is no available information on the current international practice of ensuring food safety hygiene and catering services on the basis of the Codex Alimentarius Principles of Food Hygiene. The quality of the finished product largely depends on the quality of the previous stages of the life cycle of food raw materials and finished products, and the earlier the quality parameters laid down in the product are adjusted, in accordance with the requirements of the Quality Management System, the less time and money will be required to produce the final product with specified quality and safety parameters.

Kovalenok Aleksey Viktorovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Nikolaeva Yulia Vladimirovna, Postgraduate Student,
Rudakova Maria Yuryevna, Postgraduate Student,
Moscow State University of Food Production
11 house, Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tarasova E.Yu., Petrova E.I., Skryabin O.V.Quality management in the selection of a grain supplier

P. 22-25 Key words
choice of the supplier; price level indicator; timeliness of deliveries; quality management; level of quality

Quality management at the procurement stage involves the implementation of a number of operations, in particular, the organization must establish the necessary level of quality of the supplied resources that meets its needs, and also choose a supplier that is able to provide the required level of quality. The choice of the supplier for the manufacturing enterprise is a responsible decision, on which the final result of the enterprise's activity and the degree of satisfaction of the final consumer largely depends. The purpose of the study was to justify the choice of grain suppliers for the enterprise. The evaluation of the supplier's capabilities was carried out by the method proposed by A. Robertson. As the main factors of the supplier rating, such criteria as quality, price and timeliness of delivery were chosen. The final evaluation of the supplier's capabilities was carried out by summing up the established criteria. Control of grain quality indicators allowed determining the level of quality for the first supplier - 51 points, for the second - 48. The price of grain for the second supplier is 6.7?% higher than the price of the first supplier. The price level indicator for the first supplier is 30 points, for the second - 28 points. Both suppliers delivered all consignments of grain without delay, somewhat ahead of time, not exceeding 7 days, so the timeliness indicator will be equal to 16 points for both suppliers. When summarizing the results, a comprehensive assessment of the capabilities of each of the suppliers was obtained: the first one - 97 points, the second one - 92 points. The analysis of the suppliers' capabilities gave a rather complete picture and allowed to take the decision on the choice in favor of the first supplier.

Tarasova Elena Yuryevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Petrova Elena Ivanovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Scriabinà Olga Vitalievna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Ryabkova Dina Sergeevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin
1 house, Institutskaya square, Omsk city, 644008, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Belokurova E.V., Maslova V.A.Forecasting and variation of quality indicators of floury culinary products with the introduction of whole wheat flour

P. 26-28 Key words
qualimetric quality assessment; microbiological indices; floury culinary products; whole wheat flour

The growth of the world market of functional food products is explained by consumer demand - the desire to optimize health through food. In the Russian Federation, the food market at the moment does not fully meet public demands for the production of products with specified functional qualities, so now in the food industry much attention is paid to the development of new functional products with the addition of non-traditional plant materials. The work was carried out at the Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies. As a result of research, the technology of flour culinary products has been improved by introducing whole wheat flour. The choice of whole wheat flour as an additive is associated with the content of mineral substances and vitamins in it, which have a beneficial and health-improving effect on the circulatory, cardiovascular, digestive systems of the human body. In addition, the main difference from ordinary wheat flour of the highest grade is the presence of fiber, indigestible shells of grain, which stimulate intestinal peristalsis. In the composition of whole wheat flour, an abundance of carbohydrates and proteins is compensated, so that it is possible to consume flour products from it with overweight people. To assess the feasibility of using the selected additive, an analysis was made of the physico-chemical, organoleptic and microbiological indices of the products with the introduction of whole wheat flour, after the qualimetric evaluation of quality, the best samples were identified. For comparison, we used products prepared according to the classical recipe.

Belokurova Elena Vladimirovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Maslova Vera Alexandrovna, Master
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
19 house, Revolution avenue, Voronezh, 394036, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alekhina N.N., Ponomareva E.I., Uryvskaya N.V.Effect of hop composition on the quality of grain bread

P. 29-31 Key words
bio-activated grain of wheat; grain bread; iodized salt; dry leaven; hop composition

One of the ways to increase the nutritional value of bakery products is the use of bio-activated wheat grain. Ferments are used to improve quality of grain bread and to reduce activity of the enzymes. On the faculty of Technology of bakery, confectionery, macaroni and grain processing industries of the Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies is developed a method for preparing a dry fermentation starter from bio-activated wheat grain with a hop composition (HC). Objective: comparative assessment of the properties of dough and quality of products based on dry fermentation starter from bio-activated wheat grain with hop compositions, consisting of shredded hop cones using a disintegration-wave method, and iodized food salt in the ratio 1: 0,2, 1: 0,3, 1: 0,4. The dough was kneaded with moisture of 48?% after adding 10?% dry fermentation starter. During the fermentation of the dough, the titratable acidity, the volume of the dough and the volume of the extracted carbon dioxide were determined every 30 minutes. The volume of carbon dioxide was determined on the risograph National (Manufacturing Lincoln, Nebraska). Production after 24 hours after baking was analyzed for organoleptic and physicochemical parameters. The number of Mesophilic Aerobic and Facultative Anaerobic Microorganisms (NMAFAM) was determined 72 hours after baking. As a result of the research, it was found that the samples prepared with HC consisting of hop cones and iodized food salt in a ratio of 1: 0,3 were characterized by a large volume of dough, a specific bread volume, 1: 0,2, - the highest value of titrated activity and fermentation activity yeast cells, 1:0,4 - the smallest microbiological contamination. Based on the studies carried out, it is recommended to bake grain bread on a dry fermentation starter from bio-activated wheat grain with the use of HC, consisting of shredded hop cones and iodized salt in a ratio of 1: 0,3.

Alekhina Nadezhda Nikolaevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Ponomareva Elena Ivanovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Uryvskaya Natalia Vladimirovna, Master
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
19 house, Revolution avenue, Voronezh, 394036, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To develop trade in domestic food products

Employees of GC "EFKO" passed training on the system of standard BRC


Anisimov B. New management model - market self-financing. Historical aspects for the perspective development of food industry enterprises

Zangieva S.V.Importance of educational subsystem in innovative development of food industry enterprises

P. 40-42 Key words
innovation; competition; educational process; food industry

At present, Russia is going through another complicated historical stage, caused by the economic crisis and to some extent by the sanctions of the world community, which has led to significant changes in many sectors and sectors of industry and economy. In particular, the food industry, as a result of the narrowing of the opportunities to sell products to countries with trade relations, is forced to squeeze production, orientate itself towards the domestic market, whose capacity, due to objective and subjective factors, can increase at a faster pace than demand and growth in the population's solvency. The domestic market of the food industry is known to cover all types of food. And at this level, producers compete with each other, as well as with suppliers from other countries, especially in the sectors of the market with the least added value. Now there is a real opportunity through the mechanism of distribution and redistribution of the created national income to provide real support to various sectors of the economy through a cardinal revision of innovation in the food industry that can really have a positive impact on the formation of conditions for restoring the food industry on a new, highly technological basis. The transition of the food industry to the use of high technology, which involves the use of automated and semi-automated systems, involves the involvement of highly qualified specialists, which will allow Russian business to successfully compete. The topicality and practical significance of the topic is the application of conceptual solutions designed to improve the competitiveness of the food industry. New technologies in the food industry are associated with the training of personnel. There are three levels of training: on the job, on special courses, on the places of introduction of similar technologies. Developing and introducing modern, high-tech innovations into the production of food products, the level of competitiveness of the industry is thus increasing. In the field of food industry, innovations are the implementation in practice of research results and a number of developments in the form of new improved food products, new technologies developed by employees of the Department of Commodity Science and Food Technology of the North Ossetian State University. KL Khetagurov. It is required to constantly introduce innovations, to attract specialists of the appropriate skill level to the industry. The introduction of progressive innovations in the educational process, fill it with new content and meaning, allowing to interact effectively, as higher educational institutions, training specialists for work in the food industry, and the relevant enterprises. From the economic point of view, the educational subsystem, acting as an element of forming the competitiveness of the industry, contributes, firstly, to more effective organization of personnel policy, building up human resources, and secondly, it provides strategic priorities for the development of the industry. Thus, it should be noted that in the current conditions of the formation of market relations, the educational subsystem in the food industry is given an important place.

Zangieva Svetlana Viktorovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
North Ossetian State University named after KL. Khetagurov
44-46 house, Vatutin street, Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-Alania, 362025, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kudryashov V.L., Presnyakova O.P.The role of baromembrane processes in the production of crafted food products

P. 44-48 Key words
baromembrane processes; secondary raw materials; ingredients; crafting revolution; nanofiltration; reverse osmosis; vegetable raw materials; ultrafiltration

The last two decades in the US and the EU countries, and in Russia in the past five years, so-called "Crafting technologies (skillful work, craft)" are developing intensively. Basically, this approach develops in brewing, and so intensely that it is called the "Craft Revolution". In the US, there are already 4.5 thousand such breweries, while in the Russian Federation there are about a hundred of them. Currently, the world of "Craft Technology" is beginning to spread to the production of other alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as the production of various food products. Kraft food is distinguished by natural ingredients, author's composition, original organoleptic, unique functional properties, exclusive packaging. For example, in the production of kraft beer used: sudanese rose, orange peel, birch sap, buckwheat husk, chicory, ginger, cinnam. The Craft revolution is a new sociocultural phenomenon. It comb ines the work of a production worker, artisan, inventor and artist. The reasons for the craft revolution are: 1. Significant differentiation of the population by income level. 2. High cost of food and beverages produced by small enterprises. 3. Lack of marketing cooperatives. 4. Unmet need for young professionals in creative work. 5. The need for small batches of therapeutic and prophylactic products. 6. Expensive financial loans. 7. The need for highly skilled workplaces. The article recommends the place of creation of crafting enterprises: farms, public catering establishments, sanatoriums, recreation centers, medical centers, scientific organizations, educational institutions. The article reveals the objective prerequisites for the creation of domestic crafts, and also proved the feasibility and effectiveness of using for these purposes baromembrane processes: microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis. Their main advantages: the use of electricity as the only energy carrier, the lack of additional reagents, phase transitions and the heating process. Particularly valuable in the article are three technological schemes for the production of ingredients for the production of crafted food products from various vegetable and secondary raw materials of food enterprises. The first, depending on the maturing season, is designed for processing by pressing: the biomass of sown herbs, fruits, berries and vegetables containing biologically active substances. The second, for the processing of secondary raw materials of alcohol, starch and dairy enterprises into ingredients for crafting enterprises. The third, for the production of crafting ingredients from aqueous, alcoholic and oily extracts of fruits, herbs, roots and tubers.

Kudryashov Vyacheslav Leonidovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
VNIIPTP - branch of FIC of nutrition and biotechnology,
4b house, Samokatnaya street, Moscow, 111033,
Presnyakova Olga Petrovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky,
73 Building, Zemlyanoy Val street, Moscow, 10904, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sviridenko Yu.Ya., Myagkonosov D.S., Abramov D.V., Ovchinnikova E.G.Scientific and methodical approaches to the development of technology of protein hydrolysates for special nutrition. Part II. Functional properties of protein hydrolysates, depending on specificity of proteolytic processes

P. 50-53 Key words
adsorption kinetics; antigenicity; proteins; biological activity properties; hydrolysis; hydrolysates; special nutrition; ultrafiltration

Presently, protein hydrolysates are enjoying wide application as components in food products for general and special nutritional use. The functional properties of hydrolysates depend by far on the degree of hydrolysis and the molecular mass distribution of peptides in the hydrolysate. Based on analysis of the literature, the paper offers a review of the properties of hydrolysates that are critical for use in compositions of products for general and special nutritional use. Type of raw material used for hydrolysate production and the depth and specificity of hydrolysis determine the functional and biological properties of the hydrolysates. Thus, moderate hydrolysis is used to produce products with high emulsifying and water-retaining capacity. Hydrolysates with a high degree of hydrolysis have a high solubility and resistance to the deposition of contained in these substances protein by the metal salts, acids and temperature. The hydrolysates are widely used in the formula of special (sports, medical and baby) nutrition. This is because of better digestion of the hydrolyzed protein substances found in hydrolysates as short peptides and free amino acids. It is also important for the baby food that the hydrolysates don't contain antigenic amino acid sequences (epitopes) cleavable by hydrolysis. An important requirement to the hydrolysates produced for human consumption is acceptable taste. The primary defect resulting from the proteins hydrolysis is a bitter taste. The bitter taste can be eliminated by deeper hydrolysis, accompanied by cleavage of bitter peptides, as well as the selection of proteolytic enzymes that provide a minimum degree of bitterness. Other flavor defects are associated with carried heat treatment of hydrolysates accompanied by the products appearance of the Maillard reaction, Strecker and lipid oxidation and saponification. These substances not only worsen the taste of the hydrolysate, but also reduce its bioavailability. The technological solution of the problem of unwanted substances may be the use of membrane filtration techniques for the hydrolysate separation from the enzyme. Membrane filtration of the hydrolyzate also allows getting rid of the remnants of non-hydrolyzed proteins and large peptides that increase the antigenicity of the hydrolysate.

Sviridenko Yuriy Yakovlevich, Doctor Of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician,
Myagkonosov Dmitriy Sergeevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Abramov Dmitriy Vasilievich, Candidate Of Biological Sciences,
Ovchinnikova Elene Grigorievna,
All-Russian research Institute of butter-making and cheese-making,
Krasnoarmeyskaya Bulvar, D. 19, Uglich, Yaroslavl region., 152613, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Rodionova N.S., Popov E.S., Pozhidaeva E.A., Kolesnikova T.N.Functional compositions of biocorrecting action based on products of deep processing of low-oil raw materials

P. 54-56 Key words
biocorrecting action; wheat germ cake; amaranth seed cake; pumpkin, flax; functional compositions

The problem of nutritional correction of the nutritional status of the population is reflected in the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of healthy nutrition (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1873 r of October 25, 2010) and the Comprehensive Program for the Development of Biotechnologies in the Russian Federation for the Period to 2020 (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 24.04.2012 No. 1853 P8). The experience accumulated at the present time indicates the presence of macro- and micronutrient deficiencies in the diet of not only certain groups of the population but also the regions, which actualizes the expediency of using natural sources of biologically active substances in the composition of food products for the purpose of directional formation of their functional and biocorrecting properties. Among the known sources of natural biologically active substances, domestic low-oil grain raw materials and products of its deep processing - oilcake of wheat germ, amaranth seed, pumpkin, flax, take priority place, since their volume in the production of oil reaches 80 - 95?% of the initial, and in composition they represent valuable Raw material resource for the food industry, as a source of a wide range of biologically active substances of affordable cost. In addition to significant residual quantities of valuable oils, rich in unsaturated, and especially deficient w-3 fatty acids, these cakes contain proteins (up to 30?%), including all essential amino acids, carbohydrates (up to 40?%), represented by glucogenic and fructogenic mono- and disaccharides, Oligo- and polysaccharides, dietary fiber, a wide range of vitamins - A, D, E, C, group B, PP, T, K, pantothenic and folic acids, carotenoids, macro- and trace elements - Se, Zn, Mn, Mg, Ca, K, Na, Fe, P. The combination of such polycomponent objects makes possible Ïîëó÷åíèÿ Obtaining systems that significantly exceed the original feedstock in terms of biological activity, but it requires the development of an algorithm and a methodology for designing and evaluating new products, taking into account the specified optimization parameters and balancing of the composition.

Rodionova Natalia ?Sergeevna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Popov Evgeniy ?Sergeevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Pozhidaeva Ekaterina Anatolievna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Kolesnikova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Student
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
19 house, Revolution avenue, Voronezh, Russia, 394036, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Shterman S.V., Sidorenko M.Yu., Shterman V.S., Sidorenko Yu.I.Accounting hedonistic preferences of consumers in the design of food. Part I

P. 57-61 Key words
neurobiology; food industry; consumer preferences; food design; nutrition psychology; pleasure

The products manufactured by the modern food industry and their consumer characteristics are seriously changing in last years. In this regard, there is a need to analyze the fundamental principles on which the design of food products should be based. In the process of evolution, sources of pleasure that are most important for survival of the human beings have been incorporated in their genetic code. One of the main of them is food. Hedonistic preferences of people regarding food products play an important role in achieving their commercial success. The paper analyzes the factors influencing the origin of consumers' food preferences and possible directions for influencing on their formation. A brief analysis of the currently existing neurobiological concepts of the emergence of a sense of satisfaction in man and the search for his possible material embodiment is carried out. It is shown that for the emergence of pleasant sensations from consumed food, information obtained by processing signals coming from receptors of human senses can be used. On the other hand, the peculiarity of humans is that their pleasure center can be activated by ideas as well. In this case, the contribution of this second intellectual component can be either positive or negative. In general, the hedonistic feeling received by a person from food has a syncretic, indiscernible character, and at the final stage, it is necessary to take into account the contribution of both of the mentioned above factors.

Shterman Sergey Valeryevich, Doctor of technical science,
Sidorenko MichailUreyvich, Doctor of technical science,
Limited liability company "GEON",
142279, Moscow region, Serpuhov district, Obolensk urban village, Obolensk highway, 1, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;
Shterman Valeriy Solomonovich, Candidate of chemical science,
Sidorenko Uriy Ilich, Doctor of technical science,
Moscow state university of food manufacturing,
125080, Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 11, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Burdun N.I. Reduction of losses in the food and processing industry as a factor of sustainable growth. Meeting of Agribusinessclub

The key to solving many problems is the elimination of vitamin D deficiency - a national project