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Rambler's Top100

Manufacture of alcohol liqueur & vodka products, 2/2013


Hrulev A. A. Separation of the Bards - Successful Development of the «FLOTTVEG»

Ivanov S. V., Shiyan P. L., Mudrak T. O. The Improvement of High Concentrations Wort Fermentation Technology by Producing ethanol

Tags: batch; mature mash; degree of dispersion, term tolerant and osmotic feel yeasts
Summaries: The possibilities of ethanol intensifying technology by increasing the dispersion degree of the grain material and the solids wort concentration have been investigated. The increasing ethanol concentrations possibility in alcohol mash to 16 % has been demonstrated. The optimal technological parameters of preparation and concentrated wort fermentation with alcohol yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae DO-11 selection of National University of Food Technology (NUFT) have been determined.

Ryabova S. M., Shaburova L. N., Vitol I. S.Ways to Improve the Microbiological Characteristics of Raw Materials in the Production of Alcohol

Tags: grain; microbiological characteristics; methods of processing grain
Summaries: The article provides a comparative description of ways to improve the microbiological characteristics of the grain. It is shown that partial removal of shells rye (up to 5 % by weight of raw material) is an effective simple way, increase the technological advantages of the grain.

Sidorkin V. Y.Study of Energy Preparing Raw Grain to Water-Heat and Mechanical-Enzymatic Treatment for Alcohol Plants

Tags: grinding grain; grinding equipment; grinding schemes; the specific energy consumption
Summaries: In work the comparative characteristic of cars crushing grain applied in branch is given. Power consumption of crushing of grain depending on production requirements for schemes of a continuous razvarivaniye and its mekhaniko-fermentativny processing is considered. Specific energy consumption is investigated when crushing grain at one-stage and two-level schemes of crushing with application of molotkovy crushers, valtsevy machines, disintegrators, dismembrator, rotor and cavitational devices and korundovy grinders.

Serba E. M., Overchenko M. B.,Rimareva L. V., Ignatova N. I., Shelekhova N. V.Study of Metabolites Associated with Ethanol Fermentation Synthesis Concentrated Grain Mash by Osmophilic Yeast Strain Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

Tags: secondary and by-products; grain mash; metabolism; enzyme complex; ethanol
Summaries: The influence of concentrated wheat wort obtained by processing raw grain various enzymatic systems, osmophilic the metabolism of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The dynamics of the synthesis side of volatile substances during fermentation. Found that the use in the processing of raw grain optimal multienzyme system consisting of enzymes, amylolytic, proteolytic and hemicellulase activities, provides a must, which by its biochemical composition provides at the end of fermentation, reducing the formation of volatile compounds in 1.5-1.7 times due decrease the synthesis of higher and aromatic alcohols. In doing this, the directed synthesis of ethanol by yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in 1039 with the formation of the smallest side of metabolites and higher yield of alcohol.


Abramova I. M., Polyakov V. A., Medrish M. E., Pavlenko S. V.The Value of the Ionic Composition of Vodka in the Control of Alcohol Production

Tags: alcoholic production; ionic composition; the method of ion chromatography; the quality and safety of vodka
Summaries: The quality of alcohol products depend not only on the composition of ethanol, but also on the composition of water used for its preparation, which is the dominant part of vodka. The process of water preparation on the vodka plant is particularly important because the composition of water has a significant effect on sensory characteristics of vodka. Implementation of measures to improve the quality of testing of alcohol and raw materials for its production involves the application and introduction of modern instrumental methods. Monitoring of the ion composition of the water and vodka with the use of modern methods of ion chromatography allows to identify and eliminate the causes of the decline in the quality of finished products.

Rimareva L. V., Lozanskya T. I., Khudyakova N. M. Technological Aspects of Processing of Grain Raw, Contaminated with Mycotoxins

Tags: grain raw material; spirit; mycotoxins; aflatoxin; vomitoxin
Summaries: The technology of processing in the conditions of distilleries of toxic grain with receiving alcohol and fodder products is developed.