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Rambler's Top100

Winemaking and Viticulture №3/2013


Oganesyants L. A., Panasyuk A. L., Kharlamova L. N. Organization of Production of Wines of Protected Names. Status and Problems

  Tags: grapes, wine, a protected geographical indication, protected designation of origin
Summeries: The analysis of the terms and of the capabilities of the organization of production in the Russian winesof protected names. A project of the national standard, and also provides a procedure for its implementation, including the organization questions of the quality control of wines in this category.

Sholts-Kulikov E. P.Problems of Training Winemakers in Higher Education Institutions in the Case of Ukraine

Summeries: The analysis of the essence of of the Bologna education system and the multi-principle Soviet system proper training specialists winemakers, the advantages and disadvantages of both systems.


Oganesyants L. A., Dubinchuk L. V., Rotaru I. A., Dragan V. M.Influence of Tannin Containing Compounds on Qualitative Measures of Liquor

  Tags: expedition liqueur, tannin containing compounds, oxidation-reduction processes
Summeries: Found that the introduction of tannin containing compounds in expeditionary liquor balances the sweet and sour taste of liquor, giving it a soft rounded tone. It is noted that in the liquor at slow shutter speeds oxidation reactions, improves the flavor harmony.

Mishin M. V., Talanyan O. R. New Methods for Assessing of Sparkling Properties

  Tags: wine, related carbon dioxide, software and hardware complex to determine the properties of the sparkling
Summeries: The results of development of a new method to determine the level of excess pressure in a champagne bottle and measure properties of sparkling wines, over-saturated with carbon dioxide.
The test parameters are determined by the developed technique for software-hardware complex in automatic mode.

Sheludko O. N., Strizhov N. K., Guguchkina T. I., Krasilnikov A. A. Assessment of Informative Type Potentiometric Titration Curves of Wort and Wine Materials

  Tags: automatic potentiometric titration of wort and wine materials, coulometric generation base
Summeries: Automatic potentiometric titration with coulometric generation of base titration curves obtained varietal grape musts and table dry wines produced from white and red grape varieties. According to the analysis of forms of titration curves shows the relationship of the total content of titratable acids in grape must and wine from the grape variety and wines technology. The influence of the cations of alkali and alkaline earth metals, and amino acids on the course of the titration curves.

Ageeva N. M., Markosov V. A. Influence of Drugs on the Composition of Aromaforming Components in the Red Table Wines

  Tags: prepared enzymes, aromaforming components, red table wines
Summeries: The effect of enzyme preparations Laffort Company (France) on the concentration of components in the aromaforming red table wines.
It is shown that the use of enzyme catalysis increases the concentration of terpene compounds, phenol carbonic acids, esters, including esters of higher fatty acids. The important role of these compounds in the composition of the organoleptic properties of wines shows a high correlation between the estimate and the tasting aromaforming concentration of these substances.
On the basis of studies of the effect of enzyme preparations on aromaforming components in the red table wines show the feasibility and effectiveness of lafaza Не and ekstrazym of terroir in the technology of preparation of red table wines in order to regulate their flavor.

Oganesyants L. A., Dubinchuk L. V., Tatevosian I. A., Dragan V. M.Investigation of the Influence of Organic Acids on the Physico-Chemical and Organoleptic Indices of Liqueurs

  Tags: sparkling wines, expeditionary liqueur, organic acids, flavor harmony
Summeries: It is established that the acid-harmonious taste of liquor and wine, which add it delivers value for the number of members of native and exogenous organic acids.

Kushnereva E. V., Guguchkina T. I., Yakuba Y. F., Tihenkiy A., Mainzer F.Protecting of Wine from Unwanted Microorganisms by Velkorin

  Tags: wine, Velkorin, sulfur dioxide, methanol, microbiological condition
Summeries: The results of studies on the use of auxiliary means Velkorin in winemaking. Set the maximum allowable dose of study drug.
It was revealed that Velkorin is highly effective against the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has no significant effect on the microbiological status of commercial strains of lactic acid bacteria Oenococcus oeni.
Drawn up recommendations for the use of auxiliary means in Velkorin production of table and fruit wines.

Tochilina R. P., Goncharova S. A., Kravchenko S. S.Determination of Optical Isomers of D-Apple and L-Apple Acids in Wines

  Tags: optical isomers, control and identification of wine production, fruit wine
Summeries: The article presents the results of the optical isomers of apple acid in the samples of wine products and industrial preparations of apple acid. We used two methods for determining the enzymatic optical isomers of apple acid. It is shown that to control of technological process of acid increase with use of industrial preparations of apple acid sufficient to determine only the concentration of D-apple acid. The method of its determination can also be used to identify wine products, including the identification of samples of fruit wines.

Litvak V., Horuchi G. Viticulture and Winemaking in California in 2012


Petrov V. S., Kuznetsov G. Y., Lukyanov A. A.Perspective Method of Content of the Soil Between the Rows of the Vineyard

  Tags: mulch layer, discs, soil, fertility, seed drill grapeaisles, harvest
Summeries: The analysis of known methods of content of the soil between the rows of vineyards. Effective method is proposed (patent RU № 245399F02D79/02), the novelty of which is the high-yielding planting grass seed drill for direct drilling (no pre-treatment of the soil) that are not mowed, not disk, not buried in the soil and left on the root and a dense layer of mulch to 10 cm is laid on the ground. Such a method would eliminate tillage, reduce its seal machines, the cost of labor and resources, prevents erosion, restore the natural fertility of the soil to retain moisture in the soil.

Talash A. I., Troshin L. P.Methodology for Assessing the Stability of the Dominant Grape Varieties to Pests

  Tags: resistance to biotic stressors of medium, scale of stability, disease and pests of grapes
Summeries: This article describes two common methods of assessing the sustainability of grape varieties to pests: domestic and international (OIV). The table of comparative indicators of stability in these procedures and the results of assessments of recognized and promising varieties in the Krasnodar region.

Malykh G. P., Titova L. A.Effect of Seed Sowing Date and Ablactation on Quality and Yield of Grafted Plants

  Tags: seedlings, ablactation, grafting, grafted seedlings
Summeries: The effective methods of increasing the yield and quality of the seedlings from the selected schema improvement of seeds, optimum sowing date of the greenhouse and planting the cuttings for ablactation. When ablaktiration seedlings with seedlings grown from single bud cuttings, somewhat reduced the multiplication factor of the proposed class, but it can be successfully used for laying rehabilitated queen cells. When ablaktiration on one plant on the plantation with two root systems are more powerful bushes giving better scion cuttings that are better adapted to any physical and chemical properties of the soil.

Kazahmedov E. R., Kazahmedov R. E. Phenolic Substances of Grape Seeds in the Prevention of Hypertension

  Tags: grapes, phenolic substances, hypertension
Summeries: The effect of phenolic compounds of grape seeds on blood pressure and total cholesterol in serum. The possibility of the use of grape seeds in the prevention of hypertension.

Salimov V. S.Morphological, Biological and Economic Features and Heterosis of Grapes in Some Hybrid Populations

  Tags: population, variation, variety, bunch, berry, amelographic collection
Summeries: The article presents the results of a study biomorphological and economic-technological characteristics of plants in hybrid populations Ag Shaani - Tabrizi, Ag Shaani - Gara pishraz and Ag Shaani - Gara Shaani, and patterns of inheritance of properties and attributes and manifestations of dominance and heterosis in hybrid seedlings generation. During studies have examined some of the important morphological, biological and economically valuable traits in seedlings of hybrid populations. By generalization of the results to determine the composition of populations and isolated group of seedlings was determined by the coefficient of dominance and heterosis effect on the population as a whole and for groups of seedlings individually.


Markosov V. A. V. T. Khristyuk - 60 Years!

In Memory of Distinguished Scientists and Educators
