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Storage and processing of farm products №10/2017


Morozov A.N., Pruzhin M.K., Kosulin G.S.Theoretical Aspects of Industrial Storage of Sugar Beet

P. 5-9 Key words
significant factors; forced ventilation; regulation of factors; sugar beet; theoretical storage basics; covering material; physical environment.

Considering the need to store significant amount of sugar beet in Russia, it is required to create modern resource-saving technologies for its storage, based on an appropriate theoretical basis. The main stages of formation of theoretical bases of sugar beets storage are stated and the necessity of their further development in conditions of essential change of properties of a storage object is proved. A vast array data classification of longstanding scientific research with the identification of significant endogenous, exogenous and anthropogenic factors for the conservation of sugar beets has been carried out. Directional effect of their influence and interaction, the possibility of regulation are considered. An influence scheme of the main factors on the physical environment of the beet pile during long-term storage of sugar beet using covering material, forced ventilation, and preparation impact on root crops have been developed. The possibility of controlling such significant factors as the physical environment of the beet pile and the preparation impact on the roots with the aim of creating optimal storage conditions is justified. The possibility of regulating these factors with the help of set of interrelated methods of directed temperature-humidity, antimicrobial and inhibitory impact on the root crops stored in the beet pile is shown. The analysis of influence and interaction of endogenous and exogenous significant factors in the conditions of forming the optimal physical environment of the beet pile and the antimicrobial impact on root crops was carried out. It has been established that directed regulation of all significant factors having different mechanisms of positive action makes it possible to obtain the best effect on the effectiveness of sugar beet storage. The regulation of significant factors characterizing the initial state of sugar beet before storage is suggested, carried out by observing the limits of restrictive requirements when accepting raw materials.

1. Apasov I. V., Fomenko G. K., Putilina L. N. [Technological characteristics of sugar beet hybrids of different breeding directions under conditions of drought]. Sakhar, 2011, no. 5, pp. 48-54. (In Russ.)
2. Sapronov N. M., Berdnikov A. S. [Mineral nutrition and varietal characteristics as factors determining the structure of carbohydrate complex of sugar beet]. Sakhar, 2009, no. 7, pp. 23-25. (In Russ.)
3. Nikitin A. F. [Initial condition and average daily root weight loss during field storage]. Sakharnaya svekla, 2015, no. 8, pp. 41-44. (In Russ.)
4. Putilina L. N. et al. [The use of Anabios and Somnus inhibitors in the storage of sugar beet in open kagata]. Sakhar, 2017, no. 1, pp. 48-52. (In Russ.)
5. Sapronov N. M. et al. [Storage of sugar beet using a covering material modified with an antimicrobial preparation]. Sakhar, 2013, no. 8, pp. 36-39. (In Russ.)
6. Krasyuk N. A. Sovremennye tekhnologii proizvodstva i ispol'zovaniya sakharnoi svekly [Modern technologies of production and use of sugar beet]. Minsk, A. N. Varaksin Publ., 2010. 502 p.
7. Sapronov N. M. et al. [Storage of sugar beet in field kagats under the polymeric shelter of multifunctional action]. Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii sel'skokhozyaistvennykh nauk, 2014, no. 6, pp. 73-74. (In Russ.)
8. Sapronov N. M. et al. [Multifunctional shelter and forced ventilation for long­term storage of sugar beet]. Sakhar, 2015, no. 8, pp. 24-27. (In Russ.)
9. Morozov A. N., Kosulin G. S., Khlyupina S. V. [Influence of selection direction and physical state of sugar beet on the effectiveness of storage]. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK, 2016, no. 11, pp. 123-126. (In Russ.)
10. Morozov A. N., Pruzhin M. K., Smirnova L. Yu. [Technology of long­term storage of sugar beet]. Sakhar, 2016, no. 7, pp. 24-26. (In Russ.)
Morozov Alexander Nikolaevich, Candidate of Agricultural Science;
Pruzhin Mikhail Konstantinovich, Doctor of Agricultural Science;
Kosulin Gennadiy Stepanovich, Candidate of Agricultural Science
Russian Research Institute of the Sugar Industry,
63 Karl Marx st., Kursk, 305029, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kononenko V.V., Turshatov M.V., Ledenev V.P., Krivchenko V.A., Moiseyeva N.D., Soloviev A.O.Complex Processing of Raw Materials - a Real Prospect of Increasing the Profitability of Alcohol Production

P. 10-14 Key words
bard; secondary raw materials; complex processing; fodder yeast; starch; cost price; еthyl alcohol.

Article is devoted to a question of distilleries profitability increasing due to change of produced products structure. The ethyl alcohol structure produced according to the single-product scheme was analyzed. It is established that 60-70?% in prime cost is the costs of raw materials. Due to this the fluctuations of raw materials cost at almost stable market price of alcohol considerably influence on the profit of the plants. The high cost of raw materials also limits the competition of ethyl alcohol in the fuel market. At the same time grain crops besides starch contain a number of components which could be realized as separate commodity products with high added value. At distribution of raw materials cost to all received products the prime cost of ethyl alcohol can be 20-25 rubles for 1 liter. The analysis of two main variants of integrated grain processing is provided in article. Variant 1 provides initial division of grain into the main components: bran, vegetable protein, starch A and starch B with the subsequent their processing in commodity products. The fraction of starch A can is used for receiving the dry native or modified starches, amino acids or food acids, for production of Glucose fructose syrup, bioplastics and other products. Starch B and also a part of bran go for production of ethanol and fodder products. The performance indicators analysis of such technology shows that profit on grain processing increases more than twice in comparison with the single-product scheme, and the profit share of alcohol realization doesn't exceed 40?%. The main problem at realization of the specified grain integrated processing is the considerable capital expenditure for the equipment exceeding several times the cost of distillery. Practice shows that these technologies are applicable for large productions, with grain processing not less than 400 tons per day. The second variant of raw material complex processing provides ethyl alcohol as the main product. This technology provides minimization of operational expenses due to raw materials processing in the conditions of the high concentration with the reduced still Complex processing of raw materials - a real prospect of increasing the profitability of alcohol production age yeld. Further, the bard is exposed to deep processing with receiving various products of food and fodder application: the food fermented cellulose, fodder yeast, proteinaceous and vitamin concentrates, premixes, DDG. Each of these products has the increased demand in the market now, and investment costs of such technology pay off within 1.5-2 years. Thus, realization of grain complex processing by the listed variants provides real increase in profitability and efficiency of spirit productions.

1. Turshatov M. V., Moiseeva N. D., Shlelenko L. A. [Use of dry grain bard for food purposes]. Likerovodochnoe proizvodstvo i vinodelie, 2010, no. 7, pp. 18-19. (In Russ.)
2. Berezin A. O., Syrchina N. V., Odintsov N. I. Pishchevoi produkt i sposob obrabotki sukhoi zernovoi bardy, ispol'zuemoi dlya polucheniya pishchevogo produkta [A food product and a method for treating a dry cereal bard used for preparing a food product]. Patent RF No. 2 472 356 С1; 18.10.2011.
3. http://hlebinfo.ru/zernoprodukt­silarzhi­rk­obshhaya­informatsiya. html (In Russ.)
4. Federal Law No. 171 FZ of 22.11.95 "On state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol­containing products and on restriction of consumption (drinking) of alcohol products" (with subsequent editions No. 18 ФЗ of 07.01.99, No. 102 FZ of July 21, 2005, No. 301 FZ of 01.12.07, No. 279 FZ of December 25, 2008, No. 366 FZ of December 27, 2009) (In Russ.)
5. Turshatov M. V. et al. [Technical and economic aspects of obtaining alcohol from secondary raw materials, formed during the integrated processing wheat]. Proizvodstvo spirta i likerovodochnykh izdelii, 2015, no. 1, pp. 33-35. (In Russ.)
6. Rimareva L. V., Lozanskaya T. I., Khudyakova N. M. [Fodder yeast based on cereal bard]. Kombikorma, 2013, no. 7, pp. 41-42. (In Russ.)
Kononenko Valentin Vasilyevich, Candidate of Technical Science;
Turshatov Mikhail Vladimirovich, Candidate of Technical Science;
Ledenev Vladimir Pavlovich, Candidate of Technical Science;
Krivchenko Vera Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Technical Science;
Moiseyeva Nadezhda Dmitrievna;
Soloviev Alexander Olegovich
All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology - branch "Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology",
4b Samokatnaya str., Moscow, 111033, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Karelina E.B., Blagoveschenskaya M.M., Klekho D.Yu.Construction of the Structure of Interrelation of Microclimate Parameters of Silage for Unpackaged Flour Storage

P. 15-18 Key words
bulk storage; mathematical model; microclimate; regulator; the structure of the relationship; silo.

The bulk flour storage system is a whole complex of equipment, the main components of which are storage silos, transport systems, as well as systems for measuring the volume of products in the silo. An important condition for the production of high-quality products is the compliance of raw materials with the requirements of regulatory documentation (moisture, temperature, acidity of flour), so mill workers must conduct quality control of flour, most quality parameters are carried out mainly by laboratory methods, which is not always convenient and timely. Qualitative indicators in turn directly depend on the microclimate parameters in silos (temperature, humidity, chemical composition of air). The necessary microclimate is provided by changing the intensity of ventilation and the preparation of incoming air. Humidity regulation occurs by changing the amount of steam supplied by the humidification system to the channel of the industrial air conditioner from the steam generator. Management of the chemical composition of air in the process room is due to the addition of fresh air to the air inside by changing the performance of the ventilation system. Having adopted a number of assumptions, this article presents the general structure of the relationship between the input and output parameters of the microclimate of silage for unpackaged flour storage. This structure shows that in the process of ensuring the stabilization of the parameters of the microclimate of silage, multiple relationships between the output quantities and external influencing factors are characteristic, therefore, the use of traditional regulators is not suitable here. In this regard, we can conclude that to manage such a complex non-linear technological process, it is necessary to use intelligent technologies, for example, regulators based on neural algorithms.

1. Karelina E. B. et al. [Automation of bulk flour storage process]. Khra­nenie i pererabotka sel'khozsyr'ya, 2015, no. 4, pp. 12-15. (In Russ.)
2. Blagoveshchenskaya M. M. et al. [Structural­parametric modeling as a tool for determining the quality criterion in a bulk flour storage warehouse]. Khranenie i pererabotka sel'khozsyr'ya, 2015, no. 4, pp. 36-39. (In Russ.)
3. Peshko M. S. Adaptivnaya sistema upravleniya parametrami mikroklimata protsessov proizvodstva i khraneniya pishchevykh produktov: Diss. na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni kandidata tekhnicheskikh nauk [Adaptive control system for the microclimate parameters of food production and storage processes: Cand. Diss. (Techn. Sci.)]. Omsk, 2015.
4. Karelina E. B. et al. [Application of neural network methods of analysis and data processing for quality control of flour during storage]. In: Obshcheuniversitetskaya studencheskaya konferentsiya studentov i molodykh uchenykh "Den' nauki" [General University Student Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Day of Science"]. 2017, pp. 271-275. (In Russ.)
5. Karelina E. B. et al. [Software and hardware complex for quality control of flour at its unpacked storage]. In: Obshcheuniversitetskaya studencheskaya konferentsiya studentov i molodykh uchenykh "Den' nauki" [General University Student Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Day of Science"], 2017, pp. 275-279. (In Russ.)
Karelina Ekaterina Borisovna;
Blagoveschenskaya Margarita Mikhailovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Moscow State University of Food Production,
11 Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Klekho Dmitry Yurievich, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Russian State University for the Humanities,
6 Miusskaya square, GSP-3, Moscow, 125993, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kalenik T.K., Kadnikova I.A., Dobrynina E.V., Zakharenko A.M., Yasuyoshi T. Preparation of Biologically Active Substances from the Red Seaweed Ahnfeltia Tobuchiensis

P. 19-22 Key words
seaweed Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis; varioplanetary mill; red seaweeds; knife mill; grinding.

The article deals with the process of crushing red alga A. tobuchiensis, which has a strong, hard thallus, into a fine powder. is a source of biologically active substances, such as vitamins, minerals, phenolic compounds, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, pigments. The use of A. tobuchiensis in the form of a fine grinding powder for the enrichment of food products, as well as for the production of pigments is constrained by the difficulties associated with grinding algae. Due to the high fiber content A. tobuchiensis has hard, strong, elastic tallums in contrast to blue-green, green and brown algae and for its grinding it is necessary to use special grinders. For this purpose, the possibility of using the TUBE MILL control knife mill (IKA, USA) and the pulp mill Pulverisette-4 (Fritsch, Germany) for grinding frozen Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis, was investigated. Two variants of grinding were analyzed on a system for analyzing the size and morphology of Morphologi G3 ID particles (Malvern, UK) in automatic mode to increase 50x. In each sample, 100,000 particles were analyzed. For comparison, the following particle parameters were chosen: the number and fraction of particles with a certain diameter of the circle; Number and fraction of particles with a certain diameter of the circle; the ratio of particles by roundness, the ratio of the diameter and the roundness of the particles. It is established that in the sample No. 1, ground on a knife mill, the smallest particles (1-10 microns) are 95?%. In sample No. 2, the content of fine particles is higher and is 99?% after grinding in a planetary mill. The main fraction of the fine particles in this case is rounded. Based on the studies carried out, it is recommended to grind A. tobuchiensis into fine powder, use the Pulverisette-4 planetary mill (Fritsch, Germany).

1. Sukhoveeva M. V., Podkorytova A. V. Promyslovye vodorosli i travy morei Dal'nego Vostoka: biologiya, rasprostranenie, zapasy, tekhnologiya pererabotki [Commercial seaweed and grasses of the seas of the Far East: biology, distribution, stocks, processing technology]. Vladivostok, TINRO­center Publ., 2006. 243 p.
2. Aminina N. M., Kadnikova I. A. [Prospects for the use of algaes and grasses of the Far Eastern seas in the food industry]. Voprosy rybolovstva, 2005, vol. 6, no. 2 (22), pp. 405-412. (In Russ.)
3. Titlyanov E. A., Titlyanova T. V. Morskie rasteniya stran Aziatsko­Tikhookeanskogo regiona, ikh ispol'zovanie i kul'tivirovanie [Marine plants of the countries of the Asia­Pacific region, their use and cultivation]. Vladivostok, Dal'nauka Publ., 2012. 377 p.
4. Sukhoverkhov S. V. [A new approach to obtaining pigments from the red alga Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis. The study of the effect of temperature treatment and shelf life on their qualitative and quantitative composition]. Novoe v pishchevykh tekhnologiyakh. Vestnik TGEU, 2005, no. 4, pp. 66-76. (In Russ.)
5. Los' S. I. [Biochemical features of obtaining phycoerythrin from seaweed]. Al'gologiya, 2008, vol. 18, pp. 375-385. (In Russ.)
6. Yakusheva I. A., Efimov A. A., Efimova M. V. [Influence of disintegration of biomass on extracting ficobiline pigments of blue­green and red algaes]. Vestnik KamchatGTU, 2012, no 19, pp. 56-60. (In Russ.)
Kalenik Tatyana Kuzminichna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor;
Kadnikova Irina Arnoldovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
Dobrynina Elena Viktorovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Zakharenko Alexander Mikhailovich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences;
Yasuyoshi Tori, Professor
Far Eastern Federal University,
Housing 25, campus FEFU, i. Russky, Vladivostok, 690922, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , ка This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Khvorova L.S., Lukin N.D.Features of Preparation of Massecuites of Рydrated Glucose for the Centrifugation

P. 23-29 Key words
the viscosity of the massecuite; glucose hydrate; the abrasion of the crystals; the buildup; conditions of crystallization; centrifugation.

A centrifugation of massecuiteis one of the most difficult and important technological operations in production of glucose, which is intended for crystals to be isolated out ofmassecuite with following separation and washing out intercrystal solution from themin the action field of centrifugal forces. This article discusses the features of obtaining utpala glucose, preparing them to centrifugation, and carrying out the centrifugation process in the example of otteley the hydration of glucose. The principle of decrease of the quantity of a mother solution film and improvement of its quality on the surface of glucosecrystals is the basis of all methods of massecuite preparation for a successful centrifugation. The result of a centrifugation depends on massecuitequality and parameters of centrifugation. The larger and more uniformcrystalsizes and the lower viscosity of intercrystal solution and impurity level in it, are also the higher factor of division and duration of a centrifugation are the better and more fullintercrystal solution from the surface of crystals is removed. During glucose crystallization integration of crystals and increase of their uniformity are promoted by increasingthe speed of mixing the syrup with inoculation massecuites at a grain formation stage. At the stage of crystalsgrowth the main condition is inadmissibility of the secondary grain formation near crystallizer walls due to the irregular temperature decrease of cooling water in the crystallizer "shirt". Because of low mechanical strength of glucose crystals being subjected to the attrition while mixing, the well-timed completion of crystallization is an important condition to avoid deterioration of massecuite. The addition of white syrupto massecuites before 15-20 h. prior to the end of crystallization improves massecuite parameters and centrifugation conditions. As a result of addition the average size of crystals increases, their distribution of sizes improves, the viscosity of intercrystal solution decreases, water consumption for washing of crystals and duration of a centrifugation are reduced. It results that the yield of glucose from a crystallizer increases by 4?% and a chromacity of glucosesolutions decreases.

1. Khvorova L. S. [Technology of production of pharmacopeic and food glucose]. Pishchevaya promyshlennost', 2008, no. 6, p. 56. (In Russ.)
2. Sokolov V. I. Tsentrifugirovanie [Centrifugation]. Moscow, Khimiya Publ., 1976. 408 p.
3. Mullin J. W. Сrystallization (4th ed.). Oxford, Butterworth­Heinemann, 2001. 594 р.
4. Slavyanskii A. A. et al. Promyvka kristallov sakhara ot ostatochnoi matochnoi zhidkosti [Washing of sugar crystals from residual mother liquor]. Patent RF No. 2227810; 27.04.2004.
5. Semenov E. V., Slavyanskii A. A., Lebedeva N. N. [Washing of crystalline white sugar in a centrifuge rotor]. Khranenie i pererabotka sel'khozsyr'ya, 2017, no. 3, pp. 36-39. (In Russ.)
6. Gbabo Agidi J., C. Igbeka C. Development and performance of a sugar centrifuge. Sugar Tech., 2003, vol. 5, issue 3, pp. 131-136.
7. Khvorova L. S. [The conditions for the crystallization of hydrated glucose from syrups obtained using enzymes]. Khranenie i pererabotka sel'khozsyr'ya, 2008, no. 6, pp. 48-49. (In Russ.)
8. Khvorova L. S. [Effect of the rheological properties of massecuites on the kinetics of crystallization of hydrated glucose]. Sakhar, 2008, no. 7, pp. 74-77. (In Russ.)
9. Voronina I. S., Astapova E. N. Kachestvo zheltogo sakhara i puti ego povysheniya [Quality of yellow sugar and ways to increase it]. Electronic resource: http://www.scienceforum.ru/2015/pdf/17930.pdf, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
10. Khvorova L. S. [Comparative evaluation of technological schemes for obtaining crystalline glucose]. Materialy X Vserossiiskoi nauchno­prakt. konf. studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh s mezhdunar. uchastiem (24-26 maya 2017 g., Biisk) [Proc. The 10th All­Russian scientific and practical. conf. students, graduate students and young scientists from the intern. participation (May 24-26, 2017, Biysk)]. Biysk, Publ. house of the Altai State Technical University, 2017, pp. 44-451. (In Russ.)
11. Khvorova L. S. Nauchno­prakticheskie osnovy polucheniya kristallicheskoi glyukozy [Scientific and practical basis for obtaining crystalline glucose]. Moscow, Rossel'khozakademiya Publ., 2013. 270 p.
12. The 9th International Sugar Forum on June 15-17, 2010 in the exhibition center "Kursk Korenskaya Fair". The electronic resource: http://www.ikar.ru/articles/85.html. IKAR.ru site. (In Russ.)
13. Tolea Andreea, Mironescu Vionela. Modeling and optimization of the dextrosemonohydrate cristallisation process. Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series E: Food Technology, 2008, vol. XII, no. 23.
14. Khvorova L. S., Andreev N. R., Lukin N. D. Sposob kristallizatsii gidratnoi glyukozy [Method for crystallization of hydrated glucose]. Patent RF No. 2336308; 20.10.2008.
15. Il'ina V. V. Povyshenie effektivnosti tekhnologii polucheniya i tsentrifugirovaniya utfelya 1 kristallizatsii: Avtoref. kand. diss. [Increasing the efficiency of technology for the production and centrifugation of massecuite 1 crystallization: Cand. Diss.]. Moscow, 2005.
Khvorova Lyudmila Stepanovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
Lukin Nikolay Dmitrievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences
All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products,
11 Nekrasov st., Kraskovo, Lyuberetsky District, Moscow Region, 140051, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yusupov M.T.Investigation of the Process of Temperature Distribution when Drying Grapes by Modeling

P. 30-33 Key words
IR-emitation; computer modeling; convective drying setting.

This article presents the results of the study of the process of temperature distribution during drying of grapes on computer modeling and the introduction of an energy-saving IR convective dryer. To obtain mathematical models, the following assumptions were made: when drying the grapes, its geometric shape was taken spherical and the dependence of the diameter on the average moisture content, which is described by a linear equation, was studied. As a result, we obtained a mathematical model for determining the temperature of the middle layer of the starting material. The zone of preliminary IR processing is designed to achieve the maximum value of the moisture yield coefficient, which is achieved due to the formation of microcracks on the surface or the maximum destruction of the grape skin. In this zone, the controlled process takes place in the skin of the grapes. In this zone, you can not take into account the drying of grapes due to the short-term process. The results of theoretical studies of the pre-IR processing zone on the computer model are shown in the figures. The purpose of the zone of convective IR drying is drying the grapes to a predetermined humidity. The drying process in this zone is characterized by the distribution of moisture in the pulp of the grapes. Due to evaporation of moisture, the material cools, which reduces the speed of the drying process. This is compensated by maintaining the temperature of the grapes at a given value, by supplying heat with the optimal value of pulsed IR irradiation. We have obtained the required optimum values of the irradiation density and the drying time for the first, second, third and fourth IR irradiation. Analysis of the results of the computer models shows the possibility of intensifying the drying process of grape materials.

1. Ginzburg A. S., Savina I. M. Massovlagoobmennye kharakteristiki pishchevykh produktov [Mass­moisture exchange characteristics of food products]. Moscow, Legkaya i pishchevaya promyshlennost' Publ., 1982. 280 p.
2. Levitin I. B. Primenenie infrakrasnoi tekhniki v narodnom khozyaistve [Application of infrared technology in the national economy]. Leningrad, Energoizdat, 1981. 264 p.
3. Lykov A. V., Auerman L. Ya. Teoriya sushki kolloidnykh kapillyarno­poristykh materialov pishchevoi promyshlennosti [The theory of drying colloidal capillary­porous materials of the food industry]. Moscow, Pishchevaya promyshlennost' Publ., 1976. 287 p.
4. Rogov I. A., Nekrutman S. V. Sverkhvysokochastotnyi i infrakrasnyi nagrev pishchevykh produktov [Ultrahigh­frequency and infrared heating of food products]. Moscow, Pishchevaya promyshlennost" Publ., 1976. 210 p.
5. Il'yasov S. G., Krasnikov V. V. Metody opredeleniya opticheskikh i termoradiatsionnykh kharakteristik pishchevykh produktov [Methods for determining the optical and thermoradiation characteristics of food products]. Moscow, Pishchevaya promyshlennost' Publ., 1972. 175 p.
6. Il'yasov S. G., Krasnikov V. V. [Application of the method of simultaneous measurement of thermoradiation characteristics to the study of the optical properties of capillary­porous colloidal bodies]. Moscow, Trudy MTIP, 1988, pp. 49-56. (In Russ.)
7. Kasatkin A. G. Osnovnye protsessy i apparaty khimicheskoi tekhnologii [Basic processes and apparatuses of chemical technology]. Moscow, Khimiya Publ., 1971. 784 p.
8. Dzhuraev Kh. F. [Industrial tests of the melon drying method according to the scheme drying - convection drying]. Khranenie i pererabotka sel'khozsyr'ya, 2002, no. 3, pp. 36-37. (In Russ.)
Yusupov Mukhtorzhon Tozhiboevich
Andijan Machine Building Institute,
56 Babur str., Andijan, 70119, Republic of Uzbekistan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kasumova A.A.gizi. Study of the Chemical Composition of Wild Fruits and Berries in the Ganja-Gazakh Zone

P. 34-36 Key words
vitamins; wild fruits and berries; forest fund; mineral elements; chemical composition.

Azerbaijan is known all over the world with its fascinating beauty, rich in natural resources, diverse flora and fauna, Recently, in many regions of our republic, the leadership is carrying out works on forestry. The purpose of these activities is to increase the yield and fertility of forests, more rational use of forest fund lands, increase the protective function and the positive impact of forests on the environment. In the forests of our republic 150 kinds of wild plants are distributed. These include plum, dogwood, barberry, hawthorn, blackberries, raspberries, currants, etc. Approximately 30?% of these fruits can be used for various purposes. The chemical composition of these substances is most richest in cinder substances. From the results of the research it became known that wild fruits are rich in minerals, vitamins, sugars, organic acids and other important components. These fruits improve appetite and restore metabolism in the human body, they have a slight laxative, diuretic and choleretic properties, have anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. The use of wild fruits and berries in the food industry plays in the form of jam, jam, juices, tinctures, pastilles and other food products, as well as in dried form and in small packages in hermetically sealed containers, opens great prospects for providing the population with useful products throughout the year. Summarizing the above, it can be concluded that in the daily diet the use of wild fruits and berries plays a huge role in preserving the health of the population of the country. In addition, the rational use of forest resources will lead to an increase of economic benefits and countr's budget.

1. Timofeeva V. A. Tovarovedenie prodovol'stvennykh tovarov [Commodity science of food products]. Rostov­na­Donu, Feniks Publ., 2005. 416 p.
2. Pochinok Kh. M. Metody biokhimicheskogo analiza rastenii [Methods of biochemical analysis of plants]. 1976. 334 p.
3. Kasumova A. A. [The healing properties of some fruits and berries that grow in the forests of Ganja­Gazakh]. Nauchnye trudy AGAU, 2017, no. 1, pp. 60-63. (In Russ.)
4. Nabiev A. A., Molemzade E. A. Biokhimiya pishchevykh produktov [Biochemistry of food products]. Baku, Elm Publ., 2008. 444 p.
5. Reich Lee. Uncommon Fruits Worthy of Attention. Reading, Mass., Addison­Wesley, 1991. pp 101-112, 1261-171.
Kasumova Afet Ayat gizi, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Azerbaijan Technological University,
103 Sh. I. Khatai avenyu, Gandja sity, AZ2011, Azerbaijan Republic, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Alekseeva T.V., Kalgina Yu.O., Razdobarina N.V., Bokarev D.A., Malakova L.A., Evlakova V.S.Expansion of the Range of Dairy Products Through the Use of Secondary Resources

P. 37-40 Key words
meal wheat germ; yeast; dairy products.

Today, the producers of food products face the task of developing new combined systems based on domestic natural raw materials and improving technologies aimed at reducing production costs while maintaining high consumer properties of products. In recent years, research has been conducted in Russia and in many countries around the world on the development of combined milk-based products with specified composition and properties. At the same time, a partial or complete substitution of the milk base with natural ingredients of non-milk origin is allowed. One of the promising and affordable types of raw materials can be considered wheat germ cake (FZP), which is known as a valuable biologically active additive containing a unique mineral, fatty acid and vitamin complex. The purpose of the work is the substantiation of technological regimes of fermentation of multicomponent dairy-plant systems containing FZD with different types of microorganisms for their subsequent application in the food industry. Milk-acid fermentation of the substrates studied in the work was carried out by active forms of lactic acid microflora: Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrucckii subsp. Bulgaricus. The quantity of FZD in milk basis, providing the best quality indicators of the fermented milk basis, was 5?%. The obtained data were used in the development of recipes, rations and technical documentation for the assortment of new dairy products.

1. Ponomareva E. I., Alekhina N. N., Bakaeva I. A. [Bread from bioactivated wheat grain of increased nutritional value]. Voprosy pitaniya, 2016, no. 2, pp. 116-121. (In Russ.)
2. Rodionova N. S., Alekseeva T. V., Rodionov A. A. [Evaluation of the effect of wheat germ oil cake on the biotechnological and innovative potential of functional chopped culinary products]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Pishchevaya tekhnologiya, 2014, no. 2-3, pp. 88-91. (In Russ.)
3. Golubeva L. V., Pozhidaeva E. A. Research of dry mix quality indices based on vegetable components for soft ice cream production. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2016, no. 42, pp. 104-224.
4. Belokurova E. V., Kolomnikova Ya. P., Solokhin S. A. [Development of technology for flour products of increased nutritional value for public catering enterprises]. Khleboprodukty, 2015, no. 1, pp. 56-58. (In Russ.)
5. Alekseeva T. V. [Design of yogurt sauces on a fermented milk basis]. Pishchevaya promyshlennost', 2013, no. 10, pp. 74-75. (In Russ.)
Alekseeva Tatiana Vasilievna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
Kalgina Yuliya Olegovna, Graduate Student;
Razdobarina Nadezhda Valerievna, Graduate Student;
Bokarev Dmitry Alexandrovich, Graduate Student,
Malakova Lyudmila Andreevna;
Evlakova Valeria Sergeevna
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies,
19 Revolution Avenue, Voronezh, 394036, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Belyaeva M.A., Malazi S.A.Optimization and Hardware Design of Infrared Drying of the National Fermented Milk Product (Kurt)

P. 41-45 Key words
infrared drying; optimization criteria; kurt; national dairy products; nutritional value.

The most important process in the production of the dairy product "kurt" is drying, which brings the crude product to the stage of readiness and under what conditions it depends the quality parameters of the finished sour-milk product. Drying of food products in order to reduce spoilage and ensure storage between yields has been used since ancient times. Today, modern automatic continuous drying equipment is used to process a large number of different types of food products under carefully controlled conditions. Modern drying equipment should provide not only a continuous flow of food products of various types with the ability to regulate the content of residual moisture, but also the ability to control the number of bacteria and the color of the finished product, preserve or enhance the taste, the use of infrared radiation in the technological processes of processing and storing sour-milk products. more relevant, as it is an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient tool in obtaining a product supply high quality, This is due to the fact that any object has properties associated with the absorption and emission of radiation in the infrared spectrum. Analysis of the current state of the technology of IR heating application in the production of fermented milk products has shown that the optimization of heat treatment of food products while maintaining the maximum content of active substances requires the use of a systematic approach to the study of causal and functional interrelations of the electro technological and time parameters of IR processing affecting the quality of products, At all stages. A method for drying a fermented milk product has been developed, characterized in that it is molded in the form of balls having a thickness of 20-30 mm. Is placed in a drying chamber with infrared quartz halogen lamps, the density of the radiant flux is maintained within 2-4 kW/m2, the wavelength is 2.04 ?m, during the formation of the sour-milk mass, dry powder from the laminaria is added to the formulation. The optimal mode and hardware design of the process of infrared drying of fermented milk products was developed. A sufficiently large number of experiments were conducted to identify the optimal technological regimes, a mathematical treatment of the results of the experiment was carried out. On the basis of optimal technological regulations, an instrumental design of the drying process for sour-milk products was proposed using the example of a kurt.

1. Belyaeva M. A., Bezotosova O. K. Komp'yuternaya sistema rascheta izmeneniya temperatury, vlazhnosti i massovykh dolei belkov, zhirov, vitaminov v myasnykh polufabrikatakh pri infrakrasnom nagreve [Computer system for calculating changes in temperature, humidity and mass fractions of proteins, fats, vitamins in meat semifinished products with a change in the temperature of infrared heating]. Certificate of registration of computer programs No. 2017610214.
2. Belyaeva M. A. Programma dlya EVM "Ekspertnaya sistema modelirovaniya i optimizatsii teplovoi obrabotki myasnykh izdelii ili proektirovanie pishchevoi i biologicheskoi tsennosti myasnykh produktov s uchetom teploobmena" [Computer program "Expert system for modeling and optimizing the thermal processing of meat products or designing food and biological value of meat products, taking into account heat transfer]. Certificate of official registration of the computer program No. 2006613723.
3. Kalinina L. V., Ganina V. I, Dunchenko N. I. Tekhnologiya tsel'nomolochnykh produktov [Technology of whole milk products]. St. Petersburg, GIORD Publ., 2004. 248 p.
4. Belyaeva M. A. (RF), Ali Malazi Samuel' (SY). Sposob infrakrasnoi sushki v proizvodstve natsional'nogo kislomolochnogo produkta (kurta) [The method of infrared drying in the production of a national sour­milk product (kurt)]. Patent RF 23L1/025.
5. Buyanov O. N. (RF), Rasshchepkin A. N. (RF), Ermolaev V. A. (RF), Zakharov S. A. (RF), Arkhipova L. M. (RF). Sposob udaleniya vlagi iz molochnykh produktov [Method for removing moisture from dairy products]. Patent RF No. 2411740; 20.02.2011.
6. Buyanov O. N. (RF), Rasshchepkin A. N. (RF), Ermolaev V. A. (RF), Zakharov S. A. (RF), Arkhipova L. M. (RF). Sposob vakuumnoi sushki tvoroga [Vacuum drying method of cottage cheese]. Patent RF No. 2357421, A23C1/00; 10.06.2009.
7. Takudzi Ono (JP). Sposob sushki pishchevykh produktov infrakrasnym izlucheniem pri ponizhennykh davlenii i temperature [A method for drying food products by infrared radiation at a reduced pressure and temperature]. Patent JP No. 2152745, A23L3/40. ONO FUDZ INDASTRIAL Ko., Ltd.; 20.07.2000.
8. Belyaeva M. A. Optimizatsiya pishchevoi i biologicheskoi tsennosti myasnykh polufabrikatov v protsesse teplovoi obrabotki s tsel'yu obespecheniya naseleniya kachestvennymi produktami pitaniya [Optimization of food and biological value of meat semi­finished products in the process of heat treatment in order to provide the population with quality food products]. Moscow, Rusains Publ. 342 p.
9. Aspects of flavor: McSweeney P. L. H., Nursten H. E. and Ur­­bach G. Flavours and off­flavours in milk and dairy products. Chapter 10 in: Fox P. F., ed., Advanced Dairy Chemistry, vol. 3, Lactose, Water, Salts and Vitamins, 2nd ed., Chapman and Hall, London, 1997.
10. Fox P. F., McSweeney P. L. H., Cogan T. M. and Guinee T. P., eds. Various aspects of the ripening of cheese, as well as sensory properties, texture, nutritional aspects, and the occurrence of pathogenic organisms and toxins. Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, vol. 1, General Aspects. 3rd ed., Elsevier Academic Press, London, 2004.
11. Belyaeva M. A. Mnogokriterial'naya optimizatsiya teplovoi obrabotki myasnykh polufabrikatov s ispol'zovaniem sovremennykh elektrofizicheskikh metodov nagreva [Multi­criteria optimization of heat treatment of meat semi­finished products using modern electrophysical methods of heating]. Moscow, Rusains Publ. 244 p.
12. Belyaeva M. A. [System analysis of meat production technologies and business processes]. Pishchevaya promyshlennost', 2013, no. 7. (In Russ.)
Belyaeva Marina Alexandrovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
Malazi Samuel Ali, Post-graduate Student
Russian Economic University Plekhanov,
36 Stremyanny lane, Moscow, 117997, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.