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Rambler's Top100

Storage and processing of farm products №2/2018


Turshatov M.V., Kononenko V.V., Ledenev V.P., Krivchenko V.A., Solov'ev A.O., Moiseeva N.D., Lozanskaya T.I., Khudyakova N.M. Technological Bases of Obtaining Protein Feed Products During Processing of Starch-containing Raw Materials for Biotechnological and Chemical Products

P. 5-8 Key words
ðrotein products; secondary raw materials; fodder yeast; starch milk; cultivation; organic synthesis products; producer strains; ethyl acetate.

At present, in Russia, in the conditions of active development of animal husbandry, there has been a sharp increase in demand for protein and protein-carbohydrate feed products. One such product is fodder yeast. The production of fodder yeast can be cost-effective only if carbohydrate-containing secondary raw materials (SRM) are used as a nutrient medium. In Russia, the re-profiling of idle distilleries for the production of chemical products, from plant raw materials through its bioconversion, is gaining momentum. Such products are ethyl acetate, acetic aldehyde, acetic acid, crotonaldehyde, sorbic acid, etc. In their production, similarly to the technology of alcohol, SRM are formed, containing the remains of grain raw materials and microbial biomass. With appropriate processing from SRM, a protein fodder product corresponding to fodder yeast can be obtained. For effective management of the cultivation process, an important aspect is the selection of the strain of the microorganism, as well as the selection of the nutrient medium. The study and analysis of these issues was the main goal of the research given in the article. As a result, qualitative indicators of secondary raw materials from complex grain processing have been determined, and optimal regimes for their water-heat and enzymatic treatment have been established for the production of nutrient media for cultivation of fodder yeast on their basis. The analysis of food protein strains has been carried out, the most promising for the researched nutrient media has been selected for the research. According to the results of cultivation, it is established that the environment most additionally enriched with hydrolyzate of the starch fraction B is suitable for growing the food protein strains to the greatest extent. The best results in the assimilation of carbohydrates and the accumulation of protein showed the strain of Rhodosporidium diobovatum 115, in addition, it has the ability to produce carotenoids, what else more increases the value of feed products produced with its application.

1. Rimareva, L. V. Drozhzhi kormovye na osnove zernovoj bardy / L. V. Rimareva, T. I. Lozanskaja, N. M. Hudjakova // Kombikorma. - 2013. - ¹ 7. - S. 41-42.
2. Rimareva, L. V. Jeffektivnoe ispol'zovanie kormovyh drozhzhej iz zernovoj bardy v zhivotnovodstve i pticevodstve / L. V. Rimareva, T. I. Lozanskaja, N. M. Hudjakova // Jeffektivnoe zhivotnovodstvo. - 2013. - ¹ 9. - S. 46.
3. Turshatov, M. V. Poluchenie vysokokachestvennyh suhih kormoproduktov iz vsr zernopererabatyvajushhih predprijatij / M. V. Turshatov [i dr.] // Pivo i napitki. - 2016. - ¹ 1. - S. 22-25.
4. Turshatov, M. V. Tehnologicheskie aspekty poluchenija biojetanola i kormov iz krahmal'nogo moloka i otrubej, obrazujushhihsja pri glubokoj pererabotke zernovyh kul'tur / M. V. Turshatov [i dr.] // V sbornike: Perspektivnye fermentnye preparaty i biotehnologicheskie processy v tehnologijah produktov pitanija i kormov VNIIPBT; pod red. V. A. Poljakova, L. V. Rimarevoj. - 2016. - S. 413-419.
5. Kudrjashov, V. L. Puti povyshenija kormovoj cennosti kukuruznyh kormov s pomoshh'ju biotehnologicheskih i membrannyh processov / V. L. Kudrjashov, N. D. Lukin, D. N. Lukin // Dostizhenija nauki i tehniki APK. - 2016. - T. 30. - ¹ 3. - S. 71-73.
6. Rimareva, L. V. Biotehnologicheskaja pererabotka poslespirtovoj bardy v suhie kormovye drozhzhi / L. V. Rimareva, T. I. Lozanskaja, N. M. Hudjakova // V sbornike: Biotehnologii v kompleksnom razvitii regionov, materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. - 2016. - S. 95.
7. Son, O. M. Ispol'zovanie othodov zernopererabatyvajushhej promyshlennosti v mikrobiologicheskom sinteze kormovogo belka / O. M. Son, E. I. Cherevach, L. A. Tekut'eva // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2016. - ¹ 12. - S. 24-27.
8. Artjuhova, S. I. Biotehnologija novyh form karotinoidnyh preparatov na osnove mikrobnogo sinteza / S. I. Artjuhova, G. I. Bondareva // Rossija molodaja: peredovye tehnologii - v promyshlennost'. - 2013. - ¹ 3. - S. 4-6.
Turshatov Mikhail Vladimirovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Kononenko Valentin Vasil'evich, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Ledenev Vladimir Pavlovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Krivchenko Vera Àleksandrovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Solov'ev Àleksandr Olegovich;
Moiseeva Nadezhda Dmitrievna;
Lozanskaya Tatyana Ivanovna;
Khudyakova Nataliya Mikhailovna
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Food Biotechnology - a branch of the Federal Research Center Food, Biotechnology and Food Security,
4 b Samokatnaya st., Moscow, 111033, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Musayev F.B. oglu, Soldatenko A.V., Beletskiy S.L., Bukharov A.F. Durability of Seeds and Structural Changes During Storage, Methods of Determining

P. 9-13 Key words
anatomy; permafrost; humidity; durability; radiographs; seeds; temperature; factors; storage.

Seeds of cultivated plants are considered to be an important strategic commodity, the control over the quality and turnover of seeds is in the hands of the state in many developed countries. The ability of the seeds to rest under unfavorable conditions of germination allows them to remain for a long period. This allows you to create both insurance seed funds and maintain genetic plant collections. Optimal environmental conditions extend the storage of seeds, which reduces the cost of their re-cultivation. By special storage, the longevity of seeds can be extended 2-4 times. We, the Research Institute of Storage Problems and the FNC Vegetable Growing Institute, are experimenting with the search for optimal natural conditions for long-term seed storage in the permafrost conditions of the Taimyr Peninsula, and the experiment will last until 2050. In another work, together with the staff of the St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, we investigate the change in the internal structure of the different-aged seeds of vegetable crops - tomato and artichoke by the method of microfocus radiography. The method turned out to be informative in this respect, and age-related structural changes on X-ray patterns are clearly seen. It is most effective in alternative analyzes, for example: fresh and old seeds are analyzed. The X-ray method is often indispensable in the rapid analysis of a number of seed indicators, which are reflected in a change in the internal structure. The application of the X-ray method for the analysis of seed quality by introscopic indices (latent insect infestation) is reflected in domestic and international standards and is already widely used. However, it is obvious that in addition to hidden contamination, this method allows to effectively identify a number of other defects and quality indicators of the grains. In the process of automation of this method and numerical evaluation of radiographic indices, it becomes obvious that for a precise, adequate and well-grounded application of this method it is necessary to solve a number of theoretical and practical problems. Further adaptation and improvement of the method with the use of other vegetable crops should give more information about the age-related structural changes in the seeds.

1. Ewart, A. J. On the longefity of seed / A. J. Ewart // Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria. - 1908. - Vol. 211. - R. 1-210.
2. Horoshajlov, N. G. Dlitel'noe hranenie semyan mirovoj kollekcii VIR / N. G. Horoshajlov, N. V. Zhukova // Byul. VIR. - 1978. - Vyp. 77. - S. 9-19.
3. Molodkin, V. Yu. Metody konservacii semyan kul'turnyh rastenij pri nizkih i sverhnizkih temperaturah: avtoref. dis. kand. s. h. nauk / V. Yu. Molodkin. - L.: VASKHNIL-VIR. - 1987. - 18 s.
4. Tihonova, V. L. Vozmozhnosti dolgovremennogo sohraneniya genofonda lekarstvennyh rastenij v bankah semyan // Rol' botanicheskih sadov v sohranenii bioraznoobraziya: materialy Mezhdunar. konf. / V. L. Tihonova, A. E. Baranova. - Rostov n/D: Izd-vo Rost. un-ta, 2002. - S. 290-293.
5. Baranova, A. E. Vozrast semyan i ih reakciya na zamorazhivanie / A. E. Baranova, V. L. Tihonova // Materialy III Mezhdunar. nauchn. konf. "Biologicheskoe raznoobrazie. Introdukciya rastenij". - 23-25 sent. 2003, SPb., 2003. - S. 365-366.
6. Tkachenko, K. G. Geterodiasporiya i sezonnye kolebaniya v ritmah prorastaniya / K. G. Tkachenko // Nauch. vedomosti Belgorod. gos. un-ta. Ser. Estestvennye nauki. - 2009. - T. 11. - ¹ 9. - S. 44-50.
7. Azadi, M. S. The effects of storage on germination characteristics and enzyme activity of sorghum seeds / M. S. Azadi, E. Younesi // J. of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry. - 2013. - Vol. 9. - ¹ 13. - P. 289-298.
8. Nikolaeva, M. G. Pokoj semyan // Fiziologiya semyan. / M. G. Nikolaeva. - M.: Nauka, 1982. - S. 125-183.
9. Buharov, A. F. Temperaturnyj stress i termopokoj semyan ovoshchnyh zontichnyh kul'tur. Ch. 1: Osobennosti indukcii, proyavleniya i preodoleniya / A. F. Buharov, D. N. Baleev // Ovoshchi Rossii. - 2013. - ¹ 2 (19). - S. 36-41.
10. Pivovarov, V. F. Dlitel'noe hranenie semyan v usloviyah vechnoj merzloty Arktiki - istoriya ehksperimenta i novye zadachi / V. F. Pivovarov [i dr.] // Ovoshchi Rossii. - 2016. - ¹ 4. - S. 76-79.
11. Arhipov, M. V. Metodika rentgenografii v zemledelii i rastenievodstve / M. V. Arhipov [i dr.]. - M.: RASKHN. - 2001. - 93 s.
12. Musaev, F. B. Metodicheskie ukazaniya po rentgenograficheskomu analizu kachestva semyan ovoshchnyh kul'tur / F. B. Musaev [i dr.]. - SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGEHTU "LEHTI", 2015. - 39 s.
Musayev Farhad Bagadyr oglu, Candidate of Agricultural Science;
Soldatenko Alexey Vasilievich, Doctor of Agricultural Science
Federal Scientific Centre of Vegetable Growing,
14 Seleksionnaya st., v. VNIISSOK, Odintsovo region, Moscow district, 143072, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Beletskiy Sergey Leonidovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Scientific Research Institute of Storage Problems Federal Agency of State Reserves,
40-1 Volochaivskaya str., Moscow, 111033, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bukharov Alexander Fedorovich, Doctor of Agricultural Science
All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing - the branch of Federal Scientifi Centre of Vegetable Growing,
500 v. Vereya, Ramenskiy region, Moscow district, 1400153, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Abramova I.M., Medrish M.Je., Savel'eva V.B., Prijomuhova N.V., Romanova A.G., Presnjakova O.P.Comparative Analysis of Methods for Studying Impurities in Distillates and Alcoholic Drinks Based on Them

P. 14-19 Key words
gas chromatography; distillates; beverages from distillates; impurities; sample preparation; spectrometry.

The paper presents an overview of modern methods for the analysis of impurities in distillates of various origins and beverages based on them. The study of literature data has shown that various analytical methods are used for the analysis of alcoholic beverages, including whiskey: spectral (photometry, IR spectrometry, fluorimetry, atomic absorption spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry), gas chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography. The most common method for identifying alcoholic beverages in the EU countries is the method of gas chromatography, using solid phase microextraction as sample preparation of samples before analysis. This is due to the fact that a number of universal chromatographs with automatic detection have been developed, which makes it possible to optimize the research procedure. With the application of this method, it is possible to determine a sufficiently wide range of volatile organic substances. In addition, a study of literature has shown that one method of research is not sufficient for the analysis of impurities in distillates. There is a cooperation of various modern research methods for the study of impurities in distillates, regardless of their origin. Often for the differentiation and identification of whiskey, a gas chromatography method is used in conjunction with the olfactometry method (determining the nature of the aroma of a component and the threshold of its identification). However, no systematic data on the procedure for volatile organic impurities, which are quality identifiers, have been found in the literature, depending on the origin of alcoholic beverages derived from cereal distillates.

1. Gar'kusha, M. V. Razrabotka kompleksnogo podhoda k identifikacii viski s ispol'zovaniem instrumental"nyh metodov. Diss. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kand. tehn. nauk. - Moskva, 2016.
2. Panasjuk, A. L. Izuchenie izotopnyh harakteristik spirtov razlichnogo proishozhdenija / A. L. Panasjuk [i dr.] // V sb. "Sovremennaja nauka: aktual"nye problemy i puti ih reshenija". - 2017. - ¹ 3 (34). - S. 16-18.
3. Panasjuk, A. L. Identifikacija vinodel'cheskoj produkcii s ispol'zovaniem izotopnoj mass-spektrometrii / A. L. Panasjuk, E. I. Kuzmina, V. V. Zhirova // v sb. "Sovremennaja nauka: aktual'nye problemy i puti ih reshenija". - 2017. - ¹ 3 (34). - S. 7-9.
4. Vyviurska, O. Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatographic analysis of volatile organic compounds in distillate of fermented Sorbus domestica fruit / O. Vyviurska [et al] // Open Chem. - 2015. - Vol. 13. - P. 96-104.
5. Oseledceva, I. V. Nauchnoe obosnovanie i razvitie metodologii kontrolja kachestva kon'jachnyh distilljatov i kon'jakov. Avtoreferaat diss. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni dokt. tehn. nauk. Krasnodar, 2017. - 51 s.
6. Warden, J., Pereira, L. GC Analysis of Volatiles in Whisky. A Comparison of Columns of Different Polarity for Resolving Volatile Esters and Higher Alcohols. - Thermo Fisher Scientific, Runcorn, Cheshire, UK [PO20373_E02/07].
7. Caldeira, M. Comparison of two extraction methods for evaluation of volatile constituents patterns in commercial whiskeys Elucidation of the main odour-active compounds / M. Caldeira [et al] // Talanta. - 2007. - Vol. 74. - P. 78-90.
8. Oganesjanc, L. A. Letuchie komponenty shelkovichnyh distilljatov / L. A. Oganesjanc, G. V. Lorjan // Pishhevaja promyshlennost. - 2015. - ¹ 2. - S. 17-20.
9. Krikunova, L. N. Vlijanie rasy drozhzhej na process sbrazhivanija vishnevoj mezgi dlja proizvodstva distilljata / L. N. Krikunova, E. V. Dubinina, G. A. Alieva // Tehnika i tehnologija pishhevyh proizvodstvo. - 2016. - T. 40, ¹ 1. - S. 24-31.
10. MacNamara, K. Flavour components of whiskey. II Ageing changes in the high-volatility fraction / K. MacNamara [et al] // S. Afr. J. Enol. Vitic. - 2001. - Vol. 22, ¹ 2. - P. 75-81.
11. Nuzhnyj, V. P. Sravnitel'noe jeksperimental'noe issledovanie ostrogo i podostrogo kon'jaka i viski / V. P. Nuzhnyj [i dr.] // Narkologija. - 2002. - ¹ 10. - S. 46-52.
12. Serino, T. Chemometric Profiling of Whiskey Using the 5977A GC/MSD / T. Serino, B. Hom, S. Nakamura // Agilent Technologies Application Note 5991-2547EN. - 2013. - P. 1-12.
13. Nie, Y. Using TDU-Pyrolysis-GC-MS to Investigate Aged Whiskey Samples and Their Oak Barrels / Y. Nie, E. Kleine-Benne, K. MacNamara // AN. - 2013. - 6 (2). - P. 1-7.
14. Pinu, F. R. Rapid Quantification of Major Volatile Metabolites in Fermented Food and Beverages Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry / F. R. Pinu, S. G. Villas-Boas // Metabolites. - 2017. - 7. - P. 1-13.
15. Wanikawa, A. Detection of ?-Lactones in Malt Whisky / A. Wanikawa [et al] // Journal of the Institute of Brewing. - 2000. - Vol. 106. - ¹ 1. - P. 39-44.
16. Lahne, J. Aroma characterization of American rye whiskey by chemical and sensory assays / J. Lahne // Thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Food Science and Human Nutrition in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. - Urbana, Illinois. - 2010. - 140 P.
Abramova Irina Mihajlovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
Medrish Marina Jeduardovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Savel'eva Vera Borisovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Prijomuhova Natal'ja Vladimirovna;
Romanova Aleksandra Grigor'evna
All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology is a Branch of Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnologies",
4b Samokatnaya, Moscow, 111033, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Presnjakova Ol'ga Petrovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Publishing house "Food Industry",
21-1, 3 Krasnoselskiy per., Moscow, 107140, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sal'nikova V.A.Stabilization of Direct Emulsions with Triterpene Saponins

P. 20-22 Key words
saponins; sugar beet; stabilization; emulsifiers; emulsions.

When developing new types of functional food products based on emulsions, an important role is played by the choice of emulsifiers, which are most commonly represented by the molecules of surface active substances. They promote the formation of emulsions by adsorption at the interface between phases during homogenization and thereby reduce the surface tension. In addition, adsorbed surfactant molecules ensure the formation of a protective layer around the particles of the dispersed phase, which prevents their aggregation and increases the stability of the emulsions during storage. At present, a large number of food emulsifiers are available for use in the composition of food products, differing in physico-chemical, organoleptic and functional properties. In addition, an important characteristic of food emulsifiers is their ability to stabilize emulsions when exposed to external factors (temperature and pH) envisioned by the technology of a particular product. In this study, the ability of triterpene saponins, produced from the roots of sugar beet Beta vulgaris L., to stabilize direct emulsions has been analized. Also, we have studied the influence of external factors (pH and themperature) on the size of particles and the zeta-potential of emulsions. Emulsions containing saponin extract as emulsifiers were stable at pH values from 5 to 8 and temperatures of up to 60 °C. When the acidic pH was from 2 to 4 and the temperature exceeded 60 °C, we observed stratification. The findings suggest that the Beta vulgaris L. extract, containing triterpene saponins, can stabilize emulsions and can be used as a natural emulsifier in food composition.

1. McClements, D. J. Food Emulsions: Principles, Practices, and Techniques / D. J. McClements - CRC press, Boca Raton, FL. - 2015. - 690 p.
2. Hasenhuettl, G. L. Food emulsifiers and their applications (2nd ed.) / G. L. Hasenhuettl, R. W. Hartel, - NY.: Springer Scientific. - 2008.
3. Yang, Y. Formation and stability of emulsions using a natural small molecule surfactant: Quillaja saponin (Q-Naturale) / Y. Yang [at all] // Food Hydrocolloids. - 2013. - ¹ (30). - P. 589-596.
4. Tippel, J. Composition of Quillaja saponin extract affects lipid oxidation in oil-inwater emulsions / J. Tippel [at all] // Food Chemistry. - 2016. - ¹ 16. - P. 31672-7.
5. Judina, T. P. Poisk perspektivnogo istochnika saponinov dlja poluchenija rastitel'nogo jemul'gatora / T. P. Judina [i dr.]// Izvestija vuzov. Pishhevaja tehnologija. - 2008. - ¹ 2-3. - P. 33-36.
6. Brezhneva, T. A. Vydelenie i issledovanie saponinov saharnoj svekly // Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata farmacevticheskih nauk. - 2003. - 215 p.
7. Mironenko, N. V. UF-spektrofotometricheskoe opredelenie triterpenovyh saponinov - proizvodnyh oleanolovoj kisloty / N. V. Mironenko, T. A. Brezhneva, V. F. Selemenev // Himija ratsitel'nogo syr'ja. - 2011. - ¹ 3. - P. 153-157.
Sal'nikova Vera Anatol'evna, Post-graduate Student
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11 Volokolamskoe sh., Moscow, 125080, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Solomina L.S., Solomin D.A.Influence of Technological Parameters on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Triticale Dextrine

P. 23-27 Key words
dextrinization; technology factors; triticale dextrinå; triticale starch; physical and chemical characteristics.

The work covers the research results of receiving triticale dextrine by a thermochemical method. The hydrochloric acid was applieda catalyst. It is defined the influence of key technological parameters, such as the catalyst consumption, temperature and time of starch dextrinization on physical and chemical properties of a triticale dextrine. It is shown that a degree of dextrine solubility reaches the maximum value (100?%) at 140…180 °C. As the temperature rises the dextrinization time significantly lows. To provide high efficiency process and receive a high-quality triticale dextrine the consumption of the hydrochloric acid is recommended at 0.08-0.10?% of HCI gas to the dry solids of starch. It is revealed that when dextrinization starch the depolymerization process of polysaccharide molecules of starch intensively proceeds as a result the degree of solubility of dextrine and the content of reducing substances are raising, but the dynamic viscosity of paste decreases. Mathematical data interpretation according to the Table Curve 3D. 4a program is carried out. The regression equation is received to definea degree of dextrine solubility at its various parameters of processing. It is carried out a comparative assessment of physical and chemical properties of dextrines received from triticale and corn starch under identical conditions. It is established that dynamic viscosity of a triticale dextrine is higher, than of a corn one at their identical solubility. It is shown that a series of triticale dextrines having the different dynamic viscosity, solubility in cold water, reducing ability are possible to be received by changing temperature, dextrinization time and the catalyst consumption that allows to make a set of glue compositions on their basis for various industries.

1. Zhushman, A. I. Modificirovannye krahmaly / A. I. Zhushman - M.: Pishhepromizdat, 2007. - 236 s.
2. Grabovec, A. I. Znachenie tritikale, kak kul'tury, na sovremennom jetape. Sbornik trudov: Dostizhenija, napravlenija razvitija sel'skohozjajstvennoj nauki Rossii / A. I. Grabovec - Rostov-na-Donu, 2005. - S. 65-68.
3. Bespalova, L. A. Sorta pshenicy i tritikale KNIISH / L. A. Bespalova [i dr.] - Krasnodar: KNIISH, 2009. - 92 s.
4. Andreev, N. R. Novye istochniki syr'ja dlja proizvodstva krahmala / D. A. Solomin, A. I. Grabovec // Jekonomika, trud i upravlenie v sel'skom hozjajstve. - 2013. - ¹ 1. - S. 73-76.
5. Solomina, L. S. Rasshirenie syr'evoj bazy dlja proizvodstva modificirovannyh krahmalov / L. S. Solomina, D. A. Solomin // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2015. - ¹ 6. - S. 36-40.
6. Solomin, D. A. Faktory, vlijajushhie na process okislenija tritikalevogo krahmala / D. A. Solomin, L. S. Solomina // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2017. - ¹ 5. - S. 18-22.
Solomina Lidiya Stepanovna, Candidate of Technical Science;
Solomin Dmitry Anatolievich
All-Russia Research Institute for Starch Products - a branch of the Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after V. M. Gorbatov of RAS,
11 Nekrasova str., Kraskovo, Luberetskiy district, Moscow region, 140051, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vorob'eva E.V., Abramova I.M., Golovacheva N.E., Morozova S.S., Galljamova L. P., Shubina N. A.The Influence of Enzymatic Treatment on the Process of Producing Alcoholized Fruit Drinks from Dried Raw Materials

P. 28-33 Key words
acid protease; multienzyme compositions; pectinase; complete factorial experiment; alcoholic fruit drinks; cellulose.

The traditional method of obtaining alcoholic drinks is a two-time infusion of crushed raw materials with water-alcohol liquid of different strength. The process of extraction of soluble substances is a long process: with a double infusion for dried raw materials, it is from 12 to 24 days. To speed up the process of extraction and more complete depletion of raw materials known bio-chemical method of pretreatment of fruit and berry raw materials. However, the effectiveness of bioconversion of dried fruit and berry raw materials has not been studied enough. The aim of the work is the selection of multi-enzyme compositions using drugs of different directions of action for the effective treatment of dried Rowan and prunes. The method of mathematical planning of the experiment selected multi-enzyme compositions of preparations pectolytic, cellulolytic and proteolytic action for pretreatment of dried Rowan and prunes before the infusion process. Enzymatic processing of dried rowan was carried out for 5 hours, prunes - for 2 hours at 40 °C, then ethyl rectified alcohol was added from the calculation of obtaining a strength of 50?% and the ratio of raw materials : extractant - 1:4, double insisting in the course of time is sufficient to achieve a dynamic equilibrium of the extractive substances in the solid and liquid phases, the morphs of the 1st and 2nd plums were drained and the physicochemical parameters of the fruit were determined (acidity, extractivity, total phenolic substances, speed of filtration, protein substances, color, transparency). The high efficiency of multi-enzyme compositions is noted. Bioconversion of dried raw materials allows to improve drainage properties of pulp, to increase the yield of fruit drinks with a higher content of extractives, more transparent at a filtration rate 1.7-2 times higher than in control. Improvement of technological parameters of fruit drinks will allow to receive easily filtered, transparent drinks with increase in terms of their stability at storage further.

1. Bonner, J. (ed.). Plant biochemistry / J. Bonner, J. E. Varner // Elsevier. - 2012. - P. 20-22.
2. Hilz, H. Cell wall polysaccharides in black currants and bilberries characterization in berries, juice and press cake / H. Hilz // Carbohydrate Polymers. - 2005. - V. 59. - ¹ 4. - P. 477-488.
3. Jevans, Dzh. A. Zamorozhennye pishhevye produkty: proizvodstvo i realizacija / Dzh. A. Jevans. - SPb.: Professija, 2010. - 440 s.
4. Volchok, A. A. Novye mul'tifermentnye kompleksy dlja destrukcii polisaharidov plodovogo syr'ja v uslovijah vinodel'cheskogo proizvodstva // Dissertacija na soiskanie uch. st. kand. tehn. nauk. - M., 2016.
5. Traubenberg, S. E. Primenenie biotehnologicheskih priemov dlja pererabotki jagod krasnoj smorodiny i brusniki / S. E. Traubenberg [i dr.] // Izvestija vuzov. Pishhevaja tehnologija. - 2008. - ¹ 2-3.
6. Ageeva, N. M. / Vlijanie fermentnyh preparatov na biopolimernyj kompleks plodovyh sokov / N. M. Ageeva, L. V. Gnet'ko, T. A. Beljavceva // Vinodelie i vinogradarstvo. - 2011. - ¹ 4. - S. 24-25.
7. Alekseenko, E. V. Fermentativnaja biokonversija plodovo-jagodnogo syr'ja: biohimicheskie aspekty i prakticheskoe primenenie / E. V. Alekseenko // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2012. - ¹ 3. - S. 49-52.
8. Ovsjannikova, E. A. Razrabotka kompleksnogo podhoda k pererabotke dikorastushhih jagod kljukvy i brusniki / E. A. Ovsjannikova // Dissertacija na soiskanie uch. st. kand. tehn. nauk. - Kemerovo, 2014.
9. Kurbatova, E. I. Razrabotka biotehnologicheskogo processa poluchenija polufabrikatov likerovodochnyh izdelij na osnove fermentativnoj obrabotki plodovo-jagodnogo syr'ja / E. I. Kurbatova // Avtoreferat na soiskanie uch. st. kand. tehn. nauk. - M., 2005.
10. Polygalina, G. V. Tehnohimicheskij kontrol' spirtovogo i likerovodochnogo proizvodstva / G. V. Polygalina. - M.: Kolos, 1999. - 334 s.
11. Gerzhikova, V. G. Metody tehnohimicheskogo kontrolja v vinodelii, 2 e izd. / V. G. Gerzhikova (pod redakciej). - Simferopol': Tavrida, 2009. - 304 s.
12. Meledina, T. V. Metody planirovanija i obrabotki rezul'tatov nauchnyh issledovanij / T. V. Meledina, M. M. Danina. - SPb.: ITMO, 2015. - 110 s.
13. Valujko, G. G. Tehnologija vinogradnyh vin / G. G. Valujko. - Simferopol': Tavrida, 2001. - 624 s.
Vorob'eva Elena Viktorovna, Candidate of Biological Sciences;
Abramova Irina Mihajlovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
Golovacheva Natal'ja Evgen'evna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Morozova Svetlana Semenovna, Candidate of Chemical Sciences;
Galljamova Ljubov' Pavlovna;
Shubina Natal'ja Aleksandrovna
All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology is a Branch of the Federal Research Center of Food, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
4 B Samokatnaya st., Moscow, 111033, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Semenov E.V., Slavijanskij A.A. Features of Mass Transfer in the Supersaturated Solution in the Crystallization

P. 34-38 Key words
diffusion; period; the process of mass transfer; solution of sucrose.

With the condensation trust product to initiate crystallization in supersaturated solution of particles in many of the processes of processing industries. This phenomenon in vacuum apparatus when cooking with the purpose of development of massecuite it sucrose crystallization process is basic in the technological flow of receiving crystal sugar on sugar factory. And prepared as finely crushed powder sucrose source seed product varies in shape and size, concentration in volume vacuum apparatus, etc. In so doing, take account of these factors the theoretical substantiation of condensation phenomena on solid phase particles seed material as nucleation in solution we developed is not enough. In the article, with a view to developing physical and mathematical model of the task as a source, the most close in terms of the geometry of the real objects of the study parameters, used ball, modeling particle of sucrose and ball layer given radius centered at the center of a ball that simulates the environmental aspects of the sucrose particle volume solution. When analyzing the tasks apply the results of quantitative analyses associated with the theory of diffusive long-range problems of mass transfer in the coupling layer. Quantifying algorithm is proved the masses of crystalline sugar from the period of the product in a vacuum processing apparatus. As a means of quantitative analysis of numerical experiment is used. This experiment revealed the adequacy of theoretical analysis of physical meaning of the actual process. Provide important theoretical and practical evaluation of the mass dependence crystallized in vacuum apparatus of sucrose solution processing from time to time.

1. Silin, P. M. Tehnologija sahara / P. M. Silin - Izd. 2 e, pererab. i dop. - M.: Pishhevaja promyshlennost', 1967. - 626 s.
2. Mihatova, G. N. Raschet produktov saharnogo proizvodstva / G. N. Mihatova, I. N. Kaganov - M.: Pishhevaja promyshlennost', 1973. - 160 s.
3. Sapronov, A. R. Tehnologija saharnogo proizvodstva / A. R. Sapronov. 2 e izd., ispr. i dop. - M.: Kolos, 1999. - 496 s.
4. Semenov, E. V. K raschetu perioda kristallizacii saharozy v vakuum-apparate / E. V. Semenov, A. A. Slavjanskij, V. V. Il'ina // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2004. - ¹ 12. - S. 23-25.
5. Gnezdilova, A. I. Kinetika massovoj kristallizacii laktozy v peresyshhennyh vodnyh rastvorah: / A. I. Gnezdilova, V. B. Shevchuk. // Sb. tr. konf. Vologodskoj gosudarstvennoj molochnohozjajstvennoj akademii im. N. V. Vereshhagina, 2005. - S. 43-46.
6. Gromkovskij, A. I. Optimal'nyj rezhim uvarivanija utfelja I produkta / A. I. Gromkovskij, Ju. I. Posledova, N. N. Brazhnikov // Sahar. - 2008. - ¹ 8. - S. 54-56.
7. Vinogradova, Ju. V. Vlijanie peresyshhenija, intensivnosti peremeshivanija i temperatury na kinetiku massovoj kristallizacii laktozy: / Ju. V. Vinogradova, A. I. Gnezdilova // Sb. tr. konf. Vologodskoj gosudarstvennoj molochnohozjajstvennoj akademii im. N. V. Vereshhagina, 2009. - S. 18-24.
8. Shterman, S. V. Obobshhennoe rasstojanie mezhdu chasticami pri kristallizacii iz rastvorov / S. V. Shterman [i dr.] // Sahar. - 2010. - ¹ 6. - S. 54-59.
9. Semenov, E. V. Osobennosti diffuzionnogo processa kristallizacii saharozy / E. V. Semenov [i dr.] // Sahar. - 2013 - ¹ 3. - S. 46-50.
10. Mantovani, G. Growth and morphology of sucrose crystal / G. Mantovani // Int. Sugar J. - 1991. - V. 93. - ¹ 1106. - P. 23-32.
11. Lin, L. Study on the hydrodynamic problems in the crystal growth from solution / L. Lin, G. Siguan, L. Bing // J. S. China Univ. Technol. Natur. Sci. - 1996. - V. 24. - ¹ 6. - P. 25-29.
12. Grimsey, I. M. The formation of inclusions in sucrose crystals / I. M. Grimsey, T. M. Herrington // Int. Sugar J. - 1994. - V. 96. - ¹ 1152. - P. 504-514.
13. Lykov, A. V. Teorija teploprovodnosti. / A. V. Lykov. - M.: Vyssh. shk., 1967. - 600 s.
Semenov Evgenij Vladimirovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
Slavijanskij Anatolij Anatol'evich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky (the First Cossacs University),
73, Zemlyanoy Val, Moscow, 109004, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Levchenko S.V., Bojko V.A., Vasylyk I.A., Belash D.Ju.The Phenolic Complex of Moldova Table Grapes and Its Transformation During Long-Term Storage

P. 39-43 Key words
anthocyanins; oxycinnamic acids; stilbene compounds; table grapes; phenolic substances; flavanols; flavonols; storage.

The formation of the quality of grapes is directly related to the content of these components and their transformation during storage and processing, as it is known that polyphenols act as substrates for oxidative enzymes during storage of grapes. The phenolic complex of winemaking varieties cultivated in Crimea has been widely explored, however, the composition and content of the phenolic compounds and their variation during storage of table grapes remains largely unstudied. Within the framework of research, qualitative and quantitative composition of phenolic compounds of the grapes and the dynamics of their transformation during storage was described using Moldova grapes as an example. Five groups of compounds (anthocyanins, flavanols, oxycinnamic acids, flavonols and stilbene compounds) were identified using high performance liquid chromatography method done with Shimadzu LC 20 Prominence chromatograph with diode array detector of the ultraviolet and visible range. The greatest amount of anthocyanin substances in the berries of Moldova grapes was found in the berry skins and constituted 13,874.16 mg/kg. Skin flavonols made around 278.34 mg/kg, while procyanidins and catechins constituted 4,050.15 and 82.23 mg/kg, respectively. Stilbene compounds were identified as well. Their concentration made 19.5 mg/kg, while their concentration in the skins was 16.1 mg/kg. It was established that anthocyanins malvidin-3 O-beta-D-glycoside and malvidin-3,5 O-beta-D-diglycoside were the main components of the phenolic complex of Moldova grapes. It was found that when p > 0.05, there were no statistically significant differences in the content of anthocyanins and procyanidins in the beginning and at the end of storage. Intensive accumulation of stilbene-type substances during storage was registered, which was a response of grapes to microbiological damage sustained during storage.

1. Modonkaeva, A. Je. Osobennosti kachestvennogo i kolichestvennogo sostava biologicheski aktivnyh veshhestv fenol'noj prirody stolovogo vinograda, kak vazhnejshaja harakteristika ego biologicheskogo potenciala / A. Je. Modonkaeva [i dr.] // Vinogradarstvo i v³norobstvo. Mezhvedomstvennyj tematicheskij nauchnyj sbornik. - Vyp. 49. - 2012. - S. 139-148.
2. Modonkaeva, A. Je. Sortovye osobennosti kachestvennogo i kolichestvennogo sostava fenol'nyh veshhestv osnovnyh vegetativnyh organov vinogradnogo kusta / A. Je. Modonkaeva [i dr.] // "Magarach". Vinogradarstvo i vinodelie. - 2012. - ¹ 2. - S. 11-14.
3. Bourzeix, M. Etude des catechines et des procianidols de la grappe de raisin du vin deautres derives de la vigue / M. Bourzeix, D. Weyland, N. Heredia // Bull. O. I. V. - 1986. - ¹ 59. - R. 1174-1254.
4. Bombardelli, E. Vitis vinifera L. / E. Bombardelli, P. Morazzoni // Fitoterapia. - 1995. - LXVI. - ¹ 4. - P. 291-317.
5. V. A.P. Freitas Characterization of Oligomeric and Polymeric Procyanidins from Grape Seed by Liquid Secondary ion Mass Spectrometry / V. A. P. Freitas, Y. Glories, G. Borqeois [et al.] // Phytochemistry. - 1998. - ¹ 49 (5). - R. 1435-1441.
6. Avidzba, A. M. Biologicheskaja aktivnost' produktov pererabotki sortov vinograda novoj selekcii / A. M. Avidzba [i dr.] // Vinodelie i vinogradarstvo. - 2007. - ¹ 6. - S. 26-28.
7. Levchenko, S.V. Specifichnost' fenol'nogo kompleksa sortov vinograda slozhnoj geneticheskoj struktury / S. V. Levchenko [i dr.] // "Magarach". Vinogradarstvo i vinodelie". - 2009. - ¹ 2. - S. 9-12.
8. Markosov, V. A. Biologicheskaja aktivnost' vin, proizvodimyh v Krasnodarskom krae / V. A. Markosov, N. M. Ageeva, R. A. Hanferjan // Vinogradarstvo i vinodelie. - 2010. - ¹ 1. - S. 35-37.
9. Ostrouhova, E. V. Oksidaznaja aktivnost' vinograda: dinamika v hode nastaivanija mezgi i rol' v formirovanii fenol'nogo kompleksa susla // "Magarach". Vinogradarstvo i vinodelie. - 2011. - ¹ 2. - S. 16-18.
10. Modonkaeva, A. Je. Izuchenie aktivnosti okislitel'nyh fermentov stolovogo vinograda pri hranenii v svjazi s vnekornevoj podkormkoj / A. Je. Modonkaeva, V. A. Bojko // Vinogradarstvo i vinodelie. - Jalta, 2011. - T. XLI. - Ch. 1. - S. 50-52.
11. Abdullabekova, D. A. Hranenie sorta Moldova pri razlichnyh rezhimah / D. A. Abdullabekova [i dr.] // Vinodelie i vinogradarstvo. - 2014. - ¹ 1. - S. 43-45.
12. Levchenko, S. V. Phenolic compounds in the Srimean autochthonous grape varieties / S. V. Levchenko [et al.] // Fruits for the Future Book of Abstracts. - 2017. - P. 50.
13. Ostrouhova, E. V. Tehnologicheskaja ocenka vinograda krasnyh sortov iz raznyh prirodno-klimaticheskih zon Kryma / E. V. Ostrouhova, I. V. Peskova, P. A. Probejgolova // "Magarach". Vinogradarstvo i vinodelie. - 2014. - ¹ 2. - S. 21-23.
14. Aristova, N. I. Issledovanie vinomateriala iz tehnicheskogo sorta vinograda novoj selekcii po sostavu flavoidnyh i neflavonoidnyh form polifenolov v uslovijah juzhnogo berega Kryma / N. I. Aistova // Informacija kak dvigatel' nauchnogo progressa. Sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. - 2016. - S. 26-29.
15. Peskova, I. V. Fenol'nyj kompleks vinomaterialov iz vinograda krasnyh sortov, proizrastajushhih v Krymu / I. V. Peskova [i dr.] // Plodovodstvo i vinogradarstvo juga Rossii. - 2016. - ¹ 38 (02). - S. 62-67.
16. Appazova, N. N. K voprosu optimizacii probopodgotovki i metoda analiza biologicheski aktivnyh veshhestv fenol'noj prirody stolovogo vinograda / N. Appazova [i dr.] // Bjulleten' Gosudarstvennogo Nikitskogo botanicheskogo sada. - 2011. - ¹ 103. - S. 113-116.
17. Modonkaeva, A. Je. K voprosu optimizacii processa razdelenija antocianovyh pigmentov stolovogo vinograda / A. Je. Modonkaeva, V. A. Bojko, N. N. Appazova // Sortovivchennja ta ohorona prav na sorti roslin. - 2012. - ¹ 3 (17). - S. 40-41.
18. Modonkaeva, A. Je. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po ocenke stolovyh sortov vinograda / A. Je. Modonkaeva [i dr.] - Jalta, 2012. - 62 c.
Levchenko Svetlana Valentinovna, Candidate of Agricultural Science;
Bojko Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Agricultural Science;
Vasylyk Irina Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Agricultural Science;
Belash Dmitrij Jur'evich
All-Russian National Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking "Magarach" of RAS,
31 Kirov St., Yalta, Republic of the Crimea, 298600, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kononenko V.V., Turshatov M.V., Ledenev V.P., Krivchenko V.À., Moiseeva N.D., Solov'ev À.O., Kirillov E.À., Àlekseev V.V.About Production and Usage Prospects of Ethyl Alcohol in Russia

P. 44-47 Key words
complex processing of raw materials; re-profiling of distilleries; products of chemical and organic synthesis; cost price; ethyl acetate; ethanol.

The article presents data on the world experience in the production and use of ethyl alcohol for food purposes, as well as for the production of chemical products, in organic synthesis, fuel purposes. It is shown that the production of ethyl alcohol from plant raw materials in the developed countries is the most effective sector, which provides the market needs in the products of processing raw materials, involving in the turnover of sown areas, which creates thousands of jobs in the agro-industrial sector. Present state of alcohol industry in Russia today. The problems that occur in many former distilleries are indicated. It was also noted that, due to the lack of a market for processing ethyl alcohol into non-food products, significant capacities of alcohol production facilities have been preserved. On the example of foreign experience are given options for processing ethyl alcohol in chemical products. The most effective is the organization of obtaining ethyl acetate based on alcohol production. VNIIPBT developed a technology for obtaining ethyl acetate from vegetable raw materials without first obtaining commercial alcohol. A schematic diagram of the production of ethyl acetate from vegetable food raw materials is given, with the addition of a forage product. The analysis of economic indicators of ethyl acetate production from vegetable raw materials was made. The product cost is defined at the level of 40-45 rubles for 1 kilogram. The profitability of ethyl acetate production was determined at the level of 35-40?%, the prospects for the development of alcohol production for obtaining chemical products are shown.

1. Andreev, N. R. Glubokaja pererabotka zerna ozimoj rzhi / N. R. Andreev, N. D. Lukin, A. A. Papahin // Agrarnaja nauka evro-severo-vostoka. - 2014. - ¹ 6. - S. 9-12.
2. Federal'nyj zakon # 171 FZ ot 22.11.95 g. "O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii proizvodstva i oborota jetilovogo spirta, alkogol'noj i spirtosoderzhashhej produkcii i ob ogranichenii potreblenija (raspitija) alkogol'noj produkcii" (s posledujushhimi redakcijami ¹ 18 FZ ot 07.01.1999 g., ¹ 102 FZ ot 21.07.2005 g., ¹ 301 FZ ot 01.12.2007 g., ¹ 279 FZ ot 25.12.2008 g., ¹ 366 FZ ot 27.12.2009 g.).
3. Koptelova, E. K. Perspektivnye razrabotki po tehnologii modificirovannyh krahmalov / E. K. Koptelova, N. D. Lukin // Pishhevaja promyshlennost'. - 2013. - ¹ 12. - S. 52-53.
4. Poljakov, V. A. Fundamental"nye i prikladnye issledovanija VNIIPBT kak jeffektivnyj bazis sozdanija innovacionnyh resursosberegajushhih tehnologij / V. A. Poljakov [i dr.] // Sovremennye biotehnologicheskie processy, oborudovanie i metody kontrolja v proizvodstve spirta i spirtnyh napitkov. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov. - 2017. - S. 3-11.
5. Overchenko, M. B. Issledovanie razlichnyh sortov tritikale dlja ispol'zovanija ih v spirtovom proizvodstve / M. B. Overchenko [i dr.] // Pivo i napitki. - 2014. - ¹ 6. - S. 14-18.
6. Kirillov, E. A. Proizvodstvo zernovogo distilljata na bragorektifikacionnyh ustanovkah iz krahmalosoderzhashhego syr'ja / E. A. Kirillov [i dr.] // Pivo i napitki. - 2016. - ¹ 3. - S. 22.
7. Turshatov, M. V. Tehniko-jekonomicheskie aspekty poluchenija spirta iz vtorichnyh syr'evyh resursov, obrazuemyh pri kompleksnoj pererabotke pshenicy / M. V. Turshatov, [i dr.] // Proizvodstvo spirta i likerovodochnyh izdelij. - 2015. - ¹ 1. - S. 33-35.
8. Kononenko, V. V. Kompleksnaja pererabotka syr'ja - real'naja perspektiva povyshenija rentabel'nosti spirtovogo proizvodstva / V. V. Kononenko [i dr.] // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2017. - ¹ 10. - S. 10-14.
9. GOST 8981-78 "Jefiry jetilovyj i normal'nyj butilovyj uksusnoj kisloty. Tehnicheskie uslovija".
Kononenko Valentin Vasil'evich, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Turshatov Mikhail Vladimirovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Ledenev Vladimir Pavlovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Krivchenko Vera Àleksandrovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Moiseeva Nadezhda Dmitrievna;
Solov'ev Àleksandr Olegovich;
Kirillov Evgenij Àleksandrovich;
Àlekseev Vladimir Vital'evich
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Food Biotechnology - a branch of the Federal Research Center Food, Biotechnology and Food Security,
4 b Samokatnaya st., Moscow, 111033, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Koptelova E.K., Lukin N.D., Aheeva S.M.Perfecting of a Dry Cationing of Starch

P. 48-52 Key words
activator; calcium hydroxide; cationic starch; extent of replacement; dry cationing; effectiveness of process.

In recent years the output of paper and paper products from cellulose considerably rose, as a result the amount of colloid impurities in household and sewage waters, which need to be coagulated and removed from the enterprise also increased. Special modified starch with positive charge - cationic starch is applied to these purposes. This starch is manufactured with use of chemical reagents in an alkaline medium. To increase the process efficiency of a cationing in VNIIK there was studied a dry process of receiving cationic starch (CS) which allows to reduce necessary floor spaces, to reduce considerably water consumption, electro-and heat power. That results in the increased yield of end products and reduced losses of dry solids. In the article there are the results of studying of influence on process of a cationing with dry calcium hydroxide instead of sodium hydroxide activator. It is established that calcium hydroxide reduces viscosity of starch and promotes successful carrying out the process. It is shown that the dry cationing efficiency of starch depends on a consumption of reagent, water and duration of processing, so essential advantages of the dry cationing to a wet method are noted. It is studied the influence of a botanical type of starch on results of an etherification cereal starches, in particular, corn and amylopectin are the most active ones under identical conditions of process. Introduction of the dry cationing will allow to improve considerably an ecological situation both at starch, and pulp-and-paper enterprises. In the All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products there is developed a normative documentation for the production of cationic starch by a dry process.

1. Zhushman, A. I. Modificirovannye krahmaly / A. I. Zhushman - M.: Pishhepromizdat, 2007. - S. 214-228.
2. Koptelova, E. K. Poluchenie i svojstva kationnogo krahmala nizkoj vjazkosti / E. K. Koptelova, R. I. Veksler // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2012 - ¹ 9. - S. 17-20.
3. Butrim, S. M. Kationizacija kartofel'nogo krahmala polusuhim metodom / S. M. Butrim [i dr.] // Vesti nacional'noj akademii nauk Belarusi. - 2013. - ¹ 2. - S. 71-76.
4. Vinokurov, A. Ju. Issledovanie zakonomernostej himicheskih prevrashhenij alkilirujushhego reagenta pri poluchenii kationnogo krahmala / A. Ju. Vinokurov, S. A. Kucenko S. A. // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2012. - ¹ 9. - S. 23-27.
5. Koptelova, E. K. Suhoj sposob kationirovanija krahmala / E. K. Koptelova, S. M. Ahaeva, N. D. Lukin // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2015. - ¹ 12. - S. 23-26.
6. Otchet VNIIK o nauchno-issledovatel'skoj rabote 0606 2014 0016. Razrabotat' tehnologicheskij rezhim poluchenija kationnogo krahmala suhim sposobom / Koptelova E. K., Ahaeva S. M. Arhiv VNIIK, 2015.
7. Otchet VNIIK o nauchno-issledovatel'skoj rabote 0606 2014 0016. Razrabotat' nauchnye osnovy i tehnologicheskie rezhimy poluchenija modificirovannyh krahmalov novogo pokolenija s cel'ju rasshirenija ih assortimenta i importozameshhenija / Koptelova E. K., Ahaeva S. M. Arhiv VNIIK, 2016.
Koptelova Evgenia Kuzminichna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Lukin Nikolay Dmitriyevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
Aheeva Svetlana Mikhailovna
All-Russia Research Institute for Starch Products - a branch of the Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after V. M. Gorbatov of RAS,
11 Nekrasova str., Kraskovo, Luberetskiy district, Moscow region, 140051, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bychkova E.S., Rozhdestvenskaja L.N., Pogorova V.D., Gosman D.V., Bychkov A.L., Lomovskij O.I.Technological Features and Prospects of Using Vegetable Proteins in the Food Industry. Part 1. Analysis of the Nutritional and Biological Value of High-protein Vegetable Products

P. 53-57 Key words
biological value; peas; essential amino acids; nutritional value; vegetable protein.

The structure of the world's resources of food protein is formed by the principle of separation of human food products into two main groups - plant and animal origin. Animal protein contains all essential amino acids. But when taking high-quality amino acid composition of animal protein together with him in the human body receives saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, which increase the risk of developing diseases of civilization: obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Protein products of plant origin contain a much smaller proportion of saturated fats, and polyunsaturated fatty acids contain a larger amount. That is why the diet should be balanced intake of animal and vegetable protein. Analysis of the world situation in recent years indicates insufficient production of animal products: vegetable proteins account for 80?%, and animal protein - about 20?% of the total produced in the world. Currently, there is a fairly full-bodied base of plant protein raw materials for processing into functional and specialized products. Based on the statistical data presented in the article, it is clear that leguminous crops, especially peas, are the most promising source of protein for the Russian population. This culture differs in that it does not cause allergic reactions and can be cultivated without restrictions on soil and climatic conditions. High nutritional value and a fairly balanced amino acid c18andidaomposition allow us to consider peas as a promising basis for the production of functional and specialized food products.

1. Postanovlenie ot 14.06.2013 ¹ 31 "O merah po profilaktike zabolevanij, obuslovlennyh deficitom mikronutrien - tov, razvitiju proizvodstva pishhevyh produktov funkcional'nogo i specializirovannogo naznachenija" // Rossijskaja gazeta - Federal'nyj vypusk. - 2013. - ¹ 6184 (208). - Rezhim dostupa: https://rg.ru/2013/09/18/onishenko-dok.html (data obrashhenija: 30.04.2017).
2. Normy fiziologicheskih potrebnostej v jenergii i pishhevyh veshhestvah dlja razlichnyh grupp naselenija Rossijskoj Federacii. Metodicheskie rekomendacii MR - Rezhim dostupa: http://foodnews-press.ru/images/pdf/Normy/Normy_pis_veshestv.pdf (data obrashhenija: 27.03.2018).
3. Antipova, L. V. Gigienicheskie aspekty i perspektivy otechestvennogo proizvodstva rastitel'nyh belkov / L. V. Antipova, N. I. Tolpygina, M. E. Uspenskaja, V. I. Popov // Gigiena i sanitarija. - 2015. - ¹ 9. - P. 51-54.
4. Shustov S. Kul'turnye rastenija / S. Shustov. - Dobroe slovo, 2014. - 112 s.
5. Bjulleteni o sostojanii sel"skogo hozjajstva (jelektronnye versii) // Rezhim dostupa: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/publications/catalog/doc_1265196018516 (Data obrashhenija: 28.03.2018).
6. TR TS 022 "Pishhevaja produkcija v chasti ee markirovki" // Rezhim dostupa: http://webportalsrv.gost.ru/portal/GostNews.nsf/acaf7051ec84 0948c22 571290059c78f / 9fe752e7e38 cc18e44257bde0024e7d4/$FILE/TR_TS_022-2011_text.pdf (data obrashhenija 27.03.2018).
7. Himicheskij sostav pishhevyh produktov. Kn. 2. Spravochnye tablicy soderzhanija aminokislot, zhirnyh kislot, vitaminov, makro- i mikronutrientov, organicheskih kislot i uglevodov / Pod red. prof., d-ra tehn. nauk I. M. Skurihina i prof., d-ra med. nauk. M. N. Volgareva. - 2 e izd. pererab. i dop. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1987. - 360 s.
8. Lisin P. A. Komp'juternoe modelirovanie proizvodstvennyh processov v pishhevoj promyshlennosti: Uchebnoe posobie. - SPb.: Lan', 2016. - 256 s.
9. Himicheskij sostav pishhevyh produktov. Kn. 1. Spravochnye tablicy soderzhanija osnovnyh pishhevyh veshhestv i jenergeticheskoj cennosti pishhevyh produktov / Pod red. prof., d-ra tehn. nauk I. M. Skurihina i prof., d-ra med. nauk. M. N. Volgareva. - 2 e izd. pererab. i dop. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1987. - 224 s.
Bychkova Elena Sergeevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Rozhdestvenskaja Lada Nikolaevna, Candidate of Economical Sciences;
Pogorova Veronika Dmitrievna;
Gosman Dar'ja Vladislavovna
Novosibirsk State Technical University,
20 pr. K. Marx, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bychkov Aleksej Leonidovich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences;
Lomovskij Oleg Ivanovich, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor
Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry SB RAS,
18 Kutateladze str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gorlov I.F., Mosolova N.I., Serova O.P., Levina E.A., Lopaeva Ja.O. Innovative Technology of Whey Processing Using Modified Starch

P. 58-61 Key words
starch from waxy corn; milk desserts; oatmeal; rice flour.

Expansion of the assortment and processing of secondary dairy raw materials is an urgent problem of dairy production. Serum is valuable from the food and biological point of view, the product of processing of dairy raw materials. That is why one of the ways of processing whey is using it in dessert technology. To develop a recipe solution for dessert, it is important to select the correct structure-forming agent, which creates a stable product structure. As stabilizers of consistency, modified starches from waxy maize varieties, oatmeal and rice flour were considered. The first stage of the work was the study of the rheological properties of various modifications of starch, and the choice of one, with the best indicators. It has been experimentally established that the optimal amount of starch introduced is not more than 3?%, since an increase in the percentage of starch adversely affects the organoleptic characteristics. However, the dessert being developed has a gelatinous consistency, so the use of starch in combination with flour will result in an improvement in the viscosity properties. Samples with a different combination of starch with oatmeal and rice flour were prepared and their rheological and organoleptic characteristics were studied. It was found that the addition of starch together with a mixture of oatmeal and rice flour significantly increased the density of the dessert, which corresponds to the requirements for this assortment group, without negatively affecting the organoleptic characteristics.

1. Hramcov, A. G. Innovacionnye tehnologii promyshlennoj pererabotki i ispol'zovanija molochnoj syvorotki / A. G. Hramcov. - Stavropol, 2014. - 232 s.
2. Omarov, M. N. Issledovanie sostava tvorozhnoj syvorotki i sozdanie na ee osnove nizkolaktoznogo napitka / M. N. Omarov, D. N. Kovalenko, L. V. Kalinina // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2011. - ¹ 12. - S. 33-34.
3. Lopaeva, E. A. Primenenie muki iz zlakovyh kul"tur v recepturah molochnyh desertov / E. A. Lopaeva, Ja. O. Levina, O. P. Serova // Jekologicheskie, geneticheskie, biotehnologicheskie problemy i ih reshenie pri proizvodstve i pererabotke produkcii zhivotnovodstva: mater. mezhdunar. nauch. prakt. konf. (posvjashhennoj pamjati akad. RAN Sizenko E. I.) (g. Volgograd, 8-9 ijunja 2017 g.) / pod obshh. red. I. F. Gorlova; FGBNU "Povolzhskij NII proizv. i pererab. mjasomolochnoj produkcii", FGBOU VO "VolgGTU". - Volgograd, 2017. - Ch. II. - C. 203-205.
4. Poturaeva, N. L. Demineralizacija molochnoj syvorotki dlja proizvodstva produktov s ponizhennoj allergennost"ju / N. L. Poturaeva [i dr.] // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. 2013. - ¹ 8. - S. 24-26.
5. Korenman, Ja. I. Izuchenie sensornyh harakteristik tvorozhnoj syvorotki dlja optimizacii receptury napitka na ee osnove / Ja. I. Korenman [i dr.] // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2006. - ¹ 6. - S. 77-80.
Gorlov Ivan Fedorovich, Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor, Academician of the RAS;
Mosolova Natal'a Ivanovna, Doctor of Biological Science
Povolzhsky Research Institute of Production and Processing,
6 Rokossovskogo str., Volgograd, 400131, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Serova Ol'ga Petrovna, Candidate of Biological Sciences;
Levina Evgenija Alekseevna, Graduate Student;
Lopaeva Jana Olegovna, Graduate Student
Volgograd State Technical University,
28 Lenin ave., Volgograd, 400005, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Klabukova D.L., Mashentseva N.G., Budayeva V.A.The Use of Natural Naphthoquinones in Foods of Animal Origin

P. 62-65 Key words
boiled sausage; microbiology; dairy and juice beverage; naphthoquinone; shikonin.

A lot of epidemiological and preclinical studies indicate that food components are important risk factors for cancer and tumor behavior. Individual biologically active food components play a role in the modification of cancer-related genetic pathways in achieving or changing critical molecular targets. In addition, in recent years in the meat processing industry increases the number of studies and patents have been devoted to finding ways to reduce the residual sodium nitrite in the finished product because it is a source of carcinogenic nitrosoamines. Due to the increasing burden of cancer to the forefront antitumor properties of food components. So, in the fight against some malignant tumors can be promising natural naphthoquinone shikonin. Shikonin is used in the food and perfume industry as a dye and preservative, as well as antimicrobial and wound-healing substance in medicines. Studies for the preparation of naphthoquinones in vitro experiments showed the presence of bacteriostatic activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. This article is devoted to the use of naphthoquinone pigment shikonin in the technology of food of animal origin. Recipes and technologies of milk and juice drink and boiled sausage with natural dye have been developed. The assessment of shikonin influence on the qualitative characteristics of food products included the study of organoleptic, physico-chemical, microbiological parameters of the finished sausage product and beverage on a milk-juice basis. Application of shikonin gives the products a strong pink hue, confirmed by spectral studies of the color gamut, and inhibits the development of undesirable microflora. The use of pigment in the meat product allowed to reduce the residual content of sodium nitrite twice. On the physico-chemical and structural-mechanical parameters of products, the introduction of shikonin is not affected. The results of the study showed that antimicrobial properties of shikonin contribute to the microbiological safety of manufactured products and anticancerogenic effect - the preservation of consumer health. At the same time, the possibility of obtaining biotechnologically in the culture of plant cells can meet the need for this substance.

1. IARC Monographs evaluate consumption of red meat and processed meat [Jelektronnyj resurs]: Press release ¹ 240, 26 October 2015. URL: http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2015/pdfs/pr240_E.pdf (data obrashhenija: 26.10.2015).
2. Q&A on the carcinogenicity of the consumption of red meat and processed meat [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/iarcnews/pdf/Monographs-Q&A_Vol114.pdf (data obrashhenija: 26.10.2015)
3. Ivanova, T. N. Tovarovedenie i jekspertiza pishhevyh koncentratov i pishhevyh dobavok: Uchebnik dlja stud. vyssh. ucheb. Zavedenij / T. N. Ivanova, V. M. Poznjakovskij - M.: Akademija, 2004. - 304 s.
4. Haghbeen, K. Detailed investigations on the solid cell culture and antimicrobial activities of the Iranian Arnebia euchroma / Haghbeen K. [et al.] // J Biomed Biotechnol. - 2011. - P. 1-8.
5. Miao, H. Inhibitory effect of shikonin on Candida albicans growth / Miao H. [et al.] // Biol. Pharm. Bull. - 2012. - Vol. 35, ¹ 11. - P. 1956-1963.
6. Sasaki, K. In vitro antifungal activity of naphthoquinone derivatives / K. Sasaki, H. Abe, F. Yoshizaki, // Biol. Pharm. Bull. - 2002. - Vol. 25, ¹ 5. - P. 669-670.
7. Andujar, I. Pharmacological Properties of Shikonin / Andujar, I. [at all] - A Review of Literature since 2002 // Planta Medica. - 2013. - Vol. 79, ¹ 18. - P. 1685-1697.
Klabukova Dar'ja Leonidovna, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Open Joint Stock Company Institute of Applied Biochemistry and Mechanical Engineering (JSC Biokhimmash),
4 K. Tsetkin str., Moscow, 127299, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mashentseva Natal'ja Gennad'evna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of RAS;
Budayeva Valentina Aleksandrovna
Moscow State University îf Food Production,
11 Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Volkova G.S., Belekchi A.P.Screening of Bacteriocin-Producing Strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria to Create a Drug with Antimicrobial Properties

P. 66-69 Key words
antimicrobic properties; bakteriotsina; biosynthesis; lactic bacteria.

The problem of finding and studying the properties of new strains-producers of bacteriocins, promising for the subsequent creation of drugs and technological AIDS for use in the food industry, as well as the selection of optimal cultivation conditions for the synthesis of bacteriocins is relevant. Lactic acid bacteria produce a wide range of bacteriocins that can delay growth or completely destroy the development of microorganisms that cause damage to fruits and vegetables. Screening of lactic acid bacteria by acid-forming activity and accumulation of bacteriocin-like substances was carried out. Studied the qualitative composition of the metabolites formed by the studied strains in MRS medium, showed the characteristic bacteriocins: acidosis, acidophilus, plantaricin, salivaricin, nisin, Lactococcus. As the most promising selected culture 1660 Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum 578/26, producer Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 1500/12, synthesizing respectively 8.25; 7.91 and 4.27 mg/dm3 bacteriocins. It is established that metabolites of the selected cultures possess the expressed antimicrobial properties, especially concerning bacterial forms of microorganisms, and also oppress growth of the causative agent of spoilage of vegetables and fruits Nocardia asteroids. In further studies, it was found that with the joint cultivation of the selected strains, the number of bacteriocins can be increased by optimizing the nutrient medium and selecting the cultivation conditions. When the consortium is jointly cultivated, L-lactic acid, soluble proteins, catalase-peroxidase and lactate dehydrogenase complexes accumulate in the culture liquid. In addition, discovered zitohromoksidasy systems, as well as b vitamins Created by a consortium of selected strains of lactic acid bacteria to create drugs with antimicrobial properties.

1. Rimareva, L. V. Kompleksnye biokonservanty organicheskogo proishozhdenija na osnove konsorciumov probioticheskih kul'tur [Complex preservatives organic origin on the basis of consortiums of probiotic cultures] / L. V. Rimareva, G. S. Volkova, E. V. Kuksova // Sbornik nauchnyh trudov. "Voprosy pitanija". Moscow, GJeOTOR-Media, 2016, p. 209-210.
2. Haritonov, D. V. Nekotorye osobennosti zamorazhivanija mikroorganizmov v srede zhidkogo azota [Some features of freezing microorganisms in a liquid nitrogen environment] / D. V. Haritonov // Sbornik nauchnyh trudov. "Nauchnoe obespechenie molochnoj promyshlennosti (VNIMI-80)". Moscow, VNIMI, 2009, p. 393-397.
3. Dubrovskij, A. A. Primenenie bakteriocionov v tehnologii marinovannyh mjasnyh polufabrikatov [The use of bacteriocins in the technology of pickled meat products] / A. A. Dubrovskij // Biotehnologii i resursosberegajushhie inzhenernye sistemy, 2016, p. 43-45.
4. Korzh, A. P. Prikladnye biotehnologii - instrument razvitija mjasnoj otrasli [Applied biotechnologies - a tool for the development of the meat industry] / A. P. Korzh // Zhurnal "Mjasnoj rjad", 2016, no. 4, p. 22-26.
5. Poljakov, V. A. Belkovye biologichecki aktivnye produkty na ocnove kiclotoobrazujushhih mikroorganizmov i icpol"zovanie ih pri kormenii razlichnyh vidov zhivotnyh i ptic [Protein biologically active products based on acid-forming microorganisms and their use in feeding various species of animals and birds] / V. A. Poljakov V. A. [et al] // Materialy III Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheckoj konferencii. Voronezh, 2009, p. 288-290.
Volkova Galina Sergeevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
The All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology - branch of Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Federal Research Center of Food and Biotechnology and Food Safety,
4B, Samokatnaya St., Moscow, 111033, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Belekchi Anastasija Petrovna, Student
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11, Volokolamsk sh., Moscow, 125080, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Litvinenko O.V., Skripko O.V. Evaluation of the Biochemical Composition of Soya Grain and Dry Biomass of Soya Seedlings in a Comparatively-varietal Aspect

P. 70-73 Key words
biochemical composition; variety; soybean; dry biomass of soya seedlings.

The most complete information about the biochemical composition of the feedstock is a necessary condition for the production of high-quality healthy foods based on soybean. Taking into account constantly expanding varietal assortment of soybean, an actual research direction is a thorough study of the composition and properties of new varieties, as well as the possibility of their use in processing. We present the results of a comparative analysis of the biochemical composition of dry biomass of soya seedlings and soya grain of 7 new varieties of selection of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean" (Amur region, Blagoveshchensk). As a result of the studies, significant varietal differences in soya grain were found: by content of protein - within 6,33?%, and fiber - 5,26?%, by content of fat, total carbohydrates and activity of trypsin inhibitors - 3,99, 2,44?% and 2,59 mg/g, respectively. In soya seedlings the intervarietal range of fluctuations in protein content amounted to 1,62?%, fat - 1,70?%, fiber - 2,90?%, total carbohydrates - 3,61?%, the intervarietal differences of indicators for activity of trypsin inhibitors varied within 4,45 mg/g. In the biochemical composition of dry biomass of the seedlings, regardless of the variety used for their production, there was a significant decrease in fat content, in activity of trypsin inhibitors and an increase in fiber, protein and total carbohydrates. The obtained research results can be useful for practical activity at the processing soy raw materials to assess the efficiency of the use of one soybean variety or another in order to create functional foods or biologically active food additives.

1. Strategija "Razvitija pishhevoj i pererabatyvajushhej promyshlennosti Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda", utv. Rasporjazheniem Pravitel'stva RF ot 17.04.2012. # 559 r [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.garant.ru.
2. Otraslevaja programma rossijskogo soevogo sojuza "Razvitie proizvodstva i pererabotki soi v Rossijskoj Federacii na 2015-2020 gody" [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: www.ros-soya.su.
3. Ob osnovah gosudarstvennoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii v oblasti zdorovogo pitanija na period do 2020 goda, utv. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 25.10.2010 # 1873-r [Jelektronnyj resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.garant.ru.
4. Petibskaja, V. S. Soja: himicheskij sostav i ispol'zovanie / Pod redakciej akademika RASHN, d-ra s. h. nauk V. M. Lukomca. - Majkop: Poligraf-JuG, 2012. - 432 s.
5. Skripko, O. V. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po ispol'zovaniju novyh sortov soi dal'nevostochnoj selekcii dlja proizvodstva produktov pitanija funkcional'nogo naznachenija / O. V. Skripko, O. V. Litvinenko, O. V. Pokotilo // FGBNU VNII soi. - Blagoveshhensk: ODEON, 2016. - 40 s.
6. Mjachikova, N. I. Proroshhennye semena kak istochnik pishhevyh i biologicheski aktivnyh veshhestv dlja organizma cheloveka [Jelektronnyj resurs] / N. I. Mjachikova [i dr.] // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija. - 2012. - ¹ 5. - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.science-education.ru.
7. Skripko, O. V. Ocenka kachestva salatov iz prorostkov semjan soi sortov Amurskoj selekcii / O. V. Skripko, O. V. Litvinenko, O. V. Pokotilo // Nauka segodnja: fakty, tendencii, prognozy: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. - Vologda: Marker, 2016. - S. 72-74.
8. Skripko, O. V. Issledovanie biohimicheskogo sostava semjan soi amurskoj selekcii dlja ispol'zovanija v pishhevoj promyshlennosti / O. V. Skripko [i dr.] // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2015. - ¹ 8. - S. 32-35.
9. Kiseljova, T. F. Vlijanie prorashhivanija na soderzhanie antipitatel'nyh veshhestv v semenah soi / T. F. Kiseljova [i dr.] // Hranenie i pererabotka sel'hozsyr'ja. - 2013. - ¹ 6. - S. 28-30.
Litvinenko Oksana Viktorovna, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean,
19 Ignatevskoe shosse, Blagoveshchensk, 675027, Russia, O. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skripko Ol'ga Valer'evna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Amur State University,
21 Ignatevskoe shosse, Blagoveshchensk, 675027, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Serba E.M., Sokolova E.N., Fursova N.A., Volkova G.S., Borshheva Ju.A., Kurbatova E.I., Kuksova E.V. Obtaining Biologically Active Additives Based on Enriched Yeast Biomass

P. 74-79 Key words
secondary raw materials; yeast; carotenoids; cultivation; microbial biomass.

One of the main directions for reducing secondary raw materials is development of technological processes of production the new types of food products and additives, that enhance the nutritional and biological value of products, as well as the improvement of technologies of production feed additives enriched biologically valuable ingredients. The aim of this work was to develop a microbial conversion of secondary raw materials from the food industry to produce feed supplements rich in biologically valuable protein and carotenoids. The work was carried out at the All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology - a Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology". Experimental data on the production of biologically active feed additives based on yeast biomass grown on the secondary raw materials from the food industry presents in this article. Comparative studies on the biochemical characteristics of microbial biomass carotenoid yeast of various species and Saccharomyces yeast have been carried out. The conditions for co-cultivation of selected strains of yeast were selected. The composition of yeast biomass after co-cultivation Saccharomyces and Rhodosporidium was studied. It was shown that the yeast Rhodosporidium species SC-111 and Saccharomyces diastaticus Y-1218 had a symbiotic relationship and the best biochemical parameters of protein and productivity. It was found that on medium containing wheat bran and alcohol bard in the ratio 1:1, the yeast productivity was 378,1 g/dm3 and the protein content was increased to 59?%. The qualitative characteristic of carotenoid pigments by spectrophotometric method has also been studied. It was found that the maximum absorption spectra were found in a sample obtained on medium containing alcohol bard and wheat bran. The amino acid composition of the experimental samples of microbial biomass was studied. It is shown that the samples are promising sources of protein, essential amino acids and valuable polysaccharides. Co-cultivation selected strains of yeast allowed to increase the concentration of essential amino acids to 41?% of the total number of identified amino acids.

1. Golubev, I. G. Recikling othodov v APK: spravochnik / I. G. Golubev [i dr.]. - M.: FGBNU "Rosinformagroteh", 2011. - 296 s.
2. Serba, E. M. Nauchno-prakticheskie aspekty poluchenija BAD na osnove konversii vtorichnyh bioresursov / E. M. Serba [i dr.] // Hranenie i pererabotka selkhozsyr'ja. - 2015. - ¹ 2. - S. 44-50.
3. Ameljakina, M. V. Issledovanie belkovogo produkta, poluchennogo iz zerna pshenicy po odnostadijnoj jekstruzionno-gidroliticheskoj tehnologii / M. V. Ameljakina // Proizvodstvo spirta i likerovodochnyh izdelij. - 2013. - ¹ 3. - S. 17-19.
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8. Rimareva, L. V. Razrabotka tehnologicheskih rezhimov kul'tivirovanija shtammov drozhzhej, perspektivnyh dlja poluchenija kormovogo belka / L. V. Rimareva [i dr.] // Sbornik nauchnyh trudov: "Perspektivnye fermentnye preparaty i biotehnologicheskie processy v tehnologijah produktov pitanija i kormov. - M., 2017. - S. 294-297.
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10. Aksenova, L. M. Napravlennaja konversija belkovyh modulej pishhevyh produktov zhivotnogo i rastitel'nogo proishozhdenija / L. M. Aksenova, L. V. Rimareva // Vestnik rossijskoj akademii nauk. - 2017. - T. 87. - ¹ 4. - S. 355-357.
11. Eremec, V. I. Novye probioticheskie kompleksy (preparaty i ih primenenie pri vyrashhivanii brojlerov) / V. I. Eremec // Pticevodstvo. - 2014. - ¹ 12. - S. 29-31.
12. Poljakov, V. A. Instrukcija po tehnohimicheskomu i mikrobiologicheskomu kontrolju spirtovogo proizvodstva / V. A. Poljakov [i dr.]. - M.: DeLiPrint, 2007. - 480 s.
13. Saito, T. A. carotenoid pigment of the radioresistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans. Microbios / T. Saito [et al]. - 1998. - Vol. 95. - ¹ 381. - P. 79-90.
14. Patent # 2478701 (RF). Shtamm drozhzhej Saccharomyces cerevisiae, obladajushhij amilaznoj aktivnost'ju dlja poluchenija kormovogo belkovogo produkta, i sposob proizvodstva kormovogo belkovogo produkta / G. I. Vorob'eva [i dr.]. - 2013.
15. Shashakina, M. Ja. Karotinoidy kak osnova dlja sozdanija lechebno-profilakticheskih sredstv / M. Ja. Shashakina, P. N. Shashkin, A. V. Sergeev // Rossijskij bioterapevticheskij zhurnal. - 2009. - ¹ 8. - T. 8. - S. 91-98.
16. Dejneka, V. I. Karotinoidy: stroenie, biologicheskie funkcii i perspektivy ispol'zovanija / V. I. Dejneka, A. A. Shaposhnikov, L. A. Dejneka // Nauchnye vedomosti BelGU. - 2008. - ¹ 6. - S. 19-25.
Serba Elena Mihajlovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of RAS;
Sokolova Elena Nikolaevna, Candidate of Biological Sciences;
Fursova Natal'ja Aleksandrovna;
Volkova Galina Sergeevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Borshheva Julija Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Kurbatova Elena Ivanovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Kuksova Elena Vladimirovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology is a Branch of Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnologies",
4b Samokatnaya, Moscow, 111033, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Agafonov G.V., Chusova A.E.., Sapunova E.S., Zelenkova A.V.Application of Mathematical Methods for Planning and Predicting the Enzymatic Activity of Oat Malt

P. 80-85 Key words
mathematical methods; oats; malt; enzymatic activity.

Traditionally, fermented and unfermented malt is produced from rye. To give special properties to the product, other types of raw materials are used. Objective: application of mathematical methods for planning and predicting the enzymatic ability of oat malt. The work was carried out at Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies. Amylolytic (AS), cytolytic (CS) and proteolytic (PS) malt abilities were determined by methods used in the malting industry. We made up the experiment planning matrix. For statistical data processing, central rotatable uniform planning was used, which allowed obtaining a regression equation in 30 experiments in triplicate repetition, which describe the fermentative abilities of malt depending on the following input factors - temperature, humidity, duration and dosage of the enzyme preparation Cerexix 6 XMG. Criterion for assessing the influence of the selected factors served as the AS, CS and PS. The greatest influence on the AS, CS and PS is both the duration of germination, and the dosage of Cerexix 6 XMG. The optimum intervals of input factors were determined to achieve the maximum values of the abilities of oat malt enzymes: germination temperature 15.3...19.3 °C; the moisture content of the malt is 45.4-50.2?%; the duration of the process is 6.2-6.6 days; dosage of Ceremix 6 XMG 0.8-0.9 g / 100 g of raw material. The authors believe that using the mathematical methods of experiment planning, one can predict the enzymatic ability of oat malt to intensify the process of malting of oats.

1. Butenko, L. I. Issledovanija himicheskogo sostava proroshhennyh semjan grechihi, ovsa, jachmenja i pshenicy / L. I. Butenko, L. V. Ligaj // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. - 2013. - ¹ 4 (5). - S. 1128-1133.
2. Kiseleva, T. F. Sovershenstvovanie tehnologii ovsjanogo soloda / T. F. Kiseleva [i dr.] // Pivo i napitki. - 2014. - ¹ 1. - S. 28-30.
3. Chekina, M. Oves v kachestve bezgljutenovogo syr'ja v napitkah funkcional'nogo naznachenija / M. Chekina, G. Batalova // Industrija napitkov. - 2014. - ¹ 7. - S. 16-21.
4. Chusova, A. E. Izmenenie fermentativnoj aktivnosti bezgljutenovogo soloda v processe prorashhivanija i sushki / A. E. Chusova [i dr.] // Vestnik VGUIT. - 2017. - ¹ 2. - S. 188-190.
5. Ermolaeva, G. S. Spravochnik rabotnika laboratorii pivovarennogo predprijatija / G. S. Ermolaeva. - SPb.: Professija, 2004. - 535 s.
6. Faradzheva, E. D. Obshhaja tehnologija brodil'nyh proizvodstv / E. D. Faradzheva, V. A. Fedorov, G. V. Agafonov. - Voronezh: 2012. - 728 s.
7. Grachev, Ju. P. Matematicheskie metody planirovanija jeksperimenta / Ju. P. Grachev, Ju. M. Plaksin. - M.: DeLiPrint, 2005. - 296 s.
Agafonov Gennadij Vjacheslavovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
Chusova Alla Evgen 'evna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Sapunova Ekaterina Sergeevna, Graduate Student
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology,
19 Revolution Avenue, Voronezh, 394036, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Zelenkova Anna Valentinovna
Limited Liability Company "Profimalt",
29 Victory Avenue, Lipetsk, 398024, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Novitsky V.O., Kirillov M.N.Creation of Laboratory Service of Grain Corporation Based on Application of Methodology of System Approach

P. 86-91 Key words
outsourcing; grain corporation; grain quality; laboratory service; laboratory research; logistics; cost minimization; management model; optimization; cause-effect relations; system approach; goal structure; sample transportation; centralization.

Currently, in countries with a high level and volume of grain production, as well as a large number of grain producers, including large grain supplier companies, one of the topical problems is the accounting and quality control of grain. This is done by creating a laboratory control system. In the Russian Federation, grain producers basically lack such laboratory services, so the article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of creating such services in grain corporations, as well as to the study of logistics of grain quality control systems. The objects of logistics are points of sampling and marking of grain samples, their preliminary processing, storage and transfer from the customer to the laboratory, as well as acceptance, registration and identification of samples of raw materials. Laboratories of grain producers perform the analysis of the quality of grain collected and shipped to grain storage and elevators. The analysis process allows to determine the compliance of the selected samples with the norms for a number of indicators. The creation of its laboratory service will allow grain producers to objectify the quality assessment and identification of grain, to reduce losses and costs for logistics of samples, and to increase efficiency and improve control and quality control. The article is devoted to the review of the subject area, the general structural, functional model of the laboratory research process is developed, the definitions, role, and functions of the laboratory service, methods of its organization, such as centralization and outsourcing, are disclosed. With a centralized model of the organization, the laboratory service reports to the company"s management, which in turn is engaged in financing and developing research methods. The choice of the model of the organization of laboratory services for grain corporations is determined by the needs and interests of grain producers and the geographic distance of its branches and farms from laboratories for the storage and processing of grain. The study of the problem of creation and development of laboratory services of grain holdings in the article is based on the methodology of the system approach. The structure of the objectives of the logistics system of the laboratory service is given; developed a cognitive diagram of cause-effect relationships; an analysis of the elements of the system with the identification of factors of influence; defined problem-forming groups of elements. A conceptual structural-dynamic model of the management system in the set-theoretic representation for strategic and tactical management horizons is formulated, topical problems are formulated and general ways of their solution are determined.

1. Gafner, L. A. Osnovy tehnologii priema, hranenija i pererabotki zerna / L. A. Gafner, V. A. Butkovskij, A. M. Rodjukova. - M.: Kolos, 1975. - 400 s.
2. Polandova, R. D. Hlebopekarnye svojstva pshenichnoj muki, sostojanie, metody regulirovanija kachestva v proizvodstve hlebobulochnyh izdelij / R. D. Polandova, G. F. Dremucheva, O. E. Karchevskaja // Agrarnyj vestnik Jugo-Vostoka. Vserossijskij nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal. - 2009. - ¹ 3. - S. 8-10.
3. Fomina, O. N. Zerno. Kontrol' kachestva i bezopasnosti po mezhdunarodnym standartam / O. N. Fomina. - M.: Protektor, 2001. - 368 s.
4. Kochetov, A. G. Aktual'nye problemy organizacii laboratornoj sluzhby v Rossijskoj Federacii / A. G. Kochetov, O. V. Ljang. - M.: U Nikitskih vorot, 2016. - 144 s.
5. Novickij, V. O. Metodologija obshhesistemnogo proektirovanija avtomatizirovannyh sistem / V. O. Novickij. - M.: MGUPP, 2011. - 120 s.
6. Novickij, V. O. Sistemnyj podhod k upravleniju na predprijatijah i v kompanijah po hraneniju i pererabotke zerna / V. O. Novickij // Hleboprodukty. - 2009. - ¹ 7 - S. 54-56.
7. Svid. ob ofic. registr. progr. dlja JeVM ¹ 2010616113 RF. System Diagram and Conceptual Modeler (SDCM) / V. O. Novickij, V. I. Karpov. - ¹ 2010613330; Zajav. 16.09.2010; Zaregistr. 09.06.2010.
Novitsky Vladimir Olegovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11 Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, 125080, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kirillov Mikhail Nikolayevich
LLC "Diakea-Soft",
1-3 Kulneva str., Moscow, 121170, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Aitov V.G., Blagoveschenskaya M.M., Krasinskiy A.Ya., Chekin I.I., Shipareva M.G., Kolesnikova K.A.Development of a Complex Automation System for Food Industry Enterprises

P. 92-99 Key words
1C:Enterprise; ERP; complex automation; food industry; system integration.

Many enterprises of the food industry in Russia still use disparate autonomous information systems that solve, in most cases, local accounting tasks. In spite of the fact that technological processes can be automated at the same time, the enterprise under such conditions does not work efficiently. One of the ways to increase efficiency is the development and implementation of a comprehensive automation system. With this approach, all processes of the enterprise are automated systematically and completely. A fundamental part of the system of complex automation is the integrated information management system (IIMS). For food industry enterprises, it seems advisable to use the existing deployed infrastructure based on the 1C: Enterprise platform for developing and implementing a complex automation system of the IIMS class. This will make it possible to focus on solving problems related to the subject area without having to deal with low-level issues of interaction with the DBMS, the development of an access control subsystem, own application server in case of using a three-tier architecture. Introduction of the system of complex automation developed by the authors "RIF Ltd" allowed this fish processing enterprise to apply the concept of "from farm to counter" when managing business processes of a full cycle of processing products - from the incubation of fish eggs of valuable species to the sale of finished products in its own store and retail networks. The cost of the developed solution is, on average, two times lower than the analogues present on the market, while it is not inferior to them in versatility, manufacturability, reliability, and productivity. During the development, a focus was put on the use of software and hardware for domestic development, and also the development of the China. Based on the results of the pilot operation of the decision, the management of the enterprise noted an increase in the efficiency of work in the integration of business processes, personnel and production discipline, saving time due to ease of use.

1. 1S: Predpriyatie. Rybopererabotka. URL: https://solutions.1c.ru/catalog/fish-plant.
2. Aitov, V. G. Sistema kontrolya dostupa v vysshem uchebnom zavedenii / V. G. Aitov, V. O. Novickij, I. I. CHekin // Prikladnaya informatika. - 2017. - T. 12. - ¹ 4. - S. 81-99.
3. Aitov, V. G. Razrabotka sistemy kompleksnoj avtomatizacii predpriyatiya pishchevoj promyshlennosti / V. G. Aitov [i dr.] |// Pishchevaya promyshlennost'. - 2018. - ¹ 6. - S. 74-77.
4. Datchik temperatury i vlazhnosti DHT22. URL: https://tpai.ru/datchiki-okruzhaiushchej-sredy/610 datchiki-okruzhayushchey-sredy-datchik-temperatury-vlazhnosti-dht22 kupit-moskva-sankt-peterburg.html.
5. Novickij, V. O. Modeli i metody optimal"nogo upravleniya proizvodstvom dlya zernovyh i zernopererabatyvayushchih predpriyatij: dis. doktora tekhn. nauk: 05.13.06 / V. O. Novickij. - Moskva, 2010. - 450 c.
6. Norton, D. Sistema sbalansirovannyh pokazatelej / Per. s angl. / D. Norton, R. Kaplan. - M.: ZAO "Olimp-Biznes", 2003. - 304 s.
Aitov Vasilij Grigor'evich;
Blagoveschenskaya Margarita Mihajlovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
Krasinskiy Aleksandr Yakovlevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor;
Chekin Ivan Ivanovich;
Shipareva Mar'ya Gerasimovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Kolesnikova Karina Anatol'evna
Moscow State University îf Food Production,
11 Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gryzunov A.A., Kornienko V.N., Avilova S.V. Calculation of Refrigeration Capacity of Refrigerated Trucks for Intracity Transportation of Food Products

P. 100-104 Key words
refrigerated truck; intracity transportation; safety factor; food products; temperature regime; refrigeration capacity.

The specific features of intracity transportation (IT) of food products (FP) by specialized refrigerated trucks (SRT) are substantiated. Particularly, during IT the fluctuations of the internal air temperature in the body of SRT caused by presence of external heat coming from the open doors during unloading of FP are not fully compensated by the installed refrigeration units, which leads to violations of temperature conditions for the delivery of FP and negatively influences their quality for subsequent storage. The change in the abundance of epiphytic and endophytic bacteria of fresh parsley has been experimentally proved during the period of delivery and subsequent short-term storage. As a result of full-scale tests, additional reasons of violations of temperature regimes during the IT of FP by SRT were established, namely, the losses of cooling capacity of refrigeration units operating from the refrigerator truck engine due to the peculiarities of movement of SRT at low speeds in the city conditions. A calculating formula for nominal capacity of refrigeration units of SRT is proposed for IT which may be used for developing methods of control of the actual technical condition of the truck and assessing their compliance with international standards in accordance with orders of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 209-211 of 30.06.14.

1. Belozerov, G. A. Avtorefrizheratornyj transport i kontejnery: Uchebnoe posobie / G. A. Belozerov [i dr.]. - Rjazan': Rjazanskaja oblastnaja tipografija, 2010. - 298 s.
2. Soglashenie o mezhdunarodnyh perevozkah skoroportjashhihsja produktov i o special'nyh transportnyh sredstvah, prednaznachennyh dlja jetih perevozok (SPS). - Zheneva: OON, 2017. - 103 s.
3. Gryzunov, A. A. Strukturnyj analiz transportnyh sredstv - refrizheratorov dlja vnutrigorodskih perevozok skoroportjashhihsja pishhevyh produktov / A. A. Gryzunov, V. N. Kornienko // Holodil'naja tehnika. - 2014. - ¹ 12. - S. 45-48.
4. Gryzunov, A. A. Specsredstva dlja dostavki skoroportjashhihsja gruzov / A. A. Gryzunov, B. P. Ivacevich, R. B. Janovskij // Holodil'naja tehnika. - 2005. - ¹ 2. - S. 28-31.
5. Gryzunov, A. A. O proverke sootvetstvija teplotehnicheskih harakteristik specializirovannyh avtotransportnyh sredstv dlja perevozki produktov mezhdunarodnym normam / A. A. Gryzunov, V. N. Kornienko // Holodil'naja tehnika. - 2015. - ¹ 5. - S. 47-50.
Gryzunov Alexey Alekseevich;
Kornienko Vladimir Nikolaevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Avilova Svetlana Vasilievna, Candidate of Agricultural Science
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Refrigeration Industry - branch of the V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS,
12 Kostyakova, Moscow, 127422, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , kortiz@yandex. ru, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.